Subjectification - Cap 1

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Secfion I

I-argc theoretical
Subiectification, grammaticizrtion,

Roiald W. Lansdcket

Tn. inpoúnc¿ or subj{livity and subj¿cr¡li.trlon $ morc and ñ¡r'

wúcly rmoe¡izcd ámong lrnsurnc schol.6 Thes. tem, howere., aE
used in diff.rcnr Mys, and nor always wnh the grca¡est precúDr. To Nke
pros¡§ i. rhis d'fficun ¡ra, need a c1.r undeñEnding or Yh f
L.r ft ou¡ ¡hd Tnusor u*s ¡hese i¿ms (e s. Túu3oti 1932,
fl6t poinr
1939) r¡ú.r d,fierendy (h,ñ I¿o These u*s d not unrelatd, ñori§ 1t,
Etur of on b€mg risbt i¡d the orher wo.s _ borh p€rain to mp@rt
a§p€cb of m¿¡1ng ,.d sm¡nlc .h,nge lr is horeve¡ .s6ha1 rhar thev

For Tnüsol(, lhe reE subj*lific'rior refes io rh3 hrfoth6'ed te.

dency for manhgs ro bemme úoft subj(riv. Tnis deoñ i.b
te.deÉ'es (Tf,ugor 1939: !+!5) Tende".t I:
Meaninss bascd in ¡he exrenal dc§cnbed siturion > me¡iñ8s based rn the
m¡¿ma1 (eEluaivc/perceptoal/ú3rf1v.) d.rib.d stuition EMnples
ctc'l rclud€ such phenomen¡ ás pcjfrat,on, lrke ihe shút ñ.atung of
á¿¿a ánd rhe general dtrelor o¡ mdphond exrmso¡ fmm conc¡de ro
absk¿ct dómins ¡ed¿,g, 1I: Mean'nss based in rhc dtml or i.teml
des.¡b.d situarion > máni¡3s bed in th¿ r.irúal and melalinguisiic
siúrim. Th6 E iuustated by o¿i¿ry¿, shich shil! ftóm ¡'mntal-sl¡te"
od \ &r'\r-o Ln¿"n.v 111. Mc¿nñe. and'o brcor" 'nGa!
insly basd in thc 6p.ak¿rs subjectle bel'ef rat/arllude lo*a.d tne
p¡opGrt'on. An exañple § rhc .rk¡sion of ,l¿ ffom Gfporál !o co¡
cesrve B, d th¿ glaman.,¡¡on of ao b ind'care mnedÉ!., plaúcd

T¡auqon\ delinú,on of subl¿crivl§i ¡nd subl.ct6caiion pda,ns tó rhe

dom¡¡r m wb,ch a rtoaiion r.ed.s (¡ mat r or conceptual conent).It
ihereloE tukes snse 10 hlk abou! ,n ¿ipt$1ón\ m.sins becomms
mofc subjcd'vc lor m.j oi rhc lnh¿r [lid. rh.lcms peii,i i¡ \rntigc
pói¡flrma¡efolcoh§lru¡l) lrmyu:a-(c mkes io scn* 10 htk a6our
th¿ ¿xtenl to which án crpi.s,ón or ¡s meam¡s § subec¡vc wc can
only 1¡lk ibour rhe sbru§ ol¡ parbcutar etemen¡ wfhri the óvcr¡l1s u.
úón A s'vc. meming al,ay¡compri§es borh sublcc¡vcty ¿n¡l obJe¡vdy

As I use rhcq rhe rems subl¿.nv. lnd obFdrk ,ttud¿ ro rhc sbj¿d
,¡d objecr dl concepnon (Lan8¡c*.f 193s, 1937¡ I 3 2.4, 1917, 2002a)
cnti9 r sa'¿ to be objrdtvrly snrru¿d r. rh. cxlc rh¡r soes

''onrase" as an exnlicn, lcúscd objecl orconcepúo¡ cmily 6 suhjec
Itvcly .onr.ued to dre .xrcn( thd Ém¡iDs "otlsEge ^n ¿s rn rmrlrcú,
uBlfconscious subjec¡ of .oñ.oOnón sue, rhei, rhc
asymelry b€Ne.n ¡h. .onccprLrl¿er and 's
^r whal 6 .onocpruahTcd,
r*een the ractr oncepruahz'ns p.ernce,nd rhc ra¡sd oa.oi.epruaLia
rioi The asym¿ty É mximal wh¿n the subjed ol.orceplon licks atl
*lf'a*arcncN, b.inE rotally,hsorb.d m apprehendLng rhc onrase snua,
!on, and rhe objed ofconceprio. is sal'eni, wettrlehm ed. ¡nd,ppr.
hended Rnh g¡.3r ,cur¡y Those ar ot cour* mareB ot de8'... Bur
wh.thcr rcy are sh¿rply dBrincl or somswhal blufed, rhe sublcd and
ohJecr roles ngur. m every conccprurhzarion l, püncrpte, .n crpre$'on\
ñ.,ñ,¡3 .lways incor¡lnrs lh. conceptu¡nzing pr.sslc who appfthends
..d .on§tues the ltu3¡iondcscnbed.
fhis barc arúgcmenr r skeichcd ir Fieurc I expre$,or\ mcan
ms al*als coñpriss borh subjedrvcty aid obje¡vety ^¡ cois¡ucd cte
\ mmk M,n,mally, sublechrely consh¿d cten nk ,n.lud¿ rhc sp€akr,
ind secondrrly rhe addEs*e. in rher olfragc tute as ihe coiccprulti¿m
who enploy lhc cxp¡es'on an¿ ihereby .ppréhen¿ trs ñeaning. M'nimtt!.
obj{rively snsrru¿d el.mmrs r¡cludc rhe expre$ron,s prolit¿, e whar ir
¿esic¡ates (or ref.s 10) *nhi¡ ¡he concepno. evok.d Taken as' a whole.
rh*lore, án expresion s ronúg is ¡eúher súbrccúve nor objmhvc. 6
ihese rms are delincd, n is only Fnrculaf eletunb thar ¡r¿ cons@ed in
a sublcc¡w ú objedN¿ manner.
By the sameroken, ¿ scrunric shi¡ do.s nor inmysmscotrherem
result in a globat ft3.rns b¿coñins more súlc.rive lffre¿d, wc hale 1o
trll abour th. faie olmdr{duat conceprL¡teleñúb, },hether ¿ pmrcutar
.lehñr comes ro be constue¿ wrlh ¿ Bi.¿r.r deE¡É ofsubJ.crv,ty or ob_
Jec¡iüty. con§df rhe Enstkh modáh (u ¿r. I,i//, ,,6/, erc ) wirh ¡poro
8'cs fór Erosly ov.6'mpliayi4 rhcr long and enomoust), comptex rdj

