Revised Teaching Plan
Revised Teaching Plan
Revised Teaching Plan
Semester - I
(Batch: 2022-2027)
Teaching Plan
This course consists of two statutes, the Indian Contract Act, 1872 and the Specific
Relief Act, 1963. Both the statutes work at the root of every commercial activity;
since, an individual who is not doing any commercial activity may also be a part of
an agreement which is governed by both the statutes, hence, it is important to have
in-depth knowledge of this course.
Three lectures per week have been set aside for this course for each division. Verify
it from the Time Table assigned for each division. One should duly check related
notifications from ‘Academic Support’ as well as ‘Posts’ @Microsoft Teams. As per
Symbiosis International (Deemed University) Regulations, please note, “Students
are expected to attend minimum 75% of all scheduled sessions and other
forms of instruction as defined by the programme of study’’. The student
will not be eligible to appear for the examination if he / she fails to put in
the required attendance. The students can update themselves of their
attendance daily online in the ‘Attendance’ on iCloudEMS Portal at
B. Mode of Delivery
This Course will be delivered in Synchronous (80%) and Asynchronous (20%) mode.
Session Plan, Lecture outlines (principally in the form of PowerPoint slides),
Handouts, reading material including e-Books, and Articles as applicable in a given
case, will be made available in ‘Class Material’-Files Tab @ Microsoft Teams. To
facilitate Teaching Plan: Law of Contract pg. 5 understanding of these lectures,
student should always read at least the relevant pages of suggested readings in
advance of each lecture.
C. Notifications
Lecture 16
6.7 Agreements in Restraint of Trade
Lecture 17
6.8 Agreements in Restraint of Legal Proceedings
Week 7 Lecture 18
October 14,2022 6.9 Ambiguous and Uncertain Agreements
Lecture 19
6.10 Wagering Agreements – Its exception
Lecture 20
6.11 Contingent Contracts
Week 8
Lecture 21
October 21,2022
Module 7. Discharge of a Contract (Ss. 37 – 72)
7.1 By Performance
Lecture 22
7.2 Performance by Joint Promisors
Week 9
Lecture 23
October 28, 2022
7.3 Discharge by Novation - Remission
Lecture 24
Week 10 7.4 Accord and Satisfaction
November 4, 2022 Lecture 25
7.5 Appropriation of Payments
Lecture 26
7.6 Discharge by Impossibility of Performance - Doctrine
Week 11 of Frustration
November 11, Lecture 27
2022 7.7 Discharge by Breach - Anticipatory Breach - Actual
Lecture 28
Module 8. Quasi – Contracts(Ss 68 – 72)
8.1 Concept and Classification
Week 12
Lecture 29
November 18,
Module 9. Remedies for Breach of Contract (Ss. 73, 74 &
9.1 Damages
Lecture 30
9.2 Types of Damages
Week 13
November 25,
Lecture 31
9.3 Remoteness of damages
Lecture 32
9.4 Ascertainment of Damages
Week 14
Lecture 33
December 2, 2022
Module 10. The Specific Relief Act, 1963 Introduction to
the Act, 1963
Lecture 34
Recovery of Possession of Property
Week 15
Lecture 35
December 9, 2022
10.1 Specific Performance of Contract (Section 9, 10, 14,
15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24)
Lecture 36
Week 16
Rescission of Contract
December 16,
Lecture 37
Cancellation of Instruments
Lecture 38
10.2 Rectification of Instrument: Relevant Sections 26
Week 17
and 27
December 23,
Lecture 39
10.3 Injunctions- Relevant Sections 36, 37, 38, 39 and
Week 18 Lecture 40 – Revision
December 26,
2022 Lecture 41 – Revision
Asynchronous Mode
Week/ Date Topics
Module 10. The Specific Relief Act,
Video 1 1963:
Week 4
Introduction to Specific Relief Act, 1963
Recovery of Possession of Property:
19, 2022 Video 2
Recovery of Specific Immovable Property
Video 3 Recovery of Specific Movable Property
Video 4 Specific Performance of Contracts
Week 5
Contracts which cannot be specifically
September 26 Video 5
Video 6 Personal Bars to Relief
The above-mentioned part of the course will be covered via asynchronous mode of
teaching, learning & evaluation. This part of course will be covered through following
three steps:
E – Books:
Nevertheless, the text provides the basic reading for the course only. There is
much more to the Political Science III than this, and you will undoubtedly benefit
from undertaking some reading and study of your own. It is creditable if you, in
respect of the proper use of independent research and study, follow up in the Law
Library some of the case references, periodical articles or other material referred
to in the prime textbook or in class – or even to do some research of your own.
For supplementary reading, you could, for instance, begin by consulting the
relevant sections of the “alternative” texts placed on loan in the law library.
Thereafter you could engage in your own research, with particular reference to
eBooks, eJournals, Case Comments, Case Notes, Research Material on online
databases including Hein Online, Ebrary, EBC Reader, Westlaw India, LexisNexis,
SCC Online, AIR, Manupatra, CLA Online, Kluwer Competition Law, Kluwer
Arbitration; Kluwer Patent Law, JSTOR; Emerald, Teaching Plan: Law of Contract
pg. 10 EBSCO’S, Legit Quest, Sage Journals, International Taxation, Oxford
Handbooks; Sage Research Methods, Nature Journal, McGraw Hill Education India
E-Books, SCOPUS, Web of Science, Pearson E-Books etc.
1. State of West Bengal v. B.K. Mondal & Sons, AIR 1962 SC 779
Law of Contract is a four-credit course, so you will be examined in this course for
100 marks. In totality, you will be examined in this course by Internal (40%) and
External Assessment (60%) format. Internal examination will be conducted for 40
Internal Continuous Evaluation:
Internal Continuous Evaluation will be conducted for 40 marks, which will include
“Project, Case Analysis, Two Quizzes – I & II and a Tutorial”.
