1st Grading Test Questionaire2

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Department of Education

Region 5
Division of Camarines Sur
Canayonan, Tinambac, Camarines Sur



TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the following items carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. This is a management function which includes assigning tasks to various individuals.

a. Planning b. Leading c. Staffing d. Controlling
2. This is a management function that involves choosing tasks that must be performed to attain organizational goals, outlining how the
tasks must be performed and indicating when they should be performed.
a. Planning b. Leading c. Organizing d. Controlling
3. This is a management function which is also referred to as motivating and directing.
a. Planning b. Leading c. Organizing d. Controlling
4. This is a management function where a manager’s role is to gather information that measures performance of his subordinates and
compare present performance to pre-established norms.
a. Planning b. Leading c. Organizing d. Controlling
5. This is a one of the category of management style which leaders and workers have a two-way communication and team members
share their opinion in solving issues of the company.
a. Autocratic b. Persuasive c. Consultative d. Participative
6. Who is the Father of Scientific Management?.
a. Hugo Munsterberg b. Henri Fayol c. Frederick Taylor d. Max Weber
7. What is the guiding principle of scientific management found among the choices below?
a. Rule of thumb b. Freedom of association
c. Fluid working relationships d. Scientifically select then train, teach and develop the workers
8. Which feature does not form one of Fayol's 14 principles of management?
a. Esprit de corps b. Initiative c. Order d. individualism
9. What management theory which involves the study of the conduct, demeanor, or action of people at work?
a. General Administrative Theory b. Organizational Behavior (OB) Approach
c. Scientific Management Theory d. Henri Fayol’s General Administrative Theory
10. What management theory believes that each organization is unique as to marketing, finance, and others?
a. General Administrative Theory b. Organizational Behavior (OB) Approach
c. Scientific Management Theory d. Henri Fayol’s General Administrative Theory
11. How are top-level managers different from managers at other levels? Choose the best answer.
A. They only set goals for individual areas of the company B. They have the most personal interaction with the general workforce
C. They are most responsible for implementing plans to achieve organizational goals D. They hold the most responsible for setting the
overall direction of the entire company
12. When Mark the manager communicates his department's resource needs to company headquarters, which interpersonal role is he
fulfilling? A. Leader B. Disseminator C. Liaison D. Figurehead
13. Fred the football coach must meet with the media and answer questions about team performance after every game. Which one of
Mintzberg's managerial roles is Fred fulfilling?
A. Liaison B. Spokesperson C. Disseminator D. Monitor
14. Sylvia is a manager at an accounting services firm. She is designing a long term organizational plan that will help in the development
of all the projects in current progress. What managerial level does Sylvia belong to?
A. Top-level managers B. Middle-level managers C. Lower level managers D. None of the above
15. Which level of management is responsible for establishing a vision for the organization, developing broad plans and strategies, and
directing subordinate managers?
A. Top-level managers B. Middle-level managers C. Lower-level managers D. Operational managers
16. Which level of management is responsible for implementing programs that are intended to carry out the broader objectives of an
organization set by executives?
A. Supervisory managers B. Middle-level managers C. Top-level managers D. Lower-level managers
17. A manager who possesses the holistic knowledge and processes and potential problems of an industry is a must. What type of
managerial skills are we referring to?
A. Conceptual skills B. Human skills C. Technical skills D. None of these are correct
18. How do managers perform their roles as a liaison?
A. The manager serves as an intermediary and a linking pin between the high and low levels
B. The managers represent and speak for their organization
C. The manager gathers all internal and external information that is relevant to the organization
D. The manager is expected to carry out ceremonial and/or symbolic duties
19. These are skills that enable managers at all levels to relate well with people.
A. Conceptual skills B. Human skills C. Technical skills D. Professional skills
20. What managerial level is described if one of their functions is to focus on long-term organizational concerns and emphasize the
organization’s stability, development, progress, and overall efficiency and effectiveness?
A. Top-level managers B. Middle-level managers C. Lower-level managers D. Operational managers
21. It is a social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals.
A. Economy B. Organization C. Employment` D. None of these
22. Suppose you want to open your own boutique and you use your savings to start up the business, and you are the sole owner of the
said boutique. This type of business is called _____________________.
A. Sole Proprietorship B. Partnership C. Corporation D. Cooperative
23. It is an artificial being created by operation of law, having the right of succession and the powers, attributes and properties expressly
authorized by law or incident to its existence.
A. Sole Proprietorship B. Corporation C. Partnership D. Cooperative
24. Which role of business organization that taxes are being collected from businesses to fund governments’ expenditures and
A. Provide Employment B. Through Investment C. Production of Goods and Services D. Increase in Government’s Revenue
25. What is your analysis of the given statements below? Statement 1: Economy is a system of organizations and institutions that either
facilitate or play a role in the production and distribution of goods and services in a society. Statement II: Business organizations help
improve economy through job creation.
A. Both Statements are true B. Only Statement 1 is true C. Only Statement II is true D. Both Statements are false
26. Which role of business organization that improves the economy through job creation?
A. Provide Employment B. Through Investment C. Production of Goods and Services D. Increase in Government’s Revenue
27. What is your analysis of the given statements below? Statement 1: Success in business translates to the economic well-being of a
company and offers improved quality of life of the citizens of the country. Statement II: When consumer confidence or trust dips in
business, it is not just sales that are affected, this mistrust has a ripple effect which can result in an increase in a country’s general
A. Both Statements are true B. Only Statement 1 is true C. Only Statement II is true D. Both Statements are false
28. Which role of business organization that taxes are being collected from businesses to fund governments’ expenditures and
A. Provide Employment B. Through Investment C. Production of Goods and Services D. Increase in Government’s Revenue
30. Suppose you want to open your own boutique and you use your savings to start up the business, and you are the sole owner of
the said boutique. This type of business is called _____________________.
A. Sole Proprietorship B. Partnership C. Corporation D. Cooperative

TEST II. IDENTIFICATION. Identify the word/s being described in the following items. Write your answers on the blank provided
before the number.
Environmental scanning Inflation
Inflation rate Interest rates
Changing Options Gross National Product
Gross National Income Organization
Economy Economic growth

_______________31. Seeking for and sorting through data about the environment
_______________32. A period of above normal general price increases, as reflected in the consumer and wholesale price indexes
_______________33. Rate reflected during a period of above normal general price increases
_______________34. The total amount that a borrower must pay annually to the lender and above the total amount borrowed
_______________35. The consumers change in preference of goods and services offered
_______________36. Total domestic and foreign output claimed by the residents of a country
_______________37. Total final output of goods and services produced by the country’s economy, within the country’s territory
_______________38. It is a social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals.
_______________39. is a system of organizations and institutions that either facilitate or play a role in the production and distribution of
goods and services in a society.
_______________40. means change in value of goods and services over time normally for a period of one year. Economic development
means changes in the socio-economic structure of country that relates to growth to human development indexes (HDIs), decrease in
equality, changes in standard of living of public.
TEST III. EXPLANATION. Explain the given statement below. (5 points each). For your answer, please use the back portion of this test

41-45. Differentiate Sole Proprietorship versus Partnership.

46-50. Make a simple organizational structure and explain its different parts.

Prepared by:

Noted by:
Subject Teacher MARILOU N. RAYOS
School Head


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