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Karmaveer shankrao kale education society’s




“Online Book Store Management System”

Submitted to
In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Award
Submitted By
Shaikh Ayan Dilawar (2016690053)
Shinde Sudershan Rajendra (2016690066)
Sonwane Shriram Radesham (2116690052)
Dudhate Dnyneshwar Bhagawat (2116690042)


Gautam Polytechnic institute, Kolpewadi

Karmaveer shankrao kale education society’s




Is a record of benifide work carried out by them, in the

partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of
Diploma of Engineering (Computer Engineering) at
under the University of M S B T E .
This work is done during year 2021-2022, under our
Date: / /
(Prof. Archana Gadakh)

HOD, Computer Department

(Ms.Panjabi S.P)
Project Guide
(Prof.Bharti S.M)

We would like to express our

special thanks of gratitude to our institute
Gautam Polytechnic and our Principal
Prof.Bharti S.M Sir, our subject teacher
Ms.Panjabi S.P mam and head of the
Department Prof. Archana Gadakh mam
who gave us the opportunity to make this
micro project on the topic to develop
software based on matrimonial portal. This
has greatly helped us in expanding my
cohere of knowledge. We are thankful to
each other because every one of us aided to
complete this project within the limited
time frame.
Name of Micro-Project: - Online Book Store Management System

1.0 Aim of the Micro-project

To develop software based on Online Book Store Management
2.0 Course Outcomes addressed
1. Select suitable Software Process model for software development.
2. Prepare software requirement specifications.
3. Use Software modelling to create data designs.
4. Estimate size and cost of software product.
5. Apply project management and quality assurance principles in
software development.

3.0 Proposed Methodology

1. Writing of problem statement and scope of the project.
2. Choosing Appropriate software model.
3. Requirement Gathering.
4. Preparing Software Requirement Specifications(SRS) for the project.
5. Preparing Use case diagram, Data flow diagram and Timeline chart
for the project.
Sr. Details of Planned Planned Name of
No Activity Start Finish responsible
Date Date team member
1. Proposal of Micro

2. Problem Statement

3. Software
4. Use case diagram

5. Data flow diagram

6. Timeline chart

7. Micro project Report

5.0 Resources Required

Sr. Name of Specification Quantity

No Resource/material

1. Personal Computer configuration 1
with support of
Office 365
2. Microsoft Word 1

Minimum 32
3. Internet Mbps 1

4. Operating System Windows or any 1
other higher

1.0 Rationale

Software Engineering is the foundation for professional

processes to be followed involving principles,
techniques and practices for software development. The
course provides a framework for software professionals
for building quality assured software products. It
enables students to blend the domain specific
knowledge with the programming skills to create
quality software products.

2.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project

Aim: -
To develop software based on online book store
management system.
Benefits: -
1. In this project, we have learnt about software
development by choosing appropriate
2. software process model. We also learnt how to
use software modelling to create software
3. designs. We also understood the purpose and
objective of this Micro-Project. This project
4. aims at creating a full-fledged website for

3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved

1. Select suitable Software Process model for

software development.
2. Prepare software requirement specifications.
3. Use Software modelling to create data designs.
4. Estimate size and cost of software project.
5. Apply project management and quality assurance
principles in software development.
4.0 Literature Review

Problem Statement:

