Lesson 3. Educational Reforms The K To 12 Curriculum Example

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Lesson Educational Reforms: The K to 12

3 Curriculum Example
Learning Outcomes

 Define the K to 12 Curriculum

 Discuss its effects in our educational system
 Explain the outcome of K to 12 in relation to national and
global market

You have learned in the previous lesson how education responds to address the
emerging demands of the society. This time, you are going to look at an example of
educational reform of which you have been a product. As you journey in this lesson,
may you draw important personal insights and be able to relate it in your quest of
becoming a future educator. Have fun!

Activity How to be a Globally

Competitive Filipino?

Look at the diagram,
how would you
answer this question
– How to be a Yeah, but…
globally competitive To be globally
Filipino? Write it competitive, there
down on the spaces must …
provided for in the
analysis portion.

1. How would you become a globally competitive graduate?

Provide at least 5 ideas on this.

2. What is the role of government in securing that Filipinos

can compete in the global educational arena?

3. What might be some challenges you think that might be

encountered as we prepare ourselves to be globally


Republic Act 10533 Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013


 Section 4 Enhanced Basic Education Program. - The enhanced basic

education program encompasses at least one (1) year of kindergarten
education, six (6) years of elementary education, and six (6) years of
secondary education, in that sequence. Secondary education includes four (4)
years of junior high school and two (2) years of senior high school education.

 Kindergarten education shall mean one (1) year of preparatory education for
children at least five (5) years old as a prerequisite for Grade 1. Elementary
education refers to the second stage of compulsory basic education which is
composed of six (6) years. The entrant age to this level is typically six (6)
years old. Secondary education refers to the third stage of compulsory basic
education. It consists of four (4) years of junior high school education and two
(2) years of senior high school education. The entrant age to the junior and
senior high school levels are typically twelve (12) and sixteen (16) years old,
 Section 5 Curriculum Development - The DepEd shall formulate the design
and details of the enhanced basic education curriculum. It shall work with the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to craft harmonized basic and
tertiary curricula for the global competitiveness of Filipino graduates. To
ensure college readiness and to avoid remedial and duplication of basic
education subjects, the DepEd shall coordinate with the CHED and the
Technical Education, and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).


 The trifocalization of Department of Education (DepEd), Technical Education

and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), and Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) shall help ensure that the Enhanced Basic Education Act
of 2013 shall be enforced and provide expereiential learning opportunities and
inculcate lifelong learning mindset to Filipino learners. Based on the report of
(TESDA) 2016, Philippines education system realized the surged of alignment
with global trends through the recent relevant reforms in the system of
education which includes K-to-12 and the development of Philippine
Qualifications Framework (PQF).

https://asean.org/ https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/heroes-
of- globalization-10-people-who-changed-the-world/

 As the late Sen. Miriam Santiago said, “The synchronization of the academic
calendar of the Philippine universities with most ASEAN, European, and
American academic partners will create more joint programs and partnerships
with other universities and allow students to get transfer credits from different
universities in the ASEAN.” With the ASEAN integratation, the Philippines
being one of the member states accepted the challenge to upgrade the
educational landscape in order to globally meet the standards of various global
communities. Before the passing of the law, the Philippines is the only country
in the ASEAN that has a 10-year basic education while the rest have 12 years
the minimum.

 According to the ASEAN Economic Community Blue Print 2025 the objective
of facilitating the movement of skilled labour in ASEAN began with Mutual
Recognition Arrangements MRAs that would allow practitioners in eight
professions to practice in other ASEAN Member States through mutual
recognition of their qualifications and, where appropriate, through the
implementation of the ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF),
for which referencing by the ASEAN Member States is voluntary, to support
lifelong learning and enhance recognition and the ASEAN Agreement on
Movement of Natural Persons (MNP). These arrangements aim to facilitate
the temporary cross-border movement of natural persons and business visitors
engaged in the conduct of trade in goods, trade in services, and investment.

Reality check

 The Philippine government is working hard to promulgate essential laws and

policies in order to provide Filipinos a platform to harness their potentials and
compete globally. Partnerships among the public and private institutions were
called upon to better facilitate these reforms. However, since it is our first time
to have this major shift of educational system, many of the expectations and
questions of readiness were expressed by some students and teachers. Some
were saying that technologies and classrooms were not yet in place while
teachers lack preparation. All these are part of transition and slowly the
government through its mandated agencies in collaboration with education
institutions, private companies, business and industry sectors, etc. the road to
global competitiveness shall be within reach by all with equal access and
opportunities for each and every Filipino.
 Let us also check our self if we easily criticize the efforts of the government or
do we show support by giving our best in our studies. Remember we are
citizens of this country; we have a role to play in improving the status of our
beloved nation. Let us do our share!


Text to World Connection

In the two paragraphs under the Globalization subtopic of this lesson, write
your key ideas or key points of the text next to this icon. While connect
these key points or ideas into a realization and personal application after
this icon


My ideas and keypoints are



My realization and personal applications


Congratulations! You have successfully completed all the lessons in this
module. You are now ready to proceed to Lesson 4 entitled School as a Social
System. Enjoy learning!

To sum up, this module highlights the following:

 Educational system must listen to to the needs of the society both the national
and international community in order to upgrade and be relevant. Education
4.0 works hand and hand with Industry 4.0 in moving towards progress and
 K to 12 curriculum is a milestone in our educational system in the Philippines.
Bringing our education into another heights with an aspiration of being
globally competitive.

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