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JACOBS: list Industrial City, Jubail, K.S.A, Transmittal Review Response Date: February 06,2013, ro [mune aEagwsTATuS freed 2 = ee na reject Maes 3 Conditionally Approved: tpn soa ecaremoneae|! Sona 2 ete Telephone: | 0515087684. > meme CORTENCT a [CONTENTION [ ROTEETE Fae OST wexcmascown | Nenad Parmer Conc. | “Comming Kaul rom TRANSMITTAL REFERENCE NO: PCC-NP-JZ-T-1005 DOCUMENT SUBJECT: PCC-QAS-NESMA-E-MOS-014 Method Statement for Lighting Fixture System Installation REVIEW COMMENTS: Additional in Project Specification 1.JPC Specification and Engineering Standard 1.01 Section 16510 — Interior Lighting 1102 Section 16580 — Exterior Lighting Reviewer: Mariano Gumapac Project QA Manager Approval: Signature & Date: Signature & Date: 562 pu Fame EGU aR OT Tex 00 Tene BT WesmaQylau ° | CONTRACT NUVBER- EKG SELON [GENERAL COKSTRUCTION NYzONG, 6 PLANT CONVERSION BULOING tno STATEMENT FoR UGHTING FATURES SYSTEMINSTALLATION [METHOD STATEMENT FOR LIGHTING FIXTURES SYSTEM INSTALLATION Method statement no: PCCIGASINESMAEMOSION4 Nesma Parner Prod y ane: Shaik:Shenhrdl? | sgn oan Se 2 evened S001 [wane Khalid Javed | syns oo 2a 1 evo ym 00 | ame ssaassepcoan | aoe Soares ote i ie Fes wry 0 [sawzgznis | Ssuedior a ae : TANG. ROH at LEE GREER APPROVED BY: \aicimapac | QRELECTRICA | GAMANAGER HSE MANAGER JAN 26, 2013, Page 10f9 Document NoPCC-QAS-NESMA-E.MS-0014 | GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NYLONG, 6 PLANT CONVERSION BULDING ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM No Page No PURPOSE 2. score 3. REFERENCES 4. DEFINTION 5. RESPONSIBLITIES 6, TOOLS BEQUIPMENTS: 7. PROCEDURE je. TESTING 12. QUALITY ASSURANCE & CONTROL 10, SAFETY GUIDELINES 11, ATTACHMENTS REFERENCES ORAWINGS, 12, JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS JAN 26,2013, Page 2of9 Document No/PCC-QAS-NESMAEMS.0014 Revo SemOsen JACOBS ‘CONTRACT NUMBER: SEXGEZDSERTOTT ‘GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NYLONS, 6 PLANT CONVERSION BULONG IMETHCO STATEMENT FOR LIGHTING FOCTURES SYSTEM INSTALLATION 1. PURPOSE ‘The purpose of this method statement is to ensure that requrements of ighing fire system ‘hatalatin is cared ot nthe preserbad manner and fo confi te crret mali ae eng aed der proper supervsion throughout the project 2, SCOPE ‘Scope of he methad statement i the deal procedure of method aplication, safety uidlnes,epscitic ‘equrementsscrage and handing recommendation fer instalation at ting ale sytem {fis nsucton contains OY work schine asocated wih taaion of hghing fire system performed by bw NESHA APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS Instalaton of lghtng tire syste instalation shall comply wih IFC drawings and rated spect, secuonrequrement, Indust codes and stoncards PROJECT SPECIFICATION: JecoooeRGo1 echelon cos Pees Ease rere Pesce: eanterseee en eoneeceaee fecrea ype Seth o omnision Heeb aay Ao Seen sio rene, LcyTING SRYND ~SECTION 165350 - EXTERIOR. GETING TESNA Lugitng Handbook TESNALEM-S Design Considerations for Efecve Bulding Lightng Energy Utizaton, TeSNA NES Gute for Photometric Measurements of ea and Sports Ugg nsaltions TESNALN64 Guide for Photometrio Wessurements of Paring es. TESNARPA Pract er Offe Liang. TESNA RPT Pros fe lassi Lighting IESNA RPS Prats for Rosaway List. TESNARP-16—_Nomencature and Defoe fe lluminating Engineering. TESNARP20 Lighting fr Paring Facies TESNARP.24 Pacts for Lightng Ofles Containing Computer Vue! Display Terminals TESNARPOS Lighting Ready RefewencelEneray Managernt NEPA To(2008) Nationa lstre Code (NEC), NEPAD Life salty code 4, DEFINITIONS. ‘PROJECT NYLON 6.6 PCC Project Company JACOBS (he Clent spansation) ESHA Nesma & Parner, General Conacor er the works a ‘uaty Assurance ee Suaty Corel ie Inspection Test Pan NeR Non-Gonformance Report Quality Documents Guay Documents Procedure [Procedure deserbes how a process is parrmes. 