Dangerous Liaisons Bacteria Antimicrobial Therapies and Allergic Diseases

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13989995, 2021, 11, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/all.15046 by Cochrane Mexico, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022].

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Received: 17 April 2021    Accepted: 31 July 2021

DOI: 10.1111/all.15046


Dangerous liaisons: Bacteria, antimicrobial therapies, and

allergic diseases

Gerdien  Tramper-­Stranders1,2  | Dominika Ambrożej3,4 | Alessandra Arcolaci5 |

Marina  Atanaskovic-­Markovic6  | Cristina Boccabella7  | Matteo Bonini7,8 |
Aspasia Karavelia9 | Ervin Mingomataj10  | Liam O' Mahony11 |
Milena Sokolowska12  | Eva Untersmayr13  | Wojciech Feleszko3  | the EAACI Task
Force on Conscious and Rational use of Antibiotics in Allergic Diseases
Department of Pediatrics, Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Department of Neonatology, Erasmus Medical Center, Sophia Children's Hospital, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Department of Pediatric Pneumonology and Allergy, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Doctoral School, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Immunology Unit, University of Verona and General Hospital Borgo Roma Hospital, Verona, Italy
Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, University Children's Hospital, Belgrade, Serbia
Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Sciences, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli –­IRCCS, Rome,
National Heart and Lung Institute (NHLI), Imperial College London, London, UK
Department of Ear-­Nose-­Throat surgery, General Hospital of Kozani, Kozani, Greece
Department of Allergology & Clinical Immunology ‘Mother Theresa’ School of Medicine, Tirana, Albania
Departments of Medicine and Microbiology, APC Microbiome Ireland, National University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland
Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF), University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Gerdien Tramper-­Stranders, Department Abstract
of Pediatrics, Franciscus Gasthuis
Microbiota composition and associated metabolic activities are essential for the edu-
& Vlietland, Kleiweg 500, 3045 PM
Rotterdam, the Netherlands. cation and development of a healthy immune system. Microbial dysbiosis, caused by
Email: [email protected]
risk factors such as diet, birth mode, or early infant antimicrobial therapy, is associated
Funding information with the inception of allergic diseases. In turn, allergic diseases increase the risk for
Outside the budget from the EAACI for
irrational use of antimicrobial therapy. Microbial therapies, such as probiotics, have
the task force, no funds were granted to
this project been studied in the prevention and treatment of allergic diseases, but evidence re-
mains limited due to studies with high heterogeneity, strain-­dependent effectiveness,
and variable outcome measures.
In this review, we sketch the relation of microbiota with allergic diseases, the over-
use and rationale for the use of antimicrobial agents in allergic diseases, and current
knowledge concerning the use of bacterial products in allergic diseases. We urgently
recommend 1) limiting antibiotic therapy in pregnancy and early childhood as a method
contributing to the reduction of the allergy epidemic in children and 2) restricting an-
tibiotic therapy in exacerbations and chronic treatment of allergic diseases, mainly

© 2021 EAACI and John Wiley and Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/all Allergy. 2021;76:3276–3291.

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TRAMPER-­S TRANDERS et al.       3277

concerning asthma and atopic dermatitis. Future research should be aimed at antibi-
otic stewardship implementation strategies and biomarker-­guided therapy, discerning
those patients that might benefit from antibiotic therapy.

allergy, antibiotics, bacterial lysates, microbiota, probiotics

1  |  I NTRO D U C TI O N may be used for the prevention or exacerbations of allergic diseases?

This narrative review assessed all three questions.
Antibiotics are one of the most frequently prescribed medications The evidence was harvested through a thorough review of the
and their rational use has become an essential topic in clinical care, field finding problem-­specific systematic reviews. For those prob-
mainly because of emerging antimicrobial resistance, which is a lems where the relevant systematic reviews were lacking, Task Force
threat to global health. A healthy interaction between the human members independently performed systematic literature searches
microbiota and the developing immune system, especially in the using PubMed, Cochrane, and EMBASE databases. The literature
gut, can be disturbed by the use of antibiotics in infancy. Several searches were compared, duplicates were eliminated, and articles
studies have shown the association between the use of antibiot- were assessed for suitability.
ics early in life and the development of allergic diseases. In aller-
gic diseases, the microbiome profile is associated with disease type
and severity. In turn, patients with allergic diseases such as asthma 3  |  TH E RO LE O F BAC TE R I A I N A LLE RG I C
have an increased risk of being prescribed antibiotics for infections DISEASES
compared to the general population, despite the uncertainty about
clinical benefit. In fact, there are no clear data supporting antibiotic 3.1  |  Asthma and asthma exacerbations
prescriptions for acute exacerbations; and clinical and/or laboratory
criteria are lacking. Therefore, initiatives to evaluate and ensure the Until 2010, when the first paper about the lung microbiome in
appropriate use of antibiotics in patients with allergic diseases, and asthma and healthy controls was published, the lower airways were
guidelines to protect patients from antibiotic overprescription are regarded as sterile.1-­3 Since that time, many studies have been per-
urgently needed. This narrative review aims to sketch the current formed comparing the microbiome between different asthma phe-
setting and describe the relation of microbiota with allergic diseases, notypes and during a stable or uncontrolled clinical condition. In fact,
the rationale for the use of antimicrobial agents in allergic diseases, the lower airways are continuously exposed to aerosols with bacte-
and current knowledge concerning the use of microbial products in ria and oral flora. Some bacterial strains or microbiome composition
allergic diseases. has been postulated to contribute to asthma inception and exacer-
bations,4 while others confer a more protective role.5 The gut and
respiratory microbiome profiles of infants as young as 1 month old
2  |  M E TH O D S are associated with the later development of wheezing and asthma.6
Infant upper respiratory tract colonization with Haemophilus influ-
The European Academy of Allergy & Clinical Immunology (EAACI) enza, Moraxella catharralis, and Streptococcus spp. shows associations
Task Force “Conscious and rational use of antibiotics in allergic dis- with childhood asthma; increased ex vivo Th2 cytokine production
eases” was initiated in 2020 to address questions about the use of (IL-­5, IL-­13, and IL-­17) was observed already during infancy.7-­9
antibiotics and their risk-­benefit ratio in allergic diseases. It received Before the availability of 16s sequencing methods, severe asthma
a mandate to propose answers to frequently asked clinical ques- had been associated with the presence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae
tions and present practical, consensus-­based management sugges- and Chlamydophila pneumoniae.10 Together with Chlamydia tracho-
tions focused on published data. The Task Force consists of experts matis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Proteobacteria such as H. influenza,
in pediatrics, pulmonology, allergy, immunology, microbiology, and all have been identified as possible contributors to more severe
evidence-­based medicine from 10 European countries (A, AL, CH, asthma and asthma exacerbations, independent of inhaled cortico-
GR, I, IRL, NL, PL, SRB, UK). steroid use. In contrast, increased airway microbiota diversity and
For this review, the Task Force has used existing literature and the abundance of Actinobacteria were linked with improvement and
systematic reviews to propose its clinical statements. Three key better asthma control.11 However, in other studies, increased diver-
questions were addressed: (i) What is the role of early antibiotic sity was associated with more symptoms, depending on coloniza-
prescriptions on dysbiosis and allergy inception? (ii) What is the ev- tion.12,13 It is essential to realize that the comparison of these studies
idence for antibiotic prescriptions in allergy (asthma, atopic derma- might be difficult because of different respiratory sampling sites (eg,
titis)? (iii) Are there any non-­antibiotic antimicrobial strategies that nasopharynx versus bronchi).

