Airtel Project

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Airtelcomesto youfromBharticellularLimited-a partof the biggestprivate integratedtelecomconglomerate,BhartiEnterprises.Bhartiprovidesa range of telecom services, whichincludescellular,basic,internetandrecently introduced National Long Distance.Bhartialsomanufacturesand exportstelephoneterminals andcordlessphones. Apartfrombeingthe largestmanufacturerof telephone instrumentsinIndia, itisalso thefirstcompanyto exportitsproductstothe USA. Bhartiistheleadingcellularservicesprovider,with an allIndiafootprintcoveringall23telecomcirclesof thecountry.Ithasover 112millionsatisfiedcustomers. The objective of the project is MarketShareof Airtel in Goa along with the finding of consumerproblems.Main objectiveof the study wastofind the share of Airtelinthe allottedmarketandto knowitspotentialmarket and how the retailers and General stores giving the feedback of Airtel service in Goa.In this, non telecom shopsaretargetedandtheir demandor requirementisunderstood. Their interestisbeingtakenintoconsiderationi.e.whetherthey are interestedor not interestedif givenan optionto themto keepAirtelconnectionfor selling.Also for existingtelecom shops;retailersarebeing questionedabouttheir levelof satisfaction fromthe business, whetherthey keep Airtelconnection,overallperformanceof each telecom servicesprovidersand theirfeedbackfor Airtel. Themethodwhichwasused tostudy the repliesof thetelecomand non telecom shopsthatmay or maynotbe interestedin havingAirtelconnectionsisthrough questionnaire.The questionnaireswere filledby:- movingto eachand every retailers shops and General storeswhichwasbeingallotted.Marketsallottedare whole panjim which is includes (Donapuala Merces Taligao, Caranzleem bus stand )Existingtelecom shopsandnon telecom shopslikechemist,general stores, STD/ PCO, gifts shopsaremainly focused. Thequestionnaireswere filledthereand thenby theretailersandthen analysisisbeing done and then I came up to my final findings . Thequestionnaire wasbifurcatedinto different segmentsi.e.generalinformationaboutthe retailerscontainingname, address, age,shop address, whetherthey keepAirtelor not, if no thentheirintereston keepingit.Also overallcomparativeperformanceisbeingaskedfromexisting telecom. My experience atAirtel has been a very informative and enlightening one and has provided me with the kind of experience that I feel proud to have attained.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy

Theobjectiveof the projectwasto: Tofind the marketshareof Airtelin allottedmarkets.  To find out the Main problem of Airtel as well as in Goa state through the retailers and shops feedback.  To find out the retailers and consumers problems.       To understand which kind of Airtel advertisement has more effect on the mind of the customers. To understand that how many customers got still the benefits schemes that offered by Airtel. To find out the customers satisfaction level from the network service connection. To find out the overall analysis of the retailers feedback about the Airtel which is based on (Brand, Marketstrength, customers care service, product Line) Toknowthe satisfactionlevelfromthe existingtelecom shopkeepers. Tokeep an eyeon the competitorsstrengthsand weaknesses.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy

Industry profile Airtel

Airtel is a brand of telecommunication services in India operated by Bharti Airtel. Airtel is the largest cellular service provider in India in terms of number of subscribers. BhartiAirtel owns the Airtel brand and provides the following services under the brand nameAirtel: Mobile Services (using GSM Technology), Broadband& Telephone Services (fixed line, Internet Connectivity(DSL) and Leased Line), Long Distance Services and Enterpr ise Services (Telecommunications Consulting for corporate)Leading international telecommunication companies such as Vodafone and SingTel held partial stakes in Bharti Airtel. In April 2006 Bharti Global Limited was awarded a telecommunications license in Jersey in the Channel Islands by the local telecommunications regulator the JCRA. In September 2006 the Office of Utility Regulation in Guernsey awarded GuernseyAirtel with a mobile telecommunications license.Siemens for a 900 million dollar expansion of its mobile and fixed network In August 2007, the company announced it will be launching a customized version of Google search engine that will provide an 'array of services' to its broadband customers. In March 2008, Bharti Airtel had been roll out third generation services in Sri Lanka in association with Singtel . This is because Singapore -based Asian telecom major Singtel, which owns a little over 30% in Bharti Airtel, is a major player in the 3G space as it has already third generation networks in several markets across Asia. irtel is committed to A bring Seychelles the best in telecommunications. The strength behind Airtel is the Bharti group, a telecom giant - the biggest private integrated telecom conglomerate based in India.Bharti Enterprises has successfully focused its strategy on telecom while straddling diverse fields of business. From the creation of 'Airtel', one of India's finest brands, to becoming the largest manufacturer and exporter of excellent telecom terminals under its Beetel brand, Bharti has created a significant position for itself in the global telecommunications sector.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy

