Blooms Verbs Alphabetized

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Compiled by the Allen County ESC, April, 2013

Alphabetized Bloom's Taxonomy Verbs

Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create
Break down objects or ides
Remember Demonstrate an Make and defend judgments Compile component ideas
Apply knowledge to actual into simjpler parts and find
previously learned understanding of the based on internal evidence or into a new whole or propose
situations. evidence to support
information. facts. external criteria. alternative solutions.

Arrange Account for Act Acquire Accept Act

Check Advance Adapt Advertise Adjudge Adapt
Choose Alter Add Analyze Appraise Add to
Cite Annotate Administer Apply Arbitrate Alter
Collect Ask Adopt Appraise Argue Anticipate
Count Associate Apply Arrange Assess Arrange
Define Calculate Articulate Attribute Attach Assemble
Demonstrate Change Assess Audit Award Blend
Describe Cite Calculate Break down Censure Breed
Discover Clarify Categorize Calculate Check Build
Distinguish Classify Change Canvass Choose Categorize
Draw Conclude Chart Categorize Compare (to highest standard) Cause
Duplicate Connect Choose Cause/Effect Conclude Change
Enumerate Contemplate Classify Characterize Contrast Collaborate
Explain Contrive Code Check Convince Collect
Find Convert Collect Clarify Criticize Combine
Give examples Defend Complete Classify Critique Communicate
Group Define Compute Compare Debate Compare
Identify Demonstrate Conduct Complex-Infer Decide Compile
Know Describe Construct Connect Decree Comply
Label Discuss Consume Contract Deduce Compose
Learn Distinguish Contribute Contrast Defend Conceive
List Estimate Control Correlate Describe Concoct
Listen Exemplify Demonstrate Criticize Detect Connect
Locate Expand upon Determine Debate Determine (bias) Construct
Match Explain Develop Deconstruct Discriminate Contrast
Memorize Expound Devote Deduce Discuss Create
Name Express Discover Detect Editorialize Derive
Observe Extend Dramatize Determine (the factors) Estimate Design
Offer Extrapolate Draw Diagnose Evaluate Develop
Omit Follow Employ Diagram Experiment Devise
Order Generalize Establish Differentiate Explain Discover
Outline Give examples Examine Discover Give your opinion Effect
Pick Give main idea Exhibit Discriminate Grade Elaborate
Point to Grasp Experiment Dissect Infer Evolve
Quote Group Explain Distinguish Interpret Express
Read Identify Exploit Divide Judge Extend
Recall Indicate Extend Examine Justify Facilitiate
Recite Illustrate Gather Experiment Interpret Find an unusual way
Recognize Infer Generalize Explain Locate errors Forecast
Record Interpret Give example Explore Measure Form
Recount Interrelate Handle Factors Monitor Formulate
Relate Judge Illustrate Focus Predict Generalize
Remember Locate Imitate Group Prioritize Generate
Repeat Make sense of Implement Identify Probe Hypothesize
Reproduce Match Include Illustrate Pros and Cons Imagine
Restate Moderate Inform Infer Prove Improve
Retrieve Observe Instruct Inquire Rank Incorporate
Review Offer interpret Inspect Rate Individualize
Say Order Interview integrate Recommend Initiate
Select Outline Judge Interpret Referee Integrate
Sequence-simple Paraphrase Make use of Inventory Reframe Interpret
Compiled by the Allen County ESC, April, 2013
Alphabetized Bloom's Taxonomy Verbs
Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create
Show Predict Manipulate Investigate Reject Intervene
Sort Project Mobilize Isolate Relate Invent
Specify Propose Model Limit Revise Make up
Spell Recognize Modify Model Rule on Manage
State Relate Operate Order Score Model
Tabulate Reorder Organize Organize Select Modify
Tally Rephrase Paint Outline Solve Negotiate
Tell Report Participate Point out Summarize Organize
Touch Represent Practice Prioritize Settle Originate
Underline Research Predict Probe Support Perform
View Restate Prepare Question Tell Why Plan
Write Retell Problem-Calculation Reason Test Predict
Review Produce Recognize Umpire Prediction
Reword Profit by Relate Validate Prepare
Rewrite Proofread Research Value Pretend
Scheme Prove Screen Verify Produce
Select Provide Scrutinize Weigh Progress
Show Put in action Section Propose
Simplify Put to use Select (subdivide) Rearrange
Submit Record Separate Reconstruct
Summarize Relate Sequence Reinforce
Support Report Sift Reorder
Tell Schedule Simplify Reorganize
Trace Select Solve Revise
Transform Sequence-complex Sort Rewrite
Translate Show Specify Role-Play
Understand Simulate Structure Set up
Use Sketch Study Show
Value Solve Subdivide Solution
Vary State rule Summarize Speculate
Visualize Summarize Survey Structure
Support Syllogize Substitute
Survey Take Apart Suggest
Teach Test Suppose
Transfer Systematize
Translate Tell
Try Validate
Use Visualize
Utilize Write
You're expecting learners to:
You're expecting learners to:
apply rules, methods, concepts, You're expecting learners to:
You're expecting communicate information or You're expecting learners to: judge You're expecting learners to:
principles, laws, theories to break things down into their
learners to: remember an idea in a different form; the value of material based on think creatively (divergently);
new situations; component parts;
an idea, phenomenon, grasp the meaning of an idea definite critieria; combine "givens" into a new or
use what they know (data) from determine the distinguishing
or a fact in somewhat and be able to explain it or rate ideas, conditions, objects; original creation;
a variety of areas to find factors;
the same form in which see its relationship; accept or reject "things" based formulate new patterns
solutions to problems; uncover the special
they learned it. project the effect on standards. or structures.
demonstrate correct usage of a characteristics of something.
of things.
method or procedure.

Note: Not all of these verbs are measurable. Ex.: "know" and "understand"
Bolded words are duplicated words found in more than one level.

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