13989995, 2021, 11, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/all.15046 by Cochrane Mexico, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
3278      TRAMPER-­S TRANDERS et al.

Evidence exists that allergy and asthma undermine M.  pneu- 3.2  |  Atopic dermatitis
moniae clearance, suggesting that there is a feedback between the
host and organism.14 Recurrent M. pneumoniae infections are asso- The skin microbiota is the most diverse microbial population in the
ciated with increased expression of non-­t ype 2 pro-­inflammatory human body, hosting more than 1000 different bacterial species
cytokines (including IL-­17, TNF-­α , and IL-­6), proposing that chronic from 19 different phyla.3,19 The composition of these microbiota de-
low-­level exposures result in mucosal inflammatory responses in pends on physiology and mostly varies by individual and body site. 20
asthma patients. A similar pattern was found for C. pneumoniae Although the skin microbiota is relatively stable over the years,
and H. influenzae, where the active infection is uncommon, and col- as seen in healthy adults, this microbial community structure vastly
onization is associated with IL-­17 expression, neutrophilic inflam- expands and diversifies in infants. 21,22 The role of exogenous fac-
mation, and chronic immune reaction.15 Taken together, the role of tors, such as mode of delivery, remains open for discussion with re-
biologic factors driving these non-­t ype 2 patients are very poorly cent evidence that their impact, if perceptible, is only transient after
understood but may lead to sustained colonization of the airways birth.
by specific microbial species, which could promote neutrophilic In the light of an intensive maturation of the immune system
inflammation. However, these phenomena seem to have minimal during early childhood, active host-­commensal cross-­t alk seems to
impact on the direct pathogenesis of asthma exacerbations, and be an essential mechanism in establishing the antigen-­specific tol-
any antimicrobial therapy in these circumstances is superfluous, erance to skin microflora. The insufficient induction of regulatory T
leading to unnecessary hospitalizations and antibiotic-­related side cells, that prevent a following inflammatory response to these bacte-
effects. ria, appears to play a role in determining the future development of
Alternatively, several phyla that have been found in the respi- atopic dermatitis (AD). It has been found that colonization with both
ratory flora of asthmatics and non-­asthmatics exert an immune-­ reduced commensal staphylococci (eg, S.  epidermidis) and abundant
modulating effect upon mucosal immunity, probably contributing S. aureus precedes the onset of AD in infancy. 21,23
to asthma prevention. For example, non-­asthmatics are predom- Patients with AD are remarkably more often colonized with
inantly colonized with beneficial phyla, including Firmicutes and S. aureus than healthy controls. The prevalence of S. aureus coloniza-
Actinobacteria. At the same time, asthmatics have a greater abun- tion in AD is estimated at 70% for lesional skin, 39% for non-­lesional
dance of Proteobacteria.12 Proteobacteria are associated with worse skin, and associated with disease severity. 24 S. aureus has developed
asthma control.11 Neutrophilic asthma is associated with decreased multiple sophisticated mechanisms—­displaying adhesion, barrier
airway microbial diversity and increased airway Moraxella and dysfunction, and pro-­inflammatory features—­to enable it to survive
Haemophilus taxa.17 Figure  1 shows the differences in respiratory in demanding conditions of the healthy skin. 25
microbiome composition between healthy controls and patients Type 2 cytokines such as IL-­4 and IL-­13 reduce filaggrin, lipids,
with asthma. Concerning fecal samples, patients with severe asthma and antimicrobial peptides required to control S.  aureus growth,
show a reduction in Akkermansia muciniphila levels.18 Taking this into thereby allowing S. aureus to proliferate and reach high numbers in
account, one should promote airway microbial diversity and limit the atopic skin with significant barrier dysfunction. 26 S. aureus found in
use of antibiotics as a potential prevention method. individuals with AD is often resistant to fusidin and arises through

F I G U R E 1  Respiratory bacterial
colonization patterns in asthma and
healthy subjects. 2 Legend: This figure
summarizes respiratory microbiome
patterns found in healthy subjects and
asthmatics. The microbiome composition
is also influenced by other factors next
to the disease condition, as shown in the
lower text box

