2003 Curriculum Integration

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The Concept of Curriculum Integration: Its Meaning,

Scope and Modalities

Abdalla Uba Adamu

Department of Education
Bayero University, Kano
Kano State, Nigeria

© All Rights Reserved, 2003

An integrated curriculum is generally defined as an educational approach that cuts
across and draws on multiple subject areas for learning and instruction. Its purpose is
to realistically link various disciplines in the study and exploration of certain aspects
of the world. There are three paradigms that sum up curriculum integration. The most
traditional paradigm is multidisciplinary in which content is drawn from multiple
disciplines in order to increase relevance and applicability [though] primary learning
goals remain rooted in the individual discipline. A second paradigm,
interdisciplinary, begins to dissolve discipline boundaries by looking for common
themes across disciplines that can serve higher order learning objectives. The final
category, transdisciplinary, dissolves all boundaries between the disciplines and
poses higher order learning objectives to address broad questions of shaping
curriculum to address issues of productive citizenry and construction of meaning
through real-world problems/themes. James Beane (1995), a noted proponent of
integrated curriculum, explains that:

Curriculum integration is not simply an organizational device requiring

cosmetic changes or realignments in lesson plans across various subject areas.
Rather, it is a way of thinking about what schools are for, about the sources of
curriculum, and about the uses of knowledge. Curriculum integration begins
with the idea that the sources of curriculum ought to be problems, issues, and
concerns posed by life itself (p. 616).

Thus an integration is a philosophy of teaching in which content is drawn from

several subject areas to focus on a particular topic or theme. Rather than studying
math or social studies in isolation, for example, a class might study a unit called The
Sea, using math to calculate pressure at certain depths and social studies to understand
why coastal and inland populations have different livelihoods.

Effective interdisciplinary studies include the following elements:

• A topic that lends itself to study from several points of view.
• Two to five valuable themes (or essential questions) the teacher wants the
students to explore.
• An approach and activities to further students’ understanding more than is
possible in a traditional, single-discipline unit.
Curriculum Integration

Integrated curriculum, interdisciplinary teaching, thematic teaching, synergistic
teaching...When attempting to define integrated curriculum, it is also necessary to
look at related terms. Several definitions are offered here. There are many different
ideas about what constitutes curriculum integration. For example, Brazee and
Capelluti (1995) write that curriculum integration is

based on a holistic view of learning and recognizes the necessity for learners
to see the big picture rather than to require learning to be divided into small
pieces. Integrative curriculum ignore traditional subject lines while exploring
questions that are most relevant to students.

Similarly, a basic definition is offered by Humphreys, Post, and Ellis 1981 when they
state, “An integrated study is one in which children broadly explore knowledge in
various subjects related to certain aspects of their environment” (p. 11). They see
links among the humanities, communication arts, natural sciences, mathematics,
social studies, music, and art. Skills and knowledge are developed and applied in
more than one area of study. In keeping with this thematic definition, Shoemaker
defines an integrated curriculum as

...education that is organized in such a way that it cuts across subject-matter

lines, bringing together various aspects of the curriculum into meaningful
association to focus upon broad areas of study. It views learning and teaching
in a holistic way and reflects the real world, which is interactive. (1989, p. 5)

Further description is provided by Dressel's definition which goes beyond the linking
of subject areas to the creation of new models for understanding the world:
In the integrative curriculum, the planned learning experiences not only
provide the learners with a unified view of commonly held knowledge (by
learning the models, systems, and structures of the culture) but also motivate
and develop learners' power to perceive new relationships and thus to create
new models, systems, and structures. (1958, pp. 3-25).
Within this framework there are varied levels of integration, as illustrated by Palmer
(1991, p. 59), who describes the following practices:

ƒ Developing cross-curriculum sub objectives within a given curriculum guide

ƒ Developing model lessons that include cross-curricular activities and
ƒ Developing enrichment or enhancement activities with a cross-curricular
focus including suggestions for cross-curricular “contacts” following each
ƒ Developing assessment activities that are cross-curricular in nature
ƒ Including sample planning modules in all curriculum guides.

