Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Exits and Withdrawals Under The National Pension System) Regulation

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This document is consolidation of Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority ( Exit
and withdrawal under National Pension System ) Regulations 2015 and amendment made thereto
and made for providing consolidated information at one place . For legal interpretation and
accuracy, respective regulation and amendments notified in the Gazette may be referred.





1. Short title and commencement.—(1)These regulations may be called the Pension Fund
Regulatory and Development Authority (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension
System) Regulations, 2015.
"The regulations aim at providing an effective mechanism in the interest of subscribers, upon
exit or withdrawal from the National Pension System, including the conditions, purpose,
frequency and limits for withdrawals from individual pension account, as also the conditions,
subject to which a subscriber shall exit from the National Pension System and purchase an
annuity thereupon."
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Definitions.- (1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) “Act” means the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 2013 (23 of
(b) “accumulated pension wealth”means the monetary value of the pension investments
accumulated in the Permanent Retirement Account of asubscriber under the National Pension
(c) “aggregator” means an intermediary registered with the Authority under sub-section (3) of
section 27 of the Act, to perform subscriber interface functions under theNationalPension


System-Swavalambanand have the functional relationship with a known customer base for
delivery of some socio-economic goods or services;
(d) “annuity service provider” means a life insurance company registered and regulated by the
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority and empanelled by theAuthority for
providing annuity services to the subscribers of the National Pension System;
(e) “citizen of India” means a person qualified to be a citizen of India under the Citizenship Act,
1955 (57 of 1955);
(f) “compliance officer” means a person of responsibility fromthe National Pension System
Trustor any other intermediary or entity entrusted with the responsibility of receiving,
processing and settlement of withdrawal claims from the subscribers under the National
Pension Systemand responsible for monitoring compliance, of the provisions of the Actor the
rules or the regulations made or notifications, guidelines or instructions issued by the
Authority from time to time;
(g) “government sector subscriber” means a subscriber enrolled in theNational Pension System
through the nodal offices of the Central Government or the State Governments and registered
as such with the central recordkeeping agency;
(h) “National Pension System-Lite” means a feature of optimized group model of National
Pension System for persons belonging to unorganized sector of which the National Pension
System-Swavalamban is a component where Government of India co-contribution is
(i) “Permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN)”means a unique identification number
allotted to each subscriber by the central recordkeeping agency;
(j) “Swavalambansubscriber”meansa subscriber who is registered as such with the central
recordkeeping agency under the National Pension System and where Government of India co-
contributionis admissible;
(k) 1“Exit ” for the purpose of this regulation shall mean closure of individual pension account of
the subscriber under National Pension System, upon and on the date of happening of any of
thefollowing events, as may be applicable:

(i) a subscriber having superannuated/retired from employment, as per the terms of such

Inserted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017


(ii) 2 a subscriber having attained the age of sixty years, and where so specifically permitted
has not exercised a choice in writing to continue to remain subscribed to such system, till
such further period as is permissible, with or without making contributions or in respect of a
subscriber who has joined National Pension System after attaining the age of sixty years (but
before attaining sixty five years of age) upon attaining the maximum age permitted to be
subscribed to such scheme or any date prior thereto, based on the specific request for closure
received from subscriber;

(iii) death of the subscriber before attaining the age of superannuation, or the age of sixty
years, or in cases where an option has been exercised by subscriber to continue to remain
subscribed to a certain permissible time period, death before expiry of such period or death of
a subscriber who has joined National Pension System after attaining the age of sixty years
(but before attaining sixty five years of age) at any time prior to attaining the maximum age
permitted to be subscribed to such scheme;

(iv) voluntary closure of the account by the subscriber, in cases where so permitted and on the
date on which such closure is effected in the system;

Provided that a subscriber shall be deemed to have exited from National Pension System, in
accordance with sub-clause (i) to (iv) notwithstanding that no claims have been received by
or onbehalf of the subscriber or such claims having being received are pending settlement.

Provided further that where a subscriber ceases to be in employmentother than retirement or

superannuation, it shall not be treated as exit and he shall have the option to continue his
individual pension account, if available under new employment or as voluntarily available to
citizens, unless the subscriber prefers a claim as provided under these regulations for
withdrawal of benefits.

Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f 06.10.2017. Prior to
the substitution, it read as “death of the subscriber before attaining the age of superannuation, or the age of sixty years, or in cases where an
option has been exercised by subscriber to continue to remain subscribed to a certain permissible time period, death before expiry of such
Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f 06.10.2017. Prior to
the substitution, it read as “death of the subscriber before attaining the age of superannuation, or the age of sixty years, or in cases where an
option has been exercised by subscriber to continue to remain subscribed to a certain permissible time period,, death before expiry of such


(l) 4The expression “defer” or “deferment” wherever used in these regulations shall mean the
postponement or deferment of claimsfor receiving benefits admissible to a subscriber upon
exit from National Pension System.

(2) Words and expressions used and not defined in these regulations but defined in the Act shall
have the meanings assigned to them in the Act.



For the purpose of exit from the National Pension System, the subscribers are categorized and
defined as, (1) Government sector, (2) All citizens including corporate sector and (3) NPS- Lite
and Swavalambansubscribers. The exit regulations specified hereunder shall apply accordingly
to the category to which the subscribers.
3. Exit from National Pension System for government sector subscribers.-A subscriber under
the government sector shall exit from the National Pension System in any of the
manners specified hereunder, namely:-

4 Inserted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017

Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017. Prior

to the substitution, it read as

“ 3. “Exit from National Pension System for government sector subscribers.-A government sector subscriber shall exit from the National
Pension System in the manners specified hereunder, namely:-
(a) Where the subscriber who, upon attaining the age of superannuation as prescribed by the service rules applicable to him or her,
retires, then at least forty per cent. out of the accumulated pension wealth of such subscriber shall be mandatorily utilized for purchase of annuity
providing for a monthly or any other periodical pension and the balance of the accumulated pension wealth, after such utilization, shall be paid to
the subscriber in lump sum:

Provided that,-

(i) the following shall be the default annuity contract that will be applicable and wherein the annuity contract shall provide for annuity for life of
the subscriber and his or her spouse (if any) with provision for return of purchase price of the annuity and upon the demise of such subscriber,
the annuity be re-issued to the family members in the order specified hereunder at a premium rate prevalent at the time of purchase of such
annuity by utilizing the purchaseprice required to be returned under the annuity contract ( until all the family members in the order specified
below are covered) :
(a) living dependent mother of the deceased subscriber;
(b) living dependent father of the deceased subscriber.
After the coverage of all the family members specified above, the purchase price shall be returned to the surviving children of the subscriber and
in the absence of children, the legal heirs of the subscriber, as may be applicable;
the subscriber who wishes to opt out of the default option mentioned above and wishes to choose the annuity contract of his choice from

the available annuity types or contracts with the annuity service providers, shall be required to specifically opt for such an option.

(ii)where the subscriber does not desire to withdraw the balance amount, after purchase of mandatory annuity, such subscriber shall have the option to
defer the withdrawal of the lump sum amount until he or she attains the age of seventy years, provided the subscriber intimates his or her


intention to do so in writing in the specified form at least fifteen days before the attainment of age of superannuation to the National Pension
System Trust or an intermediary or entity authorized by the Authority for this purpose;

(iii) where the subscriber desires to defer the purchase of annuity, he or she shall have the option to do so for a maximum period of three years from
the date of attainment of age of superannuation, provided the subscriber intimates his or her intention to do so in writing in the specified form at
least fifteen days before theattainment of age of superannuation to the National PensionSystem Trust or anintermediary or entity authorized by
the Authority for this purpose. It shall be a condition precedent to opt for such deferment of annuity purchase that in case if the death of the
subscriber occurs before such due date of purchase of an annuity after the deferment, the annuity shall mandatorily be purchased by the
spouse(if any) providing for annuity for life of the spouse with provision for return of purchase price of the annuity and upon the demise of such
spouse be re-issued to the family members in the order of preference provided hereunder at a premium rate prevalent at the time of purchase of
the annuity, utilizing the purchase price required to be returned under the contract ( until all the members given below are covered):-

(a) living dependent mother of the deceased subscriber ; (b) living dependent father of the deceased subscriber.

After the coverage of all such members, the purchase price shall be returned to the surviving children of the subscriber and in absence of
children legal heirs of the subscribers as applicable;

(iv)where the subscriber desires to defer the withdrawal of lump sum amount or, the purchase of annuity, the subscriber shall be allowed to do so,
provided the subscriber agrees to bear the maintenance charges of the Permanent Retirement Account, including the charges payable to the
central recordkeeping agency, pension fund, Trustee Bank or any other intermediary, as may be applicable from time to time;

(v) where the accumulated pension wealth in the Permanent Retirement Account of the subscriber is equal to or less than a sum of two lakh rupees, the
subscriber shall have the option to withdraw the entire accumulated pension wealth without purchasing annuity and upon such exercise of this
option, the right of such subscriber to receive any pension or other amount under the National Pension System or from the government shall

(b) where the subscriber who, before attaining the age of superannuation prescribed by the service rules applicable to him or her, voluntarily retires
or exits, then at least eighty per cent. out of the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber shall mandatorily be utilized for purchase of
annuity and the balance of the accumulated pension wealth, after such utilization, shall be paid to the subscriber in lump sum:

Provided that the annuity contract shall provide for annuity for life of the subscriber and his or her spouse (if any) with provision for return of
purchase price of the annuity and upon the demise of such subscriber the annuity be re-issued to the family members in the order specified
hereunder at a premium rate prevalent at the time of purchase of the annuity, utilizing the purchase price required to be returned under the
annuity contract (until all the members given below are covered) :-

(i) living dependent mother of the deceased subscriber ;

(ii) living dependent father of the deceased subscriber.

After the coverage of all such members, the purchase price shall be returned to the surviving children of the subscriber and in absence of
children, the legal heirs of the subscriber as may be applicable.

