323-1851-545 (6500 R9.3 ModuleReplacement) Issue4
323-1851-545 (6500 R9.3 ModuleReplacement) Issue4
323-1851-545 (6500 R9.3 ModuleReplacement) Issue4
What’s inside...
New in this release and documentation roadmap
Alarm and trouble clearing strategy
Alarm surveillance
Alarm hierarchies and alarm severities
Alarm clearing procedures—A to H
Contents 0
Broadband circuit packs client port facility OTM mapping layer alarm hierarchy 3-36
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR client port facility (low-order ODU0, ODU1, and ODUFLEX
facilities) alarm hierarchy 3-37
OPU-CSF/GFP-CSF client port alarm hierarchy (OTM and Wan facilities) 3-38
OTN PKT facility alarm hierarchy - faceplate to fabric direction (RX) 3-39
ODUk CTP OTN facility alarm hierarchy - faceplate to fabric direction (RX) 3-40
ODUj CTP OTN facility alarm hierarchy - faceplate to fabric direction (RX) 3-41
ODUi CTP OTN facility alarm hierarchy - faceplate to fabric direction (RX) 3-42
OC-n/STM-n facility alarm hierarchy (Broadband circuit packs) 3-43
OC-n/STM-n and STS/VT/VC facility alarm hierarchy (MSPP optical interface circuit
packs) 3-44
L2 MOTR circuit pack ETH100/ETH/ETH10G facility alarm hierarchy 3-45
L2 MOTR circuit pack WAN facility alarm hierarchy 3-46
OTM1/OTM2/OTM3 facility alarm hierarchy 3-47
ETTP facility alarm hierarchy - monitored 3-48
ETTP facility alarm hierarchy - terminated 3-49
ETTP facility alarm hierarchy 3-50
STTP facility alarm hierarchy 3-51
100G OCLD circuit packs line port OTM4 facility alarm hierarchy 3-52
100G WL3n MOTR circuit packs client port OTM2 facility alarm hierarchy 3-53
100G WL3n MOTR circuit packs line port OTM4 facility alarm hierarchy 3-54
100G WL3n MOTR circuit pack ETH40G client facility alarm hierarchy 3-55
100G WL3n MOTR circuit pack Flex FC800/1200 facility alarm hierarchy 3-56
Flex3 WL3e OCLD circuit packs line port OTMC2 facility alarm hierarchy 3-57
Flex3 WL3e OCLD circuit packs line port ODU4 facility in 16QAM alarm
hierarchy 3-58
100G WL3/WL3e OTR circuit packs line port OTM4 facility in QPSK alarm
hierarchy 3-59
100G WL3/WL3e OTR circuit packs client port OTM4 facility alarm hierarchy 3-60
100G WL3/WL3e OTR circuit packs OTM4 mapping facility on client port alarm
hierarchy 3-61
10x10GE MUX OCI circuit pack backplane port 100 OTM4 facility alarm
hierarchy 3-62
100G OCI circuit pack client port OTM4 facility alarm hierarchy 3-63
100G OCI circuit pack client port OTM4 mapping layer facility alarm hierarchy 3-64
OTM2 mapping facility (associated with FC1200, OC-192/STM-64, and ETH10G
facility) alarm hierarchy 3-65
TCM facility alarm hierarchy - faceplate to backplane direction 3-66
TCM facility alarm hierarchy - backplane to faceplate direction 3-67
Photonic optical signal facilities alarm hierarchy 3-68
SRA circuit pack RAMAN facility alarm hierarchy 3-69
SRA circuit pack OSC facility alarm hierarchy 3-70
SRA circuit pack ADJ facility alarm hierarchy 3-70
SAM and ESAM circuit packs OPTMON facility alarm hierarchy 3-71
RPR circuit pack alarm hierarchy 3-72
RPR circuit pack LAN port alarm hierarchy 3-73
STM-1e alarm hierarchy 3-73
This document is presented in two parts: Part 1 and Part 2. Each part has its
own table of contents. The table of contents in Part 1 contains topics found
in Part 1 only. The table of contents in Part 2 contains topics found in Part 2
only. Part 2 continues sequential chapter numbering from Part 1. The alarm
clearing procedures are presented in two chapters, “Alarm clearing
procedures—A to H” and “Alarm clearing procedures—I to Z”. The complete
“List of alarms” is included in both chapters.
Issue 1
The following new/enhanced features are covered in this document:
• WaveLogic Photonics Coherent Select
This new photonic architecture introduces the following hardware:
— OBMD 1x8 C-Band module (174-0104-900)
— OBB 2x2x2 C-Band module (174-0115-900)
— OBB 2x4x1 C-Band module (174-0116-900)
• 100G MOTR WaveLogic 3n Enhanced C-Band 10xSFP+ circuit pack
• 100G MOTR WaveLogic 3n Standard C-Band 10xSFP+ circuit pack
• 100G MOTR WaveLogic 3n Basic C-Band10xSFP+ circuit pack
Supporting documentation
The following is a list of application-specific documents that are applicable to
the 6500.
• The 6500 Packet-Optical Platform Data Application Guide, NTRN15BA,
provides detailed information on data concepts, applications, and
engineering rules.
• The 6500 Packet-Optical Platform Control Plane Application Guide,
NTRN71AA, provides detailed information on Control Plane concepts,
applications, and engineering rules.
• The Universal AC Rectifier Application Note for Packet-Optical Transport,
009-2012-900, provides configuration, installation, operating,
maintenance and planning information related to this AC Rectifier solution.
• The 6500 Packet-Optical Platform Photonic Layer Guide, NTRN15DA,
provides detailed information on Photonic concepts, applications, and
engineering rules.
• The 6500 Packet-Optical Platform Submarine Networking Application
Guide, NTRN72AA, provides detailed information on Submarine
applications and engineering rules.
• The SAOS-based Packet Services Command Reference, 323-1851-610,
the SAOS-based Packet Services Configuration, 323-1851-630, the
SAOS-based Packet Services Fault and Performance, 323-1851-650, and
the SAOS-based Packet Services MIB Reference, 323-1851-690, provide
detailed information for the eMOTR and PKT/OTN cross-connect circuit
packs. eMOTR and PKT/OTN cross-connect circuit packs use an
operating system based on the Service Aware Operating System (SAOS)
for Layer 2 services.
6500 Photonic Common 6500 - 5400 / 8700 Network Interworking Universal AC Rectifier
Layer Guide Photonic Layer Interworking Solution Guide Application Note
(NTRN15DA) Technical Publications (323-1851-160) (NTCA68CA) (009-2012-900)
The feature requires the system to have full knowledge of topology and
connectivity within the network, including channel routing at OADM sites. The
physical topology of the network is represented by adjacency objects. The
shelf level correlation uses these adjacency objects to notify downstream
facilities that an upstream failure has occurred and suppresses alarms on
circuit packs within the same site. The service photonic layer interoperability
module is responsible for messaging and auditing the fault information which
spans shelves within the site.
between the service layer equipment and the CMD is provided by the SPLI
feature. The adjacency information between service layer equipment (for
example, between a 40G MUX OCI and a 10G OTSC) must be manually
provisioned. Also, Alarm Correlation requires that the Transponder
connections between an OCLD and an OCI be provisioned. Transponder
connections are also required to carry traffic.
Alarm correlation has the ability to correlate the service circuit pack faults
“backwards” to the CMD44, OMD4, OMX, OMDF4, OMDF8, BS1, BS2, BS3,
or BS5 when all “in-use” channels are faulted. Alarm Correlation software
considers a channel “in-use” when the channel’s service circuit pack facility
connected to the CMD44, OMD4, OMX, OMDF4, or OMDF8 Channel Output
port has a non-nil discovered far-end address. A non-nil discovered far-end
address implies a SPLI match exists.
If the discovered far-end address is nil then that channel is not considered
when calculating the “all in-use channels failed” condition.
At least two channels must be in-use before the “backwards” alarm correlation
is initiated.
A new virtual OPTMON facility is created for the CMD44, OMD4, OMX,
OMDF4, OMDF8, BS1, BS2, BS3, or BS5 Common Input (or NTWK Rx) port
and the Common In (or NTWK Rx) fault is reported as an OPTMON Loss of
Signal, or OPTMON Group Loss of Signal alarm, depending upon the
Unlike CMD44 Channel Input ports, the Common In port defaults to “IS” rather
than “IS-ANR,MON” when no channel is provisioned and changes to “OOS-
AU,FAF” when the LOS condition is asserted.
For the Optical Bridge and Broadcast (OBB) and Optical Broadband Mux/
Demux (OBMD 1x8), “Circuit pack Missing” or “Circuit pack Mismatch” alarms
mask pre-existing signal alarms on module alarms. For example, LOS on Far-
end OCLD RX alarms that were masked by either NLC or SLC prior to a
Comms failure remain masked.
For the OPS circuit packs, Loss of Signal (LOS) at SW1 IN/SW2 IN does not
result in an alarm against OPS SW1/SW2 ports if SLC (Site Level Correlation)
is enabled and a correlated upstream alarm within the same site co-exists with
the OPS LOS fault.
The Alarm Correlation parameter within the Site Manager Node Information
application and the System tab must be set to On for the “backwards” alarm
correlation to function.
All traffic related alarms are masked when the “OTDR Trace in Progress”
alarm is raised.
SPLI based Alarm Correlation is supported on the PTP, ODUTTP and the
OTUTTP facilities for the 40G, 100G, and eMOTR circuit packs in the following
• 40G Broadband circuit packs (OCLD, OCI, and MUX) in POTS
provisioning mode (mated with 40G OTN XCIF)
• 100G Broadband circuit packs (OCLD, and OCI) in POTS provisioning
mode (mated with 100G PKT/OTN XCIF)
When alarm correlation is enabled, the OTMn, PTP, ODUTTP, and OTUTTP
alarms are masked. The masked alarms can be viewed in Site Manager
'Active Disabled Alarms' window.
The following client interface circuit packs must be enabled to support SPLI on
10x10G MUX and 40G MUX OCI circuit packs on client interfaces:
• 40G MUX OCI and 10x10G MUX Broadband circuit packs
• 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F circuit packs (POTS)
• 40G MUX OCI interface with 100G PKT/OTN XCIF (POTS)
Figure 1-1 on page 1-6 and Figure 1-2 on page 1-7 show an example of
alarms to be raised in a line fiber cut scenario with and without alarm
correlation on a DOC controlled system.
Figure 1-1
Line fiber cut without alarm correlation on a DOC-controlled system
CMD44 CMD44 shutoff
Optical Optical
line fail line fail
ADJ Far End Automatic Shutoff
not discovered shutoff threshold
OCI crossed
Loss of
Figure 1-2
Line fiber cut with alarm correlation on a DOC-controlled system
For the list of supported circuit pack combinations refer to the “CMD Tx/Rx
type discovery, Tx power & Tx wavelength autoprovisioning, network & site
alarm correlation per circuit pack type support” table in chapter 2 of Part 1 of
6500 Planning, NTRN10DE.
Essentially, NLC will perform site level alarm correlation but it will also perform
network level alarm correlation. Network Level Alarm Correlation addresses
the gaps of the SLC feature based on wavelength topology. Network Level
Alarm Correlation expands adjacency discovery (AD) messaging to support
OTS to OTS (intra-node and inter-node) Network Level Alarm Correlation
messaging. NLC shares and collects channel status information with
neighbors. With a knowledge of the channel statuses, NLC performs alarm
correlation and masks alarms.
For the OPS circuit packs, Loss Of Signal (LOS) at SW1 IN/SW2 IN does not
result in an alarm against OPS SW1/SW2 ports if NLC is enabled and a
correlated upstream alarm co-exists with the OPS LOS fault. Figure 1-3 on
page 1-9 shows an example of Network Level Alarm Correlation.
Figure 1-4 on page 1-9 and Figure 1-5 on page 1-10 show examples of data
flow and alarm suppression using channel status indicators.
Figure 1-3
Network level alarm correlation
Loss of Signal
Optical Line Fail 1 1
Automatic Shutoff 1 1
Shutoff Threshold Crossed
Unexpected Loss Detected
Gauge TCA Summary
ADJ Far End Not Discovered
Circuit Pack Failed
OSC Loss of Signal
Figure 1-4
Data flow of channel status indicators
Figure 1-5
Alarm suppression using channel status indicators
Before the Conditioning Override parameter is edited, the shelf must be alarm
free. Refer to the “Editing the nodal system parameters” procedure in
Administration and Security, 323-1851-301. If the shelf is not alarm free, you
must perform a warm restart on the shelf processor after the change is
completed to force a re-evaluation of the raised alarms. For details on the shelf
processor restart, refer to Procedure 2-1 “Restarting a circuit pack or shelf
processor” on page 2-30.
By default each alarm has two severities assigned to it, a Service Affecting
(SA) and a Non-Service Affecting (NSA) severity, both of which are generally
provisionable in the Alarms Profile application. Environmental alarm severities
can be provisioned by changing the attributes of the specific environmental
alarm. Some alarms on the 6500 support only one severity, which could be
either the SA or the NSA. In the Alarms Profile application Site Manager
displays a "-" for a non-provisionable severity and disables the capability to
edit the field. If for any of the SA or NSA severities a Warning is selected, the
alarm would be raised as a Standing Condition (SC) for the selected severity.
The capability to provision the severity does not apply to Transient Conditions,
non provisionable alarms, or output external alarms.
• The network element is provisioned correctly, and works until the time of
the alarm.
• If protection circuitry exists, traffic is switched before performing the alarm
The following steps make up the strategy for fault and alarm clearing:
• Detect there is a fault.
• Identify the network element that raised the alarm.
• Check for illuminated Fail LEDs on the circuit packs or modules.
• If a Fail LED is illuminated, perform the procedure to replace a failed circuit
pack, module, or pluggable module.
• If the Fail LED is not illuminated, retrieve alarm messages through Site
• Identify the local and remote alarms during the procedure.
• Identify the alarm severity.
• Identify which network element to clear.
• Perform trouble-clearing procedures.
• Determine if there are additional alarms.
• If alarms continue to be active, begin the process again.
• If the alarms are cleared, end the process.
For more information on the steps, see Figure 1-6, “Fault clearing strategy” on
page 1-14.
Alarm priority
Critical alarms have the highest priority and are reported before Major, minor
or Warning alarms. Major alarms are reported before minor alarms and minor
alarms are reported before warnings. Clear alarms in order of severity:
• Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
• Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
• Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm
• failed circuit pack non-service-affecting (NSA) alarm
• minor, service-affecting (m, SA) alarm
• minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
One fault can cause more than one alarm. Clear the alarm with the highest
severity and some other alarms often clear.
You can change the alarm severity of both high and low entities using the
Alarms Profile application in Site Manager. Refer to Procedure 2-8, “Editing
an alarm profile” in Chapter 2, “Alarm surveillance”.
Figure 1-6
Fault clearing strategy
Login local
ID faults
Go to trouble
Clear fault
Alarm ?
LED indications
The 6500 uses an LED indication scheme, where:
• red indicates failure (requires replacement)
• green indicates active (powered and operational)
For the DS1 DSM circuit pack, the green LED illuminates when its OC-3
facility is in service and at least one DS1 facility is in service and has
• yellow indicates warning (something missing or activity in progress)
For DS1 DSM circuit pack, the yellow LED illuminates when there is Loss
of Signal on the OC-3 facility, Loss of synchronization reference signal, or
OAM Link to SP failed.
• blue indicates do not unseat (removing the circuit pack will impact service)
Alarm unit
The alarm unit (AU) contains LEDs to provide visual indication of alarms active
for the 6500 installed on the rack. The alarm unit illuminates the appropriate
LEDs (Critical, Major and minor) on the front panel of the BIP based on alarm
signals received from the 6500 shelves through the alarm input interface and
close the appropriate alarm relay contacts on the alarm output interface.
The alarm unit contains a lamp test button on the front panel of the BIP. When
pressed, all LEDs illuminate. The alarm unit also contains a push button
switch (ACO) on the BIP front panel to reset all BIP alarm relays. The alarm
unit is field replaceable on the NTK599BA variant.
Exceptions include the Power Input Card, fan module, MIC, filler cards, DSM,
and any equipment connected to external slots (with an RJ45 inventory cable)
such as a PPC6, CMD44, OMD4, OMX, BMD2, UBMD2, MBMD2, or DSCM
The 84xDS1 DSM has five LEDs: Status, Active, LOS, OAM, and RefSync.
Figure 1-7
Circuit pack LEDs
In Use
The red LED turns on when an equipment failure has been isolated to that
circuit pack and the circuit pack must be replaced (for example, a Circuit Pack
Failed alarm is active on the circuit pack).
The red LED turns on for approximately 30 seconds when a lamp test is
The red LED flashes when a user intervention flash test is being performed.
The Red LED turns on while Green LED stays on to indicate that the circuit
pack has partial failure. Partial failures are normally indicated by some circuit
pack related alarms. It is recommended to verify every alarm raised against
the circuit pack to identify the partial failure.
The green LED turns on when the circuit pack initialization is completed and
a circuit pack fail condition is not present.
The green LED turns off when a circuit pack fail condition is detected on the
circuit pack.
The green LED turns on for approximately 30 seconds when a lamp test is
When the shelf processor or the OTN cross-connect circuit packs power up
in a shelf (after the shelf is decommissioned), the blue/green LED on both
cross-connect circuit packs will turn on.
The blue LED turns on for approximately 30 seconds when a lamp test is
The blue LED flashes when an user intervention flash test is being performed.
Risk of traffic loss
Do not remove a circuit pack while the blue In Use LED
is illuminated.
The yellow LED turns on for approximately 30 seconds when a lamp test is
The yellow LED flashes when a user intervention flash test is being
The Power Input Cards have one or more Power OK LED (circular shape
except the NTK605CAE5, NTK605EAE5 variants of the 3x60A Power Input
Cards where a rectangle is used). The green LED turns on to indicate the
Power Input Card is active and a minimum voltage is detected and flowing
through to the backplane (through any breaker, fuse or power converter if
applicable to the equipped Power Input Card). In the case of a DC Power Input
Cards, the feed must also be in the correct polarity for its associated Power
OK LED to illuminate. In any case where the Power OK LED is not illuminated
and the Power Input Card is working correctly, an operational shelf processor
should assert any applicable alarms such as Power Failure -A/B, Power
Failure - Low Voltage or Power Failure - Fuse Blown. However, in some cases
a Power OK LED may be illuminated indicating that a minimum voltage is
detected on a feed but the shelf processor may still assert one or more of the
following alarms based on the shelf's operating specification: Power Failure -
A/B, Power Failure - Low Voltage or Power Failure - Fuse Blown (if applicable).
See Part 2 of Fault Management - Alarm Clearing, 323-1851-543 for details.
For the 3x60A Power Input Cards Type 2 (NTK605FA, NTK605FE) and the
4x60A Power Input Cards Type 2 (NTK605GA and NTK605GE), the Lx Power
OK LED (Lx=L1, L2, L3 for 3x60A and Lx=L1, L2, L3, L4 for 4x60A) indicates
that the feed is live (has a minimum voltage applied). The SP raises an alarm
if the voltage is not at least -40V on a feed). The LED may remain illuminated
until there is insufficient voltage on the feed to illuminate it.
For the NTK605CAE5 and NTK605EAE5 variants of the 3x60A Power Input
Card, the rectangular amber LED labeled “Low voltage” indicates that at least
one of the feed voltages is below approximately -40 Vdc. The LED turns off
when all feed voltages fall below approximately -24 Vdc. The "Low Voltage"
LED could also mean that one or two breakers are off/tripped (or one or two
fuses missing/blown) and the remaining feed is at least approximately -24
Vdc. If all three breakers are off/tripped (or fuses missing/blown) both LEDs
will be off (because there is no voltage to activate the Low Voltage LED). Low
Voltage LED ON means that there is at least one "Power Failure" alarm
against a feed on that module.
Use of the alarm indicator fuse provided with Fused Power Input Card kits
(NTK505EAE5, NTK605EAE5, or NTK505EEE5) is optional and requires
careful consideration. The fuse cartridge connects the main fuse and alarm
indicator fuse in parallel. If the main fuse is missing or already blown on
installation, the electrical path through the parallel alarm indicator fuse may
provide sufficient current to activate the Power OK LED on the card but
insufficient current to blow the fuse. Neither a Power Failure nor a Power
Failure - Fuse Blown alarm would be asserted giving the impression of power
redundancy. Alarm indicator fuses are intended for use where required by
the installation practice. Otherwise, the indicator fuse position must be
covered with the label provided with the Power Input Card.
Fan modules
The fan modules have a triangular red LED and a rectangular green LED.
• The red LED turns on to indicate a fan module failure.
• The green LED turns on to indicate an operational fan module.
The fan modules in the 7-slot shelf or 6500-7 packet-optical shelf include
alarm LEDs and Alarm Cut-off (ACO)/Lamp test button.
Ethernet ports
Each Ethernet port on the shelf processor and access panel has two LEDs
(one green and one yellow) integrated in the RJ45 connector.
• The green LED turns on when a link pulse is received.
• The yellow LED turns on when data is being received on the receive port.
The Ethernet port LEDs are not turned on during a power-up or a cold restart
sequence of the shelf processor.
The red LED turns on when a pluggable is present and the pluggable has
For a 4xGE, 1x10GE EPL, 24x10/100BT EPL with 8xSFP, L2SS, PDH
gateway or RPR circuit packs, the yellow LEDs turns on when a receive loss
of signal condition is detected on the port (and the corresponding facility is
provisioned) and the pluggable is present and has not failed.
For a SuperMux circuit pack, the yellow LED behavior depends on whether the
OC-3/12/STM-1/4 or 4xGE pluggable is present.
For a 4xGE, 1x10GE EPL, 24x10/100BT EPL with 8xSFP, L2SS, PDH
gateway, RPR, or MXC circuit pack, a red/yellow bi-color LED (one for each
SFP port), is used to communicate module fail or Loss of Signal on pluggable
For a 20G L2SS circuit pack, a red/yellow bi-color LED (one for each SFP/XFP
port), is used to communicate module fail or Loss of Signal/Loss of data
synch/Link Down on pluggable modules.
For the 24x10/100BT EPL and 24x10/100BT EPL with 8xSFP circuit packs,
one mono-color yellow LED is associated with each of the 24 I/O panel LAN
On the 24x10/100BT EPL with 8xSFP circuit pack, ports 1 to 8 can either be
an SFP port or an I/O panel port. For ports 1 to 8, only the LED of the selected
port will be illuminated to indicate the failure. For example, if a LAN loss of
signal condition exists and the SFP has been selected as the physical
interface, then only the LED associated with the SFP will be illuminated, and
not the corresponding I/O panel LED.
The DS3/EC-1 or DS3/E3 circuit pack has 24 yellow LEDs (one for each port)
that turn on if any provisioned facility detects loss of signal.
E1 protection module
The protection modules required for 1:N protection of the E1 circuit packs in
an optical/front electrical shelf have a blue LED that turns on if 1:N protection
is provisioned against the supporting circuit pack and the protection circuit
pack is not locked out. Do not remove the module when the blue LED is lit.
LED sequences
During a power up (circuit pack insertion or reseat) or a restart, the red Fail,
the green Ready, and the blue In Use status LEDs on the front of the circuit
pack go through a sequence as detailed in the following sections.
During a circuit pack insertion/reseat or a cold restart, the port and Ethernet
port status LEDs remain off.
When the green LED is steadily lit (after the software initialization), an auto-
upgrade of the circuit pack may occur. During an auto-upgrade, the green LED
remains steadily lit and the blue LED remains off (a Software Auto-Upgrade in
progress alarm is raised and clears after the auto-upgrade is complete).
Lamp test
A lamp test can be initiated using the ACO/Lamp Test (labeled ACO/Lamp
Test, ACO/LT or ACO/LPT depending on the shelf type) button found near the
shelf's Critical, Major and Minor LEDs (on the DSM and all 6500 shelves
except for 2-slot variants) or using Site Manager.
When initiated, the lamp test is performed on all the applicable LEDs on the
network element (does not apply to any power input LEDs, LEDs on shelf
peripherals provisioned in virtual slots or connected to RJ45 external slot
inventory interfaces, LEDs on RJ-45 ports used for Telemetry In/Out or any
equipped circuit pack that is not in a ready state). A lamp test times out after
approximately 30 seconds and the LEDs revert to the previous status. For bi-
color port LEDs, one color is lit for first 15 seconds and the other color is lit for
the remaining 15 seconds.
For the 32-slot shelf, the lamp test button (labeled ACO/LT) is on the Access
Panel (AP). For the 14-slot shelf, the lamp test button (labeled ACO/Lamp
Test) is on the maintenance interface card (MIC). For the 6500-7 packet-
optical shelf, the lamp test button (labeled ACO/Lamp Test) is on the fan
module. The lamp test function will activate all applicable LEDs in the system
if at least one SP is present and in a ready state. Depressing the button will
have no effect if both SPs are missing or are not ready.
For the 7-slot shelf, the lamp test button (labeled ACO/Lamp Test) is on the
fan module. The lamp test function will activate all applicable LEDs in the
system if the SP (or SPAP-2 in the case of a 7-slot Type 2 shelf) is present and
in a ready state. Depressing the button will have no effect if the SP (or
SPAP-2) is missing or is not ready.
For the 2-slot shelf, there is no lamp test button on the shelf. The software
initiated lamp test is performed using Site Manager.
For the DSM, the lamp test button (labeled ACO/LPT) is located on the fan
module. The LEDs on a provisioned DSM will also be lit when a lamp test is
initiated on the host 6500 shelf.
When initiated from Site Manager, the test can be performed on all the
applicable LEDs on the network element or on a single circuit pack.
You cannot perform a lamp test on the LEDs on the Power Input Cards. On
some access panels, the RJ45 external slot inventory interfaces appear to
have two LEDs but there is only one that is used during normal operation and
that will illuminate during a lamp test.
In addition, the user has the option to perform a user intervention flash test on
a slot or port basis that causes the LEDs to flash, allowing a user at the site
to identify a circuit pack or pluggable. When initiated for a slot, the status LEDs
(red Fail, green Ready, and blue In Use) on the specified circuit pack flash for
15 minutes and status of all port LEDs remain the same. When initiated for a
port, the status LEDs (red Fail, green Ready, and blue In Use) on the circuit
pack and the specified port LED flash for 15 minutes (if the port LED is bi-
color, only the yellow color flashes).
Alarm severity color codes can be configured by modifying the values of color
codes defined in the “gui.properties” file, which can be found at the base
directory located on the “Site Manager” installation directory on your
If the above color codes are commented in “gui.properties”, the default alarm
color codes are displayed.
Table 1-1
Alarm severity color coding
The active alarm application provides the user with the ability to filter and sort
alarms and perform manual or automatic refresh of the active alarm list.
Alarms details are available for each active alarm in the list.
Alarm reports can be affected by the primary state of the circuit pack and
facilities. For example, an alarm is not reported until the primary state of a
circuit pack or facility changes from out-of-service to in-service.
Two independent system-wide AINS Time out parameters are supported - one
for Facility AINS, and the other for Equipment AINS, applicable to all entities
supporting the AINS on the shelf. The supported AINS timeout value range is
from five minutes (default) to 96 hours. The AINS timeout value can be set in
increments of five minutes. Refer to the “Editing the nodal system parameters”
Traffic alarms and events are suppressed for the facility with the AINS state,
explicitly including the following:
• Traffic faults, near end and far end
• PM TCA reports
• WAN alarms/PMs on a LAN facility
• Path alarms within OC-n facilities
• Alarms which require manual action to clear, such as “Loopback Active”
Facility AINS does not permanently mask an ODU OCI OTM3 alarm on
Broadband circuit packs. The facility AINS timer counts down when the fault
is active, and the alarm is unmasked after the timer expires.
The ODUk OCI, ODUk LCK, and AIS alarms are considered valid signals from
an AINS perspective. Therefore, if an OTMn facility transitions from a hard
failure (such as LOS, LOF, and LOC) to an ODUk OCI, ODUk LCK, or AIS
alarm, then the timer starts counting down just as if traffic had been restored.
This applies to all OTMn facilities and on all circuit packs that support these
Facility alarms for received signal-affecting faults such as the following alarms,
as well as others, prevent the AINS timer from counting down:
• Loss of Signal
• Loss of frame
• Loss of clock
• Loss of Data Sync
• Frequency Out Of Range
• Signal Fail
• Signal Degrade
• Loss Of MultiFrame
• Excessive Error Ratio
• Link Down
• Rx Power Out Of Range
The following equipment alarms are not AINS impacting and do not reset
AINS timer:
• Circuit Pack Failed
• Cold Restart Required: FPGA Changed
• Intercard Suspected
• Internal Mgmt Comms Suspected
• High Received Span Loss
• Low Received Span Loss
• Autoprovisioning Mismatch - Pluggable
• Circuit Pack Mismatch - Pluggable
• Circuit Pack Failed - Pluggable
• Circuit Pack Unknown - Pluggable
• Intercard Suspected - Pluggable
• Provisioning Incompatible - Pluggable
Viewing events
The Historical Fault Browser application supports the following functionality:
• viewing of historical (current and cleared) alarms for the 6500 network
• viewing of logs
• filtering of alarms based on severity
• details for specific events (alarms or logs)
The 6500 also supports the generation of northbound SNMP traps for network
element alarms and events. For more details on supported SNMP
functionality, refer to the:
• “SNMP support” section in Fault Management - SNMP, 323-1851-740
• external alarm provisioning, external controls in Chapter 2, “Alarm
The 6500 network element stores up to 5500 events. 5000 of those are from
alarms/events that were enabled, and the other 500 are for alarms/events that
were disabled at the time they were generated. The Historical Fault Browser
application provides the user with the ability to filter and sort events and
perform manual refresh of the event list.
Alarm profiles
The alarm profiles application gives the user the ability to view, edit, and
delete alarm profiles.
A profile contains all the alarm points applicable for the alarm class and a
status, enabled or disabled, for each alarm point. A profile can be applied to
an individual facility or circuit pack of that alarm class to quickly disable
multiple alarm points. A default profile can be set for an alarm class so that
when a new facility or circuit pack of that class is first provisioned, the default
alarm profile is applied to it automatically.
The alarm profile also contains the severity (C, M, m, w) for each alarm, which
can be edited by the user.
The 6500 network element provides two non-editable predefined profiles (All
Enabled which is the default, and All Disabled) and allows for three more
predefined profiles to be user editable on the network element.
The low order (VT1.5/VC11 and VT2/VC12 for MSPP services) path facilities
on interface circuit packs also support the Factory Default profile. The Factory
Default profile disables the reporting and logging of the VT1.5/VC11 and VT2/
VC12 defects. By default, all VT1.5/VC11 and VT2/VC12 facilities are set to
Factory Default. Alarm monitoring of VT1.5/VC11 and VT2/VC12 facilities is
limited to 1344 for each optical interface circuit pack, any request to monitor
more than this limit is rejected.
The following is a list of alarms that do not appear in any alarm profile (which
means these alarm points cannot be disabled):
• Alarm and Event Throttling Active
• Automatic shutoff disabled
• Autoprovisioning Mismatch
• Autoprovisioning Mismatch - pluggable
• Circuit pack unknown
• Circuit pack unknown - pluggable
• Equipment Configuration Mismatch
• Fan Failed
• Filler Card Missing
• FPGA Load Tag Mismatch
• Manual Area Address Dropped
• Number of Level 1 NEs Exceeded
• Provisioning Incompatible
• Provisioning Incompatible - pluggable
• Redundant Release Synch Failed
• Shelf Data Missing
Alarm hold-off
Alarm hold-off period is the time delay between the time that the alarm
condition occurs and the time that the alarm is raised. The user can manually
change the alarm hold-off from 2.5 seconds (default) to 0 seconds for alarms
associated with MSPP, Broadband, OTN I/F, PKT I/F, and Photonic circuit
packs. the alarm hold-off feature applies to AMP, OPTMON, OSC, and CHC
facilities in Photonic circuit packs, OCn/STMn facilities on MSPP, and all
facilities on Broadband, PKT I/F and OTN I/F circuit packs including OTN Flex
MOTR, Flex MOTR and L2 MOTR circuit packs.
This feature allows you to see alarms for fast transient conditions that would
normally be filtered by the 2.5 second hold-off. The alarm hold-off period is
changed using the System tab in the Node Information application in Site
Manager. Refer to the “Editing the nodal system parameters” procedure in
Administration and Security, 323-1851-301.
When Alarm hold-off is set to 2.5, alarms which are raised and cleared within
2.5 seconds time-frame are not acknowledged.
Disabled alarms will not be displayed in the Active Disabled Alarms
application against a WAN, OTM0 or OTM1 mapping layer facility when the
mapping layer of the port is connected in a client hairpin.
The input points allow remote monitoring of other equipment in the office in
which the network element is located. For example, the input points can
monitor room temperature alarms or office door open alarms. Specific
external alarms must be set up during provisioning. The alarm types are
assigned to a specific contact pin.
The external controls application allows the user to retrieve and display the
labels and status of the four external controls relays for the 6500 network
element and DSM. The 6500 network element and DSM allow the user to
operate or release these relays to turn external equipment on and off (for
example, air conditioning, fan, sprinkler) and edit the labels of the relays.
To provide full flexibility, the 1+8 OTN Flex MOTR circuit pack allows ODU
monitoring to be enabled or disabled on the other endpoint facility (the OTM
Mapping Layer facility or ODU facility) on the same ODU connection.
Enabling the ODU monitoring on both endpoint facilities can result in duplicate
ODU alarms being raised on the ODU connection if any ODU fault condition
is present.
The ODU monitoring flag on the OTN mapping layer facility is enabled when
it is first created and there is no ODU connection provisioned on it.
Table 1-2
10G AM1/AM2 DWDM signal conditioning—10G signal failure
Trigger Tx conditioning
or Pre-FEC Signal Fail RFI-L OC192/STM64
(Note 4) p1
Note 1: When the OTM2 facility is OOS, the OC192/STM64 facility is automatically OOS.
Note 2: ODU2 AIS masks all OC192/STM64 alarms.
Note 3: AIS-L is raised.
Note 4: OTU2 alarms mask all OC192/STM64 alarms.
Note 5: OTU2 BDI and ODU2 BDI mask RFI-L.
Note 6: PTI Mismatch will trigger RFI-L for OC192/STM64 facility on port 1.
Table 1-3
10G AM1/AM2 DWDM signal conditioning—10G circuit pack equipment failure
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-4
SuperMux signal conditioning—10G signal failure
Trigger Tx conditioning
OTM2 p1 Rx OTU2 LOS, LOF, LOMF OTM2 p1 OTU2 BDI and ODU2 OTM2 p1
or Pre-FEC Signal Fail BDI OC192/STM64
RFI-L p1
Table 1-4
SuperMux signal conditioning—10G signal failure (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Note 1: When the OTM2 facility is OOS, the OC192/STM64 facility is automatically OOS.
Note 2: ODU2 AIS masks all OC192/STM64 alarms.
Note 3: OTU2 BDI and ODU2 BDI mask RFI-L.
Note 4: PTI mismatch will trigger RFI-L for OC192/STM64 facility on port 1.
Table 1-5
SuperMux signal conditioning—10G circuit pack equipment failure
Trigger Tx conditioning
When using a 1+1 protection configuration, the OCLD conditioning towards
its mated circuit pack may not trigger conditioning on the mated circuit pack
if that circuit pack can successfully switch to the protection path. However, if
both the working and the protection OCLD circuit packs are conditioning
towards the mated circuit pack, then conditioning will be triggered on the
mated circuit pack.
Table 1-6
40G OCLD/Wavelength-selective 40G OCLD signal conditioning (unprotected)
Note: "Loss of Channel" alarm is only applicable when colorless capable circuit packs deployed on
colorless line system.
Table 1-7
40G MUX OCI signal conditioning
Table 1-7
40G MUX OCI signal conditioning (continued)
p1-4 LOS, LOC, LOCH (Note 3), OC192/STM64 OPU2 AIS No conditioning
LOF FC800 OPU2 AIS No conditioning
Table 1-7
40G MUX OCI signal conditioning (continued)
p1-4 LOS, LOC, LOCH (Note 3), ETH10G ODU2 AIS No conditioning (Note 2)
LOF, HiBER FC1200 ODU2 AIS No conditioning
Note 1: There is no conditioning unless LOFEF is enabled, in which case, the laser is turned off.
Note 2: For the NTK525CA, there is no conditioning occurs when operating in 11.05 and 11.09
proportional wrap. However, in GFP mode RF is conditioned. For the NTK525CF, there is no
Note 3: “Loss of Channel” alarm is only applicable when colorless capable circuit packs deployed on
colorless line system.
Table 1-8
40G OCI signal conditioning
Table 1-8
40G OCI signal conditioning (continued)
Note 1: There is no conditioning unless LOFEF is enabled, in which case, the laser is turned off.
Note 2: OPU CSF is alarmed as Far End Client Signal Fail.
Note 3: “Loss of Channel” alarm is only applicable when colorless capable circuit packs deployed on
colorless line system.
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-9
10x10GE MUX, 10x10G MUX, 100G WL3/WL3e OCLD, Flex2 WL3/WL3e OCLD, Flex3 WL3e OCLD
(QPSK and BPSK modes), and 100G OCLD signal conditioning—optical muxponder
configuration (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
p1-10 (10x10G MUX) ODU AIS, ODU OTM2 ODU2 AIS, ODU2 No conditioning
LCK, ODU OCI (onramp, at OTM2 LCK, ODU2 OCI
client facility Rx)
Table 1-9
10x10GE MUX, 10x10G MUX, 100G WL3/WL3e OCLD, Flex2 WL3/WL3e OCLD, Flex3 WL3e OCLD
(QPSK and BPSK modes), and 100G OCLD signal conditioning—optical muxponder
configuration (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Note 1: There is no conditioning unless LOFEF is enabled, in which case, the laser is turned off.
Note 2: “Loss of Channel” alarm is only applicable when colorless capable circuit packs deployed on
colorless line system.
Table 1-10
100G WL3n MOTR signal conditioning—OTM2 client
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-10
100G WL3n MOTR signal conditioning—OTM2 client (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Client ODU2 AIS, ODU2 LCK, ODU-2 AIS, ODU2 LCK, No conditioning
Line Port: P1
Client Port: P2-11
Table 1-11
100G WL3n MOTR signal conditioning—OC192 client
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-11
100G WL3n MOTR signal conditioning—OC192 client (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Line Port: P1
Client Port: P2-11
Table 1-12
100G WL3n MOTR signal conditioning—ETH10G client
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-12
100G WL3n MOTR signal conditioning—ETH10G client (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Line Port: P1
Client Port: P2-11
Table 1-13
100G WL3n MOTR signal conditioning—FC-1200 client
Trigger Tx conditioning
Line Port: P1
Client Port: P2-11
Table 1-14
100G WL3n MOTR signal conditioning—FC-800 client
Trigger Tx conditioning
Line Port: P1
Client Port: P2-11
Table 1-15
100G WL3n MOTR signal conditioning—ETH40G client
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-15
100G WL3n MOTR signal conditioning—ETH40G client (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Line Port: P1
Client Port: P4-11, 104, 108
Table 1-16
2C-BPSK 100G MOTR signal conditioning—FC1200 client
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-16
2C-BPSK 100G MOTR signal conditioning—FC1200 client (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-17
2C-BPSK 100G MOTR signal conditioning—FC800 client
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-17
2C-BPSK 100G MOTR signal conditioning—FC800 client (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Trigger Tx conditioning
Note 1: “Loss of Channel” alarm is only applicable when colorless capable circuit packs deployed on
colorless line system.
Note 2: “Loss Of Data Sync” is raised when IEEE 802.3ba skew limit is crossed. However, the signal
conditioning is triggered only if the hardware is not capable to deskew.
Trigger Tx conditioning
100G OCLD ODU AIS, ODU LCK, OTM4 No conditioning ODU AIS, ODU LCK,
Table 1-19
100G OCI, 100G WL3/WL3e OCLD, Flex2 WL3/WL3e OCLD, Flex3 /WL3e OCLD (QPSK and BPSK
modes), and 100G OCLD signal conditioning—optical transponder configuration (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-20
Flex3 WL3e OCLD Signal Conditioning—200G MOTR configuration (OTM2 client)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output 10x10G MUX P1-10 Signal
(Laser off if LOFEF enabled)
Table 1-20
Flex3 WL3e OCLD Signal Conditioning—200G MOTR configuration (OTM2 client) (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output 10x10G MUX P1-10 Signal
(Laser off if LOFEF enabled)
Table 1-20
Flex3 WL3e OCLD Signal Conditioning—200G MOTR configuration (OTM2 client) (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output 10x10G MUX P1-10 Signal
(Laser off if LOFEF enabled)
Table 1-21
Flex3 WL3e OCLD Signal Conditioning—200G OTR configuration (OTM4 client)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition 100G OCI P1 Signal output Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output
Left OCI P1 LOS, ODU4 BDI No conditioning No conditioning ODU4 AIS No conditioning
Table 1-21
Flex3 WL3e OCLD Signal Conditioning—200G OTR configuration (OTM4 client) (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition 100G OCI P1 Signal output Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output
Table 1-22
Flex3 WL3e OCLD 100G OTR (OTU4) and 100G MOTR (ETH10G) Signal Conditioning
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Left 100G OCI Right 10x10G Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output
P1 Signal MUX P1-10
output Signal output P1 P1-1 P1-2
(Laser off if (Laser off if
enabled) enabled)
Left OCI P1 LOS, ODU4 BDI No conditioning No conditioning ODU4 AIS No conditioning
Table 1-22
Flex3 WL3e OCLD 100G OTR (OTU4) and 100G MOTR (ETH10G) Signal Conditioning (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Left 100G OCI Right 10x10G Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output
P1 Signal MUX P1-10
output Signal output P1 P1-1 P1-2
(Laser off if (Laser off if
enabled) enabled)
Table 1-23
200G OTR Signal Conditioning (ETH100G Client)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition 100G OCI P1 Signal output Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output
(Laser off if LOFEF enabled)
Table 1-23
200G OTR Signal Conditioning (ETH100G Client) (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition 100G OCI P1 Signal output Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output
(Laser off if LOFEF enabled)
Table 1-24
Flex3 WL3e OCLD 100G OTR (ETH100G) + 100G MOTR (OC192) Signal Conditioning
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-24
Flex3 WL3e OCLD 100G OTR (ETH100G) + 100G MOTR (OC192) Signal Conditioning (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-25
Flex3 WL3e OCLD 100G OTR (OTU4) + 100GE OTR (100GE) Signal Conditioning
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition 100G OCI Signal output Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output
(Laser off if LOFEF enabled)
Left OCI P1 LOS, ODU4 BDI No conditioning No conditioning ODU4 AIS No conditioning
Table 1-25
Flex3 WL3e OCLD 100G OTR (OTU4) + 100GE OTR (100GE) Signal Conditioning (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition 100G OCI Signal output Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output
(Laser off if LOFEF enabled)
Table 1-26
100G WL3e OTR (100GE OTR) signal conditioning
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-26
100G WL3e OTR (100GE OTR) signal conditioning (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-27
100G WL3e OTR (100G OTU4) signal conditioning
Trigger Tx conditioning
P2 ODU4 AIS, ODU4 LCK, ODU4 ODU4 AIS, ODU4 LCK, ODU4 No conditioning
Trigger Tx conditioning
Left slot service-affecting Circuit Pack Fail ODU AIS p1 (left mate)
ODU AIS p1 (right mate)
Left slot p1 LOS, LOF, LOMF, PreFEC SF OTU BDI p1 (left mate)
ODU AIS p1 (right mate)
Right slot p1 LOS, LOF, LOMF, PreFEC ODU AIS p1 (left mate)
SF OTU BDI p1 (right mate)
Table 1-29
2C-BPSK 100G regen signal conditioning—optical transponder configuration
Trigger Tx conditioning
Left Prime and/or member OCLD ODU4 LCK ODU4 LCK ODU4 LCK ODU4 LCK
P1 Facility OOS
Left Prime OCLD P1 Facility LOS, OTU4 BDI No conditioning ODU4 AIS OTU4 AIS
Left Prime and/or member OCLD No conditioning No conditioning ODU4 AIS OTU4 AIS
circuit pack Missing
Left Prime and/or member OCLD No conditioning No conditioning ODU4 AIS, ODU4 AIS,
Left Member OCLD P1 LOS, No conditioning OTU4 BDI ODU4 AIS OTU4 AIS
Right Prime and/or member ODU4 LCK ODU4 LCK ODU4 LCK ODU4 LCK
OCLD P1 Facility OOS
Right Prime OCLD P1 LOS, LOC, ODU4 AIS ODU4 AIS OTU4 BDI No conditioning
Right Prime and/or member OTU4 AIS OTU4 AIS No conditioning No conditioning
OCLD circuit pack Missing
Right Prime and/or member ODU4 AIS, ODU4 AIS, No conditioning No conditioning
Right Member OCLD P1 LOS, ODU4 AIS ODU4 AIS No conditioning OTU4 BDI
Table 1-30
200G (16QAM) Regen Signal Conditioning
Trigger Tx conditioning
OCLD Connection conditioning conditioning
Facility OOS
LOS, LOC, LOF, ODUG BDI conditioning
Left OCLD P1 No No No No No No
OTUG SD, conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning
ODUG AIS, conditioning
Facility OOS
LOS, LOF, LOC, conditioning ODUG BDI
Right OCLD P1 No No No No No No
OTU SD, ODU SD conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning
ODUG AIS, conditioning
Table 1-31
200G (QPSK<=>16QAM) Regen Signal Conditioning
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition OCLD (in QPSK) Signal output Flex3 WL3e OCLD (in 16QAM) Signal output
OCLD (16QAM) ODU4 OCI ODU4 OCI No conditioning ODU4 OCI ODU4 OCI
No Connection
Facility OOS
Table 1-31
200G (QPSK<=>16QAM) Regen Signal Conditioning (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition OCLD (in QPSK) Signal output Flex3 WL3e OCLD (in 16QAM) Signal output
Table 1-32
200G (BPSK<=>16QAM) Regen Signal Conditioning
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Left OCLD (in BPSK) Right OCLD (in BPSK) Flex3 WL3e OCLD (in 16QAM) P1
Signal output Signal output Signal output
(16QAM) conditioning conditioning
Facility OOS
(16QAM) P1 conditioning conditioning ODUG BDI
OCLD No No No No No No No
(16QAM) P1 conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning
(16QAM) P1 conditioning conditioning
Table 1-32
200G (BPSK<=>16QAM) Regen Signal Conditioning (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Left OCLD (in BPSK) Right OCLD (in BPSK) Flex3 WL3e OCLD (in 16QAM) P1
Signal output Signal output Signal output
Left Prime No No No No No No No
OCLD (BPSK) conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning
Left Member No No No No No No No
OCLD (BPSK) conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning
Table 1-32
200G (BPSK<=>16QAM) Regen Signal Conditioning (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Left OCLD (in BPSK) Right OCLD (in BPSK) Flex3 WL3e OCLD (in 16QAM) P1
Signal output Signal output Signal output
Right OCLD No No No No No No No
(BPSK) P1 conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning
Table 1-33
200G (BPSK+QPSK)<=>16QAM Regen Signal Conditioning (OTM4 Client)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Left OCLD Right OCLD (in BPSK) Flex3 WL3e OCLD (in 16QAM) P1
(in QPSK) P1 Signal output Signal output
P1 Signal
Prime Member P1 P1-1 P1-2
No Connection conditioning conditioning
P1 Facility OOS conditioning
P1 LOS, LOC, conditioning ODUG BDI
OCLD (16QAM) No No No No No No
P1 OTUG SD, conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning
P1 ODUG AIS, conditioning
Table 1-33
200G (BPSK+QPSK)<=>16QAM Regen Signal Conditioning (OTM4 Client) (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Left OCLD Right OCLD (in BPSK) Flex3 WL3e OCLD (in 16QAM) P1
(in QPSK) P1 Signal output Signal output
P1 Signal
Prime Member P1 P1-1 P1-2
Left OCI P1 No No No No No No
OTU SD, ODU conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning
Prime OCLD No No No No No No
(BPSK) P1 conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning
Table 1-33
200G (BPSK+QPSK)<=>16QAM Regen Signal Conditioning (OTM4 Client) (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Left OCLD Right OCLD (in BPSK) Flex3 WL3e OCLD (in 16QAM) P1
(in QPSK) P1 Signal output Signal output
P1 Signal
Prime Member P1 P1-1 P1-2
(BPSK) P1 conditioning
Member OCLD No No No No No No
(BPSK) P1 conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning conditioning
Table 1-34
Flex3 WL3e OCLD Signal Conditioning—200G MOTR configuration (OC192 client)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output 10x10G MUX P1-10 Signal
(Laser off if LOFEF enabled)
Table 1-34
Flex3 WL3e OCLD Signal Conditioning—200G MOTR configuration (OC192 client) (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output 10x10G MUX P1-10 Signal
(Laser off if LOFEF enabled)
Table 1-35
Flex3 WL3e OCLD Signal Conditioning—200G MOTR configuration (ETH10G client)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output 10x10G MUX P1-10 Signal
(Laser off if LOFEF enabled)
Table 1-35
Flex3 WL3e OCLD Signal Conditioning—200G MOTR configuration (ETH10G client) (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output 10x10G MUX P1-10 Signal
(Laser off if LOFEF enabled)
Table 1-36
Flex3 WL3e OCLD Signal Conditioning—200G MOTR configuration (FC1200 client)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output 10x10G MUX P1-10 Signal
(Laser off if LOFEF enabled)
Table 1-36
Flex3 WL3e OCLD Signal Conditioning—200G MOTR configuration (FC1200 client) (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output 10x10G MUX P1-10 Signal
(Laser off if LOFEF enabled)
Table 1-37
Flex3 WL3e OCLD Signal Conditioning—200G MOTR configuration (FC800 client)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output 10x10G MUX P1-10 Signal
(Laser off if LOFEF enabled)
Table 1-37
Flex3 WL3e OCLD Signal Conditioning—200G MOTR configuration (FC800 client) (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Condition Flex3 WL3e OCLD P1 Signal output 10x10G MUX P1-10 Signal
(Laser off if LOFEF enabled)
Signal conditioning for 2x10G OTR 4x10-11.3G XFP and 4x10G OTR
circuit packs
Terminal configuration
Table 1-38 on page 1-87 presents the signal conditioning that is applied for the
2x10G OTR and 4x10G OTR circuit packs in the terminal configuration.
