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Abramović, Marina, 6 Tropical Malady, 43, 44, 45, 46fig., 48, 57,
Acosta, Navild, 36 98–99, 101–2, 176; Uncle Boonmee Who Can
Adorno, Theodor, 230n40, 231n49 Recall His Past Lives, 4, 44, 45, 46fig., 49–50,
Afternoon (Tsai), 199 57, 84, 99, 176; Worldly Desires, 48
Akritchalerm Kalayanamitr, 1 Apichatpong Weerasethakul: The Serenity of
The Albertine Workout (Carson), 103 Madness exhibition, 49
alertness-promoting drugs, 23–25, 104 “The Apparatus: Metapsychological Approaches
Althen, Michael, 126 to the Impression of Reality” (Baudry),
amphetamines, 24, 104 138–39, 143
Anderson, Benedict, 105 Arab Spring, 28, 37
animistic ontology, 190 ArcLight Cinemas, Los Angeles, 208
The Anthem (Apichatpong), 48, 239n2 Art Insitute of Chicago, 47, 53
Apichatpong Weerasethakul, 14–15; Ashara Ekundayo Gallery, 20, 21, 37
0116643225059, 47; The Anthem, 48, 239n2; Ashes (Apichatpong), 225n41
Ashes, 225n41; Blissfully Yours, 3–4, 94–98, ASMR videos, 9
176; Blue, 51, 52fig., 53; Bullet, 47; Cemetery of audience behavior, 3, 6, 18, 112, 131–37, 205.
Splendor, 4, 43–45, 46, 50–51, 54–59, 82–94, See also cinema experience; spectatorship
99–102, 109–11; on cinematic transformation, Australia, 27
199–200, 201–2; Dilbar, 32–33, 47, 48fig.,
92; Fever Room, 51–53, 174; Fireworks, 51; Back to the Future (Zemeckis), 81
Haunted Houses, 45, 47fig., 220n5; Invisibility, Badu, Erykah, 11
51, 52; Luminous People, 78–79; Manning on, Baker, Miyuki, 36
17; Mekong Hotel, 44, 45, 46, 48, 51, 176–77, Balsom, Erika, 194, 195, 242n35
178; Memoria, 4; Mysterious Object at Noon, Bangladeshi workers, 32–33
48–49, 220n5; Primitive, 49, 50, 54, 79–81, Banlop Lomnoi, 43
175; Sakda, 48; The Serenity of Madness, Barry, Iris, 134
49, 53, 78; SLEEPCINEMAHOTEL, 1–6, 14, Barthes, Roland, 11, 60, 61, 77, 97, 132, 188.
127, 172–74, 179, 181–86, 190, 199, 203–4; on See also “Upon Leaving the Movie Theater”
sleeping while movie-watching, 172–75, 186; (Barthes)
Syndromes and a Century, 43; Teem, 102–6; Baudry, Jean-Louis, 138–47, 168
260    INDEX

Baxter, Vern, 31 “The Children’s Hour” (Weegee), 151–52,

Bazin, André, 179–81, 185–86 155, 156fig.
Bed Piece (Burden), 38–39 Chow, Rey, 110
Bellour, Raymond, 137 Chung, Una, 82
Ben-Ari, Eyal, 30 Church of Black Feminist Thought, 36, 37
Benjamin, Walter, 181, 240n36 cinema experience: 3D viewing, 157, 158fig.;
Bergen-Aurand, Brian, 100–101 Baudry and Metz on, 146–47; changes in,
The Best Years of Our Lives (Wyler), 193 194–95; Epstein on, 192; sleeping, 163–71;
Bik, Liesbeth, 205 in Weegee’s photographs, 151–56, 159–64.