Provided that if the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber is more than one lakh rupees but the age of the subscriber is less than the
minimum age required for purchasing any annuity from any of the empanelled annuity service providers as chosen by such subscriber, such
subscriber shall continue to subscribe to the National Pension System, until he or she attains the age of eligibility for purchase of any annuity:

Provided further that if the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber is equal to or less than one lakh rupees, such subscriber shall have the
option to withdraw the entire accumulated pension wealth without purchasing any annuity and upon such exercise of this option the right of the
subscriber to receive any pension or other amounts under the National Pension System shall extinguish and any such exercise of this option by
the subscriber, before the regulations are notified, shall be deemed to have been made in accordance with this regulation;

(c) where the subscriber who, before attaining the age of superannuation, dies, then at least eighty percent out of the accumulated pension wealth of
the subscriber shall be mandatorily utilized for purchase of annuity and balance pension wealth shall be paid as lump sum to the nominee or
nominees or legal heirs, as the case may be, of such subscriber:

Provided that,-

(i) The annuity contract shall provide for annuity for life of the spouse of the subscriber(if any) with provision for return of purchase price of the annuity
and upon the demise of such spouse be re-issued to the family members in the order specified hereunder at the premium rate prevalent at the
time of purchase of the annuity, utilizing the purchase price required to be returned under the contract (until all the members given below are

(a). living dependent mother of the deceased subscriber ;

(b) living dependent father of the deceased subscriber .


(a) Where the subscriber who, upon attaining the age of superannuation as prescribed by
the service rules applicable to him or her, retires, then at least forty per cent. out of the
accumulated pension wealth of such subscriber shall be mandatorily utilized for purchase of
annuity providing for a monthly or any other periodical pension and the balance of the
accumulated pension wealth, after such utilization, shall be paid to the subscriber in lump
sum or he shall have a choice to collect such remaining pension wealth in accordance with the
other options specified by the Authority from time to time, in the interest of the subscribers:
Provided that,-

(i) the following shall be the default annuity contract that will be applicable and
wherein the annuity contract shall provide for annuity for life of the subscriber and his or
her spouse(if any) with provision for return of purchase price of the annuity and upon the
demise of such subscriber, the annuity be re-issued to the family members in the order
specified hereunder, at a premium rate prevalent at the time of purchase of such annuity
by utilizing the purchase price required to be returned under the annuity contract ( until
all the family members in the order specified below are covered) :

(a) living dependent mother of the deceased subscriber;

(b) living dependent father of the deceased subscriber.

After the coverage of all the family members specified above, the purchase price shall
be returned to the surviving children of the subscriber and in the absence of children,
the legal heirs of the subscriber, as may be applicable; In the absence of or non-
availability of such a default annuity for any reason, the subscriber shall be required to
exercise the option for purchase of such annuity of his choice,within the then annuity
types or contracts made available by the annuity service providers empanelled by the

After the coverage of all such members, the purchase price shall be returned to the surviving children of the subscriber and in absence of
children, the legal heirs of the subscriber as applicable.

(ii) Provided further that if the accumulated pension wealth in the permanent retirement account of the subscriber at the time of his death is equal to or
less than two lakh rupees, the nominee or legal heirs as the case may be, shall have the option to withdraw the entire accumulated pension wealth
without requiring to purchase any annuity and upon such exercise of this option the right of the family members to receive any pension or other
amounts under the National Pension System shall extinguish;”


Further, a subscriber who wishes to opt out of the default option mentioned above and
wishes to choose the annuity contract of his choice from the available annuity types or
contracts with the annuity service providers, shall be required to specifically opt for
such an option.

(ii) where the subscriber does not desire to withdraw the balance amount, after purchase
of mandatory annuity, such subscriber shall have the option to defer the withdrawal of
the lump sum amount until he or she attains the age of seventy years, provided the
subscriber intimates his or her intention to do so in writing, not less than fifteen days
prior to his attaining the age of superannuation, to the Central recordkeeping agency or
National Pension System Trust or any other approved intermediary or entity authorized
by the Authority, in the specified form or in any other manner specified by the Authority

(iii) where the subscriber desires to defer the purchase of annuity, he or she shall have
the option to do so for a maximum period of three years from the date of attainment of
age of superannuation, provided the subscriber intimates his or her intention to do so in
writing in the specified form or in any other manner approved by the Authority, at least
fifteen days prior to the attainment of age of superannuation, to the Central
recordkeeping agency or NationalPension System Trust or an intermediary or entity
authorized by the Authority for this purpose. It shall be a condition precedent to opt for
such deferment of annuity purchase, that in case if the death of the subscriber occurs
before such due date of purchase of an annuity after the deferment, the annuity shall
mandatorily be purchased by the spouse(if any) providing for annuity for life of the
spouse with provision for return of purchase price of the annuity and upon the demise of
such spouse, be re-issued to the family members in the order of preference provided
hereunder, at a premium rate prevalent at the time of purchase of the annuity, utilizing
the purchase price required to be returned under the contract ( until all the members
given below are covered):-

(a) living dependent mother of the deceased subscriber ;

(b) living dependent father of the deceased subscriber.


After the coverage of all such members, the purchase price shall be returned to the
surviving children of the subscriber and in absence of children to the legal heirs of the
subscriber as applicable;

(iv) where the subscriber desires to defer the withdrawal of benefits available under
National Pension System, the expenses, maintenance charges and fee payable under the
National Pension System in respect of the individual pension account/ Permanent
Retirement Account, shall continue to remain applicable;.

(v) where the accumulated pension wealth in the Permanent Retirement Account of the
subscriber is equal to or less than a sum of two lakh rupees, or alimit as specified by the
Authority, basing on the instructions issued by the appropriate regulator on the minimum
value of annuities to be made available by the life insurers, the subscriber shall have the
option to withdraw the entire accumulated pension wealth without purchasing annuity
and upon such exercise of this option, the right of such subscriber to receive any pension
or other amount under the National Pension System or from the government or
employer, shall extinguish;

(vi) where the subscriber desires to continue in the National Pension System and
contribute to his retirement account beyond the age of sixty years or the age of
superannuation, he or she shall have the option to do so by giving in writing or in such
form as may be specified, and up to which he would like to contribute to his individual
pension account but not exceeding seventy years of age. Such option shall be exercised at
least fifteen days prior to the age of attaining sixty years or age or superannuation, as the
case may be to the central recordkeeping agency or the National Pension System Trust or
any other intermediary or entity authorized by the Authority for the purpose.

Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2018 w.e.f. 18.05.2018.Prior to
the substitution, it read as “where the subscriber desires to continue in the National Pension System and contribute to his retirement account
beyond the age of sixty years or the age of superannuation, he or she shall have the option to do so by giving in writing or in such form as may be
specified, and up to which he would like to contribute to his individual pension account but not exceeding seventy years of age. Such option shall
be exercised at least fifteen days prior to the age of attaining sixty years or age or superannuation, as the case may be, to the central
recordkeeping agency or the National Pension System Trust or any other intermediary or entity authorized by the Authority for the purpose. Upon
exercise of the option, the other options of deferment of benefits shall not be available to such a subscriber.

Notwithstanding exercise of such option, the subscriber may exit at any point of time from National Pension System, by submitting a
request to central recordkeeping agency or the National Pension System Trust or any intermediary or entity authorized by the Authority
for the purpose ;”


Provided further that such subscriber who has not exercised the option within the period of
fifteen days, so stipulated, but desires to continue with his individual pension account
under National Pension System, beyond the age of sixty years or the age of superannuation,
as the case may be, and to the extent so permitted, may do so by making an application in
writing with reasons for such delay to the National Pension System Trust, within one
hundred and eighty days of attaining such age or superannuation. Where an application is
received by the National Pension System Trust, from any subscriber, beyond the period of
one hundred and eighty days, together with justification and sufficient cause, so shown by
the subscriber, the National Pension System Trust, shall cause to forward such application
along with its recommendation thereon, for consideration and approval of the Authority.

The authorized officer of the National Pension Trust or Authority, as the case may be, may
condone such delay, if any, in exercise of such option by the subscriber, as he may deem
fit, having regard to the cause so shown or on any other relevant matter. Upon exercise of
the option, by the subscriber, as specified above, the other options of deferment of benefits
shall not be available to such a subscriber.

Notwithstanding exercise of such option, the subscriber may exit at any point of time from
National Pension System, by submitting a request to central recordkeeping agency or the
National Pension System Trust or any intermediary or entity authorized by the Authority
for the purpose;

(vii) 7Provided that if the employer certifies that the subscriber has been discharged from
the services of the concerned office on account of invalidation or disability, the exit shall
be determined as specified under sub-regulation(a).

(b) where the subscriber who, before attaining the age of superannuation prescribed by
the service rules applicable to him or her, voluntarily retires or exits, then at least eighty per
cent. out of the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber shall mandatorily be utilized for
purchase of annuity and the balance of the accumulated pension wealth, after such utilization,
shall be paid tothe subscriber in lump sum or he shall have a choice to collect such remaining
pension wealth in accordance with the other options specified by the Authority from time to
time, in the interest of the subscribers:

Provided that such annuity contract shall provide for annuity for life of the subscriber and his
or her spouse (if any) with provision for return of purchase price of the annuity and upon the
demise of such subscriber the annuity be re-issued to the family members in the order
Inserted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2018 w.e.f. 02.02.2018.


specified hereunder at a premium rate prevalent at the time of purchase of the annuity,
utilizing the purchase price required to be returned under the annuity contract (until all the
members given below are covered) :-

(i) living dependent mother of the deceased subscriber ;

(ii) living dependent father of the deceased subscriber.

After the coverage of all such members, the purchase price shall be returned to the surviving
children of the subscriber and in the case of absence of children, to the other legal heirs of the
subscriber, as may be applicable; In the absence of or non-availability of such a default
annuity for any reason, the subscriber shall be required to exercise the option for purchase of
such annuity of his choice, within the then annuity types or contracts made available by the
annuity service providers empanelled by the Authority.

Further, a subscriber who wishes to opt out of the option mentioned above and wishes to
choose the annuity contract of his choice, from the available annuity types or contracts with
the annuity service providers , shall be required to specifically opt for such an option.

