Introduction To Lab Equipment
Introduction To Lab Equipment
Hand-out # 01:
Note: Submit this lab hand-out in the next lab with attached solved activities
and exercises
Submission Profile
Instructor Signature
Lab learning objectives:
The objective of this experiment is to become familiar with laboratory equipment’s which are
used in Applied Physics labs.
Lab hardware and software required:
DC power supply, Breadboard, Multi meters & Oscilloscope and LCR.
Maximum Current Output: 0.3A
Variable DC Power Supply
Voltage range:±3V~±18V, continuously adjustable
Maximum Current Output : 1A
AC Power Supply
Voltage Range: 9V~0V~9V
Digital Voltmeter/Ammeter
DC Voltage Range: 2V, 200V
DC Current Range: 200µA, 2000mA
Analog Meters
AC Current: 0 ~ 100mA ~ 1A
AC Voltage: 0 ~ 15V
DC Current: 0 ~ 100mA ~ 1A
DC Voltage: 0 ~ 20V
Bread Board:
A breadboard is a rectangular plastic board with a bunch of tiny holes in it.
These holes let you easily insert electronic components to prototype (meaning to build and test
an early version of) an electronic circuit, like this one with a battery, switch, resistor, and an
LED (light-emitting diode).
Digital Multi meter:
A digital multi meter, DMM is a test instrument used to measure electrical values including
voltage, current and resistance, although modern DMMs often make many more
The main connection on a typical digital multi meter are given in the image
Display: The main connection on a typical digital multi meter are given in the image.
The display on a DMM is normally easy to see and read, Most have four digits, and there will
normally be a + / - indication as well. There may also be a few other smaller indicators such as
AC / DC etc dependent upon the model of DMM.
Main connections: There will be some main connections for the probes to connect to. Although
only two are needed at any one time, there may be three or four. Typically these may be:
Common: for use with all measurements and this will take the negative or black lead and probe
Volts, ohms, frequency: this connection is used for most measurements and will take the
positive or red lead and probe.
Amps and milliamps: this connection is used for the current measurements and will again take
the red lead and probe.
High current: there is often a separate connection for high current measurements. Care must
be taken to use this rather than the low current connection if high levels of current are
Main switch: There will usually be a single main rotary switch to select the type of
measurement to be made and the range that is needed.
Additional buttons and switches: There will be a few additional buttons and switches. The
main one will obviously be the on/off button. Other functions including items such as peak
hold may also be available.
An Oscilloscope is an electronic test and measurement instrument that graphically displays
electrical signals in the form of an X-Y plot. Here, the horizontal (X) represents the time and
the vertical (Y) axis represents the magnitude of voltage. So, an Oscilloscope essentially
displays a graph of how the voltage of electrical signal changes over time. As a result, earlier
Oscilloscopes are called Oscillographs.
Auto set: Identifies the type of waveform and adjusts controls to produce a usable display of
the input signal.
Horizontal Controls:
Position: Moves the waveform left and right on the display.
Scale: (Seconds-Per-Division) - Determines the amount of time displayed.
Vertical Controls:
Position: Moves the waveform up and down on the display.
Scale (Volts-Per-Division): Varies the size of the waveform on the screen.
Input coupling: Determines which part of the signal is displayed.
DC Coupling: Shows all of the input signal.
AC Coupling: Blocks the DC component of the signal, centering the waveform at 0 volts.
Ground Coupling: Disconnects the input signal to show where 0 volts is on the screen.
Volt/time division: Set the vertical scale (volts/div) then set the horizontal scale (sec/div).
An LCR meter (Inductance (l), Capacitance (C), and Resistance (R)) is an instrument used to
measure the inductance, capacitance, and resistance of a component, sensor or another device
that’s operation depends upon capacitance, inductance or resistance.
DC Circuits
Exercise: 1 Use KL Kit and voltmeter, measure the voltages of variable and fixed power supply
Note take pictures of your readings and paste here.
Data Table 1.
Exercise: 2 Use LCR and measure the value of different resistors, capacitors and inductors.
Note take pictures of your readings and paste here.