biopolitics, 30, 31, 33–34, 218nn63–64 See also audience behavior; spectatorship
biopower, 29, 31 “A Cinematic Atopia” (Smithson), 133–34
Bíró, Yvette, 109 cinematic transformation, 199–200, 208
Bishop, Claire, 181, 190 Cinépolis, Mexico, 206
Black feminist project, 20–22, 34–40 circadian cinema, 196, 200–208
Black Power Naps/Siestas Negras circadian cycle, 13, 120, 176
(Acosta and Sosa), 36 CJ CGV, South Korea, 206, 243n54
Black Womxn Dreaming/Divine the Darkness The Clock (Marclay), 200
(2019), 20–22, 34–40 Cocteau, Jean, 190
Blanchot, Maurice, 61 coffee, 10, 23–25, 35–36
blessing of the beds, 20 collective slumber in film, 78–82. See also
Blissfully Yours (Apichatpong), 3–4, 94–98, 176 sleeping at the cinema
Blue (Apichatpong), 51, 52fig., 53 comics, 62–63
Bolaño, Roberto, 78 Communications (publication), 138, 168, 170
boredom, 173, 185 Communist Party of Thailand, 79
Bradbury, Ray, 78 Comolli, Jean, 133
Breedlove, Gina, 20 Connolly, Mauve, 47
Breton, André, 132, 191 consciousness, 11–12, 55–56, 76–78, 192. See also
Brief (publication), 161, 165, 168 dreams and dreaming
Browne, Thom, 9 Cortez, Iggy, 83
Buddhism, 56–57, 78, 83, 221n20 coup d’états, 50, 88–90, 92, 225n38, 225n42
Bukatman, Scott, 62 Courbet, Gustave, 115
Bullet (Apichatpong), 47 COVID-19 pandemic, 23, 37, 208
Burden, Chris, 38–39, 220n90 Crary, Jonathan, 11, 23, 24, 25–26, 28, 177–78,
Burgin, Victor, 169, 187, 192 200, 216n26, 232n21
Burrell, Alexa, 20 crip seduction, 100–101
Butler, Judith, 37 critical sleep studies, 13–14, 16
By Night in Chile (Bolaño), 78 “The Crowd at the Cinematograph”
(Romains), 132
caffeine, 25, 36, 216n23 cult of productivity, 18, 23–27, 31, 180
Campt, Tina, 40 Cut Piece (Ono), 116
Capital (Marx), 25
Carax, Leos, 132, 142, 150. See also Dalí, Salvador, 74
Holy Motors (Carax) Daoism, 122
Carson, Anne, 8, 68, 103, 121, 173, 185 Dard, Michael, 136
Casetti, Francesco, 15, 195, 196, 199, 242n17 Davies, William, 26
Castro Theatre, San Francisco, 208 Days (Tsai), 108
Cavarero, Adriana, 37 Delany, Samuel, 168
cemetery, as metaphor, 54 de Luca, Tiago, 178
Cemetery of Splendor (Apichatpong), 4, 43–45, Demenÿ, Georges, 130
46fig., 50–51, 54–59, 82–94, 99–102, 109–11 Deren, Maya, 71–74
censorship, 92, 225n42, 230n37 Descartes, René, 122–23
Chai Siris, 32–33 The Deserted (Tsai), 199
Chaplin, Charlie, 185 Desnos, Robert, 132
INDEX    261

devaluation of sleep, 10–11 “The Fiction Film and Its Spectator” (Metz),
de Villiers, Nicholas, 108 138–39, 143–44, 171
Dilbar (Apichatpong), 32–33, 47, 48fig., 92 Film-Makers’ Cinematheque, 204
Divine the Darkness installation, 37 Fireworks (Apichatpong), 51
Donnie Darko (Kelly), 81 Five (Kiarostami), 178
Douglass, Frederick, 35 Fiverr, 24
Dream House (Abramović), 6 Flanagan, Matthew, 177, 178, 179–80
Dream of a Rarebit Fiend (Porter), 62, 63fig. Flatley, Jonathan, 106
Dream of the Red Chamber (play), 6 Flowers of Shanghai (Hou), 175, 176
“Dream-Over” (exhibition), 6 Flowers of Taipei (Chinlin), 173, 174
dreams and dreaming: in Cemetery of Splendor, Fly (Lennon and Ono), 115, 116
83–90; in early cinema, 61–75; Freud on, Foucault, Michel, 28–29, 148
59–60, 119–21, 222n10, 229n8, 234n49; in **** (Four Stars) (Warhol), 205
Inception, 55–56; Lacan on, 121–22; Proust on, Franklin, Benjamin, 24
119. See also consciousness Freud, Sigmund, 11, 59, 119–22, 124–25, 138–40,
drug foods, 10, 23–25, 35–36 222n10, 229n8, 232n21
dysfunctionality, 22 Fried, Michael, 8
Fuhrmann, Arnika, 56–57, 79, 99
Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale (2000), 6 futurity, 79–82
Edison, Thomas, 24
Edward Hopper and the American Hotel Gaupp, Robert, 137, 233n39
(exhibition), 6 Geil, Abraham, 127–28
8 Hours (Minimum) (Turbo Pascale), 6 Giorno, John, 104–5, 106
Einstein on the Beach (Glass and Wilson), 4, 6 “Girls Watching Movie” (Weegee), 160fig., 161
Eisner, Lotte, 126 Gladstone, John, 35
Elcott, Noam, 148, 236n91 Glasgow Short Film Festival, 175, 179
electroencephalography (EEG), 12 Glass, Philip, 4
El Wardany, Haytham, 37, 38 Goodbye Dragon Inn (Tsai), 131
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 150–51 Google, 32, 218n65
Empire (Warhol), 204, 205, 243n47 Gorfinkel, Elena, 47, 74–75, 95, 113
encephalitis lethargica, 43, 220n1 Go the Fuck to Sleep (Mansbach), 9
EnergyPod, 32, 218n65 Goudal, Jean, 234n50
The Energy Project, 31 Goya, Francisco, 11
Eniaios (Markopoulos), 202–3 A Grandmother’s Story (Méliès), 64, 65fig.