Provided that if the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber is more than one lakh
rupees or a limit to be specified by the Authority for the purpose but the age of the subscriber
is less than the minimum age required for purchasing any annuity from any of the empanelled
annuity service providers as chosen by such subscriber, such subscriber shall continue to be
subscribed to the National Pension System, until he or she attains the age of eligibility for
purchase of any annuity:

Provided further that if the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber is equal to or less
than one lakh rupees or a limit to be specified by the Authority basing on the instructions
issued by the appropriate regulator on the minimum value of annuities to be made available
by the life insurers, such subscriber shall have the option to withdraw the entire accumulated
pension wealth without purchasing any annuity and upon such exercise of this option the right
of the subscriber to receive any pension or other amounts under the National Pension System
shall extinguish and any such exercise of this option by the subscriber, before the notification
of this provision, , shall be deemed to have been made in accordance with this regulation;


(c) where the subscriber who, before attaining the age of superannuation, dies, then at least
eighty percent out of the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber shall be mandatorily
utilized for purchase of annuity and balance pension wealth shall be paid as lump sum or in
another manner from among the options made available by the Authority from time to time to
the nominee or nominees or legal heirs, as the case may be, of such subscriber:
Provided that,-

(i) such annuity contract shall provide for annuity for life of the spouse of the
subscriber(if any) with provision for return of purchase price of the annuity and upon the
demise of such spouse be re-issued to the family members in the orderspecified
hereunder at the premium rate prevalent at the time of purchase of the annuity, utilizing
the purchase price required to be returned under the contract (until all the members given
below are covered):-

(a). living dependent mother of the deceased subscriber ;

(b) living dependent father of the deceased subscriber .

After the coverage of all such members, the purchase price shall be returned to the
surviving children of the subscriber and in absence of children, the legal heirs of the
subscriber as applicable. In the absence of or non-availability of such a default annuity
for any reason, the subscriber shall be required to exercise the option for purchase of
such annuity of his choice, within the then annuity types or contracts made available by
the annuity service providers empanelled by the Authority.

(ii) Provided further that if the accumulated pension wealth in the permanent retirement
account of the subscriber at the time of his death is equal to or less than two lakh rupees
or a limit to be specified by the Authority, basing on the instructions issued by the
appropriate regulator on the minimum value of annuities to be made available by the life
insurers, the nominee or legal heirs as the case may be, shall have the option to withdraw
the entire accumulated pension wealth without requiring to purchase any annuity and
upon such exercise of this option the right of the family members to receive any pension
or other amounts under the National Pension System shall extinguish;


4. Exit from National Pension System by citizens, including corporate sector subscribers.-
Anysubscriber, includinga corporate sector subscriber, registered under the National Pension
System,shall exit from theNational Pension System in the mannerspecified hereunder,

(a) whereasubscriberattains the age of sixty yearsorsuperannuates in accordance with the

service rules applicable to such subscriber, at least forty percent out of the accumulated
pension wealth of such subscriber shall be mandatorily utilized for purchase of annuity
providing for a monthly or any other periodical pension and the balance of the
accumulatedpension wealth, after such utilization,shall be paid to the subscriber in lump
sum. In case, the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber is equal to or less than a sum
of two lakh rupees, the subscriber shall have the option to withdraw the entire accumulated
pension wealth without purchasing any annuity:

Provided that,-
(i) Where the subscriber desires to continue in the National Pension System and contribute to
his retirement account beyond the age of sixty years or the age of superannuation, he or she
shall have the option to do so by giving in writing or in such form as may be specified of the
age not exceeding seventy years and up to which he would like to contribute to his
individual pension account. Such option shall be exercised at least fifteen days prior to

Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017. Prior to

the substitution, it read as“the subscriber can continue to subscribe to the National Pension System beyond the age of sixty years or the age of

superannuation, so specified, by intimating in writing, the age, not exceeding seventy years, until which he would like to contribute to his individual
pension account. “
Such intimation shall be given to the National Pension System Trust or any intermediary or entity authorized by the Authority for this purpose.
Notwithstanding such intimation, the subscriber may exit at any point of time, from the National Pension System by submitting a request in writing to
the National Pension System Trust or any intermediary or entity authorized by the Authority for this purpose ;”

Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2018 w.e.f. 18.05.2018.Prior to
the substitution, it read as“where the subscriber desires to continue in the National Pension System and contribute to his retirement account beyond
the age of sixty years or the age of superannuation, he or she shall have the option to do so by giving in writing or in such form as may be specified of
the age not exceeding seventy years and up to which he would like to contribute to his individual pension account. Such option shall be exercised at
least fifteen days prior to attaining the age of sixty years or age of superannuation, as the case may be, to the central recordkeeping agency or the
National Pension System Trust or any other intermediary or entity authorized by the Authority for the purpose. Upon exercise of the option, the other
options of deferment of benefits shall not be available to such a subscriber.

Notwithstanding exercise of such option, the subscriber may exit at any point of time from the National Pension System, by submitting a request to
National Pension System Trust or any intermediary or entity authorized by the Authority for the purpose;


attaining the age of sixty years or age of superannuation, as the case may be, to the central
recordkeeping agency or the National Pension System Trust or any other intermediary or
entity authorized by the Authority for the purpose.

Provided further that such subscriber who has not exercised the option within the period of
fifteen days, so stipulated, but desires to continue with his individual pension account under
National Pension System, beyond the age of sixty years or the age of superannuation, as the
case may be, and to the extent so permitted, may do so by making an application in writing
with reasons for such delay to the National Pension System Trust, within one hundred and
eighty days of attaining such age or superannuation. Where an application is received by the
National Pension System Trust, from any subscriber, beyond the period of one hundred and
eighty days, together with justification and sufficient cause, so shown by the subscriber, the
National Pension System Trust, shall cause to forward such application along with its
recommendation thereon, for consideration and approval of the Authority.

The authorized officer of the National Pension Trust or Authority, as the case may be, may
condone such delay, if any, in exercise of such option by the subscriber, as he may deem fit,
having regard to the cause so shown or on any other relevant matter. Upon exercise of the
option, by the subscriber, as specified above, the other options of deferment of benefits shall
not be available to such a subscriber.

Notwithstanding exercise of such option, the subscriber may exit at any point of time from
the National Pension System, by submitting a request to National Pension System Trust or
any intermediary or entity authorized by the Authority for the purpose;

(ii) the subscriber shall have the option to defer the withdrawal of lump sum amount until he or
she attains the age of seventy years,provided the subscriber intimateshis or her intention to
do so in writing in the specified form at least fifteen days before the attainment of age of
sixty years or, the age of superannuation, as the case may be,to the National Pension System
Trust or any intermediary or entity authorized by the Authority for this purpose;
(iii) the subscriber shall have the option to defer the purchase of annuity for a maximum period
of three years, from the date of attainment of sixty years of age or the age of superannuation,
as the case may be, provided thesubscriber intimates his or her intention to do so in writing
in the specified form at least fifteen days before the attainment of age of sixty years orthe


age of superannuation, as the case may be,to the National Pension System Trust or any
intermediary or other entity authorized by the Authority for this purpose;
(iv) the subscriber shall be allowed to continue to subscribe, defer the withdrawal of lump sum
amount or the purchase of annuity, as the case may be,providedthe subscriber agrees to bear
the maintenance charges of the Permanent Retirement Account, including thecharges
payable to the central recordkeeping agency, pension fund, Trustee Bank or any other
intermediary, as may be applicable from time to time;
(v) Provided that a subscriber is physically incapacitated or has suffered a bodily disability
leading to his incapability to continue with his individual pension account under National
Pension System, the exit in such casesshall be determined as per the provisions of
subregulation (a) subject to the subscriber submitting a disability certificate from a
Government surgeon or Doctor (treating such disability or invalidation of subscriber) stating
the nature and extent of disability and also certifying that:
a. the affected subscriber shall not be in a position to perform his regular duties and
there is a real possibility of the affected subscriber, being not able to work for the remaining
period of his life.; and
b. Percentage of disability is more than seventy five percent. in the opinion of such
Government surgeon or doctor (treating such disability or invalidation of subscriber).

(b)where the subscriber who, before attaining the age of sixty years or the age of superannuation
as prescribed by service rules,voluntarily opts to exit from the national pension system, the
option so exercised shall be allowed only upon such subscriber having subscribed to the
national pension system for at least a minimum period of ten years. In case of such
subscriber, at least eighty percentoutof the accumulated pension wealth shall be mandatorily
utilized for purchase of annuity and thebalance of the accumulated pension wealth, after such
utilization,shall be paid to the subscriber in lump sum:
Provided that if the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber is more than one lakh
rupees but the age of the subscriber is less than the minimum age required for purchasing any
annuity from any of the empanelled annuity service providers as chosen by such subscriber,
such subscriber shallcontinue to subscribe to the National Pension System, until he or she
attains the age of eligibility for purchase of any annuity:

Inserted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2018 w.e.f. 02.02.2018.

Provided further that if the accumulated pension wealth in the individual pension account of
the subscriber is equal to or less than one lakh rupees, or a limit to be specified by the
Authority, basing on the instructions issued by the appropriate regulator on the minimum
value of annuities to be made available by the life insurers, such subscriber shall have the
option to withdraw the entire accumulated pension wealth without requiring to purchase any

(c) where thesubscriber who, before attaining the age of sixty years or the age of superannuation
as prescribed by the respectiveservice rules applicable to him or her, dies, then the entire
accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber shall be paid to the nominee or nominees or
legal heirs, as the case may be, of such subscriber:
Provided that,-

(i) the nominee or family members of the deceased subscriber shall have the option to
purchase any of the annuities being offered upon exit, if they so desire, while applying for
withdrawal of benefits on account of deceased subscribers’ Permanent Retirement Account;
(ii) in case, the nomination is not registered by the deceased subscriber before his
death, the accumulated pension wealth shall be paid to the family members on the basis of the
legal heir certificate issued by the competent authorities of the State concerned or the
succession certificate issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.
(d) Exit from National Pension System by subscribers, joining such pension system on or after
attaining the age of sixty years (but before attaining sixty five years of age):
(i) In case of a subscriber, joining National Pension System under all citizens
model or in corporate model, on or after attaining the age of sixtyyears, (but before
attaining sixty five years of age) and after having subscribed to such pension system
for atleast a period of three years, from the date of such joining, on exit, at least forty

Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017 . Prior to

the substitution, it read as “Provided further that if the accumulated pension wealth in the Permanent Retirement Account of the subscriber is
equal to or less than one lakh rupees, such subscriber shall have the option to withdraw the entire accumulated pension wealth without
purchasing any annuity;”

Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017. Prior to
the substitution, it read as “in case, the nomination is not registered by the deceased subscriber before his death, the accumulated pension
wealth shall be paid to the family members on the basis of the legal heir certificate issued by the Revenue authorities of the State concerned or
the succession certificate issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.”
Inserted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f 06.10.2017.


percent out of the accumulated pension wealth of such subscriber shall be mandatorily
utilized for purchase of annuity providing for a monthly or any other periodical
pension and the balance of the accumulated pension wealth, after such utilization,
shall be paid to the subscriber in lump sum. In case, the accumulated pension wealth
of the subscriber is equal to or less than a sum of two lakh rupees or a limit to be
specified by the Authority, basing on the instructions issued by the appropriate
regulator on the minimum value of annuities to be made available by the life insurers,
the subscriber shall have the option to withdraw the entire accumulated pension
wealth without there being any requirement of purchasing an annuity
(ii) where a subscriber under sub-clause(i) who, before completion of three years
in such pension system, voluntarily opts to exit from the National Pension System, at
least eighty percent out of the accumulated pension wealth shall be mandatorily
utilized for purchase of annuity and the balance of the accumulated pension wealth,
after such utilization, shall be paid to the subscriber in lump sum.
Provided further that if the accumulated pension wealth in the individual pension
account of the subscriber is equal to or less than a sum of Rupees one lakh , or a limit
to be specified by the Authority, basing on the instructions issued by the appropriate
regulator on the minimum value of annuities to be made available by the life insurers,
such subscriber shall have the option to withdraw the entire accumulated pension
wealth without there being any requirement of purchase of an annuity.
(iii) Where a subscriber under sub-clause (i) dies, while being subscribed to National
Pension System, the entire accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber shall be paid
to the nominee or nominees or legal heirs, as the case may be, of such subscriber, in
accordance with the provisions of these regulation.

5. Exit from National Pension System by NPS-Lite and Swavalambansubscribers.-Anysubscriber

registered under National Pension Systemas NPS-Lite or Swavalamban subscriber, can exit from
the National Pension System, in the manner specified hereunder, namely:-

(a) Upon asubscriber, attainingthe age of sixty years,at least forty percentof the accumulated
pension wealth of such subscriber shall be mandatorily utilized for purchase of annuity


providing for a monthly or any other periodical pension and the balance of the accumulated
pension wealth, after such utilization, shall be paid to the subscriber in lump sum:

Provided that,-

(i) for a Swavalamban subscriber the annuity purchased by utilizing the mandatory
minimum of forty percent. of the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber shall
yield at least a monthly annuity or pension of one thousandrupees, failing which the
entire accumulated pension wealth shall be annuitised in such a manner so as to yield at
least a monthly annuity or pension of one thousandrupees and balance if any thereafter
shall be paid in lump sum to the subscriber. However there shall be no implicit or
explicit guarantee that the annuity purchased even with entire accumulated pension
wealth would yield a monthly annuity or pension of one thousandrupees;

(ii) if the accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber is equal to or less than a sum of
one lakh rupees, such subscriber shall have the option to withdraw the entire accumulated
pension wealth without purchasing any annuity and upon such exercise of this option, the
right of the subscriber to receive any pension under theNational Pension System shall
extinguishand any such exercise of this option by the subscriber, before the regulations
are notified, shall be deemed to have been made in accordance with this regulation;
(iii) Provided that a subscriber who is physically incapacitated or has suffered a
bodily disability leading to his incapability to continue with his individual pension
account under National Pension System, the exit in such cases shall be determined as per
the provisions of sub-regulation (a) subject to the subscriber submitting a disability
certificate from a Government surgeon or doctor (treating such disability or invalidation
of subscriber) stating the nature and extent of disability and also certifying that:
a. the affected subscriber shall not be in a position to perform his regular duties
and there is a real possibility of the affected subscriber, being not able to work for
the remaining period of his life.; and
b. Percentage of disability is more than seventy-five percent. in the opinion of
such Government surgeon or doctor (treating such disability or invalidation of

Inserted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2018 w.e.f. 02.02.2018.

(b) at any time, before attaining the age of sixty years, subject however that at least eighty
percent out of the accumulated pension wealth shall be mandatorily utilized for purchase of
annuity and the balance of the accumulated pension wealth, after such utilization shall be paid to
the subscriber in lump sum or he shall have a choice to collect such remaining pension wealth in
accordance with the other options specified by the Authority from time to time, in the interest of
the subscribers;

Provided that for a Swavalamban subscriber, the annuity purchased by utilizing the mandatory

minimum of eighty percent out of the accumulated pension wealth ought to yield at least a
monthly annuity or pension of one thousand rupees per month, failing which the entire
accumulated pension wealth shall be annuitised in such a manner so as to yield at least a monthly
annuity or pension of one thousand rupees and balance if any thereafter shall be paid as lump
sum to the subscriber. However there shall be no implicit or explicit guarantee that the annuity
purchased even with entire accumulated pension wealth would yield a monthly annuity or
pension of one thousand rupees;

Provided that subject to the provisions of this clause, where the accumulated pension wealth
does not exceed one lakh rupeesor a limit to be specified by the Authority basing on the
instructions issued by the appropriate regulator on the minimum value of annuities to be made
available by the life insurers, the whole of the pension wealth up to the limit so specified shall be
paid to the subscribers who have not availed any Swavalamban co-contribution, without any

Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017 . Prior to

the substitution, it read as “at any time, before attaining the age of sixty years, subject however that at least eighty percent out of the accumulated
pension wealth shall be mandatorily utilized for purchase of annuity and the balance of the accumulated pension wealth, after such utilization shall be
paid to the subscriber in lump sum:

Provided that for a Swavalamban subscriber the annuity purchased by utilizing the mandatory minimum of forty percent. Out of the accumulated
pension wealth shall yield at least a monthly annuity or pension of one thousand rupees per month, failing which the entire accumulated pension
wealth shall be annuitised in such a manner so as to yield at least a monthly annuity or pension of one thousand rupees and balance if any
thereafter shall be paid as lump sum to the subscriber. However there shall be no implicit or explicit guarantee that the annuity purchased even
with entire accumulated pension wealth would yield a monthly annuity or pension of one thousand rupees:

Provided that subject to the provisions of this clause, where the accumulated pension wealth does not exceed one lakh rupees, the whole of the
pension wealth shall be paid to the subscriber, without any annuitisation if the subscriber has continued in the scheme for a minimum period of
twenty-five years;

Provided further that the migration of Swavalamban subscriber or subscribers to any other pension scheme of Government of India and as
approved by the Authority shall not be deemed as an exit and withdrawal for the purposes of these regulations.”


requirement of annuitisation and further this provision shall be applicable to a subscriber who
has availed a Swavalamban co-contribution only if such subscriber has continued in the scheme
for a minimum period of twenty-five years;

Provided further that the migration of Swavalamban subscriber or subscribers to any other
pension scheme of Government of India and as approved by the Authority shall not be deemed
as an exit and withdrawal for the purposes of these regulations.

(c) where a subscriber who, before attaining the age of sixty years, dies, the entire accumulated
pension wealth of the subscribershall be paid to the nominee, or the legal heir of such subscriber
and there shall not be any condition of mandatory purchase of annuity and provision of a
monthly or periodical pension and there shall not be any requirement of the annuitisation of the
accumulated pension wealth of such deceased subscriber.The nominee or family members of the
deceased subscriber shall have the option to purchase any of the annuities being offered upon
exit, if they so desire:

Providedthat, wherea nominationis not registered by the subscriber before his death, the
accumulated pension wealth of such subscriber shall be paid to the family members on the basis
of thelegal heir certificate issued by the Revenue authorities of the State concerned or the
succession certificate issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.

6. Conditions to apply for exit and withdrawal.- A subscriber registered under the National
Pension System shall not exit there from, and no withdrawal from the accumulated
pension wealth in the Tier-1 of the Permanent Retirement Account of such subscriber
shall be permitted, except in the manner so specified under regulations 3,4, 5 and 8 and
further as mentioned in these provisions, namely:-

Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017 . Prior to the

substitution, it read as “ Conditions to apply for exit and withdrawal.- A subscriber registered under the National Pension System shall not exit therefrom,
and no withdrawal from the accumulated pension wealth in the Tier-1 of the Permanent Retirement Account of such subscriber shall be permitted, except as
specified hereunder, namely:-“


(a) no pension or accumulated pension wealth in Tier-I account of the Permanent Retirement
Account of the subscriber under the National Pension System on account of past or
present services, shall be liable to seizure, attachment or sequestration by process of any court
at the instance of a creditor, for any demand against the subscriber, or in the satisfaction of a
decree or order of any such Courtexcept where the National Pension System Trust or its
authorised representative has accorded prior sanction forassignment of the pension wealth
accumulated in the pension account of the subscriber, which shall be restricted to such limit
as prescribed in Regulation8
(b) any assignment, pledge, contract, order, sale or security of any kind made by any
subscriber of the National Pension System,with respect to any benefit receivable by him or
her under the National Pension System, or in respect of any money payable at or on account
of any such benefitto such subscriber under the National Pension System, or for giving or
assigning any future interest therein shall be null and voidexcept where the National Pension
System Trust or its authorized representative hasaccorded prior permission for such
assignmentof the pension wealthaccumulated in the pension account of the subscriber and
which shall be restricted to such limit as prescribed in Regulation 8 to which the assignment
was agreed or approvedby the National Pension System Trust or its authorised representative;
(c) the President of India or the Governor of a State, as the case may be, if so provided in
the service rules, governing the employment of the subscriber, reserves the right of

Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2018 w.e.f. 18.05.2018.Prior to
the substitution, it read as“the President of India or the Governor of a State, as the case may be, if so provided in the service rules, governing the
employment of the subscriber, reserves the right of withholding the part of pension wealth, accumulated through co-contributions made by the
Central Government or the State Government, as employer to the Tier-I account of the National Pension System account of the subscriber and the
investment income accruing thereon, for the purpose of recovery of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the Central Government or
the State Government, provided such loss is established, in any departmental or judicial proceedings, initiated against such subscriber by the
employer concerned.
Such right of withholding shall have to be exercised prior to the date of superannuation of the subscriber, pursuant to a notice to be given to the
National Pension System Trust or an entity to whom such authorization has been given, and seeking to withhold the said pension wealth of such
subscriber. Upon such right of withholding being validly exercised:-
(i) the pension wealth which are payable under the National Pension System shall not be paid to such subscriber until the conclusion of the
departmental or judicial proceedings, as the case may be and subject to the final orders, passed in such proceedings.;