Almost every activity in the world today is controlled

by computer driven software programs. His trend was
first accommodated by engineering applications in the
past. However, as the lifestyle became more and more
complex, every area of human interactions was invaded
by various software systems, such as real time,
business, simulation, embedded, web based, personal
and more recently, artificial intelligence software etc.
According to the above facts, managing and
maintaining a book shop could also be controlled by
efficient software. This project focuses attention on
designing efficient and reliable software which controls
the transactions of a bookshop.
In real world, it tends to associate with automated
systems as they provide many benefits than doing the
same thing in manually. As above mentioned, here we
have introduced a system which can be used to maintain
a bookshop.
When we are concerning the manual process of a
bookshop, the major problem is the waste of time. A
customer has to waste his/her valuable time when he
needs to buy a book as all the events such as searching,
purchasing are done by members of the staff .In briefly,
the manual process is very slow. But automation will
reduce the time taken in the whole process.
In a bookshop we should deal with a large store. Then
person (storekeeper) has to maintain it with documents
which are recorded by him. Therefore, there may be
defective reports. Also company has to appointed more
persons to complete the maintenance of the stationery.
Then the company has to have an additional cost.
As we familiar with this type of system at instance we
will be able to have the results that we want.
Communication with suppliers, customers and other
related organizations will be more successful as the
system is so fast.
When the bookshop issues an item to a customer, all the
stages of the transaction procedure will be facilitated by
the system & it will be more accurate.
Book Store Management System is the web application
to automate all kinds of operations in the book shop.
The purpose of this software is to manage the books in
the book store. Generally, it includes the Order
Processing, Stock Management and Accounts
Management. We developed this software to maintains
records of sales, purchase and staff records. This project
developed using ASP.NET as front end and SQL Server
as Back end. Here we are try to develop such type
system which is provide the automation on the any type
of the bookshop. That means a shop which has the type
system which provides the facility to the customers of
the shop to purchase the books from the shop without
any complexity.
This Book Shop Management System is used to
overcome the entire problem which they are facing
currently, and making manual system to computerized
system. -
Purposed Book shop management system should help
the customers query whether a book in a stock the user
can query the availability of a book either by using the
book title or by using the name of author. The objective
and scope of this Project Book Shop Management
System is to record the details various activities of user.
It simplifies the task and reduce the paper work. Book
store management system should generate sales
statistics (book name, publisher, ISBN number, number
of copies sold and the sales revenue) for any period.
At present, the Wholesale and Retail outlets are
working under manual management. The client uses
MS Excel, All records related to Products, Sales,
Suppliers, Orders, Payment are stored in excel files.
there is lot of duplicate work, and chance of mistake.
When the records are changed, they need to update each
and every excel file. In case of Customer records, all
information related to customers and the product which
the customer has purchased is to be stored in the
Customers excel files. If the changes in the customer
profile (like Phone no. , Address) occur, excel file must
be updated.
To manage the whole data, the person maintaining
records has to take great pain. Various excel files has to
be maintained for each separate process. There is no
option to find previous saved records. There is no
security; anybody can access any report and sensitive
This software can be easily implemented under various
situations. Any education institute can make use of it
for providing information about author, content of the
available books in their library. Modifications can be
easily done according to requirements and when
necessary. It can be used in any type of Book Shop for
managing all the sales and purchased activities and
managing the data records related to Book house.
Software Requirement Specification(SRS)
A software requirement specification(SRS) is a
complete description of the behaviour of the system to
be developed. It includes a set of use cases describes all
of the interactions that the users will have with the
SRS for online book store management system:
Table of Contents
1. Introduction……………………………………………………..5
1.1 Purpose ………………………………………………………….5
1.2 Scope…………………………………………………………….5
1.3 Definitions , acronyms , and abbreviations……………………...5
1.4 Organization……………………………………………………..5

2. Overall Description………………………………………………6
2.1 Product Perspective……………………………………………….6
2.2 Product Functions…………………………………………………6
2.3 User Characteristics……………………………………………….6
2.4 Constraints…………………………………………………………6
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies……………………………………6
2.6 Approportioning of Requirements………………………………….6
3. Specific Requirements……………………………………………..7
3.1 Restrictions…………………………………………………………7
3.2 Data Structure……………………………………………………….7
3.3 System……………………………………………………………….7
3.3.1 Browse Inventory………………………………………………...7
3.3.2 Search Inventory…………………………………………………7
3.3.3 Create, Update and Destroy (CRUD) Functionality……………..7
3.3.4 Shopping Cart……………………………………………………7
3.3.5 Checkout Procedure…………………………………………….7
3.3.6 Authentication System………………………………………….7
3.3.7 Promotions………………………………………………………7
3.3.8 Automated Reorder……………………………………………...7
3.3.9 Order Logging…………………………………………………...7