Note that when FLEX facilities are set to OOS, the client laser is shutdown
irrespective of the LOFEF or TXCON settings (not applicable to FC800 or
No conditioning is performed for Ethernet when the client receives a Local
Fault or a Remote Fault condition.
For the 2x10G OTR circuit pack, the client ports are ports 2 and 4 and the line
ports are ports 1 and 3.
The 4x10G OTR 8xXFP (NTK530QM) circuit pack implements a different port
association between ULL equipment mode and OTR equipment mode. The
port associations are 1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8 for OTR equipment mode and 1-2, 3-
4, 5-6, 7-8 for ULL equipment mode. For the 4x10G OTR 4xXFP/4xSFP+
(NTK530QA) circuit pack, port associations are 1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8 for both the
OTR equipment mode and the ULL equipment mode.
Table 1-38
2x10G OTR and 4x10G OTR signal conditioning—terminal configuration
ETH10G (10.7) LF
(Note 2)
ETH10G (11.05) LF
(Note 1)
ETH10G (11.09) LF
ETH10G Hairpin LF
Port 1/3 (for 2x10G OTR) OC192 OTU BDI, RFI-L AIS-L
Port 5/6/7/8 (for 4x10G OTR) OTU BDI (laser off does AIS-L
not apply)
ETH10G (10.7) LF
ETH10G (11.05) LF
(Note 1)
ETH10G (11.09) LF
ETH10G Hairpin LF
Table 1-38
2x10G OTR and 4x10G OTR signal conditioning—terminal configuration (continued)
Port 1/3 (for 2x10G OTR) OC192 ODU BDI, RFI-L (laser AIS-L
Port 5/6/7/8 (for 4x10G OTR) off does not apply)
ODU OCI ETH10G (10.7) LF
ETH10G (11.05) LF
(Note 1)
ETH10G (11.09) LF
ETH10G Hairpin LF
ETH10G (11.05) LF
(Note 1)
ETH10G (11.09) LF
ETH10G Hairpin LF
Table 1-38
2x10G OTR and 4x10G OTR signal conditioning—terminal configuration (continued)
ETH10G (11.05) LF
(Note 1)
ETH10G (11.09) LF
ETH10G Hairpin LF
Port 2/4 (for 2x10G OTR) ETH10G (10.7) P-AIS RF (2x10G OTR only)
Port 1/2/3/4 (for 4x10G OTR)
EBER ETH10G (11.05) None
(Note 1)
ETH10G Hairpin LF
Table 1-38
2x10G OTR and 4x10G OTR signal conditioning—terminal configuration (continued)
ETH10G (10.7) LF
ETH10G (11.05) LF
(Note 1)
ETH10G (11.09) LF
ETH10G Hairpin LF
ETH10G (10.7)
ETH10G (11.05)
ETH10G (11.09)
ETH10G (10.7)
ETH10G (11.05)
ETH10G (11.09)
FC800/FC1200 None
Table 1-38
2x10G OTR and 4x10G OTR signal conditioning—terminal configuration (continued)
Port 2/4 (for 2x10G OTR) ETH10G ULL OPU AIS (Note 6) None
Port 1/2/3/4 (for 4x10G OTR) ODU AIS
ETH10G Hairpin LF
Port 2/4 (for 2x10G OTR) OTM2 (Note 3) ODU AIS OTU BDI (laser off does
Port 1/2/3/4 (for 4x10G OTR) not apply)
ETH10G (10.7) LF
ETH10G (11.05) LF
(Note 1)
ETH10G (11.09) LF
ETH10G Hairpin LF
Table 1-38
2x10G OTR and 4x10G OTR signal conditioning—terminal configuration (continued)
ETH10G (10.7)
ETH10G (11.05)
(Note 1)
ETH10G (11.09)
ETH10G Hairpin
OTM2 (Note 3)
ETH10G (10.7)
ETH10G (11.05)
(Note 1)
ETH10G (11.09)
ETH10G Hairpin
OTM2 (Note 3)
Regenerator configuration
Table 1-39 presents the signal conditioning that is applied for the 2x10G OTR
and 4x10G OTR (NTK530QM variant only) circuit packs in regenerator
Table 1-39
2x10G OTR and 4x10G OTR (NTK530QM variant only) signal conditioning—regen configuration
Port 1/3 (for 2x10G OTR) Port 2/4 (for 2x10G OTR)
Port 1/2/3/4 (for 4x10G OTR) Port 1/2/3/4 (for 4x10G OTR)
Table 1-40
FC800 and FC1200 signal conditioning
OTU LOS, OTU LOF, OTU LOMF or Egress from Client Laser Egress from Client Laser Off
pre-FEC SF detected on ingress of Client Port: Off Client Port: LF
corresponding OTM2/OTM3/OTM4 NOS
line facility
Corresponding OTM2/OTM3/OTM4 Egress from Client Laser Egress from Client Laser Off
line facility is put out-of-service Client Port: Off Client Port: LF
ODU AIS, ODU LCK, ODU OCI, Egress from Client Laser Egress from Client Laser Off
OPU AIS or OPU PT Mismatch Client Port: Off Client Port: LF
detected from the connection facing NOS
direction of a corresponding OTM2
layer facility
Client (FLEX) facility is put out-of- Egress from Client Laser Egress from Client Laser Off
service Client Port: Off Client Port: LF
LOS, LOC, or Loss of Data Synch OPU AIS in the connection N/A
detected on ingress of an FC400/ facing direction of the
FC800 client (FLEX) facility corresponding OTM2 layer
Table 1-40
FC800 and FC1200 signal conditioning (continued)
LOS, LOC, LOF, EBER detected on N/A OPU AIS in the connection
ingress of an FC1200 client (FLEX) facing direction of the
facility corresponding OTM2 layer
Table 1-41
10G/40G/100G Client Signal Fail requirement (On-Ramp)
Table 1-41
10G/40G/100G Client Signal Fail requirement (On-Ramp) (continued)
All Clien MUX) No Client facility N/A N/A MSI PSI byte =
Note 1: Send GFP CMF-CSF (OPI=0x1) for client LOS/HiBER/LOF, send GFP CMF-CSF (OPI=0x2) for client
LOC. Send GFP CMF-CSF every 100ms.
Note 2: Send GFP CMF-DCI (OPI=0x3) immediately when client fault clears.
Note 3: 10GE LF (Replace the 10GBASE-R signal by a stream of 66B blocks when each block carrying two local
fault sequence ordered sets (as specified in IEEE802.3). This replacement signal is then mapped into the OPU2e.
Note 4:
– Default CONDTYPE (Pre-release 10.0 based circuit packs): OPUk-AIS for 10G clients.
– Default CONDTYPE (Release 10.1+ based circuit packs): OPUk-CSF for 10G clients.
Note 5: 83=LF, 84=RF, 85=DCI if WAN parameter OSTTRAN=LEGACYCMF, LEGACYCMF is supported only on
2x10G OTR, 10X10G MR Mux OCI, 4x10G Mux OCI (CF) and 4x10G OTR Circuit packs
Table 1-42
5G IBM PSIFB on 2x10GOTR (NTK530PME5 variant only) and 5G IBM PSIFB or ISC3 on 4x10G
OTR (NTK530QA variant only) signal conditioning
OOS, OTU LOS, OTU LOF, OTU LOMF or Egress from the client port: client facility laser is shutoff
pre-FEC SF detected on ingress of (Note 1)
corresponding OTM2 line facility
ODU AIS, ODU LCK, ODU OCI, OPU AIS or Egress from the client port: client facility laser is shutoff
OPU PT Mismatch detected from the (Note 1)
connection facing direction of a
corresponding OTM2 layer facility
LOF or LOC detected on ingress of a client OPU AIS in the connection facing direction of the
facility (Note 2) corresponding OTM2 layer facility
Client facility is put out-of-service ODU LCK in the connection facing direction of the
corresponding OTM2 layer facility
Client facility is put out-of-service Egress from the client port: client facility laser is shutoff
(Note 1)
K30.7 signal conditioning detected on ingress Passed transparently through the corresponding OTM2
of a client facility line facility in the Tx direction
K30.7 signal conditioning detected on ingress Passed transparently through the corresponding client
of corresponding OTM2 line facility facility in the Tx direction
Table 1-43
10GEL WT signal conditioning—OTM2 port 1 trigger
Trigger Tx conditioning
OTM2 p1 Rx OTU2 LOS, LOF, OTM2 p1 OTU2 BDI and ODU2 BDI OTM2 p1
LOMF or Pre-FEC Signal Fail 802.3 LF – LOFEF Off ETH10G p2
Laser Off – LOFEF On ETH10G p2
Table 1-44
10GEL WT signal conditioning—ETH10G port 2 trigger
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-45
10GEL WT signal conditioning—circuit pack equipment failure
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-46
10G OC-192/STM-64 WT signal conditioning—OTM2 port 1 trigger
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-46
10G OC-192/STM-64 WT signal conditioning—OTM2 port 1 trigger (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
OTM2 p1 Rx OTU2 LOS, LOF, OTM2 p1 OTU2 BDI and ODU2 BDI OTM2 p1
LOMF or Pre-FEC Signal Fail Line/MS AIS – LOFEF Off OC192/STM64 p2
Laser Off – LOFEF On OC192/STM64 p2
Table 1-47
10G OC-192/STM-64 WT signal conditioning—OC192/STM64 port 2 trigger
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-48
10G OC-192/STM-64 WT signal conditioning—circuit pack equipment failure
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-49
10G OTU2 WT signal conditioning—OTM2 port 1 trigger
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-50
10G OTU2 WT signal conditioning—OTM2 port 2 trigger
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-51
10G OTU2 WT signal conditioning—circuit pack equipment failure
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-52
10G OTSC signal conditioning—standalone configuration
Trigger Tx conditioning
OTM2 No conditioning (Note 1) No conditioning
(laser off)
Table 1-52
10G OTSC signal conditioning—standalone configuration (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
p2 ODU AIS, ODU LCK, ODU OCI OTM2 No conditioning (Note 1) No conditioning (laser
Table 1-52
10G OTSC signal conditioning—standalone configuration (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Note 1: There is no conditioning unless LOFEF is enabled, in which case, the laser is turned off.
Note 2: No RF conditioning occurs when operating in 11.05 and 11.09 proportional wrap. Conditioning
only occurs when operating in GFP mode.
Table 1-53
10G OTSC signal conditioning—1+1 configuration
Service-affecting conditions
Table 1-53
10G OTSC signal conditioning—1+1 configuration (continued)
SF Yes (Note) p2
(non-OTM2 client)
Non-service-affecting conditions
Table 1-53
10G OTSC signal conditioning—1+1 configuration (continued)
Note: Yes indicates that p2 conditioning is based on the 10G OTSC standalone configuration
p2 conditioning. Refer to Table 1-52 on page 1-104.
Table 1-54
10G OTSC signal conditioning—regen configuration
Odd slot service-affecting Circuit Pack Fail ODU AIS p1 (odd slot)
ODU AIS p1 (even slot)
Odd slot p1 LOS, LOF, LOMF, OTU SF OTU BDI p1 (odd slot)
ODU AIS (odd slot) p1 (even slot)
Even slot service-affecting Circuit Pack Fail ODU AIS p1 (odd slot)
ODU AIS p1 (even slot)
Even slot p1 LOS, LOF, LOMF, OTU SF ODU AIS p1 (odd slot)
OTU BDI p1 (even slot)
Table 1-55
2.5G MOTR signal conditioning—OTM2 port 1 trigger
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-55
2.5G MOTR signal conditioning—OTM2 port 1 trigger (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
OTM2 p1 Rx OTU2 LOS, LOF, OTM2 p1 OTU2 BDI and ODU2 BDI OTM2 p1
ODU1 AIS OTM1 p2-p5
Table 1-56
2.5G MOTR signal conditioning—OC48/STM16 or OTU1 port 2-5 trigger
Trigger Tx conditioning
OTU1 p2-p5 LOS, LOF or OTM1 p2-p5 OTU BDI OTM1 p2-p5
OTU1 p2-p5 Facility OOS OTM1 p2-p5 ODU1 LCK OTM1 p2-p5
Table 1-57
2.5G MOTR signal conditioning—circuit pack equipment failure
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-58
FLEX MOTR signal conditioning—OTM2 port 1 and 2 trigger
Trigger Tx conditioning
OTM2 p1-p2 OTM2 p1-p2 No Switched to OTM2/ ODU2 LCK OTM2 p1-p2
Facility OOS conditioning Standby ETH10G
(Note 1) OTM2 conditioning
(Note 2)
OTM2 p1-p2 OTM2 p1-p2 Remote Fault Switched to OTM2/ ODU2 BDI OTM2 p1-p2
Rx ODU2 AIS conditioning Standby ETH10G ETH10G
(Note 3) OTM2 conditioning conditioning
(Note 2)
OTM2 p1-p2 OTM2 p1-p2 Remote Fault Switched to OTM2/ OTU2 BDI OTM2 p1-p2
Rx OTU2 LOS, conditioning Standby ETH10G and ODU2
LOF, LOMF, or (Note 3) OTM2 conditioning BDI, ETH10G
PreFEC SF (Note 2) conditioning
Table 1-58
FLEX MOTR signal conditioning—OTM2 port 1 and 2 trigger (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
OTM2 p1-p2 OTM2 p1-p2 Remote Fault Switched to OTM2/ ODU2 BDI OTM2 p1-p2
Rx ODU2 OCI conditioning Standby ETH10G
(Note 3) OTM2 conditioning
(Note 2)
Note 1: If the ETH10G is mapped into this OTM2 being placed OOS-MA, the Ethernet datapath is
disabled such that no L2 traffic can be carried in either direction on the endpoint.
Note 2: The OTM2/ETH10G is the line-side endpoint for any EVPL connection with a FLEX client (by
way of connections created with ENT-CRS-VCE). All client facilities connected to this port will be
conditioned based on their TXCON and HOLDOFF attribute values. The HOLDOFF value of 100 ms is
recommended for all TPT Protected services. For the TXCON attribute values, refer to chapter 1 of
Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
Note 3: ETH10G is in a Rx Local Fault state which disables datapath in both directions and sends
Remote Fault to the far-end.
Note 4: No FLEX client conditioning will occur if the OTM2/ETH10G line for this client receives a BDI.
Table 1-59
8xOTN Flex MOTR and (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR Tx conditioning parameters
Tx conditioning parameter
Table 1-59
8xOTN Flex MOTR and (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR Tx conditioning parameters (continued)
Tx conditioning parameter
Note 1: LOFEF is "Laser Off Far End Failure" and means the pluggable transmitter will be disabled
Note 2: 8B10B is an invalid 10B codeword as specified in G.7041 (sometimes referred to as
Note 3: K30_7 is the 802.3 specified Error Propagation signal /K30.7/
Note 4: NOS is the Fibre Channel defined “Not Operational” ordered set.
Table 1-60
8xOTN Flex MOTR and (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR Hold-off parameters
Table 1-60
8xOTN Flex MOTR and (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR Hold-off parameters (continued)
Note 1: For a 1+1 Line protected client service, holdoff is set to 100ms to allow the protection switch to
complete without applying a Tx conditioning treatment to the client.
Note 2: During a protection switch for a 1+1 Port TPT protected client, there is a brief period where the
transmitter is off on both ports. This may cause an interruption to be detected at the subtending device.
Note 3: The hold-off value for a FC interface is 100ms to align with FC standard R_T_TOV value in
order to provide a seamless transition during short failures, such as that of a protection switch.
Note 4: Unprotected Fibre Channel hold-off should be 0ms if the subtending FC switch is providing
Note 5: For a 1+1 Port TPT protected client service, the holdoff timer does not delay the system's ability
to disable/enable the transmitter during a switch. The holdoff timer will only have an impact if both paths
are failed -- in which case, the configured Tx Conditioning treatment is not applied until the defect lasts
longer than the holdoff timer.
Table 1-61
8xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532BA) (Port with Condition)
Line Facility OTM1 p1-p4 Facility OTM1 p1-p4 ODU1 OCI N/A
OTM1 p1-p4 LOS, LOF, OTM1 p1-p4 Traffic + OTU1 BDI + Switch to
LOMF, Pre- ODU1 BDI standby OTM1
OTM1 p1-p4 ODU1 AIS, OTM1 p1-p4 Traffic + ODU1 BDI Switch to
OCI, LCK standby OTM1
Table 1-61
8xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532BA) (Port with Condition) (continued)
OTM1 p1-p8 ODU1 AIS, OTM1 p1-p8 Traffic + ODU1 BDI N/A
FLEX p1-p8 LOS, LOL, FLEX p1-p8 OPU1 AIS + CSF N/A
Table 1-61
8xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532BA) (Port with Condition) (continued)
FLEX p1-p8 LOS, LOL, OTM0 p1-p8 GE: OPU0 CSF N/A
Table 1-61
8xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532BA) (Port with Condition) (continued)
FLEX p1-p8 Facility OOS WAN p1-p8 GFP CMF LOS N/A
(or user configured
Client FLEX p1-p8 Facility FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting N/A
Facility Unconnected
FLEX p1-p8 Facility OOS FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting N/A
Table 1-62
8xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532BA) Connected/Associated Client Port
OTM1 p1-p4 Facility OOS FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTM1 p1-p4 LOS, LOF, FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTM1 p1-p4 ODU1 AIS, FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTM1 p1-p4 OPU1 PT FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Mismatch FLEX
(Note 2)
OTM1 p1-p4 OPU1 Far End FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Client Signal FLEX
OTM1 p1-p4 OPU1 AIS FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Table 1-62
8xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532BA) Connected/Associated Client Port (continued)
Client OTM1 p1-p8 Facility FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting N/A
Mapping Unconnected
Facility OTM1 p1-p8 Facility OOS FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTM1 p1-p8 ODU1 AIS, FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTM1 p1-p8 OPU1 PT FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Mismatch FLEX
OTM1 p1-p8 OPU1 Far End FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Client Signal FLEX
Table 1-62
8xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532BA) Connected/Associated Client Port (continued)
Client OTM0 p1-p8 Facility FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting N/A
Mapping Unconnected
Facility OTM0 p1-p8 Facility OOS FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
(continued) FLEX
OTM0 p1-p8 ODU0 AIS, FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTM0 p1-p8 OPU0 PT FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Mismatch FLEX
OTM0 p1-p8 OPU0 Far End FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Client Signal FLEX
OTM0 p1-p8 OPU0 AIS FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Table 1-62
8xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532BA) Connected/Associated Client Port (continued)
Client WAN p1-p8 Loss of Frame FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Mapping Delineation FLEX
Facility WAN p1-p8 Client Service FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
(continued) Mismatch FLEX
WAN p1-p8 Far End Client FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Signal Failure FLEX
Client FLEX p1-p8 Facility FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Not Supported
Facility Unconnected
FLEX p1-p8 Facility OOS FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Not Supported
FLEX p1-p8 LOS, LOL FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Not Supported
FLEX p1-p8 Loss of Data FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Not Supported
OC-n p1-p8 LOF FLEX p1-p8 FLEX TXCON setting Not Supported
Table 1-63
8xOTN Flex MOTR (Connected Line Port)
Table 1-63
8xOTN Flex MOTR (Connected Line Port) (continued)
OTM1 p1-p8 ODU1 AIS, OTM1 p1-p4 ODU1 Signal from No switch
OCI, LCK mapping
OTM1 p1-p8 OPU1 Far End OTM1 p1-p4 ODU1 No action No switch
Client Signal
FLEX p1-p8 LOS, LOL, OTM1 p1-p4 ODU1 Signal from No switch
LODS mapping
Table 1-63
8xOTN Flex MOTR (Connected Line Port) (continued)
OTM0 p1-p8 ODU0 AIS, OTM1 p1-p4 ODU0 Signal from No switch
OCI, LCK mapping
OTM0 p1-p8 OPU0 Far End OTM1 p1-p4 ODU0 No action No switch
Client Signal
FLEX p1-p8 LOS, LOL, OTM1 p1-p4 ODU0 Signal from No switch
LODS mapping
Table 1-63
8xOTN Flex MOTR (Connected Line Port) (continued)
Client WAN p1-p8 Loss of Frame OTM1 p1-p4 ODU0 No action No switch
Mapping Delineation
Facility WAN p1-p8 Client Service OTM1 p1-p4 ODU0 No action No switch
(continued) Mismatch
WAN p1-p8 Far End Client OTM1 p1-p4 ODU0 No action No switch
Signal Failure
Table 1-64
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) Signal Conditioning
Table 1-64
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) Signal Conditioning (continued)
Table 1-64
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) Signal Conditioning (continued)
OTM1 p2-p9 Facility OOS OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 LCK Switch to standby
OTM1 p2-p9 LOS, LOF, OTM1 p2-p9 Traffic + OTU1 BDI Switch to standby
OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 AIS, OTM1 p2-p9 Traffic + ODU1 BDI Switch to standby
OTM1 p2-p9 OPU1 Far End OTM1 p2-p9 Traffic + No Switch to standby
Client Signal Conditioning OTM1
Table 1-64
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) Signal Conditioning (continued)
OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 AIS, OTM1 p2-p9 Traffic + ODU1 BDI N/A
Loss of Frame
and Multiframe
Table 1-64
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) Signal Conditioning (continued)
FLEX p2-p9 LOS, LOL, OTM1 p2-p9 OPU1 AIS + CSF N/A
Table 1-64
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) Signal Conditioning (continued)
FLEX p2-p9 LOS, LOL, OTM0 p2-p9 OPU0 AIS + CSF N/A
Table 1-64
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) Signal Conditioning (continued)
LODS (or user configured
Client FLEX p2-p9 Facility FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting N/A
Facility Unconnected
FLEX p2-p9 Facility OOS FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting N/A
Table 1-65
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) (Connected/Associated Client Port)
OTM2 p1 Facility OOS FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTM2 p1 LOS, LOF, FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTM2 p1 ODU2 AIS, FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTM2 p1 OPU2 Far End FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Client Signal FLEX
Table 1-65
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) (Connected/Associated Client Port) (continued)
OTM1 p2-p9 Facility OOS FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTM1 p2-p9 LOS, LOF, FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 AIS, FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTM1 p2-p9 OPU1 PT FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Mismatch FLEX
OTM1 p2-p9 OPU1 Far End FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Client Signal FLEX
OTM1 p2-p9 OPU1 AIS FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Table 1-65
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) (Connected/Associated Client Port) (continued)
OTMFLEX ODUflex AIS, FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTMFLEX OPUflex AIS FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
p2-p9 FLEX
OTMFLEX MSI Mismatch FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
p2-p9 FLEX
Table 1-65
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) (Connected/Associated Client Port) (continued)
Client OTM1 p2-p9 Facility FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting N/A
Mapping Unconnected
Facility OTM1 p2-p9 Facility OOS FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
(continued) FLEX
OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 AIS, FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTM1 p2-p9 OPU1 PT FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Mismatch FLEX
OTM1 p2-p9 OPU1 Far End FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Client Signal FLEX
OTM1 p2-p9 OPU1 AIS FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTM1 p2-p9 MSI Mismatch FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Table 1-65
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) (Connected/Associated Client Port) (continued)
Client OTM0 p2-p9 Facility FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting N/A
Mapping Unconnected
Facility OTM0 p2-p9 Facility OOS FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTM0 p2-p9 ODU0 AIS, FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTM0 p2-p9 OPU0 PT FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Mismatch FLEX
OTM0 p2-p9 OPU0 Far End FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Client Signal FLEX
OTM0 p2-p9 OPU0 AIS FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
OTM0 p2-p9 MSI Mismatch FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
FLEX p2-p9 LOS, LOL, FLEX p2-p9 OPU0 AIS + CSF No Switch
Table 1-65
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) (Connected/Associated Client Port) (continued)
Client WAN p2-p9 Loss of Frame FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Mapping Delineation FLEX
Facility WAN p2-p9 Client Service FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Mismatch FLEX
WAN p2-p9 Far End Client FLEX p2-p9 FLEX TXCON setting Switch to standby
Signal Failure FLEX
Table 1-66
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) (Connected Line Port)
OTM2 p1 Facility OOS OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 ODU0 AIS Not Supported
ODUflex ODUflex AIS
ODU2 Not Supported
OTM2 p1 LOS, LOF, OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 ODU0 AIS Not Supported
ODU2 Not Supported
OTM2 p1 ODU2 AIS, OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 ODU0 AIS Not Supported
ODUflex ODUflex AIS
ODU2 Not Supported
Table 1-66
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) (Connected Line Port) (continued)
Line OTM2 p1 OTU2 BDI OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 No Conditioning Not Supported
Facility OTM2 p1 ODU1 No Conditioning
(continued) ODUflex No Conditioning
ODU2 Not Supported
OTM1 p2-p9 Facility OOS OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 ODU0 AIS Not Supported
OTM1 p2-p9 LOS, LOF, OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 ODU0 AIS Not Supported
Table 1-66
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) (Connected Line Port) (continued)
Line OTM1 p2-p9 Pre-FEC SD OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 No Conditioning Not Supported
Facility OTM2 p1 ODU1
OTM1 p2-p9 OTU1 BDI OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 No Conditioning Not Supported
OTM2 p1 ODU1
OTM1 p2-p9 OTU1 TTI OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 No Conditioning Not Supported
Mismatch OTM2 p1 ODU1
OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 AIS, OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 ODU0 AIS Not Supported
OCI, LCK OTM2 p1 ODU1 Rx signal
passes through
OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 BDI OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 No Conditioning Not Supported
OTM2 p1 ODU1
OTM1 p2-p9 OPU1 PT OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 ODU0 AIS Not Supported
Mismatch OTM2 p1 ODU1 No Conditioning
OTMFLEX ODUflex AIS, OTM1 p2-p9 ODUflex Signal from Not Supported
p2-p9 OCI, LCK OTM2 p1 mapping layer
Table 1-66
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) (Connected Line Port) (continued)
Client OTMFLEX ODUflex TTI OTM1 p2-p9 ODUflex No Action Not Supported
Mapping p2-p9 Mismatch OTM2 p1
Facility OTMFLEX ODUflex PT OTM1 p2-p9 ODUflex No Action Not Supported
(continued) p2-p9 Mismatch OTM2 p1
FLEX p2-p9 LOS, LOL, OTM1 p2-p9 ODUflex Signal from Not Supported
LODS OTM2 p1 mapping layer
FLEX p2-p9 Rx Power OTM1 p2-p9 ODUflex Signal from Not Supported
OOR OTM2 p1 mapping layer
OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 AIS, OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 Signal from Not Supported
OCI, LCK OTM2 p1 mapping layer
OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 BDI OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 No Action Not Supported
OTM2 p1
OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 TTI OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 No Action Not Supported
Mismatch OTM2 p1
Table 1-66
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) (Connected Line Port) (continued)
Client OTM1 p2-p9 OPU1 Far OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 No Action Not Supported
Mapping End Client OTM2 p1
Layer Signal Failure
(continued) OTM1 p2-p9 OPU1 AIS OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 No Action Not Supported
OTM2 p1
OTM1 p2-p9 MSI Mismatch OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 No Action Not Supported
OTM2 p1
FLEX p2-p9 LOS, LOL, OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 Signal from Not Supported
LODS OTM2 p1 mapping layer
OC-n p2-p9 LOF, SF OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 Signal from Not Supported
OTM2 p1 mapping layer
OC-n p2-p9 Section Trace OTM1 p2-p9 ODU1 No Action Not Supported
Mismatch OTM2 p1
OTM0 p2-p9 ODU0 AIS, OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 Signal from Not Supported
OCI, LCK OTM2 p1 mapping layer
Table 1-66
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) (Connected Line Port) (continued)
Client OTM0 p2-p9 ODU0 BDI OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 No Action Not Supported
Mapping OTM2 p1
Facility OTM0 p2-p9 ODU0 TTI OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 No Action Not Supported
(continued) Mismatch OTM2 p1
OTM0 p2-p9 OPU0 Far OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 No Action Not Supported
End Client OTM2 p1
Signal Failure
OTM0 p2-p9 OPU0 AIS OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 No Action Not Supported
OTM2 p1
OTM0 p2-p9 MSI Mismatch OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 No Action Not Supported
OTM2 p1
FLEX p2-p9 LOS, LOL, OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 Signal from Not Supported
LODS OTM2 p1 mapping layer
OC-n p2-p9 LOF, SF OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 Signal from Not Supported
OTM2 p1 mapping layer
OC-n p2-p9 Section Trace OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 No Action Not Supported
Mismatch OTM2 p1
WAN p2-p9 Loss of Frame OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 No Action Not Supported
WAN p2-p9 Client Service OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 No Action Not Supported
Table 1-66
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR (NTK532DA/NTK532DE) (Connected Line Port) (continued)
Client WAN p2-p9 Far End Client OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 No Action Not Supported
Mapping Signal Failure
Facility FLEX p2-p9 Facility OOS OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 No Action Not Supported
(continued) FLEX p2-p9 LOS, LOL, OTM1 p2-p9 ODU0 No Action Not Supported
The following signal conditioning is applied for 16xFLEX OTN I/F, and 40G
OTN XCIF triggered events.
The 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F circuit pack does not raise an “OPU AIS” alarm
when interworking with 40G MUX OCI, 10x10G Mux, or 2x10G OTR circuit
packs through an OC192/STM64 client. You must change the conditioning
from OPU AIS to ODU AIS on these circuit packs.
Also, the 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F circuit pack does not raise an OPU AIS alarm
when interworking with 40G MUX OCI, 10x10G Mux, or 2x10G OTR circuit
packs through a 10GE client and the mapping mode is:
10.7G - GFP/OPU2+7 (Preamble/ Ordered Set/ MAC transparent)
You must set the conditioning type to ODU AIS (versus the default OPU AIS)
on these circuit packs.
The OPU AIS alarm is raised when the 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F circuit pack is
interworking with 40G MUX OCI, 10x10G Mux, or 2x10G OTR circuit packs
through a 10GE client and the mapping mode is:
• 11.09G - OPU2e (PCS transparent)
• 10.7G - GFP/OPU2 (Standard MAC transparent)
Table 1-67
100G PKT/OTN XCIF, 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F, 16xFLEX OTN I/F and 40G OTN XCIF signal
conditioning—PTP facility
Terminal Loopback Laser off Not applicable Occurs when OTU TTP,
ETTP or STTP is in
terminal loopback
Facility Loopback None (Laser on) Not applicable Occurs when OTU TTP,
ETTP or STTP is in facility
No Cross Connections Laser off Not applicable PTP service type of ETTP,
on child ODU term-CTP STTP, etc. (non-OTU)
Table 1-68
100G PKT/OTN XCIF, 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F, 16xFLEX OTN I/F and 40G OTN XCIF signal
conditioning—OTUTTP facility
Faceplate Signal Fail OTU BDI Send Faceplate Defect OTU LOS, LOF, LOC,
indication to children LOM, SF, TIM, AIS
Table 1-69
100G PKT/OTN XCIF, 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F, 16xFLEX OTN I/F and 40G OTN XCIF signal
conditioning—ETTP facility
Faceplate Signal Fail None Send Faceplate LOS, LOC, LODS, Link
Defect indication to Down, EER
Table 1-70
100G PKT/OTN XCIF, 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F, 16xFLEX OTN I/F and 40G OTN XCIF signal
conditioning—STTP facility
Faceplate Signal Fail AIS-L Send Faceplate LOS, LOF, LOC, SF/B2
Defect indication to BER
Table 1-71
100G PKT/OTN XCIF, 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F, 16xFLEX OTN I/F and 40G OTN XCIF signal
conditioning—ODUTTP facility
Table 1-71
100G PKT/OTN XCIF, 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F, 16xFLEX OTN I/F and 40G OTN XCIF signal
conditioning—ODUTTP facility (continued)
Faceplate ODU Signal ODU BDI Send Faceplate Defect Rx ODU LCK, OCI, AIS,
Fail indication to children LOF, TIM
Faceplate OPU MSIM ODU BDI Send Faceplate Defect Detected at Higher-Order
indication to children ODU TTP
Faceplate OPU Signal None Send Faceplate Defect Rx OPU PTM, MSIM,
Fail indication to children CSF, AIS
Table 1-72
100G PKT/OTN XCIF, 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F, 16xFLEX OTN I/F and 40G OTN XCIF signal
conditioning—WAN facility
Table 1-73
100G PKT/OTN XCIF, 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F, 16xFLEX OTN I/F and 40G OTN XCIF signal
conditioning—ODU monitor-CTP, ODU transparent-CTP facilities
Table 1-74
100G PKT/OTN XCIF, 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F, 16xFLEX OTN I/F and 40G OTN XCIF signal
conditioning—ODU terminate-CTP facility
Fabric ODU Signal Fail Send Fabric Defect ODU BDI ODU LCK, OCI, AIS, LOF,
indication to parents TIM
Fabric OPU Signal Fail Send Fabric Defect None OPU PTM, MSIM, CSF,
indication to parents AIS
No rx_conn & existing Not applicable ODU OCI No CRS from XC to XCIF/
tx_conn trib faceplate
Table 1-75
100G PKT/OTN XCIF, 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F, 16xFLEX OTN I/F and 40G OTN XCIF signal
conditioning—TCM TTP facility
Faceplate TCM defect TCM BDI Not applicable TCM AIS, LCK, OCI, LTC,
Table 1-76
100G PKT/OTN XCIF, 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F, 16xFLEX OTN I/F and 40G OTN XCIF signal
conditioning—TCM monitor-CTP facility
Table 1-76
100G PKT/OTN XCIF, 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F, 16xFLEX OTN I/F and 40G OTN XCIF signal
conditioning—TCM monitor-CTP facility (continued)
Faceplate TCM defect None None TCM AIS, LCK, OCI, LTC,
LOF, TIM - all defects are
passed through from
faceplate to fabric
Fabric TCM Defect None None TCM AIS, LCK, OCI, LTC,
LOF, TIM - all defects are
passed through from
fabric to faceplate
Table 1-77
100G PKT/OTN XCIF, 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F, 16xFLEX OTN I/F and 40G OTN XCIF signal
conditioning—TCM terminal-CTP facility
Table 1-77
100G PKT/OTN XCIF, 10x10G PKT/OTN I/F, 16xFLEX OTN I/F and 40G OTN XCIF signal
conditioning—TCM terminal-CTP facility (continued)
Fabric TCM Defect Not applicable TCM BDI TCM AIS, LCK, OCI, LTC,
Table 1-78 presents the signal conditioning that is applied for OTM2 port 1 and
2 triggered events.
Table 1-78
L2 MOTR signal conditioning—OTM2 port 1 and 2 trigger
Trigger Tx conditioning
OTM2 p1-p2 OTM2 p1-p2 No Switched to OTM2/ ODU2 LCK OTM2 p1-p2
Facility OOS conditioning Standby ETH10G
(Note 1) OTM2 conditioning
(Note 2)
OTM2 p1-p2 OTM2 p1-p2 Remote Switched to OTM2/ ODU2 BDI OTM2 p1-p2
Rx ODU2 AIS Fault Standby ETH10G ETH10G
conditioning OTM2 conditioning conditioning
(Note 3) (Note 2)
OTM2 p1-p2 OTM2 p1-p2 BDI Traffic No ODU2 BDI OTM2 p1-p2
Rx OTU2 BDI No remain on conditioning alarm
conditioning the Active (Note 4) No conditioning
Table 1-78
L2 MOTR signal conditioning—OTM2 port 1 and 2 trigger (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
OTM2 p1-p2 OTM2 p1-p2 Remote Switched to OTM2/ OTU2 BDI and OTM2 p1-p2
Rx OTU2 Fault Standby ETH10G ODU2 BDI,
LOS, LOF, conditioning OTM2 conditioning ETH10G
LOMF, or (Note 3) (Note 2) conditioning
OTM2 p1-p2 OTM2 p1-p2 Remote Traffic OTM2/ No conditioning OTM2 p1-p2
Rx OPU2 Fault remain on ETH10G
PN11 conditioning the Active conditioning
(Note 3) OTM2 (Note 2)
OTM2 p1-p2 OTM2 p1-p2 No Switched to OTM2/ OTU2 SD alarm OTM2 p1-p2
Rx OTU conditioning Standby ETH10G No conditioning
Signal (SD OTM2 conditioning when FEC is
Degrade conditioning) (Note 2) disabled
OTM2 p1-p2 OTM2 p1-p2 Remote Switched to OTM2/ ODU2 BDI OTM2 p1-p2
Rx ODU2 OCI Fault Standby ETH10G
conditioning OTM2 conditioning
(Note 3) (Note 2)
Note 1: If the ETH10G is mapped into this OTM2 being placed OOS-MA, the Ethernet datapath is
disabled such that no L2 traffic can be carried in either direction on the endpoint.
Note 2: If the OTM2/ETH10G is the NNI Line for any ETH EVPL UNI clients (by way of EVPL
connections with ENT-CRS-VCE), those client facilities will be conditioned based on their TXCON
attribute value (either laser conditioning or 10B Error injection).
Note 3: ETH10G is in a Rx Local Fault state which disables datapath in both directions and sends
Remote Fault to far-end.
Note 4: No ETH EVPL UNI client conditioning will occur if the OTM2/ETH10G NNI Line for this ETH
client receives BDI.
Table 1-79 presents the signal conditioning that is applied for OTM2 port 1 or
port 2 triggered events.
Table 1-79
HO 10 port, (2+8)xOC-n/STM-n STS-1/VC-3 20G
Trigger Tx conditioning
Table 1-79
HO 10 port, (2+8)xOC-n/STM-n STS-1/VC-3 20G (continued)
Trigger Tx conditioning
Note 1: When the OTM2 facility is OOS, the OC192/STM64 facility is automatically OOS.
Note 2: ODU2 AIS masks all OC192/STM64 alarms.
Note 3: AIS-L is raised.
Note 4: OTU2 alarms mask all OC192/STM64 alarms.
Note 5: OTU2 BDI and ODU2 BDI mask RFI-L.
Note 6: PTI Mismatch will trigger RFI-L for OC192/STM64 facility on port 1.
If enabled, the ALS circuit shuts down the laser in the event of an LOS alarm
on the associated receive interface. The laser remains shutdown until the LOS
alarm clears. If the alarm does not clear, an automatic restart is attempted:
• For non-DWDM circuit packs, the laser is turned on for two seconds every
100 seconds.
• For DWDM circuit packs, the laser is turned on for five seconds
(100 + 6 x Lambda index) seconds) after the LOS signal is detected and
then every 379 seconds. The Lambda index depends on the wavelength
of the optical interface and ensures that all the DWDM optical interfaces
feeding an optical amplifier are not all turned on/off at the same time.
The 10G AM1/AM2 DWDM and SuperMux circuit packs do not support ALS.
When the optical return loss (ORL) of an amplifier falls below the threshold,
the system reduces the amplifier output power level to minimize the danger of
personal eye injury. A regulatory-deemed safe level of optical power is
transmitted in the period of optical discontinuity on the line to facilitate
automatic detection of line restoration and recovery to normal state. It is used
by lowering the optical output to a residual level suitable for making OR
measurements and facilitating auto recovery when normal system
connectivity resumes.
The 6500 Amplifier Module EDFA facility APR system is triggered by low
return loss detected at the line out. This detection affects the EDFA
immediately preceding the reflection point invoking APR on this EDFA. The
low return loss condition may be due to:
• poor connection at output connector or subsequent connections in the line
• fiber break downstream
As of Release 10.2, certain C-band amplifier circuit packs are supported in
MuxAmp configurations. The MuxAmp is used in some networks where
lower power interfaces (like the WL3n source) are used. This configuration
requires that the Shelf Processor disables the Automatic Power Reduction
(APR), otherwise APR may be triggered during normal operation. For this
reason these amplifiers are reclassified as Class 1M from IEC 60825-1.
When APR is disabled, clamping is added automatically to ensure safety.
The following C-band amplifier circuit packs may have a Hazard Level 1
warning label.
For more information and the procedure to apply the Level 1M label on these
circuit packs, see the chapter on observing product and personnel safety
guidelines in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0.
For the ALSO feature to function correctly, you must properly configure the
OTS first.
ALSO can be disabled on the SAM, ESAM or LIM circuit packs (C-Band and
L-Band) by setting the ALSO_Disable flag to TRUE for the OPTMON facility.
This action must only be performed when there is no OSC in the OTS for
automatic recovery from optical line fail condition.
Alarm surveillance 2-
Alarm parameters
External control types
The external control relays support the external control types listed in Table
Table 2-1
External control labels
Engine Engine
Fan Fan
Generator Generator
Heat Heater
Light Lighting
Table 2-1
External control labels (continued)
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
Sprinkler Sprinkler
Table 2-2
Environmental alarm labels and associated condition types
Table 2-2
Environmental alarm labels and associated condition types (continued)
Intrusion INTRUDER
Miscellaneous MISC
Autonomous events
Autonomous events are faults raised with a severity of “Log”. Events report the
activity status on the network elements, and do not always require user action.
To retrieve events, refer to Procedure 2-3, “Retrieving events for a network
element”. The events listed in the Historical Fault Browser application
include the alarms that have been raised, both cleared or not cleared, and the
logged warnings and events. For more information about the logged events,
refer to Fault Management - Customer Visible Logs, 323-1851-840.
Table 2-3 on page 2-5 lists logged events. For a complete list of alarms that
can be raised, refer to the “List of alarms” on page 4-7.
Table 2-3
Autonomous events
Files Remote transfer of files for '<release>' - <#> of <#> MB, <#> of <#> Files
Table 2-3
Autonomous events (continued)
Table 2-3
Autonomous events (continued)
Save and restore Database Restore Failed: Backup not from this shelf type
Database Restore Failed: Backup not from this SP family
Table 2-3
Autonomous events (continued)
Table 2-3
Autonomous events (continued)
NPU Lockup
Cold Restart
Warm Restart
Note: Site Manager does not display the events as event categories. Event categories are used to
organize this table only. In Site Manager, the severity of alerts and events is Log.
Action Details
Setting the time zone for network element or Site Procedure 2-1 on page 2-13
Manager timestamps
Retrieving active alarms for one or more network Procedure 2-2 on page 2-14
Allowing or inhibiting the display of log, inventory, and Procedure 2-5 on page 2-20
database change events
Identifying the circuit pack, pluggable module/port, or Procedure 2-12 on page 2-40
facility that has raised an alarm
Clearing audible alarms and performing lamp tests Procedure 2-13 on page 2-41
Preparing to perform fiber work on a Photonic system Procedure 2-17 on page 2-52
Associated procedures
Some procedures require the user to perform procedures relating to other
topics. Before performing a procedure, if necessary ensure that the
information about the associated procedures is available.
All procedures assume that you have logged in to the network element. Refer
to the interface login and logout procedures in chapter 1 of Administration and
Security, 323-1851-301.
Procedure 2-1
Setting the time zone for network element or Site
Manager timestamps
Use this procedure to set the time zone used for displaying timestamps. You
can select either the network element time zone or the local operating system
(OS) time zone.
Changes do not take effect until the next launch of Site Manager.
Step Action
Procedure 2-2
Retrieving active alarms for one or more network
Use this procedure to:
• retrieve the active alarms and alarm details
• access the alarm clearing procedure
• sort active alarms
• filter active alarms
• update active alarms
Step Action
Step Action
5 Click again on the same column header to sort the alarms in descending
Go to step 3.
6 To hide alarms of a specific severity from the Alarm List, clear the appropriate
check box in the Show area. By default, the Consolidated Alarms or Active
Alarms application displays active alarms of all severities.
The Consolidated Alarms or Active Alarms application updates and no
longer shows the alarms of that severity.
7 To display alarms filtered from the list, select the appropriate check box again
in the Show area.
The Consolidated Alarms or Active Alarms application updates.
Go to step 3.
8 By default, the Auto refresh check box is checked and the alarm list is
updated automatically. To manually update the active alarms, clear the Auto
refresh check box to enable the Refresh button. Click Refresh.
The Last refresh field displays the date (yyyy-mm-dd) and time (hh:mm:ss)
of the most recent update of the Consolidated Alarms or Active Alarms
Go to step 3.
9 To view the details of an alarm, click on the row for the alarm that you want to
see in detail from the list of active alarms.
The Alarm details area at the bottom of the Consolidated Alarms or Active
Alarms application displays the details of the alarm.
You can view the details of only one alarm at a time.
In the Active alarms application, you can click on the How to Clear button to
access the alarm clearing procedure for the selected alarm.
Go to step 3.
Procedure 2-3
Retrieving events for a network element
Use this procedure to:
• retrieve all events or only disabled alarm events
• retrieve detailed information about an event. For a list of autonomous
events, refer to Table 2-3 on page 2-5
• sort the event list
• filter the events to display (event severities are Critical, Major, minor,
warning, cleared, and logged)
• update the events
Step Action
Step Action
Step Action
9 If the Events radio button is selected, by default, the Auto refresh check box
is checked and the event list is updated automatically. To manually update the
events, clear the Auto refresh check box to enable the Refresh button. Click
If the Events (Disabled Alarms Only) radio button is selected, only manual
refresh is supported. Click Refresh.
The Last refresh field displays the date (yyyy-mm-dd) and time (hh:mm:ss)
of the most recent update of the Historical Fault Browser application.
Go to step 4.
10 From the event list, click on the row for the event that you want to see in detail.
The Event details area at the bottom of the Historical Fault Browser
application displays the details of the event.
You can view the details of only one event at a time.
Go to step 4.
Procedure 2-4
Retrieving active disabled alarms
Use this procedure to:
• retrieve list of active alarms that are raised against disabled alarm points
• retrieve detailed information about a disabled alarm
• access the alarm clearing procedure
• sort the alarms list
• update the Active Disabled Alarms application manually
Step Action
Procedure 2-5
Allowing or inhibiting the display of log, inventory,
and database change events
Use this procedure to allow or inhibit TL1 autonomous events used for
application refreshes (except for alarms that operate independently of this
option). The TL1 autonomous events are allowed by default.
Step Action
Procedure 2-6
Clearing security alarms
Use this procedure to clear security alarms (except those raised against the
Primary and Secondary RADIUS servers) on a network element (for example,
Intrusion Attempt).
Step Action
Procedure 2-7
Retrieving alarm profiles
Use this procedure to retrieve information about alarm profiles and profile
For more information on alarm profiles, refer to “Alarm profiles” on page 1-30.
Step Action
Procedure 2-8
Editing an alarm profile
Risk of unidentified problem conditions
Disabling an alarm point prevents alarm notification if a fault
Use this procedure to edit an existing alarm profile. This procedure allows you
to change the:
• name of the alarm profile
• status (enabled/disabled) of the alarm points
• Service affecting severity (SA) or Not service affecting (NSA)
severities (Critical, Major, minor, warning)
Alarm provisioning only affects alarm notification and has no effect on the
alarm function.
profiles that the system has defined.
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Note that an account with a level 4 UPC or higher is required to edit the Alarm
class of Security alarm points.
Step Action
1 Retrieve the alarm profiles of the network element. Refer to Procedure 2-7,
“Retrieving alarm profiles”.
2 Select the profile to edit.
You cannot edit the ALL ENABLED, ALL DISABLED, and FACTORY
DEFAULT profiles that the system has defined.
Step Action
3 If you Then
want to change the alarm profile name go to step 4
want to change the status of the alarm points go to step 9
want to change the SA and NSA severity go to step 15
have completed the required changes the procedure is complete
4 Click Edit in the alarm profile list area to open the Edit Profile dialog box.
The Edit Profile dialog box contains the current name of the selected profile.
5 Click on the profile name field and highlight the profile name.
6 Type in the new alarm profile name.
The alarm profile name can be up to 20 characters.
7 If shelf sync is not enabled, select the Apply to all available shelves within
the TID check box if you want to apply the profile name change to all available
8 Click OK.
Go to step 3.
9 Select one or more alarm points that you want to enable or disable.
To select multiple alarm points, hold down the Shift or Ctrl key when you
select the alarm points.
10 Click Edit in the alarm point list area to open the Edit Alarm Point dialog box.
11 Click Enabled or Disabled as applicable from the Alarm status drop-down
12 If shelf sync is not enabled, select the Apply to all available shelves within
the TID check box if you want to apply the alarm point change to all available
13 Click OK.
14 Repeat step 9 to step 11 until you have finished editing all the alarm points.
The edited alarm point status is displayed in the Profile details table at the
bottom of the Alarm Profiles application.
Go to step 3.
15 Select one or more alarm points that you want to change the severity.
To select multiple alarm points, hold down the Shift or Ctrl key when you
select the alarm points.
16 Click Edit in the alarm point list area to open the Edit Alarm Point dialog box.
Step Action
17 Select the desired severity for the alarm from the Service affecting severity
or Not service affecting severity drop-down list.
