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Japanese Dental Science Review 56 (2020) 77–83

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Japanese Dental Science Review

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Review Article

Clinical guidelines for total temporomandibular joint replacement

Tetsuya Yoda a,b , Nobumi Ogi a,c , Hiroyuki Yoshitake a,b,∗ , Tetsuji Kawakami a,d ,
Ritsuo Takagi a,e , Kenichiro Murakami a,f , Hidemichi Yuasa a,g , Toshirou Kondoh h ,
Kanchu Tei i , Kenichi Kurita c
Joint Committee of Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and the Japanese Society for the Temporomandibular Joint for Clinical Guidelines
for Total Temporomandibular Joint Replacement, Japan
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, Aichi Gakuin University, Japan
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Nara Medical University, Japan
Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Niigata University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Japan
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ako City Hospital, Japan
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, National Hospital Organization Toyohashi Medical Center, Japan
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Japan
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dental Medicine and Graduate, School of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: Total joint replacement (TJR) of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a promising surgical procedure
Received 4 September 2019 and device for treating end-stage diseases of the TMJ. For the functional and aesthetic reconstruction of
Received in revised form 1 March 2020 the oral and maxillofacial head and neck region, TMJ TJR significantly helps maintain the patient’s quality
Accepted 2 March 2020
of life in terms of a better diet, mastication, speech and social interaction. TMJ TJR was approved by
regulatory authorities in 2019 in Japan, thus enabling the clinical application of the TJR system. However,
the surgery demands particularly difficult and high-risk procedures, necessitating the prudent selection
Temporomandibular joint
of indicated patients. The joint committee of the Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and
Total joint replacement
Clinical guideline
Japanese Society for Temporomandibular Joint is working together to develop an appropriate clinical
guideline for TMJ TJR.
© 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Japanese Association for Dental Science This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

1. Introduction formed. Furthermore, TMJ partial alloplastic replacement with

Proplast and Silastic induced serious treatment failure due to giant
Total joint replacement (TJR) of the temporomandibular joint cell foreign body reaction in the 1990s in the North America. In
(TMJ) is a promising surgical procedure and device for end-stage Japan, which fortunately avoided the usage of inappropriate allo-
diseases of the TMJ. Conventional surgeries, such as gap arthro- plastic devices for TMJ surgery, autogenous tissues reconstruction
plasty and arthrectomy, for TMJ ankylosis carry a certain risk of by temporal fascial and/or fat grafting remains mainstream.
re-ankylosis and/or open-bite jaw deformity, as do tumor abrasion Sonnenburg I. and Sonnenburg M. developed a TMJ TJR device
and resection surgery. For the functional and aesthetic reconstruc- consisting of a titanium mandibular condyle and a polyethylene
tion of the oral and maxillofacial head and neck region, TMJ TJR mandibular fossa implant [2]. In 1995, the Total Temporomandibu-
significantly helps maintain the patient’s quality of life in terms of lar Joint Replacement System by Biomet was approved by the FDA
a better diet, mastication, speech and social interaction. for use in clinical trials. TMJ Concepts and NEXUS CMF products
While the first TMJ TJR procedure was performed in the 1970s were also approved in 1999 and 2001, respectively. The Total Tem-
[1], in general, the procedure was not widely accepted or per- poromandibular Joint Replacement System was officially approved
as a clinical device in 2005 in USA.
TMJ TJR was approved by regulatory authorities in 2019 in Japan,
thus enabling the clinical application of the TJR system. However,
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Graduate School the surgery demands particularly difficult and high-risk proce-
of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 1-5-45 dures, necessitating the prudent selection of indicated patients.
Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8549, Japan. The joint committee of the Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillo-
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Yoshitake).

1882-7616/© 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Japanese Association for Dental Science This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
78 T. Yoda et al. / Japanese Dental Science Review 56 (2020) 77–83

Table 1
Sizes of mandibular implant dedicated screw.

