Contract To Sell

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Know All Men by These Presents:

This Contract to Sell is entered into by and between:

___________________, Filipino, of legal age, and a resident of

_____________________ hereinafter referred to as the VENDOR;


______________________, Filipino, of legal age, and a resident of

_______________________, hereinafter referred to as the VENDEE.


WHEREAS, the VENDOR is the registered owner of a parcel of land, situated in

________________ with Lot No. _____, which is more particularly described, to wit:

“A parcel of land designated as Lot No. _______, of the lot plan,

__________, being a portion of Lot No. _______ of the Cadastral Survey
of _________, situated in the _______________, containing an area of
__________________, more or less, covered by _________ and
registered in the name of ______.

WHEREAS, the VENDEE has offered to buy the above-mentioned property and
the VENDOR has agreed to sell the same;
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of TWO HUNDRED
FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (P 255,000.00) Philippine Currency, and of the
covenants hereinafter set forth, the VENDOR agrees to sell and the VENDEE agree to
buy the above-described parcel of land subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. That the VENDEE shall pay the VENDOR the sum of ____________________
upon the execution of this contract;

2. The remaining amount of ______________________ shall be paid by the

VENDEE to the VENDOR on ________________.

3. Ownership of the property shall retain with the VENDOR until such time that
the total consideration is fully paid;

5. Upon full payment of the total consideration, the VENDOR shall sign and
execute a DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE in favor of the VENDEE;

4. The VENDEE has no right to put anything on the said property, unless it’s fully

5. The VENDOR has the right to forfeit the initial payment if the VENDEE fails to
pay the remaining amount within the said period.

6. The VENDOR shall not sell, transfer, assign, donate or in any way convey his
rights, interest, and/or ownership with respect to the above-described property to any

7. In case of breach of either party of any obligation under this contract, the
innocent party may, by giving a notice to the guilty party in writing, a notice of
rescission, to rescind the said contract extrajudicially;

8. In case of breach of any obligation arising from this contract, the parties may
rescind this contract extrajudicially by sending a letter to the above-stated addresses of
the respective parties stating such reason/breach;

a. With respect to the breach in the subsequent payments, a period of

one (1) month from the due date shall be given to the VENDEE before
the rescission of this contract;

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures this
____________________ at _________, Philippines.

Vendor Vendee
ID No: ID No:
ID Type: ID Type:

Signed in the presence of:

____________________________ ____________________________

Republic of the Philippines )

____________ ) s.c.

BEFORE ME at ___________, Philippines, this ____________________ this

Contract, personally appeared the above-named parties with their IDs written below
their names as competent evidence of their identity. They are known and to me known
to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to
me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and place above-written.

Doc No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of 20__.

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