Bharti Tele-Ventures is today acknowledged as one of India's finest companies, and its flagship brand 'Airtel', has over 112 millions customers across the length and breadth of India. Bharti's Registered as Telecom Seychelles Limited and operating under the brand name of

the company is licensed to offer comprehensive telecom services including GSM Cellular, PSTN (Fixed Lines), Fax and Data, International Roaming, connectivity to Internet Services, Maritime Telecom Services (INMARSAT) and International Collect and Credit Card calling. Dominating the market with its service and customer commitment - Airtel has always been at the forefront of innovation and change in the Telecom sector in Seychelles. Airtel provides the whole range of telecom services, from GSM mobile servicesAirtel , Prepaid Mobile Cards available at a string of outlets, International Roaming with 157 operators in 65 countries, a host of Value Added Services, Fixed Cellular services and a fast growing Fixed Line network as well. All this, of course, comes to you with the distinct Airtel advantage of excellent Tariffs, the best GSM Coverage on the islands, world class Technology from industry leaders like Ericsson and Scientific Atlanta and 24-hour Customer Care. Vision: To provide global telecom services and delight customers. MISSION Of Airtel: We will meet the mobile communication needs of our customers through: y y y Error- free service delivery Innovative products and services Cost efficiency

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy

Strength: Huge product line which cover every segment of market.  Strong Brand Name  Airtel as the largest cell phone player in India with a footprint that covers all telecom circles in the country.  It has high return of equity, revenue growth, shareholder return, and total revenue.  Very focused on telecomAirtel is largely focused on the telecom, around 93% of the total revenue comes from telecom (Total telecom revenue Rs 3,326).  Ithasastrongbrandname,superiorqualityproductsandan enviabledistributionnetwork.

Weakness: Due to different target markets and number of different kind of services Airtel has to face high expenditures and manufacturing cost.  Little efforts over the Advertising of products. Distribution channel is not accurately categorized. Premium priced products, hence cant compete in low price segment.
 Price Competition from BSNL and MTNL. Airtel is tough competition from the operators like BSNL and MTNL as these two operators are offering services at a low rate.

 Optimization of business processes and infrastructure through flexible, standardized integration framework.  Outsourcing of technology enables Bharti Airtel to focus resources on growing the business.  Flexible pricing model enables Bharti Airtel to avoid major increases in capital expenditures  The company's financial performance can receivea major boostfromitscostreductionefforts.  Airtels businesshasamplescopeforgainingmarketsharefromtheunorganized sector.Ruralpenetrationtooholdsvast potentialtobringaboutgrowth.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy

Threats:  Bharti Airtels threat was the need to make the major investments in IT infrastructure required to service its rapidly growing base of subscribers. As a capital expenditure, these investments are typically offset by the future service revenues that they enable.
 Competition is intensifying in the Indian telecom services market. Others

telecommunication companies (Tata communications, Tata tell services, idea cellular, spice telecom, aircel) are developing and providing new services. So Bharti Airtel needed to find a way to focus on developing new services that could set it apart from the competition and strengthen its customer relationsh . ips

Marketing mixservices Of Airtel!

y Prepaid mobile phone! Enter the world of limitless possibilities with Airtel Prepaid. The service that helps you gives words to every feeling, an expression to every emotion .

FeaturesHere are some of the many advantages that New Airtel Prepaid brings you.
y y y Total cost control Pre Activated STD/ISD Strong Network Coverage

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy

Postpaid Mobile Phone!

Life becomes much simpler with your Airtel Postpaid. It gives you the unlimited freedom to Reach out to people in your special way.

Check out the exciting features you can enjoy with an Airtel Postpaid Connection: y y y y y y y y y Easy Billing Easy Payment Options. Anytime, Anywhere. Credit Limit Strong Network Coverage Long Distance Calling Facility Widest Roaming (National and International) GPRS Roaming Say it. In more than just words Reach Us Anytime Anywhere

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy

Fixed Line phone services!

Airtel an excellent service and innovative technology with Fixed Line Calling is made more fun & convenient with services and entertainment on Airtel.

Fixed Wireless Phone!

Avail the convenience of a mobile phone on a fixed line without any cable disturbing the ambience living room. Presenting Airtel Mega, a feature rich Wireless Fixed Line that remains unaffected by rain or similar other problems and gives a complete peace of mind! Great advantages at your fingertips:

y EasytoUse Airtel Mega is extremely convenient and easy to install and does not require any wiring or change in the aesthetics in home or office. Use can use his set anywhere within city, at no extra cost. y InstantConnection It ensures that your immediate accessibility needs are met, with an instant connection. What's more, you can carry the set along with you when you move from one room to another or when you shift your home/office.

Great Add-on Services with features of a mobile phone Airtel Mega offers a host of value added services like Hello Tunes, GPRS, Voice Mail, CLI, call conference, call wait, call divert, SMS and more!

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy

Broadband internet&internet
Now experience the internet in a new way with Airtel Broadband. It is powered by DSL technology, which gives you blazing-fast; secure Internet access as soon as you switch on your computer. We give you the power of limitless discovery on Internet from shopping to banking, paying bills to making new friends and not to mention endless fun & learning for children.

optional services of broadband& internet,Speed on Demand

User can increase the speed of the internet by paying more .

y y y y Airtel has introduced mobile services target to the business related persons. Features are added to meet the business needs. Easy billing on line pay bill system or by using credit cards Long distance calling Widest roaming facility

To keep in mind business requirement Airtel has developed telephone services in to two different forms. 1 Airtel landline 2 fixed wireless phone Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


Office solution
For manage business more efficiently and more effectively Airtel offer some services. 1 Call canters facilitate to receive 4-5 simultaneous calls that come to company from their clients and customers. 2 Information broad cast company can receive information from multiple employees/customers through sms at predefined date and predefined time. 3 Corporate SMS Directory service enables a user or a set of users to upload their mobile numbers, names and locations in an Airtel Server and provides space to its clients to upload their directories onto its servers. 4 Vehicle tracking system enables a company to monitor the location of their stock in transit by installing Airtel mobile, global positioning box vehicle tracking enabled simcard.