Epstein, Jean, 163, 192, 207, 232n25 Greek mythology, 8
“Every Exit Is an Entrance (A Praise of Sleep)” Gridthiya Gaweewong, 49
(Carson), 173 Grohmann, Martje, 126
“The Evolution of the Language of Cinema” Grundrisse (Marx), 25
(Bazin), 179 Gvojic, Alex, 200
Experiments in Supine Possibilities event (2020),
36, 220n85 Hallucinations of Baron Munchausen (Méliès),
Exxon Valdez oil spill (1989), 22, 215n8 65–66, 67fig.
Eye Filmmuseum, 1 Hammid, Alexander, 71–74
“An Eyeful at the Movies” (Eyerman), 157, 158fig. Hansen, Miriam, 136, 167, 191, 192, 208
Eyerman, J. R., 157, 158fig., 162 Hartman, Saidiya, 35, 219n76
Haunted Houses (Apichatpong), 45, 47fig., 220n5
Face (Tsai), 199 Heraclitus, 7
fashion, 9 Heyes, Cressida, 28, 114
Federal Drug Administration, 24 The History of Sexuality (Foucault), 28–29
Fellig, Arthur. See Weegee (Arthur Fellig) Hodson, Josie Roland, 34–35
Felski, Rita, 212n27 Höller, Carsten, 6, 7
Festspielhaus, 147–48 Holy Motors (Carax), 130–32, 141–42, 157
Fever Room (Apichatpong), 51–53, 174 Hopper, Edward, 6
262    INDEX

Hossain, Delowar “Dilbar,” 32–33 The Land of Counterpane (Smith), 63

Hou Hsiao-hsien, 173, 175–76, 177, 186 Laos, 79, 86–88
House/Full of Black Women project Laws (Plato), 10
(Tabor-Smith and Chang), 20, 39 “Leader’s Guide to Soldier and Crew Endurance”
“House of the Sleeping Beauties” (Yasunari), 116 (2015), 30–31
Huffington, Arianna, 27, 28, 29, 30 Lee, Pamela, 200, 242n34
Huffington Post, 218n65 Lee, Vivian, 111, 113, 200
hyperbole, 22, 113, 215n4 Lefort, Claude, 124
Lennon, John, 115
I Don’t Want to Sleep Alone (Tsai), 106, 108–10 Levi, Pavle, 174
Imhotep, Ra Malik, 36 Life (publication), 157
Inception (Nolan), 55–56, 69, 79 The Life and Times of Joseph Stalin (Wilson),
industrial disasters and sleep deprivation, 203, 204
22, 215n8 The Life of an American Fireman (Méliès), 66–67,
industrialization, 35 76, 223n24
Ingawanij, May Adadol, 15, 50, 57, 98, 190, Limelight (Chaplin), 185
195, 202 Linschoten, Jan, 173, 176
In Search of Lost Time (Proust), 76–78, 102–3, Little Nemo in Slumberland (McCay), 63
119, 121, 177, 224n5 Lohmann, Roger Ivar, 13
insomnia, 7, 9, 10, 22, 25, 34, 61, 104 Lorde, Audre, 37
International Film Festival Rotterdam, 1 L’Origine du monde (Courbet), 115
The Interpretation of Dreams (Freud), 59, 121, 122, Louvre, 199
125, 138–39 The Lumière Galaxy (Casetti), 195
The Inventor Crazybrains and His Wonderful Luminous People (Apichatpong), 78–79
Airship (Méliès), 64, 65fig. Lust, Virginia, 115, 116
Invisibility (Apichatpong), 51, 52fig.
