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Like this past days I was thinking of writing about love, about the people involved in this season of my

life, and now I was kind of thinking writing about the ministry like how God lead me through all of it just
what I have seen, then after the prayer and the calling which is coming from God I even said lord thank
you like today a message came for someone and it seems exactly for me and I remember when yoni was
teaching about prophecy he was saying like if the presence of the holy spirit is there when some
prophecy is told it seems like it’s also for you and the holy spirit was training me this things lately. So it
was for me like I know the lord called me to serve him and I was thinking lord is this why you didn’t give
me a job? Like do you want me to serve you but am doing that and the thing that the guy was told by
God is that he know God called him for something but he was struggling with his spirit that he doesn’t
want to serve God with church money he want to have something and he was asking God for it, so I was
thinking that God was going to say you just obey me but God said I will provide your needs and you will
serve me he said and I didn’t know that I had kind of this feeling but I thought that God was some God
who asks us something we really doesn’t want and wanted us to follow that, I know some things actually
a lot of our plans and heart are far from God and sometimes he is going to say that to some of our
situations. And I remember someone’s testimony when he was looking for a job and looking to go
abroad and trying a lot to do that but God denying him and calling him for his purpose and I was saying
like God are you doing that to me? Cause things are easy/simple for you so why didn’t you give me? Is it
maybe because of my laziness, or am I just sitting doing something but I know exactly the answer for this
its not it and I was saying lord I know you told me that am going to be on a great place and that am
going to have a job and that the door is already opened, so like what is wrong? Is it the devil? And I
know the answer for all of this questions, the answer is NO. In this fasting and prayer I know that God is
going to separate me for what he wants for my life and I was agreeing with God like ok I will serve you
when its day time, when my strength is with me, when its day time for me and its clear and I know my
masters and my shepherd’s voice but what I was saying was I can serve with a job because I don’t want
to just depend on the church and fulltime is not for me I know and today on my reading on acts for the
fasting and prayer it was on acts chapter 20 and Paul was saying farewell for the Ephesians and he told
them that he worked on his own hand to preach and that he didn’t ask for a gold or anything and he said
there is the lords command which says those who give are better than those who receive so I knew that
the lord is going to talk to me personally because he trained me even in my continuous bible studies I
remember he telling me something which was related directly to the situation that I was in so yeah I was
sure that he was going to say something using that and I even wrote it saying that I know lord you are
making it sure for me that I am going to serve in any situation of my life. So after I prayed even about my
day and for it to be well, and resisted revenge spirit that doesn’t want the things am doing and using my
emotions and that I won’t be too much concerned about my emotion and happiness so after I got out I
immediately asked my kneees why she make her hair like that but I remembered what I prayed for then
immediately changed my mood then I started listening to this life together Christian YouTube channel
involving a lot of wise, honest Christian ministers and the issues they raise are amazing and she talked
about temptation and I opened and her temptation was on thinking wrong things depression, darkness
and negativity and I am in such kind of situation lately and she said the word of God took me out of that
and that is exactly right cause every time that’s what really took me out and I was being angry on my
mom and also another person for silly things and I think anger is something I take out my emotions
whatever they are and I do that on the people that I love and am growing but I hate it so as pastor was
mentioning yesterday I won’t say that this is my character this is the flesh which needs to be put to
death every day and I know that am moving forward so after the emotion video I opened another one
talking on calling and that was exactly for me and I even downloaded it, they told us their testimony on
their calling which was amazing and risk taking but at the last things they said important things which
am going to write exactly as it’s said:

This is from the older lady in which God telling her not to feel guilty about her not praying and he just
want us to remember his love: she said “Why are you struggling? This is all i want from you, I think we
make life so hard in trying to choose the right path, marry the right person and to do the right thing to
go to the right city and we make it so difficult trying to hear God’s voice, realizing how much GOD loves
us and resting, then he will make the path straight, he said just trust me and he said acknowledge me in
all your ways and he said he will open doors that no man can shut and close doors that no man can open
and we have to believe, let God help our unbelief, if we rest in him and say God you are in control in my
life, you make my path, then we can’t miss our destiny. We are not saying it’s easy it’s going to be sad,
but if you’re applying his wisdom you will be at ease. “