First Mode of Internal Continuous Evaluation – Project (10 marks)
Second Mode of Internal Continuous Evaluation – Case Analysis (10
Third Mode of Internal Continuous Evaluation - Quiz (5 marks)
Fourth Mode of Internal Continuous Evaluation - Tutorial (10 marks)
Fifth Mode of Internal Continuous Evaluation - Quiz (5 marks)
Term End Examination:
The Symbiosis International (Deemed University) will conduct Term End Examination
for 60 marks at the end of semester. The question paper shall consist of 10 objective
questions (2*10= 20 marks) and four subjective-type/cases and open
problems/questions (4*10=40 Marks) with an alternative (Total= 60 marks).
Each student will have to attempt each of the above evaluation modes on all the
occasions. The details pertaining to the internal Continuous Evaluation modes are as
The first Component is Research Project, where each learner will be required to
review the allotted project to be evaluated out of 10 marks. The Project Topic will be
allotted by the Course-in-Charge, keeping in mind students’ preferences, if any. The
Research project is aimed at improving research and analytical skills in order to
digress from the standard lecture and test format sources and ensure students’
academic learning is more challenging and rigorous.
The details about the rules and format of submission are annexed with this document.
(Refer to Enclosure A).
Late submission will invite the deduction of 1.5 marks per day. Deduction of the
marks to be calculated from the last date of submission.
The learners shall be evaluated based on the following header of the project topic:
Schedule – Project
Allotment of Topics
Date of
Submission Results
Allotment of Topic Allotment of
List of topics will be October 11,
September 6, September
uploaded @ ICE Microsoft 2022
2022 29, 2022
The second mode of internal continuous evaluation is a Case Analysis. Wherein each
learner shall be given one landmark case law from the different topics of the course.
The list of the case laws will be uploaded on Microsoft Teams portal by Dr. Sakshi
Tewari. The case analysis must be accompanied with a Turnitin-generated plagiarism
report. No submission will be accepted without the plagiarism report. As per the
antiplagiarism rules, case analysis with more than 10% plagiarized content shall be
marked zero. Following are the guidelines for the project.
a. Case Topics will be allotted by Course In charge, Dr. Sakshi Tewari.
b. Word Limit (Not more than 1500 words).
c. Complete Plagiarism report generated via Turn-it-in shall be submitted.
d. Turnitin report highlighting content similarity of Index should be of
≤10%. Similarity index more than 10 % shall invite strict actions and
the learner shall be awarded “zero” marks for the analysis.
e. Despite the report’s content similarity being lower, if the Course-incharge
identifies any form of plagiarism, undetected by Turnitin, the learner will
have to face a penalty of negative marking (Negative marking of up to five
f. Students shall have to submit the same report on MS Teams as
generated on Turnitin. Kindly note that if there is any discrepancy in
the Turnitin report and report submitted @ MS Teams, the learner
shall face a negative marking upto 5 marks.
Pertinent details respect to generation of Turnitin Report and its upload on
‘Assignment @Microsoft Teams' are as follows:
a. Classes – course wise for Batch 2022-2027 at Turnitin will be created
b. Upload complete assignment in your respective Class @Turnitin
c. Once the Turnitin report is generated, download it and then upload the same
report as is generated on ‘Assignment @Microsoft Teams', as applicable in a
given case, for evaluation.
Late submission will invite the deduction of 1.5 marks per day. Deduction of the
marks to be calculated from the last date of submission.
The learners shall be evaluated based on the following header of the case analysis
(a) Facts and legal issue of the case (5 marks)
(b) Analysis of the case (5 marks)
The third mode of internal continuous evaluation will be Quiz-I and shall be conducted
via online mode from the part of the course delivered via online mode and shall have
5 multiple choice questions of 1 mark each.
There is no negative marking. The duration of the quiz shall be 15 minutes. The Quiz
shall be prepared in the form of the fill in the blanks, true/false, Statement /Code,
Paragraph based, Data Based, Logical Sequence, matching questions relating to the
subject. The goal of the tutorial is to prepare, motivate and help the students
recall/remember what they learned. It aims at judging the knowledge and
Understanding of a student.
Schedule – Quiz I
The fourth mode of internal continuous evaluation is Tutorial. There will be one
tutorial of 10 marks, minimum two questions of 5 marks each. The tutorial will be
“Open Book Test”. It is designed to ensure that the students practice their ability to
reflect and relate theories and improve their expression style in writing. It is aimed
at improving the writing, research, communication, and presentation skills. It is Open
Book Examination i.e. examinees are allowed to bring and use any material including
Books, Articles, Hand Written Notes, Hand Outs and alike printed material.
Schedule – TUTORIAL
The fifth mode of internal continuous evaluation will be Quiz-II and shall be conducted
via online mode from the part of the course delivered via online mode and shall have
5 multiple choice questions of 1 mark each.
There is no negative marking. The duration of the quiz shall be 15 minutes. The Quiz
shall be prepared in the form of the fill in the blanks, true/false, Statement /Code,
Paragraph based, Data Based, Logical Sequence, matching questions relating to the
subject. The goal of the tutorial is to prepare, motivate and help the students
recall/remember what they learned. It aims at judging the knowledge and
Understanding of a student.
Schedule – Quiz II
The Course In-Charge for Law of Contract is Dr. Sakshi Tewari. If any doubts remain,
kindly contact on the e- mail ID: [email protected].
Appendix ‘A’ – Front Page and Cover
Submitted by
Month, year