13989995, 2021, 11, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/all.15046 by Cochrane Mexico, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
TRAMPER-­S TRANDERS et al.       3279

distinct genetic mechanisms when compared with healthy controls on a European birth cohort (PASTURE) has identified antibiotic ex-
carrying fusidin-­resistant S. aureus. posure in utero as significantly and positively associated with atopic
During an AD flare, the bacterial diversity moreover lowers, with dermatitis and food allergy.40 Infant antibiotic use is associated with
decreases in the genera Streptococcus, Corynebacterium, Cutibacterium, increased odds of childhood asthma in a dose-­dependent manner,
and the phylum Proteobacteria shifting toward the Staphylococcus with a 20% increase in odds for each additional antibiotic prescrip-
dominance. Figure  2 shows factors associated with the develop- tion filled.42,43 This pattern also applies to food allergy, with children
ment of atopic dermatitis and (anti) microbial treatment options. having three or more antibiotic prescriptions being at higher risk of
milk-­ and other food allergies.44 A meta-­analysis summarizing the
literature on infant antimicrobial agent use correlating with the de-
3.3  |  Food allergy velopment of food allergy did indicate noticeable evidence, although
not homogeneously among all the collected data.32
Findings from 16S rRNA sequencing-­based studies have shown The association of allergic diseases with prenatal and postnatal
that children with food allergies (mainly studies for cow's milk and antibiotic exposure is generally attributed to an altered composition
egg) have distinct gut microbiome compositions compared to those of resident bacteria (dysbiosis).45,46 In murine studies, the disrupted
without food allergies. Furthermore, results suggest that the gut colonization and cross-­t alk with colonizing bacteria in the devel-
microbiota can differ by individual food allergy. 28 Early-­infancy gut oping neonatal intestine suppressed the infant's initial adaptation
microbiota development studies, as well as murine models, show to extra-­uterine life, particularly in acquiring immune homeostasis
richness and composition associated with clinical allergy and/or sen- which protects against allergy expression later in life.
sitization. 29,30 At a later age, these associations disappeared. Thus, a Healthy bacterial colonization is essential to skew the newborn's im-
diverse microbiota early in life is required to inhibit IgE induction.31 mune response away from the allergy-­favoring type 2 response toward a
Several studies suggest a relationship between antibiotic ex- regulatory T-­cell and type 1 immune response.47 An experimental study
posure and the development of food allergies. A recent systematic in mice demonstrated that deliberate alteration of commensal bacterial
review by Netea et al32 has addressed this issue, finding a multifac- populations via oral antibiotic treatment resulted in elevated serum IgE
torial association between antibiotics and food allergies. Antibiotics concentrations, increased steady-­state circulating basophil populations,
have been found to strongly influence the microbiome, and espe- and exaggerated basophil-­mediated type 2 cell responses as well as aller-
cially broad-­spectrum (in contrast to narrower-­spectrum) antibiotics gic inflammation.48 Another study on the experimental model of dysbiosis
are plausible to have a significant influence on the development of and intra-­tracheal house dust mite sensitization revealed an augmented
the immune system and allergic disease. There is no clear definition eosinophilic airway infiltration, bronchial hyper-­responsiveness (BHR) to
of broad-­spectrum antibiotics; usually, a broad-­spectrum antibiotic methacholine challenge and goblet cell hyperplasia.49
covers both Gram-­positive and -­negative bacteria. Examples of The successful experimental microbial therapy with pro-­
broad-­spectrum antibiotics are certain beta-­lactam antibiotics (such tolerogenic bacteria, such as certain Clostridial species, reinforces
as amoxicillin [with or without clavulanic acid], cephalosporins, and the role of bacterial colonization in the healthy balance of the intes-
carbapenems) and macrolide antibiotics (such as azithromycin). tinal and extra-­intestinal immune response.50-­52
Finally, a very recent systematic review with meta-­analysis eval-
uating the association between antibiotic use during pregnancy and
4  |  A NTI B I OTI C S , TH E D E V E LO PM E NT, childhood allergy demonstrated that maternal antibiotic exposure
A N D TR E ATM E NT O F A LLE RG I C D I S E A S E S in pregnancy was associated with 1.3 increased risk of childhood
asthma/wheeze and 1.6 increased risk of eczema/atopic dermatitis,
4.1  |  Infant antibiotic prescriptions and the but not food allergy.53 This review underscores the critical role of
development of allergic diseases the appropriate use of antibiotics during pregnancy. It paves the way
to recommendations directing healthcare professionals to be selec-
As previously mentioned, the use of antibiotics during pregnancy tive when prescribing antibiotics for pregnant women to reduce the
or early childhood may have several effects on the neonatal mi- risk of allergic diseases in children.
crobiome, leading to an increased risk to develop childhood atopy, Children developing asthma seem to be prone to viral infections
asthma, and allergy.33,34 Adjusted hazard ratios for allergic condi- in their first years of life because of their increased susceptibility
tions after antibiotic prescription during the mentioned lifespan with, consequently, an augmented prescription of empiric therapies
range between 1.20 and 2.10, with the highest risk for asthma.35-­38 including antibiotics. Therefore, the association between antibiotics
In some countries, the routine use of antibiotics for cesarean section and asthma might arise through a complex confounding by indication
is practiced. Notably, multiple prescriptions of broad-­spectrum anti- and maybe a consequence of bias rather than causal relation.54,55
biotics (macrolides, cephalosporins, penicillins, etc.), especially dur- However, infants who received antibiotic therapy during infancy
ing the final pregnancy semester and in early infancy, or a familiar for viral respiratory infection experienced more severe wheeze or
history for asthma reveals a more significant association, reaching asthma exacerbation after antibiotic prescription than those with-
an odds ratio up to ~3 for asthma and allergies.39-­41 A recent study out antibiotics.54 In a mouse model, experimental antibiotic therapy

13989995, 2021, 11, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/all.15046 by Cochrane Mexico, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
3280      TRAMPER-­S TRANDERS et al.