You can provision alarm severities (SA or NSA) as Critical, Major, minor or
For Broadband (except the Supermux circuit pack) and Photonics services,
protection is not supported. Therefore, most alarms are only raised as service
affecting (SA). As a result, changing the NSA severity has no impact.
18 If shelf sync is not enabled, select the Apply to all available shelves within
the TID check box if you want to apply the alarm point change to all available
19 Click OK.
Go to step 3.
Procedure 2-9
Setting a default profile
Use this procedure to set the alarm profile of an alarm class as the default
Risk of unidentified problem conditions
Disabling an alarm point prevents alarm notification if a fault
Alarm provisioning only affects alarm notification and has no effect on the
alarm function.
If the 5G 16xOCn circuit pack OCn and STSnc facility alarms were masked
by alarm profile in release 5.2/5.3 by the user, after upgrading to release 6.0,
those alarm provisioning profiles for OCn and STSnc on 5G 16xOCn will be
enabled automatically.
You cannot set the default alarm profile for an alarm class for which the
default is fixed at FACTORY DEFAULT (for example, VT1.5/VC11 and VT2/
VC12 facilities).
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Note that an account with a level 4 UPC or higher is required to edit the Alarm
class of Security alarm points.
Step Action
1 Retrieve the alarm profiles of the network element by alarm class. Refer to
Procedure 2-7, “Retrieving alarm profiles”.
2 Select a profile from the profiles table in the upper section of the Alarm
Profiles application.
3 Click Set As Default.
Step Action
4 If you want to apply the default profile to all available shelves, click Yes in the
confirmation dialog.
5 If you do not want to apply the default profile to all available shelves, click No
in the confirmation dialog.
The word Default is displayed in the Alarm Class Default column on the row
of the selected profile.
Procedure 2-10
Setting a profile as active
Risk of unidentified problem conditions
Disabling an alarm point prevents alarm notification if a fault
Use this procedure to set the alarm profile of an alarm class as the active
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Note that an account with a level 4 UPC or higher is required to edit the Alarm
class of Security alarm points.
Step Action
1 Retrieve the alarm profiles of the network element. Refer to Procedure 2-7,
“Retrieving alarm profiles”.
2 Select a profile from the profiles table.
3 Click Set as Active.
The Active profiles table in the center section of the Alarm Profiles
application displays the active profiles for the selected alarm class.
The Set as Active button is disabled if there are no equipment/facilities
provisioned for the selected alarm class.
Procedure 2-11
Restarting a circuit pack or shelf processor
Risk of traffic loss
A cold restart on an unprotected circuit pack causes traffic
loss. A cold restart on an active protected circuit pack causes
a protection switch that impacts traffic.
As cold restarts can be traffic affecting, you must only perform
a cold restart to restore functionality when all other trouble
clearing procedures have been performed. Before performing
a cold restart, if possible, put the circuit pack out-of-service and
unless it contains unprotected services, contact your next level
of support or your Ciena support group for assistance.
Risk of traffic loss
A warm or cold restart of the 2xOSC circuit pack causes a
Wayside Channel (WSC) traffic hit.
Risk of traffic loss
A warm or cold restart of the SP in 2-slot shelf w/SP + OTN
Flex MOTR 8xSFP (NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5) can
impact the integrated OTN Flex MOTR traffic.
Risk of traffic loss
The 4x10G OTR (NTK530QE variant) circuit pack requires a
valid Time of Day (TOD) in order to perform the certificate
validation before bringing up traffic. The TOD information is
received from the SP on every circuit pack restart.
Risk of traffic loss
For Broadband circuit packs that support 1+1 TPT protection,
disconnect the client fibers from the inactive circuit pack prior
to a circuit pack cold restart to avoid causing traffic hits on the
active circuit pack in the protection group.
Use this procedure to initialize a circuit pack or the shelf processor (SP) in a
warm restart or cold restart mode.
• For the L2 MOTR circuit pack, when traffic is on the protection LAG
members and the 1+1 OTN protection facilities, a cold restart of the
inactive L2 MOTR circuit pack will cause a traffic hit. A traffic hit will occur
once when the circuit pack begins the cold restart and once again when
the circuit pack comes out of the restart. There is no traffic hit on warm
restarts. For more information on engineering rules of 1+1 LAG protection,
refer to the “1+1 LAG protection” section in Part 2 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
• Warm restart is supported on the eMOTR circuit packs. In Release 10.1
and older, restarts on the eMOTR always escalated to cold restarts,
impacting traffic for the duration of the restart. The warm restart on the
eMOTR circuit pack can be performed through TL-1/Site Manager or
automatically triggered (for example, during software upgrades). Note that
upgrades to Release 10.2 still require a cold restart of the eMOTR circuit
pack. However, upgrades to releases following Release 10.2 will only
require a warm restart, avoiding impacts to traffic.
• The SP is integrated into the SPAP circuit pack for a 2-slot shelf variant
• It is an expected behavior that after a shelf processor restart is performed
on a remote network element (RNE), the first login attempt to the RNE will
fail. An “Operation Failed” error message appears and you need to log
back in a second time to establish the connection to the RNE.
For MSPP and Broadband services, a warm or cold restart of an interface
circuit pack or shelf processor with GCC0/GCC1 enabled causes a GCC0/
GCC1 Link Fail alarm on the adjacent network elements. The GCC0/GCC1
Link Fail alarm will clear automatically.
For Photonic services, restarts are only supported on the LIM (SLA, MLA,
and 2xOSC circuit packs.
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
4 For each facility/path on the circuit pack in an 1+1/MSP linear, 1+1 TPT,1+1
port TPT, UPSR/SNCP, 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing, 4-Fiber BLSR/MS-
SPRing/HERS, or RPR configuration, perform a manual switch to verify the
inactive path. Refer to the “Operating a protection switch” procedure in Part 2
of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
If traffic switches back autonomously to the active path, contact your next
level of support or your Ciena support group.
Step Action
5 For each facility on the circuit pack in an 1+1/MSP linear,1+1 port TPT, or 1+1
TPT configuration, perform a protection switch. Refer to the “Operating a
protection switch” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
• If the circuit pack to be restarted is the working one (odd slot), operate a
forced switch.
• If the circuit pack to be restarted is the protection one (even slot), operate
a lockout.
6 For each facility/path on the circuit pack in an 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing,
UPSR/SNCP, 4-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing/HERS, or RPR configuration,
operate a forced switch. Refer to the “Operating a protection switch”
procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
7 If necessary, perform a synchronization protection switch for any line facility
on the circuit pack that is a synchronization reference.
• Retrieve the synchronization details for timing generation and timing
distribution of the circuit pack. Refer to the “Retrieving synchronization
protection status details” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
• Perform a manual synchronization protection switch for any active
synchronization facility. Refer to the “Operating a synchronization
protection switch” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
• Perform a lockout synchronization protection switch for the facility. Refer
to the “Operating a synchronization protection switch” procedure in Part 2
of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
8 If you are performing cold restart on a Broadband circuit pack that supports
1+1 TPT protection, disconnect the client fibers from the inactive circuit pack
prior to the cold restart to avoid causing traffic hits on the active circuit pack
in the protection group.
Go to step 10.
9 Perform a protection switch on the 16xSTM1e, 63xE1, 24xDS3/EC-1 or
24xDS3/E3 circuit pack. Refer to the “Operating a protection switch”
procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
• If the circuit pack to be restarted is a working circuit pack, operate a
forced switch.
• If the circuit pack to be restarted is a protection circuit pack, operate a
lockout of protection.
Step Action
11 Change the facility states to out-of-service for all facilities on the circuit pack.
Refer to the “Changing the primary state of a facility” procedure in Part 1 of
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
To display the Facility details, you must first select the equipment from the
Equipment area of the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application.
12 Change the equipment state of the circuit pack to out-of-service. Refer to the
“Changing the primary state of a circuit pack, module, or pluggable”
procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
When you place the circuit pack out-of-service, any pluggable modules on
that circuit pack are automatically placed out-of-service.
13 Select Restart from the Faults drop-down menu.
14 If applicable, select the required shelf from the Shelf drop-down list.
15 Select the circuit pack or shelf processor you want to restart from the Card
drop-down list.
16 Select the restart type (warm or cold) from the Restart type drop-down list.
17 Click OK.
18 A Confirm Restart dialog box appears.
If you have chosen the ACTIVE SP to be restarted in the previous menu, then
the confirmation dialog box appears with “CPU1 (main CPU)”, “CPU2” and
“Capture logs before restart” checkboxes.
If you have chosen any other circuit pack to be restarted in the previous menu,
then the confirmation dialog box appears with only “Capture logs before
restart” checkbox. This box will be unchecked by default if you have chosen
a warm restart. For cold restart, the box will be checked by default. For more
information about the “Capture logs” feature, refer to Fault Management -
Customer Visible Logs, 323-1851-840.
Step Action
The following circuit packs do not support “Capture logs before
restart” option: SLA, MLA, MLA2, MLA3, LIM, WSS, OPM, SCMD4,
SLIC10, SLIC10 Flex SMD, CCMD12, DS1TM (DSM which is not in-
skin), E1, DS3/E3, DS3/EC1, MXC.
19 Click Restart. For an active SP, the restart will take 8 to 15 minutes. For other
circuit packs, the restart will take 4 to 10 minutes to complete. If after the
expected time the retrieve log is not completed, Site Manager will
automatically issue the restart command.
For a warm restart, the red Fail, the green Ready and the blue In Use status
LEDs on the front of the circuit pack go through the following sequence:
• The red and blue LEDs remain in the state they were before the restart.
• After a few seconds, the green LED flashes to indicate the software is
• When software initialization is complete, the green status LED turns on
(does not flash).
• If the circuit pack has failed, the green LED turns off and the red LED
turns on.
For a cold restart, the red Fail, the green Ready and the blue In Use status
LEDs on the front of the circuit pack go through the following sequence:
Step Action
21 Change the equipment state of the circuit pack to in-service. Refer to the
“Changing the primary state of a circuit pack, module, or pluggable”
procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
If the circuit pack you are performing a cold Then
restart on is
a cross-connect circuit pack (MSPP services) the procedure is complete
an 16xSTM1e, 63xE1, 24xDS3/EC-1 or 24xDS3/ go to step 26
E3 working circuit pack (MSPP services)
any other circuit pack go to step 23
Step Action
23 Change the facility states to in-service for all facilities on the circuit pack.
Refer to the “Changing the primary state of a facility” procedure in Part 1 of
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
For MSPP circuit packs, go to step 24. Otherwise, the procedure is complete.
24 Release any synchronization protection switches performed in step 7. Refer
to the “Releasing a synchronization protection switch” procedure in Part 2 of
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
25 If applicable, return traffic to the circuit pack by releasing the protection switch
for all facilities on the circuit pack that you performed in step 5. Refer to the
“Operating a protection switch” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
The procedure is complete.
26 Return traffic to the working 16xSTM1e, 63xE1, 24xDS3/EC-1 or 24xDS3/E3
circuit pack by releasing the forced protection switch for the working circuit
pack that you performed in step 9. Refer to the “Operating a protection switch”
procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
The procedure is complete.
27 Release the lockout of protection for the 16xSTM1e, 63xE1, 24xDS3/EC-1 or
24xDS3/E3 protection circuit pack performed in step 9. Refer to the
“Operating a protection switch” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310. The protection circuit pack is now
available for protection switches.
Procedure 2-12
Identifying the circuit pack, pluggable module/port, or
facility that has raised an alarm
Use this procedure to identify which circuit pack, module/port, or facility has
raised an alarm.
Step Action
1 Retrieve the active alarms on the network element. Refer to Procedure 2-2,
“Retrieving active alarms for one or more network elements”.
2 Identify the alarm in the Alarm List. The Unit column in the Consolidated
Alarms or Active Alarms application specifies the circuit pack and circuit
pack slot/port using the following format:
<circuit pack>-<shelf-id>-slot#-subslot# (for subslot equipment alarms) or
<facility type>-<shelf-id>-slot#-subslot# (for subslot facility alarms).
For example, OC3/STM1-8-5-1 refers to an alarm raised by SFP port 1 of the
8xOC-3/12/STM-1/4 optical interface circuit pack in slot 5 on shelf 8.
For circuit packs that do not have SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPOs, the port
number is used instead of the SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO number. For
example, 10GELWT-7-4-1 refers to an alarm raised by the 10GELWT optical
interface circuit pack in shelf 7, slot 4, port 1.
To view details of an alarm, select the alarm in the alarm list.
The Alarm details area displays the details of the alarm.
Procedure 2-13
Clearing audible alarms and performing lamp tests
Use this procedure to clear audible alarms and perform lamp tests on network
elements and DS1 service modules (DSM) using the ACO button. When you
clear an audible alarm, the alarmed LEDs and fault are not cleared.
This procedure does not apply to 2-slot shelf variants. The lamp test on the 2-
slot shelf can only be performed using Site Manager.
Audible alarms are not supported on the 6500-7 Packet-Optical Shelf.
The network element and DSM have relay contacts that you can connect to
both visual and audible alarms. There are four contact pairs for a network
element and four contact pairs for a DSM. Therefore, you can connect Critical,
Major, minor, and remote alarms to separate audible alarms for a network
element or a DSM.
To clear audible alarms and perform lamp tests using the Site Manager
Visualization tool, refer to the “Performing a lamp test and clearing audible
alarms using the Visualization tool” procedure in Administration and Security,
To perform the clearing audible alarms using Site Manager steps, you require
an account with at least a level 2 UPC.
Step Action
The ACO button and LED is located with the shelf Critical, Major and
Minor alarm LEDs. For example, they are found on the cooling fan
module Type 2 in a 7-slot shelf or 6500-7 packet-optical shelf, on the
maintenance interface card (MIC) in a 14-slot shelf or on the access
panel in a 32-slot shelf.
4 If applicable, press the ACO button on the DSM once to reset the audible
alarm relays for the DSM.
The procedure is complete.
Clearing audible alarms using Site Manager Faults menu
5 Select the network element in the navigation tree.
6 Select Alarm Cut-Off from the Faults drop-down menu.
The Alarm Cut-Off dialog box is displayed.
7 If applicable, select the required shelf from the Shelf drop-down list.
8 Select All from the Source drop-down list.
If DSMs are provisioned, you also have option to clear audible alarms on a
selected DSM (by selecting host the OC3 port).
9 Click OK.
The procedure is complete.
Step Action
The ACO button and LED is located with the shelf Critical, Major and
Minor alarm LEDs. For example, they are found on the cooling fan
module Type 2 in a 7-slot shelf or 6500-7 packet-optical shelf, on the
maintenance interface card (MIC) in a 14-slot shelf or on the access
panel in a 32-slot shelf.
The ACO LED remains lit until a new Major alarm is raised. Upon detection
of a Major alarm, the ACO releases and the LED turns off.
On some access panels, the RJ45 external slot inventory interfaces
appear to have two LEDs but only one is activated during a lamp test
or when the external slot is in use (properly connected to provisioned
external equipment such as a PPC6, CMD44, DSCM, OMD4, BMD2,
Procedure 2-14
Provisioning environmental alarm attributes
Use this procedure to:
• retrieve environmental alarm attributes
• set up or change environmental alarm attributes on the network element
or on a DS1 service module (DSM)
• delete defined environmental alarm attributes on the network element or
When you remove a device for detecting an environmental alarm, delete the
environmental alarm attributes.
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
7 Select any entry in the contact list to enable the Edit button.
8 Click Edit to open the Edit External Alarm dialog box.
9 Select the contact you want to set or edit from the Contact drop-down list.
Step Action
10 Select the label from the Label drop-down list. Refer to “Environmental alarm
labels” on page 2-3.
11 Select the severity from the Severity drop-down list.
12 Edit the description if you want to describe the alarm with specific text.
The description can contain a maximum of 40 characters.
Do not use apostrophes “ ‘ ” in the alarm text. Using apostrophes in
the alarm text will cause display errors in the OneControl active
events list (AEL).
13 Click Apply.
14 Repeat step 9 through step 13 if you want to set or edit more contacts.
15 Click OK.
The procedure is complete.
16 Select the provisioned contact from which you want to delete attributes in the
contact list as follows:
If you want to delete Then
one entry click the entry you want to delete
some, but not all entries select the first entry in the list and hold down
the Ctrl key while individually clicking on each
required entry
all entries select the first entry in the list and hold down
the Shift key while clicking once on the last
entry in the list
select any desired entry in the list and then
Ctrl+A to select all entries
Procedure 2-15
Provisioning, operating, and releasing external
Use this procedure to:
• retrieve the labels and status of all external controls
• provision control labels and types to control relays on the network element
or DS1 service module (DSM). The network element allows four external
control relays to turn external equipment on and off. There are four contact
pairs on a DSM.
• operate external controls
• release external controls
To edit external controls, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
7 Click Edit.
8 Select the relay label from the drop-down list at the relay for which you want
to set or edit attributes. Refer to “External control types” on page 2-2.
9 Repeat step 8 if you want to set or edit more relays.
10 Click OK.
The procedure is complete.
Step Action
Procedure 2-16
Locating a reflective event
Use this procedure to locate connector losses or a reflective event at a line
amplifier site.
In this procedure you will attempt to isolate the connector losses by starting at
the connector that is farthest from the alarmed amplifier and then working
back towards the alarmed amplifier. Refer to Figure 2-1 on page 2-51 for an
example of an alarmed amplifier at a line amplifier site.
This procedure involves wrapping optical fiber around a mandrel to create
optical power attenuations. Winding the fiber too tightly will damage optical
fibers and the optical power attenuations can generate additional alarms on
the system.
To perform this procedure, you must:
• observe all safety requirements described in Installation - General
Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module
Replacement, 323-1851-545
• have a network diagram that identifies all connection points at the site of
the alarmed module that can be cleaned
• have the appropriate personal grounding device to dissipate electrostatic
• have a mandrel or screwdriver
Step Action
Risk of damage to modules
Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the equipment
from static damage.
Connect the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf or module.
2 Review the network diagram, and locate the connector that is farthest from
the alarmed amplifier within the site.
Step Action
3 Wind the optical fiber patchcord attached to the connector, identified in step
2, four turns around a 15-mm mandrel. You can use a screwdriver handle or
other similar sized cylinder in place of a mandrel.
This step checks for high reflection (low return loss) by causing attenuation of
the optical power in the direction back towards the amplifier output.
4 If the original alarm Then
does not clear, and there are more the reflective event is closer to the
optical fiber patchcords before the alarmed amplifier.
alarmed amplifier Go to step 5.
does not clear, and there are no more If you were sent from another
optical fiber patchcords before the procedure, return to the step in the
alarmed amplifier at this site (you are procedure that referred you to this
now at the output of the alarmed procedure. Otherwise, contact your
amplifier) next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
clears Go to step 6.
5 Locate the next farthest connector from the alarmed amplifier and go to step
6 Place the alarmed amplifier out-of-service (OOS). Refer to the “Changing the
primary state of a facility” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning
and Operating, 323-1851-310.
Step Action
Risk of laser radiation exposure
Do not look directly into the optical beam. Invisible light
can severely damage your eyes.
Risk of damage to circuit packs
Never disconnect an optical fiber that is connected to
an active or powered up optical amplifier. To disconnect
or reconnect an optical fiber, make sure the optical
amplifier is out of service (OOS), then disconnect or
reconnect the fiber.
Risk of damage to circuit packs
Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the equipment
from static damage. Connect the wrist strap to the ESD
jack on the shelf or module.
Clean and then reconnect the output fibers and connectors at the amplifier.
Refer to the “Inspecting and cleaning optical interface connectors” and
“Cleaning optical connectors and adapters on patchcords” procedures in
Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0.
8 Place the amplifier back in-service (IS). Refer to the “Changing the primary
state of a facility” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
9 If the original alarm Then
clears the procedure is complete
does not clear return to the step in the procedure that referred you to
this procedure or contact your next level of support or
your Ciena support group
Figure 2-1
Locating connector losses at a Photonic line amplifier site (with DSCM)
Amplifier Amplifier
Patch panel #1
Patch panel #2
Patch panel #3
Patch panel #4
Out In
3 3
A 1 B
2 In Out
Indicates the reflection point (actual problem point in this example).
Note 1: If alarm does not clear, the problem is likely with the patch panel or DSCM.
Note 2: Although the measurement is done at the output port, the APR alarm is raised
against the AMP facility attached to the input port. Therefore, the APR alarm is raised
against the input port.
Procedure 2-17
Preparing to perform fiber work on a Photonic system
Use this procedure to record existing power levels and amplifier gain settings
before performing fiber maintenance/repair and to re-adjust these parameters
if the fiber maintenance/repair causes power levels to change.
Note that this procedure cannot be used to repair a fiber cut that occurred.
This procedure can only be used to prepare in advance for a fiber cut that you
know will occur (for example, related to scheduled maintenance activities).
Risk of traffic loss
Placing an amplifier circuit pack OOS causes a traffic loss. It is
recommended that this procedure be performed during a
maintenance window (when traffic is lightest), or that all traffic
be routed away from the affected network element before
performing this procedure.
Risk of damage to downstream amplifier
You must complete this procedure on an amplifier that is
downstream of the location where the fiber cut or maintenance
activity will be performed. Not performing this procedure can
result in power levels at the amplifier that are high enough to
damage the module.
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• observe all safety requirements described in Installation - General
Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module
Replacement, 323-1851-545
• have a network diagram that identifies all connection points at the site of
the alarmed module that can be cleaned
Step Action
1 Log into the network element containing the amplifier that is downstream of
the location where the fiber cut or maintenance activity will be performed.
2 From the Configuration menu, select Equipment & Facility Provisioning.
Step Action
3 Select the LIM circuit pack supporting the AMP facility (of the amplifier that is
downstream of the location where the fiber cut or maintenance activity will be
performed) in the Equipment area.
4 From the Facility Type drop-down menu, select AMP.
5 Record the Target Gain for the AMP facility of the amplifier that is
downstream of the location where the fiber cut or maintenance activity will be
6 From the Performance menu, select Performance Monitoring and then
7 From the Type drop-down list, select AMP.
8 From the Facility drop-down list, select the AMP facility of the amplifier that
is downstream of the location where the fiber cut or maintenance activity will
be performed.
9 Retrieve the PMs for the AMP facility.
10 Record the current (Untimed) Input Power (OPIN).
11 From the Configuration menu, select Photonics Services and then
Domain Optical Controller (DOC).
12 Change the DOC Primary State to out of service (OOS). Refer to the “Editing
the DOC Settings” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
Risk of traffic loss
Placing an amplifier circuit pack OOS causes traffic
loss. It is recommended that this procedure be
performed during a maintenance window (when traffic
is lightest), or that all traffic be routed away from the
affected network element before performing this
Step Action
Procedure 2-18
Measuring Photonic amplifier output power
Use this procedure to measure the output power of an amplifier to facilitate
Photonic line troubleshooting.
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• observe all safety requirements in Installation - General Information, 323-
1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545
• have a network diagram that identifies all connection points at the site of
the alarmed module that can be cleaned
• have a high-powered optical power meter with the same optical
connectors as the network element that can read power levels as high as
+11 dB
• have a 10 dB fixed-pad optical attenuator (ensure the attenuator loss value
has been calibrated)
• have a personal grounding device
Risk of traffic loss
Disconnecting fibers causes traffic loss on the associated
facilities. It is recommended that this procedure be performed
during a maintenance window (when traffic is lightest), or that
all traffic be routed away from the affected network element
before performing this procedure.
Step Action
Step Action
2 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
Risk of damage to modules
Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the equipment
from static damage.
Provisioning the SAM, ESAM or AMP facility Shutoff Threshold to
-60 dBm disables the ALSO safety feature, and injury can occur.
ALSO can be disabled on the LIM cards (C-Band and L-Band) by
setting the ALSO_Disable flag to TRUE for the OPTMON facility. This
action should only be performed when there is no OSC in the OTS
for automatic recovery from optical line fail condition.
7 Remove the OSC B In (port 3) fiber from the amplifier. This allows you to
measure the amplifier output only. If the OSC B In (port 3) fiber is not
removed, you are also including the OSC channel in the measurement.
Step Action
Risk of laser radiation exposure
Do not look directly into the optical beam. Invisible light
can severely damage your eyes.
Risk of traffic loss
Disconnecting fibers causes traffic loss on the
associated facilities. It is recommended that this
procedure be performed during a maintenance window
(when traffic is lightest), or that all traffic be routed away
from the affected network element before performing
this procedure.
Measure the port 5 (Line B) amplifier output power using the high-powered
optical power meter. Add the calibrated attenuator loss to the measured
value. This total power is 10 dB lower due to the attenuator inserted into the
power meter.
9 Clean and reinstall the OSC B In (port 3) fiber removed in step 7. Refer to the
cleaning connectors procedures in Installation - General Information, 323-
Go to step 11.
Risk of laser radiation exposure
Do not look directly into the optical beam. Invisible light
can severely damage your eyes.
Risk of traffic loss
Disconnecting fibers causes traffic loss on the
associated facilities. It is recommended that this
procedure be performed during a maintenance window
(when traffic is lightest), or that all traffic be routed away
from the affected network element before performing
this procedure.
Measure the port 7 (Line A) amplifier output power using the optical power
meter. Add the calibrated attenuator loss to the measured value. This total
power is 10 dB lower due to the attenuator inserted into the power meter.
Step Action
Alarm severities described in this chapter are the default alarm severities
provisioned on the system. Alarm severities can be modified by using
different alarm profiles. Refer to Chapter 2, “Alarm surveillance” of this
document for details on how to change alarm severities.
Alarm severities
The levels of severity for alarms are Critical (C), Major (M), and minor (m).
Alarm reports always contain a notification code that identifies the alarm
severity, or the code CL to indicate that the fault has been cleared. The w code
indicates a warning. The A code indicates an alert (only applicable to alarm
banner). Event reports have a logged (Log) severity.
Major alarms are raised when something has an effect on a low-speed facility.
For example, a Major alarm is raised when tributary signals fail or unprotected
provisioned circuit packs are missing.
Warning (w)
Warning events are raised by the network element as Standing Conditions
(SC), and are less severe than minor alarms. A warning is an indication a
problem exists on the network element that can eventually escalate into an
alarm of higher severity.
Alert (A)
Threshold-crossing alerts are less severe than alarms. An alert can indicate
that the threshold crossed does not affect service but requires further
Alerts are indicated in the alarm banner and appear with a Logged (Log)
severity in the Events window.
Logged (Log)
Event reports are generated from changes of state and other important
transient conditions.
Alarm hierarchies
The following alarm hierarchy diagrams are made to be as generic and simple
as possible. Therefore, not every alarm or circumstance shown applies to all
circuit packs.
• “Overall alarm hierarchy” on page 3-7
• “Equipment alarm hierarchy (circuit packs and modules)” on page 3-8
• “SP alarm hierarchy” on page 3-9
• “Equipment alarm hierarchy (pluggable I/O panels and I/O carriers)” on
page 3-10
• “Equipment alarm hierarchy (provisioned pluggables)” on page 3-11
• “Equipment alarm hierarchy (unprovisioned pluggables)” on page 3-11
• “Shelf equipment alarm hierarchy” on page 3-12
• “DS1 service module alarm hierarchy” on page 3-13
• “DS3 facility alarm hierarchy - coax to optics direction” on page 3-14
• “DS3 facility alarm hierarchy - optics to coax direction” on page 3-15
• “E1 hardware alarm hierarchy” on page 3-16
• “E1 line alarm hierarchy” on page 3-16
• “E3 alarm hierarchy - coax to optics direction” on page 3-17
• “E3 alarm hierarchy - optics to coax direction” on page 3-18
• “100G WL3/WL3e OTR circuit packs client port OTM4 facility alarm
hierarchy” on page 3-60
• “100G WL3/WL3e OTR circuit packs OTM4 mapping facility on client port
alarm hierarchy” on page 3-61
• “10x10GE MUX OCI circuit pack backplane port 100 OTM4 facility alarm
hierarchy” on page 3-62
• “100G OCI circuit pack client port OTM4 facility alarm hierarchy” on page
• “100G OCI circuit pack client port OTM4 mapping layer facility alarm
hierarchy” on page 3-64
• “OTM2 mapping facility (associated with FC1200, OC-192/STM-64, and
ETH10G facility) alarm hierarchy” on page 3-65
• “TCM facility alarm hierarchy - faceplate to backplane direction” on page
• “TCM facility alarm hierarchy - backplane to faceplate direction” on page
• “Photonic optical signal facilities alarm hierarchy” on page 3-68
• “SRA circuit pack RAMAN facility alarm hierarchy” on page 3-69
• “SRA circuit pack OSC facility alarm hierarchy” on page 3-70
• “SRA circuit pack ADJ facility alarm hierarchy” on page 3-70
• “SAM and ESAM circuit packs OPTMON facility alarm hierarchy” on page
• “RPR circuit pack alarm hierarchy” on page 3-72
• “RPR circuit pack LAN port alarm hierarchy” on page 3-73
• “STM-1e alarm hierarchy” on page 3-73
Equipment Alarms
Facility Alarms
Line (OC/STM)
Path (STS/HO
VC) Alarms
Path (VT/LO
VC) Alarms
Higher priority
Circuit Pack
Circuit Pack
Circuit Pack
Circuit Pack
Intercard Suspected
Internal Mgmt
Internal Mgmt Comms Suspected
Comms Suspected
Circuit Pack
Circuit Pack Latch Open
Latch Open
Lower priority
SP alarm hierarchy
Higher priority
Intercard Suspected
(SP and Pluggable I/O Carrier)
Lower priority
Higher priority
Circuit Pack
Missing - Pluggable
Circuit Pack
Mismatch - Pluggable
Circuit Pack
Failed - Pluggable
Suspected - Pluggable
Lower priority
Higher priority
Lower priority
Power Failure -
Low Voltage
Power Power
Failure A Failure B
Equipment Configuration
Corrupt Inventory
Fan Incompatible
Note: This alarm is raised only against fused power cards equipped with an optional alarms indicator fuse. If
the alarm indicator fuse or the fuse holder cartridge is physically removed, this alarm will be masked by the
Power Failure - A/B alarm.
DSM CP Hierachy
DSM CP alarms
DSM mate is
CP missing reporting that
it is missing/
not available
and CP missing
OAM not
Mate OAM is
CP Mismatch/
CP failed
Low Voltage
Fan Failure
AIS = alarm indication signal
BPV = bipolar violation
LOF = loss of frame
LOS = loss of signal
AIS = alarm indication signal
LOF = loss of frame
LOP = loss of pointer
PTM = path trace monitoring
RFI = remote fault indicator
SLM = signal label mismatch
UEQ = unequipped
I/O Panel
I/O Panel
Protection Sub-module
Protection Sub-module
Excessive Error
Loss of Frame
Loss of Multiframe
Lower priority
AIS = alarm indication signal
BPV = bipolar violation
LOF = loss of frame
LOS = loss of signal
RDI = remote defect indicator
AIS = alarm indication signal
LOF = loss of frame
LOP = loss of pointer
PTM = path trace monitoring
RFI = remote fault indicator
SLM = signal label mismatch
UEQ = unequipped
Higher priority
Lower priority
AIS = alarm indication signal
LOF = loss of frame
LOP = loss of pointer
LOS = loss of signal
RFI = remote fault indicator
SD = signal degrade
SLM = signal label mismatch
UEQ = unequipped
EG =
drop facility
CP and
Loss of signal
Loss of
Loss of frame
Excessive Error Enable
No masking
RX power
LOFEF triggered
out of range
FC1200 alarm hierarchy for 2x10G OTR, 4x10G OTR, 10x10G MUX,
and 4x10G MUX circuit packs
EG =
drop facility
CP and
Loss of signal
Loss of Clock
(Not applicable to 4x10G OTR)
No masking
RX power
LOFEF triggered
out of range
EG =
drop facility
CP and
Loss of signal
Loss of Clock
(Not applicable to 4x10G OTR)
No masking
RX power
LOFEF triggered
out of range
Encryption Failure
100G OCI and 100G WL3/WL3e OTR circuit pack ETH100G facility
alarm hierarchy
The ETH100G facility on the client port of 100G OCI and 100G WL3/WL3e
OTR circuit pack supports the following alarm hierarchy.
Loss of Frame
CP & Plug Equipment Alarms (CP fail and above), 10GE Fac OOS, AINS, MT
Loss of Frame
Frequency Out of Range
Loss of Data Sync
Excess Error Ratio
Loss of Frame
40G MUX OCI circuit pack 10GbE WAN facility alarm hierarchy
Client Service
Far-End client Rx SF
For the ETH100G alarm hierarchy, refer to the “FC1200 alarm hierarchy for
2x10G OTR, 4x10G OTR, 10x10G MUX, and 4x10G MUX circuit packs” on
page 3-21.
The VT alarms apply only to the 24x10/100BT EPL with 8xSFP circuit pack.
The EFM alarms apply only to the 24x10/100BT EPL with 8xSFP and 4xGE
EPL EFM circuit packs.
For EFM alarm hierarchy on SuperMux ETH, refer to “EFM alarm hierarchy for
SuperMux circuit pack ETH facility” on page 3-30.
Legend (W) Signal Degrade (W) Far End Client Signal Failure
(L) = alarm per LAN port
(W) = alarm per WAN port
(S) = alarm per STS
(VT) = alarm per VT
Alarm hierarchies and alarm severities 3-29
July 2015
323-1851-543 Standard Issue 1
Fault Management - Alarm Clearing, Part 1 of 2
3-30 Alarm hierarchies and alarm severities
Remote Client Circuit Pack Remote Client Circuit Pack Remote Power Remote Line High Received
Unknown - Pluggable Missing - Pluggable Supply 1/2 Missing Optical Power / Remote Line
Low Received Optical Power
Remote Client Circuit Pack Remote Client Circuit Pack
Mismatch - Pluggable Failed - Pluggable
Signal Degrade
Release 10.2
(G) LAG Partial Fail (L) Remote Port Unreachable (L) LACP Failed
NOTE : Only the PDH facilities (DS1/E1/DS3/E3) are supported on the PDH gateway circuit pack
L2SS, 20G L2SS, and PDH gateway circuit pack alarm hierarchy
Alarm hierarchies and alarm severities 3-31
July 2015
323-1851-543 Standard Issue 1
Fault Management - Alarm Clearing, Part 1 of 2
3-32 Alarm hierarchies and alarm severities
FLEX MOTR, 8xOTN Flex MOTR, and (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR circuit
packs OC-n/STM-n client protocols alarm hierarchy
Loss of Signal
Loss of Frame
Loss of Clock *
Trace Identifier Mismatch RFI Signal Fail
(Alarm Only)
Signal Degrade
* Supported only on 20G Flex MOTR
** Not supported on these circuit packs
FLEX MOTR and Broadband circuit packs Fiber Channel, 8B10B, and
Transparent client protocols alarm hierarchy
Loss of Signal
Loss of Cl ock (BB, FM) Remote Port Unreachabl e (FM) Far End Client Rx Signal Fai lure
Excessive Error Ratio (BB) Remote Defect l ndication (FM) Client Service Mismatch (FM)
8xOTN Flex MOTR and (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR circuit packs Fiber
Channel, 8B10B, and Transparent client protocols alarm hierarchy
8xOTN Flex MOTR and (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR circuit packs WAN
facility alarm hierarchy
Broadband circuit packs client port facility OTM mapping layer alarm
OTM1 ODU Loss of
OTMFLEX Multi Frame
See Note
(1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR client port facility (low-order ODU0, ODU1, and
ODUFLEX facilities) alarm hierarchy
MSI Mismatch
Loss of Frame
and MultiFrame
WAN Facility
CP Equipment
Facility OOS
(masked by
(masked by
LOFEF Initialization in
Loss of Signal triggered Progress
Trace Identifier
* Trace Identifier
Mismatch (section)
RFI/RDI Traffic Squelched Signal Fail ** Trace Identifier DCC Link Fail
(OC/STM) (STS/HO VC) (OC/STM) Mismatch (OC/STM) (OC/STM)
Loss of Pointer
Loss of Pointer
Trace Identifier
Mismatch (VT/LO VC)
(L) EFM Link Fail Alarms (L) Local Fault (L) Remote Fault (L) Remote Port Unreachable (L) LACP Failed
(L) * Remote Invalid Config
July 2015
323-1851-543 Standard Issue 1
Fault Management - Alarm Clearing, Part 1 of 2
3-46 Alarm hierarchies and alarm severities
SFP Missing/Failed/Unknown
(W) alarm per WAN port
** not applicable
Loss of Clock ***,**** Manual to 40G circuit
Rx Power Out packs
of Range Provisioning
FEC Enable **,
Loss of Frame *** ****
FEC Enable
TR Control *** not applicable
**, ****
Disabled *, *** to L2MOTR/Flex
Tx Tuning in MOTR circuit packs
Pre-FEC OTU Signal Progress
Signal Fail ***,**** Fail *** **** not applicable
TR Control to OTM1 client
Echo Trace Facilities on the
Mismatch *** OTN MOTR 4x2.5G
deleted ****
TR Control Enable
GCC0 Pre-FEC Signal OTU Loss of
Initialization in
Link Fail Degrade***,**** BDI Multiframe
Progress *, ***
Multiplexed Rate
Mismatch ***, ****
Loss of
GCC1 Multiframe
deleted ****
GCC1 Link
Note 1: Regen, mated unprotected and 1+1 TPT configurations: only OTU alarms apply
Note 2: 1+1 Line and unmated configurations: OTU and ODU alarms apply
Loss of Signal
Loss of Signal
Signal Degrade
100G OCLD circuit packs line port OTM4 facility alarm hierarchy
CP Equipment Alarms, OTM4 FAC OOS, AINS, MT
RX Power Out of range
Loss of Signal
* RX Channel Power
OTU * Loss of Channel Out of range
Loss of Clock TR Control Echo Trace Mismatch
* Only applicable to colorless capable 100G OCLD variants when they are
deployed on colorless system
** Only applicable to BPSK Mode. Detection and report are disabled if maintenance
signal is present.
Note1: Regen and mated configurations: only OTU alarms apply
Note 2: Protected and unmated configurations: OTU and ODU alarms apply
100G WL3n MOTR circuit packs client port OTM2 facility alarm
100G WL3n CP Equipment Alarms, (CP Fail and above) OTM2 FAC OOS, AINS MT
Loss of Frame
Frequency Out of Range
Loss of Multiframe
Disable PreFEC OTU SF
Deleted GCC0 Link Fail * OTU TTI Mismatch OTU BDI OTU SD
100G WL3n MOTR circuit packs line port OTM4 facility alarm
100G MOTR Equipment Alarms (CP fail and above), OTM4 FAC OOS, AINS, MT
RX Power Out of range
OTU4 Loss of Signal
* RX Channel PowerOut
* Loss of Channel of range
Loss of Clock Channel Contention
Loss of Frame
Frequency Out of Range TR Control Echo Trace
Pre FEC OTU Signal Fail Mismatch
Deleted GCC0 Link Fail ** OTU BDI OTU TTI Mismatch
* Only applicable to colorless capable MOTR variants when they are deployed on
colorless line system
** GCC0 is not masked by facility OOS
100G WL3n MOTR circuit pack ETH40G client facility alarm hierarchy
The ETH40G client facility on the client port of 100G WL3n MOTR circuit pack
supports the following alarm hierarchy.
CP & Plug Equipment Alarms (CP fail and above), 40GE Facility OOS, MT, AINS
CP & Plug Equipment Alarms (CP fail and above), FC800/1200 Fac OOS, AINS, MT
Flex3 WL3e OCLD circuit packs line port OTMC2 facility alarm
OCLD Equipment Alarms, (CP Fail and above), OTMC2 FAC OOS, AINS, MT
RX Power Out of range
* Only applicable to colorless capable variant of OCLD deployed on colorless line system
** Only applicable to BPSK Mode. Detection and report are disabled if maintenance
signal is present.
Note1: "RX Channel Power Out Range" is detected for both the low-end and high-end
Note 2: The detection of low-end out of range is masked by the detection of the
"RX Power out of Range". The detection of high-end out of range is not masked by
the detection of "RX Power out of Range".
Flex3 WL3e OCLD circuit packs line port ODU4 facility in 16QAM
alarm hierarchy
100G WL3/WL3e OTR circuit packs line port OTM4 facility in QPSK
alarm hierarchy
100G OTR Equipment Alarms (CP Fail and above), OTM4 FAC OOS, AINS, MT
RX Power Out of range
* Only applicable to colorless capable variant of OTR deployed on colorless line system
Note1: "RX Channel Power Out Range" is detected for both the low-end and high-end
Note 2: The detection of low-end out of range is masked by the detection of the
"RX Power out of Range". The detection of high-end out of range is not masked by
the detection of "RX Power out of Range".
100G WL3/WL3e OTR circuit packs client port OTM4 facility alarm
100G CP Equipment Alarms, (CP Fail and above) OTM4 FAC OOS, AINS MT
OTU4 Loss of Signal
RX Power Out
of Range
Loss of Clock
Loss of Frame
100G OTR Equuipment Alarm (CP Fail and above), OTM4 FAC OOS, AINS MT
GCC1 Link Fail
OPU-CSF PT Mismatch
10x10GE MUX OCI circuit pack backplane port 100 OTM4 facility
alarm hierarchy
ODU GCC1 Link Fail
100G OCI circuit pack client port OTM4 facility alarm hierarchy
OTU Loss of Signal
RX Power Out
of range
Loss of Clock
100G OCI circuit pack client port OTM4 mapping layer facility alarm
GCC1 Link Fail
OOS Loss of
ODU Multiframe
Multiplexed Rate
GCC1 Link
Path Trace
Optical Line
Fail Automatic Shutoff
AMP Facility
Input Loss
of Signal
Output Loss
of Signal
Gage TCA
Loss of Signal OSC Signal Degrade
Adjacency Loss
Gauge TCA
RAMAN Automatic
RAMAN Automatic
Power Reduction
RAMAN Shutoff
Threshold Crossed
Circuit Pack
Equipment Alarms
OSC Signal
Adjacency Loss
High Fiber Loss ADJ
Provisioning Error
Adjacency Mismatch
Circuit Pack
Equipment Alarms
OPTMON Optical
Line Fail
Of Signal
(W) Forced Ring (R) Topology (R) Max Stations (R) Isolated (W) Ring
Switch Active Instability Exceeded Station Failure
(L) = alarm per LAN port
(W) = alarm per WAN port
(S) = alarm per STS
(R) = alarm per RPR port
(G) = alarm per LAG
= Alarm triggers
Loss of signal
Rx Signal Degrade
STM1e Rx Line SD
The alarm clearing procedures are presented in two chapters, “Alarm
clearing procedures—A to H” (this chapter) and Alarm clearing
procedures—I to Z (in Part 2 of this document). The complete “List of alarms”
is included in both chapters. The numbers in brackets after the alarm names
are the alarm IDs.
For more information on the services (and the circuit packs related to each
service) offered in this release, refer to chapter 2 in Part 1 of 6500 Planning,
This chapter provides procedures for clearing single and generic alarms.
Generic procedures are used for clearing more than one alarm type.
A list of alarms per alarm class is provided for each circuit pack in the 6500
circuit pack-based documents (323-1851-102.x).
ES Errored Second
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ESI External Synchronization Input
ESO External Synchronization Output
ETH Ethernet
FC Fiber Channel
FE Fast Ethernet
FEC Forward Error Correction
FICON Fiber Connection
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
GCC General Communication Channel
GE Gigabit Ethernet
GFP-F Generic Framing Procedure - Framed
GFP-T Generic Framing Procedure - Transparent
HERS Head End Ring Switching
HO High Order
IOP I/O Panel
IS In-Service
L2SS Layer 2 Service Switch
LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol
LAG Link Aggregation Group
LAN Local Area Network
LCAS Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme
LED Light-Emitting Diode
LIM Line Interface Module
LO Low Order
LOFEF Laser Off Far-End Fail
LOF Loss of Frame
Associated procedures
Some procedures require the user to perform procedures relating to other
topics. Before performing a procedure, if necessary, ensure the information
about the associated procedures is available.
All procedures assume that you have logged in to the network element. Refer
to the “Interface login and logout” procedures in chapter 1 of Administration
and Security, 323-1851-301.
List of alarms
The complete list of alarms is included here. However, the alarm clearing
procedures are presented in two parts (A to H and I to Z). The alarm clearing
procedures beginning with A to H are included in this chapter. Additionally,
non-hyperlinked references to procedures beginning with I to Z (included in
Part 2 of this document) are provided here.
“1+1/MSP linear and 1+1 TPT APS alarms” on page 4-25
“Adjacency Discovery Unreliable” on page 4-28
“Adjacency Far End Not Discovered” on page 4-30
“Adjacency Mismatch” on page 4-35
“Adjacency Provisioning Error” on page 4-39
AIS (DS1), see “DS1 Receive alarms” on page 4-235
AIS (DS3/E3), see “DS3 and E3 Receive alarms” on page 4-242
AIS (E1), see “E1 Receive alarms” on page 4-264
AIS (EC-1), see “EC-1 Receive alarms” on page 4-276
AIS (ESI), see “ESI alarms” on page 4-310
AIS (OC/STM), see Secondary alarms in Part 2 of this document
AIS (STS/HO VC), see Secondary alarms in Part 2 of this document
AIS (VT/LO VC), see Secondary alarms in Part 2 of this document
AIS (OC48/192/768/STM16/64/256 for BroadBand services), see
Secondary alarms in Part 2 of this document
AIS (OTUTTP, STTP), see Secondary alarms in Part 2 of this document
“Alarm Provisioning Near Limit” on page 4-42
“All Provisioned RADIUS Accounting Servers Unavailable” on page 4-43
“All Provisioned RADIUS Servers Unavailable” on page 4-45
“ALS Disabled” on page 4-46
“ALS Triggered - Laser is shutdown” on page 4-47
“Automatic Power Reduction Active” on page 4-48
“Automatic Shutoff” on page 4-54
“Automatic Shutoff Compromised” on page 4-56
“Automatic Shutoff Disabled” on page 4-57
“Auto Protection Switch Acknowledge Time Out” on page 4-59
“Autoprovisioning Mismatch” on page 4-61
“Gauge Threshold Crossing Alert Summary” on page 4-342
“GCC0/GCC1/GCC2 Link Failure” on page 4-347
GCC/GCC0/GCC1/GCC2 OSPF Adjacency Loss, see OSPF Adjacency
Loss alarms in Part 2 of this document
“Group Loss of Signal” on page 4-350
“High Fiber Loss” on page 4-352
“High Optical Power” on page 4-360
“High Received Span Loss” on page 4-362
“High Temperature” on page 4-364
“High Temperature Warning” on page 4-369
“Home Path Not defined” on page 4-374
ILAN-IN OSPF Adjacency Loss, see Part 2 of this document
ILAN-IN Port Failure, see Part 2 of this document
ILAN-OUT OSPF Adjacency Loss, see Part 2 of this document
ILAN-OUT Port Failure, see Part 2 of this document
Incomplete Software Lineup, see Part 2 of this document
Input Loss of Signal, see Part 2 of this document
Integrated Test Set Configured, see Part 2 of this document
Integrated Test Set Data Save In Progress, see Part 2 of this document
Intercard Suspected, see Part 2 of this document
Intercard Suspected - Pluggable, see Part 2 of this document
Intercard Suspected - Pluggable I/O Carrier 1, see Part 2 of this document
Intercard Suspected - Pluggable I/O Carrier 2, see Part 2 of this document
Internal Database Sync in Progress, see Part 2 of this document
Internal Mgmt Comms Suspected, see Part 2 of this document
Intrusion Attempt, see Part 2 of this document
Invalid Site Topology, see Part 2 of this document
I/O Module Mismatch, see Part 2 of this document
I/O Module Missing, see Part 2 of this document
I/O Module Unknown, see Part 2 of this document
I/O Panel Mismatch, see Part 2 of this document
of this document
ODU Loss of Frame and Multiframe (ODUTTP, ODUCTP), see Part 2 of
this document
of this document
ODU Signal Degrade (ODUTTP, ODUCTP, TCM), see Part 2 of this
ODU Signal Fail (OTM), see Part 2 of this document
ODU/OTU Trace Identifier Mismatch, see Part 2 of this document
Optical Line Fail, see Part 2 of this document
Optimization Scanning in Progress, see Part 2 of this document
see Part 2 of this document
OPU Payload Type Mismatch, see Part 2 of this document
OSC Loss of Signal, see Part 2 of this document
OSC Signal Degrade, see Part 2 of this document
OSC OSPF Adjacency Loss, see Part 2 of this document
OSPF Max Capacity Reached, see Part 2 of this document
OSRP CCI Session Down, see Part 2 of this document
OSRP CCI Session Out of Sync, see Part 2 of this document
OSRP Database Integrity Failed on page 5-197
OSRP Port Capability Mismatch, see Part 2 of this document
OSRP Line Operationally Blocked, see Part 2 of this document
OSRP Node Operationally Blocked, see Part 2 of this document
OTDR Trace In Progress, see Part 2 of this document
OTS Provisioning Error, see Part 2 of this document
OTU BDI (OTM1, OTM2, OTM3, OTM4), see Part 2 of this document
OTU Signal Degrade, see Part 2 of this document
OTU Signal Fail (OTM), see Part 2 of this document
OTU Skew Out Of Range, see Part 2 of this document
OTU Trace Identifier Mismatch, see Part 2 of this document
Output Loss of Signal, see Part 2 of this document
Packet Rate Limit Exceeded, see Part 2 of this document
Packet Rate Limit Exceeded - CU2, see Part 2 of this document
Payload Extended Label Mismatch, see Part 2 of this document
Payload Label Mismatch, see Part 2 of this document
Pluggable I/O Carrier 1 Fail, see Part 2 of this document
Pluggable I/O Carrier 2 Fail, see Part 2 of this document
Pluggable I/O Carrier 1 Missing, see Part 2 of this document
Pluggable I/O Carrier 2 Missing, see Part 2 of this document
Pluggable I/O Carrier 1 Unknown, see Part 2 of this document
Pluggable I/O Carrier 2 Unknown, see Part 2 of this document
Pluggable I/O Panel Mismatch, see Part 2 of this document
Pluggable I/O Panel Missing, see Part 2 of this document
Pluggable I/O Panel Unknown, see Part 2 of this document
Port Bandwidth Near Limit, see Part 2 of this document
Power Failure, see Part 2 of this document
Power Failure - A or Power Failure - B, see Part 2 of this document
Power Failure - A (DSM) or Power Failure - B (DSM), see Part 2 of this
Power Failure - Fuse Blown, see Part 2 of this document
Power Failure - Low Voltage, see Part 2 of this document
Pre-FEC Signal Fail, see Part 2 of this document
Pre-FEC Signal Degrade, see Part 2 of this document
Primary RADIUS Server Unavailable, see Part 2 of this document
Primary Shelf Unreachable, see Part 2 of this document
Protection Channel Match Fail, see “1+1/MSP linear and 1+1 TPT APS
alarms” on page 4-25
Protection Default K-bytes, see Part 2 of this document
Protection Exerciser Failed, see Part 2 of this document
Protection Exerciser Failed Protection, see Part 2 of this document
Protection Exerciser Failed Working, see Part 2 of this document
Protection Invalid K-bytes, see Part 2 of this document
Protection Locked, see Part 2 of this document
Protection Mode Mismatch, see Part 2 of this document
VOA Output LOS, see Part 2 of this document
VT-STS bandwidth near limit, see Part 2 of this document
Warm Restart Required, see Part 2 of this document
Wavelength Measurement Error, see Part 2 of this document
Wavelength Measurement Warning, see Part 2 of this document
WAYSIDE 1/2 Port Failure, see Part 2 of this document
Procedure 4-1
1+1/MSP linear and 1+1 TPT APS alarms
Protection Channel Match Fail
Alarm ID: 263, 291, 953, 1018, 1108, 1324, 1336, 1701
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when:
• the received channel ID on the protection interface circuit pack is not as
expected. This is normally because of a failure in the interface circuit pack.