For the advocates of curriculum integration, the word integrated implies all of these
following elements at once:

1. Integrated means blended into a whole. Two great minds of the 20th
century—Howard Gardner (multiple intelligences) and Carl Jung (learning

Professor Abdalla Uba Adamu © 2003

styles)—have supplied us with our two learning models. Yet both multiple
intelligences and learning styles have particular strengths and weaknesses that
directly correspond to the strengths and weaknesses of the other. This means
that a truly holistic approach to education—one that allows educators to
engage a full range of human diversity and meet rigorous academic
standards—occurs only in the blending together of these two models.
2. Integrated means incorporated as part of a larger picture. From an
educator's perspective, any learning theory, model, or approach is only as good
as its applicability. If it cannot be used without excessive effort, it is not very
valuable. The reality of schools dictates that teachers follow curriculum
frameworks, meet national standards, and prepare students for national
examinations (WAEC, SSCE, NECO) and academic and vocational callings.
Integrated learning should respect these realities. The approach is designed so
that it can be incorporated into current practices easily without asking teachers
to rethink everything they do.
3. Integrated means driven by the goal of equality. We live and learn in an
increasingly diverse world. New students, new issues, and new ideas appear
on an almost daily basis, fueling the movement to address all forms of
diversity—intellectual, physical, and cultural. By uniting the two best models
we have for understanding the diverse ways students think and learn,
integrated learning strives to create an environment where all learners feel that
their ideas, contributions, and work are valued, and that they are able to

Thus curriculum integration is a way to increase student understanding by teaching

across the disciplines, teaching subject areas according to their natural connections
rather than in isolation from one another. It doesn't mean, for instance, that science
teachers suddenly must teach English, or vice versa. It may be one teacher within a
discipline making connections to other disciplines. It may be all the teachers at a class
level (e.g. JS 2) planning a unit that combines several disciplines. Curriculum
integration focuses on making learning reflect life so that students see the value of
what they are being taught.

The following diagram reflects one perspective on curriculum integration:

Curriculum Integration

James A. Beane, Curriculum Integration Teachers College Press, New York. 1997.

Another term that is often used synonymously with integrated curriculum is

interdisciplinary curriculum. Interdisciplinary curriculum is defined as “a curriculum
organization which cuts across subject-matter lines to focus upon comprehensive life
problems or broad based areas of study that brings together the various segments of
the curriculum into meaningful association” (Good 1973). The similarity between this
definition and those of integrated curriculum is clear. Jacobs defines interdisciplinary
as “a knowledge view and curricular approach that consciously applies methodology
and language from more than one discipline to examine a central theme, issue,
problem, topic, or experience” (1989, p. 8). Thus an interdisciplinary curriculum is
one that combines several school subjects into one active project since that is how
children encounter subjects in the real world-combined in one activity.

These definitions support the view that integrated curriculum is an educational

approach that prepares children for lifelong learning. There is a strong belief among
those who support curriculum integration that schools must look at education as a
process for developing abilities required by life in the twenty-first century, rather than
discrete, departmentalized subject matter. In general, all of the definitions of
integrated curriculum or interdisciplinary curriculum include:

ƒ A combination of subjects
ƒ An emphasis on projects
ƒ Sources that go beyond textbooks
ƒ Relationships among concepts
ƒ Thematic units as organizing principles
ƒ Flexible schedules

Professor Abdalla Uba Adamu © 2003

ƒ Flexible student groupings.

