English9Q2 Mod4 Wk4 Identifying The Types and Features of Short Prose

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Quarter 2–Module 4: Week 4
Identifying the Types and Features of Short Prose

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Ana Bianca Q. Cabarloc
Editor: Sharie L. Miguel, EdD
Reviewer: Sharie L. Miguel, EdD & Cherrylene M. Mendoza, MAED-Eng
Illustrator: Ana Bianca Q. Cabarloc
Layout Artist: Cherrylene M.Mendoza, MAED-Eng & Sharie L. Miguel, Ed.D
Management Team: SDS Zenia G. Mostoles, EdD, CESO V
ASDS Leonardo C. Canlas, EdD, CESE
ASDS Rowena T. Quiambao, CESE
CID Chief, Celia R. Lacanlale, PhD
SGOD Chief, Arceli S. Lopez, PhD
June D. Cunanan, EPS-I, English
Ruby M. Jimenez, EPS-I, LRMDS

Published by the Department of Education, Schools Division of Pampanga

Office Address: High School Boulevard, Brgy. Lourdes,
City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Telephone No: (045) 435-2728
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Introductory Message
For the Facilitator:
Welcome to the Grade 9 English Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on
Identifying the Types and Features of Short Prose.

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators from
public institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the learners meet the
standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and
economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their
own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the module.

For the Learner:

Welcome to the Grade 9 English Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on
Identifying the Types and Features of Short Prose.

Prose is a form of language that utilizes ordinary or common form of spoken or written
language. It has no metrical structure like in poems. So, it follows the natural flow of
speech like in human conversations. Proses can be fiction (novel, short story, and
parable) or nonfiction (newspaper, magazine and articles).
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
What I Need to Know
This module will assist you in identifying the different types and features of
short prose.
As a student, learning the different types and features of prose can be very
helpful to you in writing short prose. Writing lets you express your own thoughts, ideas
and opinions. You may also use your imaginative skills in writing different outputs.
The lessons that you have learned in the previous modules can be helpful in
accomplishing this module. You are expected to honestly read, learn and answer in
order to master the set forth competencies.

For the learner

We all have encountered different proses in our lives. They may come in different
types and contexts.
We know that these texts convey important messages that are meant to inform,
persuade, narrate, describe, etc.
We can also express in a realistic and straightforward narrations or stories
through proses. You will be given activities that you can answer on your own after
reading and going through the different parts of this module. Please remember not to
make markings on this module and write your answers on your notebook.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. identify the types and features of prose;
2. give sample proses of the specific types; and
3. write a short prose that follows the types and features of prose.

What I Know

Directions. Read the following questions. Write the letter that corresponds to your
answer in your answer sheet.
_______ 1. What is a short prose that contains current events?
A. Commentary C. News Article
B. Essay D. Short Story
_______ 2. What is a short prose which is based on real-life characters and real-life
A. Commentary C. News Article
B. Essay D. Short Story
_______ 3. What is a writing which composed of more or less than a hundred words?
A. Commentary C. Mixed genre
B. Essay D. News Article
_______ 4. What is a short prose that it leads to an argument or a narrative?
A. Commentary C. Mixed genre
B. Essay D. News Article
_______ 5. Which of the following short prose do not really fall into the category of the
other genre of short proses?

A. Commentary C. Mixed genre

B. Essay D. News Article
_______ 6. What is the genre of prose that uses characters, settings and plots that
aren’t real but resemble the truth?
A. Fantasy C. Historical Fiction
B. Fiction D. Non-Fiction

_______ 7. What is the underlying meaning or main idea of a story?

A. Mood C. Setting
B. Plot D. Theme

_______ 8. What is the angle which the story is told?

A. Mood C. Point of view
B. Plot D. Setting

_______ 9. What element of prose describes the time, place and atmosphere of
the story?
A. Conflict C. Setting
B. Plot D. Tone
________ 10. What element of prose tells the feeling that the readers experience
while reading?
A. Character C. Plot
B. Mood D. Setting

Identifying the Types and Features of
4 Short Prose

A short prose is commonly referred to any short fictional prose that may or may
not be narrative. These short proses are shorter than short stories and are usually less
than 1,000 words.