8. RESPONSIBILITIES CConatcton Manager shel study, anaiyae and schedule al constuction actutlas wth his department When eludes manpowor aupmetino-yp as wll 2s other posse resources required fr the IAN 26,2013, Page2of® Document NoPCC-OAS.NESMA-E-MS.0O14 Rove Snel) JACOBS | GONTRCT NUMBER: SEXGE-EOSERTOTT IMETHOO STATEMENT FOR LIGHTING FICTURES SYSTEM INSTALLATION = ‘Suctes'u impemeiston ofthe constuction wos actives. He eral dy al apaete of wark rocedure a per cabs Engneetng scope cf work “Superson in catge shal stody and review al necessary documents for intataton and testing of ‘gig fotureseyter nealsion worte nh aa, Ts cues lotnicleeope of work “pesteation, bilo! quarites planned miestone date and corsichon procedure. He hel ensure materatsavalabity in accordance wih conshucion schedle and constuction analy. He shall ‘oper to esponsie constuction personel oss. He shal corte wih aber Guoplines and ‘Woualze posstio confi nthe drawings 03 wal as inthe schadue to provide ther opto preventing unnecessary delays and obstructions octal supervisor / Foreman i solo responsible for ensuring that al nsaaon and testing of ‘cing fnture system station wr rein contrmanoe wih aplable cade, standards “oecheston,epproved procedures, and he ltest approved dociment for consrson. GC Engineer Inspector are responsible for manerng and inspection of werk and ensue that the ‘work done in secorsaree th reject specfeaten, eppcable codes ard standards ard oepory ocuented Safoycuporisorsrosponeibie for monitoring safety aspects and ensure that the works done in ‘ecardance ith JACOBS HSE standard procedure. He shall gous wh workers. The waves azar andthe racers of rated materi slave of work and ging reminders ean adstional pont work stay. 6. TOOLS & EQUIPMENTS Safety tls and PPE ectcal handtools Messuring tape, Knife, es ‘Concrete cut gtrer Eco ca Hamer di ‘Auminum ladder ‘Scaftng wih wheels and ladders Mares pen Fle fishing) Leweing device (ap evel ‘Open en wrench “Torque wrench Ratenet wrens Muteneierx meter, Meggee Cao, we marker Fantope ‘crimping tools Fork Ut or rane “ouchupmatrals Fist fed Tater Hyaroule fk up 7. PROCEDURE 7. SURVEY * Prior to instalation check the readines of reference ard Co-rinates. * Pror to stalaion check the oer cseipne works related wih te instalation 1 Leo te survey to etabien contol prs and eterenceolovaton which wl be the base forthe locations and elevations of ighing fare Ke4nmovozEracczommooe> JAN 26,2015, Page 4of2 Document Ne.PCC-GAS-NESMA-E-MS-0014 Ey JACOBS ‘CONTRACT NUMBER: BEGG p IMETHOO STATEMENT FOR LIGHTING FDCTURES SYSTEM INSTALLATION "The lve ofighing ides wil be mainisined by elecieal consvucion sew fo maaan he requred love as por IFC erage. 7.2 INSPECTION REQUIREMENT: Matera sal be inepecie and factory ested pir tintin. Check ca quansty ard types wth purchase order. Check aut of dlvorod mater Prepare a report and menton thre ar incomplete or damage items and keep such materials epaatl to rte responsible paren em supple. 7.3 CLEANING: ‘© FOREIGN MATERIAL REMOVAL - Al foeign mattis shal be removed ro the hing acures ror to tat intaliaton. Al dad ron sels are popery aligned and htened. The ltrs ‘ures ena be std accordance wih manvfotuer’s nats, '© debris and dt, hich has accumulated in & onthe ighing fates station, shal be remove, ‘© Goch al the Lightng Fisture Contact for frm installation and fee tom nonconductve coatings such a8 grease, paint or enamel prio iesuefrnstaltion, 7.4 ASSEMBLY: 17.4.1 MATERIALS: ‘= Lighting heures mates shal be provided a per approved materi submit). ‘¢12V High ntact Incandescent Fixtures shall be now and unico. ‘© Lamiarog(fitures stale in corrosive location shall eof