SUMMARY of Quality Course

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Quality control:

It is the part of quality management that ensures products and service comply with requirements.
It is a work method that facilitates the measurement of the quality characteristics of a unit, compares them with the
established standards, and analyses the differences between the results obtained and the desired results in order to
make decisions which will correct any differences.

Technical specifications:
define the type of controls that must be carried out to ensure the construction works are carried out correctly.
They include not only products materials, but also the execution and completion of the works.

One way of controlling quality is based on the inspection or verification of finished products.
The aim is to filter the products before they reach the client, so that products that do not comply with requirements are
discarded or repaired.
This inspection control is usually carried out by people who were not involved in the production activities, which means
that costs can be high, and preventative activities and improvement plans may not be effective.
It is a final control, located between producer and client, and although it has the advantage of being impartial, it has a
large number of drawbacks, such as slow information flows, and that the inspectors are not familiar with the
circumstances of production and are not responsible for the production quality.

Destructive Inspection:
When tests are destructive, the decision to accept or reject a full batch must be made on the basis of the quality of
a random sample.
This type of statistical control provides less information and contains sampling risks. However, it is more economical,
requires fewer inspectors, and speeds up decision-making, while the rejection of the whole batch encourages suppliers
to improve their quality.
The sampling control can be based on inspection by attributes in line with the ISO 2859 standard (Sampling procedures
for inspection by attributes).
or on inspection by variables in line with the ISO 3951 standard (Sampling procedures for inspection by variables).
•A construction company should reduce the costs of bad quality as much as possible, and ensure that the result of its

processes comply with the client’s requirements. Both internal and external controls can be carried out.

Project phases:
 Tender Phase.
 Tender Documents.
 Contract Phase.
 Contract Documents.
 Construction Phase.
 Total Quality Plan.

Related people for the project:

 Client.
 Consultant.
 Main Contractor.
 Sub Contractors.
 Suppliers.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Quality is an important factor when it comes to any product or service. With the high market competition,
quality has become the market differentiator for almost all products and services.
Therefore, all manufacturers and service providers out there constantly look for enhancing their product or the
service quality.
In order to maintain or enhance the quality of the offerings, manufacturers use two techniques, quality control
and quality assurance. These two practices make sure that the end product or the service meets the quality
requirements and standards defined for the product or the service.
There are many methods followed by organizations to achieve and maintain required level of quality. Some
organizations believe in the concepts of Total Quality Management (TQM) and some others believe in internal
and external standards.
The standards usually define the processes and procedures for organizational activities and assist to maintain the
quality in every aspect of organizational functioning.
When it comes to standards for quality, there are many. ISO (International Standards Organization) is one of the
prominent bodies for defining quality standards for different industries.
Therefore, complying with standards such as ISO has become a necessity when it comes to attracting the
customers. the customers are now keen on buying their product or the service from a certified manufacturer or a
service provider
organizations can define their own internal quality In quality assurance, a constant effort is made to
standards, processes and procedures; the organization enhance the quality practices in the organization.
will develop these over time and then relevant
Therefore, continuous improvements are expected in
stakeholders will be required to adhere by them.
quality functions in the company. For this, there is a
dedicated quality assurance team commissioned.
The process of making sure that the stakeholders are Sometimes, in larger organizations, a 'Process' team
adhered to the defined standards and procedures is is also allocated for enhancing the processes and
called quality control. In quality control, a procedures in addition to the quality assurance team
verification process takes place.
Certain activities and products are verified against aQuality assurance team of the organization has many
defined set of rules or standards. responsibilities.
First and foremost, responsibility is to define a
•Every organization that practices QC needs to have a
process for achieving and improving quality.
Quality Manual. The quality manual outlines the
quality focus and the objectives in the organization.
The quality manual gives the quality guidance to Quality assurance function of an organization uses a
different departments and functions. Therefore, number of tools for enhancing the quality practices.
everyone in the organization needs to be aware of his These tools vary from simple techniques to
or her responsibilities mentioned in the quality sophisticated software systems.
Conclusion: Quality control is a product-oriented process. When it comes to quality assurance, it is a process-
oriented practice.
quality control makes sure the end product meets the quality requirements; quality assurance makes sure that the
process of manufacturing the product does adhere to standards.
•Therefore, quality assurance can be identified as a proactive process, while quality control can be noted as a
reactive process.

