Safety and Effectiveness in Explantation and Re Implantation of Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation Devices

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European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology


Safety and effectiveness in explantation and re‑implantation

of hypoglossal nerve stimulation devices
Philipp Arens1   · Thomas Penzel2 · Ingo Fietze2 · Alexander Blau2 · Bodo Weller2 · Heidi Olze1 · Steffen Dommerich1

Received: 10 April 2020 / Accepted: 23 June 2020

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Purpose  Since 2001, hypoglossal nerve stimulators have been implanted in patients with obstructive sleep apnea around
the world, initially in trial situations but more recently also in regular care settings. Medium term data indicate effectiveness
and tolerability of treatment. However, when assessing the safety of the procedure, the safe feasibility of explantation or
reimplantation must also be considered.
Patients and methods  Nine patients with an implanted respiratory-driven hypoglossal nerve stimulator. We have evaluated
the feasibility and safety of explantation or re-implantation with another stimulation system.
Results  In 2012, nine patients were implanted with a respiratory-driven hypoglossal nerve stimulator as part of the Apnex
Medical Pivotal Study. The study was ended in 2013. For a variety of reasons, the system was explanted from all nine patients
by the year 2019. Three of these patients were re-implanted with a different system with respiratory sensing during the same
session (mean incision to closure time for explantation 88.2 ± 35.01 min., mean incision to closure time for re-implantation
221.75 ± 52.73 min.). Due to extensive scar tissue formation, all procedures were technically challenging. Complication rate
was significantly higher when re-implantation was performed or attempted in the same surgical session (0 of 5 patients with
explantation versus 3 of 4 patients with attempted re-implantation; p = 0.018). There was no significant difference between
the AHI values before and after implantation in patients with re-implantation.
Conclusion  Explantation and re-implantation are technically challenging though possible procedures. The single-staged
equilateral reimplantation of another hypoglossal nerve stimulation system can, but need not, be successful.

Keywords  Hypoglossal nerve stimulation · Sleep apnea · Surgical treatment of obstructive sleep apnea · Neurostimulation


Nocturnal electrical stimulation of the hypoglossal nerve

to treat obstructive sleep apnea in patients with CPAP non-
Part of the data has been presented at the 89th Annual General compliance is a relatively new treatment option.
Meeting of the German Society of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and It is important to note that various systems for hypoglos-
Neck Surgery as a lecture. Lübeck, Germany, 12.05.2018. sal nerve stimulation are or have been available on the mar-
ket. One approach is continuous stimulation of the hypoglos-
* Philipp Arens
[email protected] sal nerve at the main trunk (ImThera Medical Inc/LivaNova
PLC). Nocturnal stimulation with this system tones the phar-
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Charité – ynx at the base level of the tongue and results in slight pro-
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, corporate member of Freie trusion of the tongue. This method contrasts with nocturnal
Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
and Berlin Institute of Health, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin, stimulation of the hypoglossal nerve with respiratory sens-
Germany ing. This approach involves stimulation of selective branches
Department of Cardiology and Pulmonology, Center of Sleep of the hypoglossal nerve, inducing protrusion of the tongue
Medicine, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, corporate with consecutive openings of the upper respiratory tract. Ini-
member of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität tially, two such systems were available: Apnex Medical Inc.
zu Berlin, and Berlin Institute of Health, Charitéplatz 1, and Inspire Medical Systems Inc. [1–3]. However, Apnex
10117 Berlin, Germany