Mandibular implant dedicated screw

Component name Size (mm)

Mandibular screw 6•8•10•12•14•16•18

Mandibular emergency screw 8•10•12•16

facial Surgeons and Japanese Society for Temporomandibular Joint

is working together to develop an appropriate clinical guideline for

2. Overview of total-replacement-type temporomandibular

joint prosthesis

The only medical device (generic name: Total Temporo-

mandibular Joint prosthesis) for TMJ TJR that has been approved by
regulatory authorities in Japan holds the tradename T̈MJ Replace-
ment System (Biomet Microfixation, importer: Medical U and A
The device is a permanent indwelling TMJ prosthesis that
replaces the TMJ. It consists of a mandibular implant (mandibu-
lar branch component/artificial mandibular condylar process) and
a fossa implant (glenoid component/artificial glenoid fossa), which
are designed specifically for the right or left side. of note, it is not
possible to use the mandibular and fossa implants as separate com-

1) Mandibular implant (mandibular component)

The mandibular implant comprises a total-replacement-type

temporomandibular joint prosthesis that replaces the mandibular Fig. 1. The mandibular component of the Biomet Microfixation, Total Temporo-
condylar process, including the mandibular condyle. The surface in mandibular Joint (TMJ) Replacement System. The surface of the mandibular
component in contact with the mandible is made of titanium alloy (Ti–6AL–4V)
contact with the mandible is made of titanium alloy (Ti–6AL–4V)
powder plasma sprayed with a cobalt-chromium-molybdenum (Co–Cr–Mo) alloy.
powder plasma sprayed with a cobalt-chromium-molybdenum This picture was cited from the website: https://www.zimmerbiomet.com/
(Co–Cr–Mo) alloy (including nickel) (Fig. 1). content/dam/zimmer-biomet/medical-professionals/cmf-thoracic/total-joint-
Three types are available depending on the shape: mandibu- replacement-system/total-joint-replacement-system-brochure.pdf.
lar implant, mandibular implant/narrow (where the screw part is a
slender shape), and mandibular offset (where the curved part of the
mandibular implant is inverted). For mandibular implant/narrow
and mandibular offset, 2 major diameters are available (45 and
50 mm), whereas for mandibular implant, three major diameters
are available (45, 50, and 55 mm).
The size of the mandibular implant can be selected using a tem-
plate (made of aluminum; three sizes of 45, 50, and 55 mm). The
special screw for fixing is made of titanium alloy (Ti–6AL–4V) and
comes in diameters of a 2.7-mm-diameter mandibular screw and
a 3.2-mm-diameter mandibular emergency screw. The implant is
available in lengths in increments of 2 mm, as shown in Table 1.

2) Fossa implant (fossa component)

The fossa implant comprises a total-replacement-type TMJ

prosthesis that replaces the joint eminence and the glenoid
fossa (mandibular fossa) of the temporal bone and is made of
ArCom® ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE).
During mouth opening and closing, the mandibular condyle por-
tion of the mandibular implant moves back and forth on the sliding Fig. 2. Installation of the Biomet Microfixation, Total Temporomandibular Joint
surface of the fossa implant (Fig. 2). (TMJ) Replacement System. The system consists of a mandibular implant (mandibu-
The implant is available in three sizes: large, medium, and small. lar branch component/artificial mandibular condylar process) and a fossa implant
(glenoid component/artificial glenoid fossa), which are designed specifically for
The fossa template (Radel® plastic) is used to select the appropri-
both right- and left-side TMJ.
ate size of the fossa implant, and it is possible to combine any This picture was cited from the website: https://www.zimmerbiomet.com/
size with any kind of the mandibular implant. The fossa implant content/dam/zimmer-biomet/medical-professionals/cmf-thoracic/total-joint-
is fixed with a dedicated screw (titanium alloy [Ti–6AL–4V]) with replacement-system/total-joint-replacement-system-brochure.pdf.
2.0-mm-diameter fossa screws and 2.3-mm-diameter fossa emer-
T. Yoda et al. / Japanese Dental Science Review 56 (2020) 77–83 79

Table 2 ability to eat and motor function according to a visual analog scale
Size of fossa implant dedicated screw.
(VAS) was 4.98, 5.51, and 4.26 on average, respectively [15].
Fossa implant dedicated screw

