Vandenboorn 2009

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Autoimmune Destruction of Skin Melanocytes by

Perilesional T Cells from Vitiligo Patients
Jasper G. van den Boorn1,4, Debby Konijnenberg1,4, Trees A.M. Dellemijn2, J.P. Wietze van der Veen1,
Jan D. Bos1, Cornelis J.M. Melief3, Florry A. Vyth-Dreese2,5 and Rosalie M. Luiten1,5

In vitiligo, cytotoxic T cells infiltrating the perilesional margin are suspected to be involved in the pathogenesis
of the disease. However, it remains to be elucidated whether these T cells are a cause or a consequence of the
depigmentation process. T cells we obtained from perilesional skin biopsies, were significantly enriched for
melanocyte antigen recognition, compared with healthy skin-infiltrating T cells, and were reactive to
melanocyte antigen-specific stimulation. Using a skin explant model, we were able to dissect the in situ
activities of perilesional T cells in the effector phase of depigmentation. We show that these T cells could
infiltrate autologous normally pigmented skin explants and efficiently kill melanocytes within this
microenvironment. Interestingly, melanocyte apoptosis was accompanied by suprabasal keratinocyte apoptosis.
Perilesional T cells did, however, not induce apoptosis in lesional skin, which is devoid of melanocytes,
indicating the melanocyte-specific cytotoxic activity of these cells. Melanocyte killing correlated to local
infiltration of perilesional T cells. Our data show that perilesional cytotoxic T cells eradicate pigment cells, the
characteristic hallmark of vitiligo, thereby providing evidence of T cells being able to mediate targeted
autoimmune tissue destruction.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2009) 129, 2220–2232; doi:10.1038/jid.2009.32; published online 26 February 2009

INTRODUCTION lymphocytes (CTLs) (Ogg et al., 1998). Occasionally,

Vitiligo is a common skin disorder characterized by the leukoderma is observed after melanoma immunotherapy
progressive development of areas of skin devoid of melano- using tumor cell vaccination or adoptive T-cell transfer
cytes. Histological analysis of the perilesional margin therapy, and was found to be associated with prolonged
surrounding the depigmented skin reveals a lymphocytic survival (Yee et al., 2000; Dudley et al., 2002; Phan et al.,
infiltrate consisting of activated T cells (Badri et al., 1993). It 2003; Luiten et al., 2005). During adoptive transfer therapy,
was found that these T cells were skin-homing, polarized the infused melanocyte antigen-specific T cells were found to
toward type-1 effector function, and evidently cytotoxic accumulate in the perilesional margin of incipient skin
while clustering near disappearing melanocytes (van den depigmentation (Yee et al., 2000). Moreover, repigmentation
Wijngaard et al., 2000; Wankowicz-Kalinska et al., 2003). In therapies, such as UVB irradiation and steroids, have an
addition, vitiligo patients often have melanocyte-specific immunosuppressive effect, further indicating an underlying
antibodies in their blood (Cui and Bystryn, 1995) and autoimmune process. However, a causative role for T cells in
circulating skin-homing melanocyte-specific cytotoxic T vitiligo has not been established, and therefore the question
remains whether perilesional T cells are a cause or
1 consequence of melanocyte destruction. The complex
Department of Dermatology, Netherlands Institute for Pigment Disorders,
Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, interactions during vitiligo pathogenesis are difficult to
The Netherlands; 2Division of Immunology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, mimic in vitro. To closely examine the effector phase of
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and vitiligo development within the skin microenvironment, our
Department of Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion, Leiden
University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
study uses the skin explant model. Originally developed
4 as a predictive test for graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in
These authors contributed equally to this work.
5 patients receiving bone marrow transplantation, the
These authors contributed equally to this work.
model is based on the co-culture of donor lymphocytes
Correspondence: Dr Rosalie M. Luiten, Department of Dermatology,
Netherlands Institute for Pigment Disorders, Academic Medical Center with skin biopsies of the recipient (Vogelsang et al., 1985).
L3-116, University of Amsterdam, PO Box 22700, Amsterdam 1100 DE, GVHD studies have shown that the skin explant model is
The Netherlands. E-mail: [email protected] well suited for studying the infiltration and effector function
Abbreviations: CLSM, confocal laser scanning microscopy; CTL, cytotoxic of T cells in the skin (Dickinson et al., 1988, 2002). By
T lymphocyte; GVHD, graft-versus-host disease; mAb, monoclonal antibody; the skin explant technology, we examined the autoimmune
PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cells; RT, room temperature; TBS,
tris-buffered saline T-cell process underlying vitiligo vulgaris, and show that T
Received 3 March 2008; revised 17 December 2008; accepted 7 January cells isolated from the perilesional skin cause melanocyte
2009; published online 26 February 2009 death upon infiltration of autologous pigmented skin.