. ña\imr,&opeut.onc¿plon
objed olconepdo¡
(pmfi l9

dppft h!Dsio,,/con,m¿i
b, S
- ,",. -subj¿c. ol.onÉprio¡

d rctr h 8,.á,Fh,
.L tb ;.i';. -:.ilTc.:nnc r h á. ""n, .be

i#11]Hli";:1iyl¡** #;fi ír mx*'hl

;-::'+':i ;;¡ ; ";.",';.*:, ;# ;:.:;,í.'.IiH::[i]":
iiü:.ff T."" :::,;1"{;l p"."..,"Tr: ;l;.};,1;i¡


l-'I*:l' '":'n r:'-," ."0 !'\ o. ,he Di. .m.r,e ., onn o.
¡T,",gh fLre¿c[1 'r' ,,00¡, s/h"r!ó
]aot u, 2oo2¿
va-b_no! .oñhrrc\,hc p,ot,¡éd,. rron.hrp,n, qngt. ¡.e ubqo,nJ.
., !hr,e.tru. JE I
."'. ''l' "' -' sl"*" Lb'o , § noc (o.rnrd b
s no longr rhc tocur ot ¡he m"d, r;_, I
*::.^ln:l:i-,it:":,, *i T;ol :, ;";;. :lfl.i,:,:,1,'.:;1:
w)a r b -i.b¡d rhe cpfa"r\ubr(r
:,j:,,3.,",",",Jn.ron ¿. or ¡5nr.ónpreñor rL s&rd t
*ho r. rhe .orae ;f he po@lty ¡h. t
unr d rmrDilioi ¡qcto s.uerlng
_Ggrk ¿s p,n of u e ¡p.átq.. t
r".nr,"c.r,",--.,... r su,c,, t ¡outd $\ .h",h" a
r\,mtrrgo. rodst,onc
abe!r,i on q. ú,n\ ,tr¡ ñr,c,ns,tyra(
on. ruFd tc..fh $,h ¡a.
b ei
ro-ie mrnlB o, [ns\.h aod¿,. I . n"" otf,*S.
,1d ,.;,d kd, ,n-
.ú.ceMrznc u *. *u,*i .
_".'"p¡" r n" a
::-'13 ln,Fnrc {bj(retv ^*,¡
!on.m.d Br, ,f úe ronr dF¿ñn E.r.on
oppo<n. d.re1ú. oagr."[y brtgrorde]l rhe .omp,eng.
mw oaúAe Jó¡ B of d{,.on. ,h- p,o1t{ ruh ..aly
p,ñrs F C
$ a,r,- rct¿r
mq rcr 1(.d v ú s n.s¡a drsfee or.bKf !'8. on.h,p
$e+ei r. _n m.a, o¡.,,*.i
I un 3ti a
r-dle::i l¡: ¡r rhe bflrry
11, b"
u n\ on8hr "" Ú,. p."t . .a,,.n
{br. or no" *
rmcsrh.iddrLonal rcspons,h,trry d mkq ".*cp,,on.
úe óft^:,,,;
r¡rcd¡r,r-. nodar r." ;;;": ;;,;;;";;,XJfl":,;..,.1
r'., p-"**..
úD rrcah¿mE brcorhsruury. -*, ".i-,..ii"u.. "*"g

"*." o _U,*,,¡,,.r.,. l,_g.r.

¡ coúa..b deat./ed tudd o. dj.h,e.qr.d. obr..h,.
ruñD¡-r¡enrbah for' oD kmmotoey rua A rotow.
r.1g sun ,tuTtuo. u.d,né+lnrcd
*n(-,r m hns.o."u rmr'l- rC **unu*
rrr.r¿r ,onepr, \turtu,- l" ,¡" 1."-g...¡aU.u rne 0".,,. o.,,,
",.n" ,i ".,,,.e
svtr.,úar ct¿\a Lp hL an