type suitable fo such oats. NEPAT0, Seo. 410.4 Up furs shal 6 stable for the envionment where they are installed Incoming igh Pole & Accessories shallbe visual inspected fr éanage/ defects occurred during vansporaton, 7.42 STORAGE: ‘© M1 materia wit bo stro at main lorage aoa. Materials wilde delivered to ste 2s when requred ‘2d wil not be exposed to bad Weater connor. I case napocions roqurod al ators Wl be made avaiable tate and storage aes 1¢Allighing icures, amping, acessories, and materials are tobe effectively protected rom damage ‘x injuty om the tne a fabicalon toh Ue of dalvery and ul fal aczeptance of te work. © Hance iting furs and amping, cael to prevent breakage, dering and searing the seting ‘nsh. Do not install damaged Iipting atures replace ang atu damage uns to equipment Moa pols: Retain fctoy-applied plo wrapping ust befor pole Intalio. Stor lighting fates ane larping in lean cry space, Store in rig cartons en pote rom Gr physical danage and weather. ‘© Store meta soles on wooden pabit a east 300mm above grade and vegetation supper ole to proven! dstarton and arrange provi free a creation. 7.43 EXECUTION: stallation Procedure: Uiphing fatres are nstaled based onthe ara of application as pe the folowing metieds JAN 26,2013 Page Sof® Document No.PCC-GAS-NESMA-E-MS-0014 Revo. ema JACOBS. ‘CONTRACT NUMBER: SUKGEZOSEZ TOT [GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NYLONG, 6 PLANT CONVERSION BULONG [METHCO STATEMENT POM LIGHT PICTURES SYSTEINSTALLATION 1 i . 1m & ted fase cell Instaatin fighting fates sal flow the IFC drawings) Plug it type cling rose shal be rst this hight oa ove way junction box fed at he ‘nd of ELIT condi The wes shat be werminaled i is plugin typ ceding rove base, Heat Foaltant fox cabo shal bs tormnsteg an fo Ps pug and the end sha reach up to the greats {Galvanized ron wire oo shalbe hanging tom te cling using fsher and hexagonal nut parculr distance fer each igng ture. Necessary engi of i wre of rod hal be Provided The ighing fates or he ae shall be denied and shied to the area ot Ftalaton 4. Bator corimencements of instalation, ensure tha corect sizes of ut ut ae proved in the fae cain ners wing shal be checked or contnay an terminals ar prove 12, The sig ihe ening tox hat be removed andthe ae” end of eae shal be land io tha boy of he keting furs. 1. The rede or wire shat be fastened to he bats on thot four, tnsion shal be adjusted and place te eniosure in postion. The Suppo system of bghing furs nthe celing wll be ‘complying with specications, 9, ‘Te nla ighting fates shal be chackas fer algnment shall corrected if eed, Fh. The pe shal be fle tothe ighing tures ana aur assembly shal be astored tothe lghe ure, |. Cover and protect he lighting acres to thre t preserve th rich appearance. 2. Suspended in areas without false ceiling 12. Rild etoe cond anal be itd to he dome oover assem nsaled on the cong sab. The ‘ondul shal be ted together using gatvanized ron fl atte bot, '. Coling rose shal be ited the sr fx cate shal be taken down toto one of he ‘Conduits. Sutin’ eng of fexible cable shal be povided fr termination to Se ha are, The ight fntres body shal be fit othe gsivanzed ron fat heer ‘4 The fenile cable shale gan to the tody of te ight atures and ena. The ip on lamp helgers shal be ited ms postion tothe cotrl gear assembly and conta ear seserbly ‘Salle fatoned tothe igh res ody 2, ‘The lamp shale nears hn poion The ser shale fited othe ight heures body. ‘Then ign tures shal be checked fer gnment and oopery chock aes horizontal spaong as per FC crags. 