2220 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2009), Volume 129 & 2009 The Society for Investigative Dermatology
JG van den Boorn et al.
Cytotoxic T-Cell-Mediated Depigmentation

Our data underline the active role of T cells in the initiation elevated in the vitiligo perilesional skin, and that this
and progression of vitiligo vulgaris. elevation coincides with an increased presence of these cells
in the blood. Furthermore, only minor T-cell reactivity was
RESULTS found against antigens that are normally absent in the skin.
Melanocyte antigen-specific T cells are present in perilesional
vitiligo skin Perilesional T cells become activated and cytotoxic upon
T cells are often found infiltrating the perilesional margin of a melanocyte antigen-specific stimulation in vitro
vitiligo lesion, as illustrated in Figure 1. We have isolated We tested the functional activation of perilesional T cells
these T cells by in vitro culture of perilesional skin biopsies upon recognition of melanocyte differentiation antigens. To
from progressive vitiligo lesions of 14 patients, and lesional this end, T cells were stimulated with a pool of HLA-A2-
skin biopsies of one patient (vit L). The emerging perilesional binding peptides, tyrosinase369-377, gp100280-288, gp100209-217,
T cells were subsequently expanded using CD3/CD28 mAb and MART-126-35, or flu58-66 control loaded onto EBV-
stimulation. These T-cell cultures were successful for all transformed B cells (JY) as a target. We analyzed five vitiligo
vitiligo patients, producing well-growing T-cell populations. patients and three healthy controls, who were all HLA-A2-
Cultures of skin biopsies from 16 healthy donors produced positive and yielded a sufficient number of T cells within 14
only 12 growing T-cell cultures, indicating that vitiligo- days of biopsy culture, to rule out the bias introduced by a
infiltrating T cells proliferate more readily upon in vitro prolonged in vitro culture. T-cell activation was measured by
stimulation than T cells residing in healthy skin. To gain the expression of CD69 for early T-cell activation, CD137
insight into the ability of perilesional T cells to recognize specific for CD8 þ T-cell activation (Myers and Vella, 2005),
melanocytes, we carried out flow cytometric analysis using and CD154 for CD4 þ T-cell activation (Chattopadhyay et al.,
HLA-A2/peptide tetramers for the melanocyte differentiation 2005). The cytolytic function during T-cell activation was
antigens tyrosinase369-377, gp100280-288, gp100209-217, determined by the expression of the cytotoxic marker,
MART-126-35, and the control antigen influenza virus58-66 granzyme-B (Chowdhury and Lieberman, 2008), and the
(flu58-66). As this analysis was HLA-A2-restricted, 9 out of 14 surface mobilization of CD107a (Betts et al., 2003), which
vitiligo patients, patient vit L, and 5 out of 12 healthy skin indicates cytotoxic degranulation. In addition, we analyzed
donors were suitable for analysis. As indicated in Table 1, the production of the humoral response-promoting cytokine
significantly increased levels of T cells recognizing melano- IL-4, and the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-17, tumor
cyte antigens were found in the perilesional T-cell popula- necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), and interferon-g (IFN-g).
tions, compared with healthy donor skin-residing T cells. The Upon melanocyte antigen-specific stimulation, the perile-
flu58-66 data showed no significant difference, which is in line sional CD8 þ T cells became activated, as indicated by
with the fact that T cells recognizing the influenza virus are upregulated CD69 and CD137 expression, as well as by
normally not found in the skin. In addition, when melanocyte granzyme-B and CD107a expression, in four out of five
antigen recognition by perilesional T cells was compared patients (Figure 2; black bars, panels designated ‘‘vit’’). In
with recognition of these antigens by autologous peripheral contrast, these cells were not activated when stimulated with
blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), no significant increases the flu58-66 control peptide (data not shown), which shows
were found. This indicates that the presence of melanocyte the melanocyte antigen-specific activation of the perilesional
antigen-specific T cells in the skin usually coincides with CD8 þ T cells. In addition, the perilesional CD4 þ T cells
similar increased levels of these specific cells in the blood. showed bystander activation in concurrence with the CD8 þ
Importantly, recognition of the flu58-66 control antigen T-cell response, as shown by the upregulation of CD69 and
differed significantly between perilesional T cells and PBMC, CD154 in four out of five patients tested (Figure 2; white bars,
which confirms that flu58-66-specific T cells can be present in panels designated ‘‘vit’’). The activated CD4 þ cells did,
the blood and absent in the skin. These results show that however, not upregulate granzyme-B upon stimulation,
melanocyte antigen-specific T cell levels are evidently which confirms their antigen-independent activation in the
HLA class I-restricted stimulation setup used (Casazza et al.,
Patient A Patient B 2006). Depending on the patient analyzed, the CD4 þ and
CD8 þ perilesional T cells produced varying amounts of
cytokines, especially pro-inflammatory TNF-a and IFN-g,
supporting a cytotoxic T-cell response. IL-17-producing
CD8 þ T cells were found in patient vit 8, which interestingly
coincided with patient vit 8 being the only one experiencing
halo nevi, and poliosis in nearly all lesions. IL-17 has recently
been related to T-cell-mediated immunity against established
melanoma (Muranski et al., 2008) as well as in several
autoimmune diseases such as atopic dermatitis (Koga et al.,
Figure 1. Presence of T cells in the perilesional skin of progressive vitiligo
2008), psoriasis (Teunissen et al., 1998), and rheumatoid
lesions. Immunohistochemical analysis of the perilesional skin of five patients
revealed large CD3 þ T-cell infiltrations. All patients experienced progressive arthritis (Aarvak et al., 1999). Furthermore, IL-4 was only
depigmentation at the time of analysis. Photos show the anti-CD3 mAb (red) produced by the CD4 þ cells in patient vit 20. In contrast, the
staining of two representative patients. Bar ¼ 40 mm. healthy skin-residing T cells (Figure 2, panels designated 2221
JG van den Boorn et al.
Cytotoxic T-Cell-Mediated Depigmentation