(ii) the amount withheld as specified in sub-clause (i) shall remain subscribed to the scheme in the mode and manner in which it was held prior to
resorting to such action by the concerned Government and the final settlement of the withheld amount shall be made by the National Pension
System Trust, or any intermediary or other entity, authorized for this purpose by the Authority, normally within ninety days of the receipt of an
appropriate order from the concerned Government;

(iii) the amount withheld becomes payable to the subscriber on the final settlement, as certified by the concerned Government department which
has sought withholding of such benefits, and shall be paid to the subscriber as soon as possible and in no case beyond ninety days of receipt of
the final order by the National Pension System Trust or any other entity or person, authorized for the purpose by the Authority;”


withholding the part of pension wealth, accumulated throughco-contributions made by the

Central Government or the State Government, as employer to the Tier-I account of the
National Pension System account of the subscriberand the investment income accruing
thereon, for the purpose of recovery of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the
Central Government or the State Government, provided such loss is established, in any
departmental or judicial proceedings, initiated against suchsubscriber by the employer
Such right of withholdingshall have to be exercised prior tothe date of superannuation of the
subscriber,pursuant to a notice to be given to the National Pension System Trust or an entity
to whom such authorization has been given,and seeking to withhold the said pension wealth
of such subscriber. Upon such right of withholding being validly exercised:-
(i) the pension wealth which arepayable under the National Pension System shall not be paid
to such subscriber until the conclusion of the departmental or judicial proceedings, as the case
may be and subject to the final orders, passed in such proceedings.;

(ii) the amount withheld as specified in sub-clause (i) shall remain subscribed to the scheme in
the mode and manner in which it was held prior to resorting tosuch action by the concerned
Government and the final settlement of the withheld amount shall be made by the National
Pension System Trust, orany intermediary or other entity, authorized for this purpose by the
Authority, normally within ninety daysof the receipt of an appropriate order from the
concerned Government;

(iii) the amount withheld becomes payable to the subscriberon the final settlement,as certified
by the concerned Government department which has sought withholding of such benefits, and
shall be paid to the subscriberas soon as possible and in no case beyond ninety days of receipt
of the final order by the National Pension System Trust or any other entity or person,
authorized for the purpose by the Authority;
(e) If the subscriber or the family members of the deceased subscriber, upon his death, avails
the option of additional relief on death or disability provided by the Government or employer,

Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017 . Prior to

the substitution, it read as “If the subscriber or the family members of the deceased subscriber, upon his death, avails the option of additional
relief on death or disability provided by the Government, the Government shall have right to adjust or seek transferof the entire accumulated
pension wealth of the subscriber to itself. The subscriber or familymembers of the subscriber availing such benefit shall specifically and


the Government or employer shall have the right to adjust or seek transfer of the entire
accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber to itself. The subscriber or family members of
the subscriber availing such benefit shall specifically and unconditionally agree and
undertake to transfer the entire accumulated pension wealth to the Government or employer,
in lieu of enjoying or obtaining such additional reliefs likefamily pension or disability
pension or any other pensionary benefit from such Government or employer. With the release
of such family pension to the eligible family members of the deceased subscriber, the right to
claim any benefits under the National Pension System, by any person shall extinguish
thereupon including the rights of the nominee as recorded for the purpose of receiving
benefits under National Pension System.

(g) all benefits receivable, including the purchase of annuity as specified under these regulations,
shall be arranged to be paid by the National Pension System Trust or the central
recordkeepingagency or any other entity authorized for the purpose by the Authority after
processing the withdrawal applications in accordance with the provisions of these regulations,
or any guidelines, orderor notification, as may be issued by the Authority, from time to time;

(h) Upon exit of a subscriber from tier-I of the National Pension System, the tier-II account of
the subscriber shall also be simultaneously closed and amounts under the said account shall
be paid to the subscriber or his nominees or legal heirs as the case may be.
(i) With respect to subscribers who have not submitted the withdrawal application as is
required under regulation 7 and within one month from the date of attainment of the age of
sixty years or the age of normal superannuation as the case may be, for withdrawal of benefits
upon exit from national pension system, the accumulated pension wealth in the account of
such subscriber (both under tier I and tier II) would be monetized and kept separately as per
the guidelines or directions issued by the Authority for the said purpose. The income earned
from such safe keeping of the monetized accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber shall

unconditionally agree and undertake to transfer the entire accumulated pension wealth to the Government, in lieu of enjoying or obtaining such
additional reliefs like family pension or disability pension or any other pensionary benefit from such Government authority;”

Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017 . Prior to

the substitution, it read as “for a subscriber, exiting from Tier-I account under the National Pension System, the amounts lying in the Tier-II account
shall also be monetized and closed simultaneously upon payment of the eligible benefit;”
Inserted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017


form partof the benefits that the subscriber is entitled under the National Pension System.
This provision shall apply in respect of such subscribers who have deferred the withdrawal
of benefits or have partly withdrawn the benefits and have not taken the steps to completely
withdraw the benefits as is required under the regulations and or in the guidelines or
directions issued by the Authority for the purpose.
(j) With respect to settlement of claims arising out of the accumulated pension corpus of
deceased subscribers, where no valid nomination as specified in these regulations exist on the
date of death, the Authority may issue suitable directions in the interest of subscribers for
settlement of such claims in favour of the family members of the deceased subscriber, upto a
specified limit, by requiring such heirs to submit such documents as may be specified.


7. Conditions of withdrawals under National Pension System.- a subscriber shall submit the
withdrawal application along with the required documents, for the purpose of withdrawing
the benefits upon exit as provided in these regulations, on or before the expected date of exit
from the National Pension System to the National Pension System Trust or the central
recordkeeping agency, acting on behalf of it or any other entity authorized by the Authority.
central recordkeeping agency or National Pension System Trust may on receipt of such an
application for exit or withdrawal from a subscriber in the specified form and subject to
fulfillment of conditions so specified, may allow exit or withdrawals from the National
Pension System in the mode and manner permitted under these regulations and guidelines,
circulars, orders or notifications issued by the Authority for the purpose:

Inserted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017

Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017. Prior to
the substitution, it read as “Conditions of withdrawals under National Pension System.- The National Pension System Trust or the central
recordkeeping agency acting on behalf of the National Pension System Trust or any other entity authorized by the Authority for the purpose , may
on receipt of an application for withdrawal from a subscriber in the specified form and subject to fulfillment of conditions so specified may allow
withdrawal from the National Pension System in the mode and manner permitted under these regulations, guidelines, circulars, orders or
notifications issued by the Authority from time to time:”
Provided that the subscriber shall be required to submit the application form for withdrawal, specified for the purpose, along with documents, so
specified and comply with the requirements contained in the operational guidelines issued by the Authority with respect to the permissible
withdrawals under the National Pension System.

8. The following withdrawals shall be permitted under National Pension System.- (1) A partial
withdrawal of accumulated pension wealth of the subscriber, not exceeding twenty-five per
cent. of the contributions made by the subscriber and excluding contributions made by

Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017. Prior to the

substitution, it read as “The following withdrawals shall be permitted under National Pension System.- (1) A partial withdrawal of accumulated pension wealth
of the subscriber, not exceeding twenty-five per cent. of the contributions made by the subscriber and excluding contribution made by employer, if any, at
any time before exit from National Pension System subject to the terms and conditions, purpose, frequency and limits specified below:-
(A) Purpose: A subscriber on the date of submission of the withdrawal form, shall be permitted to withdraw not exceeding twenty-five percent of the
contributions made by such subscriber to his individual pension account, for any of the following purposes only:-

(a) for Higher education of his or her children including a legally adopted child;

(b) for the marriage of his or her children, including a legally adopted child;

(c) for the purchase or construction of a residential house or flat in his or her own name or in a joint name with his or her legally wedded spouse.

In case, the subscriber already owns either individually or in the joint name a residential house or flat,other than ancestral property, no withdrawal under
these regulations shall be permitted;

(d) for treatment of specified illnesses: if the subscriber, his legally wedded spouse, children, including a legally adopted child or dependent
parents suffer from any specified illness, which shall comprise of hospitalization and treatment in respect of the following diseases:

(i) Cancer;
(ii) Kidney Failure (End Stage Renal Failure);
(iii) Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension;
(iv) Multiple Sclerosis;
(v) Major Organ Transplant;
(vi) Coronary Artery Bypass Graft;
(vii) Aorta Graft Surgery;
(viii) Heart Valve Surgery;
(ix) Stroke;
(x) Myocardial Infarction
(xi) Coma;
(xii) Total blindness;
(xiii) Paralysis;
(xiv) Accident of serious/ life threatening nature.
(xv) any other critical illness of a life threatening nature as stipulated in the circulars, guidelines or notifications issued by the Authority from time to

(B) Limits: the permitted withdrawal shall be allowed only if the following eligibility criteria and limit for availing the benefit are complied with by the

(a) the subscriber shall have been in the National Pension System at least for a period of last ten years from the date of his or her

(b) the subscriber shall be permitted to withdraw accumulations not exceeding twenty-five percent. of the contributions made by
him or her and standing to his or her credit in his or her individual pension account, as on the date of application for withdrawal;

(C ) Frequency: the subscriber shall be allowed to withdraw only a maximum of three times during the entire tenure of subscription under the National
Pension System and not less than a period of five years shall have elapsed from the last date of each of such withdrawal. The mandatory requirement of five
years having elapsed between two withdrawals shall not apply in case of “treatment for specified illnesses or in case of withdrawal arising out of exit from
National Pension System due to the death of the subscriber. The request for withdrawal in the specified form, shall be submitted by the subscriber, along
with relevant documents to the central recordkeeping agency or the National Pension System Trust, as may be specified, for processing of such withdrawal
claim. Provided that where a subscriber is suffering from any illness, specified in sub-clause (d), the request for withdrawal may be submitted, through any
family member of such subscriber.