• the automatic protection switching (APS) communications protocol
between the two optical interfaces is not working because the optical fiber
is not connected to the correct slot at either end
• the protection engine does not receive APS bytes from the far-end
• the protection engine receives invalid APS bytes from the far-end
• OTM1 bi-directional protection line is connected to a LO Regen and the
protection switch fails on a 8xOTN Flex MOTR, (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR, or
on the integrated OTN Flex MOTR function in a 2-slot shelf w/SP + OTN
Flex MOTR 8xSFP shelf assemblies (NTK503MAE5 and NTK503NAE5).
This alarm is only raised on the OTN 1+1 line-side protection, 1+1/MSP linear,
1+1 port TPT, and 1+1 TPT protected configurations.
For OTN protection, this alarm is applicable only if the protection scheme is
1+1 port TPT and bi-directional.
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm
This alarm is raised on 1+1/MSP linear, 1+1 port TPT, and 1+1 TPT protected
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• have the optical fiber connection information (that is, how the optical
modules on each network element connect to other network elements)
Step Action
1 Identify the interface circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the Procedure 2-
12,“Identifying the circuit pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has
raised an alarm”.
2 Identify the protection provisioning on the circuit pack raising the alarm.
Ensure that the protection scheme is 1+1/MSP linear, 1+1 port TPT, or 1+1
TPT. Refer to the “Retrieving protection parameters” procedure in Part 2 of
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310. If the protection is
not 1+1/MSP linear, 1+1 port TPT, or 1+1 TPT, contact your next level of
support or your Ciena support group.
3 Identify the protection provisioning on the far-end. Ensure that the protection
scheme is 1+1/MSP linear, 1+1 port TPT, or 1+1 TPT. If the same alarm
appears at the other end, two fibers have been swapped. If a different alarm
condition exists at the far-end, investigate the alarm to identify and localize
the fault.
4 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
If the original alarm was Then go to
Protection Channel Match Fail step 5
Protection Switch Byte Fail step 7
5 Verify that the optical fibers/cables are connected to the correct ports at each
node. The working port of the protection pair at the near-end must be fibered
to the working port of the protection pair at the remote end. The protection
port of the protection pair at the near-end must be fibered to the protection
port of the protection pair at the remote end.
Use Section Trace to identify fiber connectivity. Refer to the “Retrieving and
editing section trace messages” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
Step Action
7 Replace the interface circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the equipment
replacement procedures in chapter 2 of Fault Management - Module
Replacement, 323-1851-545. Select the appropriate procedure from the
“Module replacement procedures list” table. Wait 30 seconds.
8 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 9
Procedure 4-2
Adjacency Discovery Unreliable
Alarm ID: 1072
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a remote shelf that the SPLI feature is tracking has
not communicated (UDP) with the SPLI application for more than 10 minutes.
This could happen:
• if the remote shelf has changed their SiteID or TID
• if the remote shelf is isolated from the network
• if the remote shelf is constantly restarting
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• have a network plan or other documents that allow you to determine the
SPLI connectivity
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0, or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
Step Action
1 Determine which shelves are unreliable using the SPLI tab in the Node
Information application. Find the nodes and shelves with a status of
Refer to the “Displaying node information” procedure in chapter 4 of
Administration and Security, 323-1851-301, for more information about the
Node Information application.
2 Verify whether the TID or siteID has changed on those nodes. If changes
have been made, change the TID or siteID of those nodes back to the original
ones if necessary.
3 If changes have not been made, verify that comms are working correctly by
logging into the network element.
4 Click the Refresh button in the SPLI tab of the Node Information window to
retrieve the latest statuses.
Step Action
5 If SPLI is not matching all the TID-shelves that are listed as unreliable, click
on the Delete button. This will remove all the unreliable entries from the table.
Note that any OMD4, OMX and CMD44 Tx/Rx Adjacency with the Auto
Discovered parameter set to Auto, which is associated with the remote TID-
Shelf entries that are being deleted will be deprovisioned if their DOC Care
parameter is set to False. As well the discovered Far End Addresses will be
set to Unknown.
6 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 7
Procedure 4-3
Adjacency Far End Not Discovered
Alarm ID: 538
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against an ADJ-LINE facility or the MPO ADJ facility when
the adjacency cannot be automatically discovered from the far-end. Possible
reasons for this far-end adjacency not being discovered include:
• the two adjacency end points have not been fibered
• the two adjacency end points have been fibered but some other problem
exists with the fiber or connection
• there is a comms provisioning error, where the TID-level comms circuit is
incorrectly provisioned or not provisioned at one or both ends of the
alarmed span
• an upstream network element has undergone a restart operation. The
alarm will clear once the restart completes
• fibers at the Line AMP NE are swapped (misconnected/crossed)
• the ADJ-LINE Expected Far End Address is incorrectly provisioned
• the appropriate OSC is not provisioned in the OTS or in the OTS Slot
Sequence or is not functioning correctly
• the WSS Flex C-Band w/OPM 20x1or CCMD8x16 has undergone a cold
restart operation
• the WSS Flex C-Band w/OPM 20x1or CCMD8x16 has been unseated or
the RJ45 cable has been pulled from FIM1 or FIM2
• the TIDC/IP is not provisioned
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• have a fiber cleaning kit (for a CDC configuration, an MPO cleaning kit is
needed. See the “Cleaning connectors” chapter in Installation - General
Information, 323-1851-201.0)
• have the engineering documentation package (EDP) for shelf details
Step Action
2 For the CDC MPO, the ADJ EFEA is derived from the TID Slot Sequence
provisioning. Verify that this is provisioned correctly and apply changes if
required. Go to step 6. Refer to the “Editing facility parameters” procedure in
Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
3 Verify and correct the adjacency provisioning information as required. Refer
to the “Editing facility parameters” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
4 If applicable, check the OSC facility states and confirm provisioning of the
OSC in the OTS or in the Slot Sequence.
5 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 6
Step Action
7 Clear any alarms that indicate a fiber break or disconnect, such as:
• Automatic Power Reduction Active
• Automatic Shutoff
• Input Loss of Signal
• Loss of Signal (OPTMON)
• Optical Line Fail
8 verify the fibers at the Line AMP NE or MPO Adjacency facility for any
reversed fiber connections and correct if necessary.
9 Verify that the provisioned values for ADJ-LINE Expected Far End Address
Format or Expected Far End Address are correct.
Step Action
Site F Site G
slot 1 slot 2
8 In 5 Out
5 Out 8 In
Line adjacency ADJ-1-1-5
far end address SiteG-1-2-8
Line adjacency ADJ-1-2-5
far end address SiteF-1-1-8
shelf slot port
Figure 4-2
MPO adjacency example for WSS Flex C-Band w/OPM 20x1 facility model
Procedure 4-4
Adjacency Mismatch
Alarm ID: 539
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against an ADJ-LINE facility when the Expected far-end
address parameter of the line adjacency is manually provisioned, but does
not match the discovered address (Actual Far End Address) listed for the
ADJ-LINE facility.
If the provisioned information is correct, mis-fibering can be the cause for this
This alarm is also raised against an ADJ-TX or ADJ-RX facility when either the
ADJ-TX or ADJ-RX facility has a discovered type that does not match the
transmitter or receiver type.
Change to the discovered type occurs when the expected far-end addresses
that establish the connection between the transmitter circuit packs and the
CMD44 ports have changed or the provisioning on the transmitter circuit pack
has changed.
Normally when the ADJ-TX or ADJ-RX facility has Auto Discovered set to
Auto, any change to the discovered type will be automatically populated to the
transmitter or receiver type. However, if the change happens while the ADJ-
TX or the ADJ-RX is managed by DOC (DOC Care is True), a cross-connect
exists, or if the “Synch Provisioned” parameter is false, this auto-population is
not possible and causes a mismatch.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• know the correct far-end address for the alarmed adjacency
Step Action
2 Using the network planning diagram, verify if the Expected far-end address
adjacency parameter is correct. Refer to the “Retrieving equipment and
facility details” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
Step Action
4 Edit the Expected far-end address and Expected far-end address format
adjacency parameters so that they match the Actual far-end address and
Actual far-end address Format listed for the ADJ-LINE facility. Refer to the
“Editing facility parameters” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
5 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
This procedure is complete.
6 Using the network planning diagram, verify that the actual far-end address
parameter is correct.
7 If the actual far-end address is Then go to
correct step 8
incorrect step 11
8 Verify that the transmitter circuit pack (that the ADJ actual far-end address
points to) is provisioned correctly. Correct the provisioning on the transmitter
circuit pack in order for it to match the ADJ Tx/Rx transmitter/receiver type.
9 Make sure that the “Synch Provisioned” parameter on the CMD44 ADJ-TX is
set to true.
10 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group. This procedure is complete.
11 If the actual far-end address is NULL, provision the correct expected far-end
address between the transmitter circuit pack and the CMD44 ADJ-TX port.
Otherwise, clear the SPLI match that is discovered by setting the expected
far-end address to NULL at the CMD44 ADJ-TX and transmitting circuit pack
(if it supports ADJ provisioning). Then reprovision with the correct expected
far-end address.
12 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Figure 4-3
Line adjacency far-end address examples
Site F Site G
slot 1 slot 2
8 In 5 Out
5 Out 8 In
Line adjacency ADJ-1-1-5
far end address SiteG-1-2-8
Line adjacency ADJ-1-2-5
far end address SiteF-1-1-8
shelf slot port
Procedure 4-5
Adjacency Provisioning Error
Alarm ID: 707
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against an ADJ facility when the inter-shelf provisioning
is missing, and there is a channel with an optical cross-connect or inter-
domain passthrough (over that adjacency or over the paired adjacency) in the
opposite direction.
This alarm is also raised against a DSCM adjacency facility that is provisioned
in the OTS when the OTS “Enhanced Topology” attribute is Enabled and the
DSCM does not have its DISP facility properly provisioned.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• have the engineering documentation package (EDP) for shelf details
Step Action
1 If this is a Then go to
ROADM site step 2
TOADM site step 6
Step Action
12 Check the DSCM has its DISP facility properly provisioned. Refer to the
“Retrieving equipment and facility details” procedure in Part 1 of
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
13 Check the inter-OTS adjacency is properly provisioned. Refer to the
“Retrieving equipment and facility details” procedure in Part 1 of
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
14 Check if there is a TID changed on the local shelf. Refer to the “Displaying
node information” procedure in Administration and Security, 323-1851-301.
15 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-6
Alarm Provisioning Near Limit
Alarm ID: 653
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the number of VTs provisioned as monitored on a
given circuit pack is approaching the allowed limit.
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Delete any provisioned VTs that are not required. Refer to the “Deleting path
cross-connects” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Bandwidth and Data
Services, 323-1851-320.
2 If the alarm does not clear, set the provisioning for another VT back to the
default profile.
3 If more VT provisioning is required, contact your network administrator to
determine your course of action.
Procedure 4-7
All Provisioned RADIUS Accounting Servers
Alarm ID: 1518
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when no response is received from any provisioned
RADIUS accounting server during a user-provisioned timeout.
This alarm is also raised when the RADIUS accounting server provisioning on
the network element is incorrect.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 4 UPC.
Step Action
Step Action
Procedure 4-8
All Provisioned RADIUS Servers Unavailable
Alarm ID: 582
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when:
• all requests to the primary and secondary RADIUS servers of a shelf
processor time out
• all requests to a RADIUS server of a shelf processor time out and only one
RADIUS server has been provisioned (primary or secondary)
If the All Provisioned RADIUS servers Unavailable alarm is raised and only a
single RADIUS server is provisioned (primary or secondary), provisioning the
second RADIUS server will cause the All Provisioned RADIUS servers
Unavailable alarm to clear and either the Primary RADIUS Server Unavailable
or Secondary RADIUS Server Unavailable alarm to be raised for the original
RADIUS server.
If the alternate method for security is Challenge/Response, the user can log
in using the challenge response generated by Site Manger. The shared secret
is required to generate the correct response. If the alternate method for
security is Local, the user can log in using a local user ID and password.
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 4 UPC.
Step Action
1 Ensure the primary and secondary RADIUS servers of the shelf processor
are enabled and have a valid IP address. Refer to the “Provisioning the
primary or secondary RADIUS server” procedure in chapter 2 of
Administration and Security, 323-1851-301.
2 Log into the network element again using the RADIUS authentication
(centralized security administration).
3 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-9
ALS Disabled
Alarm ID: 1112
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the ALS feature has been disabled on a port.
Risk of personal injury
Disabling the ALS feature creates a potentially dangerous
situation since the laser no longer shuts down when a Loss of
Signal alarm is raised.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Before you perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Module
Replacement Procedures, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
2 Enable ALS on the port. Refer to the “Editing facility parameters” procedure
in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
3 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-10
ALS Triggered - Laser is shutdown
Alarm ID: 1111
Probable cause
This alarm is raised to indicate the ALS feature has shutdown the laser after
detecting a Loss of Signal alarm.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for an active circuit pack
Major, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm for an inactive circuit pack
Before you perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Module
Replacement Procedures, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
1 Identify the circuit pack/port raising the alarm and check whether a Loss of
Signal alarm is present on the same port. See Procedure 2-12, “Identifying
the circuit pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm”
on page 2-40.
2 If a Loss of Signal alarm Then
is present on the port clear the Loss of Signal alarm, see the
“Loss of Signal” alarm clearing procedure
in Part 2 of this document
is not present on the port contact your next level of support or your
Ciena support group
3 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-11
Automatic Power Reduction Active
Alarm ID: 542, 941, 1795
Probable cause
The APR alarm is raised against the input or Line A output port of an AMP,
VOA, or AMPMON facility. The APR condition is caused by a reflection
somewhere downstream from the AMP, VOA, or AMPMON facility. This
reflection can be caused by:
• dirty optical connectors
• improper optical cable mating
• a disconnected optical fiber at the amplifier output
• an optical fiber cut
• a degraded optical fiber
• a disconnected or missing termination
• misprovisioning of an amplifier resulting in excessive power being injected
into the mid-stage DSCM or fiber-plant
When the ORL reading is not valid because the power into the backward
reflective monitor tap is too low and cannot be measured accurately, the ORL
PM reading(s) report “OOR”. The true ORL reading(s) cannot be determined
in this case.
Upon alarm recovery, no OTDR trace is run (different from APR on Line A In),
the RAMAN pumps are turned back on and traffic recovers. This alarm masks
the “Low Optical Return Loss” alarm on the AMPMON facility.
As of Release 10.2, certain C-band amplifier circuit packs are supported in
MuxAmp configurations. The MuxAmp is used in some networks where
lower power interfaces (like the WL3n source) are used. This configuration
requires that the Shelf Processor disables the Automatic Power Reduction
(APR), otherwise APR may be triggered during normal operation. For this
reason these amplifiers are reclassified as Class 1M from IEC 60825-1.
When APR is disabled, clamping is added automatically to ensure safety.
The following C-band amplifier circuit packs may have a Hazard Level
1 warning label.
– NTK552AAE5, Single Line Amplifier (SLA C-Band), Revision 19 and lower
– NTK552BAE5, Midstage Line Amplifier (MLA C-Band), Revision 19 and lower
For the SLA, MLA, XLA, MLA L-Band, MLA C-Band, and MLA3 circuit pack
AMP facility, or the MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack VOA facility, this alarm is raised
when the optical return loss (ORL) drops below a fixed threshold (17 dB).
When the ORL falls below the threshold, the system reduces the amplifier
output power level to minimize the danger of personal eye injury.
For the XLA, LIM, and SRA circuit packs, this alarm can be raised on the
AMPMON facility. The RAMAN state can be displayed using TL1 or Site
Manager. Possible RAMAN states are Normal/APR/Shutoff.
For an SRA circuit pack, this alarm is raised on the AMPMON facility if the total
input power (Line A In) is higher than 18.3 dBm (class 1M) and the ORL on
Line A Out is lower than 22 dB (fixed threshold, not provisionable). There is a
3 dB hysteresis, so the ORL needs to be greater than 25 dB for the alarm to
clear. There is no change to the input power for the Automatic Power
Reduction alarm on the RAMAN facility (Line A In). When the alarm is active,
the RAMAN pumps shutoff automatically.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• have the engineering documentation package (EDP)
• have a fiber cleaning kit
• have a replacement module
Step Action
2 Confirm that the amplifier's provisioning matches what is defined in the EDP.
The amplifier's provisioning can be checked by using the Configuration-
>Equipment and Facility Provisioning screen in Site Manager. Edit the power
level values as required. Refer to the “Retrieving equipment and facility
details” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,
Step Action
5 Ensure that all LC/SC connectors located after the amplifier output are
properly mated. Verify this on both ends of the connector-mating receptacles.
6 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 7
7 Ensure that the termination plugs are present and are mated properly on
unused ports.
8 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 9
Step Action
Risk of laser radiation exposure
Do not look directly into the optical beam. Invisible light
can severely damage your eyes.
Risk of damage to modules
Never disconnect an optical fiber that is connected to
an active or powered up optical amplifier. To disconnect
or reconnect an optical fiber, make sure the optical
amplifier is out of service (OOS), then disconnect or
reconnect the fiber.
Risk of damage to modules
Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the equipment
from static damage. Connect the wrist strap to the ESD
jack on the shelf or module.
Place the alarmed AMP or RAMAN facility out of service (OOS) using the Edit
button in the Configuration->Equipment and Facility Provisioning screen of
Site Manager. For further instructions refer to the “Changing the primary state
of a facility” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,
Note that for the MLA2V, you should place the amplifier with the same port
number as the alarmed VOA facility OOS.
Risk of traffic loss
Only disconnect the output fiber of the alarmed optical
amplifier. It is not necessary to disconnect any other
output fibers, which could affect service.
Disconnect the output fiber of the alarmed optical amplifier, clean the output
fiber and connectors at the amplifier, then reconnect the fiber.
Step Action
11 Place the AMP or RAMAN facility back in-service (IS) using the Edit button in
the Configuration->Equipment and Facility Provisioning screen of Site
Manager. For further instructions refer to the “Changing the primary state of
a facility” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,
Note that for the MLA2V, you should place the amplifier with the same port
number as the alarmed VOA facility IS.
12 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 13
13 You may have to clean a specific connector or connectors that may not be
immediately connected to the alarmed amplifier output. For information on
isolating connector losses, complete Procedure 2-16, “Locating a reflective
14 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-12
Automatic Shutoff
Alarm ID: 590, 942
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against an AMP facility or SRA RAMAN facility when an
ALSO condition is triggered, and is raised against any amplifier that has been
shut off. An ALSO condition is cleared when the OSC receives a clean signal
or in case of SRA circuit pack, receives a clean telemetry signal from an
upstream network element.
The RAMAN state can be displayed using TL1 or Site Manager. Possible
RAMAN states are Normal, APR, or Shutoff.
Risk of radiation exposure
If light is used to test the broken fiber (for example, with a light
source or an OTDR), certain Automatic Laser Shut Off (ALSO)
and loss of signal alarms can clear. When the shelf detects
light, the alarms clear and the amplifier facility is powered up.
This is an expected behavior because a shelf cannot
distinguish between a light source from an optical test set and
a light source from a shelf.
Ensure the adjacent optical amplifiers are out of service (OOS)
when performing fiber repairs.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Complete the Optical Line Fail alarm clearing procedure in Part 2 of this
2 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-13
Automatic Shutoff Compromised
Alarm ID: 1775
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the Rx/Tx fibers of the OSC on an SRA/SAM/ESAM
circuit pack are crossed at one or both ends of a photonic span.
For the SRA circuit packs, this alarm is raised when the OSC Tx fiber is
The alarm is also raised when the Tx power on the SFP is below the threshold
or if the transmitter is disabled.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• have the engineering documentation package (EDP)
• have a fiber cleaning kit
Step Action
1 Ensure that the OSC fibers are correctly connected at both ends of their
2 If the alarm does not clear, ensure that the transmitter is enabled. Check for
and clean any dirty fibers. Refer to the “Cleaning connectors” chapter in
Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0.
3 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-14
Automatic Shutoff Disabled
Alarm ID: 1035, 1746
Probable cause
This alarm is raised on AMP or OPTMON facilities when you set the ALSO
Disabled parameter to True through Site Manager for the AMP or OPTMON
facility. The AMP and OPTMON facility is put in this mode for certain
maintenance actions such as:
• recovery from ALSO in certain configurations
• check for ORL at SLAT Time
• during the nodal continuity testing
• initial turn up and recovery on a stretched span (for example: without
This alarm is also raised temporarily when DOC performs a power audit.
During the power audit, DOC disables the automatic laser shutoff (ALSO)
feature on the XLA so that the XLA can generate amplifier noise (ASE) for the
SRA calibration. At the end of the power audit, DOC re-enables the automatic
laser shutoff feature and the alarm will clear.
Risk of laser radiation exposure
During this procedure the fiber plant does not have to be
disrupted and the system remains a Class 1(IEC)/Class I
(FDA) product.
If the fiber downstream of the AMP Line A output connector
becomes disconnected accidentally while the “Automatic
Shutoff Disabled” alarm is active, the radiation at the exposed
fiber can be at hazard level 1M (IEC 60825-2). In this situation,
you must take all safety precautions appropriate to hazard level
1M (IEC 60825-2). The ORL-based APR safety mechanism
remains active.
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with a level 4 or higher user
privilege code (UPC).
Step Action
Procedure 4-15
Auto Protection Switch Acknowledge Time Out
Alarm IDs: 427, 428, 429, 430, 954, 1016, 1109, 1325, 1337, 1395, 1702
Probable cause
This alarm is raised for 1+1 OTN protection, 1+1/MSP linear, 1+1 port TPT,
and 1+1 TPT protection groups if an expected reverse request is not received
by the tail end of a switch within 50 ms.
This alarm can be raised if a local 6500 1+1/MSP linear protection group is set
to bidirectional mode and the far-end is operating in unidirectional mode.
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must have the optical fiber/cable connection
information (that is, how the circuit packs on each network element connect to
other network elements and if applicable, how each OC-3 connects to the
Step Action
1 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the Procedure 2-12,
“Identifying the circuit pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised
an alarm”.
2 Ensure the fibering of the network is done properly. If not, make changes to
correct the problem. If the alarm does not clear, continue with the next step.
3 From your company records, determine the correct switch mode for the link.
If the correct mode is Then go to
unidirectional step 4
bidirectional step 5
4 At the local network element, change the switch mode of the optical interface
pair identified in step 1. Refer to the “Changing the protection parameters for
a pair of facilities or equipment” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310. Go to step 7.
Note: Changing the protection switch mode for one of the optical
interface circuit packs in a pair automatically changes the protection
switch mode for the other circuit pack in the pair.
5 Use the optical fiber/cable connection information to identify the network
element and optical interface modules that are on the remote end of the link.
Step Action
6 Log into the remote network element and change the mode of the optical
interface modules to bidirectional.
7 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-16
Autoprovisioning Mismatch
Alarm ID: 60
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when:
• a circuit pack is installed in an unprovisioned slot that does not support
that circuit pack. For example, a photonic circuit pack inserted in a slot
reserved by an OTS for a different EQPT type. There is no effect on shelf
• more than the expected number of circuit packs on a shelf are provisioned.
For example, more than four WSS w/OPM circuit packs in a 14-slot shelf
• a SCMD4 variant that is identical to one that is already provisioned in the
OTS is inserted into a slot that is reserved for a SCMD4 in that OTS.
• a 40G, 100G or ULH circuit pack is inserted in a non-40G/100G shelf type.
When auto equipping is disabled, this alarm is not raised if you install a circuit
pack in an unprovisioned slot that does not support that circuit pack.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• if necessary, obtain a replacement circuit pack or a filler card
Step Action
1 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the Procedure 2-12,
“Identifying the circuit pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised
an alarm”.
2 Make sure you do not have more than two 2xOSC circuit packs or more than
four WSS w/OPM circuit packs installed in the shelf.
3 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
4 Verify whether the slot is reserved by an OTS for a different equipment type.
Step Action
5 If Then go to
the alarmed slot is reserved by an OTS for a different step 6
equipment type
otherwise step 7
6 You can edit the OTS instance using the OTS Management application to
release the slot. Then go to step 9.
If you do not want to edit the OTS instance, go to step 10.
7 If Then go to
the circuit pack in the alarmed slot is a spare circuit pack you step 8
want to store in that slot
otherwise step 10
8 Disable auto equipping for the alarmed slot. Refer to the “Enabling/disabling
slot-based automatic equipping” procedure in Administration and Security,
9 Reseat the circuit pack in the same slot. Refer to the equipment replacement
procedures in chapter 2 of Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-
1851-545. Go to step 11.
10 Remove the circuit pack in the alarmed slot and replace it with a circuit pack
that is supported in the slot (refer to the “Shelf circuit packs and slot numbers”
table in chapter 1 of Planning - Ordering Information, 323-1851-151), a circuit
pack of the correct equipment type, or a filler card. Refer to the equipment
replacement procedures in chapter 2 of Fault Management - Module
Replacement, 323-1851-545.
11 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-17
Autoprovisioning Mismatch - Pluggable
Alarm ID: 343
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when an SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO installed in an
unprovisioned port of a circuit pack is not supported for that circuit pack.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm for an inactive pluggable
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for an active pluggable
To perform this procedure, you must:
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• obtain a supported replacement SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO for the
corresponding circuit pack (refer to the “Supported SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/
DPO modules for interface circuit packs” table in chapter 7 of 6500
Planning, NTRN10DE)
Step Action
1 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the Procedure 2-12,
“Identifying the circuit pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised
an alarm”. The Unit field in the Active Alarms application specifies the circuit
pack, shelf ID, circuit pack slot, and SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO port using the
following format:
<circuit pack>-<shelf-id>-slot#-SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO port#
Risk of damage to modules
Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the equipment
from static damage. Connect the wrist strap to the ESD
jack on the shelf or module.
Step Action
Procedure 4-18
AutoRoute Configuration Mismatch
Alarm ID: 1262
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when:
• the Autoroute OTS parameter values are not provisioned consistently in
the channel access OTS instances at a site and/or within a domain.
• a mismatch is detected among the channel access OTS instances at site.
The detection is limited by the connectivity among the shelves at the site.
For example, the availability of TR records from the other shelves.
The alarm is raised against the OTS instances where the Autoroute parameter
value is Enable.
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter in
Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
Procedure 4-19
Backplane ID Module 1/2 Failed
Alarm IDs: 679, 680
Use this procedure to clear the following alarms:
• Backplane ID Module 1 Failed
• Backplane ID Module 2 Failed
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the shelf identifier unit 1 or unit 2 on the backplane
has failed, is missing, has invalid data, or cannot be read.
The “Backplane ID Module 2 Failed” alarm is also raised when the shelf
identifier unit 2 on the backplane detects a Mismatch between SID1 and SID2.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must have an electrostatic device (ESD)
ground strap.
Step Action
1 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
2 If Then go to
the shelf has 2 shelf processors with protection step 6
otherwise step 3
3 Cold Restart the shelf processor. Wait five minutes for the shelf processor to
restart. Refer to Procedure 2-11, “Restarting a circuit pack or shelf processor”
on page 2-30.
4 If the alarm is Then go to
cleared This procedure is complete.
not cleared step 5
5 Reseat the shelf processor. Wait five minutes for the shelf processor to
restart. Refer to the “Reseating a circuit pack” procedure in Fault
Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545. Go to step 15.
Step Action
14 Reseat the active shelf processor. This will cause an automatic shelf
processor protection switch. Wait five minutes for the shelf processor to
restart. Refer to Procedure 2-11, “Restarting a circuit pack or shelf processor”
on page 2-30” in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
15 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-20
Bandwidth Oversubscribed
Alarm IDs: 1767
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a Holding Priority Bandwidth on an OSRP link is
reduced below zero relative to the Maximum Available Bandwidth on the link.
This can occur during SNC Preemption or a Reserved Home Path Bandwidth
on the link or if an OSRP line is removed/deleted from the OSRP link where
the available link bandwidth would become negative.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Change the Holding Priority Bandwidth on a link to zero or greater than zero
by adding more lines to the link to increase the available bandwidth or reduce
the bandwidth usage by re-grooming/rerouting some SNCs on the link to a
different path or different Home Path. Refer to the OSRP provisioning
procedures in chapter 1 of Configuration - Control Plane, 323-1851-330.
2 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-21
Battery Low
Alarm IDs: 1820
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against the 4x10G OTR w/Encryption (NTK530QE) circuit
pack when the on-board battery has to be replaced.
Note: The NTK530QE variant of 4x10G OTR circuit pack has an on-board
SR44 type battery that is used to protect sensitive material. Ciena
recommends using the Renata 357 battery or one with similar
specifications (1.55 V nominal voltage, 190 mAh capacity and an
operating temperature of 0 °C to 60 °C). For security-related information
on the NTK530QE, refer to Encryption and FIPS Security Policy Overview
and Procedures, 323-1851-340.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• have a replacement battery
Step Action
Risk of traffic loss
Before replacing the battery, ensure the 4x10G OTR w/
Encryption (NTK530QE) circuit pack is powered up in a
chassis for at least one hour. Otherwise, the circuit
pack will become non-functional upon removal of the
1 Remove circuit pack from chassis. Refer to the “Replacing an optical interface
circuit pack” procedures in chapter 2 of Fault Management - Module
Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
2 Replace the old battery with a new battery. Use a Renata 357 (Renata
SR1154W) or equivalent battery for the replacement. The new battery must
be put in within an hour. Refer to the “Changing the battery” procedure in
Encryption and FIPS Security Policy Overview and Procedures, 323-1851-
Risk of traffic loss
The 4x10G OTR (NTK530QE variant) circuit pack
requires a valid Time of Day (TOD) in order to perform
the certificate validation before bringing up traffic. The
TOD information is received from the SP on every
circuit pack restart.
Procedure 4-22
BW Lockout Configured
Alarm IDs: 1771
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a bandwidth lockout is applied against both ends of
an OSRP line intended for maintenance activities. The alarm will be cleared if
either end of the line becomes bandwidth unlocked.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must use an account with a level 3 or higher
Step Action
Procedure 4-23
Cable Trace Compromised
Alarm ID: 1850
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when there is a hardware malfunction on the Smart
Connect Module (SCM) on the Fiber Interconnect Module (FIM).
The alarm can also be raised against the WSS Flex C-Band w/OPM 20x1 or
the CCMD8x16 circuit pack.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Step Action
1 Identify the circuit pack or module raising the alarm. Refer to Procedure 2-12,
“Identifying the circuit pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised
an alarm” on page 2-40.
Risk of traffic loss
Replacement of the FIM, WSS Flex C-Band w/OPM
20x1, or CCMD8x16 is service affecting. If the alarm is
unexpected, contact your next level of support or your
Ciena support group before replacing the circuit pack
or module.
3 Replace the WSS Flex C-Band w/OPM 20x1 circuit pack or CCMD8x16
module. Refer to the “Replacing the WSS w/OPM or SMD 50GHz w/OPM
circuit pack” or “Replacing a CCMD12, CCMD8x16 C-Band 1xCXM, C-Band
or SCMD4 circuit pack” procedure in Fault Management - Module
Replacement, 323-1851-545. Go to step 5.
4 Replace the FIM. Refer to “Replacing a Fiber Interconnect Modules (FIM)”
procedure in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
5 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-24
Calibration Required
Alarm ID: 1716
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when calibration of the RAMAN amplifier is required.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Step Action
1 Perform a manual calibration on the RAMAN amplifier. The alarm clears when
the calibration is successful. Refer to the “Performing a manual power audit”
procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
Note: This alarm also clears If the RAMAN Pump Mode is set to MANUAL
2 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-25
CCM Error
Alarm ID: 1208
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against a Maintenance Association (MA) entity when a
Maintenance End Point (MEP) receives at least one Continuity Check
Message (CCM) with an incorrect transmission interval, or same MEPID as
the receiving MEP, or with unknown MEPID (but the MA and MD level are
Major, Service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
Step Action
1 Verify the MEPs on both nodes (local MEP and the remote MEP) are
transmitting CCM with the same CCM interval value. Refer to the “Data
services Ethernet OAM provisioning” chapter in Part 3 of Configuration -
Bandwidth and Data Services, 323-1851-320.
2 If the CCM interval values are different, ensure that the service is not cross-
connected to another service.
Note: If there are multiple RMEPs, use the "RTRV-MEP-DEFECTS2" TL1
command (or) the Defects tab in Ethernet OAM provisioning window in Site
Manager to isolate the alarm condition against a specific RMEP.
3 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-26
Certificate About to Expire
Alarm ID: 1817
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against the 4x10G OTR w/Encryption (NTK530QE) circuit
pack to indicate a certificate in the SecureID will expire in 90 days.
For the 4x10G OTR w/Encryption (NTK530QE) circuit pack, X.509 certificates
are used for authentication in datapath encryption and web access using the
encryption management interface (MyCryptoTool). A Certificate Authority
(CA) issues a certificate with a given expiry date.
Step Action
Procedure 4-27
Certificate Expired
Alarm ID: 1818
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against the 4x10G OTR w/Encryption (NTK530QE) circuit
pack to indicate a certificate in the SecureID has expired.
For the 4x10G OTR w/Encryption (NTK530QE) circuit pack, X.509 certificates
are used for authentication in datapath encryption and web access using the
encryption management interface (MyCryptoTool). A Certificate Authority
(CA) issues a certificate with given expiry date. If the time of day on the circuit
pack passes the certificate expiry date, this alarm is raised.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Step Action
Procedure 4-28
Channel Contention
Alarm ID: 1860, 1870
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against the line facility of 100G WL3 OCLD, 100G FLEX2
OCLD, 100G WL3n MOTR, 100G WL3e OTR, Flex 2 WL3e OCLD, or Flex 3
WL3e OCLD circuit packs when the provisioned wavelength/frequency is
already in use and is detected by the circuit pack.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• observe all safety requirements described in “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Part 1 of Installation, 323-1851-
201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545
• have the fiber connection information (that is, how the optical modules on
each network element connect to other network elements)
• if required, obtain a replacement circuit pack
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
Step Action
1 Identify the facility in “Channel Contention”. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit
pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” procedure
in Part 1 of this document.
2 If Then go to
the reported Echo Trace value is not “unknown” or the step 5
wavelength is already in use on the network
otherwise step 3
Step Action
If all the provisioning information above is correct and the alarm is still active,
then disable Channel Contention Detection.
4 If the original alarm is Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 8
7 If the alarm is not clear and the facility wavelength is not already in use on the
network, disable Channel Contention Detection. Refer to the “Retrieving
equipment and facility details” and “Editing facility parameters” procedures in
Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
8 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-29
Channel Controller: Failure Detected
Alarm ID: 709
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against a WSS w/OPM circuit pack when the WSS
controller is unable to function properly. Conditions that can cause this alarm
• the WSS w/OPM circuit pack has failed
• there is a loss of signal on one of the channels carried by the WSS w/OPM
circuit pack
• the OPM is not provisioned against LIM (SLA, MLA C-Band, MLA2 C-
Band, MLA2 w/VOA, MLA3 C-Band, LIM C-Band) monitor ports (there is
an adjacency provisioning error)
• the WSS w/OPM circuit pack provisioning data is invalid
• the fibers to the WSS w/OPM circuit pack monitor ports are crossed or
connected to a wrong OSC card
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• have the engineering documentation package (EDP) containing shelf
• have a replacement circuit pack if required
• have a fiber cleaning kit
• have an electrostatic device (ESD) ground strap
Step Action
1 Check for and clear any active Circuit Pack Failed alarm if raised against the
WSS w/OPM circuit pack.
2 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 3
5 Check for and clear any of the following alarms on all network elements
before clearing the Channel Controller: Failure Detected alarm:
• Automatic Power Reduction Active
• Automatic Shutoff
• Input Loss of Signal
• Loss of Signal
• Optical Line Fail
• Output Loss of Signal
• Shutoff Threshold Crossed
• Channel Controller: Unexpected Loss Detected
6 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 7
7 Verify the LIM (SLA, MLA C-Band, MLA2 C-Band, MLA2 w/VOA, MLA3 C-
Band, LIM C-Band) adjacency of the LIM monitor port to ensure that the
Expected far-end address field has the correct WSS OPM module port
listed, and that the corresponding Adjacency type field has the correct
adjacency type listed (OPM). Refer to the “Retrieving equipment and facility
details” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,
8 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 9
Step Action
9 Verify the derived OPM to LIM adjacency. Check the OPM adjacency of the
OPM monitor port to ensure that the Expected far-end address field has the
correct LIM module port listed, and that the corresponding Adjacency type
field has the correct adjacency type listed (LIM). Refer to the “Retrieving
equipment and facility details” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
10 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 11
11 Verify that the CHC facilities associated with the WSS w/OPM circuit pack
have the correct Switch Selector provisioned. Correct any discrepancies.
Refer to the “Retrieving equipment and facility details” and “Editing facility
parameters” procedures in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
12 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 13
13 Check the Secondary State of the CHC facilities associated with the WSS w/
OPM circuit pack. Refer to the “Retrieving equipment and facility details”
procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
If only certain (not all) CHC facilities indicate a FAF condition (facility failure),
this can indicate a problem with the channel(s) added from a CMD44 module.
14 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 15
15 Check the shelf-to-shelf association. The Associated OTS field should list
the adjacent OTS (TID-shelf-instance), and the Actual Associated OTS
should be the same as the Associated OTS. Refer to the “Retrieving OTS
Management, OTS Equipment, and Facility Details” procedure in Part 2 of
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
16 If the Then
Associated OTS shows the incorrect correct the Associated OTS field
adjacent OTS
Actual Associated OTS is not the verify the inter-shelf
same as the Associated OTS communications
Step Action
Risk of damage to modules
Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the equipment
from static damage. Connect the wrist strap to the ESD
jack on the shelf or module.
Verify that all LIM (SLA, MLA C-Band, MLA2 C-Band, MLA2 w/VOA, MLA3 C-
Band, LIM C-Band) to OPM fibers are connected to the correct ports and that
the fiber is clean. Refer to cleaning connectors procedures in Installation -
General Information, 323-1851-201.0.
20 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 21
Risk of traffic loss
A cold restart on an unprotected circuit pack causes
traffic loss. A cold restart on an active protected circuit
pack causes a protection switch that impacts traffic.
Perform a cold restart on the WSS w/OPM circuit pack. Refer to Procedure 2-
11, “Restarting a circuit pack or shelf processor” on page 2-30.
24 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 25
25 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-30
Channel Controller: Unexpected Loss Detected
Alarm ID: 877
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against a Selective Mux/Demux (SMD) 50 GHz C-Band
8x1 or WSS w/OPM circuit pack when the WSS controller is unable to function
properly. Conditions that can cause this alarm include:
• the WSS w/OPM circuit pack has failed
• the difference between the expected loss and the measured loss is greater
than 6 dB
• there is a loss of signal on one of the channels carried by the WSS w/OPM
circuit pack
• wrong wavelength provisioning of channels
• the OPM is not provisioned against LIM (SLA, MLA C-Band, MLA2 C-
Band, MLA2 w/VOA, MLA3 C-Band, LIM C-Band) monitor ports (there is
an adjacency provisioning error)
• the WSS w/OPM circuit pack provisioned data is invalid
• the fibers to the OPM monitor ports are crossed or connected to a wrong
OSC card
• the transmitter power at the CMD44 ingress port is not within +/- 3 dBm of
the provisioned Max/Typical Launch Power for that Tx adjacency. The
alarm is raised on managed channels that have this unexpected power
level, or on inactive channels that are being manually pre-checked with
this unexpected power level. This condition only applies to the CMD44
• this alarm will be raised against the WSS, if there is a fiber break between
a CMD44 common out (or a BMD2 common out, or a WSS switch output)
and the corresponding WSS switch input port.
• there is a problem with the SMD switch out to CCMD12 common in fiber,
the DIA LIM Line B Monitor to DIA WSS monitor in fiber, or the CCMD12
monitor to SMD OPM fiber.
For a CDC configuration, the alarm is raised when there is a failure on WSS
Flex C-Band w/OPM 20x1 circuit pack
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 4 UPC
• have the engineering documentation package (EDP) containing shelf
• have a replacement circuit pack if required
• have a fiber cleaning kit
• have an electrostatic device (ESD) ground strap
Step Action
2 At the WSS site, check the CHC facility status against the affected WSS
equipment. Note that in Site Manager you can click the switch selector
column to sort the channels by port.
3 Check for channels with a secondary state of SGEO. Refer to the “Primary
and secondary states” section in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
Step Action
Risk of damage to modules
Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the equipment
from static damage. Connect the wrist strap to the ESD
jack on the shelf or module.
Verify whether all channels from a particular port, or just a subset are
affected. If all channels on a switch port are SGEO, then there is a problem
with the fiber connection between the WSS switch input port and the
connected equipment (CMD44, BMD2, or WSS). If a subset (or single)
channel on a particular switch port are SGEO, and the channel is not locally
added at that node, then this may indicate a WSS hardware fault. Replace the
WSS circuit pack. Refer to the “Replacing the WSS w/OPM or SMD 50GHz
w/OPM circuit pack” procedure in Fault Management - Module Replacement,
5 For the SMD circuit pack, if all pixels on a given switch are SGEO and it is in
the demux direction, check the fiber between the SMD switch out and the
CCMD12 common in. Check the DIA LIM LINE B OPM fiber. Check the
CCMD12 monitor to SMD OPM fiber.
6 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 7
Step Action
13 Check for and clear any of the following alarms on all network elements
before clearing the Channel Controller: Failure Detected alarm:
• Automatic Power Reduction Active
• Automatic Shutoff
• Input Loss of Signal
• Loss of Signal
• Optical Line Fail
• Output Loss of Signal
• Shutoff Threshold Crossed
15 Check the wavelength provisioning of the line cards to make sure that it
matches the wavelength of the CMD port the card is connected to. Refer to
the “Retrieving equipment and facility details” procedure in Part 1 of
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
For OTM2, OTM3 or OTM4 parameters, refer to the “OTM2 facility
parameters” table, “OTM3 facility parameters” table, or “OTM4 facility
parameters” table in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,
16 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 17
17 Verify the LIM (SLA, MLA C-Band, MLA2 C-Band, MLA2 w/VOA, MLA3 C-
Band, LIM C-Band, XLA) adjacency of the LIM monitor port to ensure that the
Expected far-end address field has the correct WSS OPM module port
listed, and that the corresponding Adjacency type field has the correct
adjacency type listed (OPM). Refer to the “Editing facility parameters”
procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
Step Action
19 Verify the derived OPM to LIM adjacency. Check the OPM adjacency of the
WSS OPM monitor port to ensure that the Expected far-end address field
has the correct LIM module port listed, and that the corresponding
Adjacency type field has the correct adjacency type listed (LIM). Refer to the
“Retrieving equipment and facility details” procedure in Part 1 of
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
20 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 21
21 Check the shelf-to-shelf association. The Associated OTS field should list
the adjacent OTS (TID-shelf-instance), and the Actual Associated OTS
should be the same as the Associated OTS. Refer to the “Retrieving OTS
Management, OTS Equipment, and Facility Details” procedure in Part 2 of
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
22 If the Then
Associated OTS shows the incorrect correct the Associated OTS field
adjacent OTS
Actual Associated OTS is not the verify the inter-shelf
same as the Associated OTS communications
25 Verify that all LIM (SLA, MLA C-Band, MLA2 C-Band, MLA2 w/VOA, MLA3 C-
Band, LIM C-Band, XLA) to WSS OPM fibers are connected to the correct
ports. Refer to the EDP. Verify that the fiber is clean. Refer to “Cleaning
connectors” procedure in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0.
26 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 27
Step Action
27 Using the Domain Optical Controller (DOC) application, check for channels
that have a channel condition of “Pre-Check Fail” or “Fault Detected”. From
the Site Manager window, click on Configuration - Domain Optical
Controller (DOC) window and verify channel condition. If these channel
conditions are the cause of this alarm, the DOC Action: Fault Detected alarm
will be raised.
28 Check the DOC logs to determine which channel has the unexpected ingress
power. (From the Site Manager window, click on Configuration - Domain
Optical Controller (DOC) window and then select DOC Logs button in Site
Manger.) For this channel, verify (and if necessary, adjust) the power level at
the source.
29 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 30
Risk of traffic loss
A cold restart on an unprotected circuit pack causes
traffic loss. A cold restart on an active protected circuit
pack causes a protection switch that impacts traffic.
34 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-31
Channel Degrade
Alarm ID: 1283
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the WSS (or SMD) CHC facility ‘Derived Input
Power’ is less than the value of ‘Reference Input Power Profile’ minus the
‘Minor or Major Degrade Threshold’.
Note: Major Degrade Threshold must be greater than the Minor Degrade
Threshold. An attempt to edit major degrade threshold lower than minor
degrade threshold, will be blocked by the system
For a CDC configuration, the minor degrade alarm is raised as follows. For a
WSS Flex C-Band w/OPM 20x1 configured as:
• a ROADM WSS w/OPM, the alarm is raised when the derived input power
for the WSS w/OPM Demux CHC facility is greater than 3 dB below the
reference input power.
• an upgrade WSSOPM, the alarm is raised when the derived input power
for the WSS w/OPM Mux or Demux CHC facility is greater than 3 dB below
the reference input power.
Note that one Channel Degrade alarm is raised per affected channel, which
means more than one ‘Channel Degrade’ alarm can be raised against the
same WSS (or SMD) equipment.
Any drop in power that occurs prior to the WSS input could lead to the degrade
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• have the optical fiber/cable connection information (that is, how the circuit
packs on each network element connect to other network elements)
• have an optical power meter with the same optical connectors as the
network element
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
Step Action
1 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit
pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” procedure
in this document.
2 If there are any Photonic alarms active, troubleshoot those alarms in the
system first before trying to troubleshoot this alarm.
3 If no Photonic alarm is active, try to identify and fix any potential drop in power
along the channel path all the way to the head-end service circuit pack.
4 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 5
Note: If the CHC facility 'Reset Power Profile' button is used to reset the
power profile, it will affect the channels that were selected before clicking the
button. If the DOC reset TCA Baseline button is used, it will affect the whole
domain Power Profile.
5 If the fiber degrade is a known issue to the system and you want to clear the
alarm, update the input power profile of the affected WSS CHC facility on the
WSS by clicking on the "Reset Power Profile" button in the equipment and
facilities screen after selecting one or more affected channels.
Step Action
Clicking the Reset TCA Baselines Button from the DOC facility not
only resets the 'Reference Input Power Profile' of each and every
CHC facility of that domain but also resets the 'TCA Baselines' of the
applicable facilities of the whole domain.
7 If the fiber degrades in the DOC domain is a known issue to the system and
you want to clear the alarms of the whole domain rapidly, click the ‘Reset TCA
Baselines’ button from the DOC facility. The reset TCA Baseline command
will reset all Channel Degrade alarms in that domain. If the Channel Degrade
alarm(s) cleared, then the procedure is complete.
8 If the alarm is raised against Then go to
CDC configurations step 9
otherwise step 10
9 Click the “Reset Power Profile” button in the Equipment and Facility
Provisioning application.