Quality assurance in accordance with ISO 9001:

Quality assurance is a set of planned and systematic actions to ensure that products and services comply with
specified requirements.
It not only involves checking the final quality of products to avoid defects, as is the case in quality control, but
also checking product quality in a planned way in all the production stages.
It is the development of work and product design procedures to prevent errors from occurring in the first place,
based on planning backed up by quality manuals and tools.

ISO 9000
The international standards, generically called ISO 9000, are the most widespread and generally accepted in
developed countries.
The ISO 9000 standards consists of four basics:
interdependent standards supported by guides, technical reports and technical specifications:
• ISO 9000: Quality management.
• ISO 9001: Quality management systems - Requirements.
• ISO 9004: Managing for the sustained success of an organization -- A quality management approach.
• ISO 19011: Guidelines on internal and external audits of quality management systems.

Companies can only be certified under the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard. It is a standard that can be
used to certify the efficiency of a quality management system.
Nevertheless, if the aim is to improve efficiency, the objectives of the ISO 9004 standard are broader in scope.

The principles that underlie the management of quality in these standards are the following:
customer focus, leadership, involvement of people, process approach, system approach to management,
continual improvement, factual approach to decision making and mutually beneficial supplier relationships.

The ISO 9001 standard specifies requirements for a quality management system where an organization
needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products that meet the requirements of clients and
applicable regulations requirements.
Regulatory requirements focus on the quality management system, management responsibility, resources
management, product realization and measurement, analysis and improvement.
The plan must be drafted by the contractor before the start of the Construction works and will be reviewed
throughout its execution.
The quality plan is applicable to the materials, work units and services that have been specifically chosen by the
construction company in order to comply with the quality requirements stipulated in the contract.

Standards and procedures:

When the aim is to guarantee the uniformity of a system, process or product, reference patterns are established
in documents called standards or norms.
The general objectives of standards are simplification, communication between the parties involved, production
economy, safety and health, protection of consumer interests and the removal of trade barriers.

In any type of company, the set of tasks carried out is so complex that they have to be written down to ensure
internal consistency, to preserve them and to make sure they are methodically applied.
These documents are called procedures, and describe the way in which an activity or process must be carried
standards establish the requirements of products or processes.
Procedures are documents drawn up by the company itself and take into account the requirements established in
the standards.
These documents must include the purpose of the procedure, references to other documents, scope, method and
sequence of tests, acceptance and rejection criteria, key control points and time of inspection. In all cases the
control of a procedure should be documented in the quality records and filed in the quality log at the
construction site.
Procedures must link the ISO standards' requirements and the activities of the company.
AND should include the people involved, information about materials and equipment and a description of key

Certificates and technical approvals

The quality control of a product or process can sometimes be replaced with certification of the quality
characteristics by third parties.
Products that have received officially recognized quality marks may be exempt from controls and reception
Different types of quality certificates, starting with the least reliable:
 Certificate of origin: in this case the manufacturer states that the product complies with some
 Accredited laboratory test certificate: the test is performed on a small sample, and therefore cannot
guarantee all production.
 Product type approval certificate: this approves a prototype and therefore does not guarantee the
quality of the subsequent manufacturing process.
 Standard compliance seal or mark: its scope includes continual production and therefore it is more
reliable than other certificates. When the product is very new and there is no specific standard to
regulate it, the certificate is issued in the form of technical suitability documentation.
FOR Example:
Directive 89/196/EEC of the European Union establishes the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of
the member countries to construction products.
The purpose of the directive is to guarantee the free movement of all construction products throughout the
Union by harmonization of national laws which regulate the health, safety and welfare requirements.
Under this Directive, construction products must have the CE mark, whereby the manufacturer declares that the
product complies with the provisions of Community Directives.
This mark indicates that the product complies with the essential requirements of harmonized norms (EN) and
the Guides for European Technical Approval.
So, although the mark facilitates the movement of construction materials between countries, it does not mean
that the quality controls established for particular conditions are abolished.
When there is no European standard or European technical suitability document available, products can be
assessed and marketed in accordance with existing national provisions and in conformity with essential
1.GENERAL Provide qualified personnel and sufficient equipment meeting the requirements listed in the
Department's Construction Manual to conduct quality control testing which conforms with the Sampling and
Testing Frequency.