na ns dd e ¿ c.h¡ng!.
he¡TeJ Do'ibe dnd rndcco een[otro
¡¡d !h¿n8- or i L ,o, -,ltrrdu¿ .onccpr,. ..e.
ñm'- tr E"i ieEto,mih\.,rr¡hr rm!
<hd ,. q"t'his 6LbJ6r.frc reruobFrñcr.úsubrr¡!eobjtrtrv.
10 pLy nÍJ
p¿r"in b 'he .DL d md !'du .lmrnr qnn,e.pqr ro ¿
drmnyor ot 6¡¡ eprurt üsdra1o. ucóvmeh bsecn _e.ubje!
úd ¡" obJ«,ol¡on!co.'o. | .o.rñ.,onrd hcon.vón..obc.on.
.ned Mrh, bú n is surcly rmpotuú ,¡d ñed§ lo be ecáomod¡rd m a
In .J-l.a uo.l (.1
t.lngz ter tooU ¡oa ) 2.r 2, I Lh¿?\r.,,ad
{b¡{'¡rndor as.he re¡tiCtrmentof $ñe e,d,on.h,p r.or rns obrtr-
dt._!\n 'd h. {rbttrrive
rL {n ssatp¡",. rh.. .bj;.nr, o. mo.
d¿rro(..llFrded, t-,sur . o.,s -".ty.,n..1en,o; of fo,.ero,qss pañ
or te oaGsr. ¡rre.!e.trb.d. F{d,ng,n L. -rÉc.,ol
or ro.ed
tre, !ol. aed. t w,16
]rtu, r : ,Td ) ho" ,hc rbÉ4 d .oneflo;
¿ppren d; §h"
'dms . u, on Mo'- -...n'i ,t ls¡c". too3. tccar. I
h¿ b b(t'ere.h"r.Lhfr r,r' i,o. .. eúe, .1ouahr o á, ¿ k,nd of
-eTsrÉ {*c1rg o fddjng¿ - fhr ube, trety.on.h-d mr,b
sflc. ra¡.. s ¡ \- of m ob,e1\eh .o-\Neo counre-paf w¿\
rtudll\ ü.m 'ce
¿r ito,
s iñmin.dr,1,he h,ts.,, e,nhqen,,n r\ cor¡.p.
r'o1r xirp/b€.or. mo..1,drnr whc,Lobje.u\c,yconrtueo..e
ñenr É no ronEcr rherc ro m¿sk
The imnmáe of rhe construéd enty in
ns oblerirely
«Nhrd ¡u wp'd porüB.c,{ n , ofrodJ. bur
'\ , m sugsen á y o. rh,nkns ,bolr
.pAkrc mod¡h u\'+ n*tr netpr.¡ Rspe¡, L dr t_ns¡,"h frnire
rd,.j,..rh ¡he profiteo rctd¡on.h,p h
a.ePrcd b he sp.slr ¿- bf me re¿, r o,,1.án..,, t,.r pofty.
h. E.
tq\ c,mn,,on ó. ,es,,ry (lñ.
.bD d \hd ha. happr4 Lp.\rcu8h.he
d¡ Am(l)lb).trb d,rr.5d,\. p.of,t.drhr,. ot a mo.
otuh,p h¡sno,r., b.?,
m@¡pore'i n pcd ea. +¡hrycontepr.on n . ro;,a ¿
'\r .¿1,jrdde
eÉ,,on and,rE rpe,ka .rr.,m, row¿.d
,.(ft¡ng,r Mf \¡Oms deer+s o"ro^c. ¡enfrr.d ,n r e d,,t.Énr úod¡t
.ñocesfknc¡.tc' lcot 61 ..2004, w"cn rh,ntabor
n ieñi of_re .l .rr¡Dotdior
hr!'* d (r'i\. Dt+c rB úi r,nÉdrEtop¡hr rsucr ¿s¿yüd1
.om6ro -¡T.-,8 rhe 5refl rr¡on rh,.rx-oo .o¡ requtrr,r-
1¿l effon ¿tuI cnsende6 a iorcc dyramic experi¿ncc HoweE¡, srcc wc
ú¡.b) v'rrof bfrngal'\.rldrr.ráU.'\eer.or.\p.nGdtr dornB.u
lies in rhe backa¡olnd, rs eftlhln8 rake¡ for gñnréd, much tr*e rhe .on
sbl forcc of gñüty. Fü lh6 reáson rhe menbl .xtupola¡m of Eanty
lowa¡d a 6rgét ev.n¡ prcscnh iislf !o us ¿s a torce rnheÉnr r. th¿ evo¡u-
rion of fcalfty ilselt w. feel n as ¡ip6hins, us ioward rhe ¡argc! sirh I
varying deSrees ol stusth. Heñc. a sronger force (6 w h,i6o r¡ns
lates io a grearer trkctihood ot rhe b¡Aet b€inx r$ched
They oft pkn¡úB a v¿cotion ir LoAtuño
Th¿y (ña! / E ¡ / thottd / »iu / ht"§j b¿ pkhnkc o (
So chmdenud, rh. nodat force rs subjslv§ty conshed prjñary fmus
is on thc profiled rl,¡orship, and vhil. rhc modah do mk. evide¡r th¿
rre¡glh ól rh. spcak r's ioi,lh¡t incl:narion § nor ir$tf1he f@us
of¡lention or the rotrc oldiscusson rhey merely reeBrer rhe spesk fs I
eps¡.m'c atugEle r á$esing the rarge! rtuiiotr onragr l¡ resard ¡o
subJectifi*tion, ¡htr.forc, tñe qüesih B wherhc¡ rhe spÉker has a com-
pdsbl- foñ r o),tua. e\fermle -.,n .rlrm,s (
r"- obrñr.vd) cor.hed Élr'of.h'p proftcd b1'.pcc.o. ,ar hLo,.cat"1sc.
d"nr. of'\. aod,l. ¡ . rr .n e\pe1m(. -s-rfled b
or loi !cprur..n8 ,on eone n¡rrin8 o, be,1s ,bt. do .oa1ljnL. ¡
§hoM in the fst diasÉm rn Fi8uf. 21 w¡rte I cannor 'u pfove rhal ¡h6 is so,
I Eongly iu§'\d r w¿."nÉ ror.\anpte I d,oleoy ¡a. (p.
rience If I .oncepruaha somebody .ts¿ Ranring somerhng, and sucÉs
full, ipp¡ehend lhc ¡arre oathar pcmont expe¡en.cj I Dur to soñe ex
¡mt - however ñiñimlly vicarously hav¿ án crpmenc¿ of rh. sme (
b¡si. sor. This vould ú.foE ¡o a senent póposat, berE sqrously.on
sidcred in varioLs qüar.B, that lhe meaning of an erpresDn describms an e
¡ctión or m ¿xpsi..ce involv¿s a m¿nrrr sinut.rion otr rcr EaÑlof (
Be rl-¿, & tu!. rhe qt'd'D or ue rcv.rd or ._b.e.,, j.r
a orhc' Iird.of sF. r rtr.
fmm rhe relalion betueen rhe §o s¿ns of¿¿¡¿rJ r ur¡ated in (2)

a sio t chicken nor.he¿l ansrnt 4ü6s 1t¡¿ nrd I

TAqe\ o KFC @tlet .ight r.tús th¿ nre¿1
s,bt\tn@hoÍ et ¡ntdLE m ,n

r¡(2Xa), an o.§ase pú ic ipanr ( hc chickñ) succes' ve ty occupics an ¡he

poÑons v§ i v¡ rh¿ rÉor which co¡rnúe the srálrl Elarionship pm-
filed by ñe parh pftposirion Th6 scns. ol¿¿rd$ is shoM on.he t.n in
F€urc I In¿lrang , rhe subJel ofconcepnon nec¿$arily om-
cives of rhe b.ajec¡o¡ @upyr¡s ¡tt lh..é postions, in th¿ uulr¡ sa
qu¿ne, rlnoüsh ,¡ocesi.s rre (o. By 6nb4l, ñe hjector of ¿.r,n i¡
(2Xb), nañely rhe KFC oulel oc.upies jusr a singte locatio¡. cor6po.d-
ing ró rhe en¿poi¡l ol lhc p4h in (2X,) Th. conceptuali¿r do¿s súU i.-
voke a parh which r!v.N.s rhe¡k (he rrc.0 Bur hr. rha. is no
onrag€ podrcrpá¡r who moves llofg n. fsread, rh. cofceptu¿liáns sub,
led scans ¡Mhlly along the sam parh by ey ol conpuring rh. ratd.
tols Gbtic) loston Obm. howev.¡, rh¿t rh. conc+¡lllzr scans
slons ir lus he sme §ay ú (2Xo), concepto¡lrzns the rajecto¡,s
parh of norio. lhis nenra¡ sc¡in'ns by 'n rhe con..pruatizs B thercforc
mñane¡l i¡ the conceptualrzrhon of rh. obj.crve pa¡h ót mono¡. It ¡e-
m,ns in (2Xb) as a.y norion oracrual physical noEnmr rádes trcñ the