Career services
For big and multinational and international companys Airtel offer different high quality and high featured services. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Domestic data Domestic voice International data International voice Network& satellite services Remote management

E business services
Airtel offers an internationally benchmarked, carrier class hosting, storage and business continuity services through its E-business services. 1. managed hosting 2. co location

Satellite services
Airtel providers of broadband IP satellite services and DAMA/PAMA se rvices to support audio, video and voice applications on demand.Vpn services enable organizations to run broadband applications that deliver a wide range of advanced, value -added services over a converged infrastructure.Vsat connectivity Airtel VSAT gives you reliable network

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


connectivity to run mission-critical applications like Internet access, broadcast and multicast networks for stock market applications, distance education networks .

International services
Airtel offers communication solutions according to business needs, to stay connected worldwide through International Services including.

1. private line services 2. international MPLC 3. managed IPLC 4. internet services 5. data center services 6. Ethernet services over SDH

AIRTEL offers its mobile GSM services In 23 circles and broadband& internet services in 94 cities.

Airtel is one of India's leading private sector providers of telecommunications services based on an aggregate of 64,268,047 customers as on March 31, 2008, consisting of 61,984,721 GSM mobile and 2,283,326 Telemedia subscribers. irtel has 50% market share A in telecommunication market.

The businesses at Airtel have been structured into three individual strategic business units (SBUs) on the basis of nature features technology of these services. 1. Mobile services, 2. Telemedia services 3. Enterprise services.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


Airtel - Organization Structure

As an outcome of a restructuring exercise conducted within the company; a new integrated organizational structure has emerged; with realigned roles, responsibilities and reporting relationships of Bhartis key team players. With effect from March 01, 2006, this unified management structure of 'One Airtel' will enable continued improvement in the delivery of the Groups strategic vision.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


Recognitions and awards

y Awarded with 2006 Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific ICT awards for wireless service provider of the year and competitive service provider of the year y y Awarded with Telecom Asia Award 2006 for best Indian carrier Adjudged as best managed company in India large cap by Asia money Dec 2005 edition awarded with Indias most customer responsive company award 2005by Avaya Global Connect Ltd. y Adjudged as Indian mobile operator of the year 2005by Asian Mobile News Adjudged as best GSM carrier in Asia and best Indian carrier by Telecom Asia Features at 19th amongst the top 100 global technology companies y Adjudged as best CEO telecommunications Asia &best CEO, India by

Institutional Investor for 2005 Selected as best Asian telecom CEO by Telecom Asia y y Adjudged as business leader of the year 2005 by Economic Times Bharti Airtel Ranked 3rd on Shareholder Returns in Business Week IT 100 List y Sunil Bharti Mittal conferred Degree of Doctor of Science by G. B. Pant University y Bharti Airtel has won the CNBC-TV18 India Business Leader Award for the Outstanding Company of the year, 2007. y Bharti draws top honors at the NDTV Profit Business Leadership Awards 2007.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


AIRTEL use different ways to promote and sale of their services like y y y y y y Television Internet Newspaper Sign boards Franchise offices Direct contact

For mobile and telemedia services Airtel lies on attractive television commercials using personality symbol like shahrukh khan because these services are household types and people activated through TV commercials.

Airtel also use internet using its well attractive website covering all features of its services and deliver Email to potential customers.

Airtel deliver ads on newspaper about its mobile and telemmedia services in that newspaper that are commonly read in homes shops public places. But ads for enterprise services AIRTEL chose those newspapers that are read in business firms and offices.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


Airtel promote and sale its mobile and telemedia services through it well attractive franchise offices that are located convenient public places.

Direct contact
Airtel has its own salesman who go to business firms and contact directly to them who convince them about their enterprise services that is useful and according the need of their business .

y y y y y y y y y y Maximizing Customers product and service experiences. In touch with current market trends. Cost optimization. Understanding of customers likes and dislikes Proper positioning of brand in the market. Brand Consistency. Value Addition to products and services. Targeting the infrequent users. Differentiating itself from other players. Promotional offers.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


Goa Airtel ,Company profile

head office of Airtel located in new Delhi and it has 23 circle in the whole India and one of its circle is in Maharashtra which it divided in two parts one is Mumbai and another one is Maharashtra further divided in seven others zones including of Goa, in Goa they have one zonal office which is located in Patto Plaza of Panjim Goa In this zonal office have been working 21 employees , 11 territory manager and 2 sales manager 1zonal business 1 territory manager for postpaid and 1 admin executive 3postpaid customer service delivery and 3 backend executive for the prepaid.Airtel has the overall 22% market share in Goa and it has 24% market share in prepaid and 20%market share in postpaid and they around 125000 customers in prepaid and 8500 customers in postpaid

Network Availability:
Coverage has always been the main drawback ofAirtel in Maharashtra &Goa circle. Subscriber usually faces calls drops in elevator, basement and parking lots. Company has been struggling with the issue of less cell sites in main cities of Maharashtra &Goa circle network is usually full in outdoor places but the strength decreases drastically as soon as subscriber enters an indoor place.