F I G U R E 2  Interface of microbiota and

several other factors and interventions
that ultimately influence the emergence of
atopic dermatitis. Legend: On the left side,
factors associated with the development
of atopic dermatitis are shown; whereas
on the right side possible treatment
options as mentioned in the text are

after respiratory syncytial virus infection promoted bronchial hyper- an antibiotic need is undocumented.59 Among adults, almost 50%
reactivity, which is associated with decreased expression of pulmo- receive antibiotics for an acute asthma exacerbation.16,60
nary regulatory T cells, Foxp3 mRNA, and TGF-­β1. Patients with allergic asthma have an increased risk of filling at
Taken together, these data indicate that the association between least two antibiotic prescriptions per year compared with non-­allergic
early antibiotic use and the later development of allergic disease or asthma.61 For asthma, it is unsure when the antibiotic application re-
asthma might be partially explained by the induction of dysbiosis sults in a clinical benefit in acute asthma exacerbations or whether
and the consequent deviation of the immune response toward a pro-­ they can do harm in the long term. A Cochrane systematic review,
inflammatory profile. including studies on 681 adult and childhood exacerbations, showed
Studies exploring early antibiotic exposure and the development inconsistent findings in very heterogeneous studies with varied meth-
of allergic diseases are summarized in Table 1. odological quality. Number of symptom-­free days and pulmonary
function at 10  days after exacerbation were higher after macrolide
antibiotics in some studies. But authors concluded there was insuf-
4.2  |  Antibiotic (over) prescriptions in ficient evidence for symptom improvement by antibiotics given for
allergic conditions an acute asthma attack.62 Additionally, a large retrospective cohort
study showed antibiotic prescriptions in 44% of patients admitted
There is a gap in knowledge concerning the increased antibiotic use with an acute asthma exacerbation. Antibiotic therapy was possibly
rate for allergic conditions such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, and atopic associated with a longer hospital length of stay, higher hospital cost,
eczema. Patients suffering from an allergic disease are thought to be but similar risk of treatment failure. The Azalea trial performed in the
more vulnerable to developing bacterial infections because of changes United Kingdom revealed no clinical benefit of adding azithromycin
in mucosal immune system responses. Additionally, immune dysfunc- in adult asthma exacerbations. Of note, the recruitment process in
tion caused by the allergic reaction is a predisposing factor for the this trial was challenging since most of the patients showing up with
development of bacterial infection and, consequently, for antibiotic exacerbation had already been prescribed antibiotics by their GP
consumption.56,57 The main factor contributing to the overprescription physician before presenting at the emergency room.63
of antibiotics in allergic conditions is that many of the common symp- Since asthma exacerbations are mainly of viral origin, antimicro-
toms presenting in allergic conditions can mimic infectious ones.58 bial treatment should be regarded as unnecessary in most cases and
These characteristics could mislead the clinician and contribute to the particularly harmful due to the possibility of destabilization of the
higher incidence of antibiotic consumption in an allergic patient. respiratory microbiome and inducing resistance.

4.2.1  |  Acute asthma exacerbations treatment 4.2.2  |  Chronic asthma and exacerbation prevention

Antibiotics are prescribed in nearly 1:6 US pediatric ambulatory care Maintenance antimicrobial therapy, especially macrolide therapy, is
visits for asthma, leading to one million prescriptions annually when practiced in severe uncontrolled asthma to prevent exacerbations.
TA B L E 1  The role of antibiotic exposure during pregnancy or early childhood on the development of asthma and allergic diseases (PubMed records 2015–­2020)

Age of participants
Study type, Antibiotic type and/or Exposure period/ at outcome (Adjusted) Odds/
Study ID country Sample size (n) Prescription frequency population measurement Outcome (disease) Hazard Ratio (95% CI)

Mitre et al. 201836 Retrospective 131708 Undefined 0–­6 months 4.6 years (median) Asthma 2.09 (2.05–­2.13)
Cohort, USA Allergic rhinitis 1.75 (1.72–­1.78)
Anaphylaxis 1.51 (1.38–­1.66)

Allergic conjunctivitis 1.42 (1.34–­1.50)