This is another thing the next lady said: “You are a daughter don’t act like orphan, I would just
encourage anyone today if you are feeling that rambling in your spirit, you feel change of a horizon and
you are afraid of it, you’re feeling anxious, you don’t quite know what to do I want to just remind you
that you are not an orphan and he is with you, he will never leave you, he will never forsake you, he is
going to see you through this thing and through the moment in your life. Just agree to be shepherded,
we don’ have to figure out those entire path, all those areas we just need to agree and allow him to
shepherd us.”

And also another lady “I love the phrase “God knew what he got when he got you” don’t be
discouraged, he knows what he got. God’s got you he is not going to fool you, he is not going to
withhold from you, he is not going to teach you through withdrawing from you and making sure that
you feel the pain, God is not like that he is a good father and a good shepherd and for many of us he
really want to just speak with us, and there is nothing hidden from him, all is going to matter, all is going
to be worth it, the sacrifice, the tears the pain, the heartache is going to be worth it and you’re going to
look a God that doesn’t look from afar but sympathize and for many of us today is to find the will of
God, lets get close to God’s heart and say ok God what do you have? And she said whoever you are God
wants to speak to you because he said my sheep hear my voice. And she prayed so that God will speak
to us wherever we are. And we said it’s going to be ok, you’ve got this God!”

