Diabetes Mellitus NCP
Diabetes Mellitus NCP
Diabetes Mellitus NCP
metabolism. The primary feature of this disorder is elevation in blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia), resulting from
either a defect in insulin secretion from the pancreas, a change in insulinaction, or both. Sustained hyperglycemia has
been shown to affect almost all tissues in the body and is associated with significant complications of multiple organ
systems, including the eyes, nerves, kidneys, and blood vessels.
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To decrease
and will
have less
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urination After 1-4 of eating. weight loss dueAfter 1-4
months of to estimating months of
- NI, the Consult weight. NI, the
polyphagia patient dietician/physician patient will
shall have for - To reveal have
Pt. may demonstrat furtherassessment changes that demonstrat
manifest: ed weight and recommend- should be made ed weight
gain toward dation regarding in client’s dietary gain toward
- loss of goal. food preferences intake goal.
weight and nutri-tional
support - For greater
t of specific
Diabetes Mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by increased levels of glucose in the blood resulting
from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. In type 2 diabetes, people have decreased sensitivity
to insulin and impaired beta cell functioning resulting in decreased insulin production. Glucose derived from food
cannot be stored in the liver thereby remaining into the bloodstream. The beta cells of the islets of Langerhans
release glucagon which stimulates the liver to release the stored glucose. After 8 – 12 hours, the liver forms glucose
from the breakdown of noncarboghydrate substances, including amino acids resulting to muscle wasting which
results to weakness.
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Term: -Alternate patient may from
wt. loss activity with feel too weak signs
After 3-5 periods of initially of fatigue
fatigue days of rest/
nursing uninterrupte -Prevents
limited ROM intervention d sleep. excessivefatig
s, the ue
inability to patient will -Monitor
perform ADL be free pulse, -Indicates
from signs respiration physiological
altered VS offatigue rate and levels of
blood tolerance
altered pressure
before/after -Tolerance
activity develops by
-Perform frequency,
activity duration and
slowly with intensity until
frequent rest desired
periods activity level
is achieved.
energy -Interventions
conservation should be
techniques directed at
by delaying the
discussing onset
ways of of fatigueand
conserving optimizing
energy muscle
while efficiency.
bathing, Symptoms
transferring offatigue are
and so on. alleviated
with rest.
-Provide Also, patient
adequate will be able to
ventilation accomplish
more with a
-Provide decreased
comfort and expenditure of
safety energy.
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patient to oxygenation
deep -To be free
breathing from injury
-Instruct relaxation
client to
increase -For muscle
Vitamins A, strength and
C and D and tissue repair
protein in
her diet. -To prevent
weakness and
-Instruct paleness
also patient
to increase -To provide
iron in diet proper
oxygen as
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-hyperthermia level by a clean anxieties loss reduced or
bed and controlled to
Pt. may maintain skin - Observe non - non – verbal a
manifest: intact. – verbal cues cues is more manageable
accurate than level by a
-altered Long Term: -Encourage verbal cues clean bed
circulation client to look and skin
After 1-2 at/touch - to begin to intact.
- weeks of NPI, affected body incorporate
immunological pt will be free part changes into Long Term:
deficit of purulent body image
drainage or -Encourage -The patient
erythema and verbalization - to enhance shall be free
be afebrile of and role handling of of purulent
play potential damage or
anticipated problems erythema and
conflicts be febrile
-to prevent
-encourage to dehydration
increase fluid
intake -to boost
-increase Vit. system and
C in the diet promote
-increase formation
CHON intake
-for tissue
-change repair
-to promote
-provide a safe healing and
and quiet prevent
environment contaminatio
n of the
-Take Due wound
meds on time
-to promote
pt’s comfort
- To met the
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