Summative Exam

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Multiple Choice.

1. If you visit a farm and see different animals in their respective areas, how would you call these
similar animals grouped together?
a. Category
b. Community
c. Family
d. Population
2. When is an organism considered an endangered species ?
a. If it is no longer seen in any area.
b. If the species migrated to another place.
c. If the number of individuals extremely decreased.
d. If it is totally gone in the world.
3. How does indiscriminate logging affect the population of some wildlife species?
a. Decreased oxygen level
b. Increased in CO2.
c. Their habitat is lost.
d. Destroyed their source of food.
4. Which of the following can cause global warning?
a. Volcanic Eruptions.
b. The amount of rainfall.
c. The rising of warm air into the atmosphere.
d. Increase of the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
5. When does greenhouse effect happen?
a. Greenhouse gases on the surface absorb heat from the atmosphere.
b. Greenhouse gases on the surface absorb heat from the earth’s interior.
c. Greenhouse gases in the upper atmosphere absorb heat from outer space.
d. Greenhouse gases in the lower atmosphere absorb heat from the earth’s surface.
6. Which activity does not contribute to global warming?
a. Reforestation
b. Illegal fishing
c. Mining activities
d. Incineration of garbage
7. Habitat destruction is the primary cause of animal extinction. Which of the following is an
example of habitat destruction,
a. Humans converting forestland to farms.
b. Humans obtaining land for housing development.
c. Humans acquiring land for industrial development.
d. All of the above.
8. If the population species of a given area is doubled, what effect would this have on the
resources of the community?
a. There is no relevant effect to the resources if the population is doubled.
b. Competition for resources would decrease as resources decline.
c. Competition for resources would increase as resources decline.
d. Abundant resources since population are beyond carrying capacity of the environment.
9. Which of the following is not provided by the forest ecosystem?
a. Control erosion
b. Remove carbon from the atmosphere
c. Oxygen production
d. Lower the diversity of plants and animals.
10. Listed below are causes of species extinction. Which causes of species extinction is directly
related to humans?
a. Diseases
b. Asteroid Impact
c. Pollution
d. Volcanic eruption.
11. Which refers to the number of individuals per unit area?
a. Index of diversity
b. Population
c. Population diversity
d. Census
12. To help protect animal and plant species from extinction, which of the following activities should
humans avoid doing?
a. Use of organic fertilizer to grow crops
b. Regulation of wildlife collection for research purposes.
c. Conversion of forested areas into agricultural, commercial, or industrial.
d. Segregation of solid waste into biodegradable and non-biodegradable.
13. Some endangered species of plants in tropical rain forest may be endangered because it may be
a source of?
a. Fossil fuel
b. Medicine
c. Hazardous waste
d. Electrical energy
14. Philippine monkey-eating eagle is at risk of disappearing because of habitat destruction. What
kind of organism is monkey- eating eagle?
a. Threatened
b. Endangered
c. Vulnerable
d. Extinct
15. Which process of introducing unnatural chemical that contaminate air, soil, and seas?
a. Acidification
b. Eutrophication
c. Neutralization
d. Pollution
16. Which of the following expresses the index of diversity in a mathematical way?
a. The vastness or area of an ecosystem
b. The species distribution in a community
c. The distance between to different ecosystem
d. The population of given species per unit area.
17. Which is the correct formula for calculating population density?
a. D = population/area
b. D = population area
c. D = number of runs/ total population
d. D = number of runs x total population
18. Which is not the cause of deforestation?
a. Typhoons
b. Soil erosion
c. Kaingin system
d. Conversion of forest to agricultural lands.
19. Which is not a common reason for species to go extinct?
a. Random mutation in DNA.
b. Habitat loss and destruction.
c. New disease is introduced to a population.
d. New predators moving into or introduced into an area.
20. Which factor ha a tendency to increase population density?
a. Limited food supply and diseases
b. Limited space and higher birth rate
c. Higher death rate due to a calamity
d. Presence of greater are for organism to live.
21. Adaption promotes _______.
a. The chance to survive
b. The chance to reproduce
c. The chance to survive and reproduce.
d. None of the above.
22. A measure of variation at the genetic, species and ecosystem level.
a. Biodiversity.
b. Evolution
c. Biodiversity and Evolution
d. Ecology
23. A process that results in changes in genetic content of population over time.
a. Biodiversity.
b. Evolution
c. Biodiversity and Evolution
d. Ecology
24. A population comprises all the individuals of a given species in a specific area or region at a certain
time.  Which of the following factors in the environment will likely increase the population in an area?
a. Increase in food supply
b. Increase in emigration
c. Limited amount of resources
d. Increase in the number oof predators
25. Identify the term that describe a habitat with a high biodiversity.
a. Unstable
b. Fragile
c. Stable
d. Capable

TRUE OR FALSE: Write True if the statement is correct and False if not.

1. The greater the genetic diversity, the lower is the chance of a long-term survival.
2. Extinction is being balanced by the production of new species.
3. Evolution refers to change.
4. Migration refers to the survival of a new species into an already occupied area.
5. Evolution is a branch of life science that describe the rapid change of organism from one state to
6. Endangered species are species in which the number of individuals falls so high that extinction is
7. Extinction occurs when the last member of a species dies.
8. Population is a group of organisms of the same species living in a certain place.
9. Communities have always a high index of diversity.
10. Environmental factors affect the population growth and size.


Give 5 causes of Extinction

1. Deforestation
2. Habitat Destruction
3. Asteroids
4. Population
5. Over exploitation
6. Over Hunting
Give 5 Possible Solution to prevent extinction.

1. Reforestation
2. 3R’s
3. Education
4. Prevent overhunting and overfishing
5. Conserve Energy
6. Proper Waste Disposal



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