Hirsch et al. 201744 Longitudinal, 484 Penicillin, cephalosporins, <2 years <7 years Milk allergy 1.78 (1.28–­2.48)
USA 598 or macrolides, >three Non-­milk allergy 1.65 (1.27–­2.14)
3652 courses Other allergies 3.07 (2.72–­3.46)
Chen et al. 201839 Retrospective 4164 Undefined <2 years 2–­18 years Asthma 3.33 (2.67–­4.15)
Cohort, Macrolides +Bronchiolitis 2.87 (1.99-­.160
Taiwan Azithromycin 3.45 (1.62–­7.36)
Penicillins 1.77 (1.43–­2.20)
Cephalosporins 1.67 (1.32–­2.11)
Metzler et al. 201940 Birth cohort, 1080 Undefined Pregnancy <1 year Atopic dermatitis 1.66 (1.11–­2.48)
Switzerland Pregnancy <1year Food allergy 3.01 (1.22–­7.47)
& EU <1 year <4 years Atopic dermatitis 2.73 (1.66–­4.49)
<1 year 3–­6 years Asthma 1.65 (0.95–­2.86)
Loewen et al. 2018120 Cohort, Canada 213661 Undefined Pregnancy <1 year Asthma 1.23 (1.20–­1.27)
One course 1.15 (1.11–­1.18)
Two courses 1.26 (1.21–­1.32)
>Two courses 1.51 (1.44–­1.59)
Yamamoto-­Hanada et al. 2017121 Birth cohort, 1550 Undefined <2 years <5 years Asthma 1.72 (1.10–­2.70)
Japan Cephem Atopic dermatitis 1.40 (1.01–­1.94)
Cephem Allergic rhinitis 1.65 (1.05–­2.58)
Macrolide Asthma 1.97 (1.23–­3.16)
Allergic rhinitis 1.82 (1.12–­2.93)
Atopic dermatitis 1.58 (1.07–­2.33)
Ahmadizar et al. 201835 Review/Meta-­ 229080 Undefined <2 years Undefined Allergic rhinitis 1.23 (1.13–­1.34)
analysis, 394517 Atopic dermatitis 1.26 (1.15–­1.37)
Netherlands 23878 Food allergy 1.42 (1.08–­1.87)
Lapin et al. 2015122 Randomized, 301 Undefined Pregnancy <3 years Asthma 3.1 (1.4–­6.8)
Yoshida et al. 2018 41 Retrospective 155556 Undefined Pregnancy <3 years Asthma 1.18 (1.08–­1.30)
cohort, Japan <1 year <3 years 2.43 (2.20–­2.69)
<1 year <6 years 1.23 (1.11–­1.36)
Fishman et al. 2019123 Retrospective 27403 1–­2 courses <2 years <4 years Asthma 1.34 (1.21–­1.49)
cohort, USA 22248 >2 courses 1.71 (1.54–­1.90)
|       3281


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TA B L E 1  (Continued)

Age of participants
Study type, Antibiotic type and/or Exposure period/ at outcome (Adjusted) Odds/

Study ID country Sample size (n) Prescription frequency population measurement Outcome (disease) Hazard Ratio (95% CI)

Ahmadizar et al. 2017124 Cohorts' meta-­ 8284 Undefined <3 years Undefined Asthma 2.18 (1.04–­4.60)
analysis, 1474 Asthma 0.93 (0.65–­1.32)
Netherlands exacerbations
& Scotland,
Metsälä et al. 201537 Case-­control, 6690 Undefined Pregnancy 3–­10 years Asthma 1.31 (1.21–­1.42)
Finland Cephalosporins <1 year 1.46 (1.30–­1.64)
Undefined 1.60 (1.48–­1.73)
Cephalosporins 1.79 (1.59–­2.01)
Sulphonam-­trimethoprim 1.65 (1.34–­2.02)
Macrolides 1.61 (1.46–­1.78)
Amoxicillin 1.46 (1.35–­1.58)
Mulder et al. 2016125 Case-­control, 2456 Undefined Pregnancy <6 years Asthma 1.46 (1.34–­1.59)
Netherlands 3rd semester 1.40 (1.15–­1.47)
Sun et al. 2015126 Prospective 606 Macrolides <1 year <3 years Wheezing 1.09 (1.05–­1.13)
cohort, China
Xie et al. 2016127 Meta-­analysis, 772184 Undefined <1 year 2–­12 years Asthma 1.14 (1.10–­1.17)
China >4 courses + Familiar history 1.28 (1.19–­1.38)
Undefined 1.47 (1.20–­1.81)
Zhao et al. 201538 Meta-­analysis, 16610 Undefined Pregnancy Childhood Wheeze/Asthma 1.18 (1.11–­1.26)
China 193 1st semester 1–­5 years 1.09 (0.92–­1.29)
2nd semester 1.14 (1.01–­1.29)
3rd semester 1.33 (1.11–­1.60)
Popovic et al. 2016128 Birth cohort, 3530 Undefined Pregnancy: 1st Childhood Ever-­wheezing 1.02 (0.80–­1.30)
Italy 3985 semester Recurrent wheezing 0.99 (0.54–­1.82)
3rd semester Ever-­wheezing 1.12 (0.90–­1.39)
Recurrent wheezing 2.09 (1.32–­3.29)
Donovan et al. 2020 42 Birth cohort, 120973 Undefined, every Infancy, initially 4.5–­6 years Asthma 1.2 (1.19–­1.2)
USA additional during first year 1.10 (1.05–­1.19)
Broad-­spectrum vs.
narrow spectrum

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TRAMPER-­S TRANDERS et al.       3283

TA B L E 2  Summary on microbial strategies in allergic diseases, showing improvement (+), worsening/ no change (↔) or absent data (?) in
clinical outcomes

Probiotics/synbiotics Bacterial lysates

Asthma exacerbations + Fewer asthma episodes + Shorter duration of asthma and/or wheezing
↔ Disease severity + Lower frequency of wheezing episodes and
↔ Asthmatic symptoms asthma exacerbations
↔ Number of symptom-­free days
↔ Forced expiratory volume
↔ Peak expiratory flow
Asthma and wheezing prevention82,83 ↔ Overall risk of asthma ? Currently being studied
↔ Incidence of asthma and wheezing
Allergic rhinitis treatment91,92,96,97 + Lower total nasal and ocular symptoms scores + Lower total nasal and ocular
+ Rhinitis Quality of Life (RQLQ) scores symptom scores
↔ Rhinitis Total Symptom Scores (RTSS)
Atopic dermatitis treatment98,101 ↔ No improvement + Reduced number of new AD flares
Atopic dermatitis prevention99,103,104 + Reduction in the cumulative incidence of AD ↔ Initially modest effect, later no change
Food allergy ? Limited data on prevention of IgE-­dependent ? No data
food allergy
? Limited data on treatment of cow's milk allergy