What’s In
Directions. In the Venn Diagram, cite the similarities and differences between PROSE
and POETRY. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

What’s New
Do you know the latest news about the current state of our country? Knowing
what is happening is very important. As a Filipino citizen, we should be aware and
informed of our surroundings.
Directions. Read the given part of a news article about the Philippine Economy. Identify
the four W and one H of the article. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
Big bounce back for PH economy seen in 2021
Philippine Daily Inquirer / 04:05 AM December 01, 2020
Despite a deep recession poised to be the steepest in the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN) this year, the Philippine economy would bounce back next year,
thanks to its growth potential and COVID-19 vaccines expected to control the outbreak
sooner than later, according to global investment banking giant Goldman Sachs.
Read more: https://business.inquirer.net/312826/big-bounce-back-for-ph-economy-seen-in-2021#ixzz6fSrkNqqk

What Where When


What Is It

In the previous activity, you have identified the five W’s and one H of a news
article which is an example of prose. A prose has different types and features. News
articles are examples of nonfiction prose.

Types of Prose

1. Essay – an essay is a type of writing that develops an argument or narrative that is

based on evidence, analysis and interpretation.
Examples: Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Death of a Moth by Virginia Woolf
2. Commentary – a commentary is usually composed of more or less than a hundred
words which has journalistic tone than a personal essay. These are
commonly found in some columns in newspapers or in blogs. In
writing a commentary, it should be more on the news like rather
than literary.
3. News article – a news article commonly appears on newspapers which contains
information about current events and discoveries in the field of
science and medicine.
4. Short Story – a short story is a fictional prose which features characters that are
based on real-life and plot may be inspired by a real-life event.
Examples: How my brother Leon brought home a wife by Manuel Arguilla
Footnote to Youth by Jose Garcia Villa
5. Mixed genre – a mixed genre is a literary work that does not qualify to any of the
other types of short proses that are previously mentioned. This is a
piece of writing that blends elements of fiction and nonfiction in a very
deliberate way.

Features of Fictional Prose

The following are the features of fictional prose (Aranzamendez et al. 2017, 123-126).

1. Structure – the structure of a prose comprised of ideas that makes sentences and later
on form paragraphs. Dialogues can also be used depending on the genre of the prose
like in short stories and novels.
2. Elements – the fiction and nonfiction prose have different elements. These are the
elements of fictional prose:
a. Plot – this is the sequence of events in a story. Though the events are usually
arranged chronologically, it may also vary depending on the author.
b. Character – it could be a person, animal, or thing that takes a role in the story. The
description in the narration or the character’s action and dialogues may reveal the
personality, traits and aspirations of the character.
c. Setting – it includes the time, place, cultural atmosphere and sociopolitical
environment of the story.
d. Conflict – it refers to the problem that the main character needs to resolve. It is the
driving point of the story because without it, the story will not progress.
e. Point of View – it is the narrator or the one telling the story.
Types of Point of View
 Third Person Omniscient – the narrator knows everyone and everything
inside the story.
 Third Person Limited - the narrator tells the story through the perspective
only of one of the characters. Therefore, the narrator is limited to the
character’s feelings, thoughts, and actions.
 First Person – the narrator is one of the characters and it uses the pronouns
I and we.
f. Tone – it refers to the attitude of the author to the subject and audience.
Example: formal, informal, aggressive, friendly, etc.
g. Mood – it is the feeling that the readers may feel while reading the story.
Example: anxious, curious, calm, etc.
Features of Nonfiction Prose
The following are the features of nonfiction prose (Aranzamendez et al. 2017,
1. Organization – it is how the ideas are arranged in a story. The main ideas
and supporting ideas can be arranged in any of the following:
a. Chronological – the events or ideas follows the time order as to what
happened first to the last or vice versa.
b. Cause and Effect – this shows the reasons and results of the events
and ideas.
c. Comparison and Contrast - the similarities and differences of the
ideas or concepts are presented.
d. Problem and Solution – the problem and possible solutions
are revealed.
2. Voice – it is the way an author uses words that makes him/her unique from
the other authors. The personality and outlook of the author is observed
through the diction and tone.
3. Tone – the tone can be formal or informal depending on the choice of words
and style of the author.
4. Mood – It refers to the feeling that reader feels after reading.

What’s More

Independent Activity 1

Directions. Read the following statements. Identify what type of short prose is being
described in each statement.