Calibrate and correlate the testing equipment with prescribed procedures and conduct tests in conformance with
specified testing procedures as listed in the Department's Construction Manual.
Make copies of all test results and control charts readily available to the Engineer at the project site.
Copies of all failing test results, and summary sheet sent by facsimile on a daily basis to the Construction

2.QUALITY CONTROL ORGANIZATION Submit a listing of the names and phone numbers of individuals
and alternates responsible for quality control administration and inspection.
Provide an organizational chart that shows the specified lines of authority relating both to mix design and
quality control operations during production. Post a copy of the organizational chart in the Contractor's test
The Contractor's quality control organization or private testing firms representing the Contractor must include
individuals who are certified by ACI, or a State approved equivalent, for the appropriate test methods.

3.QUALITY CONTROL PLAN Prepare a Quality Control Plan detailing the type and frequency of
inspection, sampling and testing deemed necessary to measure and control the various properties of materials
and construction governed by the Specifications. As a minimum, detail sampling location and techniques, and
test frequency to be utilized in the sampling and testing plan. The Department may utilize quality control
sampling and testing performed by the Contractor for acceptance.
Submit the Quality Control Plan to the Engineer in writing a minimum of 30 days before work begins.

In addition to the above requirements,

the Contractor's quality control system should document the quality control requirements considered to be
normal activities necessary to control the production and placing of a given product or material at an acceptable
quality level.
Retain the latest ten gradation samples for use by the Engineer. It is intended that sampling and testing be in
accordance with standard methods and procedures, and that measuring and testing equipment be standard,
properly calibrated and documented in the Quality Manual.
Detail in the Quality Control Plan any alternative sampling method, procedure and inspection equipment to be
Elements of the Plan. Include all elements that affect the quality :For (civil).
• Mix Designs.
• Quality of Components.
• Stockpile Management.
• Proportioning, including added water.
• Mixing and transportation, including time from batching to completion of delivery.
• Initial mix properties, including temperature, air content, and consistency.
• Placement and consolidation, including a schedule for calibrating and checking vibrators.
• Concrete yield versus Plan quantity records.
• Compressive strength.
• Finishing and curing.
4.DOCUMENTATION Maintain adequate records of all inspections and tests.
Indicate the nature and number of observations made, the number and type of deficiencies found, the quantities
approved and rejected, and the nature of corrective action taken as appropriate in the records. The Contractor's
documentation procedures will be subject to approval of the Engineer before the start of the work and to
compliance checks during the progress of the work.
Personnel Requirements: Detail in the Plan:
• The frequency of sampling and testing, coordination of activities, corrective actions to be taken, and
• How the duties and responsibilities are to be accomplished and documented, and whether more than one
Certified Technician is required.
• The criteria utilized by the Technician to correct or reject unsatisfactory materials.
Certified Technicians required duties:
• Perform and utilize quality control tests and other quality control practices to assure that delivered
materials and proportioning meet the requirements.
• Periodically inspect all equipment.

Notify the Engineer when the moving average test result trend line for any property approaches the
specification limits.
Cease operations if two consecutive moving average points fall outside the Specification limits. Ceasing
operations is the Contractor’s responsibility.
Production will be suspended pending the satisfactory results of a pre-production sample, unless waived by the
District Materials Engineer. Failure to cease operations for the conditions cited above will subject all
subsequent material to rejection by the Engineer, or acceptance at a reduced price.
The investigation may be based on either Contractor's test results or the Department's test results.

6. Non-Conforming Materials:
Establish and maintain an effective and positive system for controlling nonconforming material, including
procedures for its identification, isolation and disposition.
Reclaim or rework non-conforming materials in accordance with procedures acceptable to the Engineer.
Positively identify all non-conforming materials and products to prevent use, shipment, and intermingling
with conforming materials and products.
Provide holding areas, mutually agreeable to the Engineer and the Contractor.
7.Testing Facilities Locate the Contractor's testing facility at the plant site or at the project site.
The inspection shall include all equipment necessary to perform testing on specified types of material related
to this contract.
Maintain a Quality Manual showing all calibrations performed on all test equipment and when next calibration
is due for that equipment.