However, within the scope of what may be considered integrated curriculum, there
may be many levels of integration (Fogarty & Stoehr, 1991). These levels can be
conceptualized as a continuum, ranging from a simple connection of topics within a
discipline or course to an overlap of skills, concepts, and attitudes common to
multiple disciplines in order to mirror and examine real-world issues, problems, or
experience. At the most extreme position, Brady (2000) calls for strongly limiting the
traditional disciplines as artificial, academic specializations and augmenting or
replacing them with a "supradiscipline." This "supradiscipline" would encompass,
organize, and integrate all present knowledge with the function of producing future

Forms of Integration
Worthwhile integration implies that a single activity accomplishes significant
curricular goals in two or more subjects simultaneously. Integration comes in many
forms. Sometimes the nature of the topic makes integration natural or even necessary.
Some topics inherently cut across subjects (to teach about ecology, for example, one
must draw content from both science and social studies). Other topics are primarily
identified with one subject but require applications of another to be learned
meaningfully (e.g., map and globe studies are part of geography and consumer
education is part of economics, but both of these topics require applications of
mathematical knowledge and skills). Problems with integration activities usually do
not occur with these more natural forms of integration.

Most of the problems occur with forms of integration that are not inherent in the
topic and thus involve integration for integration's sake. Teachers can use these forms
productively, however. For example, adding content drawn from a secondary subject
can enrich the content in the primary subject (e.g., reading about and displaying the
works of an artist as a means of enhancing the study of a historical period). And
combining knowledge from a content-area subject such as social studies with
processes from a skills subject such a language arts can be effective.

In the latter forms of integration, the focus of the instruction and the accountability
pressures placed on students may be on the knowledge, the processes, or both. If
students were asked to write to their political representatives about their legislative
roles or policy positions, the assignment would be primarily a social education
activity although it would include application of writing skills. In contrast, students
might be asked to write about an imaginary visit to Aso Rock as an exercise in
descriptive writing. If the emphasis in structuring and marking were placed on the
technical aspects of composition and form, the assignment would be mostly a
language arts activity, not a social studies activity.

Finally, students who were studying book reporting skills in language arts and the
Nigerian Civil War in social studies might be asked to read and report on biographies
of key figures in the war. Such an assignment might promote progress toward
important goals in both subjects, especially if the goals were made clear to the
students and the reports were marked separately for technical features and for
historical content.

Curriculum Integration

Background to Integration
The subject of curriculum integration has been under discussion off and on for the last
half-century, with a resurgence occurring over the past decade, especially in the
United States and Australia. The “explosion” of knowledge, the increase of state
mandates related to myriad issues, fragmented teaching schedules, concerns about
curriculum relevancy, and a lack of connections and relationships among disciplines
have all been cited as reasons for a move towards an integrated curriculum (Jacobs

These forces in contemporary schooling are reinforced by Benjamin (1989, pp. 8-16),
when he cites the trends towards global interdependence and the interconnectedness
of complex systems, the increase in pace and complexity of the twenty-first century,
the expanding body of knowledge, and the need for workers to have the ability to
draw from many fields and solve problems that involve interrelated factors.

Each of these trends is relevant to the discussion of integrated curriculum, as schools

move away from teaching isolated facts toward a more constructivist view of
learning, which values in-depth knowledge of subjects. This view finds its basis in the
work of Piaget, Dewey, Bruner, and others who hold a holistic view of learning. Each
of these theorists is concerned with children having an understanding of concepts and
underlying structures. Proponents of the progressive education movement of the
1930s advocated an integrated curriculum, sometimes identified as the “core
curriculum” (Vars 1987). The movement towards integrated curriculum is a move
away from memorization and recitation of isolated facts and figures to more
meaningful concepts and the connections between concepts. The twenty-first century
requirement for a flexible use of knowledge goes beyond a superficial understanding
of multiple isolated events to insights developed by learning that is connected-or
integrated. Perkins advocates teaching for transfer and thoughtful learning when he

A concern with connecting things up, with integrating ideas, within and across
subject matters, and with elements of out-of-school life, inherently is a
concern with understanding in a broader and a deeper sense. Accordingly there
is a natural alliance between those making a special effort to teach for
understanding and those making a special effort toward integrative education
(1991, p.7).