10 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-32
Channel Opacity Error
Alarm ID: 1433
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a WSS w/OPM pixel of a ROADM OTS is incorrectly
set to Opaque (the CHC facility Opaque parameter is set to Yes), while a DOC-
managed channel is meant to be using it.
The alarm is raised against the CHC facility at the shelf where the problem is
For CDC configurations, this alarm is raised for WSS Flex C-Band w/OPM
20x1 MUX and Demux CHC facilities when the pixel is set to OPAQUE. The
WSS Flex C-Band w/OPM 20x1 can be configured as part of ROADM OTS or
as a CDC upgrade WSS w/OPM. For a CHC facility on a CDC upgrade WSS
Flex C-Band w/OPM 20x1 circuit pack, this alarm is raised when there is a
CRS provisioned on the facility but the CHC opacity is set to Opaque,
regardless if the channel is DOC-managed.
Major, Service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
1 Ensure that the CHC facility against which the alarm is raised, is used by a
DOC-managed channel.
2 Change the WSS w/OPM pixel Opaque setting to No. Refer to the “Editing
facility parameters” procedures in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
3 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-33
Circuit Pack Configuration Save Failed
Alarm ID: 1766
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the shelf processor fails to backup L2 configuration
from an eMOTR circuit pack.
Step Action
Procedure 4-34
Circuit Pack Failed
Alarm IDs: 56
Probable cause
This alarm is raised in the following situations:
• the trouble detection circuits of a circuit pack detect a failure
• the shelf processor detects a major failure on another circuit pack
• a power failure on the standby SP
• a newly active SP raises the alarm against the mate SP after an SP
protection switch is caused by a power outage on the previously active SP
(for NTK555AA, NTK555AB, NTK555CA, NTK555EA, and NTK555FA)
Both the alarm and LED alarm indicators can report the failure at the same
time. If not, verify that a shelf processor problem does not exist. The status
LED comes on (red indicates a failure) after a circuit pack is inserted until it is
completely booted. The circuit pack is not failed in this case. This LED must
clear one minute after insertion.
When the 63xE1 circuit pack fails, all 63xE1 facility states show as OOS-AU.
The unprotected E1 ports will function on a best effort basis and can be
carrying traffic even if the equipment shows as failed and the E1 facilities show
as OOS-AU.
For WSS w/OPM equipment, this alarm is raised when two or more
wavelengths have a drift frequency of more than 25 GHz.
When a Circuit Pack Failed alarm is raised, some hardware may not be
operational. This can cause inaccuracies in the PM counts for facilities on this
circuit pack.
For the XLA circuit pack, this alarm is raised when the amplifier cannot switch
modes (cannot set the switch selector to either Low/High Gain).
For the SRA circuit pack, this alarm is raised when there are failures (for
example, laser pumps, analog/digital converter) during power up or when the
RAMAN pump does not turn on due to hardware failure.
For the 4x10G OTR w/Encryption (NTK530QE) circuit pack, any self-test
failure or signature validation failure causes the Krypto Module to lock-down
and the “Circuit Pack Failed” alarm to raise. The cause of the alarm is reported
and stored in persistent logs for troubleshooting purposes.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for:
• circuit packs in a 2-Fiber/4-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing/HERS configuration
with protection circuit pack faulty/unavailable
• circuit packs in a UPSR/SNCP configuration with cross-connects
• a working circuit pack in a 1+1/MSP linear configuration with protection
circuit pack faulty/unavailable
• a working circuit pack in a 1:N protection configuration with protection
circuit pack faulty/unavailable
• a circuit pack in an unprotected configuration with cross-connects
MSPP alarm severity depends on the circuit pack and the following conditions:
• If both XC circuit packs fail, two C, SA alarms are raised.
• An OC-n/STM-n UPSR/SNCP configuration raises Critical, service-
affecting alarms whether protected or unprotected.
• Alarms with a Critical, service-affecting severity occur when the 4xGE,
1x10GE EPL or an unprotected active circuit pack is faulty.
• Alarms with a minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) severity occur when
the circuit pack is protected or when the circuit pack is unprotected and
active without cross-connects, or when the circuit pack is unprotected and
• For multi-port circuit packs with ports configured with different protection
schemes, the circuit pack assumes the highest alarm severity.
Broadband services
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for:
• an active circuit pack or unprotected SuperMux circuit pack
• a working circuit pack in a 1+1/MSP linear, 1+1 port TPT, or 1+1 TPT
configuration with protection circuit pack faulty/unavailable
Photonic services
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
Major, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for XLA, SRA, SAM, and ESAM circuit
Table 4-1 on page 4-99 lists severities for the shelf processor and circuit
To perform this procedure, you must:
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• have a replacement circuit pack for the failed circuit pack
• have an electrostatic device (ESD) ground strap
Step Action
1 Perform a DGN-EQPT command. If the alarm does not clear, continue to the
next step.
2 Determine the time since the “Circuit Pack Failed” alarm was raised. Design
expert data is automatically saved after a “Circuit Pack Failed” condition. This
will take 5 minutes for the TRIB circuit packs and 10 minutes for the SP. It is
recommended that circuit packs are not replaced during this time after the
“Circuit Pack Failed” alarm has raised. The design expert data will not be
captured if you do not wait.
Step Action
3 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the Procedure 2-12,
“Identifying the circuit pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised
an alarm” on page 2-40 procedure in this document.
If the failure is against the shelf processor, it may not be possible to log into
the network element to determine the active alarms.
4 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
5 Replace the faulty circuit pack. Refer to the equipment replacement
procedures in chapter 2 of Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-
6 Retrieve all alarms and ensure the system is restored to its original state.
If the original alarm has Then go to
cleared step 7
not cleared step 10
7 Select Shelf Level View from the Configuration menu. (This action takes
you to the Physical Shelf view of the Visualization tool) Alternatively, select
Visualization from the Tools menu, and then select Physical Shelf from the
drop-down menu in the Control area.
8 Ensure that the new circuit pack is displayed in the Physical Shelf view of the
Visualization tool.
9 For a SLIC10 or SLIC10 Flex C-Band circuit packs this alarm is a latched
alarm, which means it is not cleared on the circuit pack even if the fault is
cleared. Perform a restart on the circuit pack. See Procedure 2-11,
“Restarting a circuit pack or shelf processor” on page 2-30.
10 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Table 4-1
Circuit Pack Failed alarm severities
63xE1 m, NSA C, SA
24xDS3/EC-1 m, NSA C, SA
24xDS3/E3 m, NSA C, SA
16xSTM-1e m, NSA C, SA
4xGE m, NSA C, SA
Table 4-1
Circuit Pack Failed alarm severities (continued)
XC (Note 2) m, NSA C, SA
Procedure 4-35
Circuit Pack Failed - Pluggable
Alarm ID: 340
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a provisioned SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO fails.
This alarm can be raised on an OC-48/STM-16 DPO circuit pack, when the
optical input power is too high.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for an active pluggable
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm for an inactive pluggable
To perform this procedure, you must:
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• have an optical power meter with the same optical connectors as the
network element
• obtain a supported replacement SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO for the
corresponding circuit pack (refer to the “Supported SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/
DPO modules for interface circuit packs” table in chapter 7 of 6500
Planning, NTRN10DE)
Step Action
1 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit
pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” procedure
in this document. The Unit field in the Active Alarms application specifies
the circuit pack, shelf ID, circuit pack slot, and SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO port
using the following format:
<circuit pack>-<shelf-id>-slot#-SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO port#
2 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
Step Action
Procedure 4-36
Circuit Pack Failed-Sync and Circuit Pack Failed-
Alarm ID: 88, 90
Use this procedure to clear an XC double fault scenario. If the XC double fault
conditions do not exist, follow the circuit pack fail procedure. Refer to “Circuit
Pack Failed” on page 4-95.
Probable cause
This alarm indicates that the XC circuit packs failed in their bandwidth
management or synchronization.
Use this procedure to clear an XC double fault scenario. If the XC double fault
conditions do not exist, follow the circuit pack fail procedure. Refer to “Circuit
Pack Failed” on page 4-95.
Use this procedure if on one XC circuit pack, the Circuit Pack Failed - Sync
alarm is indicated by the red LED being ON; and on the other XC circuit pack,
the Circuit Pack Failed - Traffic alarm is indicated by the red LED being ON.
Risk of traffic loss
The procedure to clear the XC double fault scenario will result
in a 90 second traffic loss. This traffic loss can be up to five
minutes if the replacement circuit pack requires an auto-
upgrade. It is recommended that this procedure be performed
during a maintenance window (when traffic is lightest), or that
all traffic be routed away from the affected network element
before performing this procedure.
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
Procedure 4-37
Circuit Pack Latch Open
Alarm ID: 100
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the bottom/lower locking lever on the circuit pack is
not fully closed and the circuit pack is inserted into a slot, or the latch on the
circuit pack is broken.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Note: This severity of this alarm can appear in the EQPT alarm profile as
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
1 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
2 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit
pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” procedure
in this document.
3 Ensure that the circuit pack raising the alarm is pushed all the way into its slot,
until the locking levers touch their latches.
Step Action
4 Lock the circuit pack into its slot by pushing the upper locking lever down and
the lower lever up at the same time.
Do not force the locking levers. If the levers do not close correctly,
gently re-insert the circuit pack. If the circuit pack cannot be re-
inserted, remove the circuit pack and go to step 5.
5 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-38
Circuit Pack Mate Mismatch
Alarm ID: 589
Probable cause
This alarm is raised by both cross-connect circuit packs when incompatible
cross-connect circuit packs are paired in slots 7 and 8 of the 6500-7 packet-
optical shelf, slots 7 and 8 of the 14-slot shelf or slots 9 and 10 of the 32-slot
shelf. Slot 7 and 8 of the 14-slot shelf or slots 9 and 10 of the 32-slot shelf must
contain the same type of cross-connect circuit pack, with the same PEC.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
Step Action
3 Provision the PEC on the cross-connect circuit pack with the incorrect PEC
to the correct PEC (same as the mate cross-connect circuit pack). Refer to
the “Changing the provisioned PEC, the SuperMux equipment profile, or 40G
XCIF equipment mode” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning
and Operating, 323-1851-310.
4 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-39
Circuit Pack Mismatch
Alarm ID: 36
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a circuit pack is equipped in or inserted into a slot
provisioned for:
• a circuit pack of another type
• a circuit pack of the same type that supports additional features (in this
case, the circuit packs have different/mismatched PECs)
During provisioning, a slot is assigned a specific facility and circuit pack type.
The assignments are recorded in the provisioning database.
For CDC configurations, this alarm is raised on WSS Flex C-Band w/OPM
20x1, CCMD8x16 and FIM circuit packs.
For passive modules (such as CMD44, DSCM, OMD4, OMX, OBB, OBMD
1x8, TPT, BMD2, UBMD2, MBMD2, TPT, PPC6, passive photonic chassis),
this alarm is raised when, the module connected to the Access Panel External
slot port does not match the provisioned module. This alarm is raised when a
passive photonics module (such as a OMDF4, OMDF8, BS1, BS2, BS3, BS5
or OSCF) is inserted into a PPC6 sub-slot that does not match the provisioned
The alarm clears if the circuit pack in the specified slot is manually put out-of-
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for an unprotected shelf processor
circuit pack
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm for a protected shelf processor
circuit pack
MSPP services
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for a 2-Fiber/4-Fiber BLSR/MS-
SPRing/HERS unprotected circuit pack
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for a UPSR/SNCP configuration with
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm if active 1+1/MSP linear or
unprotected with cross-connects
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for working circuit pack in 1:N
protection configuration with protection circuit pack faulty/unavailable
For multi-port circuit packs with ports configured with different protection
schemes, the circuit pack assumes the highest alarm severity.
Broadband services
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for an active circuit pack or
unprotected SuperMux circuit pack
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for a working circuit pack in 1+1/MSP
linear, 1+1 port TPT, or 1+1 TPT configuration with protection circuit pack
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm for an inactive circuit pack (with
no cross-connects for SuperMux and OTSC circuit packs)
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm for an inactive or protected circuit
pack in 1+1/MSP linear, 1+1 port TPT, or 1+1 TPT configuration
Photonic services
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
Table 4-2 on page 4-113 lists expected severities for each circuit pack if any
cross-connects are provisioned.
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
Step Action
If you are not on site, use one of the following methods to identify any
mismatches between the physical PEC and provisioned PEC by comparing
• Phys. PEC and the Prov. PEC in the Circuit Pack Details tab in the
Shelf Level View application
• Provisioned PEC in the Equipment & Facility Provisioning application
and the Physical PEC in the Shelf Inventory application
A mismatch can indicate a PEC provisioning error or an incorrect circuit pack
is installed.
4 If you have Then go to
identified the mismatched circuit pack step 5
not identified the mismatched circuit pack step 7
5 Replace the mismatched circuit pack with an appropriate circuit pack. Refer
to the equipment replacement procedures in chapter 2 of Fault Management
- Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
6 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 9
7 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit
pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” procedure
in this document.
8 Replace the circuit pack you identified in step 7. Refer to the equipment
replacement procedures in chapter 2 of Fault Management - Module
Replacement, 323-1851-545. Select the appropriate procedure from the
“Module replacement procedures list” table.
If the alarm clears, the circuit pack you identified in step 7 is damaged.
9 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Table 4-2
Circuit Pack Mismatch alarm severities
63xE1 m, NSA C, SA
24xDS3/EC-1 m, NSA C, SA
24xDS3/E3 m, NSA C, SA
16xSTM-1e m, NSA C, SA
4xGE m, NSA C, SA
Table 4-2
Circuit Pack Mismatch alarm severities (continued)
SuperMux m, NSA C, SA
XC (Note 2) m, NSA C, SA
(Note 3)
Procedure 4-40
Circuit Pack Mismatch - Pluggable
Alarm ID: 342
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the installed SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO, is different
from Provisioned PEC on the circuit pack.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for an active pluggable
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm for an inactive pluggable
To perform this procedure, you must
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• obtain a supported SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO for the corresponding
circuit pack (refer to the “Supported SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO modules
for interface circuit packs” table in Part 3 of 6500 Planning, NTRN10DE.
Step Action
1 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit
pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” procedure
in this document. The Unit field in the Active Alarms application specifies
the circuit pack, shelf ID, circuit pack slot, and SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO port
using the following format:
<circuit pack>-<shelf-id>-slot#-SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO port#
2 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
3 Replace the SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO you identified in step 1 with a
supported SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO. Refer to the equipment replacement
procedures in chapter 2 of Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-
4 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-41
Circuit Pack Missing
Alarm ID: 35, 681
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a slot is provisioned and the following occurs:
• no circuit pack is in the designated slot
• circuit pack failure makes the circuit pack undetectable
• the access panel, MIC, or Power Input Cards A/B have been removed from
the system. This alarm masks any existing alarm on that unit. For
example, the Circuit Pack Missing alarm raised against Power Input Card
B masks the Power Failure - B alarm.
When both the A and B power feeds to one or more zones that supply
power to a circuit pack have failed, the associated “Power Failure A/B” and
“Power Failure - Fuse Blown” alarms must be cleared first in order to clear
this alarm. Refer to the alarm clearing procedures in Part 2 of this
Note 1: A Circuit Pack Missing alarm against an access panel masks/
clears certain BITSIN and comms alarms (for example, the ILAN port,
COLAN) raised against the access panel before its removal.
Note 2: For the X-Conn 1600G PKT/OTN (NTK616AA) and cross-
connect 600G PKT/OTN (NTK615AA) circuit packs, it may take up to five
minutes for the “Circuit Pack Missing” alarm to clear after the inventory
displays the circuit pack information.
• DSM 84xDS1 termination module (TM) indicates that its mate is missing
• CCMD8x16 circuit pack is missing on a shelf with CDC equipment
• a provisioned passive module (such as CMD44, FIM, GMD10, DSCM,
PPC6 Passive Photonic chassis) is disconnected from the shelf Access
Panel External Slot port.
• a provisioned passive module (such as a OMDF4, OMDF8, BS1, BS2,
BS3, BS5 or OSCF) has an open latch or is missing from a sub-slot in a
PPC6 connected to an External Slot. Note that if the External Slot
interface cable between the PPC6 and host shelf is disconnected or faulty,
the alarm will be raised against the PPC6 external slot number, not against
the passive modules sub-slot(s).
If you change the state of the circuit pack raising this alarm to OOS, this alarm
clears and the Filler Card Missing alarm is raised.
MSPP services
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for a 2-Fiber/4-Fiber BLSR/MS-
SPRing/HERS unprotected circuit pack
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for an UPSR/SNCP configuration with
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for an active 1+1/MSP linear or
unprotected with cross-connects
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for a working circuit pack in 1:N
protection configuration with protection circuit pack faulty/unavailable
When both XC circuit packs are removed, a Critical, service-affecting alarm
is raised for each XC circuit pack removed.
For multi-port circuit packs with ports configured with different protection
schemes, the circuit pack assumes the highest alarm severity.
Broadband services
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for an active circuit pack or
unprotected SuperMux circuit pack
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for a working circuit pack in 1+1/MSP
linear, 1+1 port TPT, or 1+1 TPT configuration with protection circuit pack
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm for an inactive circuit pack (with
no cross-connects for SuperMux and OTSC circuit packs)
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm for an inactive or protected circuit
pack in 1+1/MSP linear, 1+1 port TPT, or 1+1 TPT configuration
Photonic services
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
Table 4-3 on page 4-122 lists expected severities for each circuit pack if any
cross-connects are provisioned.
To perform this procedure, you must:
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• obtain replacement circuit packs
Step Action
1 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
2 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit
pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” procedure
in this document.
3 If Then go to
both XC circuit packs are reported missing step 5
the DSM 84xDS1 TM is reported missing step 8
a Type 6 DSCM (PECs NPAD01DB through step 9
NPAD17DB) is reported missing
an equipment connected to External Slots is reported step 10
a Passive module in a PPC6 sub-slot is reported missing step 11
any other circuit pack is reported missing step 4
4 If Then
the slot is empty insert a circuit pack of
the correct type into
the slot. Go to step 7.
a circuit pack of the correct type is in the slot go to step 12.
5 Insert the XC circuit pack in slot 7 of the 6500-7 packet-optical shelf, slot 7 of
the 14-slot shelf, or slot 9 of the 32-slot shelf first.
6 Insert the second XC circuit pack in slot 8 of the 6500-7 packet-optical shelf,
slot 8 of the 14-slot shelf, or slot 10 of the 32-slot shelf.
Slot 7 and 8 or slot 9 and 10 must contain the same type cross-connect circuit
pack with the same PEC.
Step Action
7 Wait 30 seconds and retrieve all alarms to determine if the original alarm has
If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 12
13 If the SP Then go to
is in a redundant configuration step 14
is not in a redundant configuration step 17
Step Action
14 Initiate a switch to the backup SP. Refer to the “Operating a protection switch”
procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
310. After the system recovers, check if the alarm has cleared.
If the original alarm has Then go to
cleared step 15
not cleared step 18
15 Reseat the previously active SP. Refer to the “Reseating a circuit pack”
procedure in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
When the SP has finished booting, initiate a switch back to the originally
active SP. After the system recovers, check if the alarm has cleared.
If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 16
16 Initiate a switch back to the backup SP. Replace the original SP. Refer to the
“Replacing the shelf processor” procedure in Fault Management - Module
Replacement, 323-1851-545. Initiate a switch back to the newly inserted SP.
After the system recovers, check if the alarm has cleared.
If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 23
17 Reseat the SP. Refer to the “Reseating a circuit pack” procedure in Fault
Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 18
18 Reseat the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the “Reseating a circuit
pack” procedure in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 19
Step Action
19 Replace the circuit pack against which the alarm is raised. Refer to the
equipment replacement procedures in chapter 2 of Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 20
22 Replace the SP. Refer to the “Replacing the shelf processor” procedure in
Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 23
23 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Table 4-3
Circuit Pack Missing alarm severities
63xE1 m, NSA C, SA
24xDS3/EC-1 m, NSA C, SA
24xDS3/E3 m, NSA C, SA
16xSTM-1e m, NSA C, SA
4xGE m, NSA C, SA
Table 4-3
Circuit Pack Missing alarm severities (continued)
Table 4-3
Circuit Pack Missing alarm severities (continued)
XC (Note 2) m, NSA C, SA
SP (Note 3) m, NSA C, SA
(Note 4)
Procedure 4-42
Circuit Pack Missing - Pluggable
Alarm ID: 339
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a provisioned SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO is not
physically installed in the circuit pack.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for an active pluggable
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm for an inactive pluggable
To perform this procedure, you must:
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• obtain a supported SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO for the corresponding
circuit pack (refer to the “Supported SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO modules
for interface circuit packs” table in chapter 7 of 6500 Planning,
Step Action
1 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit
pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” procedure
in this document. The Unit field in the Active Alarms application specifies
the circuit pack, shelf ID, circuit pack slot, and SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO port
using the following format:
<circuit pack>-<shelf-id>-slot#-SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO port#
2 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
3 Install a supported SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO module in the port you
identified in step 1. Refer to the “Replacing an SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP module”
or “Replacing an OC-48/STM-16 DWDM plug-in optics (DPO) module”
procedure in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
4 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-43
Circuit Pack 3rd Party - Pluggable
Alarm ID: 1142
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a third party pluggable module is inserted into a
provisioned pluggable port and “Third Party Transceivers supported” is
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Step Action
Procedure 4-44
Circuit Pack Operational Capability Exceeded
Alarm ID: 1064
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against a 40G OCLD/Wavelength-Selective 40G OCLD,
40G UOCLD, 100G WL3/WL3e OCLD, Flex2 WL3/WL3e OCLD, Flex3 WL3e
OCLD, 100G WL3e OTR, or 100G OCLD circuit packs when equipment
specifications are exceeded. This alarm indicates that at least one of the
measurements, reach or PMD (Polarization Mode Dispersion) DGD
(differential group delay), exceeded the specifications of the circuit pack. For
information on operational specifications of the 40G and 100G circuit packs,
refer to 40G, 100G, OSIC, ISS, and SLIC10 Circuit Packs, 323-1851-102.4
If the client is not connected yet, the severity of the alarm is NSA since it does
not impact client traffic. However, it still can impact line traffic. Line signal
conditioning will be applied if the condition which caused this alarm to be
raised was present during optical signal acquisition (for example, after
connecting fiber, or after card insertion or cold restart operation). It is possible
for this alarm to be raised without impacting traffic, if traffic was already
running prior to the condition being detected. Actions must be taken to clear
this alarm as soon as possible.
You can confirm the presence of signal conditioning in the OTM3 PM or OTM4
PM screen where the OTU-SEFS PM count would be incrementing.
The alarm is latched even if all measurements, reach or PMD DGD do not
exceed the specifications of the circuit pack and does not get re-evaluated
until either a cold restart of the circuit pack or a line fault condition toggles (for
example, a fiber pull and reinsertion).
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• obtain a replacement circuit pack suitable for the configuration
Step Action
1 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit
pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” procedure
in this document.
2 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
3 Verify that the circuit pack is connected to the correct optical link using ODU/
OTU TTI. There should be no “ODU/OTU Trace Identifier Mismatch” alarm.
4 If the circuit pack Then go to
is connected to the correct optical link step 6
is connected to the wrong optical link step 5
5 Disconnect the existing fiber connections and re-connect the circuit pack to
the correct optical link.
If the alarm Then
clears the procedure is complete
does not clear go to step 6
6 Contact your next level of support to find out and order the suitable circuit
pack for the configuration.
Note: If the condition which triggered the “Circuit Pack Operational Capability
Exceeded” alarm is not present anymore, this latched alarm could be cleared
by either cold restarting the circuit pack against which the alarm is raised
(Refer to Procedure 2-11, “Restarting a circuit pack or shelf processor” on
page 2-30) or by toggling the line in the transponder receive direction. Both
actions to clear the alarm are service impacting.
7 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
Step Action
8 Replace the circuit pack with a circuit pack suitable for the configuration. You
can replace the 40G OCLD, Wavelength-Selective 40G OCLD, 100G WL3e
OTR, or 100G OCLD circuit packs in one of the two ways as follows:
a. Delete the provisioning data (COMM, connection, facility and equipment).
Remove the old circuit pack from the slot. Insert the new circuit pack. The
equipment and facility will auto-provision. You can re-provision the
connection and COMM if necessary.
b. Remove the old circuit pack from the slot. Insert the new circuit pack. Edit
the provisioned PEC to the PEC of the new circuit pack.
Refer to the “Reconfiguration of an optical interface circuit pack” procedure in
Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545, for the detailed
Note: Provisioned PEC editing is not supported between any of the 40G
UOCLD variants. You must replace the circuit pack with an identical circuit
9 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-45
Circuit Pack Unknown
Alarm ID: 58
Probable cause
This alarm is raised in the following situations:
• when the on-board processor of a circuit pack cannot communicate with
the shelf processor after you insert the circuit pack into the shelf
• when an unknown circuit pack is inserted into an unprovisioned slot
• when a circuit pack is in the wrong slot
• when both the A and B power feeds to the zone powering a circuit pack
have failed “Power Failure A/B” and “Power Failure - Fuse Blown” alarms
have to be cleared first in order to clear this alarm. Refer to the alarm
clearing procedures in Part 2 of this document.
• when external equipment connected to an External Slot inventory port on
the access panel is unknown
• when a module equipped in a sub-slot of connected external equipment is
A circuit pack in the wrong slot only occurs if the circuit pack keying is
removed. Circuit packs are keyed to fit into specific slots. Do not remove the
circuit pack keying for any reason.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
1 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit
pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” procedure
in this document.
If the circuit pack is Then go to
a newly inserted or manually provisioned step 2
cross-connect circuit pack
not a cross-connect circuit pack step 4
4 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
5 Ensure that the circuit pack reporting the alarm is supported for the software
release running on the shelf. You can check this against the hardware
baseline report.
If the circuit pack is Then
not supported by the software release the circuit pack cannot be equipped
in the shelf. Remove it. Go to step 6.
supported by the software release go to step 7
7 Compare the circuit pack raising the alarm with the supported circuit packs
for each slot on the shelf. Refer to the “6500 interface circuit packs and
modules” table in chapter 3 of in Part 1of 6500 Planning, NTRN10DE.
If the circuit pack raising the alarm is in Then
an unsupported slot go to step 8
a supported slot the circuit pack may be damaged.
Go to step 9.
Step Action
8 Replace the circuit pack raising the alarm with a circuit pack supported in that
slot. Refer to the equipment replacement procedures in chapter 2 of Fault
Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545. Select the appropriate
procedure from the “Module replacement procedures list” table.
Go to step 10.
9 Replace the circuit pack with an identical circuit pack. Refer to the equipment
replacement procedures in chapter 2 of Fault Management - Module
Replacement, 323-1851-545. Select the appropriate procedure from the
“Module replacement procedures list” table.
10 Wait 30 seconds and retrieve all alarms.
If the original alarm Then
is cleared the procedure is complete. If you replaced a circuit pack
in step 9, the circuit pack you replaced is damaged.
is not cleared contact your next level of support or your Ciena support
Procedure 4-46
Circuit Pack Unknown - Pluggable
Alarm ID: 341
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when an unrecognized SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO is
installed in an unprovisioned port.
The Circuit Pack Unknown - Pluggable alarm cannot be disabled. Use the
following steps to clear the alarm.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for an active pluggable
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm for an inactive pluggable
To perform this procedure, you must
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• obtain a supported SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO for the corresponding
circuit pack (Refer to the “Supported SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO modules
for interface circuit packs” table in chapter 7 of 6500 Planning,
Step Action
1 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit
pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” procedure
in this document. The Unit field in the Active Alarms application specifies
the circuit pack, shelf ID, circuit pack slot, and SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO port
using the following format:
<circuit pack>-<shelf-id>-slot#-SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP/DPO port#
2 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
Step Action
Procedure 4-47
Circuit Pack Upgrade Failed
Alarm ID: 124
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against a circuit pack when the upgrade process of the
circuit pack fails.
This alarm can also be raised after a shelf processor replacement, when the
inserted shelf processor is running a different software release than the active
release on the network element.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
Step Action
1 Check the upgrade state of all the circuit packs from Site Manager. Refer to
the “Upgrading a software load” procedure in chapter 8 of Administration and
Security, 323-1851-301. If a circuit pack upgrade has failed, the system
attempts to auto-upgrade it (except for PKT/OTN cross-connect and eMOTR
circuit packs).
Step Action
Do not attempt to clear any alarms during the upgrade.
4 If Then go to
the alarm is raised after a shelf processor step 5
the alarm is raised on a PKT/OTN cross- step 10
connect or eMOTR circuit pack
otherwise step 7
5 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
6 Refer to the “Replacing the shelf processor” procedure in Fault Management
- Module Replacement, 323-1851-545, to clear this alarm.
Go to step 10.
7 Reseat the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the “Reseating a circuit
pack” procedure in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
545. Select the appropriate procedure from the “Module replacement
procedures list” table.
8 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 9
Procedure 4-48
Client Service Mismatch
Alarm ID: 350, 369, 696, 830, 869, 1245
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against:
• an Ethernet facility of a 4xGE, 1x10GE EPL, or 24x10/100BT circuit pack
• a WAN facility of an L2SS, PDH gateway, 20G L2SS, L2 MOTR, RPR,
10GE EPL, 10G OTR, 2x10G OTR, 4x10G OTR, 40G MUX OCI, 8xOTN
Flex MOTR, (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR, eMOTR, 10G OTSC, 10x10GE MUX,
4x10G MUX, 16xFLEX OTN I/F, or 40G MUX OCI circuit pack
• an Ethernet or Fiber Channel facility of a SuperMux circuit pack
• FLEX facility of FLEX MOTR circuit pack
The alarm is raised when the GFP UPI Tx byte provisioned on the remote
circuit pack does not match the GFP UPI expected Byte on the local circuit
pack. When this alarm is active, traffic from the far-end is lost.
The alarm point is identified at the generic framing procedure (GFP) level to
indicate a provisioning mismatch between the near-end and far-end facility
provisioning. For example, one end is configured to preserve the preamble
and the other is configured to discard the preamble. The GFP user payload
identifier (UPI) byte is used for this purpose.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm if not protected
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm if protected
To perform this procedure, you must:
• have the network connection information (that is, how the optical modules
on each network element connect to other network elements)
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
Step Action
Procedure 4-49
CMF UPI Mismatch
Alarm ID: 1377
Probable cause
This alarm is raised for the WAN facility under the following conditions:
• At least three consecutive GFP layer Client Management Frames (CMF)
UPI received with a value equal to 83/84/85 when the ETH10G WAN
facility Transparent Ordered Sets parameter is G.7041 CMF.
• At least three consecutive GFP layer CMF UPI received with a value equal
to 03/04/05 when the ETH10G WAN facility Transparent Ordered Sets
parameter is Legacy CMF.
Note that when this alarm is active, Transparent Ordered Sets cannot be
guaranteed and there is no signal conditioning.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
Procedure 4-50
Cold Restart Required: FPGA Changed
Alarm ID: 646
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a new functionality is introduced on a circuit pack
that requires FPGA Loads. The circuit pack must be restarted to be loaded
with the new feature. Some reasons that can cause this alarm are as follows:
• A circuit pack loses its FPGA load from within the file system, and the
FPGA load maintained on the circuit pack is older than the required load
for this release.
• A SuperMux circuit pack is running an older version of its FPGA load and
you try to use functionality supported only by a newer version of its FPGA
• Upgrading a TCS card running an older PCP FPGA load that supports
less LDCC channels (for example, a 16xOCn 5G card supports 2 LDCC.
This card has the new PCP FPGA load applied in Release 6.0 to support
16 LDCC channels). The alarm will be cleared when the new FPGA load
is applied.
• In 1+1 client TPT, 1+1 port TPT, or 1+1 TPT Protection configurations the
FPGA opportunistic upgrade is not performed and the user attempts to
provision 1+1 client TPT, 1+1 port TPT, or 1+1 TPT protection.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
Risk of traffic loss
A cold restart on an unprotected circuit pack causes
traffic loss. A cold restart on an active protected circuit
pack causes a protection switch that impacts traffic.
Perform a cold restart on the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to
Procedure 2-11, “Restarting a circuit pack or shelf processor” on page 2-30.
2 If the alarm does not clear after the circuit pack restart, contact your next level
of support or your Ciena support group.
Procedure 4-51
Config Mismatch - LCAS
Alarm ID: 922
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against an LCAS-enabled WAN facility of an L2SS, 20G
L2SS, PDH gateway or SuperMux circuit pack, or circuit pack when the near-
end WAN facility detects that the far-end WAN facility does not have LCAS
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm, protected
Minor, service-affecting (m, SA) alarm, unprotected
To perform this procedure, you must
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• have the network connection information (that is, how the optical modules
on each network element connect to other network elements)
Step Action
Step Action
Procedure 4-52
Configuration Mismatch
Alarm ID: 1415
Probable cause
This alarm is raised if the admin weight or bundle id is different on both sides
of a Optical Signaling and Routing Protocol (OSRP) link.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
Procedure 4-53
Configuration Mismatch - Adv BW Limit
Alarm ID: 1416
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when there is a configuration mismatch due to advertised
bandwidth (Adv BW) limit being different on adjacent OSRP links.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Identify the Advertisement BW limit on each side of the link. Refer to the
“Editing an OSRP link” procedure in Configuration - Control Plane, 323-1851-
2 Ensure that both ends have the same Advertisement BW limit.
3 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-54
Configuration Mismatch - BW Lockout
Alarm ID: 1770
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a bandwidth lockout is enabled on one end of an
OSRP line and disabled on the other end.
If you apply a bandwidth lockout for maintenance activities to one end of the
line, it is required to apply a bandwidth lockout on the other end of the line to
clear the alarm.
The alarm also clears when the bandwidth lockout on both sides are matching
(enabled or disabled).
It can take up to 30 seconds for this alarm to raise if one end of the OSRP line
is configured and the other end is not.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA)
To perform this procedure, you must use an account with at least a level 3
Step Action
1 Disable the bandwidth lockout on the OSRP line or enable the bandwidth
lockout at the other end of the OSRP line. Refer to the “Editing an OSRP line”
procedure in Configuration - Control Plane, 323-1851-330.
2 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-55
Configuration Mismatch - BW Threshold
Alarm ID: 1768
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when there is a Bandwidth Threshold mismatch
configuration on both ends of an OSRP link.
The alarm clears when you provision the same Bandwidth threshold value on
both sides of the link.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA)
To perform this procedure, you must use an account with at least a level 3
Step Action
Procedure 4-56
Configuration Mismatch - Common ID
Alarm ID: 1411
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the Common Line ID field of the OSRP line on either
side is different.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Identify the common id value of the OSRP line at the node raising the alarm.
See the “Editing an OSRP link” procedure in Configuration - Control Plane,
2 Verify common id value of the node at the other ends of the OSRP line and
compare it to the values found in step 1.
3 If the common id values on both ends of the OSRP line are not the same,
change the values to be the same. Refer to the “Editing an OSRP link”
procedure in Configuration - Control Plane, 323-1851-330.
4 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-57
Configuration Mismatch - Concatenation
Alarm ID: 1414
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when there is a concatenation mismatch between the
local and the remote lines while an OSRP line is configured as standard
concatenation at one node and transparent concatenation at the other node.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Identify the port that raised the alarm. See “Identifying the circuit pack,
pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” on page 2-40.
2 The 6500 nodes are configured as standard concatenation. Ensure that the
remote node is a 6500. If the remote node is not a 6500 node, ensure that the
node is configured as standard concatenation. Refer to non-6500
documentation for configuration information.
3 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-58
Configuration Mismatch - Link ID
Alarm ID: 1420
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when in a link aggregation one end of the aggregation
contains OSRP lines that are part of a different OSRP link.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Identify the OSRP lines in a link aggregation on each side of the link. See the
“Adding an OSRP link” procedure in Configuration - Control Plane, 323-1851-
2 Ensure all OSRP lines in a link aggregation on each side is part of only one
OSRP link.
3 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-59
Configuration Mismatch - Node
Alarm ID: 1421
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when there is a configuration mismatch due to mismatch
in aggregated OSRP line node IDs between adjacent OSRP links. The alarm
raises when in a link aggregation at one end of the aggregation reports OSRP
lines that are part of a different node.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Identify the OSRP lines in a link aggregation on each side of the link. See the
“Adding an OSRP link” procedure in Configuration - Control Plane, 323-1851-
2 Ensure that all OSRP lines in a link aggregation on each side are part of the
same node.
3 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-60
Configuration Mismatch - OVPN ID
Alarm ID: 1769
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the Optical Virtual Private Network Identifier (OVPN
ID) on both ends of the OSRP link do not match.
The alarm clears when you provision the same OVPN ID on both sides of the
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA)
To perform this procedure, you must use an account with at least a level 3
Step Action
1 Ensure that there are no Sub-Network Connections (SNCs) on the link. Refer
to “Deleting a sub-network connection” procedure in Configuration - Control
Plane, 323-1851-330.
2 Provision both ends of the link with the same OVPN ID. Refer to the “Editing
an OSRP link” procedure in Configuration - Control Plane, 323-1851-330.
3 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-61
Configuration Mismatch - Primary State
Alarm ID: 1410
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the administrative state of the ends of the
OSRPLINE is mismatched with the remote end.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Identify the administrative state of the OSRPLINE on each side of the link.
See the “Adding an OSRP link” procedure in Configuration - Control Plane,
2 Ensure the administrative state of the OSRPLINE on each side is the same.
3 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-62
Control Plane Operations Blocked
Alarm ID: 1776
Probable cause
This alarm is raised on a DOC to indicate that the control plane cannot restore
or create new SNCs because DOC Auto add channels and/or DOC Auto
delete channels parameters are set to disable when the corresponding OTS
facility is control plane enabled (CPS is provisioned to Enable).
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
2 Update the DOC facility attributes DOC Auto add channels and DOC Auto
delete channels parameters to enable as follows:
• From the Site Manager menu, select the DOC instance (Configuration-
>Photonic Services->Domain Optical Controller (DOC).
The Domain Optical Controller (DOC) window opens.
• Select the required shelf from the Shelf pull-down menu, as required.
(ALL is the default.)
• Click on the Start Monitoring or Refresh button.
• Select the required DOC instance from the summary table.
• Select the Settings tab.
• Click on the Edit button.
The Edit DOC dialog is displayed.
• Use the pull down menus to change the DOC values Auto add channels
and Auto delete channels to “Enabled”. Go to step 4.
Step Action
Procedure 4-63
Control Plane System Mismatch
Alarm ID: 1773
Probable cause
This alarm is raised on a shelf when each OTS provisioned on that shelf that
has a CPS value provisioned to Disable, but the domain to which the OTS
belongs has at least one OTS within the domain with CPS provisioned to
This indicates that the CPS values for all the OTSes within a domain are not
consistent. The event is only raised against the OTSes with CPS provisioned
to Disable. The alarm clears when you provision the CPS parameter on all
ROADM OTSes within a domain to the same value.
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Set the CPS parameter on all ROADM OTSes within a domain to the same
2 Select OTS management or Photonic Configuration Management from
Configuration->Photonic Services.
3 In the OTS Management or Photonic Configuration Management window,
select the required shelf from the Shelf drop-down list.
4 Select the OTS that you want to edit and click the Edit or Edit OTS button.
The Edit OTS window opens
— If the intention for the L0 Control Plane software is to have visibility of
the optical domain managed by the OTS, all OTSes in the same
domain must set the CPS value Enable.
— If the intention for the L0 Control Plane software is not to have
visibility of the optical domain managed by the OTS, all OTSes in the
same domain must set the CPS value to Disable.
Refer to the “Editing an OTS instance in the OTS Management application”
procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
310 for more information.
5 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-64
Co-Routed SNC Degraded
Alarm ID: 1827
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when some (but not all) of the terminating Subnetwork
Connection (SNC) members are in the creating or starting state. It is typically
caused by a destination unreachable condition caused by insufficient
bandwidth, lack of matching service classes, or lack of physical facility to the
destination port.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
Procedure 4-65
Co-Routed SNC Unavailable
Alarm ID: 1826
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when all the terminating Subnetwork Connection (SNC)
members are in the creating or starting state. It is typically caused by a
destination unreachable condition caused by insufficient bandwidth, lack of
matching service classes, or lack of physical facility to the destination port.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
Procedure 4-66
Corrupt Inventory Data
Alarm ID: 656
Probable cause
The alarm is raised against the cooling unit housing, cooling fan module,
access panel, MIC, Power Input Card, external equipment connected to the
remote inventory ports on the access panel and module in a sub-slot of
connected external equipment which is:
• not recognized by the NE
• not fully inserted
• defective
• connected using a defective cable
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm if active on cooling unit housing or fans
(when at least one other fan related alarm is present)
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm if active on a fan (when no other
fan-related alarm is present) or when raised on the external slot inventory
interface of the shelf
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm if active on the access panel,
MIC, or power circuit packs
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
Risk of eye injury
Wear eye protection such as safety goggles or safety
glasses with side guards when you work with fan
modules or in proximity to the shelf air exhaust.
Step Action
2 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
3 Remove all fans from the cooling unit housing, one at a time (if present),
starting with any fans that have alarms. Refer to the “Replacing a cooling fan
module” procedure in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
Fans with Corrupt Inventory Data or Fan Incompatible alarms must
be removed from the housing before any other fans are removed.
4 Verify that Fan Failed alarms are raised for each fan, and any existing fan
alarms are cleared.
5 Remove the cooling unit housing from the 6500 shelf. Refer to the “Replacing
the cooling unit assembly” procedure in Fault Management - Module
Replacement, 323-1851-545.
You cannot remove the cooling unit housing on the metro front electrical shelf,
as it is an integral part of the shelf.
6 Verify that Corrupt Inventory Data alarm for the cooling unit housing has
7 Replace with new housing. Refer to the “Replacing the cooling unit assembly”
procedure in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
8 Wait 30 seconds to verify that no new Corrupt Inventory Data alarm is raised
against cooling unit housing.
Fan Incompatible alarm is masked for any incompatible fans inserted after a
Corrupt Inventory Data alarm has been raised against the cooling unit
housing. If the cooling unit housing has corrupt inventory data upon system
bootup or replacement, any incompatible fans in the housing will not have
their incompatibility alarmed.
9 Reinsert fan 1. Verify that the Fan Failed alarm has cleared. Wait at least 15
seconds before proceeding.
10 Repeat step 9 for fan 2 and 3.
Fans must be inserted one at a time, with at least 15 seconds of waiting time
between fan insertions. Verify that all Fan Failed alarms clear.
11 If the Then
original alarm has cleared the procedure is complete
alarm is raised against the fan module go to step 12
Fan Incompatible alarm is raised perform the alarm clearing procedure
for “Fan Incompatible” on page 4-327
Step Action
20 Reseat the alarmed unit, or disconnect and reconnect the cable connecting
the alarmed module (the cable between the shelf External Slot Inventory port
and the external peripheral). Refer to the “Reseating a circuit pack” procedure
in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
21 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 22
Procedure 4-67
CPE Discovery Protocol Fail
Alarm ID: 702, 905
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the Ethernet First Mile (EFM) discovery protocol (a
discovery mechanism that allows the exchange/negotiation of protocol
operational parameters) fails to execute successfully.
This alarm will be raised on a SuperMux ETH facility if EFM is enabled and no
cross-connections are provisioned on that facility.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm if active
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm if inactive (6500 GE circuit pack
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
2 For a SuperMux ETH facility, verify that there is at least one cross-connection
3 Verify that the OME1000 line side is connected to a GE or FE circuit pack and
only one of the ports on the line side is connected. Also verify that the
subtending equipment is connected to the OME1000 client side.
Step Action
4 Ensure the Control Frame Profile is set properly. Refer to tables in chapter 1
of the Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310, for
the correct EFM values (there are multiple possibilities depending on
5 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 6
6 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
7 Replace with an OME1000 CPE module. Refer to the latest OME1000
Installation and User Guide, NTK972xx.
If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 9
8 Ensure the Control Frame Profile is set to 4: P2P Tunnel. This alarm will only
be present if an EFM CFPRF is provisioned. Once the profile is changed to
4, the alarm should clear.
9 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-68
CP Loss of Host Timing Ref.
Alarm ID: 17
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the frequency gap between the reference source
from the OC-3 host and the DSM 84xDS1 termination module (TM) internal
source is too large. A timing reference is considered invalid if the absolute
frequency offset from the internal DSM 84xDS1 TM clock is greater than -230/
+205 ppm.
This alarm does not result in circuit pack conviction, and clears when the
conditions that caused the alarm changes.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm if active
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm if inactive
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
1 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit
pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” procedure
in this document.
2 Look for any other alarms in the active alarm list that are against the DSM
84xDS1 TM. Use the appropriate alarm clearing procedure to clear the alarm.
3 Verify the timing reference is correct. Refer to the “Retrieving synchronization
data for a network element” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
4 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
5 If the alarm does not clear, replace the DSM 84xDS1 TM. Refer to the
“Replacing the DSM 84xDS1 TM circuit pack” procedure in Fault
Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
6 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-69
CPU2 Unreachable
Alarm ID: 1157
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the secondary processor on the SP-2 is not
reachable from the primary processor. This alarm applies to the SP-2 Dual
CPU circuit pack.
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm (for the SONET/SDH and
Photonic Control Plane, when the CPU2 is warm restarted with Control Plane
provisioned, this alarm is raised as NSA)
Major, Service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
Step Action
1 Restart the shelf processor. Wait five minutes for it to restart. Refer to
Procedure 2-11, “Restarting a circuit pack or shelf processor” on page 2-30.
2 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-70
CPU2 Warm Restart Required
Alarm ID: 1425
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when an SP-2 Dual CPU Processor (CPU2) warm restart
is required after a SONET/SDH or Photonic OSRP instance is added or
This alarm can also be caused by changes made to the OSRP for Photonic
Control Plane. For example, a change of the OOB local UDP port.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Before you perform this procedure, you must use an account with level 3 or
higher UPC.
Step Action
1 Perform a warm restart of the CPU2 of the active SP-2 Dual CPU circuit pack.
See Procedure 2-11, “Restarting a circuit pack or shelf processor” on page
2 If the alarm does not clear following the restart of the shelf processor, contact
your next level of support or your Ciena support group.
Procedure 4-71
Craft Load Missing
Alarm ID: 627
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the shelf processor does not contain a craft (that is,
NE Java Webstart Site Manager) load. The craft load is loaded when the shelf
processor is upgraded.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Deliver the software load to the network element. Refer to the “Transferring a
software load to a network element” procedure in chapter 7 of Administration
and Security, 323-1851-301.
2 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-72
Craft Load Unpacking Aborted - Low Disk Space
Alarm ID: 1156
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the SP is running low in disk space, such that NE
Java Webstart Site Manager cannot be installed in the NE.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
Procedure 4-73
Cross-connection Mismatch
Alarm ID: 863
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against the shelf when:
• one or more optical cross-connections recorded in the Optical Bandwidth
Manager (OBM) database are mismatched with the existing configuration
in the Shelf Wavelength Topology (SWT) database
• there are SWT instances that have no corresponding photonic cross-
• a passthrough channel is provisioned at a TOADM, but a CMD for that
same group is provisioned, or the inter-OTS adjacencies are missing or
they are incorrectly provisioned
• there is a mismatch between the cross-connects and the corresponding
Shelf Wavelength Topology (TOPO-SWT) instances. In particular, the
following mismatch conditions are alarmed when Autoroute is disabled:
— the TOPO-SWT instance for a provisioned local add/drop cross-
connect has a routing of UNKNOWN or an owner value that is not
— one or both TOPO-SWT instances for a provisioned spur or intra-
domain passthrough cross-connect have a routing of UNKNOWN or
an owner value that is not OBM.
— there is a missing provisioned local add/drop, passthrough, or spur
cross-connect for an existing TOPO-SWT instance with routing and
owner set.
• For CDC configurations, this alarm is raised when redundant slot
sequences are provisioned. Note that redundant slot sequences are not
supported. The alarm clears when you deprovision the slot sequences.
For Direction Independent Access (DIA), OBM audit raises this alarm if it
detects an OCH with routing OBM_DI_ADD or OBM_DI_DROP and the
corresponding Tx/Rx adjacency is OOS.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
4 Sort the data in the Photonic cross-connect list from step 1 by the To column.
Find and record all the cross-connects that share the same value in the To
5 Only one cross-connection is permitted to use a given To value. Correct the
provisioning error(s) so that only a single cross-connect exists for the
duplicated To value. This may require:
• deleting a cross-connect. Refer to the “Deleting Photonic cross-connects”
procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Bandwidth and Data Services, 323-
• placing an ADJ-RX facility OOS (provision the CMD44 ADJ-RX Receiver
type to UNKNOWN) to delete a channel for which a derived/provisioned
pass-through cross-connect was created. Refer to the “Editing facility
parameters” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310. Following the channel deletion, verify the
channel no longer appears in channel listing of the Domain Optical
Controller (DOC) application in Site Manager. Refer to the “Retrieving
Domain Optical Controller summary and details view” procedure in Part
2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
• placing an ADJ-TX facility OOS (provision the CMD44 ADJ-TX
Transmitter type to UNKNOWN) to delete a channel for which a derived/
provisioned pass-through cross-connect was created. Refer to the
“Editing facility parameters” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310. Following the channel
deletion, verify the channel no longer appears in channel listing of the
Domain Optical Controller (DOC) application in Site Manager. Refer to
the “Retrieving Domain Optical Controller summary and details view”
procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-
Go to step 10.
Step Action
6 Sort the data in the Photonic cross-connect list from step 1 by the From
column. Find and record all the cross-connects that share the same value in
the From column.