In 2015, a Cochrane review including 1513 patients concluded mac- resulted in no meaningful benefit from oral or topical antibiotics next
rolides not to be better than placebo on clinical outcomes including to topical steroids and emollients.73 Topical antiseptics, like chlorhex-
hospital admissions and oral corticosteroid use for exacerbations, idine soap or sodium hypochlorite baths, are applied with different
although some studies suggested a steroid-­sparing effect. As with clinical experiences, but no satisfactory evidence exists.
many meta-­analyses, the evidence was of very low quality.64 Later Therefore, many current studies aim to establish novel microbial
studies, including the AMAZES study, observed a decrease in ex- strategies to treat S.  aureus to replace the antimicrobials currently
acerbations after azithromycin prophylaxis in adults with persistent used.74 This will be covered in the section on microbial-­derived
uncontrolled asthma. A recent systematic review showed a reduc- products.
tion of asthma exacerbations after azithromycin maintenance ther- In conclusion, the lack of data and knowledge on the effect of an-
apy (different regimens) for both eosinophilic and non-­eosinophilic tibiotic treatment for allergic disease exacerbations and the infection-­
asthma.66 Although macrolides also reduce steroid requirements and mimicking symptoms are probable contributing factors to antibiotic
improve the quality of life, according to current evidence, their ac- over-­ or misuse in allergic conditions. Tailored treatment based on
tion is via immunomodulation rather than bacterial load reduction.67 clinical or phenotypical characteristics might help reduce unnecessary
However, there is a growing body of evidence that macrolides alter antibiotic therapy in allergic diseases. Additionally, microbial-­derived
the airway microbiome profile. Notably, macrolides are strong products have been studied on a large scale in the treatment or pre-
inducers of antimicrobial resistance because of their prolonged vention of allergic diseases, covered in the next paragraph.
half-­time and have led to high resistance rates in pneumococci and
staphylococci in areas with a high-­macrolide consumption.69
4.2.3  |  Atopic dermatitis—­treatment E X AC E R BATI O N S

For atopic dermatitis, in 2003 alone, dermatologists prescribed 3–­4 Pre-­ and probiotics seem to help establish the normal gut flora and
million topical antibiotic courses.70 In hospitalized children with atopic modulate inflammatory mechanisms, showing promising benefits as
dermatitis, systemic antibiotics were prescribed in >80% of the pa- potential treatment and prevention strategies. Probiotics, defined
tients.71 The broader knowledge of the alterations in AD skin microbi- as “living organisms which when administered in adequate amounts
ota led to the hypothesis that stabilization of the disturbed microbiota confer a health benefit on the host,” are mostly composed of bacte-
may have a therapeutic and/or prophylactic effect. However, systemic ria (eg, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium spp.) together with yeasts
antibiotics have no benefit on the skin condition unless skin lesions are (eg, Saccharomyces boulardii). In vitro studies show evidence of the
clinically superinfected, usually accompanied by S.  aureus superanti- immune-­modulating effects of certain probiotics.75 On the other
gens.72 Anti-­staphylococcal antibiotics will lead to decreased coloniza- hand, prebiotics are fermented food ingredients that allow specific
tion, but therapy with anti-­inflammatory skin regimens has also shown changes in composition/activity of the gastrointestinal microflora,
reduced staphylococcal colonization. A randomized controlled trial for example, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), galactooligosaccharides
evaluating different treatment regimens in clinically infected eczema (GOS), and trans-­galactooligosaccharides (TOS). Synbiotics are a

13989995, 2021, 11, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/all.15046 by Cochrane Mexico, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
3284      TRAMPER-­S TRANDERS et al.

synergic combination formula in which a prebiotic component se- A recent study has highlighted the potential role of short-­chain
lectively favors a probiotic microorganism. Finally, postbiotics are fatty acids (such as butyrate), one of the most promising postbiotics
microbial fermentation components, including metabolites, short-­ in preventing allergy and asthma.84 In contrast, bacterial secretion of
chain fatty acids (SCFAs), microbial cell fractions, functional pro- histamine in the gut is associated with a more severe asthma pheno-
teins, extracellular polysaccharides (EPS), cell lysates, teichoic acid, type, although murine models suggest potential protective effects
peptidoglycan-­derived muropeptides, and pili-­t ype structures. also on lung inflammatory responses.85,86 Intranasal administration
Bacterial lysates could also be categorized as postbiotics. of Bidifobacterium might prevent exaggerated viral replication and
Pre-­or probiotics are thought to be influential in developing sev- viral-­induced inflammation, as shown in a murine model.87 Whether
eral allergic diseases, yet current evidence remains limited due to this leads to a decrease in asthmatic disease, exacerbations should
studies with high heterogeneity in design and used probiotics and be further studied.
variable outcome measures. Below, we describe evidence for bacte-
rial products in preventing allergic disease (exacerbations), summa-
rized in Table 2. 5.1.2  |  Bacterial lysates