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

Medical discontinued operations in 2013. Recently there is 26 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Nominal
data available for a third therapy concept that stimulates the variables were examined using the Chi square-test. Non-
hypoglossal nerve bilaterally via a small implanted electrode parametric data were examined using the Wilcoxon test
activated by a unit worn externally (Nyxoah S.A.) [4]. for matched pairs with signs. The significance level was
Following initial trials and feasibility studies of the con- p ≤ 0.05.
cept of hypoglossal nerve stimulation over the previous two
decades [5–7], hypoglossal nerve stimulators have been
implanted worldwide in patients with obstructive sleep Results
apnea for the past 9 years. Initially in trial situations but
more recently also in regular care settings [8–15]. Medium- In 2012 and 2013, nine patients in our clinic were implanted
term data indicate effectiveness and tolerability of the treat- with a respiratory-driven hypoglossal nerve stimulator as
ment [16–19]. However, because of the short period of appli- part of the multicenter Apnex Medical Pivotal Study. All
cation, longer-term data are lacking. The assessment of the surgeries were successful. From a sleep-medical perspec-
safety of the procedure also requires that the feasibility of tive, all implantations yielded predominantly good results
explantation or re-implantation be considered. A physician (Table 1).
needs to be aware of these options to be able to explicitly In 2013 Apnex had to cease all business operations. All
explain the possible future events and incidents to a patient. patients were given the option for immediate explantation
To answer this question, we examined a local cohort of due to the lack of future support. All patients declined this
patients with a hypoglossal nerve stimulation system with option because they experienced high personal satisfaction
respiratory sensing with respect to the feasibility and safety with the treatment. In the years that followed, we cared for
of explantation and re-implantation and the effectiveness of these patients in our clinic with regular follow-up examina-
re-implantation. tions and re-titrations.
Ultimately, by 2019 all nine patients underwent complete
or partial explantation of the system. In some patients, we
Patients and methods performed a equilateral re-implantation of a different system
during the same surgical session; in this case, the system
The study consists of nine patients with an implanted hypo- with respiratory sensor made by Inspire Medical Systems
glossal nerve stimulator with respiratory sensing (Apnex was used (Inspire II or IV System). This system was selected
Medical HGNS System). The participation at the Apnex because its operating principle is similar to the Apnex sys-
Medical Pivotal Study was approved by the local ethics tem and hypoglossal stimulation had been proven effective
committee. Retrospectively, we evaluated the following for the selected patients.
variables: time with the implant, surgical explantation
time or re-implantation time, body mass index (BMI), the Technical aspects of explantation
apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) before and after implanta-
tion, complications and surgical and technical aspects of the Explantation was performed according to the explantation
explantation or re-implantation with a different stimulation specifications of the device and was adjusted according to
system. The results were evaluated with IBM SPSS version the intraoperative findings. The following components need

Table 1  Data for the implanted patients (SD standard deviation)

Pat. no. Pre-operative BMI Pre-operative AHI Mean postoperative Last AHI with work- Best postoperative AHI
AHI ± SD ing device

1 34.9 41.9 46.6 ± 15.5 54.8 33.8

2 30.5 45.1 42.9 ± 13.3 33.0 33
3 32.4 22.2 11.8 ± 6.3 19.4 4
4 27.8 59.1 15.2 ± 7.9 8.6 8.6
5 34.5 34 26.4 ± 7.8 36 16.8
6 29 17.3 8.2 ± 0.0 8.2 8.2
7 33.5 86.4 27.3 ± 3.0 24.3 24.3
8 31.6 20.7 9.2 ± 5.6 2.6 2.6
9 31.4 56.9 12.9 ± 0.0 12.9 12.9
Mean ± SD 31.73 ± 2.39 42.62 ± 22.39 22.3 ± 14.5 22.2 ± 16.71 16.02 ± 11.85

