CLEd 11 MODULE #4 (Q2)
CLEd 11 MODULE #4 (Q2)
CLEd 11 MODULE #4 (Q2)
II. Objectives:
After accomplishing this module, you must be able to:
III. Material/s:
For additional reference/s, you may visit our LMS for PowerPoint presentations and other
learning materials.
V. Concept:
• Love is the reason two people decide to form a family. Christ’s love for His Church is
the perfect model of family love.
• Jesus gave a very strong message to the Pharisees when He quoted the Old
Testament that God originally created man and woman for one another and that He did
not want them to be separated but to be one. Their unity shall only be separated by
death. This is also why their commitment does not only become good when they like
the situation, but they promise to take care of each other in the worst situation. “…for
poorer or richer, in sickness and in health, till death do they part.”
What are the joys that a family brings? List down at least three (3).
What are the sorrows that a family experiences? List down at least three (3)
No time for bonding
Why do you think that a family that prays together stays together?
The family that prays together stays together because they asked God to
guide their family and relationship and let the shine, shine through the
darkest days of their lives.
How do you think can you help your family stay together?
For a family to stay together, they need to be respectful to each other, love
one another as they ask God to guide their family and lives, and lastly, every
week, at least have one day off to bond with your family and have a blast
capture every moment with them.
DIRECTIONS: Below are phrases/concepts. Your task is to briefly describe each item.
Write your answers on the space provided.
1. Conjugal love Conjugal love is not just sex or anything; this refers to love in marriage.
2. Family The married couple unites the family, and family is not just in the blood;
sometimes in adoption or when two or more people live together.
3. Procreation Pro-creation is when the couple decides to take one giant step and
commit for the rest of their lives by procreating their love for each other and start their
own family.
4. Marriage Marriage is when the couple wants God to bless their relationship and
promise that they will be each other's shoulder for the rest of their lives.
5. Parenthood Parenthood doesn't begin with their children; sometimes it starts with
their pets, and parenting is a long-time commitment to God, your children, and your
VIII. Reflection/Application