3.4 External Interface Requirements…………………………………...7

3.4.1 Hardware Interface Requirement……………………………7
3.4.2 Software Interface Requirement…………………………….7

4. Functional Requirements…………………………………………8

5. Non-Functional Requirements……………………………………8
1 Introduction
The Software Requirements Specification is designed to
document and describe the agreement between the
customer and the developer regarding the specification
of the software product requested [5]. Its primary
purpose is to provide a clear and descriptive “statement
of user requirements” [5] that can be used as a reference
in further development of the software system. This
document is broken into a number of sections used to
logically separate the software requirements into easily
referenced parts.
This Software Requirements Specification aims to
describe the Functionality, External Interfaces,
Attributes and Design Constraints [4] imposed on
Implementation of the software system described
throughout the rest of the document. Throughout the
description of the software system, the language and
terminology used should unambiguous and consistent
throughout the document.
1.1 Purpose
Defining and describing the functions and specifications
of the Book E-Commerce
System (BECS) is the primary goal of this Software
Requirements Specification (SRS).
This Software Requirements Specification illustrates, in
clear terms, the system’s primary
uses and required functionality as specified by our
The intended audience of this document is our primary
Book E-Commerce System
customer: Mr. Borzoo Bonakdarpour, the CSE435
instructor Dr. Betty Cheng, the fall semester 2007
CSE435 Group 4 members, as well as the other students
attending CSE435 that will require access to such
1.2 Scope
The software system being produced is called Book E-
Commerce System or BECS. It is being produced for a
customer interested in selling books via the Internet.
This system is designed to “provide automation
support” [2] for the process of placing books for sale on
the Internet and facilitating the actual sale. This system
is largely cross-platform and is available to anyone
using the Computer Science Department’s provided
computer resources in the MSU Engineering Building.
The system will be run on a central server with each
user having a remote user interface through a web
browser to interact with it. The Book E-Commerce
System will allow any user to create an account to
become a customer. The customer, through the process
of account creation, will have the option to become a
member of the site. The system will allow customers to
browse, search, select, and add books to a shopping
cart. Then, provided they have books in their shopping
cart, check out books in shopping cart and decrement
the stock that the inventory the system maintains. The
BECS also allows a manager to manage the inventory
with full create, retrieve, update and delete (CRUD)
functionality with regards to books in the system. It will
also allow, on an inventory wide basis, customers and
managers to interact with a promotion system that
handles percentage-off promotions that can be applied
to member’s orders. This interaction includes the
creation (by managers) and the application to orders (by
customers) of the promotions. The BECS has full email
capabilities; the automated email functionality will be
used to send promotions to members of the system as
well as provide the managers with low-stock
notifications. The BECS will have numerous constraints
on what it can do. The system will not have full credit-
card processing capabilities. It will not allow managers
to be customers. The manager will be a hard-coded user
and only a single manager will exist. There will be no
actual book ordering and order completion, however the
system will provide the customer with a receipt and it
will log the transaction details. The system will not
allow multiple promotions to be added to a single
shopping cart nor will it allow a customer to add more
than one of each item to their cart. The system also will
not allow users to retrieve passwords or edit their user