Component name Size (mm) 2) Postoperative course of maximum mouth opening

Fossa screw 5•7•9•11•13

Fossa emergency screw 5•7•9•11z The mean preoperative maximum mouth opening in 1127
patients was 18.8 ± 8.6 mm, improving to 34.7 ± 6.5 mm by 1 year
following surgery and 37.6 ± 8.6 mm 3 years following surgery;
gency screws. The implant is available in lengths in increments of thus, the maximum mouth opening was found to be signifi-
2 mm, as shown in Table 2. cantly improved 3 years after surgery compared to before surgery
The system includes an instrument case in addition to a trial kit [6,16–37].
for size selection, a double end drill guide, and a retractor (stainless
steel) as instruments [3]. 3) Postoperative course of pain

3) Status of use The mean preoperative pain VAS value in 811 cases was
6.6 ± 0.9, which improved to 1.9 ± 1.1 by 1 year later and 1.7 ± 0.2
by 3 years after surgery; thus, pain was found to be signifi-
According to a survey of member of the American Society of
cantly reduced 3 years after surgery compared to before surgery
TMJ Surgeons (total of 46 responses; breakdown by country: USA
20, Australia 4, UK 2, Brazil, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, New
Zealand, Denmark, Netherlands, and Spain each 1, unknown 3), 25%
4) Postoperative course of masticatory disturbance
of respondents reported that they had performed total TMJ replace-
ment in excess of 10 times a year, and 94% stated that it lasted for
The mean preoperative VAS value of masticatory disturbance
more than 10 years and was very reliable [4]. In addition, based
in 147 cases was 7.4 ± 1.1, which improved to 2.7 ± 1.0 by 1 year
on actual state surveys of Dental Accreditation-accredited oral and
after surgery and 1.9 by 3 years after surgery; thus, the VAS value
maxillofacial surgery training programs in the United States, it
of masticatory disturbance was found to be significantly improved
was statistically predicted that, by 2030, the expected demand
3 years after surgery compared to before surgery [17,34,37,39].
for replacement surgery would be 1658 patients, which is 3 times
higher than that in 2014 [5].
A questionnaire survey of 13 oral surgeons from 1994 to 2012 5) The comparison between products
in the UK involving 402 patients with 577 joints showed that the
main diseases were osteoarthritis of the TMJ, cases with a history According to the meta-analysis by Zou et al., the maximum
of poor surgical results, ankyloses, and seronegative arthritis, and mouth opening was significantly increased and the pain VAS value
the median preoperative maximum mouth opening was 20 mm [6]. significantly decreased compared to the pre-operative level for the
Total alloplastic TMJ replacements has been performed in the Czech Biomet, Nexus, and TMJ Concepts products, resulting in no sig-
Republic and Slovakia since 2004, and clinical data on 27 patients nificant differences among the three companies’ products [15]. In
and 38 joints have been reported [7]. However, in Asian countries, addition, although only two articles were examined, on evaluating
where people are skeletally similar to the Japanese, Xu et al. from the VAS value for the eating function with the Biomet and TMJ Con-
China reported that this device was implanted in three benign cepts products, the Biomet product was reported to have a slightly
tumor patients and that mouth opening improved and pain was higher score [24,39].
well reduced without complications [8]. Hu et al. also reported good
results for 11 patients [9]. Park et al. from Korea further reported 4. Safety
good results for four patients [10].
1) Complications/procedural accidents
4) Positioning of guidelines
After total TMJ replacement, infection [40–42], facial dysesthe-
sia [7,21,43], pain [18,40], and swelling [40,44] occurred frequently
In the UK, the British Oral Surgical Society recommended
(incidents: ≥50). Facial dysesthesia, pain, and swelling often occur
guidelines for criteria of indications and contraindications in
subsequent to maxillofacial surgery, so they are not procedural
2008 [11]. A technical economic evaluation was conducted in
accidents specific to this approach. However, it has been reported
2013 [12]. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
that pain persists for a long time and does not disappear with this
(NICE) subsequently published the Technology Appraisal Guid-
procedure [40]. Although there are cases of mortality reported in
ance [TA304] in 2014 that recognized the usefulness and safety
overseas clinical trials and post-marketing surveillance (PMS), none
of the total-replacement-type TMJ prosthesis, and appropriate
were due to procedural accidents related to this procedure.
clinical guidelines (guidance/interventional procedures guidance
(a) Infection
[IPG500]) have been published [13]. In the United States, guidelines
Infection after total TMJ replacement occurs in 2%–4% of cases
for TMJ surgery were updated in 2017. The guidelines describe total
[40,41,45]. It is a very troublesome complication, as biofilms formed
TMJ replacement as the recommended surgery [14].
together with mucopolysaccharides in the local infection process
by normal bacterial flora or infectious bacterial species of the skin
3. Clinical results are involved, and the administration of antibacterial agents cannot
be expected to have any marked effect. Infection is an event that
1) Overall effectiveness rate can occur in all types of artificial joint surgery, and it is important
to prevent it starting before surgery and extending to after surgery.
According to Zou et al.’s meta-analysis, the increase in the aver- (b) Hemorrhaging
age maximum mouth opening for 510 patients with Biomet devices In advanced TMJ ankylosis, compression deformation to the
was 11.29 mm, and the reduction in pain and improvement in the maxillary artery and other nerve and blood vessel bundles by
80 T. Yoda et al. / Japanese Dental Science Review 56 (2020) 77–83

