CASE 05 - G.R. No. 131036

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G.R. No. 131036 June 20, 2001

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,

DONATO DEL ROSARIO, defendant-appellant.


This is an appeal from the decision of the Regional Trial Court at Olongapo City, Branch 72 in
Criminal Case No. 838-92, entitled "People of the Philippines versus Donato del Rosario," convicting
the accused of the crime of robbery with homicide and sentencing him to reclusion perpetua.

On November 20, 1992, an information was filed against Donato del Rosario charging him of
robbery with homicide committed as follows:

"That on or about the twenty-sixth (26th) of September, 1992, in the City of Olongapo,
Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused,
with intent of gain and without the knowledge and consent of the owner, and by means of
violence and intimidation, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously take, steal
and carry away one (1) pc. of 22K grams of gold bracelet worth P3,500.00, one (1) pc. of
diamond ring with letter ‘E’ worth P3,200.00, one (1) pc. of wedding ring worth P800.00, two
(2) pairs of gold earring worth P1,600.00 and cash money in the amount of P1,600.00, all in
the total amount of Ten Thousand Seven Hundred Pesos (P10,700.00), Philippine Currency,
belonging to Emelita Paragua, and on the occasion of said robbery and for the purpose of
enabling him to take, steal and carry away the above-mentioned items, the herein accused,
did then and there wilfully, unlawfully, feloniously and taking advantage of superior strength
and with intent to kill treacherously attack, assault, hit her with a hard object on the head and
then strangle and tie the neck of Raquel Lopez (niece of Emelita Paragua) with a Cat-V wire
to prevent her from breathing and making an outcry, thereby inflicting upon said Raquel
Lopez asphyxia injuries which directly caused her death shortly thereafter."1

Upon arraignment on February 3, 1993, accused Donato del Rosario, assisted by counsel, pleaded
not guilty to the crime charged. The Regional Trial Court thereafter proceeded with the trial.

Culled from the records are the following:

On September 26, 1992, at about 8:10 in the morning, Emelita Paragua and a companion, a Delia
Aquino, left their house at 1657 Balic-Balic, Sta. Rita, Olongapo City to go to the former’s stall in the
public market. Raquel Lopez, the 11-year old niece of Paragua, was left behind as she had no
classes that day, a Saturday.
Notified of the news that their house was on fire, they went home.

Paragua saw that the sala set, their merchandise (stuffed toys that they sell at the public market),
and the cassette were burned. When she entered the kitchen, she saw her niece lying on her
stomach with a raincoat covering her head and her neck and arms tied with CATV wire. Parts of her
hand and her thigh were burned. Raquel Lopez was already dead when her aunt discovered her.
The total value of the burned properties was around Thirty Thousand Pesos (P30,000.00). Emelita
Paragua likewise discovered that six pieces of her jewelries were missing.

SPO1 Ramon Fernandez received a report regarding the fire in Balic-Balic wherein a minor who was
identified as Raquel Lopez was found dead. Together with his chief investigator, Leonardo Esteban
and other personnel, he went to the scene of the incident to conduct an investigation.

He found the single-storey house in complete disarray. The sala was set on fire and he found the
items therein burned. Likewise the two bedrooms.

He located the body of Raquel Lopez in the kitchen. Her head was covered with a pink raincoat and
around her neck was a CATV wire. She was lying face down, her hands behind her back.

Inquiries made revealed that a certain Ramon Ilagan was seen in the vicinity of the house before the
incident. Ramon Ilagan was interrogated but denied the accusation against him. Since no evidence
could be produced linking him to the crime, he was released.

Three days after the incident, the police received information from the live-in partner of Ilagan, that a
certain Donato del Rosario was seen standing at the back of the house of Paragua before the crime
was committed and had disappeared since then. Del Rosario’s mother and common-law wife were
questioned about the whereabouts of the accused. SPO1 Fernandez told the mother of del Rosario
that her son was suspected of committing the crimes in Balic-Balic.

On October 2, 1992, the Olongapo City police received a call from the Subic police that Donato del
Rosario surrendered to police officer Fernando Morales, the brother-in-law of his common-law wife,
Ruby Tan. Thereafter, SPO1 Fernandez, together with Inspector Leonardo Esteban and PO3
Laurea, proceeded to Subic to fetch Donato del Rosario.

Del Rosario, even without being asked, told them that he really surrendered to Morales because he
was being bothered by his conscience and that he was very willing to accompany them to recover
the stolen items. He also volunteered the information as to where he sold the jewelries that he took
from the house of Emelita Paragua.