Contract documentation:
• The contract documentation is all documents which, when combined, form the basis of the contract,
including all pre-tender, tender and contractual documentation.
• Your quote can also form part of the contract documentation.
• The contract documentation will give you sufficient information to be able to complete the building
works and meet the service delivery requirements.
The documents that make up the contract documentation include:
• Contract – the binding document or agreement between you and the owner to carry out the building
• Contract conditions – define the legal rights and obligations, or the rules by which each party (you and
the owner) must comply.
• Special contract conditions – as the name suggests, special conditions that are an extension of the
general conditions and apply specifically to the project.
*It is recommended that both you and the owner endorse complete sets of all contractual documents, and that all
documents are kept intact.
* You must also ensure that all contracts, including related plans, specifications and directions, are kept for
seven years from the date the documents were put into writing.
Project Quality Management
PMI Definitions:
Quality: Degree to which the project fulfills requirements.
‫ ھي الدرجة التي یتم عندھا تحقیق متطلبات المشروع‬: ‫الجودة‬
Grade: Category (specific technical characteristics) assigned to product.
‫ ھي الفئة (مجموعة من ال خصائص) یتم تخصیصھا للمنتج‬: ‫الرتبة‬
Precession: Values of repeated measurements have little scatter.
)‫قیم القیاسات المتعددة لھا تشتت قلیل (بغض النظر عن قربھا من القیمة الصحیحة‬
Accuracy: Values are very close to the true.
)‫القیم قریبة من القیمة الصحیحة (بغض انلظر عن تشتتھا‬

To Ensure Quality:
• Identify quality level and applicable standards. ‫تعریف مستوى الجودة المطلوب تطبیقه‬
• Set metrics to be measured (from customer’s perspective).
) ‫تحدید معامالت لیتم قیاسھا (من وجھة نظر العمیل‬
• Make sure authorized processes are followed and standard are met.
‫ التأكد من ان العملیات و اآل لیات ال معتمدة یتم اتباعھا و ان المقاییس یتم تحقیقھا‬.
• Evaluate effectiveness of QC system and plan for continuous improvement.
‫تقییم مدى فعالیة نظام الجودة و التخطیط للتحسین المستمر‬

Gold Plating: ‫الطالء بالذھب‬

Giving the customer extras. ‫اعطاء العمیل اكثر من المتعاقد علیه‬
Achieve your objectives instead of gold plating. ‫حقق متطبالت العمل بدال من ذلك‬

Prevention Over Inspection: ‫الوقایة مقابل الفحص‬

Quality must be planned in not inspected in.
‫یجب التطخیط للجودة و لیس االنتظار حتى تحدث المشكلة ثم اجراء فحوص الجودة‬

Marginal Analysis: ‫التحلیل الحدي‬

Looking for point where added attention to quality will not produce added value. When you reach this point,
stop improving quality.
‫ عندھا توقف عن تحسین ا جودة‬. ‫البحث عن النقطة التي عندھا االھتمام بالجودة ال یقدم قیمة مضافة‬.

KaiZen: “continuous improvement” ‫التحسین المستمر‬

Japanese practices based on making small improvements but continuous.
‫نظریة یابانیة مبنیة على احداث تحسین مستمر و لوكان تحسین بسیط‬

Project Quality Management

 Plan Quality
 Perform Quality Assurance
 Control Quality
Common features:
 inputs
 Tools and Techniques
 Outputs.
Plan Quality
 Project Management Plan
 Stakeholder Register
 Risk Register
 Requirements Documentation
 Organizational Process Assets
 Enterprise Environmental Factors

Tools and Techniques:

 Cost-Benefit Analysis
 Cost of Quality
 Seven Basic Quality Tools
 Benchmarking
 Design of Experiments
 Statistical sampling
 Additional Quality Planning Tools
 Meetings

 Quality Management Plan
 Process Improvement Plan
 Quality Metrics
 Quality Checklists
 Project Documents Update
Tools and techniques:
Cost Benefit Analysis:
• Compares the cost of the quality step to the expected benefit.
• Examples of benefits: less rework, higher productivity, lower costs, increased stakeholder satisfaction, and
increased profitability.