And I can’t even start to mention that this things that they said are exactly what I felt and they kind of
said it for me which is amazing and this is the God I have and he already told me that am going to serve
him and I said ok. And especially the third part like I thought that he is withholding something from me
or I thought that he was going to teach me by withdrawing something’s from me but am sure that this
time is so worth it because like I am seeing things that I haven’t seen before. God you are so amazing so
let me write about the ministry
Like from when I was a kid I wanted to be like my mom, teaching kids, she served in the children’s
ministry and I admired that but in the middle life came and I forgot about it so I kind of devoted to God
in a whole lot of another level when I was in campus then in response to the love and goodness of God I
just want to serve him and I felt that God will use what he has given me like the gift of explaining and
teaching so I wanted to use that and got in to the kids ministry and I know like a lot of things or
challenges are there when serving God especially with the people you serve with and I heard but the
first thing I faced that I called as a challenge was my being little like the leader, the one who I met first
was an amazing person which I learned a lot from he was humble and so devoted and also another
devoted lady who prayed for every child and devoted and gave her everything for the ministry and I was
glad to know them as a starter because they are an amazing example to learn from but I remember the
first day some little kid telling his friend is this our teacher? He said she is so little and short and he said
to his friend you are even longer than her he said and I kind of felt bad but immediately God thought us
about david and he said people looks at the outside but God looks at our inside and I was encouraged by
that word then after a little while we had meetings on the things we are going to do and I saw them
arguing with subjects, and like two groups of teachers were created because of an agreement and I was
kind of afraid on whose side that I have to be but I know this group who I admired personally and they
told me their plan for the kids and I saw how they are committed to what was in front of them and was
amazed by that, I also know the other group I will admit that this groups like to be seen and are very
hard but they are also committed and I just wanted to be on the side of the truth and not be biased
about it, but I saw a real fight, a real thing and at last almost four of the teachers left the ministry two
from one team and two from the other team or it was like the most committed ones had a plan to
separate the grown teenagers from the kids ministry and start kind of a youth program in which the
teenagers start their own things by themselves and it was an amazing plan and three of us from the
team that is me, the other two and another person from choir started this teenagers ministry and I was
just looking what they are doing and I was learning everything that they were teaching like the man was
teaching the book of revelation, teaching on discipleship and a lot and I felt that God was renewing the
things that I needed at their age and that I couldn’t have and he was returning to me of those lost times
and I even forgot that I was a leader and I just continued to learn and those were season of learning for
me and it was amazing and I remember them asking me to teach something about campus and I was
very afraid of what I was going to say but I just wanted to be honest and want to tell them what has
happened but I was worried and God first told me the title it was from the internet it was called “ be the
book that unbelievers are going to read” and it was amazing I won’t even forget the verse which are on
2 Corinthians 3 and chapter five and being an ambassador of God and to show God or be the bible that
unbelievers read and it was amazing I told them how it was from the start and for them not to be
destructed then I wanted to continue and was writing about it from the book of acts by doing deep
study on the book. But different things came up and I didn’t continue but a lot of them asked me to
continue and I don’t know what happened but I think it’s connected to the previous situation with the
other groups complaining and not agreeing in a lot of ideas and two of them from the group the guy
who teach us the book of revelation, and the lady who prayed for every one and had a lot of plan for the
group left form the leadership and only one was left and she was amazing she trains them a song and
she also teaches and I know her but no too much but I know that she even gave her house for the
ministry and for God she is very devoted like both of them and I always wonder what happened to the
two of them and I prayed that they would come back but they didn’t and God was faithful he kept his
sheep’s and the team was going but I still won’t forget those two cause they are someone who I learned
on how to teach, how to give ones self and a lot so I won’t forget them I sometimes see them and greet
them and I understand from that situation that things are difficult and saw a lot of difficult people who
talk hard but God kept me strong on that and there was really nothing that touched me so I passed that.
Then while we were moving on someone came to our church with his full family and I was amazed, very
amazed like the whole family is very disciplined and has an amazing gift like the husband teaches, the
mother prophesy, the children are very intelligent both on their school work and on bible and I was
amazed by all of them and the man started preaching and helping out in the teenagers ministry then he
started summer course and teaching us and it was very nice I was greatly impacted by it and he liked me
personally and I remember one day he called me and advised me on a lot of life principles that I hold on