Thereafter the policemen from Olongapo and Donato del Rosario proceeded to the places
mentioned by the latter – Barrio Barretto, Olongapo City, where the "Lovely Kahael Pawnshop" was
located, and Barangay Magsaysay, Iba, Zambales. Del Rosario was not even handcuffed at the

At the Lovely Kahael pawnshop del Rosario pointed out the jewelry that he had pawned. He also
signed the pawnshop ticket in order that a wedding band and a diamond ring with the letter "E" could
be redeemed. At the pawnshop he was identified by Florencio Gamboa, the OIC/appraiser therein.

Afterwards they proceeded to Magsaysay, Iba, Zambales to the shop of Rogelio Adriano. They were
not able to immediately recover a bracelet and a 7-day ring that were sold to Adriano, a watch
repairer and a buyer/seller of second hand jewelry, as he had given them to his son for safekeeping.
However, Adriano assured the police that he is going to voluntarily surrender the jewelry because he
learned of the girl who was found dead and of the robbery. His son, Rogelio Adriano, Jr., returned
the jewelry to the police some days later. Both Adrianos identified del Rosario as the person who
sold them the jewelry. After the jewelry was recovered, the police called Emelita Paragua who
positively identified the jewels as hers.

Del Rosario was then brought to the Olongapo police station. A lawyer, Atty. Norberto dela Cruz,
was called in to assist del Rosario. During the custodial investigation, Atty. dela Cruz was present
the whole time. He informed del Rosario what was stated in the waiver/confession. It was only when
del Rosario said that he fully understood its contents that Atty. dela Cruz signed it as counsel. SPO1
Fernandez brought the accused and Atty. dela Cruz to Assistant City Prosecutor Martinez for

As to be expected, Donato del Rosario’s account of the day in question, September 26, 1992, was

He alleged that on the morning of September 26, 1992, at around 7:00 A.M., he went to Subic,
Zambales to buy containers for his vinegar and Clorox business. He was with a certain Rancen
Anonat, the son of his would-be employer. They returned to Balic-balic at around 9:00 A.M. and
spent the night at the house of Anonat. The following day, he went to the house of his common-law
wife. On the 28th of September, he went to Navotas and returned to Subic the next day. On the 30th
he stayed with the brother-in-law of his common-law wife, Fernando Morales, a police officer in

It was Morales who informed del Rosario that he was a suspect in the arson case. He was
persuaded by Morales to place himself in the custody of the police pending the investigation of the
case, as there was a threat to kill him by a certain Zapanta, a member of a salvage team in
Olongapo. He spent the night in the detention cell in Subic.

On October 1, four policemen from Olongapo arrived. He was led out of the detention cell to talk with
the policemen. In the investigation room, he was told that he would be taken to Olongapo for further
investigation. Morales told him to trust the police as they are in the same corps. He was not
handcuffed when he was taken out to the vehicle which would take him to Olongapo.

When they arrived in the police station (Station A), he found his aunt and some people in a room.
When he sat down he was boxed by an unknown man.

Thereafter, he was brought to Station B. He was forced to sign a document, but not before being
mauled with a rattan stick and a chair. While he was being mauled he was forced to admit that he
committed the arson.

From the "mayores" in the jail, he found out that the document he had signed was a waiver.

Del Rosario did not recall going to the prosecutor’s office to file or submit his counter-affidavit.
Neither did he go to the fiscal’s office for preliminary investigation.

Based on the findings of Dr. Richard Patilano, medico-legal officer, the cause of death of Raquel
Lopez was asphyxia by strangulation and multiple physical injuries. The victim was already dead
when the burning took place because the body did not show any carbonization or black color.
On November 8, 1996, an order was issued stating, among other things, that since the prosecution
and the defense agreed that if witness Raymund Tan (the father of the accused’s common-law wife)
will be presented to testify that his son-in-law (Fernando Morales) accompanied del Rosario in
surrendering to the police department of Subic, Zambales, the testimony of the said witness was
dispensed with.2

On April 2, 1997, a decision was rendered by the trial court convicting the accused and imposing the
following penalty:

"WHEREFORE, the Court finds the accused Donato del Rosario guilty beyond reasonable
doubt of the crime of Robbery with Homicide and hereby sentences him to the maximum of
Reclusion Perpetua or from THIRTY-THREE (33) YEARS and FOUR (4) MONTHS and ONE
(1) DAY to FORTY YEARS, and to indemnify the heirs of Raquel Lopez y Paragua the
amount of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS (P100,000.00) and to pay the costs.


Hence, this appeal where accused-appellant assigns the following errors allegedly committed by the
trial court:









The appeal is unmeritorious.

Accused-appellant Donato del Rosario contends that it is essential to prove the intent to rob and that
the intent to rob must come first before the killing transpired. He is of the impression that not all the
essential requisites of the crime of robbery with homicide were proven.

We hold otherwise.