This view supports the notion of curriculum integration as a way of making education
more meaningful. Concerns about national achievement levels and high dropout rates
have put the spotlight on any educational change that can lead to increased student
success. In addition to the realization that curriculum integration may be an effective
element in making education both manageable and relevant, there is a body of
research related to how children learn that supports curriculum integration. Cromwell
(1989) looks at how the brain processes and organizes information. The brain
organizes new knowledge on the basis of previous experiences and the meaning that
has developed from those experiences. The brain processes many things at the same
time, and holistic experiences are recalled quickly and easily. “The human brain,”
writes Shoemaker, “actively seeks patterns and searches for meaning through these
patterns” (p. 13).

Professor Abdalla Uba Adamu © 2003

This research is supported by Caine and Caine (1991) when they connect neuro-
psychology and educational methodologies and state that the search for meaning and
patterns is a basic process in the human brain. In fact, the brain may resist learning
fragmented facts that are presented in isolation. Learning is believed to occur faster
and more thoroughly when it is presented in meaningful contexts, with an experiential
component. Of course, every brain-every student-is unique. While the search for
patterns and context may be universal, every learner will have his/her own learning
style. To meet these diverse needs means providing choices for students.

Put to use in the classroom, the brain research points toward interdisciplinary
learning, thematic teaching, experiential education, and teaching that is responsive to
student learning styles. These finding are summarized by Shoemaker (1991, pp. 793-

The current movement toward an integrated curriculum, then, has its basis in learning
theorists who advocate a constructivist view of learning. There is a body of brain
research that supports the notion that learning is best accomplished when information
is presented in meaningful, connected patterns. This includes interdisciplinary studies
that link multiple curricular areas. There are many examples in the literature of such
efforts by teachers in the United States, as well as those teachers involved in
vocational education and higher education.

Another rationale for curriculum integration finds its basis in the commonsense
wisdom of teachers, who are coping with an increased body of knowledge, large
classes, and many mandates related to everything from drug awareness to AIDS to
bus safety. When all of these requirements are added to the traditional body of
knowledge for which teachers feel responsible, integration is seen as one way to meet
both the needs of the students and the requirements of the state. The integration of
curricular areas and concepts allows teachers to assist students as they prepare for the
next century.

Finally, the movement toward a global economy and international connections, as

well as the rapid changes in technology, are pushing education toward integration.
The ability to make connections, to solve problems by looking at multiple
perspectives, and to incorporate information from different fields, will be an essential
ingredient for success in the future.

An enduring argument for integration is that it represents a way to avoid the

fragmented and irrelevant acquisition of isolated facts, transforming knowledge into
personally useful tools for learning new information (Lipson, et al. 1993, p. 252).

Several authors have gone beyond a single definition of curriculum integration to a

continuum of integration. Fogarty has described ten levels of curricula integration
(1991). The following chart summarizes some of her work. The reader who is
interested in a more complete explanation is referred to Fogarty's book, The Mindful
School. Within these arguments, the following table represents the domains of
curriculum integration.

Curriculum Integration

Curriculum Integrating Strategies

Fragmented Connected
Description: The traditional model of separate and Description: Within each subject area, course
distinct discipline, which fragments the subject area. content is connected topic to topic, concept to
concept, one year's work to the next, and relates
ideas explicitly.

Example: Teacher applies this view in Math, Example: Teacher relates the concept of fractions
Science, Social Studies, Language arts OR to decimals, which in turn relates to money,
Sciences, Humanities, Fine and Practical Arts. grades, etc.

Nested Sequenced
Description: Within each subject, the teacher targets Description: Topics or units of study are
multiple skills: a social skill, a thinking skill, and a rearranged and sequenced to coincide with one
content-specific skill. another. Similar ideas are taught in concert while
remaining separate subjects.