the hypertrophic bone that adheres the temporal bone and • Congenital diseases
the mandibular condyle by osseous ankylosis is often observed. • Post-traumatic condylar loss or damage
Hemostasis for hemorrhaging during surgery is not only difficult • Postoperative condylar loss (including neoplastic ablation)
but may result in a serious condition if delayed. • Multiple invalid surgical history
Although post-operative hemorrhaging is not normally encoun- • Patients with a poor postoperative course after revision
tered, it can occur in high-risk cases where there may be surgery with artificial joints (materials)
abnormalities or variations in the running direction of blood vessels • Patients with a poor postoperative course after costochondral
close to the operative field. graft
(c) Dislocation of the artificial head Patients who meet the above-mentioned diseases/pathologies
Dislocation may occur in patients who undergo coronoidectomy and any of the following main criteria were considered for surgery:
simultaneously. •Patients with occlusal abnormality and difficulty eating and
(d) Other complications chewing on a daily basis (e.g. those who find it difficult to eat even
Occlusal abnormality, injury of nerves, external auditory canal, a soft vegetable diet and rice gruel [gobu-gayu]).
and parotid gland, and salivary fistula may occur. Cleavage of • Those with a limited mouth opening (<35 mm)
wounds, mental disorders, and malignant neoplasms may also
occur. Mental disorders often develop because of anxiety about 2) Inapplicable cases or patients
post-operative rehabilitation.
The following patients are contraindicated:
2) Management • Patients with a deficient bone form (mandible, temporal bone),
defects, bone mass, or poor bone quality deemed unable to endure
(a) Intraoperative hemorrhaging management total replacement surgery
At the time of surgery, the proper use of retractors and preop- • Local and around the local inflammatory conditions
erative magnetic resonance angiography or computed tomography • Those with a severe immunocompromised disease (pathology)
(CT) angiography are useful for preventing accidental hemorrhag- • Those with a history of metal allergy related to artificial joints
ing; checking blood vessels close to the operative field and this (cobalt chromium, molybdenum, nickel)
with an unusual running course is important. In this way, we can • Those with a very limited degree of achievable activity in their
examine the need for a leading vascular clip, ligation, and occlusion. everyday life (PS 3: patient spends more than 50% of the day in bed
Ligation of the external carotid artery or blockade of the branch or in a chair, or patients with a disorder more severe than serious
of the mandibular artery is effective for controlling hemorrhaging. systemic [systematic] disease) [46].
In addition, it is also preferable to use an ultrasonic bone-cutting • Those requiring an operation other than total replacement
instrument that causes relatively little blood vessel damage, such (such as partial joint replacement)
as Piezosurgery® . Relative contraindications were as follows:
(b) Occlusal abnormality and dislocation of the artificial head • Those with progressive or chronic inflammation related to
Sufficient observation during surgery is necessary, and after their general condition
surgery, it is important to confirm the presence or absence of dis- • Those compromised by systemic diseases, including immun-
location. If dislocation is noted, it is necessary to properly perform odeficiency
reduction and intermaxillary fixation. • Patients in the period of skeletally immature growth
(c) Infection of the artificial head • Patients with obvious abnormal habits, such as clenching,
It is considered desirable for patients to take antibiotics before grinding, etc.
surgery. All measures should be taken in order to prevent biofilm • Patients having foreign body reaction against medical materi-
infection developing from local infection, which accounts for many als used for living body
cases of post-operative infection of artificial joints. If local con- • Patients who cannot understand and accept medical
trol of an infection cannot be achieved, the artificial joints must instructions after surgery (including those with neuropsychiatric
be removed. In removal surgery, temporary spacers should be in disorders).
place, and revision surgery should be completed several months
after inflammation has disappeared completely. 6. Surgical method
(d) Others
Mental disorders are said to be treated with antidepressants and 1) Preoperative preparation
consultation. In addition, for prevention, it is important to engage in
thorough discussions with the patient before surgery. A sufficient
To determine the condition of the temporal bone and mandibu-
explanation prior to surgery is important for avoiding excessive
lar bone (thickness, bone quality and running position of the
unilateral expectations.
mandibular canal, etc.) centering on the TMJ and the condition of
the surrounding tissues, be sure to prepare a three-dimensional
5. Indication criteria (3D) model by CT imaging and examine the scope and amount of
bone removal. It is also advisable to examine and determine the size
1) Indications to be used, mounting position, which screw hole should be used,
etc., by actually testing the fossa implant (glenoid component) and
Patients with mandibular condyle defect due to the following the mandibular implant (mandibular branch component) in the 3D
diseases or conditions are indicated: model or computer-assisted surgical planning.
• Temporomandibular ankylosis (cases requiring resection of In cases of tooth loss, it is necessary to predict the final occlusal
the condylar process) relationship with a denture or the like in order to determine the
• Advanced osteoarthritis or arthrosis of TMJ positions of the upper and lower jaws. In addition, prepare a Sannai
• Inflammatory joint disease and/or medical history (e.g. arch bar splint and bracket or an IMF (for jaw fixation) screw, so that
rheumatoid, infectious, psoriatic, etc.) the occlusal relationship can be confirmed (intermaxillary fixation)
• Well-progressed (idiopathic) mandibular condylar resorption during surgery.
T. Yoda et al. / Japanese Dental Science Review 56 (2020) 77–83 81