Cost of Quality:
Notes for Control Chart:
• Control Limits: represents organization quality standards
• Specification Limits: represents customer requirements and will be outside control limits.
• Out of Control: outside of control limits or non-random data points
• Rule of Seven: series seven points in one side.
Benchmarking: ‫القیاس‬
• Comparing projects with past projects to identify best practices

Design of Experiments: ‫تصمیم تجارب‬

• Statistical method allows you to change important factors at once to identify the best combination that has
lower impact on the project.

Statistical Sampling: ‫العینات االحصائیة‬

• Choosing a sample from population with a planned frequency and size.
Additional Tools:
This includes meetings, brainstorming, nominal group, affinity diagrams, PDPC, matrices, diagrams, etc. (will
be illustrated later in QA process)

>Quality Management Plan:
Part of PM plan that describes how organization’s quality policies will be implemented. It may include the
• Quality standards.
• Meetings to be held addressing quality.
• Who will manage quality, when, what their duties will be.
• Metrics will be used.
• Quality reports.
• What deliverables will be measured and when.
>Process Improvement Plan:
Part of PM plan that analyze processes to identify activities which enhance their value. It helps increase
efficiency, customer satisfaction, and prevent problems.

>Quality Metrics:
• Specify project or product attributes, how will be measured, and tolerance.
• Ex: Defect frequency, failure rate, cost control, on-time performance.

• Used to verify that a set of items has been performed.

Perform Quality Assurance

 Quality Management Plan
 Process Improvement Plan
 Metrics
 Control Measurements
 Project Documents
Tools and Techniques:
 Quality Management and Control Tools
 Quality Audits
 Process Analysis
 Change Requests
 Project Management Plan Updates
 Project Documents Updates
 Organizational Process Assets Updates
Are we using the standard?
Can we improve the standard?

 Note:
 Plan Quality: Look forward in time
 Assure Quality: Look back in time at project standards
 Control Quality: Look back in time at project records

Quality Management and Control Tools:

In addition to Plan/Control Quality tools & techniques. Other tools include:
• Affinity Diagram (Described in 5.1)
• Process Decision Program Charts (PDPC) Used to understand the relation between the goal and the steps to
get the goal. It aids team to expect intermediate steps.

Interrelationships Digraphs
 A digraph or directed graph is a set of nodes connected
 It aids solving problems with intertwined logical relations
 It may be developed from data generated in other tools
 like tree diagram or fishbone diagram.

• Tree diagrams
Also known as systematic diagrams Used to decompose a high-level goal.

• Prioritization Matrix
Used to rank the alternatives for key issues

 Network Diagrams See (Sequence Activities)

 Matrix Diagrams: It shows the relationships between factors
Quality Audit: ‫تقدیق الجودة‬
• Check complying with policies & standards
• Determine efficiency of policies & standards
• Audit can be done by internal or external auditors

Process Analysis:
• It examines problems, constraints, and non-value-added activities identified during process operation.

Control Quality
 Project Management Plan
 Quality Metrics
 Quality Checklists
 Work Performance Data
 Approved Change Requests
 Deliverables
 Project Documents
 Organizational Process Assets

Tools and Techniques:

 Seven Basic Quality Tools
 Statistical sampling
 Inspection
 Approved Change Requests Reviews

 Quality Control Measurements
 Validated Changes
 Verified Deliverables
 Work Performance Information
 Change Requests
 Project Management Plan Updates
 Project Documents Updates
 Org. Process Assets Updates

 Prevention: Keep errors out of the process
 Inspection: Keep errors out of customer hands
 Attribute Sampling: Result either conform or not conform
 Variable Sampling: Result is rated to express the degree of nonconformity
 Tolerance: Specified range of acceptable results
 Control limits: Thresholds, indicate whether process is out of control
 Mean: Average ( Sum / Count)
 Median: Middle number after sort (if even, average of two middle numbers)
 Mode: Most frequently occurring value in a distribution
 Mutually Exclusive: Two events cannot occur at the same time
Ex: Tossing a coin can result in either heads or tails, but not both
 Statistically Independent: The occurrence of one event does not affect the probability of the other
Ex: The event of getting a 6 the first time a die is rolled and the event of getting a 6 the second time are
 Standard Deviation: How far you are from the mean (not Median)
 Inspection:
Examination to the product to determine if it conforms to documented standards or to validate defect
repairs. Also called reviews, audits, or walkthroughs.
 Conducted at any level (ex: single activity or final product).

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