Isaan district, Thailand, 79–80, 82, 224n16 Manning, Erin, 17
Italian Renaissance, 8 Marey, Étienne-Jules, 130
I Walked With a Zombie (film), 4 Marion-Young, Iris, 115
Markopoulos, Gregory, 202–3
Jekels, Ludwig, 120 Marx, Karl, 25
Jenjira Pongpas, 48, 51, 53, 79, 94 “Master Teacher” (Badu), 11
La Jetée (Marker), 81 The Maybe (Parker), 38, 39
Johnson, Samuel, 25 McCay, Winsor, 62–63
Joseph, Branden, 105 McZeal, Amber, 20–21
journeying and sleeping, 79–82 Meditations (Descartes), 122
“The Joy of Living” (Weegee), 153, 154fig. Mekas, Jonas, 204
Mekong Hotel (Apichatpong), 44, 45, 46fig., 48,
Keil, Charles, 68 51, 176–77, 178
Kendall, Tina, 180 Méliès, George, 64–66, 67fig.
Kiarostami, Abbas, 126, 127, 178, 188, 192, 241n6 Melnikov, Konstantin, 6, 211n10
Kluge, Alexander, 187, 240n42 Memoria (Apichatpong), 4
Koch, Stephen, 204 Mengesha, Lilian, 18
Koepnick, Lutz, 194, 201, 243n47 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 12, 17, 97, 123–24,
Kong Rithdee, 83 129, 136
Korakrit Arunanondchai, 200 Meshes of the Afternoon (Deren and Hammid),
Kracauer, Siegfried, 135–37, 149, 203, 233n33 71–74
Kroll-Smith, Steve, 31 A Metapsychological Supplement to the Theory
Kumbhakarna, 32 of Dreams (Freud), 119–20
Metz, Christian, 137, 138–49, 235n75
Lacan, Jacques, 121–22, 137, 229n16 Mexico, 206
Lafargue, Paul, 18 migrant workers, 32–33, 47, 80
INDEX    263

military studies, 24, 30 Plato, 10, 138, 235n66

Mintz, Sidney, 25, 35 Pleasure Pit, 28
modafinil, 24, 25 police brutality, 37, 39. See also racism
Morgan, Dan, 131 popular culture, 9
Morley, James, 229n28 pornography, 112–13
Movement for Black Lives, 11, 37 Porter, Edwin S., 62, 63fig.
“Movies Are Better Than Ever” (Weegee), power, 29
161–63, 164 power chronography, 33–34
Muñoz, José Esteban, 12 Prayuth Chan-ocha, 88–89
Museum of Modern Art, 199 Primitive (Apichatpong), 49, 50, 54, 79–81, 175
musical compositions, 6–7, 8fig. “The Problem of Passivity” (Merleau-Ponty),
Mysterious Object at Noon (Apichatpong), 123–24
48–49, 220n5 productivity, 18, 23–27, 31, 180, 199, 217n35
My Year of Rest and Relaxation (Moshfegh), 194 protests, 28, 32, 37–38. See also names of specific
events and groups
Nabua, Isaan, Thailand, 79, 82 Proust, Marcel, 76–78, 85, 102–3, 119, 177, 224n3
Naked City (Weegee), 153, 166–67 Provigil, 24, 30
Nancy, Jean-Luc, 11–12 psychoanalysis, 11, 119–21, 124–25
napping, 31–32, 126, 218n64. See also under sleep “Psychoanalysis and Cinema” (Communications),
narcolepsy, 24, 82 138, 168
narcotic spectatorship, 127, 133–35, 137–49, Pyne, Kathleen, 71
Nash, Jennifer, 39 queer erotics of sleep, 102–6, 109–11, 115. See also
National Palace Museum (Taipei), 199 sex and sexuality
Nemerov, Alexander, 63–64, 223n21
Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, 1 racial capitalism, 35–36. See also slavery and