Example: Teacher designs the unit on Example: English teacher presents a historical
photosynthesis to target consensus seeking, novel depicting a particular period while the
sequencing, and plant life cycle. History teacher teaches that same period.

Shared Webbed
Description: Shared planning and teaching take Description: A fertile theme is webbed to
place in two disciplines in which overlapping curriculum contents and disciplines; subjects use
concepts or ideas emerge as organizing elements. the theme to sift out appropriate concepts, topics,
and ideas.

Example: Science and Math teachers use data Example: Teacher presents a simple topical theme,
collection, charting, and graphing as shared such as the circus, and webs it to other subject
concepts that can be team-taught. areas.

Threaded Integrated
Description: The metacurricular approach threads Description: This interdisciplinary approach
thinking skills, social skills, multiple intelligences, matches subjects for overlaps in topics and
technology, and study skills through the various concepts with some team teaching in an authentic
disciplines. integrated model.

Example: Teaching staff targets prediction in Example: In Math, Science, Social Studies, Fine
Reading, Math, and Science while Social Studies Arts, etc. teachers look for patterning models and
teacher targets forecasting current events. approach content through these patterns.

Immersed Networked
Description: The disciplines become part of the Description: Learner filters all learning through
learner's lens of expertise: the learner filters all the expert's eye and makes internal connections
content through this lens and becomes immersed in that lead to external networks of experts in related
his or her own experience. fields.

Example: Student or doctoral candidate has an area Example: Architect, while adapting the
of expert interest and sees all learning through that CAD/CAM technology for design, networks with
lens. programmers and expands her knowledge base.
After Fogarty, R., and Stoehr, J. Integrating Curricula with Multiple Intelligences: Teams, Themes, and
Threads. Palatine, IL: Skylight Publishing, Inc., 1991.

This work has been supported by others involved with the implementation of
curriculum integration (Jacobs 1989; Shoemaker 1989). These differentiations may
move from two teachers teaching the same topic but in their own separate classes

Professor Abdalla Uba Adamu © 2003

(e.g., both English and history teachers teaching about the same period of history), to
team design of thematic units, to interdisciplinary courses or thematic units, to a fully
integrated curriculum, which is also referred to as synergistic teaching. Bonds, Cox,
and Gantt-Bonds (1993, 253) write:

Synergistic teaching goes beyond the blurring of subject area lines to "a
process of teaching whereby all the school subjects are related and taught in
such a manner that they are almost inseparable. What is learned and applied in
one area of the curriculum is related and used to reinforce, provide repetition,
and expand the knowledge and skills learned in other curriculum areas. This
process of synergistic teaching allows the student to quickly perceive the
relationships between learning in all curriculum areas and its application
throughout each of the school subjects.... Synergistic teaching does more than
integrate; it presents content and skills in such a manner that nearly all
learning takes on new dimensions, meaning, and relevance because a
connection is discerned between skills and content that transcends curriculum
lines. In a synergistic classroom, simultaneous teaching of concepts and skills
without regard to curriculum areas would have a greater effect that the sum of
learning skills and concepts in individual subject areas.

Research Findings
Effect on Content Knowledge
The literature indicates no detrimental effects on learning when students are involved
in an integrated curriculum. The areas of integration included: 1) art, mathematics,
and reading; 2) writing across the curriculum; 3) history, science, and mathematics; 4)
history and literature; 5) integrated humanities; 6) health and reading; 7) areas of
mathematics; 8) social studies, health, and the arts; 9) physical education, the arts,
health, and literature; and 10) science, social studies, health, and the arts (Aschbacher
1991; Edgerton 1990; Greene 1991; MacIver 1990; Shoemaker 1991; Vars 1965; Vye
1990; Williams 1991).