(2)A subscriber having a valid and active Tier-II account of the Permanent Retirement Account can withdraw the accumulated wealth either in full or part, at
any time by applying for such withdrawal, on such application form and in such mode and manner, as may be specified by the Authority in this behalf. There
shall be no limit on such withdrawals till the account has sufficient amount of accumulated pension wealth to take care of the applicable charges and the
withdrawal amount:

Provided that the Tier-II account shall stand automatically closed at the time of exit of the subscriber from the National Pension
System, even if an application so specified for the purpose has not been received from the subscriber, and the accumulated wealth in
such account shall be transferred to the bank account provided by the subscriber, while submitting his application for exit from the
National Pension System.”


employer, if any, at any time before exit from National Pension System subject to the terms
and conditions, purpose, frequency and limits specified below:-
(A) Purpose: A subscriber on the date of submission of the withdrawal form, shall be permitted
towithdraw not exceeding twenty-five percent. of the contributions made by such subscriber
to his individualpension account, for any of the following purposes only:-
(a) for Higher education of his or her children including a legally adopted child;
(b) for the marriage of his or her children, including a legally adopted child;
(c) for the purchase or construction of a residential house or flat in his or her own
name or in a joint namewith his or her legally wedded spouse.In case, the subscriber
already owns either individually or in the joint name a residential house or
flat,otherthan ancestral property, no withdrawal under these regulations shall be
(d) for treatment of specified illnesses: if the subscriber, his legally wedded spouse,
children, including alegally adopted child or dependent parents suffer from any
specified illness, which shall comprise ofhospitalization and treatment in respect of
the following diseases:
(i) Cancer;
(ii) Kidney Failure (End Stage Renal Failure);
(iii) Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension;
(iv) Multiple Sclerosis;
(v) Major Organ Transplant;
(vi) Coronary Artery Bypass Graft;
(vii) Aorta Graft Surgery;
(viii) Heart Valve Surgery;
(ix) Stroke;
(x) Myocardial Infarction
(xi) Coma;
(xii) Total blindness;
(xiii) Paralysis;
(xiv) Accident of serious/ life threatening nature.
(xv) any other critical illness of a life threatening nature as stipulated in the circulars,
guidelines ornotifications issued by the Authority from time to time.

(e) to meet medical and incidental expenses arising out of the disability or incapacitation
suffered by the subscriber.
(f) Towards meeting the expenses by subscriber for skill development/re-skilling or for any
other self-development activities, as may be permitted by the Authority by issuance of
appropriate guidelines, in that behalf.
(g) Towards meeting the expenses by subscriber for establishment of own venture or any
start-ups, as may be permitted by the Authority by issuance of appropriate guidelines, in
that behalf.

(B) Limits: the permitted withdrawal shall be allowed only if the following eligibility criteria and
limit foravailing the benefit are complied with by the subscriber:-
(a) the subscriber shall have been in the National Pension System at least for a period
of three years from the date of his or her joining;
(b) the subscriber shall be permitted to withdraw accumulations not exceeding twenty-
five per cent of the contributions made by him or her and standing to his or her credit
in his or her individual pension account, as on the date of application for withdrawal;
(C) Frequency: the subscriber shall be allowed to withdraw only a maximum of three times
during the entire tenure of subscription under the National Pension System. The requestfor
withdrawal shall be submitted by the subscriber, along with relevant documents tothe central
recordkeeping agency or the National Pension System Trust, as may be specified, for
processing ofsuch withdrawal claim through their nodal office. Provided that where a
subscriber is suffering from any illness, specified in sub-clause(d), the request for withdrawal
may be submitted, through any family member of such subscriber.

(2) A subscriber having a valid and active Tier-II account of the Permanent Retirement Account
can withdraw the accumulated wealth either in full or part, at any time by applying for such
withdrawal, on such application form and in such mode and manner, as may be specified by
the Authority in this behalf. There shall be no limit on such withdrawals till the account has

Inserted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2018 w.e.f. 02.02.2018.
Inserted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2018 w.e.f. 18.05.2018.
Inserted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2018 w.e.f. 18.05.2018.


sufficient amount of accumulated pension wealth to take care of the applicable charges and
the withdrawal amount.
Provided that the Tier-II account shall stand automatically closed at the time of exit of the
subscriber from the National Pension System, even if an application so specified for the
purpose has not been received from the subscriber, and the accumulated wealth in such
account shall be transferred to the bank account provided by the subscriber, while submitting
his application for exit from the National Pension System.

9. Withdrawal process.- (1) The National Pension System Trust or any other intermediary or
entity authorized by the Authority for the said purpose shall be responsible for processing,
authorizing and approving the withdrawal and exit claims lodged by the subscriber in
accordance with the provisions of the Act, regulations, directions, guidelines issued by the
Authority and the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (National Pension
System Trust) Regulations, 2015, where applicable. The National Pension System Trust shall
frame and issue suitable operational processes including online processes or guidelines
including the exit or withdrawal forms for facilitating withdrawals and Exit of subscribers
from National Pension System after taking due approval from the Authority.


10. 28Conditions of annuity purchase upon exit.- (1) The subscriber, at the time of exit, shall
mandatorily purchase an annuity providing for a monthly or periodical annuity or pension as
specified in these regulations, excepting those cases where exempted or provided otherwise
and to the extent so exempted. Such annuity shall be purchased from an annuity service
provider who is empanelled by the Authority.

Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017 . Prior to the

substitution, it read as “Withdrawal process.- (1) The National Pension System Trust or any other intermediary or entity authorized by the Authority for the
said purpose shall be responsible for processing and authorizing approving the withdrawal and exit claims lodged by the subscriber in accordance with the
provisions of the Act, these regulations, directions, guidelines issued by the Authority and the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
(National Pension System Trust) Regulations, 2015, where applicable. The National Pension System Trust shall frame suitable operational processes or
guidelines for facilitating withdrawals and Exit of subscribers from National Pension System”

Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017. Prior to
the substitution, it read as “Conditions of annuity purchase upon exit.- (1) The subscriber, at the time of exit, shall mandatorily purchase an
annuity providing for a monthly or periodical annuity or pension as specified in these regulations. Such annuity shall be purchased from an
annuity service provider who is empanelled by the Authority.”


(2) The exercise of option of the annuity and the type thereof shall be madeby the subscriberat
the time of exit from the National Pension System, unless otherwise specified by the Authority
through circulars, notifications or guidelinesissued by it from time to time.

(3) Once an annuity is purchased, the option of cancellation and reinvestment with another
annuity service provider or in another annuity scheme shall not be allowed unless the same is
within the time limit specified by the annuity service provider, for the free look period as
provided in the terms of the annuity contract or asspecifically provided by the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority.

(4) Thesubscribershall have an option to choose from various types of annuities, provided by
the annuity service providerandthe annuity so chosen shall be provided by the empanelled
annuity service provider.
(5) There shall be a default annuity service provider and a default annuity scheme for the benefit
of subscribers exiting from the National Pension System. The information on the default annuity
service provider and default annuity scheme applicable shall be such as may be specified by the
Authority and placed on its website, apart from communicating to the subscriber through
circulars, guidelines or notification issued by it. Such default annuity scheme shall not be
available or applicablein the case of government subscribers covered under regulation 3.

11.Empanelment of annuity service providers.- (1)On and from the commencement of these
regulations, an applicant, meeting the eligibility criteria as specified in these regulations for grant of
anempanelment certificate to act as an empanelled annuity service provider, shall make an
application in the specifiedformaccompanied by a empanelment fee referred to in sub-regulation (2)
and such documents in support thereon, as may be specified by the Authority.

(2) One timeempanelment fee of rupees one lakh,shall be submitted along with the application, to
the Authority. The empanelment fee shall be realized by the Authority within fifteen days from the
date of sending intimation of grant of certificate of empanelment under regulation 17:

Provided that every empanelled annuity service provider shall, at the time of renewal of
empanelment certificatepay suchrenewal fees, if any, as may be specified by the Authority, from
time to time through a circular, order or notification issued by it.

(3)An application, not complete in all respects and not conforming to the instructions specified in
the application form and these regulations shall be rejected. Provided that, before rejecting any such


application, the applicant shall be given a reasonable opportunity to withdraw orcomplete the
application in all respects and rectify the errors, if any. The Authority may seek such additional
information for disposal of the application from the Applicant as may be deemed relevant.
(4)Anannuity service provider empanelledby the Interim Pension Fund Regulatory and
Development Authority prior to the commencement of these regulations , may continue to act as
such, for a period of ninety days from the notification of these regulations or, if it makes an
application for grant of empanelment till the disposal of its application by the Authority.

12. Eligibility criteria for grant of certificate.- (1) The following shall be the eligibility
criteria for any applicant to act as an empanelled annuity service provider:-

(a) any Life Insurance Companyregistered and regulated by the Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority and dealing with annuity products in the domestic market for the
last three years;
(b) the applicant having a minimum net worth of rupees two hundred and fiftycrores;
(c) the applicantshall have competency in design, development and offeringof annuity
products, which is demonstrable by the details of the annuity products filedwiththe
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority;
(d) not barred from dealing with or selling annuity products in the market bythe Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority;
(e) any other criteria as may be specified by the Authority from time
totimethroughresolutions, notifications, circulars, guidelines, norms or memoranda.
(2) The Authority reserves the right to waive or modify some or all of the abovecriteriafor reasons to
be recorded in writing.

13. Disclosure of information.- (1) The Authority, having regard to the interest of the
subscribers may, havethe right to disclose to the public, of the information on the application made
by the applicant.

(2) Any material change in the information furnished to the Authority while making the application
for empanelment or subsequently shall be intimated to the Authority by the annuity service provider
promptly but not later thanthirty days of the occurrence of such change.


14. Furnishing of information and clarification.- (1) The Authority may require the applicant
to furnish any further information or clarification, for the purpose of disposal of the applicationfor
empanelment, and, thereafter, in regard to any other matter as may be deemed necessary by the
Authority. The applicant or its principal officer shall, if so required, appear before the Authority for
a personal representation in connection with the application;

(2) The applicant shall furnish such information and clarification to the satisfaction of the
Authority, within the time specified in this regard by the Authority.