Network, Quality
Network quality of Airtel in Maharashtra &Goa circle is good.User faces congestion in peak hours and the call quality is way below average with frequent call drops even in the heart of city. Network quality on highway is better because highway is scarcely densed.

Innovative Schemes-:
The success of Airtel in Maharashtra &Goa circle completely relies on new schemes and offers which are somewhat better in its own way than other providers. Airtel dared to launch AirtelFriends pack years ago in Maharashtra &Goa circle when 10 paise/min calling was considered as joke! people who are already on this plan can still use it without facing any problem of validity as there are schemes like the 110 Rs recharge which gives 98 Rs talk time and 1 year validity with no change in the tariff plan. Airtel also introduced the 20 Rs voucher which gives 2000 local and national voice sms to any provider in India with a validity of 30 days.This scheme still exists and is a boon for subscribers who like to exchange info by sending voice sms instead of the orthodox way of sending texts. Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


Customer Care: Customer care of Airtel is good but certainly not the best. The staff is
well mannered but lacks enthusiasm. They can give you the info you require but for that they need to consult their seniors. Call customer during peak hours and they have ready answers like our system is down..Please callback after sometime or we are not able to check your information because of system up gradation so please callback after sometime. Some customer care executives cant even speak fluent English. All in all a user gets his problems solved by calling customer care but the experience is not something which can be relished.

VAS:Airtel has made a significant mark by launching a wide array of value added
servicessome services are just meant to empty the pocket of subscribers like the astrology section where random predictions are given not based on any calculation and charging hefty amount for it. Hello tunes were first launched on Airtel in

Maharashtra &Goa circle in 2004.Months later other providers launched their own services of Hello Tunes with different names. Airtel has usually given unmatched value added services in this circle like the mobile office service, NOPservice. However they have gradually increased the GPRS rates in a span of 5 years which made them lose few of their loyal GPRS subscribers because of the new entrants like Aircel and Reliance GSM which offers unlimited free internet for as low as 98 Rs per month and 5 paise/10 kb respectively.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


Problems statement:
Main problem:As we know in every telecommunication service Network coverage is
the main important and significant element, which it can attract and find more loyal customers to get more market share in the market along with high revenue,so according to my survey that me as a BBA student recognized the main problem of Airtel was (Network drop in some area of Maharashtra and Goa circle). Solution: they should increase the Number of towers or usesome wireless booster to increase the strength of Network, they can t build another base station in the city or other places because Government and people they are not giving allow them to build, bec use a it s X-ray has bad effect on the mind of the people, so they have only these options to increase the number of towers or use some wireless booster to increase the strength of Network.

Peripheral problem:
I found from my survey and customers feedback that Airtel peripheral problems will be as below.  Call Drop some times after3 minutes in night.  Network Busy at 7 PM.  Packs are activating by its self, without asking customer.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


Ondefiningtheobjectiveoftheproject,aplanwasdevelopedtogatherinformation most efficiently.Decisionsweretakenonthedatasources,samplingplan,research toolsand contactmethods.
The methodology which I used was surveying and through conducting surveys I could achieve my findings. I have done a survey in the market tofind the share of Airtelinthe

allottedmarketandto knowitspotentialmarket and how is the retailers feedbacks about the Airtel,. The design I chose for my survey was questionnaire. I made tow list of
questionnaire one for the retailers and one for the General stores PCO/ STD and distributed for them. The questionnaire contained questions with options which I thought was less time consuming. So every question had two or more options. After collecting the question papers, I went through the papers and I came up with my final findings.

DataSources: -Primary andsecondary data wasgathered.

PrimaryData: wasgatheredbycarryingoutamarketsurveyofvarious telecomand nontelecomshopsinthePanjim Mirces talegoa market and

Donapuala caranzleem santokrooz

bus stand

Current perceptions of existing retailers hasbeen taken to judge their expectations fromAirtelanditsservices.Alsonontelecomshopsarebeen knowtheirinterestsin keepingAirtel capturedso asto

Toolsused for market surveyare:Q u e s t i o n n a i r e s forretailers: Quest i onna i r esweregiventoapproximately51 shopkeepers. Visitedthe whole panjim area capital of Goa.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


Secondary Data:Information was gathered from the internet, media and print so as to obtain relevant information such as industry background and alsopublicperceptionof Airtel. And some of the information about the company we have gotten by the sales manager through contact by the cell-phone, mostly in his free times around 7-8 pm the data used in researchisreliableaccordingtoourresearchneeds.Datashouldbesuitable

andadequate. Internet Airtelhasitsown sitein which alldetailsaregiven www Are the main sites which are been used for collection of data in my research.