neuroscience, 12–13. See also science of sleep sleeplessness
No No Sleep (Tsai), 106, 108, 109fig., 199 racial sleep gap, 34, 219n75. See also Black
Nox insomnis, 25 feminist project
NREM sleep, 12–13, 223n17 racism, 11, 34–37. See also police brutality
Rancière, Jacques, 128, 170, 238n51, 241n57
objectification of the body, 38–39 rape, 114. See also The Wayward Cloud (Tsai)
Occupy Movement, 28 Raqs Media Collective, 32
Odell, Jenny, 18 Rascaroli, Laura, 59
Okoumou, Patricia, 28 receptivity, 17
“On Not Being Able to Sleep” (Rose), 59 Redrobe, Karen, 180
Ono, Yoko, 115, 116 regressivity, 119–21, 124–26, 137–40
optical vacuum, 147 Reiss, Benjamin, 23
The Optical Vacuum (Szczepaniak-Gillece), 147 Remes, Justin, 178
orthosomnia, 22. See also insomnia REM sleep, 12, 223n17
Osterweil, Ara, 115, 116 resistance, 34–40
revolutions, 28. See also protests
Padmanabhan, Lakshmi, 18 rex exsomnis, 10
passive spectatorship, 127–29, 133–36. See also Rhodes, John David, 73, 168, 223n34
spectatorship Rich, Robert, 7, 212n13
passivity, 15–16, 18, 116, 123–24, 230n33 Richter, Max, 6–7
Performa (2019), 5 Risset, Jacqueline, 12, 226n8
permeable ontology, 15 Rodowick, David, 123, 138, 141
Pham, Larissa, 5 Rodriguez, Juan Llamas, 207
Phenomenology of Perception (Merleau-Ponty), 123 Romains, Jules, 132–33, 149
phenomenology of sleep, 11–12 Rose, Jacqueline, 59, 60–61
Pigott, Michael, 91 Rost, Katharina, 6, 17
264    INDEX

Rubin Museum of Art, 6 The Sleep Doctor, 9

Ruiz, Raúl, 126–27, 188–89 sleep evangelism, 27–29
Rushdie, Salman, 71 sleep hacking, 218n64
Rutkoff, Rebekah, 203 sleep industry, 9
Ruvoldt, Maria, 8 sleeping at the cinema, 163–73, 206. See also
cinema experience; collective slumber
Sakda (Apichatpong), 48 in film; SLEEP1237 (Cheang and Fuller);
sala, 48, 85 SLEEPCINEMAHOTEL (Apichatpong);
Sala Kaew Ku Temple, 51 somnolent spectatorship
Sand (Tsai), 198 sleeping beauty, as phrase, 116
Sante, Luc, 154 sleeping on the job, as phrase, 31–32
Sarit Thanarat, 88–89, 90, 225n38 sleeping sickness, 43, 220n1. See also Cemetery
Schechner, Richard, 4, 204, 207, 243n43 of Splendor (Apichatpong)
Schmidt, Roger, 25, 36 Sleep Out events, 28
Schoonover, Karl, 180 The Sleep Revolution (Huffington), 27, 29
Schwartz, Tony, 31 Sleep With Me (podcast), 9
science fiction, 24, 79, 81 Sleep with Me (Van der Pol), 205, 206fig.
science of sleep, 9, 12–13, 120, 211n10. sloth, 10
See also neuroscience slow cinema, 4, 177–80
Sebastian Chang, Ellen, 20, 21 Slow Media Manifesto (2010), 180–81
Sedgwick, Eve, 10, 213n28 slowness movement, 180–81
Seel, Martin, 128, 231n49 Smith, Jesse Willcox, 63
selective inattention, 4 Smithson, Robert, 133–34, 232n14
self-care, 37 Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art, 199
The Serenity of Madness (Apichatpong), 49, 53, 78 Soma (Höller), 6, 7fig.