2) Surgical method Grind the inner surface of the glenoid fossa so that the glenoid
implant inner surface conforms to the bone surface. The grinding
(a) Surgical preparation and dressing plane must be parallel to the Frankfurt plane in the front-back direc-
The surgery should be conducted under general anesthesia by tion. If a fit is obtained, first fix it with two screws, and then check
nasal intubation in order to be able to check the mouth opening the inclination and add at least two more if no problems are noted.
and closing and the occlusal relationship. In addition, in order to (g) Selection and fitting of the mandibular implant
align the bone deletion surface of the mandibular implant with the Preselect the mandibular implant according to the 3D model. It is
Frankfurt plane, conduct dressing so that the infraorbital rim can be also possible to select the mandibular implant/narrow or mandibu-
confirmed. However, since the joint area (surgical site) needs to be lar offset based on the condition of the actual bone surface. Trim
strict antisepsis, the TMJ area should be handled while completely the outer surface of the mandibular ramus to achieve a fit using a
separated from the oral cavity (it is necessary to be aware of the large-diameter diamond bar. In addition, when fitting, care must
infection control zone, and to be performed by another surgeon, or be taken never to bend the mandibular implant, and take particu-
to re-disinfect fingers and replace gloves, etc.). lar care not to damage the surface corresponding to the mandibular
(b) Skin incision condyle.
The skin incision shall be approached from two places in order (h) Temporary fixation of the mandibular implant and confirmation
to ensure the proper operation of the TMJ and mandibular ramus. of jaw movement
For the TMJ, the TMJ capsule can be revealed with an endaural or Place the mandibular condyle section of the mandibular implant
preauricular incision. For the mandibular ascending ramus, incise in the middle of the fossa of the fossa implant and perform tem-
the skin two fingerbreadths below the mandibular lower margin porary fixation with two 2.7-mm screws. At this time, determine
and along this margin to the mandibular corner, taking care not the position of the screw in advance using a 3D model so as not
to damage the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve or to damage the inferior alveolar nerve. For the installation of two
expose the lateral bone surface of the mandibular ramus up to the temporary fixation screws, determine the most stable position in
mandibular neck. advance.
(c) Bone removal where the mandibular implant is inserted After temporarily fixing the mandibular implant, lightly insert
If there is ankylosis or bone adhesion, first conduct osteotomy saline gauze in the wound area, cover with a clean drape, and
and divide the bone (for mandibular condyle excision) at the safest remove the intermaxillary fixation. Then, perform normal mouth
position (roughly just below the mandibular condyle) while refer- opening and closing to about 30 mm and check the movement of
ring to the CT and 3D models. Osteotomy should be performed joints to see if there are any problems, such as dislocation or if
after exfoliation of the periosteum around the entire circumference the mandibular condyle is caught. If the mouth-closing muscles are
and while protecting the inner surface with a mucous membrane tense and mouth opening is difficult, it is recommended to relax the
scraper or similar. It is possible to divide the bone by removing muscles. If problem-free jaw movement (basic mouth opening and
it with a round bar of a certain diameter. If an ultrasonic surgical closing movement) cannot be confirmed, conduct intermaxillary
instrument is available, it can be used to safely remove only the fixation again.