7 The following rules apply to the cross-connects that share a given From value:
• a maximum of one local drop cross-connection is allowed
• a maximum of one non-broadcast pass-through cross-connection is
Correct the provisioning error(s) so that the cross-connections sharing the
same From value comply with the rules in this step. This may require:
• deleting a cross-connect. Refer to the “Deleting Photonic cross-connects”
procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Bandwidth and Data Services, 323-
• placing an ADJ-RX facility OOS (provision the CMD44 ADJ-RX Receiver
type to UNKNOWN) to delete a channel for which a derived/provisioned
pass-through cross-connect was created. Refer to the “Editing facility
parameters” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310. Following the channel deletion, verify that the
channel no longer appears in channel listing of the Domain Optical
Controller (DOC) application in Site Manager. Refer to the “Retrieving
Domain Optical Controller summary and details view” procedure in Part
2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
• placing an ADJ-TX facility OOS (provision the CMD44 ADJ-TX
Transmitter type to UNKNOWN) to delete a channel for which a derived/
provisioned pass-through cross-connect was created. Refer to the
“Editing facility parameters” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310. Following the channel
deletion, verify the channel no longer appears in the channel listing of the
Domain Optical Controller (DOC) application in Site Manager. Refer to
the “Retrieving Domain Optical Controller summary and details view”
procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-
Go to step 10.
8 Follow step 4 and step 6 to resolve the mismatches (of the To and From
values) identified in step 1.
9 If the original alarm has Then go to
cleared step 10
not cleared step 13
Step Action
16 Select your next step for SWT instances that are missing a cross-connection.
If this is Then
a ROADM site perform the same steps as when a cross-connection
has a Mismatch value of From and/or To, that is, step
2 to step 12.
a TOADM see “Adjacency Provisioning Error” on page 4-39 for
the steps required to clear the alarm.
17 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-74
Cross connect Error
Alarm ID: 1207
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against a Maintenance Association (MA) entity when a
Maintenance End Point (MEP) receives at least one Continuity Check
Message (CCM) encoded with a different Maintenance Association ID (MAID)
(than its own) or receives a CCM with a lower Maintenance Domain (MD) level
(than its own).
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Verify the MEPs on both nodes (local MEP and the remote MEP) belong to
the same MD/MA pair. That is, the MD name and the short MA name are
identical. Refer to the “Data services Ethernet OAM provisioning” chapter in
Part 3 of Configuration - Bandwidth and Data Services, 323-1851-320.
2 Verify the associated MDs are configured against the same MD level.
If there are multiple RMEPs, use the "RTRV-MEP-DEFECTS2" TL1
command (or) the Defects tab in the Ethernet OAM provisioning
window in Site Manager to isolate the alarm condition against a
specific RME.
3 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-75
Crossed Fibers Suspected
Alarm ID: 1508
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against the ADJ facility of the associated LIM port (MON
port) when the received power by the far-end is higher than the transmitting
end due to a crossed fiber.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure
• you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
Step Action
1 Verify the adjacency of the OPM ports and the system diagrams of the shelf.
2 Trace the fiber from the OPM port to the associated monitor port on the LIM.
3 Ensure the fibering is exactly the same as the adjacencies.
4 If the fibers are crossed, uncross them.
5 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-76
Dark Fiber Loss Measurement Disabled
Alarm ID: 1825
Probable cause
This event is raised when the Dark Fiber Loss Measurement is disabled on a
shelf with CDC equipment provisioned.
If any CDC equipment was ever provisioned at least once on the shelf, this
event is raised when the system parameter “Dark Fiber Loss Measurement”
is set to OFF in Site Manager Node Information System tab, using the Edit
command. By default, this parameter value is ON.
If CDC equipment was never provisioned on the shelf, this event is not raised
when the “Dark Fiber Loss Measurement” is set to OFF.
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Open the Node Information Site Manager application and select the System
tab. Click Edit then set the “Dark Fiber Loss Measurement” system
parameter to On. Refer to the “Editing the nodal system parameters”
procedure in Administration and Security, 323-1851-301.
Note: The system parameter “Dark Fiber Loss Measurement” can be
changed from a member shelf or a primary shelf (if shelf Sync is ON, the
“Dark Fiber Loss Measurement” cannot be changed from a member shelf). If
the system parameter is changed on a primary shelf, it will broadcast to all
member shelves.
2 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-77
Database Auto Save in Progress
Alarm ID: 1047
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when an automatic database backup is initiated.
Step Action
Procedure 4-78
Database Integrity Fail
Alarm ID: 8
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when there is a possibility that provisioning data on the
shelf processor is in a corrupted state.
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm
Step Action
Procedure 4-79
Database Integrity Fail - CPU2
Alarm ID: 1241
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the provisioning data on the CPU2 is corrupted and
the database cache integrity has failed. The alarm is also raised when you
restore from backup and then commit fails.
Major, Service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
Step Action
Procedure 4-80
Database Not Recovered For Slot
Alarm ID: 1390
Probable cause
This alarm is raised if provisioning data for a provisioned circuit pack is not
recovered over a system or shelf processor power-up/restart. The alarm
indicates the slot for which data corruption is detected.
The alarm clears when the provisioning data is corrected or a data restore is
performed as a result of clearing related higher severity alarms.
Step Action
Procedure 4-81
Database Recovery Incomplete
Alarm ID: 205
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the shelf processor is replaced and there is a
missing, mismatched or failed circuit pack in the shelf. The alarm is the result
of a data consistency audit depending on whether any equipment data was
not recovered.
The DSM site address, PM, and alarm profiles will be lost if the host OC-3
circuit pack to the DSM 84xDS1 termination module is missing or in a failed
state when you replace the shelf processor.
For each slot, the audit compares provisioned equipment known to the shelf
processor to that recovered from the cards. If there is a mismatch in the
comparison, this alarm is raised and then no data will be sent to the cards.
Database save operations will also be blocked.
The data consistency audit requires at least one XC circuit pack, and does not
run if it detects that it was run and previously found problems.
Do not remove or insert any circuit packs during this procedure.
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm
The data transfer to the transport circuit pack is blocked until the data
consistency audit is successfully completed.
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Retrieve the current events and alarms. Refer to the “Viewing events” section
in chapter 1 of this document.
If there is a Software Upgrade In Progress alarm, complete the
upgrade before continuing this procedure.
2 From the list of alarms find the “Database Not Recovered For Slot” alarm. The
“Database Not Recovered For Slot” alarm is raised against the slot for which
data is missing.
3 Complete a database restore. Refer to the backup and restore procedures in
chapter 6 of Administration and Security, 323-1851-301, for more information.
4 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-82
Database Restore in Progress
Alarm ID: 143
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the provisioning data is being restored to a
standalone shelf or to one or multiple shelves in a consolidated TID.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must
• be able to connect to the shelf processor
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
Step Action
Procedure 4-83
Database Save Failed
Alarm ID: 1263
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the shelf processor detects that a save command
sent to the shelf processor fails.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must
• be able to connect to the shelf processor
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
Step Action
2 Click Cancel in the Backup and Restore application. Refer to the “Restoring
provisioning data” procedure in chapter 6 of Administration and Security, 323-
1851-301 for more information.
Canceling cleans up any backup files left in invalid states.
3 This alarm can be cleared if you try to backup or restore the provisioning data
again. The alarm clears if the backup or restore action is successful. Refer to
the “Restoring provisioning data” procedure in chapter 6 of Administration
and Security, 323-1851-301 for more information.
Step Action
4 If the alarm does not clear, check the network element to determine whether
a condition exists that can prevent a save. These conditions include:
• a “Software Upgrade in Progress” alarm is active
• a database save is already in progress
• a “Software Mismatch” alarm is active
• the software version on the shelf processor is different from the other
circuit packs
• a “Disk Full” alarm is active
• an unsaved SAOS CLI config
— Save SAOS CLI configurations from the primary PKT/OTN cross-
connect/eMOTR circuit packs and then re-issue the restore operation
• a corruption in the network element database is detected (indicated by a
Transport Data Recovery Failed, a Database Recovery Incomplete, or a
Switch Shelf ID Mismatch detected alarm)
• active alarms are present unless you specify the backup to ignore active
• the NE mode is “Unknown”
Checklist for Database Save specific failure (these failures are popped up in
Site Manager when a database save is failed).
Database Save Failed: FTP/SFTP access denied
• Ensure the IP address, directory path, userid and password are valid for
the remote host
Database Save Failed: Failure transferring file,
• Ensure that the remote host has adequate disk space and the correct
attributes (permissions) are set for writing to the remote directory.
Database Save Failed: Invalid destination
• check URL path, filename, permission
Database Save Failed: Could not connect to destination
• Ensure there are no issues with FTP server on the remote host.
Database Save Failed: Could not connect to Source
• Ensure there are no issues with FTP server on the remote host.
A FTP server can handle up to certain amount of simultaneous FTP sessions
(for example 50), so when performing a save, the Maximum Transfer Session
parameter should be set to a number that the FTP server can handle.
Step Action
5 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-84
Database Restore Failed
Alarm ID: 1264
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the shelf processor detects that a restore command
sent to the shelf processor fails.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must
• be able to connect to the shelf processor
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
Step Action
2 Click Cancel in the Backup and Restore application. Refer to the “Restoring
provisioning data” procedure in chapter 6 of Administration and Security, 323-
1851-301 for more information.
Canceling cleans up any backup files left in invalid states.
3 This alarm can also clear if you try to restore the provisioning data again. The
alarm clears if the restore action is successful. Refer to the “Restoring
provisioning data” procedure in chapter 6 of Administration and Security, 323-
1851-301 for more information.
Step Action
4 If the alarm does not clear, check the network element to determine whether
a condition exists that can prevent a restore. These conditions include:
• a “Software Upgrade in Progress” alarm is active
• a database save is already in progress
• a “Software Mismatch” alarm is active
• the software version on the shelf processor is different from the other
circuit packs
• a “Disk Full” alarm is active
• a corruption in the network element database is detected (indicated by a
Transport Data Recovery Failed, a Database Recovery Incomplete, or a
Switch Shelf ID Mismatch detected alarm)
• active alarms are present unless you specify the backup to ignore active
• the NE mode is “Unknown”
Checklist for Database Restore specific failure (these failures appear in Site
Manager when a database restore action fails).
Database Restore Failed: Invalid source
• Check the database filename prefix. If the file identifier is used in the
database filename then the user must use the Use filename starting
with checkbox option to match with the database filename prefix.
• Check the shelf number in the database filename prefix. If it does not
match with the NE shelf number then the user must use the Use filename
with shelf number checkbox option to match with the database shelf
number prefix.
Database Restore Failed: Backup not from this node
• This failure indicates the node name saved in the database and the NE
node name don’t match. It’s either the database was saved in the different
shelf or the current NE node name had been changed after the database
save. You can specify the restore to ignore the node name check by
uncheck the Do not restore if data was not backed up from this NE
Database Restore Failed: Mismatched Software Releases
• Ensure the database software release is not different from the NE
software release.
Step Action
Procedure 4-85
Database Commit Failed
Alarm ID: 1265
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the shelf processor detects that a Commit
command sent to the shelf processor fails.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must
• be able to connect to the shelf processor
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
Step Action
2 Click Cancel in the Backup and Restore application. Refer to the “Restoring
provisioning data” procedure in chapter 6 of Administration and Security, 323-
1851-301, for more information.
Canceling cleans up any backup files left in invalid states.
3 This alarm can also clear if you try to backup or restore the provisioning data
again. The alarm clears if the backup or restore action is successful. Refer to
the “Restoring provisioning data” procedure in chapter 6 of Administration
and Security, 323-1851-301, for more information.
Step Action
4 If the alarm does not clear, check the network element to determine whether
a condition exists that can prevent a commit. These conditions include:
• a “Software Upgrade in Progress” alarm is active
• a database save is already in progress
• a “Software Mismatch” alarm is active
• the software version on the shelf processor is different from the other
circuit packs
• a “Disk Full” alarm is active
• a corruption in the network element database is detected (indicated by a
Transport Data Recovery Failed, a Database Recovery Incomplete, or a
Switch Shelf ID Mismatch detected alarm)
• active alarms are present unless you specify the backup to ignore active
• the NE mode is “Unknown”
5 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-86
Database Save in Progress
Alarm ID: 147
Probable cause
This alarm is raised while a database save is in progress and clears when the
save is completed or has failed.
Step Action
Procedure 4-87
DCC Link Fail alarms
Use this procedure to clear alarms associated with the Data Communications
Channel (DCC) link failures.
For all circuit packs except the MXC, the DCC link is controlled by lower layer
SDCC and not a circuit (IISIS or OSPF). Therefore, even if no IISIS or OSPF
circuits are provisioned, the DCC link is still up between the near-end and far-
ends and no DCC Link Failure alarm is raised.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• have the optical fiber connection information (that is, how the optical
modules on each network element connect to other network elements)
• if the DCC link failure alarms are not present at the far-end, clear all
remote alarms present against the optical fiber
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
Step Action
1 Ensure there are no other alarms that would impact DCC against this facility
(such as LOS, Circuit Pack Missing, Circuit Pack Failed)
2 Identify the facility raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit pack,
pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” procedure in this
If the alarm is Then go
toggling step 3
constant step 6
Step Action
6 Use the optical fiber connection information to identify the network element
and the circuit pack that is the source of the signal reporting the alarm.
Check if there are any related alarms on the source facility with the DCC
alarm. Clear any related alarms on the facility with the DCC alarm using the
appropriate procedures.
7 Ensure that the alarm has been raised for more than five minutes, in case a
shelf processor or interface circuit pack restart at the remote terminal caused
the alarm.
8 Verify whether the alarm is present on both ends of the link. If not, verify the
alarms and provisioning on the node that does not have the alarm.
9 Verify that both network elements have the same protection scheme. Refer to
the “Retrieving protection parameters” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
a. If the facility protection group is provisioned the same for both network
elements and the alarm continues, go to step 11.
b. If the facility protection group is provisioned differently at the two network
elements, one of the network elements is not correctly configured. Verify
from your company record and repair the incorrectly provisioned
protection scheme.
10 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 11
Step Action
11 Verify that all lower layer DCC parameters provisioned at both network
elements match. Refer to the “Retrieving communications settings” in Part 1
of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310, for information
about lower layer DCC parameters.
a. Retrieve the lower layer DCC at the local and remote network elements.
Refer to the “Retrieving communications settings” procedure in Part 1 of
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
b. Record the settings of all lower layer DCC parameters.
c. Compare all lower layer DCC parameter settings. Ensure all parameters
provisioned at both network elements match. Repair any incorrectly
provisioned parameters. Refer to the “Editing the communications
settings” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
12 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to next step
Step Action
13 Verify the optical fibers/cables on the network element. For a 1+1/MSP linear,
1+1 port TPT, or 1+1 TPT configuration protected optical interface:
• the odd slot transmit must connect to the odd slot receive on the far-end
network element
• the even slot transmit must connect to the even slot receive on the far-end
network element
• reconnect any faulty connections
Risk of traffic loss
Swapping fibers can cause a loss of traffic. Before
swapping fibers use section trace to confirm that fibers
have already been swapped. Swapping fibers should
be done after all provisioning has been verified.
15 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
16 If the alarm does not clear, log into the remote network element using the
external IP address.
• If the login is successful, go to step 17.
• If the login fails, see the Note, then contact your next level of support or
your Ciena support group.
Note: If the remote network element is only accessible through DCC, the
login may not be possible, as the DCC has failed. If this is the case, go to
step 17.
17 Restart the shelf processor. Wait five minutes for it to restart. Refer to
Procedure 2-11, “Restarting a circuit pack or shelf processor” on page 2-30.
18 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 19
Step Action
19 Reseat the shelf processor at the site that originally reported the alarm. Refer
to the “Reseating a circuit pack” procedure in Fault Management - Module
Replacement, 323-1851-545. Wait five minutes for the shelf processor to
20 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 21
21 Restart and reseat the shelf processor at the remote site determined in step
6 if this was not already done in step 16.
22 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 23
23 Restart and reseat the required circuit pack at the remote site determined in
step 6.
24 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 25
25 Replace the required circuit pack at the network element originally reporting
the alarm. Refer to the equipment replacement procedures in Fault
Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
26 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-88
Debug Port in Use
Alarm ID: 1132
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a user with a UPC 4 or greater logs in to the debug
The “Debug Port In Use” alarm is disabled by default and can be enabled
using the Site Manager Configuration->Alarms & Controls->Alarm Profiles
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Step Action
1 No action is required. The alarm clears when the debug port is no longer in
2 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-89
Delay Measurement Enabled on Slave Node
Alarm ID: 1418
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when latency discovery is enabled on an OSRP slave
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Step Action
1 Disable latency discovery on slave node. Refer to the “Editing an OSRP link”
procedure in Configuration - Control Plane, 323-1851-330. If the alarm does
not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena support group.
Procedure 4-90
Delay Measurement Failed
Alarm ID: 1419
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when latency measurements have failed.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Step Action
Procedure 4-91
Delay Measurement Mismatch Capability
Alarm ID: 1417
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a link is up between master node and the slave
node and the user enables latency discovery on master node on that link.
Then the master OSRP node will be capable of delay measurements while the
salve node is not capable of performing delay announcements.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Step Action
1 Disable latency discovery flag on master node. Refer to the “Editing an OSRP
link” procedure in Configuration - Control Plane, 323-1851-330.
2 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-92
Disk Full alarms
Use this procedure to clear alarms associated with the shelf processor disk
As of release 6.0, the “Disk 75 percent full” alarm is not supported on SP-1.
SP-2 or SPAP2 w/2xOSC will raise this alarm due to lack of file space. This
alarm is enabled by default.
For the 2-slot shelf, this alarm is disabled by default since there is no SP-2.
The alarm must be enabled manually.
The Disk 75 percent Full alarm is for information only and does not affect the
operation of the shelf. It is recommended that you attempt to clear this alarm
to prevent possible future problems if the disk becomes too full.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
As of release 6.0, the “Disk 90 percent full” alarm is not supported on SP-1.
SP-2 or SPAP2 w/2xOSC will raise this alarm due to lack of file space. This
alarm is enabled by default.
For the 2-slot shelf, this alarm is disabled by default since there is no SP-2.
The alarm must be enabled manually.
The Disk 90 percent Full alarm is for information only and does not affect the
operation on the shelf. It is recommended that you attempt to clear this alarm
to prevent possible future problems if the disk becomes too full.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Disk Full
Alarm ID: 146
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the disk is full on the shelf processor.
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm
Any time a Disk Full condition is reached, some applications or operations
are blocked. For example, the system blocks upgrades, circuit pack
provisioning, and initializations.
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Delete any loads that you do not require on the disk. Refer to the “Deleting a
software load” in Administration and Security, 323-1851-301.
2 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-93
DOC Action: Channel Add In Progress
Alarm ID: 875
Probable cause
This alarm is raised by DOC as soon as the Add channel command enters the
EXECUTING state. This alarm is only active at the DOC site where the Add
command is executing.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
Procedure 4-94
DOC Action: Channel Delete In Progress
Alarm ID: 876
Probable cause
This alarm is raised by the DOC as soon as the Delete or Forced Delete
command enters the EXECUTING state. The EXECUTING state begins after
the “Delete: Waiting” state. This alarm is only active at the DOC site where the
Delete or Forced Delete command is executing.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 4 UPC.
Step Action
Procedure 4-95
DOC Action Failed: Add
Alarm ID: 576
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a Channel Add command (automatic or manual) in
DOC is requested and fails. Conditions that can cause this failure include:
• maintenance activities, such as module replacement, module restart, and
fiber cut occurred during the Channel Add command
• an internal communications issue (for example, the ILAN port is not
• a provisioning error on the Rx or Tx adjacency
• an associated adjacency or AMP facility is deleted
• the DOC Action: Channel Add was stopped before the addition was
This alarm is cleared if the Clear DOC Alarms button is clicked in the DOC
application. However, this will not clear the underlying problem.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• have the engineering documentation package (EDP) containing
provisioning details
Step Action
Note: If the Optical Line Fail alarm is active, clear this alarm first.
4 Clear all other active alarms on the network elements within the DOC span of
control. For optimal DOC operation, the system must be alarm free.
Use the DOC Logs window to view the DOC logs to determine if another
network element reported an error. Review the DOC logs from the other
network element. Refer to the “Displaying the DOC logs for the summary
table” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-
Step Action
5 Delete the channels that were unsuccessfully added under DOC control.
Refer to the “Deleting optical channels” procedures in Commissioning and
Testing, 323-1851-221.
If the delete operation fails, perform a Force Delete operation (service-
affecting action).
Note: You must successfully delete the channels that were
unsuccessfully added under DOC control before re-attempting to add
6 Verify, and if necessary, correct the following provisioned data (reference the
• Tx and Rx adjacency parameters (Adjacency type and all power-related
• Line adjacency parameter (Fiber Type)
• AMP optical facility parameters (Mode, Target Gain, Target Power, and
Target Peak Power)
Refer to the “Retrieving equipment and facility details” and “Editing facility
parameters” procedures in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310, for information on how to display and edit
adjacency and optical facility parameters.
7 Check the subtending connections to the CMD44. Make sure that the
connections, power levels and wavelengths are good.
8 Re-attempt to add the channels.
9 If the alarm does not clear, or clears then returns, or the channels cannot be
added, contact your next level of support or your Ciena support group.
Procedure 4-96
DOC Action Failed: Delete
Alarm ID: 577
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a Channel Delete command (automatic or manual)
in DOC is requested and fails. Conditions that can cause this failure include:
• maintenance activities, such as module replacement, module restart, and
fiber cut occurred during the Channel Delete operation
• an internal communications issue (for example, the ILAN port is not
• an optical disconnect, such as a fiber break, within the DOC span of
• a provisioning error on the Rx or Tx adjacency
• an associated adjacency or AMP facility is deleted
• the DOC Action: Channel Delete was stopped before the deletion was
This alarm is cleared if the Clear DOC Alarms button is clicked in the DOC
application. However, this will not clear the underlying problem.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• have the engineering documentation package (EDP) containing
provisioning details
Step Action
Note: If the Optical Line Fail alarm is active, clear this alarm first.
4 Clear all other active alarms on the network elements within the DOC span of
control. For optimal DOC operation, the system must be alarm free.
Use the DOC Logs window to view the DOC logs to determine if another
network element reported an error. Review the DOC logs from the other
network element. Refer to the “Displaying the DOC logs for the summary
table” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-
Step Action
5 Verify, and if necessary, correct the following provisioned data (reference the
• Tx and Rx adjacency parameters (Adjacency type and all power-related
• Line adjacency parameter (Fiber Type)
• AMP optical facility parameters (Mode, Target Gain, Target Power, and
Target Peak Power)
Refer to the “Retrieving equipment and facility details” and “Editing facility
parameters” procedures in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310, for information on how to display and edit
adjacency and optical facility parameters.
6 If the Channel Condition field displays Then go to
a condition other than “Partially Deleted” step 7
“Partially Deleted” step 10
7 Click the Clear DOC Alarms button in the DOC window. This clears the
alarm; however, the underlying problem is not cleared.
8 Click the Re-optimize button, and wait until the optimization completes.
9 If the optimization Then go to
fails Procedure 4-98, “DOC Action
Failed: Optimize” on page 4-216
succeeds step 10
Any channels that were in the delete queue are returned to their
previous state when the deletion fails. These channels must be re-
selected for deletion.
11 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-97
DOC Action Failed: Monitor
Alarm ID: 549
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when DOC is unable to monitor, and thus unable to
determine if the Photonic Domain is optimal. Conditions that can cause this
failure include:
• an internal communications issue (for example, the ILAN port is not
• an optical disconnect, such as a fiber break, within the DOC span of
• a circuit pack or module within the DOC photonic domain was replaced or
This alarm appears only on the affected DOC shelf. For details on provisioning
the automation mode, refer to the “Editing the DOC Settings” procedure in
Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
This alarm is cleared if the DOC Primary Sate is changed to OOS. However,
this will not clear the underlying problem. Refer to the “Editing the DOC
Settings” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,
323-1851-310, for details on how to change the Primary State.
When the DOC Automation Mode is ‘Enhanced Auto Monitor Only', then the
“DOC Action Failed: Monitor” alarm is raised only after two consecutive auto
monitor failures. The alarm is cleared when there is a successful auto monitor
or a successful optimization action, or when there is no longer any managed
channels on the DOC facility against which the alarm was raised.
If the DOC Automation Mode is set to 'Enhanced', then the “DOC Action
Failed: Monitor” alarm is never raised. Auto monitor failures will feed into
raising the “DOC Action Failed: Optimize” alarm.
Note 2: When this alarm is raised, it indicates that DOC cannot determine
the optimization state of the system. As a result, DOC maintains the
current optimization state. If this alarm resulted from a comms issue, the
optimization state displayed in DOC is most likely correct. If this alarm
resulted from a system fault, such as a fiber cut, DOC may indicate the
system is optimized when it is not. Once the fault is repaired, the system
returns to its optimal state.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
Step Action
4 Check for and clear any of the following alarms on all the network elements
that are active within the DOC span of control:
• Adjacency Far End Not Discovered
• Adjacency Provisioning Error
• Automatic Power Reduction Active
• Automatic Shutoff
• Circuit Pack Failed
• Circuit Pack Mismatch
• Circuit Pack Missing
• Circuit Pack Unknown
• Gauge Threshold Crossing Alert Summary
• Optical Line Fail
• OSC Loss of Signal
• Shutoff Threshold Crossed
Note: If the Optical Line Fail alarm is active, clear this alarm first.
After the alarms in step 4 clear, the DOC Action Failed: Monitor alarm should
clear autonomously during the next DOC Auto Monitor run.
5 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 6
6 Clear all other active alarms on the network elements within the DOC span of
control. For optimal DOC operation, the system must be alarm free.
Use the DOC Logs window to view the DOC logs to determine if another
network element reported an error. Review the DOC logs from the other
network element. Refer to the “Displaying the DOC logs for the summary
table” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-
After the other alarms and conditions clear, the DOC Action Failed: Monitor
alarm should clear autonomously during the next DOC Auto Monitor run.
7 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-98
DOC Action Failed: Optimize
Alarm ID: 550
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when DOC is unable to perform a manual or automatic re-
optimization. The conditions that can cause this failure include:
• maintenance activities, such as module replacement, module restart, and
fiber cut occurred while DOC auto monitoring was running
• an internal communications issue (for example, the ILAN port is not
• an optical disconnect, such as a fiber break, within the DOC span of
• a circuit pack or module within the DOC photonic domain was replaced or
This alarm appears only on the affected DOC shelf. For details on provisioning
the automation mode, refer to the “Editing the DOC Settings” procedure in
Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
This alarm can be raised when DOC is operating in either enhanced mode or
enhanced auto monitor only mode. The alarm hold off time is about 3 to 5
This alarm is cleared if the DOC Primary state is changed to OOS. (Refer to
the “Editing the DOC Settings” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310, for details on how to change the
Primary state.) However, this will not clear the underlying problem.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
4 Check for and clear any of the following alarms on all the network elements
that are active within the DOC span of control:
• Adjacency Far End Not Discovered
• Adjacency Provisioning Error
• Automatic Power Reduction Active
• Automatic Shutoff
• Channel Controller: Unexpected Loss Detected
• Circuit Pack Failed
• Circuit Pack Mismatch
• Circuit Pack Missing
• Circuit Pack Unknown
• Gauge Threshold Crossing Alert Summary
• Optical Line Fail
• OSC Loss of Signal
• Shutoff Threshold Crossed
Note: If the Optical Line Fail alarm is active, clear this alarm first.
After the preceding alarms clear, the DOC Action: Fault Detected alarm
should clear autonomously during the next DOC auto re-optimize run.
Step Action
6 Clear all other active alarms on the network elements within the DOC span of
control. For optimal DOC operation, the system must be alarm free.
Use the DOC Logs window to view the DOC logs to determine whether
another network element reported an error. Review the DOC logs from the
other network element. Refer to the “Displaying the DOC logs for the
summary table” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
After the other alarms and conditions clear, the DOC Action Failed: Optimize
alarm should clear autonomously during the next DOC auto re-optimize run.
7 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-99
DOC Action: Fault Detected
Alarm ID: 873
Probable cause
This alarm is raised during DOC automatic fault detection, when DOC detects
a fault or the action is not completed. The conditions that can cause this failure
• maintenance activities, such as module replacement, module restart, and
fiber cut occurred while DOC monitoring was running
• a module power value crossed the operating threshold
• a module within the DOC photonic domain was replaced or restarted
• an internal communications issue (for example, the ILAN port is not
• an optical disconnect (such as a fiber break) within the DOC span of
• malfunctioning hardware
• incorrect provisioning
This alarm is cleared if the DOC Primary state is changed to OOS. However,
this will not clear the underlying problem. Refer to the “Editing the DOC
Settings” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,
323-1851-310, for details on how to change the Primary state.
For the MLA2 w/VOA circuit pack if the VOA facility primary state is OOS, a
“DOC Action: Fault Detected” alarm is raised.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 4 UPC
• have the engineering documentation package (EDP) containing
adjacency details
Step Action
4 Check for and clear any of the following alarms on all the network elements
that are active within the DOC span of control:
• Adjacency Far End Not Discovered
• Adjacency Provisioning Error
• Automatic Power Reduction Active
• Automatic Shutoff
• Channel Controller: Unexpected Loss Detected
• Circuit Pack Failed
• Circuit Pack Mismatch
• Circuit Pack Missing
• Circuit Pack Unknown
• Gauge Threshold Crossing Alert Summary
• Optical Line Fail
• OSC Loss of Signal
• Shutoff Threshold Crossed
Note: If the Optical Line Fail alarm is active, clear this alarm first.
Step Action
6 Clear all other active alarms on the network elements within the DOC span of
control. For optimal DOC operation, the system must be alarm free.
Use the DOC Logs window to view the DOC logs to determine if another
network element reported an error. Review the DOC logs from the other
network element. Refer to the “Displaying the DOC logs for the summary
table” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-
7 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 8
8 Verify, and if necessary, correct the following provisioned data (refer to the
• Tx and Rx adjacency parameters (Adjacency type and all power-related
• Line adjacency parameter (Fiber type)
• AMP optical facility parameters (Primary state, Mode, Target Gain,
Target Power, and Target Peak Power)
• OPTMON facility parameters (Primary state)
• CHC facility parameters primary state
Refer to the “Retrieving equipment and facility details” and “Editing facility
parameters” procedures in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310, for information on how to display and edit
adjacency and optical facility parameters.
9 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 10
Procedure 4-100
DOC Consecutive Re-Opt Threshold Crossed
Alarm ID: 874
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when DOC performs 25 re-optimizations in a row, with no
separation by successful auto-monitoring cycles. That is, when DOC
completes an optimization, the next monitoring cycle detects that another re-
optimization is required. This can occur when there are continuous power
fluctuations of greater than 1.0 dB, which causes DOC to detect that an
optimization is required.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 4 UPC
• have the engineering documentation package (EDP) containing
provisioning details
Step Action
Step Action
4 Check for and clear any of the following alarms on all the network elements
that are active within the DOC span of control:
• Adjacency Far End Not Discovered
• Adjacency Provisioning Error
• Automatic Power Reduction Active
• Automatic Shutoff
• Circuit Pack Failed
• Circuit Pack Mismatch
• Circuit Pack Missing
• Circuit Pack Unknown
• Gauge Threshold Crossing Alert Summary
• Optical Line Fail
• OSC Loss of Signal
• Shutoff Threshold Crossed
Note: If the Optical Line Fail alarm is active, clear this alarm first.
After the above alarms clear, the DOC Consecutive Re-Opt Threshold
Crossed alarm should clear autonomously during the next DOC auto re-
5 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 6
6 Use any active Gauge Threshold Crossing Alert Summary alarms to help
determine the exact cause of the power fluctuation. Fix the cause of the
power fluctuation, and let the system re-optimize.
7 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 8
Step Action
8 Clear all other active alarms on the network elements within the DOC span of
control. For optimal DOC operation, the system must be alarm free.
Use the DOC Logs window to view the DOC logs to determine which section
is reporting not-optimal and for what reason, and if another network element
reported an error. If necessary, review the DOC logs from the other network
element. Refer to the “Displaying the DOC logs for the summary table”
procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
After the other alarms and conditions clear, the DOC Consecutive Re-Opt
Threshold Crossed alarm should clear autonomously during the next DOC
auto re-optimize.
9 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-101
DOC Domain Not Optimized
Alarm ID: 551
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the system is not optimal, and the conditions that
cause the alarm cannot be cleared by automatic re-optimization or automatic
monitoring. The conditions that can cause this alarm include:
• a channel addition or deletion has failed (in the case of the alarm raised in
a broadcast domain, the failed addition or deletion may have occurred
within the primary domain where the traffic is broadcast)
• DOC has determined that the system is not optimal
• DOC Automation Mode is Enhanced Auto Monitor Only
This alarm is only raised if the DOC Automation mode is set to ‘Enhanced
Auto Monitor Only’. In this mode, if the auto monitor DOC action declares that
the domain is not optimal, the 'DOC Domain Not Optimized' alarm is raised
with no hold off. The alarm clears when there is a successful full optimization
or the domain is found optimal by the auto monitor DOC action or there is no
managed channel on the DOC facility on which the alarm is raised.
Note that when the DOC Automation mode is set to ‘Enhanced’, the “DOC
Domain Not Optimized” alarm is not raised, even if the Channel Optimize
State (COS) of a channel is not optimal. Instead of “DOC Action Failed:
Monitor” and
“DOC Domain Not Optimized” alarms, only the “DOC Action Failed: Optimize”
alarm is raised.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• have the engineering documentation package (EDP) containing
adjacency details
Step Action
1 If Then go to
the DOC Action Failed: Add alarm is Procedure 4-95, “DOC Action Failed:
active Add” on page 4-207
the DOC Action Failed: Delete alarm Procedure 4-96, “DOC Action Failed:
is active Delete” on page 4-210
the DOC Action Failed: Monitor Procedure 4-97, “DOC Action Failed:
alarm is active Monitor” on page 4-213
the DOC Action Failed: Optimize Procedure 4-98, “DOC Action Failed:
alarm is active Optimize” on page 4-216
the DOC Action: Fault Detected Procedure 4-99, “DOC Action: Fault
alarm is active Detected”
none of the above alarms are active step 2
2 Wait for the re-optimization or DOC Auto Monitor run to complete, or click the
Re-Optimize button to trigger an immediate re-optimization. Refer to the “Re-
optimizing channels” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
If the re-optimization fails, follow the appropriate alarm clearing procedure(s)
in this document for any alarms raised as a result of the failed optimization.
3 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 4
4 Clear all other active alarms on the network elements within the DOC span of
control. For optimal DOC operation, the system must be alarm free.
Use the DOC Logs window to view the DOC logs to determine if another
network element reported an error. Review the DOC logs from the other
network element. Refer to the “Displaying the DOC logs for the summary
table” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-
5 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-102
DOC Invalid Photonic Domain
Alarm ID: 552
Probable cause
This alarm is active during system lineup and test (SLAT), and only appears
on the affected DOC shelf.
This alarm is raised when DOC cannot retrieve a valid Network Topology.
Conditions that can cause this include:
• an internal communications issue (for example, the ILAN port is not
• an optical disconnect, such as a fiber break, within the DOC span of
• an incorrectly provisioned shelf parameter
• an upstream circuit pack has undergone a restart operation. The alarm
clears once the restart has completed.
• more than two DOC shelves are provisioned within the optical system
• a channel has been optimized in the system, and an upstream Tx on the
same channel has been provisioned. (To prevent this alarm from being
raised, enter the second Rx adjacency for the reused wavelength before
provisioning the second Tx adjacency.)
• DOC is detecting that a DOC-controlled channel is expanded past its
previous egress point. (In this case, the alarm clears when DOC detects
that the expanded DOC-controlled channel is contracted back to its
original egress point.)
• DOC is detecting that a DOC-controlled channel is contracted prior to its
previous egress point. (In this case, the alarm clears when DOC detects
that the contracted DOC-controlled channel is expanded back to its
original egress point.)
• DOC is detecting that one or more DOC-controlled channels no longer has
a topology present within the domain. This can occur on a database
restore where there has been a capacity change since the database was
collected, and where databases are restored only on a subset of nodes in
the domain traversed by the modified channels.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• have the engineering documentation package (EDP) containing shelf
Step Action
2 Verify that both DOC site network elements are commissioned and
connected to the network.
3 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 4
4 Verify that the shelf parameters are correctly provisioned. Correct any
discrepancies. Refer to the “Editing the nodal shelf parameters” procedure in
Administration and Security, 323-1851-301.
5 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 6
Step Action
Step Action
10 Check for and clear any of the following alarms on all the network elements
that are active within the DOC span of control:
• Adjacency Far End Not Discovered
• Adjacency Mismatch
• Adjacency Provisioning Error
• Automatic Power Reduction Active
• Automatic Shutoff
• Optical Line Fail
• OSC Loss of Signal
Note: If the Optical Line Fail alarm is active, clear this alarm first.
11 If you have cleared any alarms in step 10, wait at least 15 minutes.
If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 12
12 Clear all other active alarms on the network elements within the DOC span of
control. For optimal DOC operation, the system must be alarm free.
13 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 14
If any expanded channels are identified, contract the channel back to its
original egress point by placing the corresponding ADJ-RX facility OOS
(provision the CMD44 ADJ-RX Receiver type to UNKNOWN). Refer to the
“Editing facility parameters” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310. The Domain Optical Controller
Destination TID-Shelf-RxPathID column (specifically the last part of the
entry) of the expanded channel indicates where to edit the ADJ-RX.
Step Action
If any contracted channels are identified, expand the channel back to its
original egress point by placing the corresponding ADJ-RX facility IS (change
the CMD44 ADJ-RX Receiver type from UNKNOWN to the required value).
Refer to the “Editing facility parameters” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration
- Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
17 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 18
18 Use the DOC window to view the DOC logs in order to determine if the current
or another network element reported an error. If another network element has
reported an error, review the DOC logs and provisioning of the other network
element. Refer to the “Displaying the DOC logs for the summary table”
procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
If the following DOC log is reported, refer to The “Unique log
Identifier: 131330” procedure in Fault Management - Customer
Visible Logs, 323-1851-840.
<date> <time> Invalid topology, missing previously controlled
wavelength=<wavelength> nm ingress=<TID-SHELF-TX PATHID>.
19 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-103
DOC Power Audit Failed
Alarm ID: 1719
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against the DOC facility when the Domain Optical
Controller (DOC) Power Audit action fails.
The specific cause of the alarm can be found by checking the DOC logs.
The RAMAN state can be displayed using TL1 or Site Manager. Possible
RAMAN states are Normal, APR, or Shutoff.
To perform this procedure, you must:
• be able to connect to the network element
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
Step Action
1 Use the DOC Logs window to view the DOC logs to determine if another
network element reported an error. Review the DOC logs from the other
network element. This alarm clears when there is a successful Power Audit,
or a channel has been added successfully.
2 Check for and clear any of the following alarms on all the network elements
that are active within the DOC span of control, and then retry the Power Audit
• Adjacency Far End Not Discovered
• Adjacency Provisioning Error
• Automatic Power Reduction Active (visible in the historical fault list)
• Automatic Shutoff
• Fiber Type Manual Provisioning Required
• OTDR High Reflection Detected
• Telemetry Loss Of Signal
• Circuit Pack Failed
• Circuit Pack Mismatch
• Circuit Pack Missing
• Circuit Pack Unknown
• Optical Line Fail
• OSC Loss of Signal
• OTDR Trace Failed
Procedure 4-104
Domain Optical Controller Disabled
Alarm ID: 1145
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the Domain Optical Controller (DOC) facility has
been put into an out-of-service state by the user or due to an upgrade activity.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• be able to connect to the network element
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
Step Action
Procedure 4-105
DS1 Receive alarms
Use this procedure to clear alarms associated with DS1 receive signals.
The 48 Channel Trans Mux (portless) and the PDH gateway circuit packs are
“portless”. In this procedure, the term “input signal” refers to ported circuit
packs. The generic term “receive signal” applies to both the ported and
portless circuit packs.
Alarm ID: 23
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when there is a far-end failure that causes traffic loss or
the far-end equipment is out of service. The DS1 Rx AIS alarm is raised when
the network element detects an AIS on the DS1 receive signal.
For the Trans Mux and PDH gateway circuit packs, the DS1 AIS is received
from the VT1.5/VC11 envelope.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
DS1 protocol uses ground as a binary zero and both +1 V and -1 V as binary
ones. The polarity of ones is always toggled, which gives the signal desirable
electrical characteristics and can be used to detect signal errors. This system
is called a bipolar system.
This alarm does not apply to the Trans Mux and PDH gateway circuit packs.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
This alarm does not apply to the Trans Mux and PDH gateway circuit packs.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
For the Trans Mux and PDH gateway circuit packs, this alarm is raised when
the circuit pack is faulty, or the framing format from the received DS1 is not
compatible, or the incoming quality of the signal is degraded.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
• the corresponding DS1 I/O module is not fully inserted and locked into
• the DSM 84xDS1 termination module (TM) is faulty
This alarm does not apply to the Trans Mux and PDH gateway circuit packs.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
The alarm is raised as soon as any one of four alarm signals is detected on
the far-end:
• Circuit Pack fail
• Loss of Signal
• Loss of Frame
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
The remote system is reporting that traffic is down.
To perform this procedure, you must
• use an account with at least a level 2 UPC
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
Step Action
1 Identify the DS1, Trans Mux, or PDH gateway circuit pack raising the alarm.
Refer to the “Identifying the circuit pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that
has raised an alarm” procedure in this document.
2 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
3 For the Trans Mux and PDH gateway circuit packs, verify that VT alarms are
enabled on the network element and at all points along the path. The default
alarm point status for VT alarms is not monitored. Edit the Alarm Profile if
necessary. Refer to the “Editing an alarm profile” procedure in this document.
4 Verify all cross-connects between the near-end and far-end network
elements. Refer to the “Retrieving path cross-connects” procedure in Part 1
of Configuration - Bandwidth and Data Services, 323-1851-320.
5 Retrieve all alarms at the far-end network element. Refer to the “Retrieving
active alarms for one or more network elements” procedure in this document.
Clear any alarms by following the appropriate alarm clearing procedure.
6 Ensure that the far-end facility is in-service.
8 Inspect the cabling and connectors. The cabling may be loose or damaged.
Repair any damage.
10 Ensure the corresponding I/O module is fully inserted and locked into
Step Action
11 Use a DS1 test set to determine if a valid DS1 signal is on the DS1 cross-
connect for that facility.
If there is no valid DS1 signal, the problem is with the DS1 source and the
shelf is reporting a valid condition. Perform troubleshooting on the source
system according to your company procedures.
If the alarm has not cleared, go to step 20.
12 Verify the required frame format provisioning for the entire DS1 traffic path
(refer to your company records). Edit the frame format if necessary. If the local
DS1 facility frame format requires correction, refer to the “Editing facility
parameters” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
13 If the alarm has not cleared, check if there is any signal degradation of the
upstream DS1 traffic path, including any DS1 and/or optical facilities carrying
the DS1 signal. Signal degradation can be indicated by alarms such as Signal
Degrade, Signal Fail, Excessive Error Rate, or similar, or by performance
monitoring Threshold Crossing Alerts (TCA). If applicable, resolve the signal
degradation of the DS1 traffic path associated with these alarms and/or
15 Use a DS1 test set to determine if a valid DS1 signal is on the DS1 cross-
connect for that facility.
If there is an AIS, the problem is with the DS1 source and the shelf is reporting
a valid condition. Perform troubleshooting on the source system according to
your company procedures. The procedure is complete.
If the alarm has not cleared, go to step 20.
16 Use a DS1 test set to test the signal source.
• If there is a valid signal on the transmit side and there is RAI on the
receive side, the problem is in the source system. Perform
troubleshooting on the source system according to your company
procedures. The procedure is complete.
• If there are no such conditions, go to step 27.
Step Action
21 Perform a manual switch on the working circuit pack identified in step 1. Refer
to the “Operating a protection switch” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
Go to step 23.
22 Clear the Protection Switch Active alarms. Refer to the “Protection Switch
Active Alarms” alarm clearing procedure in Part 2 of this document.
Step Action
23 Wait for 30 seconds. Retrieve all alarms to determine if the original alarm has
If the original alarm has Then go to
cleared step 24
not cleared step 27
24 Replace the DS1, Trans Mux, or PDH gateway working circuit pack identified
in step 1. Refer to the equipment replacement procedures in chapter 2 of
Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
25 If applicable, release the lockout of protection on the DS1, Trans Mux, or PDH
gateway working circuit pack.
26 If the original alarm has Then go to
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared step 27
Procedure 4-106
DS3 and E3 Receive alarms
Use this procedure to clear alarms associated with DS3 and E3 receive
The 48 Channel Trans Mux (portless) and the PDH gateway circuit packs are
“portless”. In this procedure, the terms “port” and “input signal” refer to ported
circuit packs, such as 24xDS3/EC-1 and 24xDS3/E1. The generic term
“receive signal” applies to both the ported and portless circuit packs.
AIS (DS3/E3)
Alarm ID: 42, 856
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the network element detects an AIS on the DS3/E3
receive signal. The upstream equipment generates an AIS signal to tell
downstream equipment that a failure occurred. This alarm indicates that the
DS3/E3 source has a failure.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
DS3 protocol uses ground as a binary zero and both +1 V and -1 V as binary
ones. The polarity of ones is always toggled, which gives the signal desirable
electrical characteristics and can be used to detect signal errors. This system
is called a bipolar system.
This alarm does not apply to the Trans Mux and PDH gateway circuit packs.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
When the framing format is C-bit framed, the CP-bit parity errors cause the
Frame Format Mismatch alarm to raise, which masks the Signal Degrade
alarm. Therefore, a Frame Format Mismatch alarm can result from conditions
that cause a Signal Degrade to raise.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
This alarm does not apply to the Trans Mux and PDH gateway circuit packs.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
This alarm will be raised for E3 when the E3 facility detects an incoming loss
of framing.
This procedure assumes that the provisioned framing is correct and was not
changed to create the alarm.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
This alarm does not apply to the Trans Mux and PDH gateway circuit packs.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
For the 24xDS3/E3, Trans Mux and PDH gateway circuit pack, the alarm is
raised as soon as any one of the following four alarm signals is detected at the
• Circuit Pack fail
• Loss of Signal
• Loss of Frame
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Refer to the “Remote Defect Indication” alarm in Part 2 of this document.
This alarm does not apply to the Trans Mux and PDH gateway circuit packs.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must
• use an account with at least a level 2 UPC
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
Step Action
6 Inspect the cabling and connectors on the I/O panel. The cabling may be
loose or damaged. Repair any damage.
7 Verify all cross-connects between the near-end and far-end network
elements. Refer to the “Retrieving path cross-connects” procedure in Part 1
of Configuration - Bandwidth and Data Services, 323-1851-320.
Step Action
9 Ensure the corresponding I/O module is fully inserted and locked into
10 Use a DS3/E3 test set to determine if a valid DS3/E3 signal is on the DS3/E3
cross-connect for that facility.
If there is no valid DS3/E3 signal, the problem is in the DS3/E3 source and
the shelf is reporting a valid condition. Perform troubleshooting on the source
system according to your company procedures.
If the alarm has not cleared, go to step 19.
11 Verify the required frame format provisioning for the entire DS3/E3 traffic path
(refer to your company records). Edit the frame format if necessary. If the local
DS3/E3 facility frame format requires correction, refer to the “Editing facility
parameters” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
12 If the alarm has not cleared, check if there is any signal degradation of the
upstream DS3/E3 traffic path, including any DS3/E3 and/or optical facilities
carrying the DS3/E3 signal. Signal degradation can be indicated by alarms
such as Signal Degrade, Signal Fail, Excessive Error Rate, or similar, or by
performance monitoring Threshold Crossing Alerts (TCA). If applicable,
resolve the signal degradation of the DS3/E3 traffic path associated with
these alarms and/or TCAs.
Note that determination of the frame format from the DS3 signal is dependent
in part on the parity bits in the DS3 traffic overhead, so in some cases if the
parity error rate is high enough the Frame Format Mismatch alarm can be
raised for a DS3 facility on 24xDS3/EC-1, 24xDS3/E3, Trans Mux, or PDH
gateway circuit pack.
13 If the original alarm has not cleared, and was Then go to
AIS (DS3/E3) step 14
Frame Format Mismatch step 29
Loss of Frame step 18
Remote Alarm Indication (DS3) step 15
Step Action
14 Use a DS3/E3 test set to determine if a valid DS3/E3 signal is on the DS3/E3
cross-connect for that facility.
If there is an AIS, the problem is with the DS3/E3 source and the shelf is
reporting a valid condition. Perform troubleshooting on the source system
according to your company procedures.
If the alarm has not cleared, go to step 19.
15 Use a DS3/E3 test set to test the signal source.
• If there is a valid signal on the transmit side and there is RAI on the
receive side, the problem is in the source system. Perform
troubleshooting on the source system according to your company
procedures. The procedure is complete.
If there are no such conditions, go to step 29.
16 Use a DS3/E3 test set to test the signal source.
• If there are bipolar violations (BPV), the problem is in the DS3/E3 source
and the shelf is reporting a valid condition. Perform troubleshooting on
the source system according to your company procedures. The
procedure is complete.
• If there are no BPVs, go to step 19.