Vars (1965) summarized five major research studies and reported that in middle
school programs that adhered to block time and core programs —both forerunners of
the current integrated curriculum discussion — there was no loss of learning of
subject matter and that, overall, students in the integrated programs did as well or
better than students in separate-subject programs. The fact that teachers who plan and
teach together have the same expectations across subject areas is a factor in the
overall performance of the students.

The Humanitas program, an interdisciplinary, thematic, team-based approach to high

school humanities in Los Angeles (Aschbacher 1991) has been compared to 16 other
schools which are more traditional in their approach. Performance-based assessments;
surveys of teachers, students, and administrators; classroom observations; teacher and
student interviews; analysis of assignments and examinations; analysis of portfolios;
records of student attendance; records of discipline incidents; and records of college-
oriented behavior and standardized tests were all considered in this research, making
it one of the most thorough explorations of curriculum integration.

The findings show that the Humanitas program has a statistically significant effect on
writing and content knowledge, even after students have been enrolled for only one

Curriculum Integration

year. The largest gains were shown in conceptual understanding. The control groups
of students made no gains in conceptual understanding during the same timeframe.

Students in the Humanitas program stay in school longer, work harder (by objective
measures and their own report), and like school better. The expectations are higher in
this interdisciplinary program, and the students are involved in more complex
discussions that require them to make connections between content areas and the real
world. These same expectations hold true for the students' written work, as students
may be asked to write an essay that includes a discussion of the beliefs of more than
one culture and the way those beliefs are influenced by cultural factors and values.
The students are to include perspectives from art history, literature, and social
institutions and make links to their own lives.

While the evaluation of the Humanitas project involved large numbers of students and
a control group, there are also many smaller-scale studies reporting positive
achievement outcomes for students who participate in an integrated curriculum.
Levitan (1991) reports that a change from a literature-based language arts program to
a science-literature-based program for sixth graders resulted in achievement increases
for the majority of the students. Similar results are reported by Willett (1992) in a
study of 87 fifth graders. Integrating the study of math with art resulted in higher
posttest scores than those students who were taught mathematical concepts in
isolation by the regular classroom teacher. “The data indicate that the integration of
art activities into mathematics and reading can enhance the learning of specific
concepts” (Levitan, 1991, p. 12). Similar results were reported by Friend (1984) in a
study of mathematics and science integration with seventh grade students.

These findings seem very logical when one considers the work of Schmidt (1983),
who found that in integrated language arts classrooms the amount of time spent in art
and literature is more than double the amount of time spent on these subjects in
classrooms where integration is not a priority.

Effect on Attitude
There is a small body of research related to the impact of an integrated curriculum on
student attitudes. MacIver (1990) found that integrated program students developed
team spirit and improved their attitudes and work habits. This was attributed, in part,
to the fact that teachers met in teams and were able to quickly recognize and deal with
a student's problem. Vars (1965) also reports that motivation for learning is increased
when students work on “real” problems-a common element in integrated programs.
When students are actively involved in planning their learning and in making choices,
they are more motivated, reducing behavior problems. Jacobs (1989) also reports that
an integrated curriculum is associated with better student self-direction, higher
attendance, higher levels of homework completion, and better attitudes toward school.
Students are engaged in their learning as they make connections across disciplines and
with the world outside the classroom.

Students are not the only ones who respond favorably to the learning experiences that
are part of an integrated curriculum. In a study of an integrated mathematics
curriculum, Edgerton (1990) found that after one year 83 percent of the teachers
involved preferred to continue with the integrated program rather than return to the
traditional curriculum. MacIver (1990) found that teachers appreciate the social

Professor Abdalla Uba Adamu © 2003

support of working together and feel that they are able to teach more effectively when
they integrate across subjects and courses. They discover new interests and teaching
techniques that revitalize their teaching.

When teachers who participated in the Mid-California Science Improvement Program

were interviewed by an independent evaluator, the findings indicated a dramatic
increase in science instruction time and comfort with science teaching. The teachers
involved in this program taught year-long themes, with a blend of science, language
arts, social studies, mathematics, and fine arts. Improvements were noted in student
attitudes, teacher attitudes, and student achievement. These findings were consistent
for both gifted and “educationally disadvantaged” students (Greene 1991).