Bacterial lysates have been prescribed for the prevention of pre-­

5.1  |  Asthma school wheezing and asthma exacerbations in infants and children.
A meta-­analysis (N = 4851) on the efficacy and safety of the bacte-
5.1.1  |  Pre-­, pro-­, and postbiotics rial lysate OM-­85 in pediatric recurrent respiratory tract infections
included 8 Chinese studies (702 children) that assessed wheezing
Probiotics supplementation may be useful in asthma as a co-­ episodes. Bacterial lysate OM-­85 therapy resulted in a substantial
adjuvant treatment.77,78 In several studies, a more significant pro- reduction in the duration of wheezing.88
portion of children had fewer asthma exacerbation episodes when Our recent systematic review with meta-­analysis has shown
taking probiotics. Assessing the number of asthma exacerbations, that although studies are scarce and heterogeneous, there was a
two studies showed no significant difference. One contradictory moderate beneficial effect of oral application of bacterial lysates on
study reported that asthma exacerbations were more frequent in pre-­school wheezing episodes and allergic asthma exacerbations in
the probiotic group. Moreover, laboratory data showed a significant children.89 The frequency of wheezing episodes and asthma exacer-
change in the inflammatory pathway (IL-­4, IFN-­γ, and IgE) in the bations was reduced in patients who received bacterial lysates: OM-­
probiotic group versus controls, yet the methodological quality of 85, Ismigen, or MV130 compared with placebo. Whether they act by
these studies is low. Most of these studies used Lactobacillus species decreasing the number of viral respiratory tract infections and sub-
as a probiotic. A meta-­analysis that included pooled data from sequent asthma exacerbations and/or dampening the Th2 response
910 children with mild-­to-­moderate asthma demonstrated a higher with parallel increased regulatory responses should be studied fur-
proportion of children with fewer asthma episodes following treat- ther. Murine models show a direct effect on airway immune cells,
ment with probiotics as compared to controls (risk ratio [RR]: 1.3; Th2 inflammation, and airway hyperreactivity.90
95% CI: 1.06, 1.59).77 In addition, the authors reported a probiotic-­
induced increase in IFN-­γ and a decrease in IL-­4 levels. However,
the above effects were not associated with significant changes in 5.2  |  Allergic rhinitis
disease severity as measured by childhood asthma control test, asth-
matic symptoms during the day or night, number of symptom-­free 5.2.1  |  Pre-­, pro-­, and postbiotics
days, forced expiratory volume (expressed as the percentage of pre-
dicted), or peak expiratory flow (Table 2).77 For allergic rhinitis, probiotics showed reduced symptoms and
In a large recent meta-­analysis comprising data from 5.157 infants improved quality of life in patients with allergic rhinitis in a meta-­
<1-­year-­old exhibiting asthma or wheezing, probiotic therapy (in most analysis using studies with mainly Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium
of the studies with Lactobacillus species) was not found to reduce the species as probiotics.91 Contrastingly, no effects on symptom scores,
overall risk of asthma or wheeze. Probiotics administration was as- IgE, or regulatory T cells were seen. The postbiotic Lactobacillus pa-
sociated with a reduction in the incidence of wheeze among 225 in- racasei 33 has shown an improvement in the quality of life measured
fants with atopic disease. Finally, in a meta-­analysis comprising 4.755 by a modified pediatric rhino-­conjunctivitis quality of life question-
children at high risk of atopy, there was no difference in the incidence naire (PRQLQ).92
of asthma and wheezing between infants who received probiotics Meta-­analysis data have demonstrated an effect of probiotics
(gestational or at <3 months old) compared with those who did not.83 on the type 1/2 inflammation balance, but no apparent effect on IgE
Overall, these results suggest that probiotics lack consistent ef- levels.91,93,94 In a meta-­analysis comprising 2.242 children and adults
ficacy in asthma prevention; however, their use may be associated with AR, probiotic therapy resulted in a significant reduction in total
with a reduction in the incidence of wheeze in atopic infants, al- nasal and total ocular symptoms scores.93 Conversely, in a meta-­
though larger trials are necessary. analysis of 1.919 patients, the positive effect of probiotics on Rhinitis

13989995, 2021, 11, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/all.15046 by Cochrane Mexico, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
TRAMPER-­S TRANDERS et al.       3285

Quality of Life (RQLQ) scores was significant though there was no ef- in the first year in infants with paternal atopy, but after 4 years the
fect on Rhinitis Total Symptom Scores (RTSS). In their 2015 system- prevalence of AD was identical between the study groups.103,104
atic review (N = 1.527), Peng et al reported a significant combined
improvement of the quality of life scores and nasal symptom scores
of patients with AR. There was a high risk of bias in the majority of the 5.4  |  Food allergy
studies, highlighting the need for better quality trials.
Patients with cow's milk allergy may benefit from pro-­ and prebi-
otics. Children treated with Lactobacillus GG might have earlier oral
5.2.2  |  Bacterial lysates tolerance to cow's milk105 and, in some cases, earlier recovery of
hematochezia.106 Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) have been
Bacterial lysates have been shown to inhibit the inflammatory cy- identified as a useful preventive tool in cow's milk allergy only for
tokines, infiltration of pro-­inflammatory cells, and increased serum infants.107 Few studies have investigated synbiotics in children. A
IgG1 and IgE, indicative of a type 2 immune response, in a mouse mixture of probiotic bacteria and fructo-­oligosaccharide (FOS) re-
model of AR, and some clinical benefit was shown in a small vealed an improvement of thriving in these patients.108
(N  =  60) randomized trial from China with respiratory pathogen Despite many studies, clear evidence in humans for the role of
lysates (reduced medication use, nasal symptoms, and improved pre-­and probiotics in allergy prevention and treatment is still lack-
type 1/2 cytokine balance).96 ing. Heterogeneity in strains, doses, and timing and study population
A recently published trial including 70 children with seasonal largely vary. Further studies are needed to understand the mecha-
allergic rhinitis showed significant efficacy of respiratory bacterial nism behind their immune-­modulating effect and guide treatment in
lysate therapy on allergic nasal and ocular symptoms.97 a personalized fashion.