''t!i? .iiii 1

(s) '¿l

The somc hol¿s tu. for t¡. luluie ffise ofáe go¡rg r" (Laq¡ck r 1993.
1999). On rhe norion rnrefpierihon of (3)(a), the subjeci noE ¡htuusb
3pace with t¡. i en!olñ¡iling rlre itre¡ up.¡ Eachins r¡¿ ¿ndpol.r oarhe
path This unlold§ rhrou8h rim, so ii conceptuatizns rh¿ ac¡io¡, rhe sub- olconceplio¡ n6r ako scan thiough rime as w.n ás srace i. hckng
rhe spa¡al movemdnr ól rhe ons¡age ralecror Thc iut!re ense rcsulrs
when the notion ofspnalnovcme ladds aw¡y ()1¡hc future,nrcfpraa
rion (a¿¡,¿), th. oNbge subj¿d § no¡ pofray.d as novinsr the de¡ dr rhe !
. rbjdr'nre dr g'o dr my.t!o o¡qpp. . ¿..n Lllb, \vhor ET¡tu \
thc co¡c.ptualEr's ndbl súnm3 rhróüsh rime ro siture lhc irñnnival I
prñ.s wirñ Esped ró rhe rclcrcne ric The oncepnutrkfs ]rnhl
stuin8 N of coú* subjeliv.ty co6tu d, inhenns in t¡c únc.pruliz- a
üg acriúty rather lhe thc mrise conliguerion And rhc sle s{j,mhg
lhroügh Iime 6 intunenr in rhe coeeprón of r¡e objervety conslrued
¡elatonship of spatial mveme¡r

He*6 goiagb ait the l¿tet IñoLon or future ln1e¡riml t

¡s I deñne , subjecn6cahon E no¡ rhe $m $ tuiaphor. i do no¡.t¿im,
mu 'n.'rJ
hd rhe .ubrtr oi do,n¿ F ,on!!
Lne. T\. ! no ú i
led .1¿pho
u rhcj ¿m ú,,.5r.d, o , ú
j., , d t
'nL 'hoúg\
fr.¡¿phor m'Ehr nol b. involv.d 1n cases oa salmaiiciz¡oD whcre sub
lcctifi.aúon at$ fisur.s (sweeGe¡ t933r T¡dusor t933). For iBb¡ce,
meraphon.¿l prorec¡on ¡o absñcr domams mishr be fo owed by a ,1., t
!¡c¿ c rnrlr,¡bili'yr¡!re1e. or úc {, d$
otrhe oneDal oblecrveconrenr (kngacker '.-;onsr ".
lgS7!: 12 t). Srilt, subjc.tiñ_
caton is nor nehphorical pef se.
To se lhe dút re.ce, consider rhe Eó /¡j¿ tn (4Xa) il prcfiles ¡ciu¡l
or wh.¡ Talny (1996) ú¡k f¡ciive morion by th. subjar Ths is
olb§e mdobi{rleh !on\n-d nüou8h nme,r, rhc Dar*ro, o,,up,c.
§uccesivcly higter po¡nDns wnh ¡.specr ro ¡he venrcat axis (V). As
,hoh in r'gJtr ¡,ái.'r" .úb'., o..on-ohú foloq ..h. úEn.o... rd
1.1 p'ógrer rop'ehe-d'ne rh. p.or' e,l cn' rhe .on(.prut7 .
'r rhe § sB. o, r\h
.-arn'ns rl¡orsh ele rtotd. rtuo p,o-e, ,rs r.ñe
(0 h (a)Q) ,s¿ is Nc¡r ñd¡phorically n r€rerenceehro ¿. nc(as ,n
pne ThÉ r üe sm. s (4X, excopr rhar rhe §ourcc domi¡ otsp,tat
moron § sup.nñp.¡cd on the rarget domah of coffee pncin,¡ ro tom,
blfld f F.L.o. n.o ard I únc' 200)' t'- h,,.he ot.oner..
i ll 01.F.d obre-"ve.t'n . rolenmr ¿to-s'r \;(rt ¿, ., ¿no lhc
concepbsüd rill scans rh§ erenr equc.ra y rtuou8h pruesrg rinc.
á1¡eel'n r'3r c 4¡b' lhcon,yo,jetn...rh. \fñovme. ú\-Em
r b'eid.d "p{!c rher rhc ve' st s\b ,. .o.t"'.0 u 1, q..-,0 *¡te
ro' p'.,r Rcr'.r o hc b¿i ' {nsej rhc meuphd,cat
nther than úpovtr6hsd (unlike úc sffée purcha*, "..; enbc¡eü
stEt'ilidtoa sñññdniatun, üd úhuttudt o.cherps 25

(4) a. Ihe battoon ¡ov qúte tlowlt.

lobjecriw. mrio¡l
b. Lal Jer th¿ pnc¿ ofcojl¿. M. §¿a¿lty
lmbphori@l mono¡ (obl.div.)l
c. ne 1roil tit.s edpt n a. ¡hé suñnit
tsu6jcd¡rc, "fi .ti!." mtiúl

sentence (a)(c) excmplrfies whar is varioBly re¡er.d ro as virru.t. sub-

jecrive, or licr¡r. morion (L¡nsacker 1936, 2003¡i Makumoro 1996i
Talmy 1996) Hse, objedively, th¿re rerochlngc thmush rime norhins
in rh. onrase sc¿ne acrurlly ñovcs. (Rlt¿ is rherefore lnprtccliE, and
occús in dr simple p¡.enr ¡ense, indicaring conrancy ¡brough rft.) The
úrj¿cbr des s,ll occupy a *nes óf succes,vely high.r pomr alone rhe
veñical áx¡, bu¡ docs só §mulhneoúly, be1¡g a sp rallyexre.d¿dobJecr.
The sñse of drcctionality, and the mirhron lo¡ using ,t¿, e$¡lc in rhe
enc@tulizd menblly $antung olon8 rhe hjedors ¿xpa¡se in building
up to a full conceplion oflhc stá¡c confiEuaron Ths moron by rhe sub-
jccl or conceptim § subjcc¡wly consh¿d: rh. concepruitirr does nor
¡hink óf herslf as movirg rhoush space. bur mr.ty áppfthñds the sc6ei
rhe mvme.t is i¡heren. h rhe v.ry concepbalizing icriyiry, hencc off
shse and cústu.d sublecrvely of coufs, ¡h. conceptu¡1zer races ¡n
amlosous nenral parh in (4)(¡), in l¡ackins rhe batloon\ objc mly con.
strucd throuch sp,.¿ Thc concepbal eleMr of sparial move-
ñúr rherefore undergo.§ subjcc!ficaiim wñen r¡.r. 6 .xrended f¡om rac
tivc b (impsfedñe) lic¡v. ño¡im.
Consder nexr a b3sic posssrve verb, hke Ergl'sh ,,ve. Such prdr
.ares deive hisrorcrny ftoñ vcrbs imptr,'¡s physút acquis ionhdcon
iol *r. t¿r h. t¿rD . rc.d. efl . !( too. !t, Wn¿r
,,. p,"d,.,,"..
spe(n c¡trio 5. bur úrhei c r¿bE rhrne
,F" ..
s., p."i,t.
" ttdfonrh,p
w¡rn he r4(br .onrc.\ rhe taldrncn. rhl .krd,¡Lk .ornot ,n
rcnnip n oh« mul¡if¿.rrd
o¡.e$ d p¡re ht ror hkmcdotr,
§or [Dd o¡ e\.run.. p,n eg.
'ñptj'rAo¡ , phy.i"t,
r¡,,t.¿m o,.rpfr
oppNd o Dr.lJ p]-\q.atr rrro-. o*".ñ.". r".. rlp,;e .*.pk. é
rÍ¿r hroth¿r hu s?re,at pruntuhtla.?r I
t1 ü n u ha\ l.eq!¿¡t h ?¿i¿. he,
Th¿r hN¿ d lat o¡ hunjeh¿s it Flotitlo.
Gtl-p P
= cesroiúd (physqt, $.i,t.