to still to this day and he is a person that I won’t forget too but arguments about leadership were raised
and I didn’t know but he was kind of pushing the person that was leading us before and the team
started to decline like the number started to go down, in all of this I didn’t notice anything and the
elders told us that he is going to lead the youth ministry and the choir will be lead by the other lady and
we said ok that is nice and got out but at some point he called us told us that the other lady is not going
to come and that we are going to continue with him and we were sad because we love her and for me I
remember when there was no one and from the beginning how she loved the kids and has a plan for
them so she gave her everything, to be honest I really loved the guy too because he was amazing on the
word and so but it comes to the point in which that we have to choose someone and it was hard for us
leader and I remember how much of a burden it was on me and we went to our previous leader house
and talked to her she told us everything we cried and we prayed to God then kids from the leaders
group went and ask for a meeting with the elders and they met with us and asked us who we prefer and
they all complained about him and choose her and yeah I was sure that I was going to choose her too
because she was there from the beginning and I can’t understand his perspective of not working
together with her, like we need her and also we need him too but we were forced to choose which was
difficult and I felt I betrayed him, there were amazing crying moments for me but when I was with him
God took the burden away from me and the next week he came and continued on the book of Hebrew
that he was teaching us and told us that he was fine and that there are people who love and give care
and there are others who just teach so I may be not very loving so I understand he said and he left the
church with his children too, but his wife was with us for a while but she also left after some time and it
was heart breaking but I remember the teenagers telling the elders not to do this kind of things with out
consulting them first and the elders agreeing to that then we went out and we moved on then new kids
started to come and numbers started to increase but there was some gap in between all this. So as we
move on this ministry started to get big like we host conference, God did a lot on every single one of
them, they started leading worship and singing on Sunday services and like everyone from the
congregation including their family started to love the ministry and also the leader she was amazing she
was very near to all of us the fellowship was not on a surface level, there were a lot of agreement
amongst them, there were people who hate each other but they reconciled and gifts and the grace of
God started to wonk on the kids, there was this time that we call for parents and there was a kind of
training for parents and advice given to parents on how to treat their children and there was also a gift
day which we call it our giving our whole to Christ day are we at some point wear a ring on our finger
symbolizing that we gave our whole to Christ, in sexual life when they are going to go away from family
and all to remember the promise that they made in front of the lord and their family and on that days
like we did them three times and on all of them parents came and prayed over their children and the
holy spirit did an amazing thing on all of those days and there are a lot of testimonies both from parents
and children’s. and for me I don’t consider myself as a leader I always told them that this is gift from
God because I didn’t have this kind of things at that age he was giving me those lost days back and I
sometimes feel like that I am older I should be mature but God told me to be humble and to just sit with
them and learn what he has prepared and also he even serve me through them and I was never really
ashamed to be counted as one of them and not be counted as a leader God did work on me through all
of this, its like five years. I remember times that I wanted to quit going there I remember suspecting
some people hating me and when I sit there and wait I come to know that they didn’t hate me and that
there was nothing really connected to me, there were hard feeling, hard talks, fights, people leaving a
lot more. And sometime with the guidance of the holy spirit and because of some disputes that started
happening we started a day called truth day. And God did amazing on this days like every one tell things
that he/she has on anyone there are tears, laughter’s and a lot of hard issues raised so it was nice but at
last it was sorry, it was praying and God working, then we had a lot of fasting and prayer days we pray
and we put our requests on a paper and put it in front of God then he answer a lot of them then next
year we would look at them talk about what are answered and pray for the unanswered again and in all
of this I can’t count the number of miracles that God has done in all of them. We had a trip, a playing
and having fun days, choir practices and even if I don’t sing and all I participate in all of them just for the
love and this love didn’t come over night I remember when God spoke to every one us to humble
ourselves and love one another and I remember God telling me to tell them john 17 and we prayed for
unity and he did it he replied, we are far from perfect but we love each other and God is just among us.
And I remember when I started this ministry I didn’t have anything to give like, I sure don’t qualify, I just
started just trusting the lord but now he is teaching me a lot sometimes I don’t prepare for anything but
just trust the lord on it and he teaches all of us and it was amazing like I pray and don’t want to just
dismiss it and adopt to it but am training to see the hand of God on it. So this past few months this
ministry was increasing and growing and me and our leader got very close like she is my mentor now,
