Health Assessment

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Health Assessment

Nursing Health History The nursing health history is data collected about the clients current level of wellness, including a review of body systems, family and health history, socio-cultural history, spiritual health, and mental and emotional reactions to illness Obtained during an interview Components of a Nursing Health History:

Biographic data name, address, age, sex, martial status, occupation, religion. Identifying or basic demographic data includes facts such as:

name gender age sex marital status religion date of birth occupation family structure or living arrangements source of referral

Reason for visit/Chief complaint primary reason why client seek consultation or hospitalization. History of present Illness includes: usual health status, chronological story, family history, disability assessment. Past Health History includes all previous immunizations, experiences with illness. Family History reveals risk factors for certain disease diseases (Diabetes, hypertension, cancer, mental illness). Social data include family relationships, ethnic and educational background, economic status, home and neighborhood conditions. Social health (accommodation, finances, relationships, genogram, employment status, ethnic back ground, support networks etc) Psychological data information about the clients emotional state. Emotional health (mental health state, coping styles etc) Spiritual

health (is religion important? If so, in what way? What/who provides a sense of purpose?) Pattern of health care includes all health care resources: hospitals, clinics, health centers, family doctors. Lifestyle include personal habits, diets, sleep or rest patterns, activities of daily living, recreation or hobbies. Review of systems review of all health problems by body systems

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