Mitel Interaction Recording Brochure
Mitel Interaction Recording Brochure
Mitel Interaction Recording Brochure
Unlock the Full Potential of Your Communications
Interaction recording plays a vital role for businesses. Changes in customer behavior, regulations and
compliance are driving organizations to be more proactive caring for customers.
Organizations in industries such as healthcare, banking, finance, public safety and debt collection all
benefit from the ability to monitor, playback, evaluate and archive their customer-employee interactions.
In fact, virtually any organization that regularly Improve Business Efficiency and
engages with customers, clients, colleagues or Establish Best Practices
suppliers stands to gain from greater insight and
Mitel Interaction Recording empowers managers,
understanding into the interactions shaping their
supervisors and employees with a variety of
everyday operations. Quickly retrieving important
workforce tools to help monitor, analyze and
information contained within phone and computer-
enhance individual and group performance. Your
based exchanges helps resolve disputes, minimize
organizations will benefit from a powerful real-time
liability risk, improve customer service and safeguard
and historical perspective on the interactions
company revenues.
occurring within your business. Enhance your
employee performance by gaining a better
Meet Mitel Interaction understanding of customer service issues and areas
to improve business processes.
Built for today’s modern world, Mitel Interaction Addressing Critical Business Needs
Recording is a software-only solution that helps Regulatory Compliance
managers find ways to improve customer experience Various regulatory bodies require recorded
and internal operations while keeping your business documentation of transactions occurring via the
within regulatory compliance. phone such as with telesales; financial transactions
including account transfers, loan origination,
Deliver a Better Customer Experience
securities/commodities trading; utilities account
Seamlessly capture, archive, organize, playback and management; local government requirements for
share voice recordings with Mitel Interaction public safety organizations and several others. Mitel
Recording. Gain in-depth insight into the “voice-of- Interaction Recording provides compliance recording
the-customer” to find ways to improve the customer with individual access rights to fulfill the demands of
experience while monitoring employee performance regulations such as MiFID II, the Dodd Frank Act,
to meet business objectives. GDPR and PCI-DSS, among others.
Risk Management Improved Collaboration
Record phone interactions to reduce the risk and Improve collaboration between employees and
ramifications of miscommunication with customers, subject matter experts across the organization.
partners and suppliers. Examples include improperly Facilitate a seamless and immediate transfer of data
filed insurance claims, business to business between colleagues, ensuring that all parties are on
purchasing and perishable goods orders. the same page with the most current critical business
and customer data.
Employee Development
Develop training programs and employee skill-sets Flexible, Scalable and Reliable
through the systematic review and evaluation of vital Mitel Interaction Recording is an enterprise-wide
business communications functions in sales, interaction management platform that optimizes
customer service, collections, emergency dispatch information exchange and transforms the customer
facilities and other public safety organizations. experience. Now, everyone can take advantage of the
benefits that call recording and screen recording can
provide-whether in the contact center or another
department within the company.
• Minimize liability risk and ensure regulatory • Protects agents by giving them the power to
compliance by documenting client transactions record calls at any point during the conversation
• Ensure operational efficiency by sharing • Bulk recording preserves all interactions to verify
information quickly, seamlessly and securely transactions and comply with corporate policies
without the need to transcribe
• Securely access call recordings via encrypted
• Identify trends taking place within your business to media file streaming
resolve systemic issues with people or processes
• Spend less time looking for recordings and
• Increase revenues by promoting strong sales reviewing audio data by searching for keywords
techniques and phrases
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