the mentor that I have prayed for a long like for me when I see someone any trod on it. So this past few
months this ministry was increasing and growing and me and our leader got very close like she is my
mentor now, the mentor that I have prayed for a long like for me when I see someone any try to depend
on them for some things God took the away from me and I also don’t want anyone to replace God from
now on like first its him who I should tell then, if he guides me to tell someone then I will and from those
people one of them is our leader now and I see God silencing me himself when I want to tell sometimes
and he knows what he is doing I am dependent on him. I have a lot of people now and I remember
praying about them for God to give someone to me but he did it at the right time and its amazing and
am lucky because my whole family is like a mentor I can tell them anything and they are very free and
since am the smallest one they passed a lot in life so they advised me and I don’t know whether its
because we are family, they relate to me very much like my oldest sister, my brother, my other sister I
have a lot of people who pour on me and now I have friends but God says no sometimes on some things
and I just keep it quiet, and he is teaching me that there are things that me and him are the only one
who knows about and when the right time comes I see talking the thing out and God using it for good.
So me and my mentor started visiting kids getting in to the ministry deep and plan on things and the
leaders was very active too and we had plans of the year and we were moving accordingly they went to
a trip and we wanted to help everyone on the personal level and there is also a trend that we visit those
who are sick and those having celebration this was an amazing fellowship they even came to my
graduation like all of them came. And we and the others prayed for the sick and saw the hand of God
and during this my mentor tells me her things too, like she is my friend and she gave her everything up
for this and it’s because she has given herself to Christ and I am lucky again to be under this kind of
person learn and God is also using m in different ways and we become a team and she told me he plans
and what we are going to do this year since a lot of the children are going to campus so we had plans
and in the middle she got sick like she died and come back to life and it was very frightening and we
immediately knew that this was from the devil and God told us before that so we prayed and resisted
the devil, at the end he lost as always and after that she comeback powerful and we always pray for God
to work in every service like to reveal his glory and to heal his people during every worship but that
week we needed God’s glory more than ever and we started to pray and fast for the glory of God to be
revealed and it was amazing the devil were cast out from people, they were filled with the spirit and
speak in tongue, and a lot of amazing things and we prayed that the next day on the service for the glory
of God to be revealed up to the point that no one can stand like on first kings, then the next day God
answered as always and the preacher preached about Glory that day it was all glory and a lot happened
and for me personally it was I can’t describe it. And from what we know we knew that the devil isn’t
going to sit after this and he fought all of us personally and now he is trying to separate us like the elders
called our leader and told her that she need to separate the youth from the choir and that the youth
program doesn’t have an order and silly reasons. I agree on some things like they just grown up now and
even my sister told me that the program can’t be called a youth program but like there is this bond that
God has created amongst us and like this year he is going to do something if we just wait for him but the
elders decided and is going to come next Friday and they are going to change leader from amongst them
and they don’t know how our leader is she is not someone on a surface level she cares about everyone
and they even call her mom and parents has seen a fruit on their children and the children are all friends
on a personal level like the learn together, they are neighbors to each other and parents couldn’t ask for
anything more than this and when I first heard it I was angry and our leader kind of knew that
something is going to happen so I know that God will finish what he started and he will do it without
depending on anyone but she is like their mom and the people that are said to be replaced are not like
her, I know both from the ministry and God was saying that he was going to reveal his glory in our
church and this fellowship is going to be used but this is from the devil and I was burdened like before
and was at the same spot as before but as God thought me from the previous ones he is going to solve it
and I prayed that God will guard my heart so that I won’t have any hard feeling on anyone and he
helping me on that like he is strengthening us from the inside. But am amazed about how people want
authority and fight for it even in church but this doesn’t have anything to do with the grace of God but
God is working on our character in this and am going to continue on loving everyone even if I don’t
agree with their decision God did put them to oversee so it’s on them though we were angry and was
planning to talk to them, they cancelled that and we planned to pray and that is the right choice because
this thing is not from flesh, its spiritual and our weapon should also be spiritual, lord I prayed and I know
you spoke to me on it but am going to continue to pray again so continue what you started you haven’t
told us that we are going to be separated you told us that you are going to reveal your glory and the
devil is already defeated but since he is the ruler of the world he resist but he can’t, I rebuke in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ….