5.3  |  Atopic dermatitis 6  |  M I C RO B I A L S TR ATEG I E S TO PR E V E NT

5.3.1  |  Pre-­, pro-­, and postbiotics TH E R A PY

By now, the data published on the efficacy of oral probiotics (bac- Probiotics are widely prescribed for prevention of antibiotics-­
teria of the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria species, which were associated dysbiosis and related adverse effects. Two sys-
taken alone or combined with other probiotics, and were given with tematic reviews described a reduction in antibiotic-­associated
or without prebiotics) in established AD has shown no or negligi- diarrhea (relative risk of 0.58 [95% CI, 0.50–­0.68]) and specifically
ble improvement.98 Perinatal probiotics supplementation reduced Clostridium difficile-­associated diarrhea (relative risk 0.40 [95% CI
the cumulative incidence of AD, having a modulator effect, espe- 0.30–­0.52]). Significant heterogeneity was observed and need for
cially on non-­IgE associated phenotype.99 Prebiotics that have been additional studies identifying the best probiotic strain/group and de-
studied by far were assessed in different groups of AD patients. fine patient groups.109,110
Nevertheless, results are inconclusive in most of the cases. Limited Long-­term data on probiotics restoring the microbiome after an-
evidence supports the use of synbiotics and postbiotics for the tibiotic therapy are scarce. Especially with respect to the associa-
treatment of AD, particularly in children.100 tion of early-­life antibiotics with allergy development, high-­quality
Another potential management strategy is a skin application of studies are absent. Multi-­strain probiotic therapy induced a delayed
live probiotics or bacteria-­derived preparations topically. Seven dif- and persistently incomplete indigenous stool/mucosal microbiome
ferent bacterial strains have been used to date in preliminary stud- reconstitution compared to spontaneous post-­antibiotic recovery in
ies, including Roseomonas mucosa and commensal staphylococci.101 mice and healthy adult volunteers.111 Thus, the presumed probiotic-­
These topical interventions have suggested beneficial effects and a induced protection from antibiotic-­associated adverse effects may
good safety profile. Nevertheless, this exciting concept requires fur- not be risk free.
ther investigation to assess its clinical benefits fully. There are also Although probiotics might overcome some of the short-­term side
early trials underway to develop an anti-­S. aureus vaccine, which, if effects of antimicrobial therapy, it is to be preferred to practice anti-
successful, could start a new era in AD management.102 microbial stewardship to avoid overexposure to antibiotics.

5.3.2  |  Bacterial lysates 7  |  A NTI B I OTI C S TE WA R DS H I P I N

Bacterial lysates (Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli lysates),
given between 2 and 7 months of life, have been studied in the pre- Antimicrobial stewardship refers to coordinated interven-
vention of atopic dermatitis in infancy. A modest effect was shown tions designed to improve and measure the appropriate use

13989995, 2021, 11, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/all.15046 by Cochrane Mexico, Wiley Online Library on [26/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
3286      TRAMPER-­S TRANDERS et al.

F I G U R E 3  Synopsis, recommendations,
and knowledge gaps with respect to
antibiotic use and allergic diseases.
Legend: This figure shows the relation
of antimicrobial therapy with the
development of allergic diseases (left) and
the (over)treatment of allergic diseases
and provides recommendations for the
clinical practice and future research

of antimicrobials by promoting the optimal antimicrobial drug intestinal and respiratory microbiome, which leads to dysbiosis
regimen, dose, duration of therapy, and administration route. and an increased risk of acquiring allergic diseases. At the same
Antimicrobial stewards aim to achieve optimal clinical out- time, whether there is a role for specific bacteria in the pathogen-
comes related to antimicrobial use, minimize toxicity and other esis of certain allergic diseases and/or their exacerbations still re-
adverse events, reduce healthcare costs for infections, and mains uncertain. In fact, there are no conclusive studies that could
limit the selection for antimicrobial-­r esistant strains. It also suggest such a relationship. The only exceptions regard (1) skin
involves transparent monitoring of prescription data and the colonization with S. aureus and its role in exacerbations of AD, and
use of available expertise and resources.113 These elements (2) the presence of M.  pneumoniae and overrepresentation with
could be accomplished by education, implementation of clinical Proteobacteria in severe asthma and patients with exacerbations
practice guidelines, antimicrobial order forms, and dose opti- of neutrophilic asthma.
mization.114 Many studies have shown antimicrobial steward- Contrarily to guidelines, antibiotic therapy is often described for
ship programs (ASP) to effectively reduce antibiotic prescribing (exacerbations of) allergic disease conditions while there is no evi-
without negatively affecting the quality of care and patient dence for efficacy, except scarce data for the prevention of exacer-
mortality. bations in severe asthma. Pre-­, pro-­, or postbiotics might modify the
Concerning allergic diseases, antibiotic stewardship starts with allergic disease course but clear evidence is lacking, also because of
awareness and following guidelines. Although many national guide- heterogeneity in strains, doses, and timing.
lines state routine antibiotic prescriptions are not indicated for an We are urging that the future EAACI Recommendations on
acute asthma exacerbation, current practice is the opposite, as Antibiotic Stewardship should recommend limiting antibiotic ther-
shown above. apy in pregnancy and early childhood as a method contributing to
Antibiotic stewardship policies with biomarker-­guided therapy the reduction of the allergy epidemic in children. Recommendation
(eg, serum pro-­calcitonin) have shown that antibiotic use for asthma should also focus on restricting antibiotic therapy in exacerbations
exacerbations can safely be reduced by about 50%. Adoption and chronic treatment of allergic diseases, mainly concerning asthma
in the clinic, however, is not yet common practice in many places. and atopic dermatitis. Antimicrobial treatment should be prescribed
Also, rapid viral PCR testing reduced antibiotic duration in asthma cautiously and following current recommendations with the use of
exacerbations.119 the narrowest possible spectrum of antibiotics. Figure 3 summarizes
the knowledge provided in this paper, provides recommendations
and knowledge gaps.
8  |   S Y N O P S I S/FU T U R E D I R EC TI O N S Future research should be aimed at antibiotic stewardship im-
plementation strategies and biomarker-­guided therapy, discerning
In this review, we have highlighted the relation between microbiota, those patients that might benefit from antibiotic therapy.
antimicrobial therapy, and allergic diseases.
Overuse of antibiotics in childhood and during pregnancy AC K N OW L E D G E M E N T S
is associated with the risk of disturbing colonization of the We want to thank Zuzana Lukasik for the creative work.

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How to cite this article: Tramper-­Stranders G, Ambrożej D,
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