________________ 1. It is an example of a fictional short prose which is based on real-

life characters and real-life events.
________________ 2. It is a short prose where it leads to an argument or a narrative.
________________ 3. It is a writing which composed of more or less than a
hundred words.
________________ 4. This is a short prose which contains current events.
________________ 5. A short prose that do not really fall into the category of the other
genre of short proses.
Independent Assessment 1

Directions. Write three words that you can associate to the given short proses to
describe each. Do this in your answer sheet.






Independent Activity 2

Directions. Identify what feature of prose is being described in each item. Fill in the missing
letters to get the correct answer in each item. Do this on your answer sheet.

_ t r_ _c t _ _ _ 1. It comprised of the ideas, sentences, and paragraphs that makes up

a prose
C _ _ r a c _ _ r 2. It could be a protagonist or antagonist.
_ o o _ 3. It refers to what the reader felt after reading the prose.
S__t___ 4. It is the place or time of the story.
_ _ n _ _ l I _ _ 5. It is the driving force of the story.

Independent Assessment 2

Directions. Read and understand the given story below. After reading, identify its
features and write them on your answer sheet.

Summary of The Lottery

by Shirley Jackson

On a warm day in late June (the 27th, to be exact), villagers gather in the square
to participate in a lottery run by Mr. Summers, who officiates at all the big civic events.

The children arrive first and begin collecting stones until their parents call them
to order. Mrs. Hutchinson arrives late and chats briefly with her friend, Mrs. Delacroix.
It's just another day in an idyllic small town.

Mr. Summers calls each head of the household forward to a black wooden box,
where each selects a slip of paper. Once the men have chosen, Mr. Summers allows
everyone to open the paper and see who's been selected. The lucky person selected:
Bill Hutchinson.

His wife immediately starts protesting—so we get the sense, somehow, that
they're not about to win a couple million dollars.

There are five people total in the Hutchinson family. Mr. Summers places five
slips of paper into the box and each member of the family draws. Tess (Mrs.
Hutchinson) draws a slip of paper with a big black dot in the center.

The villagers advance on her, and it becomes crystal clear what the prize for the
lottery really is: a stoning. Tess protests in vain as the villagers attack her.
Source: https://www.shmoop.com/study-guides/literature/lottery-shirley-jackson/summary
Characters: _________________________________________________________
Setting: ____________________________________________________________
Conflict: ____________________________________________________________
Mood: _____________________________________________________________
Theme: ____________________________________________________________

Independent Activity 3
Directions. Choose one topic below. This will be the topic of focus of the prose that you
are going to write. In planning to write a prose, it may be helpful to identify the features
of the prose. Fill in the necessary information below to complete the features of a fiction
prose. Write your answer in your answer sheet.

1. Playing Mobile Games
2. Online Shopping
3. Cyberbullying

Title: _______________________________________________________________
Characters: _________________________________________________________
Conflict: ____________________________________________________________
Setting: _____________________________________________________________
Point of View: ________________________________________________________
Tone: ______________________________________________________________
Mood: ______________________________________________________________

Independent Assessment 3

Directions. On your answer sheet, write a short essay which can be 100-200 words
about your learnings as a teenager in the times or pandemic. Consider the given rubric
below. Do this in your answer sheet.
Excellent Average Poor
(5) (3) (1)
Ideas There are relevant The development of There are missing
details and enriches ideas is basic and details
the central theme. general.
Conventions No errors in grammar, Few errors in grammar, A lot of errors in
spelling, usage, and spelling, usage, and grammar, spelling,
paragraphing. paragraphing. usage, and
Organization Moves the reader The sentences within The essay has a very
through the text with a paragraph make sense poor structure and
very good structure but the order of order of ideas.
and order of ideas. paragraph does not.
What I Have Learned

Directions. Draw a happy face ( ) if the sentence tells a correct idea about the types
and features of prose sad face ( ) if it doesn’t. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

When we write a prose, it has no moral or lesson in it.

We write proses that does not feature the culture of a place by telling the origin
of things.
We need to consider the features of a prose when writing.
We must follow the conventions of writing for proses.
A prose is not measured through lines and stanzas.

What I Can Do
Directions. Write CORRECT if the sentence correctly describes a feature of
fiction/nonfiction prose and INCORRECT if it has error/s. Do this on your
answer sheet.
_____ 1. Plot are the series of events in a particular prose/story.
_____ 2. Setting is the driving force of the story that is usually known as the problem
as well.
_____ 3. The Point of view can be determined when the narrator of the story
is examined.
_____ 4. Tone is how the readers feel after reading the story.
_____ 5. The mood of the story can be formal or informal.

