Experiment 2

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Title Abstract/Summary Introduction Aims / Objectives Theory Procedures Apparatus Results Calculations Discussions Conclusions Recommendations References Appendices Total

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract Introduction Objectives Theory Procedures Apparatus & Chemicals Results Calculations Discussions Conclusions Recommendations References Appendices 3 4 5 5 6 9 10 12 15 16 16 17 18


The objective in this experiment is to study the effects of varying the mass of the object, the radius of the circle, and the centripetal force on an object rotating in a circular path. For the first experiment of vary radius with constant force and mass, the larger the radius, the period (T) is increase. Meanwhile, for the second experiment of the vary force with constant radius and mass, the larger the force, the shorter the period of time to complete four revolutions. Lastly for the third experiment of the vary mass with constant radius and force, when the mass of object increased, the larger the centripetal force.

INTRODUCTION According to Newtons second law (net force = ma), an object that is accelerating must have a net force acting on it. An object moving in a circle, such as a ball on the end of a string, must therefore have a force applied to it to keep it moving in a circle. That is, a net force is necessary to give it centripetal acceleration. The direction of the net force is continually changed so it is always directed toward the center of the circle. This is sometimes called a centripetal (pointing toward the center) force.

OBJECTIVE The objective of this experiment is to study the effects of varying the mass of the object, the radius of the circle, and the centripetal force on an object rotating in a circular path. Centripetal force a. Understand that uniform circular motion is due to the action of the resultant that is always directed to the circle b. how to use the formula = r, = 2 T THEORY In this experiment, when an object of mass, m, attached to a string of length r, is rotated in a horizontal circle, the centripetal force on the mass is given by: F = mv = mr r where v is the tangential velocity and is the angular speed (v = r). To measure the velocity, the time for one rotation (the period, T) is measure. Then: v = 2r T And the centripetal force is given by: F = 4mr T

PROCEDURE Part 1: Vary Radius (constant force and mass) 1. In this part of the experiment the centripetal force and the mass of the hanging object will be held constant. Object will be weigh and its mass must be record in Table 3.1.the string from the spring must be connected to the object and the object must be hanging from the side post. The string must under the pulley on the centre post. 2. The clamp-on pulley would be attached to the end of the track nearer to hanging object. String attached to the hanging object and hangs a known mass over the clamp-on pulley. Mass recorded in Table 3.1.This established the constant centripetal force. 3. Radius by aligning the line on the side post with any desired position on the measuring selected. Tighten the thumb screw on the side post while pressing down on the side post to secure its position. Radius recorded in the Table 3.1 4. Hanged vertically the object on the side bracket. On the center post, the spring bracket vertically adjusted until the spring from which the object hangs on the side post is aligned with the vertical line on the post. 5. The indicator on the center post aligned with the orange indicator. 6. The mass that is hanging over the pulley removed and the pulley removed. 7. Apparatus rotated, the speed increased until the orange indicator centered in the indicator bracket on the center post. This indicates that the string supporting the hanging object is once again vertical and thus the hanging object is at the hanging object is at the desired radius. 8. The speed maintained, stopwatch used to time four revolutions. The time by four divided and the period recorded in the Table 3.1. 9. The side post moved to a new radius and the procedure repeated. Total of three radii done.

Part 2: Vary Force (Constant Radius and Mass) The radius of rotation and the mass of the hanging object will be held constant for this part of the experiment: 1. Object weighed and it mass recorded in Table 3.3. The object hanged from the side post and the string from the spring connected to the object. The string must pass under the pulley on the center post. 2. The clamp-on pulley attached to the end of the track nearer to the hanging object. String attached to the hanging object and hangs a known mass over the clamp-on pulley. This mass recorded in Table3.3. Centripetal force determined. 3. Radius by aligning the line on the side post with any desired position on the measuring tape selected. Tighten the thumb screw on the side post while pressing down on the side post to secure its position. Radius recorded in the Table 3.3. 4. Hanged vertically the object on the side bracket: On the center post, the spring bracket vertically adjusted until the spring from which the object hangs on the side post is aligned with the vertical line on the post. 5. The indicator bracket on the center post aligned with the orange indicator. 6. The mass that is hanging over the pulley removed and the pulley removed. 7. Apparatus rotated, the speed increased until the orange indicator centered in the indicator bracket on the center post. This indicates that the string supporting the hanging object is once again vertical and thus the hanging object is at the hanging object is at the desired radius. 8. The speed maintained, stopwatch used to time four revolutions. The time by four divided and the period recorded in the Table 3.1. 9. The centripetal force varied, the pulley clamped to the track again and different mass over the pulley hanged. Radius kept constant and the procedure from Step 4 repeated. Total of three different forces done.

Part 3: Vary Mass (Constant Radius and Force) 1. The object weighed with the additional side masses in place. Mass recorded in Table 3.5. The object from the side post hanged and the string from the spring connected to the object. The string passes under the pulley on the center post. 2. The clamp-on pulley attached to the end of the track nearer to the hanging object. String attached to the hanging object and hangs a known mass over the clamp-on pulley. This mass recorded in Table3.5. The constant centripetal force established. 3. Radius by aligning the line on the side post with any desired position on the measuring tape selected. Tighten the thumb screw on the side post while pressing down on the side post to secure its position. Radius recorded in the Table 3.5. 4. Hanged vertically the object on the side bracket: On the center post, the spring bracket vertically adjusted until the spring from which the object hangs on the side post is aligned with the vertical line on the post. 5. The indicator bracket on the center post aligned with the orange indicator. 6. The mass that is hanging over the pulley removed and the pulley removed. 7. Apparatus rotated, the speed increased until the orange indicator centered in the indicator bracket on the center post. This indicates that the string supporting the hanging object is once again vertical and thus the hanging object is at the hanging object is at the desired radius. 8. The speed maintained, stopwatch used to time four revolutions. The time by four divided and the period recorded in the Table 3.5. 9. The mass of the object varied by removing the side masses. Radius kept constant and the new period measured. The object weighed again and the mass and period recorded in Table 3.5.