1.3 Definitions , acronyms , and abbreviations

BECS Book E-Commerce System.
Barcode A unique identifier assigned to single items.
Book An instance of an item that has these additional
attributes: Title, Author.
Button A user interface element that allows a User to
click and inform the system to take an action.
Checkbox A user interface element that allows a User to
inform the system that he/she selected a
particular item.
Checkout The process a Customer goes through to
purchase an item.
CRUD Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete.
Customer A person that is user of the system but has
created an account.
Inventory An object that holds items available for
purchase by the customer.
Item An individual entity in the inventory which has
several descriptive attributes: Barcode, Price,
Reorder Threshold, Stock
Manager A single person that has the ability to create,
retrieve, update and delete items in the store.
This person cannot simultaneously act as a
Customer and Manager.
Member A person that is a customer of the system and
has requested to be sent promotions.
Promotion An item-wide percentage-off price discount
applied to a Member’s shopping cart.
Reorder The system process that automatically orders
new stock of an item.
Reorder The numeric value of an item’s stock that must
Threshold be reached before the system will order
additional quantities of the item.
Session The time which a User is actively using the
Shopping An object that lists a Customer’s selected Items,
Cart their applied promotions and gives them an
option to check out.
SRS Software Requirements Specification.
Stock The quantity of any particular item the
inventory has on hand.
Text Box A user interface element that allows a User to
input text to the system.
Transaction The information related to a customer’s
purchase that is logged.
User The person who operate the software product.
1.4 Organization
This Software Requirements Specification document is
divided in to multiple subsections. The first section
includes explanations of the Purpose, Scope and
Organization of the document. The first section also
handles the description of project specific words,
acronyms and abbreviations that will be used in the
The second section of the document is separated into
the following five different sections, each detailing
specific details of system uses and their corresponding
actions: Product Perspective, Product Functions, User
Characteristics, Constraints, Assumptions and
Dependencies, Apportioning of Requirements. The
third section is an enumerated listing of all of the
requirements described for this system. The fourth
section encompasses all of the Use-case, Sequence,
State and Class diagrams that model the system. In the
fifth section there exists a Prototype of the system along
with a sample scenario that graphically describes the
use of the system. The sixth section contains a listing of
all related reference materials used in this document.
The seventh and final subsection is dedicated to
providing a point of contact for any viewer of this
2 Overall Description
This section includes details about what is and is not
expected of the BECS system in addition to which cases
are intentionally unsupported and assumptions that will
be used in the creation of the BECS system.
2.1 Product Perspective
BECS is an online bookstore website which supports a
number of functions for both the consumer and store's
management. The website must be available to anyone
using the Computer Science Department’s provided
computer resources in the MSU Engineering Building
and as such must work correctly in both Internet
Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. As stated by the
customer, there are no hardware or software
requirements beyond these including, but not limited to,
memory or specific software packages that need to be
utilized nor software packages that need not be utilized.
2.2 Product Functions
BECS will provide a number of functions; each is listed
• Maintain data associated with the inventory (a
collection of books)
• A book has a title, author and price
• The inventory also keep track of the stock/quantity of
each book
• Maintain records for many customers
• A customer can be either a member or non-member.
• A customer has a username (unique across all users),
password (no restrictions), email address (no
restrictions), and postal address (unverified.)
• Anyone may sign up for a customer account.
• Allow any customer to become a member.
• Show a listing of available books
• Books are to be displayed in ascending alphabetical
order by title.
• Each book will list the following from left to right
• Title
• Author
• Price
• Allow customers and managers to log in and out of the
• Users (both customers and the manager) will be
logged out if inactive for 30 minutes.
• Shopping cart
• Anyone is able to add one or more books to the
shopping cart.
• The shopping cart does not need to allow multiple
copies of any book.
• Checkout
• Checkout is only available to logged-in customers. A
user that is not logged in as a customer is given a
chance to log in.
• Member customers may enter a promotion code.
• Only one promotion code may be used per purchase
• The promotion is a fixed percentage discount that is to
be applied to an entire order.
• The discount is specified by the manager at the time of
the promotion’s creation or most recent update/edit.
• Collect a 16-digit credit card number from the
• Log/record the transaction
• Allow manager to specify a stop-order for a book
• Each book has its own stop-order status – either on or
off. Details of its use are involved in the following
• Notify manager when books need to be reordered
• When the quantity a book falls below a threshold, the
manager is notified that the book needs to be reordered.
• One exception is if the manager has already specified
a stop-order for this book.
• Every book must either have stop-order enabled or
• Allow manager to update stock quantities
• Allow manager to change any book's price
• Allow manager to view transaction logs
• Allow manager to create promotions
• A promotion is a percentage discount that can be
applied to an entire order
• Promotions may only be used by member customers
• A promotion has an expiration date specified by the
When a promotion is created, it is emailed to all
member customers via the email address on record
2.3 User Characteristics
The typical BECS user is simply anyone that has access
to the Internet and a web browser in the computer
science department at Michigan State University. It is
assumed that the user is familiar enough with a
computer to operate the browser, keyboard and mouse
and is capable of browsing to, from and within simple
2.4 Constraints
As stated by the customer, security is not a concern for
this system. The database may store passwords in plain
text and there doesn't need to be a password recovery
feature nor lockout after numerous invalid login
attempts. As such, the system may not work correctly
in cases when security is a concern. These cases include
those listed above in addition to lack of an encrypted
connection when sending credit card information and
forcing users to use “strong” passwords. A strong
password is a password that meets a number of
conditions that are set in place so that user's passwords
cannot be easily guessed by an attacker. Generally,
these rules include ensuring that the password contains
a sufficient number of characters and contains not only
lowercase letters but also capitals, numbers, and in
some cases, symbols.