15. Verification of information.- (1) While considering the application and the information
furnished by the applicant and its eligibility, the Authority may, if it so desires, verify the
information in any manner, as it deems necessary,including by physical verification of documents,
office space, and inspection of the availability of office space, infrastructure, and technological
support which the applicant is required to have.

(2) For the purpose of verification of information, the Authority may appoint any person including
any of its officers or an auditor or an external agency.

16. Consideration of application.- (1) For considering the eligibility of the applicant and grant of
certificate of empanelment to such applicant, the Authority shall take into account all matters which
it deems relevant to the activities in the pension sector and the National Pension System, including
but not limited to the following:-
(a) whether the applicant or any of its associates have in the past been refused grant of
empanelment certificateby any of the financial sector regulators in India
includingtheReserve Bank of India, the Securities and Exchange Board of India, the
InsuranceRegulatory and Development Authority and the Authority and if so, the ground
for such refusal;
(b) whether the applicant has in the past five years been imposed with penalties byany of the
financial regulators such as the Reserve Bank of India, the Securities and Exchange Board
of India, the InsuranceRegulatory and Development Authorityandthe Authority or by a
court of law or tribunal, on matters concerning violation of provisions of the laws, the
regulations made or directions, guidelines and circulars issued by the respective
regulatorand if so, the ground for such refusal;


(c) whether the applicant satisfies the eligibility criteria and other requirements as specified in
these regulations;
(d) whether the grant of a certificate to the applicant is in the interest of the subscribers and or
the orderly development of pension sector or ofthe National Pension System.

(2) While considering the application, the Authority may invite the applicant to make a
presentation to the Authority on such a date, time and place determined by the Authority. The
purpose of such presentations shall be to allow the applicants to present its proposal to the
Authority and to explain the key strengths in its proposal.

(3) Any application for grant of certificate of empanelment,-

(a) which is not complete in all respects and does not conform to the requirements in
the and the requirements specified in these regulations;
(b) which does not contain such additional information as required by the Authority;
(c) which is incorrect, false or misleading in nature;
(d) where the applicant is not in compliance with the eligibility requirements as set out
under these regulations;
(e) which in the opinion of the Authority is not in the interest of subscribers and or the
objective of orderly development of the pension sector or the National Pension
(f) where the applicant is not a ‘fit and proper person’;

shall be rejected by the Authority for reasons to be recorded by it in writing.

(4) Before rejecting an application, the applicant shall be given an opportunity in writing to make
good the deficiencies within the time specified by the Authority, for the purpose:
Provided that where an application is rejected for the reason that it contains false or misleading
information, no such opportunity may be given and the applicant shall not make any application for
grant of certificate under these regulations or any other regulations for a period of oneyear from the
date of such rejection.

(5) An application for grant of certificate of empanelment, under these regulations, which is
complete in all respects, shall be disposed of by the Authority, within a period of sixty days from the
date of receipt of such request.


17. Procedure for grant of certificate of empanelment.- (1) The Authority on being satisfied
that the applicant is eligible, shall grant a certificate of empanelment in the form specified in
Annexure III and send an intimation to the applicant in this regard:
Provided that where a pendingproceeding before the Authority or any court or tribunal may result in
the suspension or cancellation of the certificate, the Authority may give a conditional certificate of

(2) Within thirty working days of the date of receipt of certificate of empanelment, the annuity
service provider shall enter into an agreement with the National Pension System Trust or the central
recordkeeping agency for the purpose of operationalization of the process for purchase of annuities
by the subscribers of the National Pension System.

18. Conditions of certificate of Empanelment.-Any certificate of empanelment granted by the

Authority to an annuity service provider shall be subject to the following conditions, namely,-
(a) where the annuity service provider proposes to change its status or constitution, it shall
intimatetothe Authority of such information along with the approval obtained from the
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, for continuing to act as an annuity
service provider;
(b) it shall pay the applicable fees in accordance with these regulations;
(c) it shall abide by the provisions of the Act, the rules and the regulations made or any
direction, guidelines or circulars as may be issued by the Authority thereunder;
(d) it shall abide by the provisions of the Insurance Act, 1938, Insurance Regulatory and
DevelopmentAuthority Act, 1999 and the rules and regulations framed thereunder.
(e) it shall meet the eligibility criteria and other requirements specified in these regulations
throughout the tenure of the certificate of empanelment:

Provided that the Authority may impose such other and further conditions as it may deem fit
in the interest of subscribers or for orderly development of the National Pension System or
the Pension sector.

19. Effect of refusal to grant certificate of empanelment or expiry of certificate of

empanelment.- (1) Where an existing annuity service provider has failed to apply for renewal of
empanelment of certificate and upon expiry of certificate of empanelment or has been refused grant


of certificate of empanelment under these regulations, or has surrendered its certificate, or has been
directed to be wound up by an order of a court, such annuity service provider shall,-
(a) forthwith cease to act as anannuityservice provider for subscribers ofNational
pension System;
(b) make provisions as regards liability incurred or assumed by the annuity service
provider, if any;
(c) take such other action, within the time limit and in the manner, as may be required
under the relevant regulations or as may be directed by the Authority.
While refusing grant of certificate of empanelment under these regulations to an
annuity service provider, the Authority may impose such conditions upon the annuity
service provider as it deems fit for protection of interest ofthesubscribers and such
conditions shall be complied with.

20. Period of validity of certificate of empanelment.- (1) Subject to compliance with the
provisions of the Act, these regulations, the certificate granted to anannuity service provider shall be
valid unless surrendered by it or suspended or cancelled in accordance with these regulations.
(2) An Annuity Service Provider who has been granted a certificate of empanelment, to keep
suchempanelment in force, shall pay afee of rupees twenty-five thousand within ninety days before
the expiry of five years from the date of first empanelment or date of the payment of fee last accepted
by the Authority, by way of making an application in the specified form to the Authority.

21. Exemptions in certain cases from eligibility criteria.- (1) If any of the applicants does
not fulfillany of the eligibility criteria as specified for the annuity service provider, it may request the
Authority through an application seeking exemption from such criteria.

(2) The Authority, if in its opinion feels, that the non-fulfillment of the eligibility conditions of
which relaxation is sought would not prejudicially affect the interest of the subscribers, and such
relaxation would not hamper orderly development of the pension sector and more specifically the
National Pension System, it may grant exemption from some of the criteria to such entity for reasons
to be recorded in writing. The Authority may in such circumstances impose such additional
conditions as it may deem fit for grant of empanelment. .


22. Duties and responsibilities of empanelled annuity service providers.- (1) The main
functions of a empanelled annuity service provider is,-
(a) to provide different kinds of immediate annuities to the subscribers at the time of exit
from the National Pension System;

(b) to provide minimum immediate annuity variants options as required by the Authority and
to be able to provide any new variant as required by the Authority from time to time in the
interest of subscribers in conformity with the Insurance Act, 1938 (4 of 1938) and the
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 (41 of 1999), and therules,
regulations and guidelines made thereunder;

(c)to provide monthly or any other periodical annuity payment to the subscriber for the
annuity contract purchased by the subscriber under the National Pension System;

(d) theannuityservice provider shall be responsible for handling the grievances and issues
related to or arising out of the entering into the annuity contract with the subscribers under
the National Pension System.

(2) The initial customer interaction for the National Pension System, shall be,-
(a) addressing queries of potential subscribers regarding purchase of annuities;
(b) providing and displaying of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
approved information onannuities and application form or offer document or other
publicity material pertaining to immediate annuities available including the annuity

(3) Subscriber registration for purchase of annuity,-

(a) to make available the necessary infrastructure required for receipt and acceptance
of applications with the specified premiums and issuance of annuity contracts in
line with the approvals granted by the Insurance Regulatory and Development
(b) facilitate or provide infrastructure required for online purchase of annuity products
by the subscribers through the central record keeping agency registered and
regulated by the Authority, including the necessary software support. The annuity
service provider shall provide the necessary application forms, literature on the


available annuities and other facilities available to the subscribers through the
central recordkeeping agency system or any other mode specified for the purpose;
(c) issuance of the annuity contract as per the choice of the subscriber provided in the
annuity application in line with these regulations and guidelines specified by the
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority;
(d) theannuityservice provider shall be responsible for delivering the
monthly,quarterly or annual pension or annuity as chosen by the subscriber under
the National Pension System in the annuity application form and the annuity
contract entered by suchsubscriber. However, in case of government sector
subscribers, the annuity payable shall be on monthly basis only;
(e) the annuity service provider shall be responsible for collection, verification and
subsequent actions for issuance of annuity contracts against purchases by
subscribers under the National Pension Systemfrom the central recordkeeping
agency or its representative or other entity which is authorized by the Authority
for the purpose;
(f) the annuity service provider shall provide the information on annuity purchases
made by the subscribers under the National Pension Systemtothe National Pension
System Trust and the central recordkeeping agency in the form, format and
interval to be specified by the National Pension System Trust.
(4) The handling of subscriber requests such asreceiving, processing and effecting requests from
the subscribers for change in address, nomination or any other activity in connection with the
annuity contract entered into by the annuity service provider.
(5) The annuity service provider shall be responsible for receiving from, and resolving the,
grievances ofsubscribers under the National Pension Systemwho had purchased the annuity
from it and follow them up till their redressal in accordance with the grievance redressal
guidelines or regulations for insurers issued by the Insurance Regulatory and Development
(6) Any complaint from a subscriber relating to the services provided shall be dealt by the
annuity service providerand settled in accordance with the provisions of the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority, Act 1999 (41 of 1999), and the rules and regulations
made thereunder, by the annuity service provider under intimation to the National Pension
System Trust. This shall be without prejudice to the powers of the Authority to cancel or


suspend the empanelment of the annuity service provider or take such other measures as
deemed necessary in the subscriber’s interest.
23. Fees and charges to be charged fromthe subscribers- There shall not be any additional
fees or charges other than the premium as approved by the Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority for the product but excluding any taxes imposed by the Government. There shall not be
any additional intermediation expense or charge for the product issued to the subscribers.
24. Appointment of complianceofficer.- (1) Each annuity service provider shall appoint a
compliance officer who shall be responsible for monitoring compliance of duties of annuity service
provider as provided under these regulations and any other rules, regulations, guidelines issued by
the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority and for redressal of grievances reported by the
subscribers who have purchased the annuities from the annuity service provider upon exit fromthe
National Pension System. The name and details of such compliance officer shall be intimated to the
Authority within thirty days of such appointment.