3. TargetRespondents:Retailers and Shopkeepersof panjim marketvisited.

4. Sampling:Sample size55 shops (telecom and non telecom) in the panjim marketunder the distributorwastaken.The areascovered were (panjim market, bus stand Donapuala , cranzleem , Miramer ,mirces, santocrooz , Taligoa)

thequestionnaireswerefilledbytheretailers and shopkeepers bypersonallyinterviewing them

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


DATAANALYSIS Q1 Do you keep TELECOM connections?

Replyofrespondent Yes No No.of respondents 51 4 Percentageof respondents 93% 7%

Do you keep TELECOM connections?

yes No



findings::Majority of shops93%outof 51 keepthetelecomconnectionsavailable intheir shopsandrest of them7%donthavethetelecomconnectionsservices availableintheirshops. Analysis: as it is clear to all, that all shops and business are using telecom and new technologies for their shops and businesses, so I found in the most shops telecom connection and the rest 70% most of them told us that they are not using Airtel as I think they were busy with their business with client or they dont have time to interview with us or they thought that we are not students and we are not right people will create problems for them, and they reject us that they are not using telecom in their shops.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


2. Howmany Mobile connection do you have in your shop?

No of connection 1 2 3 >3 No of responded 6 13 20 12 Total no of connection 6 26 60 48 Percentage 4% 19% 42% 35%

How many Mobile connection do you have in your shop?


1connection 2connection 3connection




Findings:I found that majority of the shops are using more than 3 connections, may be in most of the shops they are keeping the Airtel connection one or two connection.

Analysis: I surveyed mostly general stores and telecom shops, so I found mostly in general
stores that they are working four or more than four people and all of them are using telecom connection.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


3. Which Mobile connection currently are you using?

Name of the connections Airtel Vodafone Idea Reliance BSNL others number of responded 40 38 35 20 20 28 Market Share of each connection 22% 21% 19% 11% 11% 16%

Which Mobile connection currently are you using?



Airtel Vodafone

11% 19% 21%


Reliance BSNL

Findings:I foundduring mysurvey that Airtel has 22% market share and Vodafone has the second rank which is 21% and Idea has the third rank 19%, BSNL and Reliance 11%, They have the same market share and 16% of market share is belong to the other telecommunications. Analysis: Airtel has different types offer for its customers and also have good brand name and huge product line, so most of the customers are using Airtel, and second rank Vodafone also has good network connection, with the different types of offer for its customers so it has the second rank, Idea has also very good customer care and it has the third rank market share in the market. BSNL and Reliance are also medium, but they are looking to come up soon because its marketing along with the different types of offers are coming to th market. e

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


4. Are you using Airtel connection in your shop?

Replyofrespondent Yes No No.of respondents 36 Percentageof respondents 71% 29%


Are you using Airtel connection in your shop?

yes N 71%

Findings:-from my survey I found that out of 51 shops 36 shopsare using Airtel and the rest 15 shops they are not using Airtel. Analysis: out of the 51 shops I found Airtel in 36 shops , and others 15 shops they didnt had any Airtel connection in their shops , so in 36 shops I found at least one Airtel connection , the rest people at the same shops they may be had other connection also , but I found one Airtel connection also.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


5. If no, then are you interestedin having AIRTEL connectionswithyou now?

Reply of respondent Yes No 3 12 No.of respondents Percentageof respondents 20% 80%

Are you interested in having AIRTEL

20% yes No 80%

Conclusion: in response to question Are you interested in having Airtel, 20% responded yes, and 80% stated No Analysis: out of 15 shops that they didnt had Airtel connection in their shops 20% are interested to keep Airtel because they liked new offers of Airtel and 80% they didnt show interest to change their connection because they are familiar with the system of their current connection along with its offers and all.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


6. Typeof shops which Are using Airtel(outof 51):Type General Store STD/PCO Telecom Others Total Number of shops 20 12 14 5 Number of responded 10 9 14 3 Percentage 28% 25% 39% 8%


e f
General stores STD /PCO


39% 25%

Telecom others

Conclusion:Majorityoftheshopscoveredarethetelecomshopswhich isaround39%, secondtheGeneral stores with28%, the thirdSTD/PCO25%, and 8% are other stores.

Analysis: in all telecom shops I found Airtel connection and in general stores alsoI found
mostly Airtel in STD and PCO also I found Airtel, so in general stores they are using Airtel because it has very good offers and it is cheap for them and they can use very well form its offers and all telecom shops they are using Airtel because it is their business STD and PCO also because of the customer choice they are keeping different types of connection including of the Airtel.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


7. Type of recharge cards liked by the people

Reply of respondent More talk time More validity Both No.of respondents 11 7 18 Percentageof respondents 30% 20% 50%

Type o recharge cards liked by the people


Conclusion: Out of the 36 respondents30% liked more talk time and 20% liked to recharge with more validity and 50%liked both.

