Poetry Chaikhana Blog Lalla - I Traveled A Long Way Seeking God

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Sacred Poetry from Around the World

Lalla – I traveled a long way seeking God Apr

RECENT COMMENTS Published by Ivan M. Granger at 8:16 am under Poetry 2016

Rose peurrung on Yeats – Aedh

Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven

marrob on Yeats – Aedh Wishes I traveled a long way seeking God

for the Cloths of Heaven

Ela on Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi by Lalla

– Like This

Rose Peurrung on Mevlana

Jelaluddin Rumi – Like This English version by Swami Muktananda
Anna M. on Mevlana Jelaluddin
Rumi – Like This

I traveled a long way seeking God,

! Books but when I finally gave up and turned back,
Celestial Drink

" Interviews
there He was, within me!
Ivan's Story
# Lover & Beloved
O Lalli!
Other Voices Now why do you wander

Poetry Chaikhana Misc. like a beggar?


Thoughts for the Day

Make some effort,
and He will grant you
Archives Select Month a vision of Himself
in the form of bliss
RECEIVE in your heart.

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— from Lalleshwari: Spiritual Poems by a Great Siddha Yogini,

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/ Image by Spanishalex /

For so many mystics it is this way. After intense searching

without success, what can be done but give up, or
collapse? Yet a special thing happens at that very moment.
We drop our expectations, our hopes, our projections
about this external thing called “God.” For the first time we
have truly let go of the story we’ve been telling ourselves
about what God is and how we fit into the picture. It is
only then that the scales fall from our eyes.

We stop straining to look, and finally see. And we see the

Eternal already here, within.

Finally recognizing the all-engulfing presence of the Divine,

the heart feels safe; the heart opens, it blooms, and we
are flooded by indescribable bliss!

Even a spiritual mendicant like Lalla can no longer think of

herself as a beggar when in possession of such wealth.

Recommended Books: Lalla

The Longing in Between: Sacred Poetry Women in Praise of the Sacred: Poetry for the Spirit: I Lalla: The
from Around the World (A Poetry 43 Centuries of Spiritual Poetry Poems of Universal Poems of
Chaikhana Anthology) by Women Wisdom and Beauty Lal Ded

More Books >>


Kashmir (India/Pakistan) (14th Century) Timeline

Yoga / Hindu : Shaivite (Shiva)

Lalla, also affectionately called Lalli, Lal Ded, Lal Diddi

(“Granny Lal”), or Lalleshwari, was born near Srinagar in
Kashmir in northern India/Pakistan.

Little is known with certainty about her life, other than

hints that come to us through her poetry and songs.

She was a young bride, married, tradition says, at the age

of twelve. After moving into her husband’s family home,
she was abused by her mother-in-law and ignored by her

A story is told about “Lalla’s Lake” — one day when

returning from the well with a clay water jug on her head,
her husband lost his temper over her delay and struck the
jug in his anger. The clay vessel broke but, miraculously,
the water held its shape above her head. This becomes an
important symbol of the heavenly nectar that rains down
from the crown.

Finally, Lalla could endure no more mistreatment and, in

her early 20s, she left. She became a disciple of a
respected saint in the Kashmir Shaivism tradition of yoga
and she took up the life of a holy woman dedicated God in
the form of Shiva. Lalla began wandering about, village to
village, going naked or nearly naked, and singing songs of

Lalla’s songs are short, using the simple, direct language

of the common people, yet she touches on complex yogic
techniques and the most elevated states of awareness.

The name Lalla can be translated as either “seeker” or


Lalla is deeply loved by both Hindus and Muslims in

Kashmir today, even amidst the terrible fighting ravaging
the land. There is a saying that in Kashmir only two words
have any meaning: Allah and Lalla.

More poetry by Lalla

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Lalla – I traveled a long way seeking God”

# Ba Khan on 29 Apr 2016 at 4:05 pm

True..Ivan, the simplicity of finding self within self is basic truth

yet so great!!
I hail from the same place where Lâl Dèd was born- Srinagar
I hope your health is now ok


# Kris Hines on 02 May 2016 at 8:55 pm

Hi Ivan, lovely to hear about Lalla. What you have said

reminded me of Meher Baba’s “helplessness and hopelessness.”
Have you read about the New Life that a group of him and his
disciples went on from 1949 to 1952? Quite something. The
Song of the New Life is beautiful. Here’s a link if you want to
check it out.
I so appreciate what your poems bring me every time. Love in
the Mystery, Kris.

# Therese Monaghan on 28 May 2016 at 1:25 pm

Thank you, Ivan. I love Lalla’s poem. And reading it this

glorious Memorial Day weekend (Sat )I felt in my heart the bliss
of God’s presence that she spoke of.
I am home from months of recuperating from an injury and
feeling very grateful.
Namaste– Therese

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