So today I wanted to write this because of a challenge I faced as I mentioned above the Lord was telling
me to serve. And I was saying “lord am serving right?” and the lord said that its right but no. and since
the lord told me that he is going to be through it all that he is not going to leave me or forsake me or
leave after giving me an assignment then I started asking the lord I was thinking that I might help sisay
and I know that am going to do that someday but one day on my fasting and prayer day I was burdened
on my heart and like I wanted to hear from the lord as always and I asked lord what is it? And I still was
struggling with the idea of serving and who am going to serve or what kind of change is coming to my
way. Then the lord started telling me by how much he Love me and I know that God love me but this
message was very different and very specific and I could literally feel it and I was reading romans 8 that
the Lord was reminding of his love from it like nothing even if it’s the devil or angels or trial or success or
anything, nothing is going to separate me from the love of Christ and it was warm and I was very happy
and I was amazed so after the lord reminded me of this he started to lead me to read ezikial 34 in which
the lord is rebuking the elders of Israel like he told them that they forgot about the sheep’s and lead
hem astray and the lord was telling them that he is going to come for his sheep but woe to them who is
not guarding them as they should. So, I was afraid like this teenager has been kind of left since corona I
remember teaching them they were good. The lord really thought us but they were like a strayed after
that and when I hear about a lot of things about them I always feel responsible I always see them as my
kids and my heart broke because of them. I remember when I hear things about them even if it is in a
road or anywhere I always ask the lord “Lord what should I do?” and that day the lord told me that am
going to work on them like am going to gather them and like because I kind of know them I might think
that it’s easy but I really knew that they are a different person now, I can’t treat them as a kid and God
knows that I can’t handle them and as one of the youth that argued with me today said am small, short
and not really favorable in front of people and this challenge was always with me like even when I
started the ministry a lot of people said that “can this girl teach?” and of course they are right am small
and the exact day I was prepared to teach about David in which the lord spoke to me too. He said a man
look at the face but God looks in to your heart so I know your heart just move on he said. And like Hani
was advising me a lot like if I say that am going to start that I should finish and that there is no going
back so I was telling myself that and was preparing some things, the other day today even I got to meet
yared in which it was the first plan on the list asking yared about the day and he told me that they are
going to be baptized on megabit 6 and he even invited me so I have like 19/20 days so the next thing on
the list is think of ideas and taking roles with the leaders by having a meeting with them in which am
going to tell them. Like this ia not some idea that I came up with its you who told me so am going to hold
on to this word until the end. And yes this is going to go to the finish line it’s not going to stop in the
middle because it’s you who started it and it’s you who is going to finish it. It might be me who started it
and have a plan to stay committed but it doesn’t mean that am God, it’s you who is the starter and the
finisher of our faith and work so I trust you. So the argument was about to prove that I can’t do this and
that is exactly right and correct I can’t handle it and I know I can’t I even told you the other day when
mw and Hani was discussing I was telling her how I can’t talk and how I am not very qualified with this
but what you reminded me of was that, you what you got when you got me and you are not afraid of
what you got, because you are going to work on me and that is very true and this thing that the youth
said is like a wakeup call and from the devil, like even after I tell him to stop talking to me he kept
pushing to tell me that I can’t and I was telling Hani and she said meru consider this as your first
challenge and she is right she is an amazing wise person thanks for giving her to me she was like warning
me of this kind of incident like from parents, from elders, from other ministers, that am going to face
difficult opposition but she told me to be strong and that am lucky because at least I have someone who
has passed the same road. So what made me mad was how I reacted like I wanted to cry, but I know I
shouldn’t, and the way I treated Hani was not right. She wanted to hug me and comfort me but I didn’t
want to make a show out of it like it’s not a big deal and I don’t want to make the devil happy by
showing him my tears am only going to cry in front of God am going to say sorry to Hani and for the guy
am going to tell him that when I start teaching the kids am going to start by punishing him. And I can say
that now because of you. You made me this person you changed my heart. The devil has a plan to
imprison me in bed but I woke up you spoke to me through yoni and through my own writings. But I
think I made a seen and the others are worried about me am sorry for that I never want any attention
and I had a plan to solve but lord make this beautiful as always. And please help me to guard my heart
from any guy. From any person or from anyone that comes in to my life. I don’t have anything on my
heart on anyone. Like yesterday I didn’t feel good because his family said that. And God you directly told
me that there are limits to spirituality and tolerating things. Am not going to hurt anyone and help me
not to do that but it’s enough. I kind of regret my honesty but I have a clear conscience. But mule and
sari was right when they were telling me to guard my heart am not going to look at telegram and
whatsapp until the holiday in which I need the restraining power of the holy spirit to do that because I
couldn’t do it, and I have a pass on this and I kind of expect something but if he really wants something
he knows how and where to find me so yeah. But if it’s not now or something let this stop lord even if I
might get sad do it! Then there is the job in which I was sure about your voice and I think maybe it’s my
flesh but the job that am going to have is going to be bole the exact place that I failed. You told me that
today. I come to you for comfort for your voice and hand in every situation, and after this kind of things
in this season I have kind of become pitiful of myself and the devil immediately tells me that it’s God and
I came and went directly to the bedroom and slept on the bed then started crying, then I said to the
lord, Lord why? Why now? Like I have enough on my plate. I even said to the lord to at least minimize
one trial from my life because now they are three, and I didn’t notice but the lord was preparing me for
all this. So lord help me. Holy spirit guide me, take care of your children they are yours more than
anybody else’s. take care of them, here they are, and lord help me to handle things emotionally, and let
me not be sensitive, strengthen me from the inside, help me to guard my heart and strengthen my heart
like David, now I was listening to the preaching of yoni, he is amazing, he is your servant bless him, I was
even doubting that if this is a coincidence or is God really talking to only me. So now help me to refocus
on you Jesus on the sacrifice you paid. It’s not as a sacrifice that I count yoni was describing it amazingly.
He utilizes all he has for something I want to be someone like him. Committed for the things you trusted
me on. Now am very happy there is no sadness or anything I am feeling am going to look pretty now
since you paid the price for us to be healed and be pretty thank you lord. Bless your name in the name
of Jesus Christ. Amen!