1. The loeaton and mounting heght of ightng fates and thei support rsalation shal bea perl drawings 3. Wall mounted lit fitures The ocation ard mounting height ofthe ightng tures shal be fang centr of be gh atures shal be marked. b, 2h da hale shal be made othe JB Cover using knockout and grommet shal be ited 0 ‘oho. Grommet sal be provided ae wel for ne erockout one igh bres. Mon ‘focble cabo shal be taken trough he JB covr it tw gh atures. Lighting atures shal be toa the wall slg expansion snchor ora BOL {4 ‘The wtated ising tes shal be eheoked fr aupnma't ana propery eck tos honzonal spacing me per FC crawinos sire when aachng te pave othe sat at tha removable rae handralsuppermest 1. The head frame shal be assembled uh he door aperture uppermost. Fal css arms and ladders as por FC rawinas {, Sealant shal be sppied othe head rane tube blanking pate andbo to the head frame be. 8. The obstruction its ehal efoto the ead frame assem. por IFC drawings ane JAN 26,2013, Page 6of® Document Ne PCC-OAS-NESMA-E-MS.0014 Revo SSENERAL CONSTRUCTION NY. ON, PLANT COKVERSION BULOING. NETHOO STATENENT Pom 10s 7ING FIXTURES SYSTEM INSTALLATION 4. Floodlights & Road iahtina (or St tin ‘2 Flodight towers, ples, ightng standards and cours shal be asbentled 2 por he frarufgcwers’ Pevucions ad inspec ta ensure ll accescores seh 8 seers, rotctve Roope, patos et are securely Towd », ‘The ehat and head ame shal be ascend together prior othe mas being erected ont ts foundation ‘Base section wth ekolar anges call be supported on imbers and chocked to prevent rag. 4 Marte base wth bot sign and minum evertps. Thouppor end ol he base secon shale packed ao that kis lear othe groun. Packers hal be poatoned atleast 1m lam he epen eno alow plenty of rot forthe nex sh to Overap, f. Gheck he overiap tea fr any damage, excess nc or weld, which may impede ting ofthe ‘hate together and shal beret noceseary. 19. Ligld sop shal be emeared ovr the ouside othe baso fr tho ong ofthe overlap and ‘ately side the sal no poston. Ary mosriings fr ladders or cables must be in “Stgnmert Ensure the fats donot oata relate fo each ater ec a shaft wedged wih 2 ‘orner oft wl be very diet separate. n. ‘Tefors shat be attachod Batween the fange and see! bear, [Timber pacing hel be paced between the ste! bears ard he edges of he shatoprovent detormaton, |. Witnthe shot supports by acre, Kans foe tonto the end ofthe base, The iors shall be operated simutaneousy wnen pling tne shat ina poston Ata the shaft up and coun {bad besding othe shaft nto potion Stkdng the baa azros ho ond of te sha witha ‘Sledgcharmer wil lso ease the assem k. As ehdng takes place porisicaly sight down the assembly to check fr staghtness, Do not ‘Sop puting the mimum ovatap reseed I's imprint that th shafts are a8 tot as posable a they ray sete on ercton snd any suspansion wf enh wil rood fo be re= [cjusted. Remove he ste! barn reaainess fr pulng the nox chat no poston. Remove “any suis soap om te base sector, 1. opeat the pevodure for al remaining shafts, flora external ase aro provided, theve shoul be eds should he fa rest system mn aceordance wi te mentactrer’s im. The odor attached tothe upper haf ergy mounted, wh si others being secured by a amp. These aang clamps eal ol oase Ul the mast shaft has been erecta to alow forany otiement. 1. ‘Thehead frame access Mt shall be insted now along wi safety cables. ©. Forthe cables inealaton follows the manufacturer's recommendation, Fite anchor pin {ne anchor pate ard sacure the wires Ah tage, ony lghty toh ho gros, ae Te tna ‘Sustmart wi bo made when mast erected th Glas welght to heen of each we ». Assemble he ead fame plattorm including beans, Toor laes and hand raling a per IF ‘awngs, The conpletee assembly shoud then be tach to the Tange on the tp sha. Ensure wine stating the patform fo the shat atte removable rea’ handralis uppermost «4. ‘The head ame shat be assemblea wih te doar aperture uppermost Fs cross ams and 1 The ting and wing of luminaries shal be cared out wht the aad are ground evel “The elec