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

to be removed during complete explantation of the system: important that any wire loops are always completely dis-
the stimulation lead including the cuff electrode on the hypo- sected from the scar tissue, as the silicone sheath on the lead,
glossal nerve, the pulse generator, the sensor lead. Explanta- as well as the lead strands themselves, tend to tear easily
tions were performed under general anesthesia. The patient when pulled too hard and there is thus a risk that foreign
was aseptically cleaned and draped; a sharp incision was material remains in the patient. Use of a monopolar pulsed
then initiated along the previous submental access site. After radiofrequency blade (Peak Plasma Blade 3.0S, Medtronic
skin incision, a strict blunt-sharp dissection was performed, Advanced Energy LLC) significantly aided the speed and
taking care not to damage the lead material. In general, we reliability of explantation of the components in the chest
found the loop of the stimulation lead located a few mil- pocket and in the costal arch in Patient 3. The device has
limeters below the scar tissue, in front of the submandibular previously been used in neurosurgery in explanting other
gland. In all 9 patients, all foreign material was enclosed in neuromodulators and allows incisions up to the leads with-
a transparent, solid scar tissue that was up to 1 mm thick. To out destroying them [20]. In our case, the lead components
free the lead and dissect in the direction to the cuff electrode could be rapidly and reliably exposed. For safety reasons,
without trauma, this scar tissue needed to be sharply severed. we did not use the device for excisions in the neck area near
For this procedure we used a fine blade from iris surgery (bvi the hypoglossal nerve.
Beaver Optimum Knife, Straight 15°, Beaver-Visitec Inter- Next, both access sites to the costal arch were opened as
national Inc.; see Fig. 1a). With the same scalpel, this tissue described above. The sensor and lead were identified at both
also needed to be severed at the cuff around the hypoglossal sites and all parts wider than the actual lead were sharply
nerve. A surgical microscope was used to avoid damaging excised from the scar tissue. Any stay sutures that had not
the nerves. Once this scar tissue had been dissected, the cuff been resorbed were also identified and detached. The lead
could be freed from the nerve without injury and with only was then cut in the central portion between the two sensors.
minimal pulling. The distal lead/sensor portion was removed via the lateral
Next, as described above, the former access site to the access port. The proximal lead/sensor portion was then sepa-
chest pocket was opened. Again, all components were rated and recovered again proximally from the lead to the
enclosed in scar tissue (see Fig. 2a, b). Once the scar tis- pulse generator. The lead remaining, connected to the pulse
sue had been sufficiently and generously excised and the generator, could then be removed completely from the chest
pulse generator had been withdrawn, the sensor and stimula- pocket together with pulse generator. This completed the
tion leads on the pulse generator could be identified. Next, explantation. The explanted system was checked for com-
the cuff was cut off the stimulation electrode in the area pleteness away from the surgical table. The surgical wounds
of the submental access site, allowing the stimulation lead were closed in two layers (Vicryl, Ethilon). Drainage was not
to be removed from the chest pocket of the patient. It is necessary in any of the patients.

Fig. 1  a Surgical microscope image of the incision into the fixed con- has been dissected from the nerve, can be seen. The electrode of
nective scar tissue around the cuff electrode at the hypoglossal nerve the new system (Inspire) is already wrapped around the hypoglossal
using an iris knife. b Location on the hypoglossal nerve during re- nerve
implantation. The old cuff electrode from the Apnex system, which

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

Fig. 2  Explantation of the pulse generator at the chest. a, b The connective scar tissue that also firmly encases all components