In the offense of robbery with homicide, a crime primarily classified as one against property and not
against persons, the prosecution has to firmly establish the following elements: (a) the taking of
personal property with the use of violence or intimidation against a person; (b) the property thus
taken belongs to another; (c) the taking is characterized by intent to gain or animus lucrandi; and (d)
on the occasion of the robbery or by reason thereof, the crime of homicide, which is therein used in a
generic sense, was committed.4
Animus lucrandi, or intent to gain, is an internal act which can be established through the overt acts
of the offender.5 Although proof as to motive for the crime is essential when the evidence of the theft
is circumstantial, the intent to gain or animus lucrandi is the usual motive to be presumed from all
furtive taking of useful property appertaining to another, unless special circumstances reveal a
different intent on the part of the perpetrator. "xxx (T)he intent to gain may be presumed from the
proven unlawful taking."6

Intent to gain (animus lucrandi) is presumed to be alleged in an information where it is charged that
there was unlawful taking (apoderamiento) and appropriation by the offender of the things subject of
the robbery.7

In this case, it was apparent that the reason why accused-appellant stole the jewelry of Emelita
Paragua was because he intended to gain by them. He had already admitted that he needed money
to marry his common-law wife.8

We take note of the places where the jewelry were recovered – a pawnshop in Olongapo City, and a
stall of a second hand jewelry buyer in Iba.

Florencio Gamboa, the OIC/appraiser of the Lovely Kahael Pawnshop, remembered giving the
accused-appellant nine hundred pesos (P900.00) for the two pieces of jewelry the latter had
pawned, while Rogelio Adriano admitted paying the accused the amount of One Thousand Five
Hundred Pesos (P1,500.00) for two jewelries.

If gaining through unlawful means was farthest from the mind of the accused, why then did he pawn
and sell the jewelry he had taken from Emelita Paragua for a total amount of two thousand four
hundred pesos (P2,400.00)?

The accused vehemently denies having robbed the house of Emelita Paragua. But the testimonies
of Gamboa and the Adrianos that it was the accused who pawned and sold, respectively, the jewelry
to them shows that the accused had in his possession the stolen jewelry. His failure to refute this
must be taken against him.

It is a rule established by an abundance of jurisprudence that when stolen property is found in the
possession of one, not the owner, without a satisfactory explanation of his possession, he will be
presumed to be the thief. This rule is in accordance with the disputable presumption "that a person
found in possession of a thing taken in the doing of a recent wrongful act is the taker and doer of the
whole act."9

We conclude that accused-appellant went to the house of Emelita Paragua because he intended to
rob her. Lamentably, Paragua’s niece, Raquel Lopez, was in the way and she had to be dealt with in
the direct manner possible. And the means resorted to by the accused-appellant was to strangle her
until her very last breath. Raquel Lopez was killed on the occasion of the robbery because she was
the only one in the house at that time and the only witness to the crime that accused-appellant

Her autopsy report revealed that she was already dead before the fire started, thus eliminating any
inference that arson was committed to finish her off. The arson was but a ruse to cover up the theft.

It is immaterial whether the killing transpired before or after the robbery. In the crime of robbery with
homicide, the homicide may precede robbery or may occur after robbery. What is essential is that
there is a nexus, an intimate connection between robbery and the killing whether the latter be prior
or subsequent to the former, or whether both crimes be committed at the same time.10
Accused-appellant claims that his arrest was violative of his constitutional rights and that all the
evidence obtained thereat were fruits of the poisonous tree and therefore inadmissible in any
proceeding of whatever nature and for any purpose. He alleged that he was mauled to force him to
sign a confession.

Contrary to accused-appellant’s allegation that he was arrested, we find that he was not, and that he
voluntarily surrendered to police officer Fernando Morales of the Subic police.

In fact, his surrender was to be the gist of the testimony of Raymund Tan, the father of his common-
law wife, had he testified: that his son-in-law, Fernando Morales, accompanied del Rosario
in surrendering to the police department of Subic, Zambales.11 (Emphasis supplied) We do not see
why Raymund Tan would not say that Morales accompanied del Rosario in surrendering to the
police if it was not the truth.

We, therefore, find that accused-appellant surrendered to the police authorities, confessed to the
crime, volunteered the information as to where he pawned and sold the jewelry, and went with the
Olongapo police willingly to the Lovely Kahael Pawnshop and to the stall of the Adrianos and to the
police station in Olongapo. He admitted that he was not even handcuffed.

