Nutrition Book

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Macmillan Revision Guides for CSEC® Examinations

ECONOMICS Norma Maynard and Rita Dyer

CSEC is a registered trade mark of the Caribbean Examinations Council

(CXC). Macmillan Revision Guides for CSEC® Examinations: Home
Economics is an independent publication and has not been authorised,
sponsored, or otherwise approved by CXC.
Macmillan Education
4 Crinan Street
London N1 9XW
A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited
Companies and representatives throughout the world

ISBN: 978-1-4050-7877-1
Text © Norma Maynard and Rita Dyer 2010
Design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010

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reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
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Cover design by Cary Fielder at CONKA
Cover photograph by Michael Bonaparte
Illustrations by Oxford Designers and Illustrators

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Introduction 1

Home Economics for CSEC® Examinations: Food and Nutrition 5

SECTION 1: Principles of Nutrition 7

UNIT A: Nutritive value of foods 7
UNIT B : Nutrition for the life cycle 12
UNIT C: Diet, health and nutritional status 16

SECTION 2: Food Service Management 20

UNIT A: Equipment and utensils for food preparation and service 20
UNIT B: Food hygiene and safety 23
UNIT C: Food preservation 24
UNIT D: Consumerism and food purchasing 26

SECTION 3: Food Preparation and Service 28

UNIT A: Scientific principles in food preparation 28
UNIT B: Management of food preparation and service 35
UNIT C: Meal planning and service 38
UNIT D: Food preparation methods 39
UNIT E: Large-scale food preparation 47

Home Economics for CSEC® Examinations: Management 51

SECTION 1: Family and Society 52

UNIT A: The family 52
UNIT B: Population issues 53
UNIT C: Values, needs and goals 54
UNIT D: Decision making and conflict resolution 54
UNIT E: Caring for special groups 55
UNIT F: Work and work ethics, careers 58
SECTION 2: Home and Financial Management 59
UNIT A: Principles of management 59
UNIT B: Money management 61
UNIT C: Consumerism 61

SECTION 3: Housing and Equipment Management 65

UNIT A: Housing and maintenance 65
UNIT B: Safety in the home 66
UNIT C: Furniture, soft furnishings and accessories 67
UNIT D: Entertainment, table setting and social graces 68

Home Economics for CSEC® Examinations: Clothing and Textiles 71

SECTION 1: Textiles 72
UNIT A: Fibres 72
UNIT B: Fabrics and fabric finishes 73
UNIT C: Care and maintenance of textiles products 78

SECTION 2: Psycho-social Aspects of Dress 81

UNIT A: Consumer aspects 81
UNIT B: Clothing and culture 82
UNIT C: Career opportunities 84

SECTION 3: Construction Techniques 85

UNIT A: Sewing equipment 85
UNIT B: Basic pattern drafting 90
UNIT C: Commercial patterns 90
UNIT D: Basic construction processes 90
UNIT E: Special techniques in garment construction 93
UNIT F: Simple soft furnishings and accessories 95
This revision guide helps students and teachers to prepare for examinations
at the Caribbean Secondary Examinations Council CSEC level and beyond.
It must be used as a companion alongside the textbooks: Home Economics
for CSEC® Examinations: Food and Nutrition, Clothing and Textiles and
Management by Rita Dyer and Norma Maynard.
The guide is made up of three sections:
l Section 1 covers Food and Nutrition
l Section 2 covers Management
l Section 3 covers Clothing and Textiles.

Revision questions are given for different sections of each chapter in each
book. Students are given page references so they can check their answers
or read up on anything that is unfamiliar. In some cases, answers (or part
answers) are given as well.
Examination questions are sometimes based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. This
focuses on:
l knowledge which involves memorising, or recalling (or recognising)
previously encountered information (for example, defining the term
l comprehension which involves understanding information (not just
memorising) – interpreting or explaining is an indication of comprehension
(for example, explaining the ways in which vitamin A deficiency affects the
l application which involves using or applying an abstract concept in a
specific situation (for example, applying the general principle of heat
transfer to food preparation).
This book can be used as a general revision guide to all final examination
students, to familiarise them with the type of questions they are likely to
encounter. It may also be used to revise specific topics and objectives. Private
students (no longer within the school system) preparing for examinations
may find this guide very useful. This guide can also be used as a quick
reference when organising study programmes.

General comments
All questions have numbers assigned to them and are subdivided, e.g. 1(a),
(b), (c) (i), (ii), (iii). This means that when these questions and or sections are
being answered, the subsections must be indicated next to the appropriate
answers at all times. Each question should be carefully read to decide what

Introduction 1

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