Research on Implementation
The research findings related to implementation have several common elements. One
factor that comes through loud and clear is that curriculum integration takes time.
Common planning time is needed to allow teachers to select themes, explore
resources, discuss student learning styles and needs, and coordinate teaching
schedules. Broad strands, such as community, change, or systems have been found to
be effective thematic organizers (Shoemaker 1991). Based on an extensive review of
the literature and discussions with teachers, Shoemaker lists the following as essential
components of an integrated curriculum:

ƒ Core skills and processes. These include basic skills, such as reading and
mathematics, as well as social skills and problem solving.
ƒ Curriculum strands and themes. These are the organizing principles around
which the curriculum is built. They are broad-e.g., Human Societies-and
integrate content from multiple areas.
ƒ Major themes. Each curriculum strand is further divided into major themes,
e.g., Environments or Diversity.
ƒ Questions. Questions are used to further define major themes and focus
ƒ Unit development. From the major theme and the questions, knowledge, and
skills related to the concepts, teachers plan activities that will lead to the
development of knowledge and skills which will answer the questions.
Teachers also collect resources and develop actual lesson plans and
assessment strategies.
ƒ Evaluation. Through an assessment of student progress the unit is evaluated.

When considering Shoemaker's essential components, teachers give broad definitions

to her terms. For example, major themes may be drawn from existing structures
within a school, such as works of literature or cross-subject areas.

Successful efforts toward integration tend to include the above elements or a

variation. Palmer (1991) suggests that teachers and curriculum supervisors work
together to identify common goals, objectives, skills, and themes. From these lists, the
teachers work together to find appropriate connections to content areas. For example,
research skills may be a part of science, math, music, language arts, and social
studies. From this discussion, teachers devise plans for teaching. Any plan takes time,
empowered teachers, flexible schedules, and teams whose members are able to work
together (Brandt 1991).

Curriculum Integration

Just as curriculum integration changes the way instruction looks, it may also lead to a
change in assessment strategies. As students are involved in “real” tasks, teachers find
that they need to design performance assessments that give a true picture of student
understanding of concepts.

When beginning an implementation plan, Jacobs's experience has led her to identify
four steps that are integral to success (1991, p. 27). They are:

1. Conduct action research to learn about current resources and best practices.
2. Develop a proposal for integration.
3. Implement and monitor the pilot program, with continual assessment of
students and the program.
4. Adopt a program and continue to assess.

Making Sense of Curriculum Integration

Is there really a need to develop integrated curriculum, or is it just another passing
fad? This question deserves to be examined carefully. We live in a global world
characterized by ever-accelerating change, technological advances, a knowledge
explosion, changing economic and social realities, and, perhaps, impending
environmental disaster. The educational system seems to be constantly under attack.
Critics claim that students are dropping out at an alarming rate. Those who stay in
school are not doing well enough to be able to compete in a global economy and
maintain a high standard of living.

In many districts there has been a demand for a restructuring in education to shift it to
decentralization and site-based management. Teachers have been empowered as
decision makers; this includes curriculum development. This shift has often led
teachers to integrate the traditional subject areas because it made sense to those
educators at the grassroots level.

It is important to understand the context of integration as an idea with an intellectual

history. Disciplines were artificially created by humans to organize their world, and
were often defined by political needs (Beane 1991). Further as early as the 1920s the
progressive movement in education advocated curricular integration through themes
because proponents believed the disciplines prevented students from seeing the
relationships between subjects and therefore decreased the content's relevance. In the
1960s, based on Jerome Bruner's (1960) concept of curriculum development, there
was a shift to discipline-oriented curriculums where the structure of the discipline was
considered to be the facilitator for the storage and retrieval of knowledge. Still, many
students today move from science to history to math classes and are taught in a
fragmented, disconnected way that has little resemblance to real life.

