Assignment of Contracts and Discharge by Agreement
Assignment of Contracts and Discharge by Agreement
Assignment of Contracts and Discharge by Agreement
section 37 enables parties to dispense with the performance this section should also allow the
parties to assign the contractual obligation. assignment here means to transfer the contractual
rights or liabilities to a person who is not part of the contract in the first place
assignment of liabilities
The burden of performing a contract cannot be transferred to another person. the promise has
the right to insist the performance shall be performed by the promisee himself. the contract may
have been gotten into because of the confidence parties have with each other.
Assignment of rights
rights on the other hand are assignable unless the contracts are were personal nature or the
rights are incapable of assignment.
In the case law of kemp vs baerslmen - The contract for the supply of eggs to cake
manufacturer, the contract was however announced by the supplier of eggs when he found out
the manufacturer was taken over by another company. when the matter came before the court,
it opined that Contract to dasvin entered by the supplier of eggs because of his personal
Creditworthiness of the buyer , and this could not be assigned.
discharge by agreement
If the parties to a contract and decide amongst themselves to rescind it or novate the contract,
then the parties are not liable to perform the earlier contract
the actor the parties to completely create a new contract.
novation works in two ways
1. change the parties- when they need to be completely new members a contract, or
when a statute obligates Parties to form a new contract in case any of them retires
2. Substitution of new agreement- When parties to a contract agree to substitute a new
contract for it the original contract stands discharge and need not be performed.
The substitution of a new contract is not possible if the original contract is breached as
seen in in manohar koyal vs thakur das nasker- the plaintiff I want to recover a sum of
1173 rupees Due on a Bond after the due date of the bond the plaintiff agreed to accept
400 cash and 700 rupees in a new bond payable by installment. The court held that the
earlier contract remained valid, as it is discharged not by novation but by breach.
Remission of performance