APPARATUS Centripetal force accessory (ME 8952 ) Stopwatch Graph paper ( 2 sheets ) String Rotating platform ( ME 8951 ) Balance Mass and hanger set


PART 1 : VARY RADIUS ( CONSTANT FORCE AND MASS ) Mass of the object = 0.158 kg Mass of hanging over the pulley = 0.02 kg Slope of the graph = 1.9 x 10-4 RADIUS (m) 0.8 1.45 1.75 PERIOD ( T ) 0.02 0.025 0.03 T2 4 x 10-4 6.25 x 10-4 9 x 10-4

TABLE 3.2 : RESULTS ( VARYING RADIUS ) Centripetal Force = mg Centripetal Force From Slope Percent Difference 0.1962 N 1.9 x 10-4 0.10 %

PART 2 : VARY FORCE ( CONSTANT RADIUS AND MASS ) Mass of object = 0.158 kg Radius = 0.15 m Slope of the graph = 1.38 x 10-4

MASS OVER PULLEY (kg) 0.02 kg 0.04 kg 0.06 kg

CENTRIPETAL FORCE = mg 0.196 0.392 0.589

PERIOD ( T ) 0.025 0.02 0.015

1/ T2 1600 2500 4444


TABLE 3.3 : VARYING THE CENTRIPETAL FORCE Mass Of Object ( From Scale ) Mass Of Object ( From Slope ) Percent Difference 0.158 kg 1.38 x 10-4 kg 0.09 %

PART 3 : VARY MASS ( CONSTANT RADIUS AND FORCE ) Mass hanging over pulley = 0.02 kg Centripetal force = mg = 0.196 N Radius = 0.15 m MASS OF OBJECT ( g ) 107.318 g 158.286 g 209.296 g PERIOD ( T) 0.017 0.015 0.02 CALCULATED CENTRIPETAL FORCE ( N ) 2076.5 4163.7 3097.1 PERCENT DIFFERENCE %) 90.87 95.45 93.88


CALCULATION Part 1: vary radius (constant force and mass) Sample 1: T = 0.02 s T2 = (0.02)2 = 4 x 10-4 s Sample 2: T = 0.025 s T2 = (0.025)2 = 6.25 x 10-4 s Sample 3: T = 0.03 s T2 = (0.03)2 = 9 x 10-4 s Centripetal force = mg = (0.02 kg) (9.81 kg m / s2) = 0.196 N Percent difference: ( Centripetal force from slope Centripetal force ) x 100% = ( 1.9 x 10-4 N 0.196 N ) x 100% = 0.10 %


Part 2: vary force (constant radius and mass) Sample 1 : Centripetal Force = mg = (0.02 kg) (9.81 kg m/s2) = 0.196 N T = 0.025 s 1 / T2 = 1/ (0.025)2 = 1600 s Sample 2 : Centripetal force= mg = (0.04 kg)(9.81 kg/m/s2) = 0.392 N T = 0.020 s 1 / T2 = 1 / (0.020)2 = 2500 s Sample 3 : Centripetal force = mg= (0.06 kg) (9.81 kg/m/s2) = 0.589 N T = 0.015 s 1 / T2 = 1 / (0.015)2 = 4444 s Percent Difference: ( mass from slope mass from scale ) x 100% = ( 1.38 x 10-4 kg 0.158 kg ) x 100% = 0.09 %


Part 3: vary mass (constant radius and force) Sample 1: Calculated centripetal force = F= 4mr T = 4 (0.1073) (0.15) (0.017) =2198.6 N Percent Difference: [(2198.6 189.5) ( 2198.6)] x 100 % = 91.38 %

Sample 2: Calculated centripetal force = F= 4mr T = 4 (0.1582) (0.15) (0.015) = 4163.7 N Percent Difference: [( 4163.7 189.5 ) ( 4163.7 )] x 100 % = 95.44 %

Sample 3: Calculated centripetal force = F= 4mr T = 4 (0.2092) (0.15) (0.02) = 3097.1 N 14

Percent Difference: [( 3097.1 189.5 ) ( 3097.1 )] x 100 % = 93.88 % DISCUSSIONS 1. When the radius is increased, does the period of rotation increase or decrease? The period of rotation increase because the larger the radius, the faster the velocity.
When the radius was increased, the period of rotation will decrease.

2. When the radius and the mass of the rotating object are held constant, does increasing the period increase or decrease the centripetal force?
When the radius and the mass of the rotating object are held constant, the period is decrease when increase the centripetal force.

3. As the mass of the object is increase, does the centripetal force increase or decrease? If the mass of the object is increase the centripetal force increase.


CONCLUSION In conclusion, an object moving in a circle of radius, r at constant speed, v has an acceleration whose direction is toward the center of the circle and whose magnitude is a = v2/r. It is not surprising that this acceleration depends on v and r. The greater the speed v, the faster the velocity changes direction.

RECOMMENDATION In this experiment, we want the constant of force so that only one person must rotate the apparatus so that we can get the constant force. The spring bracket vertically must adjust until the string from which the object hangs on the side post is aligned with the vertical line on the side post. The string must pass under the pulley on the center post. Stop watch must been stopped when the person who count finish their counting. Make sure the object hang rightly so that we can avoid the object from fall while the rotated the apparatus. Make sure the orange indicator is centered before counting circling.






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