39 PDF To Audio Converter and Translator PY039

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PDF to Audio Converter and Translator

1) Background/ Problem Statement

Be it browsing through the seemingly endless pages of terms and conditions on

an important official document or kicking back and flipping through an
intriguing eBook- reading is quite an undeniable and inescapable part of our
everyday lives.
However, reading anything demands our complete undivided attention making
it nearly impossible for us to multitask. Moreover, staring at a screen for long
periods also strains our eyes.
This PDF to Text Converter and Translator developed using Python can
instantly and accurately convert any PDF text into audio.
Along with reading any PDF document out loud, this application can also
translate and vocalize any text into up to five languages.
Moreover, this system can also benefit visually impaired individuals and people
with learning disabilities such as dyslexia.
2) Working of the Project

This project has a user page that first lets you sign up and thereafter one
can log in and one has to send in a pdf file containing text.
The text is read by the function "PyPDF2.PdfFileReader" and it is
converted to byte form.
The text is then extracted using the function "text.extractText()".
The library googletrans is used to convert the text written in a particular
language into the audio form of a particular language.
We have several options in languages, such as English, Hindi, Marathi,
Gujarati, etc.
Using the function "gTTS" we can hear the audio.

3) Advantages
a) Very efficient
b) People from different regions can use this
c) Saves time
4) System Description
The system comprises of 1 major module with the following sub-modules:


 New User/Register: New User can create their account by adding

information such as name, gender, email id, address, etc.
 Login: User can login to their account using their credentials.
 Read PDF: User can upload PDF that they wish to be converted to
 Choose Language: User can select the language in which they
want their document to be translated.
 Listen PDF: User will be able to listen to the PDFs uploaded by
5) Project Life Cycle

The waterfall model is a classical model used in system development life

cycle to create a system with a linear and sequential approach. It is termed as
waterfall because the model develops systematically from one phase to
another in downward fashion. The waterfall approach does not define the
process to go back to the previous phase to handle changes in requirement.
The waterfall approach is the earliest approach that was used for software
6) System Requirement

I. Hardware Requirement

i. Laptop or PC
 I3 processor system or higher
 4 GB RAM or higher
 100 GB ROM or higher

II. Software Requirement

ii. Laptop or PC
 Windows 7 or higher
 Vs code
 Python 3.7
 Django 3
7) Limitation/Disadvantages

 Wrong inputs will affect the project outputs.

8) Application –
 Can be used to vocalise any PDF file.
 Besides reading out text, this system instantly and
efficiently translates it as well.
 Useful for visually impaired individuals and people with
learning disabilities as well.

9) Reference-

 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8776778/
 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9315996
 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9210344

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