Today, some people criticize educators for not adequately teaching basic skills; others
argue that the basic skills students will need for the 21st century are not the same skills
that we are now teaching. The knowledge component of virtually every subject area is
proliferating at an ever-increasing rate. Paradoxically, as distinct subject areas become
overloaded, a surprising amount of duplication is occurring across classrooms.
Educators are caught in a dilemma. Integration, by reducing duplication of both skills

Professor Abdalla Uba Adamu © 2003

and content, begins to allows us to teach more. It also gives us a new perspective on
what constitutes basic skills.

The concept of integrated curriculum makes sense for other reasons. Students who
drop out perceive little relevance in school life. Integration connects subject areas in
ways that reflect the real world. When we set curriculum in the context of human
experience, it begins to assume a new relevance. Higher-order thinking skills become
a necessity as students begin to grapple with real issues and problems that transcend
the boundaries of disciplines. Current newspapers offer an abundance of real-life
issues that could be explored from a problem-based perspective. Conscious of age-
appropriateness and student interest, the teacher may design problem scenarios based
on reality; for example, issues that pit jobs versus the environment, the influence of
media in shaping reality, violence in our society, schools and sports, the ethics of
genetic engineering, or social issues such as AIDS, poverty, or the war on drugs.
Current problems in these areas can be explored from a content perspective, but in
searching for practical solutions they also require higher-order thinking skills that
transcend both the content and the procedures of disciplines.

Another important consideration is how people learn. Recent brain research indicates
that the brain searches for patterns and interconnections as its way of making meaning
(Caine and Caine 1991). If humans do learn by connection-making, it only makes
sense to teach through connections.

Factors that need to be considered in an integrated curriculum are (Gehrke 1991;
Jacobs 1989; Lipson 1993; MacIver 1990):

ƒ Common definitions of terms (such as theme, strand, or outcome)

ƒ Available resources
ƒ Flexibility in class time-tabling
ƒ Support services
ƒ Subjects and concepts that will be integrated
ƒ Links between integration and broader outcomes
ƒ Curricular scope and sequence
ƒ How evaluation will occur
ƒ Parent and community support
ƒ Themes that promote the transfer of learning and connections
ƒ Team planning time that is used to exchange information about content,
students, special areas of teacher expertise, and teaching methods.
ƒ Employer ratings
ƒ Further education ratings

When teachers select themes, it is important that they avoid themes of convenience
that have no meaningful, larger concepts. While an individual teacher may or may not
have expertise in each content area, members of teacher teams are able to work
together to find connections that cut across single content areas (Lipson 1993).
Themes that promote the linking of concepts and lead to deeper understanding are
more effective. A theme is more than a series of activities; it is a way to facilitate
student learning and understanding of conceptual connections. Activities that are
arbitrarily connected are not helpful (Brophy and Alleman 1991). Thus, an integrated

Curriculum Integration

curriculum is a means, not the end result. Poorly designed units do not achieve this
end of deeper understanding and thorough learning.

Each of these elements needs to be considered as teachers look at curriculum

integration. It is necessary for each school to determine the best procedure to meet the
needs of the particular student body. A secondary school may face different
constraints than an elementary school. Rather than move from a traditional, subject-
specific curriculum to an integrated curriculum in one sudden sweep, schools find
more success when they make gradual changes, making sure that everyone involved
feels a sense of ownership of and commitment to the changes.

Some areas may lend themselves more naturally to integration, such as math and
science or language arts and social studies. However, as reported above, there have
been very successful efforts in nontraditional alliances, e.g., art and math. As teachers
are more and more involved in integration, they find that they see connections that
they had not seen initially. As teachers see these connections and develop learning
experiences and assessments built around the connections, students also understand
them. This understanding leads to more successful learning.

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Professor Abdalla Uba Adamu © 2003

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