bone. If there is no adhesion, remove the mandibular condyle and (i) Final fixing of screws
secure the space. If the patient has problems with mouth opening Implant the remaining screws whose implant locations have
due to adhesion before surgery, check the possible extent of mouth been decided in advance. Four to six screws are generally needed
opening after the osteotomy, but prior to proceeding with the sub- (Fig. 2).
sequent steps. If mouth opening is possible, arrange the shape of the (j) Wound closure
mandibular fossa. If a large mouth opening cannot be achieved, the After washing the wound with saline solution, suture each layer
problem with the mouth opening may not be solely due to joint tightly. Suture the portion of the joint capsule covering the artificial
factors, so check for factors such as myopathectomy and tendon joint with an absorbable thread; care should be taken not to direct
detachment. Hold the mandibular angle with bone grasping for- the knot to the joint surface. For other points, suture according to
ceps and push up the mandibular branch so that the area from the the usual method. After suturing, lightly press with gauze pillows
preaural incision up to the cut end of the mandibular neck is clearly from the skin surface centering on the wound and complete the
exposed. Based on the removal range previously determined by the surgery by removing intermaxillary fixation. In order to keep the
3D model, conduct bone re-division or removal at the level of the wound at rest even after the intermaxillary fixation is removed,
mandibular notch to create a space where the implant can be easily pull the left and right molars with intermaxillary rubber, such as
installed. the elastic, in order to perform mouth-opening restriction. Ensure
(d) Flattening of articular eminence and articular tubercle that the patient stays on postoperative rest for a few days while
Flatten the articular eminence and tubercle with a large- any reactive inflammation associated with surgery subsides.
diameter diamond bar or similar instrument. The dedicated bar has
a rounded tip and can be shaped to fit the inner surface of the fossa 3) Postoperative mouth opening training
implant. As mentioned above, confirm the safe removal range with
the 3D model in advance. On the day following surgery, start the oral intake of liquid or
(e) Intermaxillary fixation chopped food. Get the patient to conduct intercuspation at the
Conduct intermaxillary fixation by wire-ligating the Sannai arch molars in order to prevent open bites.
bar splints, brackets, or IMF screws that have been attached before Confirm the condition of the implant by radiograph or CT or a
surgery. In cases of tooth loss, determine the positions of the similar modality. If no problems are noted, have the patient prac-
upper and lower jaws using the prepared and mounted dentures by tice opening their mouth as wide as possible starting from the fifth
predicting the final occlusal relationship. Flatten the articular emi- postoperative day. Get the patient to open and close their mouth
nence and tubercle using a diamond bar or raspatories. In order widely 10 times after each meal until the maximum mouth open-
determine the removal range and amount, as described above, be ing is achieved, while withstanding as much pain as possible. If
sure to confirm the safe range using the 3D model in advance. the patient experiences pain, have them take an anti-inflammatory
(f) Placement of the fossa implant analgesic regularly and determine the exact location and degree
Select one of the three sizes of fossa implants in advance. The of the pain (using a VAS). After two weeks, start manual mouth
standard is that four screws can be installed in the zygomatic arch. opening exercises using a mouth-opening device and continue for
82 T. Yoda et al. / Japanese Dental Science Review 56 (2020) 77–83