(2) Thecompliance officer shall be responsible for activities related to the coordination with other
entities in the National Pension System like the National Pension System Trust, the central
recordkeeping agency, Trustee Bank or any other specific entity connected with annuity purchases
or any activity related to it.

25. Code of conduct.-The empanelled annuity service provider shall at all times observe the code of
conduct for insurers or any other similar rules, guidelines or regulations specified by the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority for fair dealing in activities related to the annuity purchase
by subscribers.

26. Power of the Authority to take up any of the matters associated with Insurance

Regulatory and Development Authority.-In order to remove any difficulties in the annuity
purchase, grievances arising out of annuity purchase or any other matter associated with annuity
purchase by subscribers under the National Pension System, the Authority may take up the matter
directly with the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority.

27.Confidentiality.- The empanelled annuity service provider shall maintain absolute confidentiality
with respect to all records, data and information received by it under the National Pension System
including information received from a subscriber. The annuity service provider shall not, without the


prior permission of the Authority, produce or share such data or information as evidence, or for any
other purpose, except as required by the due process of law.

28. Cancellation of empanelment.-The Authority may cancel the empanelment of an annuity

service provider, after giving a reasonable opportunity of hearing and for reasons to be recorded in

29. Inspection and audit.-(1) The powers of the Authority with respect to audit and inspection
of intermediariesentrusted with the functions of managing the withdrawals from the National Pension
System shall be in accordance with the regulations governing the specific intermediariesunderthe
National Pension System.


30. Conductof inquiry.- (1) The inquiry proceedings and action in case of default shall be in
accordance with the regulations governing the specific intermediaries like the National Pension
System Trust, the central recordkeeping agency or any other intermediary.
(2) Where the default involves, the National Pension System Trust, the central recordkeeping agency
and or any other intermediary, a common inquiry may be held for the purpose.

31. Prevention of fraud or mismanagement.-The National Pension System Trust or the
central recordkeeping agencyor the annuity service provider or any other intermediaryor entity
entrusted with the functions of managing the withdrawals from the National Pension System by the
Authority shall take all possible steps to prevent fraud or mismanagement of the withdrawals of the
subscribers upon exit from the National Pension System.

32. Nomination.-Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations or in any other law for
the time being in force, a subscriber, at the time of joining the National Pension System is required to


make a nomination, in the specified form, conferring on one or more persons the right to receive the
amount that may stand to his or her credit in the accumulated wealth or fund in the event of his or her
death, before that amount becomes payable or having become payable has not been paid. The
nominee or nominees, as the case may be, shall be entitled, on the death of the subscriber, to receive,
to the exclusion of all other persons, all such moneys which have so remained unpaid:

(i) if the nominee predeceases the subscriber, the nomination shall so far as it
relates to the right conferred upon the said nominee, become void and of no
(ii) where a provision has been duly made in the nomination, in accordance with
these regulations, conferring upon some other person the right to receive all such
moneys, which have so remained unpaid, in the event of the nominee
predeceasing the subscriber, such right shall, upon the nominee being deceased ,
pass to such other persons standing as nominees;
(iii) a subscriber may in his nomination distribute the amount that may stand to his
credit in the fund amongst his nominees at his own discretion;
(iv) if a subscriber has a familyat the time of making a nomination, the nomination
shall be in favour of one or more persons belonging to his family. Any
nomination made by such subscriber in favour of a person not belonging to his
family shall be invalid;
(v) a fresh nomination shall be made by the subscriber on his marriage and any
nomination made before such marriage shall be deemed to be invalid;
(vi) if at the time of making a nomination the subscriber has no family, the
nomination may be in favour of any person or persons but if the subscriber
subsequently acquires a family, such nomination shall forthwith be deemed to be
invalid and the subscriber shall make a fresh nomination in favour of one or
more persons belonging to his family;
(vii) where the nomination is wholly or partly in favour of a minor, the subscriber
may, for the purposes of this Scheme, appoint a major person of his family, to be
the guardian of the minor nominee in the event of the subscriber predeceasing
the nominee and the guardian so appointed;


(viii) where there is no major person in the family, the subscriber may, at his
discretion, appoint any other person to be a guardian of the minor nominee;
(ix) a nomination made under the National Pension System may at any time be
modified by a subscriber after giving a written notice of his intention of doing so
in the form specified. A nomination or its modification so made shall take effect
to the extent that it is valid on the date on which it is received by the
intermediary under the National Pension System;
(x) if a subscriber proves that his spouse has ceased, under the personal law
governing him or her, or the customary law of the community to which the
spouses belong, to be entitled to maintenance he or she shall no longer be
deemed to be a part of the subscriber’s family for the purpose of this Scheme,
unless the subscriber subsequently intimates by express notice in writing to the
designated intermediary for the purpose that he or she shall continue to be so
regarded; and
(xi) if a subscriber by notice in writing to the designated intermediary for the
purpose expresses her desire to exclude her husband from the family, the
husband and his dependent parents shall no longer be deemed to be a part of the
subscriber’s family for the purpose of this Scheme, unless the subscriber
subsequently cancels in writing any such notice.
Explanation I -- For the purposes of this chapter,-

(a) the expression “family”,

(i)inrelation to a male subscriber, means his legally wedded wife, his children,
whether married or unmarried, his dependent parents and his deceased son’s widow
and children;

(ii) in relation to a female subscriber, means her legally wedded husband, her
children, whether married or unmarried, her dependent parents, her husband’s
dependent parents and her deceased son’s widow and children;

Explanation II -- In either of the above two cases,if the child of a subscriber [or as the case may
be, the child of a deceased son of the subscriber] has been adopted by another person and if,


under the personal law of the adopter, adoption is legally recognized, such a child shall be
considered as excluded from the family of the subscriber.
(xii) In respect of subscribers covered under sub-clause(c) of Regulation 3 and sub-
clause(c) of Regulation 4, where no valid nomination exists in accordance with
these regulations, at the time of exit of such subscriber on account of death, the
nomination, if any existing in the records of such subscriber with his or her
employer for the purpose of receiving other admissible terminal benefits shall be
treated as nomination exercised for the purposes of receiving benefits under the
National Pension System. The employer shall send a confirmation of such
nomination in its records, to the National Pension System Trust or the central
recordkeeping agency, while forwarding the claim for processing.

33. [***]30
34. [***]31

35. 32Providing bank account details.- A subscriber seeking benefits upon exit or withdrawals as
permitted under these regulations shall provide the Bank details mandatorily apart from
details or copy of Aadhar card issued by Unique Identification Authority of India or details of
or copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) card issued by Income-Tax Department, in

Inserted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017

33. Omitted by PFRDA ((Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017. Prior
to the Omission, this clause read as “Submission of withdrawal application.-A subscriber seeking withdrawal from Tier-I account of the National
Pension System shall submit his withdrawal application along with the requirements mentioned thereon to the central recordkeeping agency as
per the operational withdrawal and exit guidelines issued by the Authority from time to time. “

34. Omitted by PFRDA ((Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017. Prior
to the Omission, this clause read as “Requirement of submission of documents.-A subscriber seeking withdrawal from Tier-I account of the
National Pension System shall submit all the documents as specified on the withdrawal application form. The withdrawal application forms
applicable to various categories of the subscribers shall be as per the forms provided by the Authority from time to time.”

Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017 . Prior to

the substitution, it read as “Providing bank account details.-A subscriber seeking withdrawal from Tier-I account of the National Pension System
shall provide the Bank details mandatorily apart from Aadhar card or PAN card issued by Income-Tax Department, whichever is available in the
section provided in the withdrawal form in order to provide credit of the National Pension System claim amount directly in to their Bank


order to have the facility of credit of the eligible benefits directly in to the subscriber’s or
claimants Bank account as applicable.

36. Mode of payments under National Pension System.-All payments pertaining to withdrawals
under National Pension System shall be made through electronic transfer only and the
withdrawal amount shall be directly credited to the subscriber or claimant’s bank account as
furnished in the withdrawal form.
37. Stoppage of last month’s deductions by employer.-The monthly contribution consisting of
both the employer and employee, as may be applicable and that is required to be deducted for
crediting to the subscribers account under the National Pension System by the employers
from the salary of such subscriber shall be stopped at least one month prior to the date of
superannuation. The employer shall pay such eligible contributions directly to the employee
subscriber along with the monthly salary or remuneration that such subscriber is eligible to
receive from the employer.

38. Reports and disclosures.-The annuity service provider, the National Pension System Trust or
the central recordkeeping agency shall submit such information and reports as required by
the Authority in the mode, manner and frequency asspecified by the Authority from time to
39. Power of the Authority to issue directions and clarifications.-(1)The Authority shall have
the power to issue necessary directions, restricting the provisions relating to withdrawals and
exit, asthe case may be, under these regulations for complying with any requirements to move
from anyother pension or superannuation schemes or funds to the National Pension System.

33Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017. Prior to the
substitution, it read as “Stoppage of last three months deductions by employer.-Contributions deductions under the National Pension System
made by the employers from the salary of such subscriber shall be stopped at least three months prior to the date of superannuation, , as may be
applicable, to ensure that the exit and withdrawal of the subscriber is smooth and effective. The employer shall settle directly the said last three
months contributions at their end with the concerned employee.”

34 Substituted by PFRDA (Exits and Withdrawals under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 w.e.f. 10.08.2017. Prior to
the substitution, it read as “Power of the Authority to issue directions and clarifications.-The Authority shall have power to issue necessary
directions, restricting the provisions relating to withdrawals and exit, as the case may be, under these regulations, so as to comply with any
requirements to move from any other pension or superannuation schemes not covered under the Act, to the National Pension System. The
Authority may issue clarifications and guidelines in order to remove any difficulties in the application or interpretation of these regulations.


(2) The Authority shall also have the power to issue clarifications and guidelines in order to
remove any difficulties in the application or interpretation of these regulations or any
provision thereof.



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