This is the promise that the lord told me about this ministry so am going to hold on to this until the end!

I opened another video talking on calling and that was exactly for me and I even downloaded it, they
told us their testimony on their calling which was amazing and risk taking but at the last things they said
important things which am going to write exactly as it’s said:

This is from the older lady in which God telling her not to feel guilty about her not praying and he just
want us to remember his love: she said “Why are you struggling? This is all i want from you, I think we
make life so hard in trying to choose the right path, marry the right person and to do the right thing to
go to the right city and we make it so difficult trying to hear God’s voice, realizing how much GOD loves
us and resting, then he will make the path straight, he said just trust me and he said acknowledge me in
all your ways and he said he will open doors that no man can shut and close doors that no man can open
and we have to believe, let God help our unbelief, if we rest in him and say God you are in control in my
life, you make my path, then we can’t miss our destiny. We are not saying it’s easy it’s going to be sad,
but if you’re applying his wisdom you will be at ease. “

This is another thing the next lady said: “You are a daughter don’t act like orphan, I would just
encourage anyone today if you are feeling that rambling in your spirit, you feel change on the horizon
and you are afraid of it, you’re feeling anxious, you don’t quite know what to do I want to just remind
you that you are not an orphan and he is with you, he will never leave you, he will never forsake you, he
is going to see you through this thing and through the moment in your life. Just agree to be shepherded,
we don’ have to figure out those entire path, all those areas we just need to agree and allow him to
shepherd us.”

And also another lady “I love the phrase “God knew what he got when he got you” don’t be
discouraged, he knows what he got. God’s got you he is not going to fool you, he is not going to
withhold from you, he is not going to teach you through withdrawing from you and making sure that
you feel the pain, God is not like that he is a good father and a good shepherd and for many of us he
really want to just speak with us, and there is nothing hidden from him, all is going to matter, all is going
to be worth it, the sacrifice, the tears the pain, the heartache is going to be worth it and you’re going to
look a God that doesn’t look from afar but sympathize and for many of us today is to find the will of
God, lets get close to God’s heart and say ok God what do you have? And she said whoever you are God
wants to speak to you because he said my sheep hear my voice. And she prayed so that God will speak
to us wherever we are. And we said it’s going to be ok, you’ve got this God!”

And I can’t even start to mention that this things that they said are exactly what I felt and they kind of
said it for me which is amazing and this is the God I have and he already told me that am going to serve
him and I said ok. And especially the third part like I thought that he is withholding something from me
or I thought that he was going to teach me by withdrawing something’s from me but am sure that this
time is so worth it because like I am seeing things that I haven’t seen before. God you are so amazing

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