Analysis: I found from my survey that most of the customers they liked both (more talk
time and more validity) , these offers are available in Airtel but they have to recharge more credit card to get these offers and 30% liked more talk time this offer also availab in Airtel le they can get it easily from Airtel and 20% liked more validity this offer is also available in Airtel, so it means Airtel offers every kind of the service to its customers.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


more talktime more validity both



8. People take benefits of schemes offered by AIRTEL.

Reply of respondent yes No Cant say

No.of respondents 25 8 3

Percentageof respondents 70% 22% 8%

People take benefits of schemes offered by AIRTEL

yes No


Can't Say 70%

Conclusion:out of 36 respondents 70% said that they got the benefits schemes that offered by Airtel and the 13% said that they have not got from the benefits schemes of Airtel and the rest 8% said that dont know they got the benefits or no. Analysis: majority of the customers got the benefits schemes that offered by Airtel and they are happy with the Airtel offers and 22% of the customers they didnt got the benefits schemes that offered by Airtel because they are not aware of offers so Airtel should increase its Advertising for the customers and 8% they dont know that they got orno.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy



Celebrity liked by customer very much in AIRTEL.

Name of the person Sachin Shahrukh Kareena A.R.Rehman Totalnumber 18 13 2 3 Percentage 50% 36.1% 5.5% 8.4%

Celebrity liked by people very much in AIRTEL

7% 8%


kareena 36% A.R.Rehman

Conclusion: -As we can see in the above chart most of the people around 50%like
celebrity in Airtel by Sachin and 36% by Shahrukh and 8% by A.R Rehman and 6% by Kareena. Analysis: most of the customers they like to Airtel should celebrate by Sachin and and second by shahrukh , so Airtel should more focus to celebrate by Sachin and shahrukh.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


10. Rating of Airtel services over some parameters.

Objective:To know which kind of services customers likes most in Airtel

Features Rank
Coverage Call Charges Roaming Facility Schemes Customer care Total Average total

Rank allotted 1(best) 4 11 17 6 3 41 8 22% 2(good) 7 9 9 15 6 46 9 25% 3(average) 11 6 5 6 9 37 7 19.5% 4(poor) 9 5 3 4 8 29 7 19.5% 5(worst) 5 3 2 5 10 25 5 14%


Base 36 respondents

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


Airtel services
best good 17 average poor worst


11 10

9 7

9 6

9 6

4 3 2


Call charges

Roaming facility


Findings :-

y According to research out of 36 respondents the Overall ratings comes to

the end that Airtel is Good for providing its services overall.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy

9 8 6

Customer care



2 % 22.20%



Findings :
y According to the Average percentage the Highest was 25% which is good.

Analysis: from feedback of the customers I found that Airtel overall services is good , and 13% said that it is worst and 22% said best , so Airtel should try to keep all its customers satisfy and focus more on customer care and coverage, and also boost its roami g facilities , n call charge and schemes offers.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


19.40% 13.80%





11. Are you using Prepaid or Postpaid? Objective: To know whether the person is using prepaid connection or post paid one. Table:
Answer Pre-paid Post-paid No. of Respondent 27 9 Percentage 75% 25%

Are you using Prepaid or Postpaid?

25% post -paid

pr paid 75%

Findings: - According to research out of 36 respondents 27 are using Prepaid services and rests 9 are using Postpaid. y y Percentages of Prepaid users are 75% and postpaid users are 25%. It shows very big difference between the two figures for using and not using mobile.

Analysis: most of the people are using prepaid connection because they dont want to get debt, and they are looking more facilities by the usage of prepaid card than post paid card. And those who using post paid they are mostly whole sel er and general stores and they l are feeling comfortable for the its payment to pay once per month . and also they dont have to rush for recharge.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


12. Type of advertisement mostly like by peoples in AIRTEL is

Audio Visual Print Audio : : : 85% 2% 13%

Type of advertisement mostly like by peoples in AIRTEL is

13% 2% Audio visual

print Audio 85%

Findings -As we observe in the above chart most of the people around 85% are attracted in Airtel by the Audio Visual and 13% of the people attracted by the Audio and the rest 2% by the print advertisement.

Analysis: in current situation most of the people are looking for the TV , Face book, yahoo
and other sources of audio visual and they are Able to see the Airtel offers and all. And 13% of them are hearing by Radio and other source of audio media, the rest 2% theyare attracted by the magazine and print advertisement and all.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


13. Feature of AIRTEL forced people to use AIRTEL is,

38% Advertisements 20% Connectivity 10%Schemes 32%Goodwill

Feature of AIRTEL forced people to use AIRTEL is




Goodwill schemes



Findings: -from the above chart we can see that Advertisement has the highest percentage and Goodwill have second and the connectivity is the third and last thing that effect over the people to use Airtel is schemes.

Analysis: most of the customer attracted to use Airtel by the advertisement like TV audio
visual and audio and print, billboard and magazines, and second types of the people attracted to use Airtel by goodwill and Airtel showed in the market that its service is th best, and e third bye the connectivity that Airtel has very good service and connectivity and the rest people attracted by the schemes offers, that Airtel has very good schemes offers also.

14.People know about AIRTEL cellular service through.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


30 %


70% Advertisements

5% Other Sources

People know about AIRTEL cellular service through.


28% friends


other sources

Findings: -In the above chart we can see most of the people around 67% know about the Airtel service through the advertisement and 28% through friends information and the 5%, through the other sources know about the Airtel cellular service.