= p@ssoR (rdü.ne poin,

= domin of.dftou¡e4s (dominior)


s,bt¿¿11(do4 ¿añNtÍ, ba hdcon eptúta^h.rpe:

. .Lr cñFd r.,sxrc \¿, r¡ rh¡ udy..
eft. ft ," €.o 'T ,R¡.rrc.r,,.,".,'n run rno
r¿md,nr,ot Dj \.\e.e otrr".. ".",.h; "* .Jnr;.,;

,.,.",..,^.p,"r". h. lon¡otrl"norh,p. "t,,-,.,,-.,.,.g.a *.., a

.:"-:' rh" orsnm rnh mdk¿.F me ¿ Drd o,¿hd s on{je" o&
l1::" I Ehár r
frr:: i.o"::-::irl:.d r tur rtu¿h¡rs d.onh rralon.h'po, ¡h'. sn
hns I, ¡he subr..,
rÍ:::: ñq e'. h'oñ F D r,"' ;:";;i :; ;''.1"r,; :,";;*';; "]J
or ,nnúenr. I \o,o ,h, rhr renD.
., o.*¡-n or,L, _-, *r",io..r,p.
¡, ic,enl d ?.''on¿l a lhtr Jendh h. f.,¡ot|;p
,..:'-:,:: lit -1r"1*
,:::]^:111 -f
1T l.'"1
,.,,"_",",,....,.,..... -.r,it,;il.i:;:.1,":LT,::11.1;#

ffii|.:ffifl""[::J:11.* *.u,a!ive bú .crah,y phus,b]e Lrdeed. r

L. e. tn" n', .hoq qD ¡ s des¡e. or \ubrr,.o. \r, trh,ch
.^1,.-' ir
u: :" -. rn.(de r.Lr,./c, ,n ,r g*,i^,..r .ur*, ,.
".m:13 iI) " .fmrF....en m,n ..Ee or tu,,ns elE.,enr.arac
¡m,y¿ dr¡m o. eierrce ,_rg o.a"".,t.,*",,.",..
wi:".1': ó1..' r1 b:'o.nd ,' r.*,..,.**, ..,¡_i_i..-,n*
:,,;.¡;iHijl Ifr ,n;:i'r'Í:' x**'ni
(6) a Thit ho@ has l.ur bedtuoh'.
b t¡ ca, ¡h ha o tu rñfüic oJ obúut 5,aoo ht6 2
. nAE¿otqÍdthrott
Ll ;:.,- -:-:::lllt' '.,.,"d , r.,.rsnc. poin¡ .h,,e,enz..on o,
lqem¡,r d.r¡p'ion orpc«*,,6 (,. o,. *ri c;;; a-":

;11 :: r,:. ;":BJ, );'[]1.* ,ii, ::r',mrrt ::

s'bk¿úcrti¿r atrh 4tu anot, o'

smnrc changc A morc cauúous apprMch is ro vrw n ás dcscrómg or

suma.izr.g on¿ lind of r¿t¡rlonship berwen oÍrgm¡l and .xhdcd
meatu¡g§. Ihe md result - coñpl.te dú.ppearance of rn oblecriwly con
strued enli, vith retention of renlal opeBtions rm¡ent m rls conc.?-.
rrn - my com. ábout lhóqh a td8 dÉchro¡ic proc.s úvólvina nu
nerous factm. includins thé gradual md muthf¡eled ¡f¿tru¡rion of
conccrtul conlent (I.an8acle 1999) I would neÉr cl¡iñ, ior dmplq
rhar th. mdm Dngl§h .pútmic nod.k derive lom thetr Old En3lish
¡{iÉl $ftcs in a sngl. st.p d by mos of a sinsle kjnd óf ¿rwlóp-
rent Tle discr.pá.cy nocd in FiSure 2 su]rrmizes an e.omoúly cDñ-
plrc¡red rolution¡ry plecs spamins múy c.nturi.s, which ro bc fully
ed tr4¡y undeErdd has to be stodied i¡ s oM rishr, in lire
gr¡fed deta,l, by proper dEob¡o¡rc Grhods My dis¡amer is lhí I hlve
not cng¡eld in such r.sarch aid lhus h,ve o¡ly lñt d undcrcLndine of
the hhlorical p¡occs.s ,nrclv.d. Thus úy pictu. I can givc of húto¡ical
developftnb s ir bes ¡ coas.-gñhrd sk.tch.
\e\rrheles I l:'d rh, .oapd'ns ons'1¿, d e\k1déd rm'rg! 'a
tñis úms N á very uselul kchniqu. lor li¡e-g¡ain ! coloeptual analyss.
Fron th.¡ of bo¡h sm¡tics and Sram¡r, I rhink ú is quite ff-
pona to obsñe rhár tñ¿ má¡i¡g§ of 8É¡lmtcal clmcñts ¡rc plausibly
chúrrerized as Esiding in ffiul opmlio¡s ,nhrm¡ m lhe c¡¡ceptüali
a¡ons conritoring the n anin§ of ¡hcr lexrcal souiÉs. ft § hc¡plul to
realia ihar snllrmtic¡l méaningÉ my lack obj.ctive conent bul rill be
mnoe ul meaninEs. thc sk lcÉl prú¡g ¡ ,v,¡y rm¡en! m lhc co¡-
ccp¡on ofsch conrenr fo rl* *rn! ¡h¡¡ ¡hú is hc, n r.veals §(mthirS
egniÍcant our t¡e natuÉ ind d.velopú.¡t of g¡ama.iÉl st¡uctu.. l¡
re@k ¡hai rmporlet 3§peds of EEmtical shcture reside in Ó¡ceptoal
óp¿úloñs ese¡rially devord of ary orsbse @¡oepnd conrent. Gnm
mrical m.¿nings ñay cosist soLly m lhc eliviry olúc conceptuaüzre
subjffr, activity *hich is ilr]mndt i. tlÉ cmceptuáliárion ol obj¿
mstud sitoations bur has com b h. us.d irdependhrly, in .bslÉcrion
fom í Such manings aE of couBe invis,ble or non{xisrént fmm rhe
r¡¡¿pomt ol an objedñisr s:lEtics This 3 pinary r@ why lhc
meani.gfuln¿s of h¡s ¡o¡ bcen 8ñcr¿lly rcúgmzcd.
Ths chamcreriu tion of sramatic¿l maning is nor necesarily linired
to cases where lt cones abour lhrcud subjectificahm a{ectins a lexral
sour¿ Escntial osp$ls ol gñmanal F€¡i¡g my be subject'vely
Énsded a¡d im¡nst ñ coneptoal archeilTes e!¿n in rhe sbsence ol
my $ident dÉhronr connccnon.