cable fom eat mares should be threaded along the cass arm ans trough tho sands inthe that wal Then down he head rare ube an cut trough he door aperture uttlent cabo to reach ihe power dltibuton boas at ground level rust be tempor cles ‘onthe nea ram, Tie each buncle of cables fe ter respecive cross am maurtng on the hase Fame tbe ‘Sealant shall be applied othe head fame tube banking plate and Do othe head frame tbe, ‘The sgn ate termina that be fies tothe Read Fame ascomby, 1 The cbsbucton fgting shale ted to the head ame essemy. JAN 26,2013 Page 7 of® Document No PCC-AS-NESMA-E-MS-0014 Revo bee __ JACOBS: Lear ARRSE STOTT Soe eae ease Ss, Emergency Light 12 Inthe event ofa power ‘alure, emergency lgfng must be provided to enable opertiog persenne folate panned operating ar shulaown procedures. Sources o emergency Fhing power ied energeny sand by generators station baie, where aval, proving 125k croc coment bllery-operled se concalned foodights & battery-operated Frures 'b, Minimim doraion of emergency lightg nthe evet ef norma power falure shal be one-and ‘neha hours . Insvitengeat roam and contra rooms, where essenal activites contrue dving fire of he ‘normal ightng, shall pede minum emergency urination love 44. Inplen orev. emergency ts with ood huminaton shal be eoupped for uso in emergency ‘uenas emergency elepones, shutdown and emergony ton stston fre water pump rene, conval foam concentrated mag areas, tra consol pavels ane ela by generators. 1 Tuminsted ext signs sai be installed n ceardonce win NFPA 10", ane teneud be ‘Spied tom Separate source o power TESTING ‘supports sha be stale in accardare with engieortg sion (FC) deta craigs. «oro energization the insulation resistance of complete lighting cro shal be tests, ving @ '500 vote megger to ensure no leakage fo var, ‘© Tro lightng ete shal te eneraized and he iluminatn lovlecheckod against ose spectieatons in NEC table using a Lumen melerLux Meter 1+ The test sal be recoded on forms for process and plant eres and fr open and inoor areas. ‘9. QUALITY ASSURANCE & CONTROL © GWAC Inspector shall make eu that al scvtos relates to ho ration of ighing tures are cared out accordance wih he projec spectieation ard approved caning, NAC Inspector shal range inspection requed wth Jabs in accordance win the QNGC pian. He shall maintain and keep rote or al QC Docume 1 Ste engines, sypervi¢r and foreman shal asst he QAIGC Inspector whatever requredin relation to ually of works, procecures or documents and inspection, «© nspectonshalbe done in accordance wih QALOC pan 10, SAFETY GUIDELINES. “© Wier executd wie a par Environments safety and heath requrements and proper to! wl be Used before commencing the project. *# Alipersonnel shall wear minrnum PPE (&e helmet, safety shoes, hand gloves, coveral and safety agate) * Addhional PPE necessary (he dust mask and es pl). Authorize pereonnelto be asgned al steto 6 the work Barcodes shal be provided whenever requis for any ata works which maybe hazardous 10 working personnel, 1 Teal box talk tobe cared out prior o commence tne work ‘Electrical tools shouldbe checked fr any damage and safe working conan prior to start any Work {and 0 be checked fr color cing by safety personnel Fiat ad kt shal be avaliable 1n4 26,2013 Page of® Document Ne.PCC-OAS-NESMA-E-NS-0014 Revo | conraAcr NUMBER: SexGRZ-0-S62-1081 ‘SeNERAL CONSTRUCTION NYLGN#, 6 PLANT CONVERSION SULDING INETHOD STATEMENT FOR LIGHTING FIXTURES SYSTEM INSTALLATION "© Suffient inking water wil be avaiablofor warklorce a al mes. ‘© Enaureavaaby offre exingisners on sto, 18 Eteccal works an eting involves working on elects! aplance where valage anor mechanical movement exist or may suddenly cur, safety engineer and ispection persone! shal follow sre ‘he covering safety program ©The manufacturer manuel