Analysis:most of the customer attracted to use Airtel by the advertisement like TV audio
visual and audio and print, billboard and magazines and second types of customers are , attracted by friends that they praised Airtel offers and they said that Airtel its services is the best and it has lots of offers and all, the rest 5% people are attracted by other sources.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


15.Retailer feedback about the Brand Image of Airtel

Brand Image parcentage Excellent Good Average Bad





Brand Image


8% 25%

Excellent Good Average Bad


Conclusion: As we can see the brand Image is 55% goodand 25% is Excellent and 12% said it is ok and the rest 8% stated that Airtels brand Image is bad. Analysis : according of the retailer feedback most of the people is satisfy with the brand name of Airtel , and its brand name has very positive effect in the mind of the customers and also its brand image is one of the main strength of Airtel.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


16.Market strength of the Airtel according to the Retailers feedback

Market Strength Percentages Excellent Good Average Bad





Market strength

5% 15%


Excellent Good
A erage Bad


Conclusion: -In the above chart we can see that 55% of the retailers said that market strength of Airtel is Good and the 15% said it is Excellent and the 15% said it is average and 5% said it is Bad. Analysis: market strength of Airtel is also very good and all customer is satisfy with is service and also it has very huge product in the market, there is no lack of credit card or Sim kard for the services for the customers, and Airtel is able to compete directly with its competitors in the market along with its good services and customers care in order to keeping the customers satisfy.

17. Airtels customer care service according of the retailers

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


customer service percentages

care Excellent








customer care service




4 %



Conclusion:-In the above chart we can see that the majority of respondent around 43% of the retailers said that Airtelcustomer care service is Average and 38% of the retailers said that the customer care services is Good and the 12% of them said that the Airtel customer care services is Excellent and the rest 7% of them said that the Airtel customer care service is Bad.

Analysis: according of my survey and retailer feedback to us, Airtel customers care
medium, it is not too good and not too bad, only the main thing that covered Airtel problems and most of the customers had complain it was weak network connection, they are trying also to solve the customers problems and I give my suggestion also in the recommendation for the better service for the customers, in order to keep them as real and loyal customers for Airtel.

18.Airtels product line according tothe Retailers

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


Product Line percentages









product line

3% 22% 30%



Bad 45%

Conclusion: - in the above chart we can see that the most of the retailers around the 45% said Airtel product line is good and the 35% said that the Airtel product line is Excellent and the 22% of the retailers said that the Airtel product line is Average and the rest 3% said that the Airtel product line is bad.

Analysis: I found overall that Airtel product line is very good most of the customers are
satisfy with the Airtel product line, because it has once huge product line and there is no lack of credit card and simkard for the service of the customers and secondly Airtel is able provide the product on time for the customers, and the its sale person is very active person in the north zone, even I saw him and meet him during of my survey, they have verygood performance in their sales.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


19.Customer satisfaction level from the Airtels network service connection

Satisfaction level parcentages Excellent Good Average Bad





Customer satisfaction level from the Airtel netwok service connection

8% 22
Exellent 20% Good



Conclusion :-In the above chart we can see that majority of the customers around 50%
responded that the network connection of Airtel is average and 22% responded that Airtel network connection is Bad and the 20% responded that Airtel network connection is Good and 8 % responded that Airtel network connection is Excellent. Analysis: Airtel network services is not too good some of the customers they have complain from the Airtel network connection, that its network is weak and to some area is not giving signal also and also in the basement and some time after 7pm it not working pro perly , and also some times call drop after 3 minutes in the night. Overall I found that Airtel network service is Average.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


 The primary data for the study was collected with the help of the research questionnaire designed.
Then the necessary data was collected by means of face to face direct interviews and phone interviews with the shopkeepers.

I found that out of 55shops most those around 51 shops are using telecommunication in their shops and the rest 4 shops they are not using telecommunication in their shops. and out of the 51 shops 36 shops are using Airtel and the rest 15 shops are not using Airtel, out that 15 shops 3 are responded that they are interest to keep Airtel in their shops .

 Type of recharge cards liked by the people 30% of the them liked more talk time and 20%liked more
validity and 50% liked both ,and most of the customers around 70%they got the benefit schemes of the Airtel,and 22%said that they didnt got the benefits schemes of the Airtel and rest 8% they cant say . And most of the Airtel celebrity that liked by the people is through Sachin and second sharukh. According to research out of 36 respondents the Overall ratings comes to the end that Airtel is Good at its services overall. Type of advertisement mostly liked by peoples in AIRTEL is around 85%by the Audio visual and 13%by the Audio and rest 2%people attracted by the print. Feature of AIRTEL forced people to use AIRTEL is that Advertisement has the highest percentage and Goodwill have second and the connectivity is the third and last thing that have effect over the people to use Airtel is schemes .and most of the people know about the Airtel services through the advertisement 67% and 26%through friends, and the rest 5% through the other sources.