Directions. Read the following questions carefully. Write the letter that corresponds to
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
_____1. What feature of prose indicates the time and location where the
story happened?

A. Characterization C. Plot
B. Conflict D. Setting
_____2. What is the genre of prose that uses characters, settings and plots that aren’t
real but resemble the truth?
A. Fantasy B. Historical Fiction
C. Fiction D. Non-Fiction
_____3. What is the underlying meaning or main idea of a story?
A. Mood B.. Setting

C. Plot D. Theme

_____4. What is the angle which the story is told?

A. Mood B. Point of view

C. Plot D. Setting
_____5. Who is the central or main character in a story?

A. Antagonist C. Protagonist
B. Instigator D. Supporting character
_____ 6. Which of the following is the opposition of forces that is essential to the plot?

A. Character C. Conflict
B. Climax D. Setting
_____ 7. What is the most exciting part of the story?

A. Climax C. Rising Action

B. Exposition D. Denouement
_____ 8. What is the person or animal that takes part in the action of a story?

A. Character C. Plot
B. Narrator D. Setting
_____ 9. What do you call the series of events involving characters and central conflict?

A. Character C. Mood
B. Conflict D. Plot
_____ 10. Which of the following is referred as the feeling of the reader after reading
the story?
A. Mood C. Tone
B. Point of View D. Voice

Additional Activities
Directions. On your answer sheet, write a short prose comprises of 150-300 words
using the features of a nonfiction prose about your experience during the
quarantine period in this time of pandemic.
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Character Reader knows a Reader knows Reader does not Reader does
lot about the important things know very much not know very
main about the main about the main much about
character(s): lots character(s): lots character(s): the main
of thoughts, of thoughts, some details are character(s):
words, and words, and there but very they are
actions about actions about the little words on confusing.
the character. character. what the
character does
with thoughts and
Setting Setting is very Setting is detailed Setting is written Do not know
detailed with with some in but does not what is the
descriptive descriptive words. paint a picture in setting.
words used to my mind.
describe where it
is and what is
Conflict Very creative Story has a There is a Do not know
problem that problem that is problem but it is what the
goes along with important and it is not very problem is or if
the rest of the solved at the end. interesting or it is solved at
story and is detailed. the end.
solved at the
Plot/Events Plot is Events make There are some Events are
interesting and sense and in the events but out of missing or out
make sense. correct order and order. They do of order; they
Reader is very the story is not help the do not help
excited to see interesting. character solve solve the
what happened the problem. problem.
Word Choice Words paint a Story has Story has words Lots of
memorable interesting and repeated over repetitive
picture for the robust words, and over, some words and very
reader with little words interesting words, few interesting
robust works repeated and has few active words; no
and active verbs. some active verbs. active verbs.
Conventions Few errors in: May contain Contains errors Contains
grammar, some errors that that distract the repeated errors
punctuation, are not too reader. that distract the
capitalization, distracting to the reader.
spelling; reader.
attempts to
Source: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/253538653993729001/
Answer Key

10. E
9. D
8. D
7. C/D
6. C
5. A
4. B True 5.
False 4.
3. A True 3.
2. D False 2.
1. D False 1.

Assessment What I Can Do

B 10.
5. C 9.
C 8.
4. D 7.
B 6.
3. Mixed genre 5. C 5.
News article 4. B 4.
2. Commentary 3. A 3.
1. Essay 2. D 2.
Short story 1. C 1.

What I Have Learned Independent Activity 1 What I Know

Aranzamendez, June Abigail P., Matias Gladys S., Navales, Ma. Theresa F. and Vallente, John Paul C. 2017.
English Learning Portals Processing Language Skills through Anglo-American Literature. Quezon City: The
Inteligente Publishing, Inc.

Kruse, Michele. n.d. Writing Rubrics. Pinterest. Accessed June 15, 2020.

Tayabas, City Schools Division of. n.d. "Lesson Exemplar - Grade 9 - English." English Curriculum Tayabas Division
(Division of Tayabas). Accessed June 15, 2020.

n.d. The Lottery Summary. Shmoop. Accessed June 15, 2020. https://www.shmoop.com/study-

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