The system may not behave correctly when used with

Internet browsers other than Firefox and Internet
SCR "Software Cost Reduction (SCR) is a set of techniques for
designing software systems developed by David Parnas and
researchers from the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
beginning in the late 1970s." [7]
Mode Class "A mode class is a finite state machine, with states called
system modes" [8]
System State The current state or mode that the system is in. The system
must be in exactly one state at any moment in time.
Event An event is any action that can trigger an action within the
software system. Examples include but are not limited to
changing values of variables or user-triggered events.
Event Notation We may need to refer to both the old and new value of a
Used primed values to denote values after the event
@T(c) ≡ ¬c ^ c’ e.g. @T(y=1) ≡ y<>1 ^ y’=1
@F(c) ≡ c ^ ¬c’
A conditioned event is an event with a predicate
@T(c) WHEN d ≡ ¬c ^ c’ ^ d [8]
Controlled Variable A variable whose value can change throughout the lifetime
of the system and whose value is critical and must be
maintained correctly.
Mode Transition When the mode (state) changes from one mode (described as
the old mode) to a new mode.
Mode Class Table Table consisting of a list of modes that the system can be
in, modes that can be transitioned to, and the conditions
required for the transition to occur. The table if formatted
such that the first column lists the current mode (old mode)
and the last column lists the new mode. The columns
between the first and last columns each describe a specific
Event Table An event table illustrates how an input event can affect a
controlled variable. The first column shows modes and the
last row shows the values that the controlled variable will
be set to. The remaining cells are conditions required for a
mode to affect the value of a controlled variable.
Condition Table A condition table shows the conditions (one of which must
be met) in order for a controlled variable to be set to some
specified value. The first column lists modes and the last
row names the controlled variable and the values it is set to.
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies
We have assumed that all of the computer systems in
the Engineering building labs are in proper working
condition and that the user is capable of operating these
system's basic functions including but not limited to
being able to power on the system, login and open
either Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, and
navigate the browser to the address of this BECS
We have assumed that the BECS will be running on a
properly working web server and database system with
an Internet connection that allows this system to
perform all communications with clients.

• There is no need for anyone to be able to order
more than a single copy of a book (or any item) in
a single transaction.
• The manager account’s username and password
maybe hard coded.
• The manager cannot be a customer.

• Any user cannot edit their account information.

2.6 Approportioning of Requirements

As stated by the customer, security is not a concern of
this project. As such, it is beyond the scope of this
system to encrypt personal user data, encrypt credit
card information, prevent unauthorized login attempts,
or any other concern of this nature. Additionally, the
system is not responsible for the following:

• Verifying that credit card information is valid

• Verifying the email address provided by a user
• Storing additional information about a book
beyond simply the title, name of author, and price
• Allowing users to edit their account details
(username, password, mailing address, etc)
• Allowing customers to order multiple copies of a
book in a single order
• Providing individual product pages (one page for
every item in the inventory)
• Allowing the manager to update login credentials
or other information about the manager

Additionally, the system may need to later be extended

to provide additional functions. One such example is
added support for visually impaired users. In many
cases a screen reading program is used and ensuring
that page-layout reads from top-left to bottom-right in a
logical manner would be required.
3 Specific Requirements
1. Restrictions
1.1. User Side
1.1.1. Software Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox
1.1.2. Hardware Computer Science Department Laboratory Terminal
1.2. System Side
1.2.1. Software Web-based application Database information storage system

2. Data Structure
2.1. Book has these attributes
2.1.1. Unique ID (auto-increment starting at 1)
2.1.2. Title
2.1.3. Author
2.1.4. Price
2.1.5. Reorder Threshold
2.1.6. Stop-order Boolean value
2.1.7. Stock