or nausta!equpments wile used at reference for sny sdionat safety requirements © Baricades (safety warning tape) shale povided whenever requited for ny hazardous works that may affect werk posennal rete scald & Inder shallbe used whenever rogues, depends onthe work to be execited, [Ensure sign bose tobe oun and proper barcades must be placed whenever required ‘¢ Secure and cola th area where te et eo be canduced. Place a safety fence and signboard ‘pound tbe permet. ‘© Ste superisr and safely offer must check and ersur al hat equipments are always racing (008 canon betes operating. ‘¢ Atcpemica and hazardous waste used in he projet must scale sch as lpn thinner and pre= formed inslaton and wil mark polson and chemical, ‘¢ Hausekeoping must be done on daly basis Responsibilities: ‘Safely officer n councon wth the sito supervsor or foreman shall physically check and conform that al sfey requirements had been prowéos & mlomente, ‘1, ATTACHMENT REFERENCE DRAWINGS, + Ataciment A= Drawing NoJPC-00-E9-50-400- Lighting workover shet. {Uaigcwment @- Drawing NeIPC-00-E6-S0401- Lighting work Drawing Indox {hiacwnent €- rawng NouJPC-00-£0-80-402. igang werk Drawing index-2. {tackment B= Drawng NoJPC-00-£9-80-403- Lgning work H LD (Celing Type). Drawing No JPC-00-E5-S0-40¢- Lighting workH LD Bracket ype on column, Drawing No JPC-00-£9-80-405. ghing werk HD Stand Typo on plier, Drawing NOUPC-O0-E9-60-406- Ligh work HLLD Stand Typo at grade. Drawing No.JPC-00.69-80407-Lighang wercH..D Wourted on beam Draning NowPC-00-69:90-408- Lighting wort L0 meurted oneal, Drawing NOJPCO0-E.S0-400 Lagting work LD Food lght TAtschment Drawing No.JPC-00-£9-60-410- hing wer H..D FLD Single ype TAtactimentL-Draming NeJPC-ONE9:S01%- Lighting werk |D FLD multe hype. ‘tsenment hi- Drawing NoJPC-00.E9-S0-412- Lighting work 1D Steet Light. {Ascent O- Drawing NoJPC-O0E0-SD-418- Lighting wors-Cabl on adder ay { Atsetmant P- Drang NoJPC-00-E0-SD-419- Lighting warble on prfe ay, ‘Atzetment @- — Droning NeJPC-00.€9:S0.424. Lighting werk-Stub-Up pipe (Stee). ‘Atscrment R- Growing NOJPC OOE®-S0-«25 Lgrng work Pipe suppor. ‘Tatschment & Drawing NoJPC00-E9-8D-425- Lighting work Ugg ple access. Note: For above mentioned referonce drawings plea refer to Jacob's speciation, 12, JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS. Noo: tease find the attachment Le. 1A fr installation of iting tures JAN 26,2013, Page 9of8 Document No PCC-GAS-NESMA-E-MS.0014 Revo wonmonoar2 sige inrtapunc reo ous0y oswadnsiaou9 wosi9g aqysuodsay aunsvayy] [01300 ‘aouanbag qor eineriier NOLLVTIVISNI 109 WGLSAS STUD.LXM ONILHDIT WOd- vst “IDLOUd 79 NOTAN bricyod PA seueyy aUvZ Sa00We ANWdINOD NOISUDANOD TVOINAHIOULIAd (amon eusay | a Se aaa na HOSTS G+ | __NOISUAANOD TVOUNAHIONLAd orn ee eee ——— i 4 ae enemies <_< aan oe NOLLVTIVISNI WALSAS STUD.LXI DNILHOIT WOd- VSt "TaarOwd 99 NOTAN Arjen PAsaney ANVdWOD ' Pua) ayaa, ye woped ue 05105 9¥5 Pa 8005 Ue | pty I0] PORTE aa DOAN =] wouprow papedoun "alod an pu Y une0y po sven yo osn uy Pyowes soseanpue tom, ‘souanbag gor peers) NOLLVTIVISNI WALSAS STUNLXI DNILHDIT WOdA- VSt “Daf Oud 79 NOTAN rico PAsaneyy ANVdWOO (NTO) J eusoy NOISUDANOD TVOINAHIOULAd { nous oma sacs 398 i Teg Ra “BTOR wes a IL apanosdiy sont eo panos "uawdinbs Spaow | isu 9a OF WIE BSTORDL PTY © = 1 dulareslersinteiooid nu pan 29 01 08 avo BaOE Hou oq pond 09 wy 4 Hy oe pero au sau pepe papusdr Japin sed hee Fo 01 seus 0 0H so ponoy eBay wat ile’ MD © us Aw poweuIe pe gE lap oven ae : sotpe dmg wy ug aad open 9 NS wosiog ajqisuodsayy I aanseapy fox1H0) paezeyy tenuasod souanbag qor elozioez NOILVTIVISNE “ANI WALSAS STUNIXL ONILHDTT AO — vse : *L0arOUd 99 NOTAN foto PAA sneg 9 | SUVZ S80¥f ANVaIvoo NOISUIANOD TVOINGHOOULAd MmnrO)\ J ewisay

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