Technique for explantation with simultaneous closed with a double layer (Vicryl, Ethilon). Drainages
re‑implantation (with a new, different stimulation were not required.
system with respiratory sensing) All explantations were successful (see Table  2). The
system was completely explanted in eight patients. In one
In addition to the usual perioperative preparations, we patient, only the pulse generator could be explanted from
set up neuromonitoring of the hypoglossal nerve using the chest pocket under local anesthesia as the patient had
intraoral monitoring electrodes on the styloglossus and a new concomitant condition (relapsed coronary heart dis-
genioglossus muscle. Explantation of all old system com- ease requiring intervention, heart failure) which meant he
ponents then followed as described above. The only dif- had a high anesthetic risk. This explantation was able to
ference was that when the old cuff was removed, the cuff proceed as planned. We used a standard cardiac and neu-
electrode of the new system was immediately wrapped rosurgery torque-limiting screwdriver (InterStim torque
around the nerve at the same site (see Fig. 1b). Due to the wrench, Medtronic plc) to loosen the screws on the lead
scarring and the restricted space conditions, we wanted conduits. During complete explantation in Patient 5, the sen-
to avoid any unnecessary manipulations at the nerve that sory lead was torn near the chest pocket. As recommended
was already at risk. Moreover, this site on the nerve had for implantations, the lead was looped behind or beneath
already demonstrated suitability for a system with respira- the pulse generator. Despite care in pulling the lead during
tory sensing and tongue protrusion. Once all old compo- explantation, the rigid scar tissue around the lead resulted in
nents had been removed, a new subcutaneous tunnel to self-strangulation and subsequent breakage of the lead. This
the chest pocket was dissected for the new stimulation break was noticed immediately. All parts of the lead could be
lead, using a tunneling device (Inspire Tunneling Tool, removed. The explanted lead was checked for entirety again
Inspire Medical Inc.); the lead was drawn through the tun- prior to closure of the surgical wound. An X-ray following
nel towards the chest pocket using the tunneling device surgery confirmed there was no residual material.
or a hollow loop (Ethicon ETHILOOP EH389, 2.0 mm; Re-implantations were difficult due to the fact that addi-
2 × 45 cm; Johnson & Johnson Medical GmbH). A new tional manipulation was required to place the new stimula-
access port was required only for the sensor of the Inspire tion electrode. Once the old simulation electrode had been
system, as that system, unlike the Apnex system, uses an removed, the scarred hypoglossal nerve still required dis-
intercostal sensor between the fourth and fifth or fifth and secting several more millimeters since the cuff of the Inspire
sixth rib between the external and internal intercostal mus- system is a few millimeters wider. This placed additional
culature. Re-implantation thus involved a new scar on the stress on the nerve. Because there was considerable scar-
chest wall. System functionality was tested according to ring around the nerve, re-implantation was discontinued
the manufacturer’s instructions. We also visually checked in Patient 3 and the Apnex system was explanted only. In
for tongue protrusion upon stimulation. After the system neurophysiological monitoring, a reliable signal could not
was deactivated using the programmer, all wounds were be derived from the nerve impacted by the scarring at this

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

Table 2  Data for patients undergoing explantation (SD standard deviation)

Pat. no. Implanted time in months Reason for explantation Surgery time (incision Notes/perioperative complications
to closure time in min)

1 79.17 Device/battery defect 101 No complications. CPAP follow-up

2 77 Device/battery defect, pectoral 47 Partial explantation under local
distortion with shifting and scarring anesthesia; pulse generator only.
around the pulse generator No complications. CPAP follow-
up recommended
5 58.53 Device/battery defect 140 No complications. Continued CPAP
8 42.67 Need for MRI examinations due to 83 Continued BIPAP. No complications
paresis of the diaphragm associated
with suspected focal demyelinating
9 41.3 Dissatisfaction (hindrance during 70 No complications
athletic activities, altered sensations CPAP follow-up recommended
in the chest when lying on the right
Mean ± SD 59.73 ± 18.09 88.2 ± 35.01

patient. However, the patient experienced no hypoglossal of the therapy and the variability of the measured values
paresis following surgery. In Patient 4, a revision of the cuff under the therapy. This approach was also based on the fact
electrode was performed due to suspected dislocation of the that after completion of the multicenter study, the patients
electrode after 20,4 months following re-implantation. After were measured at irregular and inconsistent intervals. Thus
this second revision we measured an AHI of 9.6/h at the there is only limited comparability with results previously
latest sleep study. published for other cohorts using the Apnex HGNS system
At the Re-Implantation group there were significantly [12]. Finally, patient treatment compliance could no longer
more complications than at the explantation group (0 of 5 be recorded on a defective device. Nevertheless, to provide
patients with explantation versus 3 of 4 patients with re- a rough idea of the use of the device, we calculated the abso-
implantation; p = 0.018). Success of the re-implantations lute time with the implant for each patient (see Tables 2, 3).
was quite variable (see Table 3). A comparison of the mean To date, there have been no scientific reports published
AHI of the three patients under therapy with the Apnex that describe experiences with explantations after this length
device with the mean AHI values after reimplantation of time following implantation of a hypoglossal nerve stimu-
with the Inspire device showed no significant difference lation system. Explantations proved to be certainly possible
(p = 0.109). Also in these patients a comparison between a but also challenging due to scarring. It is imperative to detect
sleep study without therapy before re-implantation and the all loops of the leads before pulling them out to avoid break-
most recent value after Ra-implantation showed no signifi- ing them. In our view, EMG monitoring is not necessary for
cant difference in AHI values (p = 1.000). explantations, since the nerve is reliably indicated by the
cuff. It appears useful for re-implantations, as the nerve may
need to be freed of scar tissue.
Discussion Re-implantation to a different hypoglossal nerve stimula-
tion system has the potential to be but is not always success-
The cohort present here is unique. The Apnex HGNS sys- ful. The reasons remain unclear. Due to the small size of
tem is no longer on the market. Most of the data present the cohort and the variability of the AHI values within the
here were collected following termination of the multicenter groups, the power of the statistical analysis of complications
study during simple clinical follow-up outside of the trial and effectiveness is clearly limited.
setting. Overall, the patients were very satisfied with treat- One explanation is the significant scarring that forms
ment. Only Patient number 9 complained in the end of an around the nervus hypoglossus; in addition, the Inspire
impairment due to the implant. The post-surgery AHI values system demands greater precision in placement of the cuff
presented in Table 1 corroborate the predominantly positive electrode on the nerve. However, this requirement is cer-
results. It should be noted, that in addition to the average and tainly also the reason for the relatively greater success rates
the last AHI value, we also list the best achieved AHI value. in the standard of care now seen with this system [8]. In any
This has the goal to give a better overview of the course discussion of treatment with a hypoglossal nerve stimulator,