2.2. Customer has these attributes

2.2.1. Unique Username
2.2.2. Password
2.2.3. Name
2.2.4. Email Address
2.2.5. Postal Address
2.2.6. Member/Not Member Boolean value
2.3. Manager has these attributes
2.3.1. Username
2.3.2. Password
2.3.3. Email address
2.4. Order log entries have these attributes:
2.4.1. Unique ID (auto generated)
2.4.2. Time transaction took place
2.4.3. Date transaction took place
2.4.4. Username of customer
2.4.5. Listing of the contents in customer’s shopping cart
3. System
3.1. Browse Inventory
3.1.1. Organization Items Listed on single page Items shown in tabular format Each Item listing contains Title Name of Author Price Listing sorted by Ascending item Title No individual Item pages
3.1.2. Interaction Each Item has checkbox to mark selection Single button to add all selected items to Shopping Cart
3.2. Search Inventory
3.2.1. Search available only by Title of book
3.2.2. Search is exact-match only
3.3. Create, Update and Destroy (CRUD) Functionality 3.3.1. Only managers are allowed to
modify inventory
3.3.2. Managers have an interface to: Create a book entry Update a book entry Update the stock/quantity of a particular book Create a new promotion Review current inventory Using the same interface to browse inventory as described in section
3.1, the manager has an additional “Edit Item” option for each book. Manager has full CRUD capabilities on each book.
3.3.3. Managers may delete items from the inventory

3.4. Shopping Cart

3.4.1. Logged In Can add items to cart If Item is not in stock, message displayed informing user to try again
later Customer can only purchase one of each item (no quantities
associated with orders) If shopping cart not empty, a user may begin Checkout procedure
3.4.2. Not Logged In Can add items to cart User required to login before they may begin Checkout procedure
3.5. Checkout procedure
3.5.1. User must successfully use shopping cart before beginning this procedure
3.5.2. Checkout page consists of A text box for promotion entering An overview of the purchase A text box to hold the credit card number A button to complete the order
3.5.3. Order details sent via email after the checkout has completed
3.5.4. On order completion the inventory is decremented based on items purchased by user
3.6. Authentication System
3.6.1. User Levels Manager (single, hardcoded user, no orders) Customer (unlimited, open creation, unlimited orders)
3.6.2. Account Creation Everyone is allowed to create an account Required Information Listed in section 2.2
3.6.3. Account Modification Users are not able to modify any aspect of their account after creation
(“it would be nice but not needed”)
3.6.4. Login and Logout There is no lost-password recovery Logging in allows one to logout Logging in allows checkout There is a 30-minute session time out after which a logged in user will be
logged out automatically.
3.7. Promotions
3.7.1. Specifications Applies to entire order Percentage-off type promotion (x% off entire order) Expiration occurs at manager specified date Multiple coupons cannot be applied to same order Non-member users cannot apply promotions to order
3.7.2. Creation Promotion created by manager Each promotion has a unique identifying number (can be auto generated) Email containing promotion sent to all member users of the BECS system
3.7.3. Deletion Promotions are auto-deleted when the expiration date has passed

3.8. Automated Reorder

3.8.1. Specifications Manager sets reorder threshold on a per-item basis If item reaches the reorder threshold, an email is sent informing the manager
of the item’s status and the system automatically reorders the item If the item has a stop-order applied to it, it will not automatically
reorder until the manager removes it. A manager may increase the stock of an item using the manager’s account
3.9. Order Logging
3.9.1. Specifications Required Information: Listed in section 2.4 A manager can view all past transactions from all users
Order log entries are generated when a user successfully checks out their shopping cart

3.2 Hardware Requirements

▪ RAM: Minimum 1GB or higher.
▪ HDD: Minimum 50 GB.
▪ Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD.
▪ LAN: Version fixing up client disconnection).

3.3 Software Requirements

▪ Operating System: Windows (XP, 7, 8, 8.1) or Mac OSX (Tiger, Leopard, Snow
Leopard, Lion, Yosemite).
▪ Web Browser: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer (ver. 8 or later), Mozilla
Firefox, Safari (Mac).
▪ Database Management System: MySQL, SQL Server, Microsoft Access,
▪ Web Development System: Visual Studio 2010 or later, Adobe Dreamweaver,
Notepad, and Notepad++.