17 Use a DS3 test set to determine if the DS3 signal frequency is out of range.
• If there is a frequency that is out of range for a DS3, the problem is in the
DS3 source and the shelf is reporting a valid condition. Perform
troubleshooting on the source system according to your company
procedures. The procedure is complete.
• If there are no such conditions, go to step 19.
18 Determine if a valid DS3/E3 signal is on the cross-connect for the facility
raising the alarm. For ported circuit packs, use a DS3/E3 test set. For portless
circuit packs, use a test access session. Refer to the “Creating a test access
session (TAS)” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
• If there is a Loss of Frame or incorrect framing, the problem is in the DS3/
E3 source and the shelf is reporting a valid condition. Perform
troubleshooting on the source system according to your company
procedures. The procedure is complete.
• If there are no such conditions, go to step 19.
Step Action
20 Perform a manual switch on the working circuit pack identified in step 1. Refer
to the “Operating a protection switch” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310. Go to step 22.
21 Clear the Protection Switch Active alarms. Refer to the “Protection Switch
Active Alarms” in Part 2 of this document.
22 Wait for 30 seconds. Retrieve all alarms to determine if the original alarm has
If the original alarm has Then go to
cleared step 23
not cleared step 29
Step Action
26 Unplug the DS3/E3 cable and connect it to a DS3/E3 receiver test set. Verify
that a DS3/E3 signal is on the cable and the test set does not detect any
Risk of service loss
Ensure that the correct DS3/E3 cable is unplugged.
Removing the wrong cable will cause another DS3/E3
signal to be lost.
Procedure 4-107
Dormant Account Detected
Alarm ID: 1372
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when there is at least one user account that has become
dormant. This can be verified by opening the User Profile Application in Site
Manager and looking at the "Password status" column. The alarm clears when
there is "NO" DORMANT account left in the system.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must use an account with at least a level 4
Step Action
Procedure 4-108
DSM-Host Misconnection
Alarm ID: 264
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against a host optical interface (OC-3) facility if the Host
OC-3 facility is a prov-link of one DSM 84xDS1 termination module (TM) but
• is linked by fiber to an OC-3 port in another optical interface circuit pack
• is linked by fiber to an OC-3 port in another optical interface circuit pack in
another network element
• is linked by fiber to the incorrect DSM 84xDS1 TM of the same DS1
service module (DSM)
• is linked by fiber to a DSM 84xDS1 TM in another DSM (if this is a
protected scenario only)
• has a misconnected DSM 84xDS1 TM in the same DSM 84xDS1 TM
This alarm is also raised when the working and protection host cards have
different variant types (5G MRO LO, 5G MRO HO, 10G MRO LO, 10G MRO
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm if the OC-3 facility is active
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm if not active
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545
Step Action
1 Select Inventory from the Configuration menu to see whether the DSM
84xDS1 TM is displayed in the inventory list.
If the DSM 84xDS1 TM inventory is displayed, then an OAM link exists. Go to
step 2.
If the DSM 84xDS1 TM is not displayed in the inventory list, there is no OAM
link, verify the fiber-links.
2 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
Step Action
3 If you want an unprotected connection, verify that the Host OC-3 is fiber-
linked to the slot 1 DSM 84xDS1 TM of the correct DSM and that provisioning
is for the slot 1 DSM 84xDS1 TM.
Risk of misconnection
Ensure the fibers from the OC-3 hosts are connected to
the intended DSM. If you have two DSMs that will use
two different OC-3 facilities, perform a lamp test to
verify that you have connected the fiber to the intended
DSM. Refer to the “Lamp test” section in chapter 1 of
this document.
If the fiber is not connected to the intended DSM, link the fiber to the
appropriate OC-3 line facility of the DSM 84xDS1 TM in the correct DSM.
5 If you want a protected connection, verify that the DSM 84xDS1 TM in slot 2
of the DSM is not connected:
• to another network element
• to another DSM 84xDS1 TM in another DSM
• to the wrong OC-3 on the same network element
If two DSMs are misconnected, the condition can appear as only one
misconnection alarm.
6 If any situation from step 5 is true, link the fiber to the appropriate OC-3 line
facility for the DSM 84xDS1 TM on the correct DSM.
7 If the alarm does not clear, look for an “Intercard suspected” alarm on both
the DSM 84xDS1 TMs and clear them first. Refer to the “Intercard Suspected”
alarm in Part 2 of this document.
8 Select Active Alarms from the Faults menu to retrieve alarms and determine
if the misconnection alarm cleared.
9 If the alarm does not clear, verify the fiber connection:
• Host OC-3 odd slot-port to DSM 84xDS1 termination module-1
• Host OC-3 even slot-port to DSM 84xDS1 termination module-2
Resolve any mis-configuration if needed.
10 Link the fiber from the OC-3 line facility to the DSM 84xDS1 TM in the
appropriate DSM.
Step Action
11 If the alarm does not clear, verify that the even slot Host OC-3 is connected
to the same DSM as the odd slot Host OC-3.
Match the serial numbers of the working and mate circuit packs from the
inventory list to verify the connection is to the same DSM.
12 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-109
Duplicate Adjacency Discovered
Alarm ID: 1071
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against an ADJ facility when two or more ports at the far-
end have the same TID-SHELF-SLOT-PORT Addresses.
This alarm is also raised when you change the node name and then revert it
back to the original name. The alarm clears after the SP warm restart is
completed or when you delete the original name in the Site Manager.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC on the shelves with a duplicate
Far End Address
• have a network plan or other documents that allow you to determine the
correct Far End Address
Step Action
Procedure 4-110
Duplicate IP Address
Alarm ID: 545
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the system detects another network element with
the same Internet protocol (IP) address. The alarm occurs at the same time
an all network elements that share the same IP.
Note: This alarm will display in the Additional Information column the AID
and the IP address of the interface the alarm is detected on. The additional
information is only available on SP-2.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC on the nodes with a duplicate IP
• have a network plan or other documents that allow you to determine the
correct IPs
Step Action
Step Action
Procedure 4-111
Duplicate Primary Shelf
Alarm ID: 714
Probable cause
This alarm indicates there are duplicate primary shelves within a consolidated
node, and is raised against all primary shelves within a consolidated node that
are provisioned to be a primary shelf.
Note: A primary shelf will not auto-enroll or allow manual addition of new
member shelves while a duplicate primary shelf exists on the same
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA)
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• be able to log into both shelves in the duplicate primary condition
• have a network plan or other documents that allow you to determine the
correct primary shelves
Step Action
1 Identify the network elements raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the
circuit pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm”
procedure in this document.
2 Determine from network plans or other documents which shelf should be the
primary shelf.
3 Log into the network element that is incorrectly enabled as a primary shelf.
Step Action
Risk of loss of functionality
Disabling the primary shelf will cause an administrative
restart of the affected shelf. It will be unavailable for
management during this time frame, and may require
re-provisioning of the network element. Ensure you
have removed the appropriate duplicate primary.
6 Ensure no other Duplicate Primary Shelf alarms exist. If there are other
Duplicate Primary Shelf alarms, repeat this procedure for the new duplicate.
7 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-112
Duplicate Shelf Detected
Alarm ID: 70
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the shelf processor detects another network
element with the same shelf number and TID (also referred to as node name).
The alarm occurs at the same time on all network elements that share the
same shelf number and TID. Each shelf processor of the network element with
the same shelf number and TID detects the condition.
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• ensure that you are the only active user logged into the network element
• be able to log into the nodes that do not have a unique shelf number and
• have a network plan or other documents that allow you to determine the
correct shelf numbers and TIDs
Step Action
1 Identify the network elements raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the
circuit pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm”
procedure in this document.
2 Determine from network plans or other documents which shelf has incorrectly
provisioned information.
Step Action
Risk of loss of functionality
Ensure that you have identified the correct duplicate. A
software configuration restart is required to properly
recover, removing network visibility of the member
node for the duration of the restart.
If the Then
shelf Name (TID) is correct the shelf name. Refer to the “Editing the
incorrectly provisioned shelf number” procedure in Administration and
Security, 323-1851-301.
Shelf number is record all the provisioning information required
incorrectly provisioned to recommission the shelf. Decommission the
shelf and re-add it with the correct shelf
number. Refer to the “Deleting all shelf
provisioning” procedure in Administration and
Security, 323-1851-301 and “Commissioning a
network element” procedure in Commissioning
and Testing, 323-1851-221.
4 Ensure no other Duplicate Shelf Detected alarms exist. If other duplicate shelf
alarms exist, repeat this procedure for the new duplicate(s).
5 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or Ciena support
Procedure 4-113
Duplicate Site ID
Alarm ID: 871
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when both the site identifier and the shelf number of two
or more shelves are the same. The alarm occurs at the same time on all
network elements that share the same site identifier and shelf number. (The
alarm is not raised when the site identifier is 0.) Each shelf processor detects
the condition and raises the alarm against the shelf.
After a shelf processor restart, this alarm can be masked for 20 minutes.
Note: You can edit the site identifier. However, changing the shelf number
requires decommissioning and recommissioning of the network element.
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 4 UPC
• be able to log into the nodes that do not have a unique site identifier and
shelf number
• have a network plan or other documents that allow you to determine the
correct site identifiers and shelf numbers
Step Action
1 Identify the network elements raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the
circuit pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm”
procedure in this document.
Step Action
Risk of loss of functionality
Traffic and data communications will be lost
Decommissioning a shelf results in a loss of all traffic
and data communications associated with the shelf that
is being decommissioned.
If the Then go to
site identifier is incorrectly provisioned step 3
shelf number is incorrectly provisioned step 4
3 Determine from network plans or other documents which network element
has the incorrect site identifier. Edit the incorrect site identifier to be
something unique from all other shelves in the network. Refer to the “Editing
the nodal shelf parameters” procedure in Administration and Security, 323-
Go to step 5.
4 If the network is a mixed 6500 and 5100/5200, change the Shelf number on
the 5100/5200 (which requires a warm restart), instead of a full recommission
of the 6500.
If the network is 6500, record all the provisioning information required to
recommission the shelf. Decommission the shelf and re-provision it with the
correct information. Refer to the “Deleting all shelf provisioning” procedure in
Administration and Security, 323-1851-301 and “Commissioning a network
element” procedure in Commissioning and Testing, 323-1851-221.
5 Verify that no other Duplicate Site ID alarms exist.
If Then
no other Duplicate Site ID alarms exist the procedure is complete
other Duplicate Site ID alarms exist repeat step 1 to step 4 for the
other duplicate(s).
Go to step 6.
6 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or Ciena support
Procedure 4-114
E1 Receive alarms
Use this procedure to clear alarms associated with E1 receive signals.
The 48 Channel Trans Mux (portless) and the PDH gateway circuit packs are
“portless”. In this procedure, the terms E1 “port” and “input signal” refer to
ported circuit packs, such as 63xE1. The generic term “E1 receive signal”
applies to both the ported and portless circuit packs.
AIS (E1)
Alarm ID: 227
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the network element detects an AIS on the E1
receive signal. The upstream equipment generates an AIS signal to tell
downstream equipment that a failure occurred. This alarm indicates that the
E1 source has a failure.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
This alarm does not apply to the Trans Mux and PDH gateway circuit packs.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
This alarm does not apply to the Trans Mux and PDH gateway circuit packs.
To perform this procedure, you must
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
Step Action
1 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit
pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” procedure
in this document.
2 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
3 Verify all cross-connects between the near-end and far-end network
elements. Refer to the “Retrieving path cross-connects” procedure in Part 1
of Configuration - Bandwidth and Data Services, 323-1851-320.
4 Retrieve all alarms at the far-end network element. Refer to the “Retrieving
active alarms for one or more network elements” procedure in this document.
Clear any alarms by following the appropriate alarm clearing procedure.
5 Ensure that the far-end facility is in-service.
7 Inspect the cabling and connectors on the I/O panel. The cabling may be
loose or damaged. Repair any damage.
Go to step 9.
8 Verify the required frame format provisioning for the entire E1 traffic path
(refer to your company records). Edit the frame format if necessary. If the local
DS3/E3 facility frame format requires correction, refer to the “Editing facility
parameters” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
9 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 10
Step Action
13 If Then go to
there is an AIS, bipolar violation, loss of frame, loss of step 14
multiframe, or loss of signal condition
the signal is valid step 15
14 The problem is in the E1 source equipment and the 6500 shelf is reporting a
valid condition. Perform troubleshooting on the E1 source equipment
according to your company procedure.
The procedure is complete.
16 Perform a manual switch on the working circuit pack identified in step 1. Refer
to the “Operating a protection switch” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
Go to step 18.
17 Clear the Protection Switch Active alarms. Refer to Protection Switch Active
alarms in Part 2 of this document.
18 Wait for 30 seconds. Retrieve all alarms to determine if the original alarm has
If the original alarm has Then go to
cleared step 19
not cleared step 22
Step Action
19 Replace the 63xE1, Trans Mux, or PDH gateway working circuit pack
identified in step 1. Refer to the equipment replacement procedures in
chapter 2 of Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
20 If applicable, release the lockout of protection on the 63xE1, Trans Mux, or
PDH gateway working circuit pack.
21 If the original alarm has Then go to
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared step 22
Procedure 4-115
E1 Transmit alarms
Use this procedure to clear alarms associated with E1 transmit signals.
Tx AIS (E1)
Alarm ID: 231
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the network element detects a failed E1 signal
upstream on the other side of the connection. The network element is
transmitting an AIS to the remote end of the input. This alarm indicates a
warning to the downstream network element that the signal is not usable.
This alarm can also be raised if an intrusive test access session is in progress.
No action is required if this is the cause.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
For the Trans Mux circuit pack, this alarm is raised when the local network
element detects that the E1 payload within the DS3 or E3 signal (sent from the
XC circuit pack to the Trans Mux circuit pack) transmitted from the shelf (within
a VT2 signal) is not framed in the same format as the commissioned port.
Note that the E1 signal is then transmitted from the Trans Mux to the XC within
a VT2.
This procedure assumes that the system was operating alarm free before the
Tx Loss of Frame alarm. If this alarm is raised during E1 provisioning, verify
the provisioned framing with the test traffic that you are running.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
For the Trans Mux circuit pack, this alarm is raised when the local network
element cannot recover the multiframe information in the E1 payload within
the DS3 or E3 signal (sent from the XC circuit pack to the Trans Mux circuit
pack) transmitted from the shelf (within a VT2 signal) and the port is
configured to multiframe. Note that the E1 signal is then transmitted from the
Trans Mux to the XC within a VT2.
This procedure assumes that the system was operating alarm free before the
Tx Loss of Multiframe alarm. If this alarm is raised during E1 provisioning,
verify the provisioned framing with the test traffic you are running.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must
• clear all SONET/SDH (OC-n/STM-n or VT2/VC12) alarms and E1 receive
alarms related to the circuit path in the network
• clear all DS3 or E3 alarms related to the E1 circuit path in the network (if
the E1 is carried within a DS3 or E3 payload on a Trans Mux circuit pack)
• have the network connection information (that is, how the network element
connects to other network elements)
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
Step Action
1 Another failure in the system normally causes this alarm. Clear any other OC-
n/STM-n or VT2/VC12 alarms or E1 receive alarms on the system first.
Perform this procedure if the Tx AIS or Tx Loss of Frame, or Tx Loss of
Multiframe alarms are the only active alarms on the system.
2 Identify the 63xE1, Trans Mux or PDH gateway circuit pack and port raising
the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit pack, pluggable module/port, or
facility that has raised an alarm” procedure in this document.
Record the 63xE1 or PDH gateway circuit pack, slot, and port number.
The simplest configuration involves an E1 between two 63xE1 circuit packs
or two Trans Mux circuit packs. For simplicity, we call the network element
with the 63xE1 or Trans Mux circuit pack that raised the alarm NE B, and the
source network element NE A in this procedure.
E1 E1
network element E1 circuit pack
raising the alarm
For Trans Mux applications, the configuration can be quite complex, as shown
in the following example configuration. Note that some configurations can
contain non-6500 equipment. For example, in the electrical network cloud,
there can be other equipment providing E1 to DS3 multiplexing (and vice
versa) or transport of DS3 or E3 traffic. Furthermore, there can be additional
optical hops between the network elements, and some equipment can be
located in the same network element. For example, the 63xE1 and Trans Mux
circuit packs can reside in the same network element, or the 24xDS3/E3 or
24xDS3/EC-1 circuit packs and Trans Mux circuit packs can reside in the
same NE; it is even possible to have 63xE1, Trans Mux, and 24xDS3/E3
circuit packs all in the same network element.
Step Action
NE A NE B DS3E3x24 Electrical DS3E3x24 NE E NE F
63xE1 Tmux or Network or Tmux 63xE1
DS3EC1x24 DS3EC1x24
Step Action
7 Determine where the E1 signal enters the network. Refer to the path
connections management procedures in Part 1 of Configuration - Bandwidth
and Data Services, 323-1851-320. If it is a OC-n/STM-n signal, verify the
connecting equipment and ensure that it is correctly transmitting an E1 signal.
If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 8
10 Edit the frame format. Refer to the “Editing facility parameters” procedure in
Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
11 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is
not cleared go to step 12
12 Record the circuit pack and the network element of the E1 facility of the
source (NE A).
13 On NE A, check that the frame format is provisioned correctly (from company
If the frame format of the NE A is Then go to
incorrect step 14
correct step 16
14 Edit the frame format of the NE A. Refer to the “Editing facility parameters”
procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
15 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is
not cleared go to step 16
Step Action
17 Manually switch the traffic of the 63xE1, Trans Mux or PDH gateway circuit
pack on NE A to the protection circuit pack. Refer to the “Operating a
protection switch” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
Ensure the protection circuit pack is not carrying traffic for another
working module/circuit pack before you switch traffic from a working
module/circuit pack to the protection module/circuit pack. This note
does not apply to Trans Mux circuit packs.
18 Wait 30 seconds.
If the original alarm has Then
cleared the working circuit pack you identified as the
source in step 12 is faulty. Go to step 19.
not cleared release the protection switches. Go to step 23.
19 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
20 On NE A, replace the 63xE1, Trans Mux or PDH gateway circuit pack you
identified as the source in step 12. Refer to the equipment replacement
procedures in chapter 2 of Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-
21 If applicable, release the manual protection switch you performed in step 17.
22 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 24
23 If the E1 circuit pack you identified in step 2 as the origin of the Then go to
alarm on NE B is
a protected 63xE1, Trans Mux or PDH gateway circuit pack step 24
an unprotected 63xE1, Trans Mux or PDH gateway circuit pack step 26
Step Action
24 Manually switch the circuit pack you identified in step 2 as the circuit pack
raising the alarm, to the protection circuit pack. Refer to the “Operating a
protection switch” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
Ensure the protection circuit pack is not carrying traffic for another
working circuit pack before you switch traffic from a working circuit
pack to the protection circuit pack. This note does not apply to Trans
Mux circuit packs.
25 Wait 30 seconds.
If the original alarm has Then
cleared the working circuit pack you identified as the
source is faulty. Go to step 26.
not cleared go to step 27
26 On NE B, replace the 63xE1, Trans Mux or PDH gateway circuit pack you
identified in step 2 as the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the
equipment replacement procedures in chapter 2 of Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
27 If applicable, release the manual protection switch you performed in step 24.
28 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-116
EC-1 Receive alarms
Use this procedure to clear alarms associated with EC-1 receive signals.
AIS (EC-1)
Alarm ID: 95
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the network element detects an alarm indication
signal (AIS) on the EC-1 traffic stream at the input.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
RFI (EC-1)
Alarm ID: 99
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the remote network element detects a faulty EC-1
signal from the network element and returns a remote fault indicator (RFI)
signal in the SONET/SDH overhead.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Minor, service-affecting (m, SA) alarm
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 2 UPC
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
Step Action
2 Verify the remote system at the other end of the EC-1 and clear any alarms
you find.
If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 3
3 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit
pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” procedure
in this document.
4 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
Step Action
6 Ensure the corresponding I/O module is fully inserted and locked into
position. Go to step 8.
7 Use an EC-1 test set to determine if a valid EC-1 signal is on the transmit and
receive sides of the cross-connect for that facility.
If a valid signal is Then
on the transmit side and RFI is the problem is in the source system. Perform
on the receive side troubleshooting on the source system
according to your company procedures.
The procedure is complete.
not on the transmit side and go to step 10
RFI is not on the receive side
8 Use an EC-1 test set to determine if a valid EC-1 signal is on the EC-1 cross-
connect for that facility.
• If there is an AIS, excessive pointer adjustment, Loss of frame, Loss of
Signal, RFI, or Signal Degrade (contains B2 errors), the problem is in the
EC-1 source and the shelf is reporting a valid condition. Perform
troubleshooting on the source system according to your company
procedures. The procedure is complete.
• If there is no AIS, excessive pointer adjustment, Loss of frame, Loss of
Signal, RFI, or Signal Degrade, go to step 9.
9 If the original alarm is Then go to
Loss of Signal step 10
otherwise step 11
10 If the alarm does not clear, inspect the 24xDS3/EC-1 cabling and physical
connections. The connection may be loose or damaged. Repair any damage.
11 Operate a manual switch on the 24xDS3/EC-1 circuit pack raising the alarm.
Refer to the “Operating a protection switch” procedure in Part 2 of
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
Step Action
12 Wait 30 seconds. If the alarm clears, the working 24xDS3/EC1 circuit pack is
faulty. Replace the circuit pack that is detecting the alarm. Refer to the
“Replacing the 24xDS3/EC1 or 24xDS3/E3 circuit pack” procedure in Fault
Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
13 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-117
Encryption Authentication Material Missing
Alarm ID: 1816
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against the 4x10G OTR w/Encryption (NTK530QE) circuit
pack when the provisioning of authentication material on the circuit pack is not
For the 4x10G OTR w/Encryption (NTK530QE) circuit pack, X.509 certificates
are used for authentication in datapath encryption and web access using the
encryption management interface (MyCryptoTool). An entity certificate and
corresponding signing Certificate Authority (CA) certificate must be present
on the circuit pack. If the enrollment of any of the material is not completed,
the alarm is raised.
This alarm is raised if either the web access or datapath certificate is not fully
provisioned. If both are not fully provisioned, only one occurrence of this alarm
is raised. If web access is using a separate X.509 Certificate from the data
encryption certificate, both the Data Entity Certificate Management and Web
Access Certificate Management tabs need to be verified to ensure the Entity
certificate and signing Certificate Authority certificate are present.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Step Action
Step Action
4 Check the Enrollment status from the Data Entity Certificate Management
tab. If the status is “Entity Certificate is not available”, perform the certificate
enrollment process. Refer to the “Performing Data Encryption Certificate
Enrollment” procedure in Encryption and FIPS Security Policy Overview and
Procedures, 323-1851-340.
5 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-118
Encryption Configuration Mismatch
Alarm ID: 1822
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against line facility of a 4x10G OTR w/Encryption
(NTK530QE) circuit pack when either the encryption byte selection or the
authentication failure mode does not match between two encryption peer
ends. The Encryption TCM also contributes to this alarm.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Use Site Manager to verify that the Encryption TCM, Encryption Byte 1,
and Encryption Byte 2 OTM2 facility provisioning attributes on both ends of
the encryption path match. Refer to the “Retrieving equipment and facility
details” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating,
2 If the Encryption TCM, Encryption Byte 1, and Encryption Byte 2 OTM2
facility provisioning attributes do not match on both ends of the encryption
path, edit the values so they match on both ends. Refer to the “Editing facility
parameters” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
3 If the alarm did not clear, use MyCryptoTool to check the Re-Authentication
Failure Mode selection (ALLOW/DROP) on both ends of the encryption path.
4 If the Re-Authentication Failure Mode settings do not match, set the OTM2
Re-Authentication Failure Mode settings on both ends of the encryption
path to the same selection. Refer to the “Key Management” chapter of
Encryption and FIPS Security Policy Overview and Procedures, 323-1851-
5 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-119
Encryption Failure
Alarm ID: 1821
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against line facility of a 4x10G OTR w/Encryption
(NTK530QE) circuit pack when the Encryption Bit Parity check fails.
The Encryption Bit Parity check fails when one of the six TCM bytes on the
OTN line port is selected to monitor the encryption failure, and the TCM BIP8
bit parity does not match the OPU payload data before encryption and after
Note: This alarm can be raised momentarily during the initial setup of the
datapath when the keying authentication and negotiation is taking place.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
Procedure 4-120
Encryption Keying Authentication Failure
Alarm ID: 1823
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against line facility of 4x10G OTR w/Encryption
(NTK530QE) circuit pack when the Encryption keying authentication fails
between the two ends of an encryption datapath.
Encryption keying authentication can fail due to any of the following reasons:
• the peer datapath certificate has expired
• the peer datapath certificate issuer Certificate Authority (CA) is not trusted
• the peer entity certificate is on the issuer’s Certificate Revocation List
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Use Site Manager to ensure the Time of Day on both ends of the encryption
path are current. If the Time of Day is not current, set the correct Time of Day.
Refer to the “Editing the nodal general parameters” procedure in
Administration and Security, 323-1851-301.
2 Refer to the “Provisioning Certificate Management using MyCryptoTool”
chapter of Encryption and FIPS Security Policy Overview and Procedures,
323-1851-340, to launch the MyCryptoTool for each peer end to determine if
any of the following conditions exist:
• The Data Encryption entity certificate being received from the peer has
— Refer to the “Viewing the Data Encryption entity certificate or the
Web Access entity certificate” procedure in Encryption and FIPS
Security Policy Overview and Procedures, 323-1851-340.
Step Action
Procedure 4-121
Encryption Keying Communication Failure
Alarm ID: 1824
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against line facility of 4x10G OTR w/Encryption
(NTK530QE) circuit pack when communication is lost between the two
encryption peers of the encryption path due to one of the following:
• the Encryption Byte 2 OTM2 facility provisioning attribute is used for
keying communication purpose and the user-provisioned selection does
not match on both ends of the encrypted path.
• the intermediate OTN equipment re-used the same byte for other
purposes which prevented the chosen byte to be carried end-to-end
between the two ends of the encryption path.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Use Site Manager to verify the byte selection (Encryption Byte 2) on the
OTN line ports of both encryption ends for any mismatch, and correct the byte
selection if any. Refer to the “Retrieving equipment and facility details”
procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
2 If there is no mismatch, verify the intermediate OTN equipment to ensure the
selected reserved byte can be carried over end-to-end between two ends of
the encrypted path.
3 Use Site Manager to select a different Encryption Byte 2 to be carried end-
to-end between the two ends of the encrypted path. Refer to the “Displaying
and editing the Carrier-managed encryption-related parameters on the
4x10G OTR (NTK530QE variant) circuit pack’s OTM2 facility” procedure in
Encryption and FIPS Security Policy Overview and Procedures, 323-1851-
4 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-122
Equipment Configuration Mismatch
Alarm ID: 970
Probable cause
For a 6500 14-slot shelf type, this alarm is raised against regular flow cooling
fans when circuit packs requiring high flow cooling (such as SuperMux, 20G
L2SS, 100G WL3n MOTR, 100G OCLD, 100GE OCI, 40G+ CFP OCI,
10x10G MUX, 10x10GE MUX, 40G UOCLD, 40G OCLD, Wavelength-
Selective 40G OCLD, 40G XCIF, 40G OCI, 40/43G OCI, or 40G MUX OCI
circuit packs) are provisioned. This alarm masks all alarms raised against a
given fan, except the Fan Failed alarm. Refer to the “Equipment provisioning
validation based on shelf cooling capacity” section in “Node Information”
chapter of Administration and Security, 323-1851-301, for further details.
For a 14-slot packet-optical shelf, this alarm is raised if a Type 3 high flow
cooling fan module (NTK507LS or NTK507MS) is inserted in a shelf that is
also equipped with Power Input Cards that are not compatible with Type 3
fans. With the exception of the center fan slot (Fan-2), Type 3 fans will not
energize or light any LEDs unless there is a compatible Power Input Card in
the shelf. The 2x50A Power Input Card (NTK505ES) is compatible with Type
3 fans. This alarm is also raised when mixing Type 3 and other cooling fan
module types in 14-slot packet-optical shelf. This alarm will clear once the
shelf is equipped with three compatible fans (either three Type 3 fans or three
other matching fans). When an SP is restarted and the shelf is equipped with
a mix of Type 3 and other fan types (there is a mismatch between at least two
fans), the Equipment Configuration Mismatch is raised against all the three
For a 32-slot, 14-slot, 7-slot, 7-slot Type 2 and 2-slot Type 2, this alarm is
raised against a Power Input Card that does not support the shelf powering
configuration (or current rating) specified by the Provisioned shelf current
shelf attribute (provisioned shelf power configuration and feeder amperage).
The alarm is also raised in the case of two mismatched Power Input Cards.
Refer to the “Equipment provisioning validation based on shelf power
capacity” section in Administration and Security, 323-1851-301, for further
For a 7-slot Type 2 shelf, this alarm is raised against a Power Input Card that
is in the incorrect slot or when DC and AC Power Input Cards are mixed in the
shelf. For equipping rules for power modules on the 7-slot Type 2 shelf, refer
to Planning - Ordering Information, 323-1851-151.
For 2-slot shelf w/SP + OTN Flex MOTR 8xSFP, this alarm is raised against
the shelf if the configuration specified by the Provisioned shelf current shelf
attribute is not compatible with the shelf (which has integrated AC or DC power
Against fans
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm if two or more fan alarms exist
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm if one fan alarm exists
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
Risk of eye injury
Wear eye protection such as safety goggles or safety
glasses with side guards when you work with fan
modules or in proximity to the shelf air exhaust.
Step Action
4 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
5 Replace any regular flow cooling fans or any Type 3 high flow cooling fans
with high flow cooling fans. Refer to the “Replacing a cooling fan module”
procedure in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545. Go
to step 14.
6 Deprovision and remove all equipment requiring high flow cooling. Refer to
the “Deleting a circuit pack, module, or SFP/XFP/DPO” procedure in Part 1 of
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310. Go to step 7.
7 Change the fan to the regular flow fans. Refer to the “Replacing a cooling fan
module” procedure in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
8 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 14
9 Retrieve and record the Provisioned shelf current value, and the inventory
information for the Power Input Cards. Refer to the “Displaying node
information” procedure in Administration and Security, 323-1851-301.
10 If the equipped Power Input Cards are the same type, set the Provisioned
Shelf Current to a setting that is compatible with the Power Input Cards and
their configuration but does not exceed the current rating of the feeders or of
any equipped fuses (for the case of fused Power Input Cards). Refer to the
"Determining the provisioned shelf current" procedure in Administration and
Security, 323-1851-301.
11 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 12
12 Remove from the shelf the alarmed Power Input Card or the Power Input Card
that is not compatible with the required Provisioned Shelf Current setting.
Refer to the “Replacing the Power Input Card A or B” procedure in Fault
Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
The “Circuit Pack Missing” alarm is raised for that Power Input Card, and the
“Equipment Configuration Mismatch” alarm clears.
Step Action
13 Insert a replacement Power Input Card into the shelf. Ensure that the
equipped Power Input Cards are compatible with the retrieved Provisioned
Shelf Current setting in step 9, and that all equipped Power Input Cards have
the same amperage capacity (which is greater than or equal to the current
associated with the Provisioned shelf current setting).
14 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-123
Equipment OOS with Subtending Facilities IS
Alarm ID: 625
Probable cause
The 63xE1, 24xDS3/E3, 24xDS3/EC-1 or 16xSTM-1e working circuit pack in
a 1:N protection configuration, or the 20G L2SS, L2SS, PDH gateway or 48
Channel Trans Mux (portless) working circuit pack in 1+1 protection
configuration was taken out-of-service while some facilities are in-service.
Note: The alarm is usually only raised during maintenance when the
63xE1, 24xDS3/E3, 24xDS3/EC-1, 16xSTM-1e, 20G L2SS, L2SS or PDH
gateway working circuit pack is being replaced. For the 63xE1, 24xDS3/
E3, 24xDS3/EC-1, 16xSTM-1e, 20G L2SS, L2SS or PDH gateway
working circuit pack, the user is allowed to take the circuit pack out-of-
service without first taking all the facilities out-of-service (as required on
other traffic circuit packs).
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm for a 63xE1, 24xDS3/E3, 24xDS3/EC-
1, 16xSTM-1e, 20G L2SS, L2SS, PDH gateway or 48 Channel Trans Mux
working circuit pack with cross-connects if switching to a protection circuit
pack fails
Step Action
Procedure 4-124
Equipment Reconfiguration In Progress
Alarm ID: 1345
Probable cause
This alarm is raised to indicate the equipment reconfiguration is in progress.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Step Action
Procedure 4-125
Error alarms (ETH, ETH10, ETH40G, ETH100G, FLEX,
Use this procedure to clear alarms associated with the error alarms.
For ETH10G facilities on the 10x10G MUX circuit pack, this alarm is raised
when the client 64B/66B Rx interface is detecting a BER greater than or equal
to 1E-4. This occurs when 16 or more invalid sync headers are detected by
the 64B/66B Rx interface within the current 125 µs period.
For the ETH40G facility on the 40G+ CFP OCI, this alarm is raised when 97
invalid 66-bit sync headers are detected within a 1.25 ms window. The high
BER state is exited once there are less than 97 invalid sync headers in the
same window.
For the ETH100G facility on the 100G OCI, this alarm is raised when 97 invalid
66-bit sync headers are detected within a 500 μs window. The high BER state
is exited once there are less than 97 invalid sync headers in the same window.
For the WAN facility on the 4xGE,1x10GE EPL, 24x10/100BT circuit packs,
the alarm is raised when these circuit packs are interconnected to another
circuit pack with an FCS (Frame CheckSum) parameter value that does not
match the provisioned value on the alarmed circuit pack. The alarm clears
when the FCS parameter value is changed so that both interconnected circuit
packs have matching values.
For FC1200 facility on the 2x10G OTR, 4x10G OTR, or 40G MUX OCI circuit
pack, this alarm is raised when the client 64B/66B Rx interface is detecting a
BER greater than or equal to 1E-3. This occurs when 16 or more invalid sync
headers are detected by the 64B/66B Rx interface within the current 125 µs
The alarm clears when these conditions do not occur for 10 consecutive
This alarm is also raised against a PDH WAN (DS1, DS3, E1, or E3) when the
PDHVLI setting is mismatched between two ends.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm if not protected
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm if protected
The alarm clears when these conditions do not occur for 10 consecutive
Minor, service-affecting (m, SA) alarm if not protected
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm if protected
To perform this procedure, you must
• have an optical power meter with the same optical connectors as the
network element
• if required, obtain a supported SFP optical transceiver module
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
Step Action
1 Verify if there are alarms of higher order from the alarm hierarchy. Refer to
Chapter 3, “Alarm hierarchies and alarm severities”of this document. Clear
any alarms of higher order on the hierarchy first using the appropriate
2 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 3
3 From the Class field in the Active Alarms application, determine if the alarm
is raised against an Ethernet or WAN facility.
4 If this alarm is raised against Then go to
an Ethernet or ETTP facility step 5
a WAN facility step 18
Risk of laser radiation exposure
Laser radiation is present on the optical fiber. Do not
look into the optical fiber.
Step Action
6 Use the optical power meter to measure the receive power at the LAN port.
For information about technical specifications (minimum and maximum
receive optical power) for the SFPs supported with the 4xGE, 1x10GE EPL,
24x10/100BT EPL with 8xSFP, 20G L2SS, L2SS, PDH gateway, and
SuperMux circuit pack, refer to the “Technical specifications” chapter in Part
3 of 6500 Planning, NTRN10DE.
7 If the receive power at the LAN port is Then go to
below the minimum receive optical power step 8
between the minimum and maximum receive optical power step 12
above the maximum receive optical power step 13
10 Remove the Tx optical fiber from the far-end subtending client equipment.
11 Measure the transmit power at the far-end subtending client equipment.
• If the transmit power of the far-end equipment is above the minimum
launch power, the optical fiber attenuation is too high, the optical fiber
connections are dirty, or the optical fiber is damaged.
• If the transmit power of the far-end equipment is below the minimum
launch power, there is a problem with the far-end equipment.
Use your company procedure to determine and clear the problem, then go to
step 14.
Receive power is between the minimum and the maximum receive optical power
12 Clean all connections at both ends of the optical fiber link following your
company standards and re-attach the optical fibers.
Go to step 14.
Receive power is above the maximum receive optical power
13 Add the necessary attenuation to reduce the receive power to a value
between the minimum and maximum receive optical power.
Step Action
16 Clean and re-attach the optical fibers. Refer to the cleaning connectors
procedures in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0.
17 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
The procedure is complete.
Alarm raised against a WAN facility
18 Retrieve the performance monitoring counts for the STS/VC paths connected
to the WAN facility to determine if the path ES counts are increasing.
19 If the path ES counts are increasing, use the appropriate alarm clearing
procedure to clear any STS/VC path alarms on the interface circuit pack
connected to the 4xGE, 1x10GE EPL, 24x10/100BT, 20G L2SS, L2SS, PDH
gateway, RPR, or SuperMux circuit pack. The STS/VC path alarms include
Signal Degrade and Excessive Error Rate alarms.
20 For PDH WANs (DS1, DS3, E1, or E3), verify the PDHVLI setting at both ends
of the link. If there is a mismatch, correct the PDHVLI setting. Refer to the
“Editing facility parameters” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310. Go to step 21.
21 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-126
Error alarms (OC/STM, STS/HO VC, and VT/LO VC)
Use this procedure to clear alarms associated with the errors on the OC/STM
line, STS/HO VC path, and VT/LO VC path.
By the nature of the SONET/SDH protocol definition, the detection accuracy
of BER diminishes with higher error rates. Path BER detection accuracy
further diminishes with high-order payload sizes greater than STS-1/VC-3
and low-order payload sizes greater than VT1.5/VC11. The diminished
accuracy is due to the Bit Interleaved Parity (BIP) scheme and associated
overhead bytes used to check the previously received data block for BIP
errors. The B1, B2, B3 and V5 bytes are not ideal for communicating more
than one bit error per associated data block. At the equivalent BER
corresponding to one or more bit errors per block, the effects of error
cancellation and error count saturation become more apparent. For example,
a path BER threshold setting of 1e-03 on an STS-3c/VC-4 payload can be
tripped by an incoming BER less than 1e-03 since the BIP error signature of
some error distributions between 1e-03 and 1e-05 are indistinguishable from
an actual 1e-03 BER.
For the (2+8) OC-n/STM-n 20G circuit packs, the line signal degrade threshold
and the Excessive Bit Error (EBER) threshold for OC-n/STM-n facilities are
defined on a per line facility basis. The OC-n/STM-n line signal degrade
threshold is editable to 5, 6 (default), 7, 8, 9. These values are explicitly 10E-
5, 10E-6 (default), 10E-7, 10E-8, and 10E-9, respectively. The OC-n/STM-n
line EBER threshold is editable to 3 (default), 4, 5. These values are explicitly
10E-3 (default), 10E-4 and 10E-5, respectively.
For MSPP services, this alarm can also be raised momentarily on the far-end
network element when you reinsert the OC-3 circuit pack connected to DSM.
This alarm is raised on the OC-192/STM64 facilities when using the ETH10G
to GFP to STS-192c/STM-64c to OTU2 mapping.
For 2x10G OTR circuit packs, this alarm can be raised when there is a OC-
192/STM-64 Out Of Frame (OOF) condition at low alarm thresholds (1E-9).
Minor, service-affecting (m, SA) alarm for a UPSR/SNCP configuration with
Minor, service-affecting (m, SA) alarm, if active 1+1/MSP linear or unprotected
with cross-connects
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm, if inactive 1+1/MSP linear,
protected 1+1/MSP linear, or without cross-connects
Minor, service-affecting (m, SA) alarm, if on an active path
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA), if on an inactive path
This alarm is also raised on the OC-192/STM64 when using the ETH10G to
GFP to STS-192c/STM-64c to OTU2 mapping.
The network element cannot clear a Loss of Signal alarm until a framed OC-
n/STM-n signal is detected. The first time an optical fiber/cable is
disconnected, the Loss of Frame alarm clears and a Loss of Signal alarm is
raised that will not change back to Loss of Frame when the optical fiber/cable
is re-attached.
The alarm status is service-affecting on a ring system because the OC/STM
line is not protected. The system cannot determine if path protection will be
successful because that occurs where the path terminates. If the protection
path is available, the path-terminating network element switches to that path
to protect traffic.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm, if on an active path
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm, if on an inactive path in a UPSR/
SNCP configuration
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm, if on an active path
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm, if on an inactive path in a UPSR/
SNCP configuration
To perform this procedure, you must
• have the optical fiber/cable connection information (that is, how the circuit
packs on each network element connect to other network elements)
• have an optical power meter with the same optical connectors as the
network element
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
Step Action
1 Verify if there are alarms of higher order from the alarm hierarchy. Refer to
chapter 3 of this document. Clear any alarms of higher order on the hierarchy
first using the appropriate procedures.
2 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 3
3 Identify the circuit pack raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit
pack, pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” procedure
in this document.
4 Use the optical fiber/cable connection information to identify the transmit and
receive sites of the alarmed signal.
5 Log into the remote network element at the transmit end.
If you cannot log in remotely from the local network element, someone must
be present at the remote site.
6 Retrieve all alarms at the transmit end. Clear any higher order alarms using
the appropriate procedure. The following alarms can be ignored:
• RFI/RDI alarm if the local alarm is Signal Degrade or Signal Fail
• Excessive Error Rate alarm if the local alarm is Excessive Error Rate
7 Retrieve the SDTH and compare the SDTH with the network diagram. Refer
to the “Displaying node information” procedure in Administration and Security,
If the provisioned SDTH Then
matches the SDTH on the go to step 9
network diagram
does not match the SDTH on edit the SDTH as required. Refer to the
the network diagram “Editing the nodal system parameters”
procedure in Administration and Security,
then go to step 9.
8 Ensure that the cross-connect signal rate on the entire path matches the
optical fiber/cable connection information. Refer to the “Retrieving path cross-
connects” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Bandwidth and Data
Services, 323-1851-320.
9 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 10
Step Action
Risk of laser radiation exposure
Disabling ALS causes the laser to be permanently
active. Laser radiation is present on the optical fiber. Do
not look into the optical fiber.
If enabled, disable ALS at both ends. Refer to the “Editing facility parameters”
procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
11 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
12 If the alarm is raised against Then go to
optical interface step 13
STM-1e step 19
Risk of traffic loss
Ensure that the correct module is identified. Removing
the wrong optical fiber/cable drops all traffic on the local
Risk of laser radiation exposure
Laser radiation is present on the optical fiber. Do not
look into the optical fiber.
Remove the optical fiber from the circuit pack raising the alarm and use the
optical power meter to measure the receive power.
14 If the power is Then go to
below the receiver sensitivity for this circuit pack step 15
above the receiver sensitivity for this circuit pack step 18
Step Action
17 Remove the Tx optical fiber from the far-end circuit pack and measure the
transmit power at the far-end.
If the transmit power at the Then
far-end is
above the launch power the optical fiber attenuation is too high, the
(minimum) optical fiber connections are dirty, or the optical
fiber is damaged. Use your company procedure
to determine and clear the problem.
Go to step 19.
below the launch power replace the module that corresponds to the
(minimum) and the circuit facility raising the alarm. Refer to the “Replacing
pack at the transmit end an SFP/SFP+/XFP/CFP module” or “Replacing
supports SFP/SFP+/XFP/ an OC-48/STM-16 DWDM plug-in optics (DPO)
CFP or DPO module module” procedure in Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Go to step 19.
below the launch power replace the required circuit pack at the transmit
(minimum) and the circuit end. Refer to the equipment replacement
pack at the transmit end procedures in chapter 2 of Fault Management -
does not support SFPs/ Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
DPOs Go to step 19.
Step Action
21 For the optical interface, if ALS was disabled in step 10, enable the ALS at
both the near-end and far-end. Refer to the “Editing facility parameters”
procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
22 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-127
ESI alarms
Use this procedure to clear alarms associated with ESI-A or ESI-B.
Alarm ID: 104, 111
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a XC circuit pack detects an AIS on the incoming
ESI timing reference signal. The upstream equipment generates an AIS signal
to tell downstream equipment that a failure occurred. This alarm indicates that
the ESI source (external clock source equipment) for this shelf has a failure.
This is not applicable to a 2 MHz ESI signal.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
The ESI source is not available to the shelf. If this is the active source, a timing
protection switch occurs if another source is provisioned and available.
Otherwise, the shelf enters timing holdover mode.
This procedure assumes that the signal has been in service and is alarm free.
Ensure that frame provisioning for the shelf and ESI source (external clock
source equipment) is correct. This is not applicable to a 2 MHz ESI signal.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
The ESI source is not available to the shelf. If this is the active source, a timing
protection switch occurs when another source is provisioned and available.
Otherwise, the shelf enters timing holdover mode.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
The ESI source (external clock source equipment) is not available to the shelf.
If this is the active reference, a timing protection switch occurs when another
source is provisioned and available. Otherwise, the shelf enters timing
holdover mode.
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
1 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
2 Use an appropriate test set to determine if the ESI port has a valid DS1, E1,
or 2 MHz signal. The ESI ports are on the access panel of the shelf raising
the alarm. Refer to Figure 4-4 on page 4-313, Figure 4-5 on page 4-314, and
Figure 4-6 on page 4-315.
3 If Then go to
there is an AIS, LOF or LOS condition (AIS and loss of frame step 4
do not apply to a 2 MHz signal)
the signal is valid step 5
4 The problem is with cabling or the external clock source equipment and the
6500 shelf is reporting a valid condition. Perform troubleshooting on the
cabling or external clock source equipment according to your company
The procedure is complete.
5 Identify the timing generation references in use on the network element.
Refer to the “Retrieving synchronization data for a network element”
procedure in Part 2 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
6 Look for the alarmed timing references for Timing Generation in the
Synchronization window and note the corresponding reference.
7 Go to the site. Look at the XC circuit packs in slots 7 and 8 of the 6500-7
packet-optical shelf, 7 and 8 of the 14-slot shelf or slots 9 and 10 of the 32-
slot shelf. Look at the synchronization status LED (yellow circle) that
corresponds to the reference you determined.
Step Action
8 If the LEDs are not off on both XC circuit packs, reseat the circuit pack and
check the LEDs again. If the LEDs are on, replace the circuit pack that has
the synchronization status LED on. Refer to the equipment replacement
procedures in chapter 2 of Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-
9 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Figure 4-4
Synchronization interface pinout for SONET access panel (with connections for 8 external slots)
External 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 DTE ESI/ESO/ 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 Telemetry COLAN-A COLAN-B ILAN In ILAN Out COLAN-X
Slots Alarms A
1 8
Pin EIA/TIA 568B Function with
Colour Code 6500 shelf
1 White/Orange GND: Ground
Female 2
Socket Orange/White CP: Card Present
3 White/Green SCL: Serial Clock
4 Blue/White SDA: Serial Data
5 White/Blue 5VDC: Power
6 Green/White GND: Ground
7 White/Brown GND: Ground
8 Brown/White GND: Ground
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14
Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 OUT3_NO 6 IN8 11 IN4 16 OUT4_COM 21 IN14
2 OUT1_NO 7 IN5 12 IN1 17 OUT2_COM 22 IN11
3 OUT4_NO 8 IN6 13 IN2 18 IN15 23 IN12
4 OUT2_NO 9 GND 14 OUT3_COM 19 IN16 24 IN9
5 IN7 10 IN3 15 OUT1_COM 20 IN13 25 IN10
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Figure 4-5
Synchronization interface pinout for SDH and SONET/SDH-J access panel
Figure 4-6
Synchronization interface pinout for SDH-J access panel
Procedure 4-128
Event Log full
Alarm ID: 1523, 1524, 1525, 1526, 1632, 1633, 1634, 1635
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the event log for the Integrated Test Set is full.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 2 UPC.
Step Action
1 In the Test Configuration tab, click the Stop Test button to stop the test.
2 Click Clear Results to clear the test results.
3 Restart the test. Refer to the “Performing a test with the integrated test set”
procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
4 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-129
Excessive Input Power
Alarm ID: 1566
Probable cause
This alarm is raised on a Fixed Gain Amplifier (FGA) when the input power
exceeds maximum power (-5.5 dBm) at the amp input.
For the MLA L-Band circuit pack, this alarm is raised against the AMP facility
if the input power exceeds -3 dBm, and clears if the power is -4 dBm or below
1 dB hysteresis.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
Procedure 4-130
Facility Reconfiguration In Progress
Alarm ID: 1346
Probable cause
This alarm is raised to indicate a facility reconfiguration is in progress.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Step Action
Procedure 4-131
Facility Reconfiguration Required
Alarm ID: 1347, 1348, 1349, 1710
Probable cause
This alarm is raised to indicate the facility reconfiguration is required. The
alarmed facility is the 1+1 APS/MSP mate of a facility that has already been
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Step Action
Procedure 4-132
Fan Failed
Alarm ID: 224
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a cooling fan module is:
• not fully inserted
• provisioned but is missing
• equipped but has failed
For cooling fan modules that have more than one integrated fan, the shelf will
raise the alarm when the module is not inserted in the fan slot or when one or
more of the integrated fans is in a failed state.
This alarm is also raised when a Type 3 high-flow cooling fan module
(NTK507LS or NTK507MS) is inserted in a shelf other than the 14-slot packet-
optical shelf. Because they are not compatible with the shelf, Type 3 fans will
not energize or light any LEDs.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm
If a fan module is missing for more than 60 seconds, the shelf's cooling may
be compromised and as a precaution, a “High Temperature” alarm will be
raised as described in this document.
