Circulatory and Respiratory Review

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Circulatory and Respiratory System Test Review

Reviewing Terms - Circulatory a. blood

On the line provided, write the letter of the matching term for each description. b. atrium
c. ventricle
_____1. lower chamber of the heart d. pulmonary
_____2. fluid that makes up 55% of blood e. systemic
_____3. smallest of the blood vessels, with walls only one cell thick f. valve
g. pacemaker
_____4. fluid portion of the circulatory system, pumped by the heart through h. artery
blood vessels i. capillary
j. vein
_____5. large blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body k. red blood cell
l. white blood cell
_____6. upper chamber of the heart that receives the blood m. platelet
n. plasma
_____7. cell fragment in the blood that aids in clotting o. hemoglobin
p. fibrin
_____8. small group of cardiac muscle cells that sets the pace for the heart q. blood pressure
r. lymphatic
_____9. blood vessel that carries blood from the body back to the heart system
_____10. network of vessels that collects and returns the fluids that leak from the
circulatory system

_____11. pathway of the circulatory system in which blood travels between the
heart and lungs

_____12. force of blood on the walls of the arteries

_____13. iron-containing protein that enhances the ability of red blood cells to absorb

_____14. type of blood cell that serves as the oxygen carrier in the blood

_____15. blood cell that guards against infection, fights parasites, and attacks
bacteria; leukocyte

_____16. pathway of the circulatory system in which the left side of the heart
pumps oxygen-rich blood throughout the body

_____17. substance produced during clotting that helps to stop the flow of
Blood form a wound

_____18. flap of tissue that prevents the backflow of blood between the atria and the
Reviewing Concepts
If the statement is true, write “true.” If it is false, change the underlined word or words to make
the statement true. Write your answer on the line provided.

_________________________19. The human circulatory system consists of the heart, the blood
vessels, and the blood.

_________________________20. Oxygen-rich blood is pumped by the right of the heart through

the lungs.

_________________________21. Blood returning to the heart from systemic circulation is laden

with carbon dioxide.

_________________________22. Valves in the heart ensure that blood moves through the heart
in a two-way direction.

_________________________23. In the circulatory system, the exchange of nutrients and

wastes occurs in the arteries.

_________________________24. Red blood cells are produced in the periosteum.

Reviewing Skills
Structure of the Heart: write the name of each structure




Path of Circulation: complete

S. & I. Vena Cava Right Ventricle


Left Atrium Aortic Valve

Reviewing Terms - Respiratory
On the line provided, write the letter of the matching term. Each choice can be used once, more
than once, or not at all.

_____1. main passageway to the lungs a. pharynx

b. epiglottis
_____2. muscle that controls breathing as it contracts and relaxes c. larynx
d. trachea
_____3. flap of tissue that prevents food from entering the trachea e. bronchus
f. bronchioles
_____4. structure into which air enters after leaving the pharynx g. alveolus
h. diaphragm
_____5. tube through which air travels from the trachea to the lungs

_____6. passageway from the mouth and nose to the rest of the respiratory system

_____7. dome-shaped muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity

_____8. part of the respiratory system where the vocal cords are located

_____9. structure whose common name is the windpipe

_____10. small air passageways found inside the lungs

_____11. small air sac that is surrounded by a network of capillaries where gas exchange
takes place

Reviewing Concepts
Complete each statement by underlining the correct word or phrase in the parenthesis.

12. The function of the respiratory system is to bring about the exchange of oxygen
and (carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide).
13. After they are inhaled, particles are trapped in the mucus layer that coats much of
the respiratory system. Then (cilia, alveoli) sweep the particles away from the
14. During inhalation, the diaphragm (relaxes, contracts).


15. The structure labeled A in the diagram above is the (larynx, trachea).
16. Each of the structures labeled B in the diagram leads to (a lung, the heart).
17. The structures labeled C in the diagram finally end in (tiny air sacs, pleural
18. A network of (intercostal muscles, capillaries) surrounds each of the structures in
the diagram labeled D.

Reviewing Skills

19. Complete the graphic organizer to show the path that air travels during

20. Write the name of the labeled structure. 1

12 2


10 4


21. What happens when air enters the alveoli of the lungs?

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