sex and sexuality: in Blissfully Yours, 97–98; somnolent spectatorship, 14–15, 126, 149,
in Cemetery of Splendor, 102; Foucault on, 172–75, 186, 189–90, 196. See also audience
28–29; queer erotics of sleep and, 102–6, behavior; sleep; sleeping at the cinema;
109–11, 115; Risset on, 226n8; in The Wayward spectatorship
Cloud, 111–14 Sosa, Fannie, 36
sexual assault, 114, 228n55. See also The Wayward South Korea, 206
Cloud (Tsai) space and time, 79–82
The Shapeless Unease (Harvey), 9 spectatorship: Apichatpong and, 4–5, 14–15,
Sharjah Art Foundation, 32, 47 172; Barthes on, 170; Baudry and Metz on,
Sharma, Sarah, 18, 34 138–49; narcotic reception of, 127, 133–35,
Sitole, Phumzile, 5 137–49, 192–94; passivity and, 127–29;
Siyonbola, Lolade, 39 slow cinema and, 180–81; Smithson on,
slavery and sleeplessness, 35–36 133–34; somnolent, 126, 149, 172, 174, 189–90,
Sleep (film by Warhol), 104–5, 106, 204, 205, 196. See also audience behavior; cinema
243n47, 243n51 experience
Sleep (musical composition by Richter), 6–7, 8fig. Spellbound (Hitchcock), 74
sleep, as academic discipline, 9–10 Static in the System (Ward), 147
sleep, as regression, 119–21, 124–26, 137–40 Steinberg, Leo, 116
SLEEP1237 (Cheang and Fuller), 5–6 Stewart, Martha, 24
SLEEPCINEMAHOTEL (Apichatpong), 1–6, 14, stimulants, 10, 23–25, 30, 35–36
127, 172–74, 179, 181–86, 190, 199, 203–4 Stray Dogs (Tsai), 197, 199
sleep clinics, 22, 54, 89, 215n5 Stray Dogs at the Museum (Tsai), 197–99, 200,
sleep debt, 22–23, 36 201–2, 204
sleep denial, 25, 36 Suárez, Juan, 105
sleep deprivation: of African Americans, 34; of Subin, Anna Della, 28
enslaved people, 35, 219n75; as epidemic, Sud Pralad. See Tropical Malady (Apichatpong)
22–23, 26–27; Exxon Valdez oil spill and, 22, sugar, 10, 35–36
215n8; military studies on, 24, 30–31 suicide, 228n55
INDEX    265

Summers-Bremner, Eluned, 10, 25, 156 “Upon Leaving the Movie Theater” (Barthes),
Swann’s Way (Proust), 78 164, 168–69, 170–71, 181
Swinton, Tilda, 38 US Armed Forces, 30
SXSW Music Festival, 7, 8fig. US Department of Defense, 24
Syndromes and a Century (Apichatpong), 43
Szczepaniak-Gillece, Jocelyn, 134, 147, 148, 158 Van der Pol, Bik, 205, 206fig.
Varda, Agnès, 126
Tabor-Smith, Amara, 20, 34–35 Venice Biennale, 49, 199
Taiwan New Cinema, 173 Venice International Film Festival, 199
Tate Modern, 49, 175, 199, 243n51 Vive L’Amour (Tsai), 106–8
Taylor, Breanna, 39 von Moltke, Johannes, 136
tea, 10, 25, 35 voyeurism, 153, 236n3
Teem (Apichatpong), 102–6
Teh, David, 15, 50 Wagner, Richard, 133, 236n87
Tempur Cinema, 206, 207 Ward, Meredith, 147
Their First Murder (Weegee), 153 Warhol, Andy, 104–5, 106, 204, 205
Theory of Film (Kracauer), 135, 136 Wark, McKenzie, 5
Theravada Buddhism, 56–57, 83, 221n20 waterbed, 28
There’s a word I’m trying to remember The Wayward Cloud (Tsai), 111–14
(Gvojic), 200 Weegee (Arthur Fellig), 151–55, 158–61, 236n5,
Thompson, E. P., 23, 35 237n17, 237n21, 237nn9–10, 238n32
3D film-viewing, 157, 158fig. Weegee’s People (Weegee), 151–57, 161
“Times Square Blue” (Delany), 168 Wehr, Thomas, 13
time travel, 79–82 Weihong Bao, 113
Tong Prakaisad (television show), 45 Western Hotel (Hopper), 6
Trachtenberg, Alan, 155 Whitney Museum of American Art, 204–5
transformation, 199–200 Why We Sleep (Walker), 215n4
Trice, Jasmine, 209, 244n63 Wilson, Robert, 4, 203
Tropical Malady (Apichatpong), 43, 44, 45, 46fig., Windows (Apichatpong), 53
48, 57, 98–99, 101–2, 176 The Wizard of Oz (Fleming), 69–71
Tsai Ming-liang, 106–14, 131, 173, 175, 197–99, 201 Worldly Desires (Apichatpong), 48
Turbo Pascale, 6 Wyler, William, 180, 185–86
24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep Wyss, Beat, 147–48
(McCrary), 23, 24, 26, 29
24 Frames (Kiarostami), 192–93, 241n6 Yang, Edward, 173, 175
24 Hour Psycho (Gordon), 200 Yasunari Kawabata, 116
Your Face (Tsai), 199
Umbrella Movement, 28 Yussof, Kathryn, 36
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
(Apichatpong), 4, 44, 45, 46fig., 49–50, 57, 0116643225059 (Apichatpong), 47
84, 99, 176 Zhuangwei Sand Dune Visitor Center
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 33, 47 (Taiwan), 198
University of Pennsylvania, 31 Zhuangzi, 122–23
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