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Ensure that you have the correct fan type. After removal of a cooling fan
module from a 14-slot or 32-slot shelf, the cooling fan module must be
replaced within one minute to prevent the circuit packs from overheating due
to insufficient airflow. If the cooling fan module is removed from a 2-slot,
6500-7 packet-optical, or 7-slot shelf, it must be replaced within 30 seconds.
Have a replacement fan module ready before removing the fan module.
Risk of traffic loss
Risk of damage to circuit packs and modules
Do not attempt to cause this alarm to be raised by removing
any cooling fan modules or filler cards or by blocking the shelf
air inlet or exhaust ports as it will compromise shelf cooling. A
shelf with a compromised cooling system may result in circuit
pack or module failures prior to the assertion of a High
Temperature Warning or High Temperature alarm.
Step Action
Risk of eye injury
Wear eye protection such as safety goggles or safety
glasses with side guards when you work with fan
modules or in proximity to the shelf air exhaust.
1 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
2 Select your next step.
If the alarm is raised on Then go to
a 2-slot, 7-slot, 6500-7 packet-optical, or 32-slot step 3
otherwise step 10
Step Action
7 Pull out the failed cooling fan module from the 2-slot, 6500-7 packet-optical,
7-slot, or 32-slot shelf.
Risk of traffic loss
Risk of personal injury
Use the handle on the front of the fan module to extract
it. Do not hold or carry the fan modules in a manner that
could cause detrimental contact to the fan blades
(which will stop rotating when power is disconnected
due to module extraction). You can provide extra
support for the 2-slot, 6500-7 packet-optical, or 7-slot
shelf fan modules by holding the bottom of the fan
module during extraction and insertion. A fan module
for a 32-slot shelf should be handled by firmly grabbing
the left and right sides taking care not to touch the fan
8 Insert the replacement module into the slot in the shelf until it is fully inserted
and then insert and tighten the retaining screw(s).
9 Verify that the fan green LED turns on. Go to step 24.
Removing the snap-on shelf cover or opening the hinged cover (if equipped)
10 On the hinged shelf cover, move the latches to the unlock position and rotate
the shelf cover to open it.
Removing the grill/air deflector (if equipped)
11 On the left side of the shelf, pull on the spring-loaded pins of the grill/air
deflector; at the same time pull the left end of the grill/air deflector just enough
to disengage the pin from the shelf hole.
12 On the right side of the shelf, pull on the spring-loaded pins of the grill/air
deflector; at the same time pull the right end of the grill/air deflector just
enough to disengage the pin from the shelf hole.
13 Pull out the grill/air deflector and store it in a safe place.
14 Check whether the identified fan module is missing, has failed, or is not
compatible with the shelf or its equipped Power Input Cards. The fan status is
indicated by the LEDs on each fan module.
• A green LED is lit when the module is working properly.
• A red LED is lit when the fan fails but is receiving power.
• No LEDs are lit if the fan control circuit is damaged or if the fan is not
receiving power because it is not compatible with the shelf or its Power
Input Cards.
Treat a fan with no LEDs lit as a failed fan.
Step Action
Installing the snap-on shelf cover or closing the hinged cover (if previously equipped)
21 Close the hinged cover and lock it on the shelf.
Installing the grill/air deflector (if previously equipped)
22 Pull on the spring-loaded pins of the sides grill/air deflector, insert the grill/air
deflector into the shelf, and release the pins.
23 Align the pins with the holes in the sides of the shelf and push the grill/air
deflector until the pins enter the holes.
24 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-133
Fan Failed (DSM)
Alarm ID: 135
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a fan module in the cooling unit of the DS1 service
module (DSM) is equipped but fails.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545
Step Action
Risk of eye injury
Wear eye protection such as safety goggles or safety
glasses with side guards when you work with fan
modules or in proximity to the shelf air exhaust.
1 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
2 Replace the fan module of the DSM. Ensure the red LED is off. Refer to the
“Replacing a cooling fan module” procedure in Fault Management - Module
Replacement, 323-1851-545.
3 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-134
Fan Housing Missing
Alarm ID: 736
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when a cooling unit housing is physically not present in a
shelf that is provisioned for fan modules.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• obtain a cooling unit housing and fan modules
Step Action
Risk of eye injury
Wear eye protection such as safety goggles or safety
glasses with side guards when you work with fan
modules or in proximity to the shelf air exhaust.
1 Determine if fans are required for the shelf in the current configuration. Refer
to the “Cooling configurations” section in chapter 3 of Part 1 of 6500 Planning,
You cannot install a cooling unit housing for a metro front electrical shelf, as
the cooling unit housing is an integral part of the shelf.
2 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
Step Action
4 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-135
Fan Incompatible
Alarm ID: 655
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when cooling fan modules with one exhaust air direction
are inserted into a cooling unit housing that has a different exhaust air
direction (for example, inserting front blowing fan in rear venting cooling unit
In 14-slot shelf types that have an integrated cooling unit housing (such as
metro front-electrical, a converged or a packet-optical shelf) with three
working fans present, where one of the fans exhausts air in a different
direction (front or rear), the alarm is raised against that different fan. In a shelf
with two working fans present and both fans exhaust air in a different direction,
the alarm is raised against the fan in the slot that is farthest to the right.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm if two or more fans are incompatible
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm if less than two fans are
incompatible in the cooling unit housing
To perform this procedure, you must
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• obtain a compatible fan module
Step Action
Risk of eye injury
Wear eye protection such as safety goggles or safety
glasses with side guards when you work with fan
modules or in proximity to the shelf air exhaust.
After removing a cooling fan module from a 14-slot shelf, the cooling
fan module must be replaced within one minute to prevent the circuit
packs from overheating due to insufficient airflow. Have a
replacement fan module ready before removing the fan module.
1 Check the shelf inventory to determine which fan is incompatible. Obtain the
compatible fan for replacement. Refer to the “Displaying shelf inventory
information” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
2 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
3 Remove the alarmed fan from the shelf or the cooling unit housing. Refer to
the “Replacing a cooling fan module” procedure in Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
The Fan Failed alarm is raised for the removed fan and the Fan Incompatible
alarm for the fan clears.
4 Wait at least 15 seconds but not more than 60 seconds and then insert a new
fan into the slot.
5 Verify that the Fan Failed alarm has cleared. Retrieve all alarms to determine
if the original alarm has cleared.
Procedure 4-136
Fan Missing (DSM)
Alarm ID: 136
Probable cause
This alarm is raised on a DS1 service module (DSM) when the cooling unit fan
module is missing.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
Risk of eye injury
Wear eye protection such as safety goggles or safety
glasses with side guards when you work with fan
modules or in proximity to the shelf air exhaust.
1 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
2 Insert the fan module into the empty slot. Refer to the “Replacing a cooling
fan module” procedure in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-
3 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-137
Far End Client Signal Fail
Alarm IDs: 349, 368, 695, 831, 870, 1247, 1306, 1307,1364, 1382, 1488, 1625,
1671, 1678
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against the OTM2 layer facility of the 2x10G OTR, 4x10G
OTR, 4x10G MUX, 10x10G MUX, the OTM0/OTM1/OTMFLEX layer facility of
the (1+8)xOTN Flex MOTR, or OTM0/OTM1 layer facility of the 8xOTN Flex
MOTR to indicate that there is a client signal failure such as LOS/LOF/LOL, or
pluggable missing on the far end client.
This alarm is raised for a OC-192/STM-64 client mapped to OTU2 line when
the FECSFMONITOR flag is enabled on the line side and when there is a P-
AIS detected on the line side. The WAN Far End Client Signal Fail alarm is
raised only with GFP CMF conditioning and there is a far-end client signal
This alarm is also raised against an OTM3/OTM4 layer facility of a 40G OCI,
40G+ CFP OCI, or 100G OCI circuit pack when service is terminated at the
near-end while the far-end CBR and Ethernet private line client signal is failed
(such as LOS or LOF). The alarm is masked by line OTU-LOS/LOF/pre-FEC
For the 100G WL3n MOTR circuit pack, this alarm is raised against the layer
OTM2, OTM3 or WAN facilities when the far-end mate port for this service is
experiencing a client Rx signal fault.
For the 16xFLEX OTN I/F circuit pack, this alarm is raised against the WAN or
ODUCTP facility when the far-end mate port for this service is experiencing a
client Rx signal fault.
For the 100G (2xQSFP+/2xSFP+) MUX circuit pack, this alarm is raised
against the layer OTM2, OTM3 or WAN facilities when the far-end mate port
for this service is experiencing a client Rx signal fault.
For the 4x10G MUX circuit pack, this alarm is raised against the STTP, ETTP
and WAN facilities when the far-end mate port for this service is experiencing
a client Rx signal fault.
For circuit packs with WAN facilities, this alarm is raised when the far-end
mate port for this service is experiencing a client Rx signal fault.
For eMOTR circuit packs, this alarm is raised against the ODUTTP, ETTP, or
WAN facility when the far-end mate port has a client Rx signal fault. Note that
the far-end mate port can not be a an eMOTR circuit pack, as these circuit
packs do not generate a Client Signal Fail indication.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm, if the alarm is raised on an active
traffic path
minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm, if the alarm is raised on an
inactive traffic path
To perform this procedure, you must:
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• have the optical fiber connection information (that is, how the optical
modules on each network element connect to other network elements)
• have a fiber cleaning kit
• have the engineering documentation package (EDP) containing shelf
Step Action
1 Verify the fibers are properly connected and not crossed, looped back, or
misconnected at the corresponding far-end client circuit pack.
2 Retrieve alarms from the corresponding far-end client circuit pack. Refer to
the “Retrieving active alarms for one or more network elements” procedure in
this document.
3 Use the appropriate alarm clearing procedure to clear any alarms raised at
the far-end client circuit pack.
4 If the alarms do not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-138
Far End Protection Line Fail
Alarm IDs: 521, 522, 523, 524, 961, 1019, 1125,1332, 1344, 1392, 1706
Probable cause
This alarm is raised to indicate that a protection line signal failure was received
in the APS bytes sent by the far-end protection engine. This indicates that the
far-end protection engine cannot switch traffic to the protection line because
a fault was detected downstream. This alarm is raised for a 1+1 OTN, 1+1/
MSP linear, 1+1 port TPT, or 1+1 TPT configuration protection group.
This alarm is cleared if a signal failure condition prevents the reception of valid
APS bytes.
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm
• To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines”
chapter in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault
Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
• Ensure that you have the optical fiber connection information (information
on how the optical modules on each network element connect to other
network elements)
Step Action
1 Starting at the far-end network element and going upstream, check all
network elements for alarms against the protection line. Refer to the
“Retrieving active alarms for one or more network elements” procedure in this
document. Clear all far-end alarms related to the protection line.
2 Clear all other unexpected standing alarms on the local 6500 network
element by following the related trouble clearing procedures.
3 If the “Far End Protection Line Fail” alarm does not clear, contact your next
level of support or your Ciena support group.
Procedure 4-139
Fiber Channel Link Not operational
Alarm ID: 1258
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when fiber channel NOS primitive is being received from
the subtending equipment.
This alarm is raised against the FLEX facility when the protocol is FC400 or
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm if not protected
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm if protected
Step Action
5 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-140
Fiber Loss Detection Disabled
Alarm ID: 1581
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the “High Fiber Loss Detection Alarm” system
parameter is set to Disabled on a shelf equipped with a Colorless OADM OTS.
Colorless OADM OTS requires High Fiber Loss Detection.
The “High Fiber Loss Detection Alarm” parameter can be found in the Site
Manager Node Information application under the System tab.
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Enable the “High Fiber Loss Detection Alarm” system parameter. Refer to the
“Editing the nodal system parameters” procedure in Administration and
Security, 323-1851-301.
2 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-141
Fiber Type Manual Provisioning Required
Alarm ID: 907
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against a ADJ-LINE facility when the fiber type for the line
adjacency is set to ‘Unknownfiber type’ (not provisioned), putting the line
adjacency out of service.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you require an account with at least a level 3 UPC.
Step Action
1 Provision the Fiber Type value of the alarmed line adjacency to a value other
than ‘Unknownfiber type’. Refer to the “Editing facility parameters” procedure
in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
2 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-142
Filler Card Missing (6500)
Alarm ID: 379
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when an unprovisioned or out-of-service slot is empty.
To ensure sufficient air flow for cooling the shelf, you must install filler cards in
all slots that do not contain a circuit pack. Failure to do so can cause the shelf
to exceed the maximum temperature, which may cause component damage
(refer to Procedure 4-153, “High Temperature” on page 4-364).
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• obtain a filler card or a circuit pack to install in the empty slot
Step Action
1 Identify the slot raising the alarm. Refer to Procedure 2-4, “Retrieving active
alarms for one or more network elements”.
2 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
3 Insert a filler card or a circuit pack into the slot raising the alarm. Refer to the
“Installing circuit packs in the 6500 shelf” procedure in the Installation
technical publication specific to the respective 6500 shelf type.
4 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-143
Filter Replacement Timer Expired
Alarm ID: 1580
Probable cause
This alarm is raised to indicate that you must replace the air filter in the shelf.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• obtain a replacement air filter to install in the empty slot
Step Action
2 Replace the air filter in the shelf. Refer to the “Replacing the shelf air filter”
procedure in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545. Go
to step 4.
3 Provision a new replacement time interval using Site Manager. Refer to the
“Resetting the air filter replacement timer” procedure in Administration and
Security, 323-1851-301. Go to step 6.
4 Reset the timer. The timer will reset to the value given by the replacement
time interval. Refer to the “Resetting the air filter replacement timer”
procedure in Administration and Security, 323-1851-301. Go to step 6.
Step Action
5 Disable the timer. Refer to the “Editing the nodal shelf parameters” procedure
in Administration and Security, 323-1851-301.
Note: Disabling and re-enabling the timer that has already expired does not
cause the timer to reset. The alarm is raised after re-enabling the timer.
6 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-144
Flash Banks Mismatch
Alarm ID: 222
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when an upgrade is interrupted. If an upgrade is
interrupted, there can be different loads present on the shelf processor.
The alarm can also be raised during a shelf processor replacement procedure
when a software load on either the flash bank of the network element is not
up to date with respect to the release that is running on the network element.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Step Action
1 If the alarm is raised during a shelf processor replacement, it will clear once
the shelf processor replacement procedure is completed.
2 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-145
Frequency Out of Range (OC192/STM64, ETH10G,
Alarm ID: 1613, 1614, 1615, 1616, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1859
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the frequency limits exceed the IEEE 802.3 Tx
frequency offset specifications of +/- 20ppm for 10GBASE-W and +/-100ppm
for 10GBASE-R.
This alarm applies to OC192/STM64, ETTP, STTP, OTM2, Flex, ETH40G, and
ETH10G facility client types on the 40G MUX OCI (NTK525CA/
NTK525CF),100G WL3n MOTR, 4x10G OTR (NTK530QA/NTK530QM/
NTK530QE), 100G (2xQSFP+/2xSFP+) MUX (NTK529EA), and 10x10G
MUX (NTK529BB). This alarm does not apply to NTK525CA when ETH10G
is provisioned with GFP mapping. The Frequency Out of Range alarm does
not force conditioning.
Note: This alarm does not apply to 40G MUX OCI (NTK525CA) when
ETH10G is provisioned with GFP mapping.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Step Action
Procedure 4-146
Frequency Provisioning Mismatch
Alarm ID: 1814
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against a 100G WL3/WL3e OCLD based line port when
the provisioned laser transmit frequency on the both ends of the link do not
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
Step Action
1 Ensure that both ends are provisioned for the same channel spacing. If both
ends are provisioned for gridless channel spacing, ensure that both ends are
provisioned for the same frequency. If not, reprovision the transmit frequency
on the, OTM4 or OTMG facility to make both ends match. Refer to the “Editing
facility parameters” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
2 If the alarm does not clear, replace the alarmed circuit pack. Refer to the
“Replacing an optical interface circuit pack” procedure in Fault Management
- Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
3 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-147
Gauge Threshold Crossing Alert Summary
Alarm ID: 724, 725, 726, 1034
Probable cause
This is a summary alarm for each AMP, VOA, RAMAN, and OPTMON facility,
and is raised if one or more of the physical gauge power values crosses its
provisioned PM threshold.
This alarm is masked by the Loss of Signal and Circuit Pack Failed alarms.
PM thresholds stored in PM Profiles define the maximum deviation from the
currently set baseline for a gauge power value. Resetting baselines of gauge
power values is normally done by DOC, but may also be manually triggered
by the user.
The typical cause for this alarm is reduced power levels on the port reporting
the alarm. Conditions that can result in reduced power levels at a port include:
• a PM threshold setting that is too low for a gauge power value
• a faulty or incorrectly provisioned transmitter module
• a faulty or incorrectly provisioned receive module
• an optical signal degradation caused by a bent optical fiber or dirty optical
• a wrong DSCM type for a link
• improper optical cable mating
• a disconnected optical fiber at the amplifier output
• an optical fiber cut
• a disconnected or missing termination
• misprovisioning of an amplifier resulting in excessive power being injected
into the mid-stage DSCM or fiber-plant
• a power value has been reported as outside of range (OOR) and the
baseline has been set as out of range (OOR) and the power fluctuates to
a non-OOR value, then the alarm can be raised
• new transponders are connected to DIA
• channels are added in a downstream domain of a branched network
Use this alarm to resolve the causes of the threshold crossings before a
service-affecting problem occurs.
This alarm clears automatically when all gauge readings fall within their
threshold boundaries.
Note: This alarm can be cleared manually from the Site Manager PM
screen by resetting the baseline. Refer to the “Resetting the PM physical
baseline power level” procedure in Fault Management - Performance
Monitoring, 323-1851-520.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• have the engineering documentation package (EDP) containing shelf
• have a fiber cleaning kit
• obtain a replacement module or fiber patchcord, if required
Step Action
2 Verify that the PM threshold values for the alarmed facility are correctly
provisioned. Adjust the value if required. Refer to the PM parameter
definitions table for Photonic circuit packs” in Fault Management -
Performance Monitoring, 323-1851-520.
3 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 4
4 If Then
there are new transponders manually update of TCA thresholds. See
connected to or disconnected Performance Monitoring, 323-1851-520.
from a DIA or channels were If the alarm does not clear, go to step 5
added or deleted on downstream
otherwise go to step 5
5 Verify that the optical power is within range. Refer to the PM procedures in
Fault Management - Performance Monitoring, 323-1851-520.
If both the minimum and maximum values are outside of range, you can
enable automatic in-service (AINS) for the facility until a valid signal is
present. Refer to the “Editing facility parameters” procedure in Part 1 of
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
If the power level is too close to the Input Loss of Signal Threshold configured
in the Amp properties, the alarm is going to be toggled. In this case, edit the
Threshold 1 dB below the threshold level on the Amp settings.
6 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 7
7 Using the alarm details for the Gauge Threshold Crossing Alert Summary
alarm, note the Unit and Class against which the alarm is raised.
8 Retrieve the PMs for the Shelf, Type, and Facility based on the information
noted in step 7.
Step Action
9 From the PM application, note the facility parameter that has an Untimed
value that crossed the threshold value.
10 Check for and clear any of the following alarms on all network elements
before clearing this alarm:
• Automatic Power Reduction Active
• Automatic Shutoff
• Input Loss of Signal
• Loss of Signal (OPTMON)
• Optical Line Fail
• OSC Loss of Signal
• Output Loss of Signal
• Shutoff Threshold Crossed
14 If the alarm is reported against the OPIN parameter of a LIM amplifier Line A
In (port 8) facility (or the OPR parameter of a LIM OPTMON Line A In [port 8]
facility) AND the OPR parameter of a LIM OSC A Out (port 4) facility, then
verify the outside fiber plant.
15 If the alarm is reported against the OPOUT parameter of CMD or SCMD
Channel In VOA facility, make sure that the transmitting subtending
equipment is functioning correctly and transmitting a valid signal.
Step Action
Procedure 4-148
GCC0/GCC1/GCC2 Link Failure
Alarm ID: 672, 834, 996, 1009, 1164, 1179, 1430, 1431, 1432, 1723, 1724,
1725, 1830
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the network element communications fail on the
ITU-T G.709 general communication channel (GCC0, GCC1, or GCC2) link.
This alarm can also be raised if the facility (OTM1, OTM2, OTM3, OTM4,
GCCTTP, ODUCTP, ODUTTP, or OTUTTP) is physically looped back (Tx
interface connected to Rx interface).
For all circuit packs, the GCC link is controlled by lower layer SDCC and not a
circuit (IISIS or OSPF). Therefore, even if there are no IISIS or OSPF circuits
provisioned, the GCC link is still up between near-end and far-ends and no
GCC Link Failure alarm is raised.
If only one end of a GCC PPP link is provisioned while the other end is not,
the link state of the PPP link at the first end will toggle up and down. Therefore,
you will see this alarm toggle on the SP, until the PPP link gets provisioned at
the other end.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• have the optical fiber connection information (that is, how the optical
modules on each network element connect to other network elements)
• clear all remote alarms present against the optical fiber
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
Step Action
1 Identify the facility raising the alarm. Refer to the “Identifying the circuit pack,
pluggable module/port, or facility that has raised an alarm” procedure in this
2 Use the optical fiber connection information to identify the network element
and the circuit pack that is the source of the signal reporting the alarm.
3 Wait five minutes after the alarm was raised in case a shelf processor or
interface circuit pack restart at the remote terminal caused the alarm.
4 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 5
5 Ensure the following comms parameters (in the Site Manager Comms
Setting Management application) exist at each end of the GCC/GCC0/
GCC1/GCC2 link for the circuit pack reporting the alarm:
— GCC/GCC0/GCC1/GCC2 PPP interface (under Interfaces,
Interface type=PPP)
— GCC/GCC0/GCC1/GCC2 Lower Layer DCC/GCC interface (under
Interfaces, Interface type=Lower Layer DCC/GCC)
Refer to the “Retrieving communications settings” procedure in Part 1 of
Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
6 If the original alarm has cleared, the procedure is complete. Otherwise go to
step 7.
7 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
8 Log into the remote network element using the external IP address.
• If the login is successful, go to step 10.
• If the login fails, go to step 9.
9 If Then
the remote network element the login may not be possible, as the GCC/
is only accessible through GCC0/GCC1/GCC2 has failed. Go to step 10
otherwise replace the shelf processor at the remote site.
Refer to the “Replacing the shelf processor”
procedure in Fault Management - Module
Replacement, 323-1851-545. Wait at least five
minutes for the shelf processor to boot, then
log in. Go to step 11.
Step Action
10 Reseat the shelf processor. Wait five minutes for it to restart. Refer to the
“Reseating a circuit pack” procedure in Fault Management - Module
Replacement, 323-1851-545.
11 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 12
12 Replace the shelf processor at the site that originally reported the alarm.
Refer to the “Replacing the shelf processor” procedure in Fault Management
- Module Replacement, 323-1851-545. Wait five minutes for the shelf
processor to restart.
13 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 14
14 Replace the shelf processor at the remote site determined in step 2 if this has
not already been done in step 12. Refer to the “Replacing the shelf processor”
procedure in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545. Wait
five minutes for the shelf processor to restart.
15 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 16
16 Replace the required circuit pack at the remote site determined in step 2.
Refer to the equipment replacement procedures in chapter 2 of Fault
Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
17 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 18
18 Replace the required circuit pack at the network element originally reporting
the alarm. Refer to the equipment replacement procedures in chapter 2 of
Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
19 If the alarm is still active, the alarm can be the result of mis-fibering causing
a physical loopback along the photonic layer. Check the optical fibering along
the path of the channel.
20 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-149
Group Loss of Signal
Alarm ID: 710, 832
Probable cause
The alarm is raised against port 1 of SCMD4, OMD4 or OMX modules (that
is, the Common In port of SCMD4, OMD4 or OTS In port of OMX). For OMD4
and OMX, it is a logical alarm resulting from alarm correlation when loss of
signal conditions are detected on all the line receivers connected on the
optical channels of the module. This alarm is raised only when alarm
correlation is turned on. For SCMD44, this alarm is raised if the LOS condition
is detected on the circuit pack after the group is split.
The conditions can be caused by a faulty module or a fault that impacts all
channels of the module, for example:
• a line fiber cut
• excessive power loss on the line fiber that exceeded link budget
• a disconnected, or defective fiber optic patchcord
• a dirty optical fiber connector
• a provisioning error
• a reflective event, indicated by an Automatic Power Reduction Active
• alarms at an upstream booster amplifier or pre-amplifier (DSCM)
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• observe all safety requirements described in Installation - General
Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Module Replacement Procedures, 323-
• have a network and site diagram
• have a fiber cleaning kit
• obtain a replacement circuit pack, if required
Step Action
1 Check for and clear any of the following alarms before clearing this alarm:
• Automatic Power Reduction Active
• Automatic Shutoff
• Input Loss of Signal
• Optical Line Fail
• Output Loss of Signal
• Shutoff Threshold Crossed
10 Clear any upstream (either at the local to the network element reporting the
alarm or other upstream remote network elements) alarms that could be
causing this alarm, such as Circuit Pack Failed, Circuit Pack Missing, or Loss
of Signal (OPTMON).
11 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-150
High Fiber Loss
Alarm ID: 1239
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against the originating ADJ-FIBER facility when the
measured loss between this port and the far-end port is greater than either of
the provisioned loss thresholds. A 0.5 dB hysteresis is also applied, which
prevents the alarm from clearing until the measured loss has gone below the
threshold(s) by more than 0.5 dB. The calculated fiber loss is reported against
the ADJ-FIBER facility.
For the COADM (Colorless) OTS, the alarm is supported for the following
interconnections (in addition to those described in the preceding list):
• LIM to SMD
• SMD to LIM
• CCMD12 MON (port-27) to SMD OPM (ports 1-8)
• CCMD12 to SMD
• OCLD Tx to CCMD12 (alarm is raised against the CCMD12 ADJ-FIBER
(receive direction) in this instance, not against the OCLD OTM3 port and
is based on the CCMD12 ADJ-TX facility provisioned Nominal Tx power)
The fiber loss is calculated between the Photonic equipment pairs (in the
preceding list) and takes into account any excess loss (such as the placement
of an attenuator pad) provisioned at the originating ADJ-FIBER facility, as well
as any provisioned DSCM/Pad.
For a CDC configuration, the fiber loss is calculated between WSS switch
ports and the CCMD8x16 common ports, as well as between the Upgrade
Ports on the CCMD8x16 circuit pack and the CXM C-Band Type 1 module.
The fiber loss is also calculated between WSS switch ports when connected
with a loopback connector.
For the control and Connection Validation applications to work properly, the
system parameters for the CDC and the COADM configurations must be
For the Optical Bridge and Broadcast (OBB) and Optical Broadband Mux/
Demux (OBMD 1x8), virtual OPTMON ports are used to monitor the output
power estimates and raising the alarm.
The “High Fiber Loss” Alarm Detection Alarm parameter in the Site Manager
Node Information application and the System tab is enabled by default.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
When the fiber loss exceeds the user-provisioned Fiber Loss Minor Threshold
(default is 3 dB), the alarm is raised with a minor severity.
“Fiber Loss Minor Threshold” threshold possible values are 1 to 30 with 0.01
resolution. If set to 0, the “High Fiber Loss” alarm is disabled for the facility.
When the fiber loss exceeds the user-provisioned Fiber Loss Major Threshold
(default is 10 dB), the alarm is raised with a Major severity.
“Fiber Loss Major Threshold” threshold possible values are 1 to 30 with 0.01
resolution, but must be greater than the “Fiber Loss Minor Threshold” value. If
set to 0, the “High Fiber Loss” alarm is disabled for the facility.
For CDC Connection Validation, this alarm is always raised on Dark Fiber as
m, NSA when the fiber loss exceeds the user-provisioned fiber loss minor
threshold (default is 3 dB), even if the input power is considered Out of Range.
When the fiber loss is Out of Range in this situation, the fiber loss displays
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• have a fiber cleaning kit (for CDC and COADM configurations, both MPO
and LC cleaning kits are needed. See the “Cleaning connectors” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0)
• obtain a fiber patchcord, if required
Step Action
Risk of damage to modules
Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the equipment
from static damage. Connect the wrist strap to the ESD
jack on the shelf or module.
Check the fibers involved in the High Fiber Loss alarm (all fibers between the
port where the alarm is raised and the port specified as the Far End Address
for this adjacency):
• verify that the fibers are connected (fully inserted and clicked-in) and not
crossed, looped back, or misconnected
• check and clean any dirty fibers. Refer to the “Cleaning connectors”
chapter in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0.
• For a CDC configuration, verify that the MPO cable for the subfiber that
has the alarm and the far-end of the MPO cable are connected properly.
The far-end location of the MPO cable can be determined by verifying the
MPO adjacency far-end Address where the alarm is raised. Verify that the
WSS and the CMD MPO cables are fibered to the FIM.
2 If the original alarm has Then go to
raised on CDC configurations step 3
otherwise step 23
4 Determine which MPO/LC loopback connector is used for the subfiber on the
FIM. Go to step 7.
5 Determine the far-end MPO adjacency from the local subfiber adjacency far-
end address. Check that the MPO cable is connected properly. Determine the
far-end of this MPO cable by looking at the MPO adjacency far-end address.
Step Action
6 Check that the MPO cable is connected properly to the FIM using the Site
Manager Shelf Level View. Double click on the circuit pack and right click on
the MPO to select “Show Fiber Topology”. Check that the Loopback
connector is connected properly.
7 If the original alarm has Then
cleared 5 minutes after insertion of the fiber the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 8
8 If Then go to
the alarm is raised against a WSS sub-fiber step 9
the alarm is raised against a CCMD or CXM C-Band Type 1 step 18
common sub-fiber
the alarm is raised against a Jumper cable connecting a step 24
CCMD8x16 to CXM C-Band Type 1
otherwise step 24
9 If the WSS subfiber loopbacks to itself, clean the loopback connector. Refer
to the “Cleaning connectors” chapter in Installation - General Information,
10 If the alarm did not clear five minutes after insertion of the fiber, clean the
MPO cables between the WSS and the FIM on both ends.
Risk of traffic loss
Ensure to switch any traffic that is on any of the other
subfibers on the MPO, away from the ROADM.
11 If the WSS subfiber goes to another WSS or CMD/CXM, clean the MPO
cables between the WSS and the FIM or the MPO cables between the CMC/
CXM and the FIM. Clean the MPO cable of the newly installed circuit pack
Risk of traffic loss
Ensure to switch any traffic that is on the MPO cables.
The traffic will be lost when you clean the cables.
12 If there is a fiber adjacency to a WSS (FIM type 1), repeat step 9 through
step 11 for the WSS identified in the adjacency,.
13 If there is a fiber adjacency to a CMD (FIM type 1 or 2), perform step 18
through step 21 for the CCMD/CXM common port identified in the adjacency.
Step Action
14 If Then go to
the fiber adjacency points back to itself step 15
otherwise step 24
15 Using the Shelf Level View application in Site Manager, determine the FIM LC
(in case of a type 1) or FIM MPO (type 1 and 2) to clean.
16 Remove and clean the MPO or LC loopback as applicable.
17 Clean the FIM port and replace the MPO loopback. Go to step 28.
18 Clean the Common MPO port. Refer to the “Cleaning connectors” chapter in
Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0.
19 Clean the MPO cable and reconnect it to the card.
20 Clean the MPO port on the FIM.
21 Clean the MPO cable and reconnect it to the FIM.
22 If the alarm is raised on the CCMD8x16 subfibers and the CXM C-Band
Type 1 Jumper subfibers, clean the Jumper fibers on the dark fiber or the
Manual loopback path fiber as follows.
a. If you performed a manual loopback in a CDC configuration and the alarm
on a Jumper subfiber is raised on a dark fiber, clean the Jumper MPO
Risk of traffic loss
Ensure to switch traffic that is on any of the subfibers.
Step Action
e. Re-run the manual connection validation test to clear the alarm and wait
five minutes to ensure there are no new alarms. Go to step 28.
23 Check that the DSCM provisioning is correct. For information on provisioning
the DSCM in OTS, refer to the “Retrieving OTS Management, OTS
Equipment, and Facility Details” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310. For information on the facility
provisioning for the DISP facility on DSCM, refer to the “Retrieving equipment
and facility details” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
To change the provisioning, refer to the “Editing facility parameters”
procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
310 or the “Editing an OTS instance” procedure in Part 2 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
24 Check Excess Loss provisioning. If there are lossy elements (patch panels
and pads are typical examples of lossy elements) between the two ports, the
loss of the element itself should be provisioned in the Excess Loss field. Refer
to the “Editing facility parameters” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration -
Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310.
25 If the reported loss is less than the Major or Minor threshold, but not by
0.5 dB, the alarm is being held on due to a 0.5 dB hysteresis. The threshold
is likely too low. Adjust the threshold.
26 If the reported loss is greater than 1.5 dB, this is likely a problem in the circuit
packs or fibering that must be resolved. Contact your next level of support or
your Ciena support group.
Step Action
27 For losses less than 1.5 dB if all other steps have been taken, clear the alarm
by adjusting the threshold.
28 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-151
High Optical Power
Alarm ID: 1800
Probable cause
For the WSS 50GHz w/OPM C-Band 2x1, WSS 100 GHz w/OPM 2x1, WSS
50 GHz w/OPM C-Band 9x1, and WSS Flex C-Band w/OPM 20x1 circuit
packs, this alarm is raised against an OPTMON facility when the total power
detected at the common IN port of the WSS Demux is higher than the
threshold deemed safe for class 1M operation.
For the Optical Bridge and Broadcast (OBB) circuit packs, this alarm is raised
against an OPTMON facility when the total power detected at the Line or CMD
IN port of the OBB is higher than the threshold deemed safe for class 1M
Major, non-service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
Step Action
DO NOT disconnect fibers or remove dust caps until instructed to do
so (safely), in the following steps.
Risk of laser radiation exposure
Laser radiation is present on the optical fiber. Do not
look into the optical fiber.
Step Action
1 Replace the upstream amplifier connected to the WSS port that has raised
the alarm. Follow the steps in "Replacing an amplifier module" procedure in
2 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 3
3 Replace the WSS circuit pack. Refer to "Replacing the WSS w/OPM or SMD
50GHz w/OPM circuit pack" in 323-1851-545.
4 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-152
High Received Span Loss
Alarm ID: 1155
Probable cause
This alarm is raised against the LIM, SRA, SAM, or ESAM circuit packs (at the
tail end of the span) when the incoming estimated Span Loss for the span is
higher than the Target Span Loss plus the Span Loss Margin.
For SRA circuit packs, the Telemetry Gain Signal value is used for Span Loss
calculation. Refer to the Photonic Layer Guide, NTRN15DA for more
The alarm clears when the span loss drops 1.0 dB below the raise threshold.
Target Span Loss and Margin are user provisionable. (Target Span Loss +
Span Loss Margin) - 1 dB.
Note: Span Loss for an optical span is stored as a PM with full retrievable
history. Refer to the “Retrieving performance monitoring data” in the Fault
Management - Performance Monitoring, 323-1851-520.
Major, service-affecting (M, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must:
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
• observe all safety requirements described in the “Observing product and
personnel safety guidelines” chapter in Installation - General Information,
323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
• have a fiber cleaning kit
• obtain a fiber patchcord, if required
Step Action
Risk of damage to modules
Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the equipment
from static damage. Connect the wrist strap to the ESD
jack on the shelf or module.
Check the fibers of the alarmed facility (at the network element raising the
alarm and at the upstream network element):
• verify that the fibers are connected, and not crossed, looped back, or
• check and clean any dirty fibers. Refer to the “Cleaning connectors”
chapter in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0.
2 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared go to step 3
3 If Then go to
you want to clear the alarm (and disable step 4
detection) without addressing the fault
otherwise step 5
4 Provision the Target Span Loss to 0. Refer to the “Editing facility parameters”
procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-
5 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Procedure 4-153
High Temperature
Alarm ID: 378
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when the shelf ambient temperature is too high, a circuit
pack temperature is too high for five or more minutes, or when the shelf
cooling system is not functioning correctly.
The High temperature alarm is latched and the shelf processor must be
restarted as part of the alarm clearing procedure. This means that the alarm
is not cleared automatically when the temperature is back to normal. This
situation requires immediate attention. The temperature can be monitored
through inventory retrieval which displays the current and average
temperature on the supported cards. Refer to the “Displaying shelf inventory
information” procedure in Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and
Operating, 323-1851-310.
Note: It may take some time for a shelf to cool off and the alarm to clear
after the cause is corrected.
Critical, service-affecting (C, SA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
Risk of eye injury
Wear eye protection such as safety goggles or safety
glasses with side guards when you work with fan
modules, air filters or in proximity to the shelf air
Risk of damage to circuit packs and modules
Do not attempt to cause this alarm to be raised by
removing any cooling fan modules or filler cards or by
blocking the shelf air inlet or exhaust ports as it will
compromise shelf cooling. A shelf with a compromised
cooling system may result in circuit pack or module
failures prior to the assertion of a High Temperature
Warning or High Temperature alarm.
1 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
2 Make sure that the shelf operating environment is within the specified
temperature and altitude limits. Refer to the “Operating environmental
specifications for 6500 system” table in chapter 8 of Part 3 of 6500 Planning,
3 If the operating temperature for the altitude is Then
within the specified limits go to step 4
not within the specified limits correct the office temperature
and go to step 11
4 Perform visual checks to ensure that the shelf air intake is not obstructed and
that air is exhausting from each fan module or from the shelf's exhaust port
as applicable. Verify the following:
• If the shelf is configured for rear exhaust, make sure that there is
clearance between the back of the shelf and any other shelf, wall, or
• For a 14-slot shelf, make sure that the flip-down door of the fiber routing
channel is closed so that it does not obstruct the air intake.
Step Action
• For a 14-slot shelf with front exhaust fan modules that is mounted in a
cabinet with a front door (which must be perforated) or that is equipped
with any circuit pack that has a power budget of over 150W per slot (or
equivalently 300W for a double-slot wide pack), make sure that it is not
equipped with an exhaust air deflector grill (manufacturing discontinued
part NTK509FA/NTK509FAE6 included with front venting cooling unit kits
NTK507BA/NTK507BBE5/NTK507BCE5 and metro front electrical shelf
assembly NTK503GAE5).
• Inspect the grill at the air exhaust of the cooling unit or the grill integrated
into the shelf cover/door, the grill on the cooling fan module, and the grill
on the air inlet plenum. If any have an accumulation of dust, vacuum the
• For a 2-slot optical Type 2, 6500-7 packet-optical, or 7-slot shelf, ensure
that the SP, AP, SPAP, or SPAP2 w/2xOSC, as applicable, are fully
seated. If not, loosen the faceplate screws on the AP, SPAP, or SPAP2 w/
2xOSC circuit pack, push the circuit pack in fully and tighten the screws
to the prescribed torque. Refer to the applicable shelf installation
procedure in the Installation technical publication specific to the
respective 6500 shelf type.
5 Retrieve the shelf inventory or visually inspect the shelf to confirm that all
slots are filled (including all circuit pack subslots and common equipment
slots). Refer to the “Displaying shelf inventory information” procedure in Part
1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310. Note that the
cross-connect slots on a 32-slot shelf do not support filler card detection and
must be visually checked to confirm if they are equipped with a 2-slot x 2-row
filler cards.
6 If the shelf has Then go to
all slots filled step 8
empty slots step 7
7 Re-insert any missing circuit packs or install filler cards into any empty slots.
Refer to the equipment replacement procedures in Part 2 of Fault
Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
8 Remove and inspect the shelf air filter and replace it with a new one if there
is a visible accumulation of dust. Refer to the “Replacing the shelf air filter”
procedure in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
9 Monitor the temperatures on the circuit packs by retrieving the inventory and
check whether the current temperature of all the supported circuit packs
decreases. If the temperature decreases, perform a warm restart of the shelf
processor. Refer to Procedure 2-11, “Restarting a circuit pack or shelf
processor” on page 2-30. If the temperature did not decrease even after ten
minutes or if the shelf processor is still reporting a current temperature of
50 °C or greater, continue to the step 11.
10 If the original alarm Then
is not raised again six minutes after shelf the procedure is complete
processor has recovered
is raised again go to step 11
11 Replace the cooling fan module(s). Refer to the “Replacing a cooling fan
module” procedure in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
12 Monitor the temperatures on the cards by retrieving the inventory and check
whether the current temperature of all the supported circuit packs decreases.
If the temperature decreases, perform a warm restart of the shelf processor.
Refer to Procedure 2-11, “Restarting a circuit pack or shelf processor” on
page 2-30. If the temperature did not decrease even after ten minutes or if the
shelf processor is still reporting a current temperature of 50 °C or greater, go
to step 14.
13 If the original alarm Then
is not raised again six minutes after shelf the procedure is complete
processor has recovered
is raised again go to step 14
14 If the alarm does not clear, it could be due to a problem with a circuit pack.
Contact your next level of support or your Ciena support group.
Procedure 4-154
High Temperature Warning
Alarm ID: 1143
Probable cause
This alarm is raised as a warning to the user when the shelf ambient
temperature is high or when a circuit pack temperature is high for five or more
minutes, or when the shelf cooling system is not functioning correctly. The
following conditions are applicable:
• The operating environment exceeds the temperature and/or altitude limits
specified for the shelf. Refer to the “Operating environmental
specifications for 6500 system” table in chapter 8 of Part 3 of 6500
Planning, NTRN10DE.
• There are one or more empty slots in the shelf which must be equipped
with modules, circuit packs, or filler cards. Any "Circuit Pack Missing" or
"Filler Card Missing" alarm must be cleared first.
• The shelf cooling system is not functioning correctly. Any “Fan Failed”
alarms must be cleared first.
• The shelf is operating without a cooling fan module equipped (one or more
fan modules are missing or not fully inserted).
• The air exhaust port or air inlet plenum is blocked.
• The air filter has a blockage.
• The shelf exhaust air is being trapped in an enclosed space or cabinet and
is re-circulating into the air inlet plenum.
• Hot exhaust air from other equipment is mixing with the shelf's intake air.
• There is a problem with a circuit pack or module in the shelf.
• For a 14-slot with front exhaust fan modules, an air deflector grill should
not be used if the shelf is mounted in an cabinet with a front door or if the
shelf is equipped with any circuit pack that has a power budget over 150W
per slot (or equivalently 300W for a double-slot wide pack).
• For the extended temperature system housed in a 2-slot Type 2 chassis
(NTK503LA) with the SPAP2 w/2xOSC (NTK555NA) and 1+8 OTN Flex
MOTR (NTK532DE) circuit packs, the thresholds for the “High
Temperature warning” alarm on the SPAP-2 w/2xOSC or 1+8 OTN Flex
MOTR circuit pack (NTK532DE) is calibrated and the alarm does not raise
within the extended temperature range.
If a high temperature warning condition prevails for a while, it could
potentially lead to a “High Temperature” condition. Refer to “High
Temperature” on page 4-364 for high temperature condition information.
Major, non service-affecting (M, NSA) alarm
To perform this procedure, you must observe all safety requirements
described in the “Observing product and personnel safety guidelines” chapter
in Installation - General Information, 323-1851-201.0 or Fault Management -
Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
Step Action
Risk of eye injury
Wear eye protection such as safety goggles or safety
glasses with side guards when you work with fan
modules, air filters or in proximity to the shelf air
Risk of damage to circuit packs and modules
Do not attempt to cause this alarm to be raised by
removing any cooling fan modules or filler cards or by
blocking the shelf air inlet or exhaust ports as it will
compromise shelf cooling. A shelf with a compromised
cooling system may result in circuit pack or module
failures prior to the assertion of a High Temperature
Warning or High Temperature alarm.
Step Action
1 Wear an antistatic wrist strap to protect the shelf from static damage. Connect
the wrist strap to the ESD jack on the shelf.
2 Make sure that the shelf operating environment is within the specified
temperature and altitude limits. Refer to the “Environmental specifications”
section in chapter 8 of Part 3 of 6500 Planning, NTRN10DE.
3 If the operating temperature for the altitude is Then
within the specified limits go to step 4
not within the specified limits correct the office temperature
and go to step 11
4 Perform visual checks to ensure that the shelf air intake is not obstructed and
the air is exhausting from each fan module or from the shelf exhaust port as
applicable. Verify the following:
• If the shelf is configured for rear exhaust, make sure that there is
clearance between the back of the shelf and any other shelf, wall, or
• For a 14-slot shelf, make sure that the flip-down door of the fiber routing
channel is closed so that it does not obstruct the air intake.
• For a 14-slot shelf with front exhaust fan modules that is mounted in a
cabinet with a front door (which must be perforated) or that is equipped
with any circuit pack that has a power budget of over 150W per slot (or
equivalently 300W for a double-slot wide pack), make sure that it is not
equipped with an exhaust air deflector grill (manufacturing discontinued
part NTK509FA/NTK509FAE6 included with front venting cooling unit kits
NTK507BA/NTK507BBE5/NTK507BCE5 and metro front electrical shelf
assembly NTK503GAE5).
• Inspect the grill at the air exhaust of the cooling unit or the grill integrated
into the shelf cover/door, the grill on the cooling fan module, and the grill
on the air inlet plenum. If any have an accumulation of dust, vacuum the
• For a 2-slot optical Type 2, 6500-7 packet-optical, or 7-slot shelf, ensure
that the SP, AP, SPAP, or SPAP2 w/2xOSC, as applicable, are fully
seated. If not, loosen the faceplate screws on the AP, SPAP, or SPAP2 w/
2xOSC circuit pack, push the circuit pack in fully and tighten the screws
to the prescribed torque. Refer to the applicable shelf installation
procedure in the Installation technical publication specific to the
respective 6500 shelf type.
Step Action
5 Retrieve the shelf inventory or visually inspect the shelf to confirm that all
slots are filled (including all circuit pack subslots and common equipment
slots). Refer to the “Displaying shelf inventory information” procedure in
Part 1 of Configuration - Provisioning and Operating, 323-1851-310. Note
that the cross-connect slots on a 32-slot shelf do not support filler card
detection and must be visually checked to confirm if they are equipped with a
2-slot x 2-row filler card.
6 If the shelf has Then go to
all slots filled step 8
empty slots step 7
7 Re-insert any missing circuit packs or install filler cards into any empty slots.
Refer to the equipment replacement procedures in Part 2 of Fault
Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
8 Remove and inspect the shelf air filter and replace it with a new one if there
is a visible accumulation of dust. Refer to the “Replacing the shelf air filter”
procedure in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-545.
9 Monitor the temperatures on the circuit packs by retrieving the inventory and
check whether the current temperature of all the supported circuit packs
decreases. If the temperature does not decrease after ten minutes, go to
step 11.
If the temperature falls to normal on all the supported circuit packs wait for 6
minutes for the alarm to clear.
10 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared, even after all the circuit packs are at go to step 11
a normal temperature for more than six minutes
Step Action
13 Replace the cooling fans module(s). Refer to the “Replacing a cooling fan
module” procedures in Fault Management - Module Replacement, 323-1851-
14 Monitor the temperatures on the circuit packs by retrieving the inventory and
see whether the current temperature decreases. If the temperature does not
decrease after ten minutes or if the shelf processor is still reporting a current
temperature of 50 °C or greater, go to step 16.
If the temperature falls to normal on all the supported circuit packs, wait for
six minutes for the alarm to clear.
15 If the original alarm has Then
cleared the procedure is complete
not cleared, even after all the circuit packs are at go to step 16
a normal temperature for more than six minutes
16 If the alarm does not clear, it could be due to a problem with a circuit pack.
Contact your next level of support or your Ciena support group.
Procedure 4-155
Home Path Not defined
Alarm ID: 1772
Probable cause
This alarm is raised when an SNC with Reserved Home Path enabled does
not have a Home Path. This can occur if the SNC Home Path is released
without successfully setting up a new Home Path.
The alarm can also be raised when an SNC with Reserved Home Path is in
the STARTING state. You need to ensure that the SNC can setup over
dynamic routing or the DTLSET.
This alarm is raised when the Home Path OSRP line bandwidth is locked and
the regroom operation of the Reserved Home Path enabled SNC (for
example, make current path as home path) is failed.
The alarm will be cleared when the SNC Home Path is setup successfully or
when Retain Home Path is disabled on the SNC.
Minor, non-service-affecting (m, NSA) alarm.
To perform this procedure, you must:
• ensure the Primary State of the SNC to be regroomed is in-service. Refer
to the “Regrooming a sub-network connection” procedure in Configuration
- Control Plane, 323-1851-330.
• use an account with at least a level 3 UPC
Step Action
1 If the alarm is raised because the OSRP line bandwidth is locked out and the
SNC with Reserved Home Path enabled regroom operation failed, disable the
bandwidth lockout and regroom the SNC again. Refer to the “Regrooming a
sub-network connection” procedure in Configuration - Control Plane, 323-
Step Action
2 Otherwise, regroom the SNC for a new Home path or regroom the SNC to the
current path by enabling the “Make current path as home path” check box.
Refer to the “Regrooming a sub-network connection” procedure in
Configuration - Control Plane, 323-1851-330.
3 Alternatively, disable (uncheck) the Retain Home Path checkbox when
regrooming the SNC if you do not need Retain Home path functionality for this
SNC. Refer to the “Regrooming a sub-network connection” procedure in
Configuration - Control Plane, 323-1851-330.
4 If the alarm does not clear, contact your next level of support or your Ciena
support group.
Release 10.2
Publication: 323-1851-543
Document status: Standard
Issue 1
Document release date: July 2015
For additional information, office locations, and phone numbers, please visit the Ciena
web site at www.ciena.com