,-,","^i:'' 'i: "0,.- * r'\b,e., ,on.kucron. rrcn,ph..ed -
:,, m: , oer¡trc a,snro,n"tJ {. ,KJm hro .o0o x mshro aro
r¡ngalker 200J', r,e ofml p,".r-
¡r:s-,¡e ldñó¡* e ".r".,,"*."",r,,.1p..
beFer rl_e.o.rr .uDelr D rh\k
rwrba ¿¿ rEe,. napk rood ln. p,or.eo r..,ren.hro
oy añvokr rcaho I mr.@d
u,. ,9,r.u*_r"ol ,,"p..g
lI_.:.::1":^"" 'c.s,
flpamount h, serunhc|])/INoutd
_.,,,, í"ir"
.r¿u.e u.""
¿¡su. rh, do6;orh¡ "r,rc,
n'cad oq«.qr), ú.tud nc.",-, :.",;: ;.-:.
,,p"" *." . hr subror v.r) on.mco;;';lI*lJ";:1

.on..p,u¡'a¡ mro*,s,h. {drc.,o opeB,,on or rhe
-.n"r,..__ ".i
B:h. delrr, e,a.ron DaIr- r pr.encc *r_, ¡.p.-
, rhr ,5( b,ser ,. . póporuu¡ (rarh.r
,En ¿ hmgr r tier. \ obe.u.¡,
-. ,*"¿.¡,uo*l-r*, n
pord b h'8cr. q.h¿' .h. (.e¿,
" -_,r_..
n ,a_h-a_ ., _" .,
reH rcn ro r¡e ret¿ft¡e pórnl "
Nihoa\ sa toú¿ rd sy^rott, tto I
r,p¿nesesUBl nce.slrsJ
'The J¡p¿n*e h¿!en.eórhetr n¿pte rood.

(a) Doublc Sub ed conntud,oi

subt{tltqm ¿m q LMrú¡ aj

IIcr.e+. gamnd".,T. -sor ¡1§.on)rrü(holF.dc. _ rhc.J)*l

ol.o.¿pron mo\'18 !'br1n.t, rfñ Tree f po.n,,o br¡er ln.! a
qnkrcmp¡ñb-torh"a¡1{hm[. mean,ngotr,,¿ rh,ch¡sl),hr\
vrb u ndlmlly rdoBed ¡o' rhr t-ns¡5'1h1na1o- I¡.con.tu, o¡
nd no$rv. rp-.{¡ rhr ,**[.,¿r,o, of ¡n, ¡J¡p.ryTc preo,care

Prs ñrbr i mose. hrb'i¿[v rhrcuglr, !tdu.e?\ha,,upjc co1-
\tur.un be'n8É¿n,l)ztd 6! Be,hdr o!.r m).
I úoL d powr rl-e src t'no ot..,rñR ¡om¡ rdrcmh,pÁ rh...ydDr
me.n'ng ol ., ¡,úc.,hm!l bp'. úl.hcnon 3. ,n
r3r, d.oq¿med .n
rrgm6(b) Tl. rop' )pe(,fie. he domrn,or ,r u 1 cl ,rtr(pr3tr¿r
. sn.c!... rhr p'op.. .de\p¡*dbvrhe¡nl]H
th.o ern(e [oñ(7r . rh, k,o0,. É urer
rh. r.rer.n!c pornr El¿riorsh,p u unBofi red

fhe Jopo 6e th¿t haw tie 6 ú¿n ldn1e taad

fd us nexr exañrn¿ tocarv. p¡epos ,ons I¡ a full char¡cr.nahon N

no'..ffi. efl ro.¿. h¡ rp¡eDoj.norpo ..ÉJpar,.utd.oakt-e.anon
.h'o be§(n -4e 4 ¡nd Lroña,. a ú.d enuD .ed.
,; b" !p.c,Fed,
tureh tr¡d r'¡ed rhe hrrch dom.ri ¡Hatr. n. .o8a, A .carh oo.
m¡rn.! .p3r¿ ro *h'.\, e\p?,.,on -oir,ner ir, m
r {' 'es'on
f4É.o ".r.q.Éj1
po. un.,¡cr .a.,..) . . ¡pr,fcaro, .
J.!ro'. rhe or
rf Ttrpd i.hd¿Dep.qlon pe! ju{
TLi 6e ¡., v.\ rhe indruI
s l.n r etrendeo re'o. I r,,. *"-t ao*. pr,1"
"g-. -- (La¡sacke¡
rore h vanous snlm¡licat co.shctio¡s l99tb). the",¡.,,,
¡,on. r \cr) mlgnt. .\1rhcd,n F,¡L,e

I5T gdns ú {gs... hd rh. ab{m,, ors¿1,euo¡ or p,cpojlon,l

me¿ ncc m ¡m d r4e!b' hndtul. tud e¡rch do;rn
the @neprual ú.he§?.s ofsE^RcH¡NG ¡¡d FNDTNC It is
lo¡ th§ rcason
rh,' *¿Th ooña.. ffr.d Lr" á n:rm, km ro H¡vl _., úd b.rcE
ro vilh cnd loh¡.o¡ L'rd,te_6 J3a, hon ,hom h. boroned
sorh'nB,h'o.g¡ sp¿. e tr ode, ro.jn,l .on rh,ns ,, ¿ uo,,iLrn_. ev.ry.
ddyc\pfl fl.e. A Mh¡t{d - wt¡ch w. do rb)n^rtocr,nE¿qt.
e, r'erfl tr.. obrr Li.h \. |1]to" roü,o Lro. ¡n¡ rhen
\'. ¡n Th_. t.¡._dr-,..or b ¿ c.LJm b) h trng lou,h5r ".n h,1s,n L
- u.¡)
crM ¡o r\! po r of..r.3$Lm,1s M' yo oos"hoe,hepo.,or,"..,


r \\\-

we¡l surtcd ao¡ slvin8 insrxcr,ons

abou¡ an acto,t Ir
tÁ¿.4'aur¿ 6 o\ite nen. n

It,,*l*¡i1¿*r,*',,ffi*:rffi It

srbt<,h@rci e.rqq n:a ot 04

m¿ lanp ak t¡t¿ dak i: ñotu ert es¡É thdn the ore b¿side th.