at least three months. Check the degree to which the mouth can the total number of global cases is still insufficient to draw sta-
be opened each day. Continue mouth-opening exercises until the ble conclusions, compared to orthopedics [15]. The indications are
mouth can be opened sufficiently. therefore more stringent than those for orthopedic TJR. Since this
clinical guideline mainly describes the stock-type prosthesis for
4) The postoperative evaluation TMJ-TJR, clinicians should understand the risks/benefits and limit
of their application [15,36].
Check for dislocation and assess the screw condition by diagnos- In this clinical guideline, although the size and shape of each
component of the artificial joint are listed for the fixed-stock type,
tic imaging immediately following surgery. In addition, regularly
custom-made products that are ordered and customized according
check the maximum mouth opening, pain, and food condition.
to the shape and size of the individual have already been commer-
cialized. These are expected to reduce bone loss during surgery and
5) Important points
shorten the surgery time. The results of meta-analyses comparing
the stock-type and custom-made devices show that there are no
The prosthesis is based on the hinged movements by the glenoid marked differences in the improvement of the maximum mouth
fossa and the mandibular condyle. Since the lateral pterygoid mus- opening, pain, jaw function, or diet. Custom-made products, how-
cle not attached to the mandibular condyle, sliding movement to ever, require time to prepare and are expensive, since they must be
the contralateral direction by other muscles, as seen in a healthy individually manufactured by CAD/CAM [15].
TMJ, is not possible. In addition, there are reports that, by incorporating a digital
In addition, with regard to adaptation on one side, since motion guide, the screw length can be measured in advance, and the screw
on the healthy side accompanies the sliding movement, there is a installation position of the mandibular branch can be performed
possibility that unreasonable force may be applied to the (restric- without any damage to the inferior alveolar nerve [47]. Along with
tive) range of motion only with the rotational motion of the artificial improvements in surgical techniques, devices that offer safer and
joint, which may cause loosening and breakage of the screw. Guid- more reliable surgery are awaited.
ance and careful follow-up are therefore essential. In addition, depending on the data from clinical trials overseas
and post-marketing surveillance in Japan, which may be published
7. Practice and facility standards subsequently, the standard requirements associated with this pro-
cedure may be reconsidered, and this clinical guideline may be
1) Practice standards revised in the future.

• The surgeon should have sufficient experience in open surgery Conflict of interest
of the TMJ.
• The surgeon should be a specialist qualified by the Japanese None.
Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Japanese Society for
Temporomandibular Joint, Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstruc- Acknowledgement
tive Surgeons or the Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan.
This article is supported in part by a grant from Japanese Dental
2) Training method Science Federation, JDSF-DSP2-2017-119-1.

• Until a training environment using other methods consider- References

ing both convenience and effectiveness is established, the surgeon
should attend a surgical workshop employing cadavers sponsored [1] Christensen RW. Arthroplastic implantation of the TMJ. In: Norman Cranin A,
by the Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and editor. Oral implantology. Springfield: Charles C Thomas; 1970. p. 284–98.
[2] Sonnenburg I, Sonnenburg M. Total condylar prosthesis for alloplastic jaw artic-
Japanese Society for Temporomandibular Joint. ulation replacement. J Maxillofac Surg 1995;13:131–5.
• Alternatively, surgeons may attend the Temporomandibular [3] https://www.zimmerbiomet.com/medical-professionals/cmf/total-joint-
Joint Replacement Course sponsored by Zimmer Biomet Holdings. replacement-system.html.
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