After his surrender and the recovery of the jewelry, accused-appellant executed a waiver and
confession in the vernacular, in the presence of his aunt and some persons whom he cannot
identify.12 He was assisted by Atty. dela Cruz. The waiver reads:

"W A I V E R



SA NR. 1663 Balic-balic, Sta. Rita, Olongapo City ay nagsasaad ng mga sumusunod:

"1. Na ako ay kusang sumuko sa Pulisya noong ika-02 ng Oktubre 1992 dahil sa
nakokonsensiya ako sa nagawa kong pagpatay kay Raquel Lopez at pagnanakaw at
pagsunog ko sa bahay nila;

"2. Na sa dahilang ito ay pinawawalang bisa ko ang aking mga karapatan na

nakapaloob sa Art. 125 ng RPC at ako ay pumapayag na pansamantalang
magpakulong at pumailalim sa pangangalaga ng mga pulis at para na rin makaharap
ko ang nagrereklamo sa akin.

"3. Na nilagdaan ko ang pawawalang bisa ko sa aking mga karapatan bilang patotoo
sa nilalaman nito.

(Sgd.) Donato del Rosario


Assisted by:

(Sgd.) ATTY. NORBERTO DELA CRUZ"13 (Italics supplied)

A confession to be admissible must be: (1) express and categorical; (2) given voluntarily, and
intelligently where the accused realizes the legal significance of his act; (3) with assistance of
competent and independent counsel; (4) in writing, and in the language known to and understood by
the confessant; and (5) signed, or if the confessant does not know how to read and write,
thumbmarked by him.14

As officers of the court, lawyers have a responsibility to assist in the proper administration of
justice.15 As an officer of the court, he has in his favor the presumption of regularity in the
performance of his sworn duties and responsibilities.16 Absent any showing that Atty. dela Cruz was
remiss in his duty, the confession of the accused-appellant is valid and binding upon him and is thus
admissible in evidence.

Assuming for the sake of argument that the extrajudicial admission is not binding upon him, let it be
stressed that he was positively identified by Florencio Gamboa, the appraiser of Lovely Kahael
Pawnshop, and by Rogelio Adriano and his son, as the person who pawned and sold the jewelry.

Both SPO1 Ramon Fernandez and Lt. Leonardo Esteban told the court that the accused voluntarily
led them to the place where he pawned and sold the jewelry so that the jewelry could be recovered.
If he was not the culprit, how did he come to know where to lead the policemen in order to retrieve
the jewelry of Emelita Paragua?

Where there is nothing to indicate that a witness was actuated by improper motives, his positive and
categorical declarations on the witness stand under solemn oath deserve full faith and credence.17

We find it incredible that he was mauled to force him to sign his confession, let alone mauled.

Accused-appellant admitted knowing Fernando Morales of the Subic police station. His relationship
with the said police officer would make other police officers be wary of him. They could not have
dared maul him as del Rosario would have sent word to Morales as to the fate he had suffered in the
hands of the Olongapo police.

The Olongapo police would have had a hands-off policy with regard to the accused-appellant, as
they would not have wanted any of their friends or relatives to be mauled by the Subic police if they
ever get arrested there. Quid pro quo.

In addition, bare assertions of maltreatment by the police authorities in extracting confessions from
the accused are not sufficient in view of the standing rule enunciated in cases of People vs. Mada-I
Santalani;18 People vs. Balane;19 and People vs. Villanueva,20 "that where the defendants did not
present evidence of compulsion, or duress nor violence on their person; where they failed to
complain to the officer who administered their oaths; where they did not institute any criminal or
administrative action against their alleged intimidators for maltreatment; where there appeared to be
no marks of violence on their bodies; and where they did not have themselves examined by a
reputable physician to buttress their claim, all these were considered by this Court as factors
indicating voluntariness."21

The court a quo did not hand down a conviction based on circumstantial evidence.

The accused-appellant voluntarily surrendered to the police and admitted his guilt by way of the
waiver/confession he had signed. Circumstantial evidence had no place in this case.

Accused-appellant relied on alibi as a defense to belie the accusation against him. However, nobody
was presented to corroborate his statements as to his whereabouts on the day when the robbery,
homicide, and arson took place, not even Rancen Anonat who was his companion on that day and
who was with him when the crimes occurred. Already a weak defense, alibi becomes even weaker
by reason of the failure of the defense to present any corroboration.22

In the absence of showing that the factual findings of the trial judge were reached arbitrarily or
without sufficient basis, these findings are to be received with respect by, and indeed are binding on,
the Supreme Court.23

In every case, courts must specify the award for each item of damages and make a finding thereon
in the body of the decision.24 Prevailing jurisprudence awards only P50,000.00 to the heirs of the
victim without need of any evidence other than the fact of the commission of the crime. The trial
court therefore erred in awarding P100,000.00 as indemnity.

WHEREFORE, IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the conviction of appellant is AFFIRMED, with the
modification that the P100,000.00 awarded as indemnity is reduced to P50,000.00 pursuant to the
prevailing jurisprudence.


Bellosillo (Chairman), Mendoza, Quisumbing, and De Leon, Jr., JJ., concur.

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