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

Table 3  Data for patients undergoing explantation with single-staged equilateral re-implantation (SD standard deviation)

Pat. no. Implanted Reason for re- Surgery time AHI without Mean post- Latest AHI Best postop- Complications
time in implantation (incision to stimulation operative with working erative AHI
months closure time in before Re- AHI ± SD device
min) implantation

3 82 Device/battery 147 40.4 – – – Explantation

defect only and dis-
of the new
in during the
same surgical
4 60.3 Device/battery 244 18.9 17.7 ± 11.5 9.6 9.6 Temporary
defect incomplete
Cuff dislocation
with revision
20.4 month
6 49.7 Device/battery 269 30.3 8.5 ± 6.9 16.4 4.5 Temporary
defect incomplete
sal paresis,
of seromas
7 62.13 Device/battery 227 21.3 36.5 ± 0.0 36.5 36.5 No complica-
defect tions
Mean ± SD 63.53 ± 13.48 221.75 ± 52.73 27.73 ± 9.77 20.89 ± 14.29 20.83 ± 13.99 16.87 ± 17.19

we recommend that a patient is informed of the potential explantation or single-stage explantation with reimplan-
for a future explantation, for whatever reason. In particular, tation appear to be transferable to current or future sys-
consideration of the pros and cons of implantation should tems with a with similar design and working principle.
include a potential deterioration of health. Our case for Due to the lack of other published data on this topic,
Patient no. 2 demonstrated that certain conditions can make the data shown here, and especially the results regarding
explantation impossible or difficult. complications, may be helpful in strategic decisions on
Because scar tissue forms around the hypoglossal nerve, the further treatment of patients with defective devices.
we advise against a second surgery on the same side after
an interval following explantation of a system. Based on our
experiences, overall it is better to opt for placement of a new Author contributions  All authors contributed to the study conception
and design. Material preparation, data collection and analysis were
system on the opposite side. performed by PA, SD, IF, AB and BW. Supervision was done by TP.
The first draft of the manuscript was written by PA. Reviewing and
editing of the manuscript was done by SD, TP and HO. All authors
Conclusion read and approved the final manuscript.

Funding  Apnex Medical Pivotal Study was financed by Apnex Medical

Explantation and re-implantation are technically chal- Inc. Aftercare and evaluation of patient data in clinical follow-up—as
lenging though possible procedures. Re-implantation presented here—was not financed.
of a different hypoglossal nerve stimulation system has
the potential to be but is not always successful. Even if Availability of data and material (data transparency)  All data and mate-
the system reported here is no longer on the market, the rials support the published claims and comply with field standards.
experiences and findings on the feasibility and safety of

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

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behalf of Inspire Medical Inc.
11. Schwartz AR, Barnes M, Hillman D et al (2012) Acute upper
Ethical approval  Procedures performed within the Apnex Pivotal Study
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