4. Functional Requirements
· The system supports customers booking and able to
modify them
· Customers can search based on hotel, apartment,
inns (ex. Radisson, Singapore)
· When a customer search for hotels, apartment, and
the search result must contain hotel
or apartment information (Address, Ratings, and
Price) and also its availability within
choosing check in and check out date.
· Customers able to cancel their booking from their
· Staffs able to edit customers booking information
(updating check in, check out, room
preferences, bed preferences and also cancelling
· Customers can book online and pay with credit or
debit card.
· The system must send booking confirmation email
after successful payment.
· Customers can write reviews about hotels and
apartment and also rate them.
· Customers able to check their booking status from
their individual account.
· Customers can send feedback or call the company
for booking purposes.
· Customers can check for latest promotion or deal.
5. Non-Functional Requirements
· The system must ensure that all the transferable data
as for examples customers credit
or debit card number, CVV Code, e-payment
should be done in secured connection.
· The system must be able to handle multiple
transactions a time.
· The system must provide customers 24*7 hours
online booking service.
· The system should support almost all the browsers
(Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome,
and Firefox).
· The system should be able to convert the price from
Malaysian to USD and SGD.
· System should send the newsletter about ongoing
promotions or deal to registered

· Customers need to cancel the booking before 24 hrs.

otherwise their credit card will be
charged for one day.
· In promotion time the system will charge credit card
Use case diagram
Use case is a term used in system analysis to
determine, clarify and integrate all system
It describes how user interacts with the software to
achieve certain goals. It also describes
various business activities carried out by the
Use cases consists of 4 basic elements as boundary,
actor, use cases and relationships.
Use case diagram for online book store
management system:
Actors Shown in the diagram as stick figures with a name
underneath. They represent elements that will be directly
interacting with the system.
Use Cases Oval shapes that have their names in the center. These
represent direct functionality within the system that must
be implemented.
Interactions Lines that connect the actors with the different Use Cases.
These show that there is some form of direct interaction
between the actor and that specific functionality.
Includes Dotted lines labeled “<<include>>” that connect two use
cases and have an arrow pointing towards one. This
means that the use case without the arrow calls on the
functionality of the use case with the arrow.
Extends Dotted lines labeled “<<extend>>” that connect two use
cases and have an arrow pointing towards one. This
means that the use case without the arrow takes all of the
functionality of the use case with the arrow and adds extra
The System The large rectangle that contains the Use Cases.
Boundary Everything within the rectangle is what the system is
responsible for implementing
Use Case Template Describes the basic functionality and features of each use
case and the can be found in the pages following the use
case diagram.
Type A field in the use case template that states whether or not
the use case is directly interacted with by an actor
(Primary) or not (Secondary) as well as whether or not it is
essential to having a functioning system.
Cross Ref A field in the use case templates that states which one of
the original requirements that particular use case satisfies.
Use-Cases A field in the use case templates that state which other use
cases must be executed prior to that particular use case.
Data flow diagram
Data Flow Diagrams show the flow of data from
external entities into the system, and
from one process to another within the system. There
are four symbols for drawing a
1. Rectangles representing external entities, which are
sources or destinations of data.
2. Ellipses representing processes, which take data as
input, validate and process it
and output it.
3. Arrows representing the data flows, which can either,
be electronic data or physical
4. Open-ended rectangles or a Disk symbol representing
data stores, including
electronic stores such as databases or XML files and
physical stores such as filing
cabinets or stacks of paper.

Figures below are the Data Flow Diagrams for the

current system. Each
process within the system is first shown as a Context
Level DFD and later as a
Detailed DFD. The Context Level DFD provides a
conceptual view of the process and
its surrounding input, output and data stores. The
Detailed DFD provides a more
detailed and comprehensive view of the interaction
among the sub-processes within
the system.
Timeline chart
Timeline charts illustrate events, in chronological or
sequential order — for example the progress of a
project, advertising campaign, acquisition process — in
whatever unit of time the data was recorded — for
example week, month, year, quarter.

Timelines are extremely important in project

management because they help to visualize time-related
metrics, synchronize tasks, set deadlines and define
potential delays.

5.0 Actual Methodology Followed

1. Writing of problem statement and scope of the

2. Choosing Appropriate software model.
3. Requirement Gathering.
4. Preparing Software Requirement Specifications(SRS)
for the project.
5. Preparing Use case diagram, Data flow diagram and
Timeline chart for the

7.0 Skills Developed/Learning outcome of this


We learnt how to write problem statement and scope of

a project. We also learnt how to prepare a SRS, Use
case diagram, Data flow diagram and timeline chart for
a particular project. Hence we understood how to
develop a software based on a given topic i.e.
Matrimonial portal.

8.0 Applications of this Micro-project

With the help of this micro-project we learnt how to

develop a software based on online book store
management system.

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