Momrc¡, pi.positions arc ext-ded to ¡ll $ds ot non{páriat usi *ha.

sarching and lind'n8 (a¡ led i. t¡c arch¿§"al sñÉ) Íe not at Nu¿.
My su$erion s rhar preposrio¡s réIt..l nt.oncernd echctres ot
sEdcHrNG FND|ñC, no! lhat d. dnedy ,nco¡poÉÉd in ñeir
mnings MG '¡d sp€ciiqlly, c.úin conceprlrl op.E¡o¡s rmnent rn
th.s. arche§les are al$ imanmr ú p¡ep6't'o¡al ñ, snd d.
larsely consrtllire olrhetr schmtic mea¡mg rh¿ abstucred semnrjc
comality of p.posúro¡s .6 á class As mdic .d by rhe lab€h S, R, and
T ¡n Fisur. 7. schmtic chaBcterianon spe'ñes only rhar tfie sub,
l¿ct orconception (s) evok s rhe lúdmárk 6 a ftae¡óc. poi¡t (Rl rn üd.r
ro ñárally sirurr. ¡he r.j.dor, rhc lafget (T) oa earch Tne s¿arch do-
main 6 thus ñe Ele¡ú.. poinrs donhron (D), I e. the resion ae.srbl.
rhrough f. apan l¡oñ újectorta¡dñark aliE ñfrr (a mrer or rocal
pómmmce imposed or rhe $eie), rh6 schm ú e$mtialty h. sam. as
Ihe posesive sch.ña in F'sure 5(b). Thr k why to.arve exp¡esrons are
onen extend.d io p.sesive use, and conreñety (L¡¡gacks 2oo3c).
Ths subJeñ€ly coirru.d parh ol r3rh, whre the subl¿ct of con-
ception ¡dc.s á menlal parh vÉ R ro T, is rlmncnr in rhc co¡c¿pruatiz-
lof ofa phy$c¡l ac! ofseamhing 5nd fiñdi¡gj *here ú.nrrse paric!
pa¡i mov.s alonS rhe eú. spíial parh. The sl¡ema for
!Érosnrors th.r.fore h¡s the sañc kind olrelalroEhip ro rhe trchcqle ot
searching and fin,li¡3 rhar * cha¡aclsi{rc of subjecriticahon. Ir is ¡ot
\o\flii he.r{ ,\dr p.tuo,..rons oe !e raroaLr t) hor \trb. ron,ng
SEARCH ú FND. Ohey hav. orhr sou@s! inclúding body-prn exp¿$
sons (Ruhbl 1994; Laurc*ér 20026) ) Rálhe¡ rhsubjectitication s a
di,choil. púesq then r.htionship illBrates the more sosal poinr th3¡
grem¡cal ñcanings my otr.n .eside in rh. subjecrrcly co.stu d
coúttrpars or conÉpbel orch.§les (i e ffiút óp€mtMs l¡mnmr ¡n

I kno* how conrse¡dy snllrro¡et mznDEs ¡clae b con-

do not
ceptorl archcg?.s in L\s fash,on. Here I can mly nenrion . tew «mplcs
fid coñc ¡o ñind 6on th. r.¡lm of nom'nol shcture. Thft É .or ¡nc b
or3u. fo ¡e .h5Er§'áron. D.opo*d. on'\ ro c .c Nm ,s po$rbt. rl

The 6rsl dample h my prcp¡scd conceptual chamcrrianon ot nouns

¿s a geffial ár.sory (LanAacker t937b). As a sch¿m¡c ói¿
::ll;i* ;::;:;: :]: :ü.: 1';r.ü:;;'.'.:':r'.: :x:xil
.:1,i,:.j:"i,iln,.1 ::": :iji;;-;i ü;:'":] ii$;.ffi ": j *
#¡ r*i,ri:_r#l+1.:=.*,H.'illl'{,iH"TflI

YJ. 1:fi':;f"::1,]::¡-::r..,0 nomin¡, groundi¡s (rangacke¡
iT"1,1,; l,i"ii.:li:.**1.,,"ixñ.il::T,"i:Iilf J::;*,.§l
l.Hll""§L:1.";.: :::::!i:r,:r":;#"J "'HJ:LiIIfi li;yJiil
;:ff :: jr1ll1
:::,".:fl.fl*:,, il;í";"ffi J:il::;;' J :lXl§if":#
: :..}*il:
by a phyrmt poin¡ns;

rhn ['l ot.. h¡.¿ apeúLe tho, ¡t&t

^ t-] ¿re

r.utJ a¡ F
,,,-.,,.. u,.(e(rgdrnrincóLrap5,
".i,";...' "' '' '-*p' o" n ' -t--ri n.u- o,
.hn rrcn rhe r.r and nohr

:tr1Í: ;:lri - * "
*rL*:*: *;Llyi$i.l, :" I; ::T*,r"Tll:it't:.i1;
Hyil ;Í,ill¿1 :##;;;; :;:Itr. :Ll]ff .":,#
il:: :i l:' Ji,,r.t J:: y..ri:l.".- :l ;;:.ij:::Ttfltl".f il:i

;:;;; ;5pg::",,r#"xÉ_iil
úd mr.'hd o .ítu. ,,n;;mi,"
*' - o"¡d.,oc+-hjtu.ijl.r,;$
or ñú..
(12) n a tiisui,l¡. th¿o.jsb i/e quarr¿kon¿
" ".",,,,*,,,," *-.,,|:.#i;ff reach,ncj

" *,, n *, *,. u -,,,ii'ff12ll:.supe;opostion j ¡ean¡sl

d Ai! liryatk úúr¡:t i, fucquennr¡ exani¡ano¡l
iDndoh s¡enonl

lrli,.,.?#;ri:r y"il.í"lrit ;i:1.,#' tiJll*


-{Jt:i,l;;,:*1*}i:*-ú h, .,,u,.. *,,.-
i'.: ;[[""J]:Ti::,1:'"1. tjlti;u;"s:,lt I Hl:: ;H:
:¡H'"1T, r+,"::n:i"f;":*i ":tli ill;i[+i,.li
[]ff j",x*ilfl l:["li:¡,ru.:l#.irl[i:r+.#
-I{-T-$ix- i:i:if#*ffi i,r n,
.orc.ptar 6.a.,¡ """.¡-'i*"q^ mperr 'he drr!ñk¡.y or

'!. 6'"*,..
hm iotu,o1( i,s; ;;
:tif: Ir
.iiil",^IT1,."..d ,"
ññb¡ opra,.ol! H.:,",;I,J;:1,'3..*,,-*. dr,.-,.