 And also majority of the retailers around 55% said that Airtel brand Image is good and the 25% of
the people said it is Excellent and the 12% said it is ok and the rest 8% said its brand Image is bad. And also I found that 55% of the retailers said that market strength of Airtel is Good and 15% said it is Excellent and 15% said it is average and 5% said it is Bad.and also I found that the majority around 43% of the retailers said that Airtel customer care service is Average and 38% of the retailers said that the customer care services is Good and the 12% of them said that the Airtel customer care services is Excellent and the rest 7% of them said that the Airtel customer care service is Bad.And also I found that the most of the retailers around the 45% said Airtel product line is Good and the 35% said that the Airtel product line is Excellent and the 22% of the retailers said that the Airtel product line is Average and the rest 3% said that the Airtel product line is Bad.and the most important things that I found in my survey is that majority of the customers around 50% responded that the network connection of Airtel is average and the 22% responded that Airtel network

connection is Bad and the 20% responded that Airtel network connection is Good and the 8 % responded that Airtel network connection is Excellent.

 As we know in every telecommunication service Network coverage is the main important Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


and significant element, which it can attract and find more loyal customers and get more market share, so according to my survey that I recognized the main problem ofAirtel was Network drop in some area of Goa. Airtel for the betterment service should increase the Number of towers or use some wireless booster to increase the strength of Network, they can t build another base station in the city or other places because Government and people they are not giving allowed them to build, because it s X -ray has bad effect on the mind of the people, so they have only these options to increase th number of towers or use some e wireless booster to increase the strength of Network.  Airtelshouldfocusmoreonpromotionandadvertisingpartasareaswhichare surveyedhavevery lessawarenessaboutthe schemesand other benefits which are offered by Airtel.  MajorityofSTD/PCOshopsshowedinterestinhavingAirtelconnection.So priorityshould be giventothem, all oftheir needsand demands shouldbe seriouslytakeninto consideration.  Betterschemesfordealers/retailerssothattheycandevelopself interestandtheycouldtrytheirlevelbesttomakemoreandmoresalewhich would leadbenefittodealersandcompany as well.  Competition is intensifying in the Indian telecom services market. Others telecommunication companies (tata communications, tata telecom services, idea cellular, spice telecom, Aircel) are developing and providing new services. So Bharti Airtel needed to find a way to focus on developing new services that could set it apart from the competition and strengthen its customer relationships.  Airtel should focus more on Audio visual Advertisement that can find more customers and by the Audio visual advertisement, and the customers will be more confidents and will attract more to buy the Airtelconnection, and its brand image will remain strong.  The brands should be available easily in PCO & Retailers like to prepare all facilities that is offered by the Airtel for the PCO and retailers because if the new customers ask about the Airtel facilities they wont believe that much on the retailers words, if they prepare all the brand and information in the paper and board to show for the customers it will be better for satisfaction of new customers.

 It was observed that most of the customers expressed their unhappiness over billing services. Either they were wrongly charged or they never received bills on time.  Thereislargenumberofrejectionratefortakingupanynewkindofbusiness Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy inthenon-


telecomshopsthisisduetolackofawarenessandscarcityof resourcesinthisarea.  Boardandadvertisementsarerequiredinmanyshops.Itisbeenobservedthat manyshopsdonthavenormalbannerofAirtelintheirshopinspiteof long.  Newschemesarenotproperlybeingconveyedtotheretailers,sotheyare facingproblemof no responsesto customerqueries.  Customer demand is high for Airtelbut due to services complaints, less advertisements andclaimsissuestheretailersaredivertingthecustomersto other telecommunication.  Customer  Moreand diversificationfromAirtelis increasing in regular basis dueto demandingof

increaseinservice complaints. vastvisibilityofother telecommunication

boardsandadvertisementswhichis improvingtheirpromotionand branding.  Manytelecomretailerswantthedetaileddescriptionofincentivesgivento whatbasisandonhowmuchactivation.Herelotofcomparisonis themi.e.on


and Vodafoneas theyareprovidingwithdetaileddescriptionof when and whyof incentives.  Some of the customers they had complain form the network connection especially in Call Drop after every 3 minutes in night. and also Network Busy at 7 PM.  Some of the customers they have also complained from Airtel regardingthat Packs are activate by it, without asking customer.

Afteranalyzingthefindingsoftheresearch,Icanconcludethat AIRTELs Advertising has a major impact its users. People like its schemes very much .AIRTEL had created Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy


Very good Brand image on the minds of the new users of cellular service The average rating for the company is being Good. Some respondents commented that Airtel is very worst at Coverage and Customer care Support. AIRTEL is successful in capturing the highest market share by adopting Celebrity Endorsement Strategy. Sachin celebrities liked by most of the people in Airtel celebrities Other celebrities like Shahrukh Khan (bollywood) and A.R .Rehman has also contributed very much in AIRTEL. And also I found that companys network connection is weaker than its competitors and cant cover the entire places like others telecom service, they can go for its solving to sharing with other telecom or to look for the preparing some wireless. And also I found that packs are activated by itself without asking customers. For the solving of this issue customer should get better service from customer care. The basic point to conclude the above discussed issue is that the company can make more and more profits only when it can satisfy all its customers, dealers and distributors in order to do that the company should agree with all their fair suggestions and make them happy. If workers will be happy and satisfy then they will make sincere efforts to achieve their targets and increase the sales of the company.

Done by: Abdul Alim Rahimy

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