f,i*ii,i, ll "-"es !'. lchch¡,n ¡bi,¡¡.,
;u:xi;r{ :;i':i* rj."i"""E:',i}'j:r;:,};: ril..:,

ititffi ilir#*+fi:r,,.*,*n",',,l',;',,,'i{
ri*1':i..:{jii.. ril
y:j:.j:r rr r[-r;
.outd b. -\D,,.a,.d
qrar phñdrcm¡aLol
'úN t
úc ¿¡pre¡hñn,d p.rmp pc,,enc. b) mani ó¡ sfh poFsme

nI. rE be whár lohn$r rúnded i't,tó1s ¡, r. bflng flpt,(

u.,runc' lflldr lercoñrrk. abour
ssa¡fi.m ct¿arcúo; fte acep-
tunr hn . . I har e bc.n
dbcusjng ár. or tügr ¿1o rbldrst) 4stuú.
,r) É.ú. ¡úcptul.¡ns (riv,N ,m,nñr ú rt. ¿ppr;n.on
I üen*tw! r(u.eo obr.cb otco¡..p
¡m h-rotu u ( mrds. rhey k re3]utúúer 4 d oJ ú ongo,nE lzan-
u¿az hrñ kr r+§,.dsn we,É nota{sieor,hcm m *. we
onr: houch d*"cn*, _
m.¡6 contud'ldirecdy.
obJetr vcly "ñ,púi.ú¡"" d
w¡c'ha q\ems .úutd rnde.d b. ,@rfieo ür1
peer,lg qI'tu$ háre b hr E$¡ted by rudhr
,nvsxS¡bo b) ¡lt @.
rtrld rÉrNoblbu. tr trhrhcr..,ge *hetu".hJ,ta * rhouglr or
Í ¿bi!!.obJ(6 orcon¡ rpr.m o a§ §tutunñ3 d,,v,§ .mmfrr,n the
omrprrelótdhqhhe Ir mv.¿f,,r ñmn., g r.,(§ m rcñ(epM,-
zro, wé qn h¡'dty 3hd po ng ,ub,er.reh hrshed mrirc!
vr¿ok¡. meptut m :c\ t6 b ecogf rr bo,h a
¡he I and he ob-
refld-mrpro B/ns\erynatuf.ho .!e, ,rrc*q-r.r "ubj^
c-.cpn.n r

F¿u.dmEr, C ks, atrd MüL Tu@

rh. saa ¡a ot Etsthh spo¡,?t p.¿tultbt

vú,ty or c¡lilom¡ dodo,¿r dis.úl;i

.aqqnw Fov|d!tut ato4ññt. N

It¿ Do¿t r, the M¡hd: rh. Ro¿ y b1i
tior, od R@sor_ .lnaaa úd iddú:

lÚánv.$dlh.ModanDútdlÚ t
.t, .an@trch noÉ ¿^¿
pñr.str. ú L1lswe¿,3t_tt4 rcoolk r,,*;;:;
] , Bdl'D¡¡.w Yolr Moh d fti.
rhe c¿rceptudt R6( ot anñü: I
Toshiilri i¡d Romld w. t¡gmks
D.ubt. subler ad co4hx pr.dErc coNtud,oB.

Atasrz! tuna' pn.ddhss i.
FoL4¿dúB alcoe N cúññü,I
at úe A,,,,¡ M-,,".
,h" ,",
sbdord s6: -od uNo{N p
N"ú' ."d *'b", e,s-¡. 6r, 5|9a,
subj4rificrid c¿sury¿ ¿uer,6 L
Fou¡,loltoil ot c¡s úe atoññü. y.l
rio, sr¡fofd s6nfüd uniydsiry Prcs
R!ft En...poú @stumns cos,¡
tun4 hd i¡NpáEocy. ¿o,pae 71. r ó2.
n h John R Tnror ¡n¡
'hat aJ ¡h. yü¡d.5t 79. (rEtrdr u L4uúr
Mmos'pf 3r) BrhDrllq yúL Mou&e.ñ¡ü4
« Süs d l-
s"bj4rlü¡a^. Enññdr¿dú», úd eo¡¿eptu¡ ü.h¿4ps
cmcóúEs, orh4 md sbj.rivry ln M¿sf r shmtuv
G<r.), Lüeúce sttuture. DÉ@u5e
fú6r.r !e 7J (ad4ks,n c.E.,oEtu« Rdxh r?l
eE'd¿fvPhrr'd¿rphu John Bq¡lmr
or ,órdrlúun d e¿Dmk¿¡
kd t. D6.or4¿ drd.@trci gúsheúecar,.) Ea sÁ;
l¡siry conMli or¡lrm¡ici¿,lid, subj
.trcy r' a¡drás Brñl r Pdf Koch(e¿s ), Hi,k¡icor§¿ñ¿,
tiú @d cosnho^, t41-175. \c.E inE Linguisrin Rá*rh I r)
Dyran;cit i Ezllm, rxioñath¿s tt.1 t!
D.ixis ¡nd 3ubr{hvi!y. rn Fctr* Bnsz l.d), croudirs: rh¿
Epútñ Fadkz at Düb ñd R.¡.re\e. I 23. (c.sniriv¿
L,nsükri.s R.k,rh ?t) BdrinNd Y

t Eañ.td t d.), E1t1n¿s4tú E ptoñ

cxl¿rc, ¡33-lót. oxro¡lvloodon: ox
D)üú, fidiqry, $¿lfus: Ine mcjuú! b¡sis úf
one úy. r,Eo¡ ¿iistrúr¿r r3.6r r05.
tiorct romal ot EnBlbh

a.r6 ol rh. s]zllrffi óa tur. cl¡G

sum K.¡¡rur (.&.), ¿,¡sosq ontuE dñd Múd, s)5 577.

P@ce¿kst 01. th¿ /üua| 1ue.ry ól

re% subjddE mrm úd

LirstÉti57. tat-226
M¡r.¡, Geoq. A and pbitip N róh¡son L¿úd

rñ rn winnm paeliú§ (ed..), p"Rpr1i5

d.wropnE M
cruññtu|id¡¿\at 101 (cumr 6 in Lirsui.ic h r¡s
ory ¡ 0s) amGd!ó"hitad.lptur: John BdFmiB.

* ¡". t, s ;j ti": ;;;;:;;';;: :
E,h" a,. 1
" "

u*,a a,r" a"ta i,iii,:;;I;6Íi\{,1;:
[email protected]}iIIE¡in,¡n&¿ge

rr r-176 c]nbhds., M4 ¿!d r¡

8ij:[,ffi l;fi ff ffi ffi r..i],[j;fl ,irT*

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