Table 1. Antigen specificity of perilesional vitiligo skin-infiltrating T cells compared with healthy skin-residing T
% Tetramer-positive cells of the CD8+ T-cell population1
Patient ID Tissue HLA typing2 A2/MART-1 A2/Tyrosinase A2/gp100(280) A2/gp100(209) A2/flu

Vit 1 PL A02 A68 B15 B44 Cw03 33.73 1.38 1.66 4.23 0.14
Vit 2 PL A01 A02 B15 B45 Cw06 0.51 2.64 1.34 4.92 0.03
Vit 4 PL A02 A11 B08 B15 Cw03 0.42 0.50 0.35 2.74 0.00
Vit 5 PL A02 A03 B07 B51 Cw07 0.21 0.88 0.18 NT 0.00
Vit 8 PL A02 A02 B15 B44 Cw03 0.24 1.03 0.16 2.23 0.02
Vit 16 PL A01 A02 B52 B57 Cw06 1.96 3.12 3.78 2.32 0.01
Vit 17 PL A02 A23 B39 B44 Cw04 0.26 0.18 1.10 1.02 0.01
Vit 19 PL A02 A03 B07 B44 Cw05 3.59 1.60 3.12 NT 0.02
Vit 20 PL A01 A02 B08 B35 Cw04 0.04 0.09 0.12 0.53 0.01
Vit L Lesional HLA-A2 0.79 3.87 4.06 NT 0.00
Vit 1 PBMC A02 A68 B15 B44 Cw03 0.57 0.82 0.88 1.76 0.18
Vit 2 PBMC A01 A02 B15 B45 Cw06 0.55 1.47 1.02 2.91 0.72
Vit 4 PBMC A02 A11 B08 B15 Cw03 0.25 0.14 0.41 1.97 0.22
Vit 8 PBMC A02 A02 B15 B44 Cw03 0.09 0.03 0.12 0.45 0.02
Vit 16 PBMC A01 A02 B52 B57 Cw06 4.12 3.51 6.13 0.47 0.01
Vit 17 PBMC A02 A23 B39 B44 Cw04 0.26 0.52 0.47 5.56 1.05
Vit 20 PBMC A01 A02 B08 B35 Cw04 0.18 0.12 0.07 0.90 0.04
Skin 1 Normal HLA-A2 0.12 0.23 0.19 NT 0.04
Skin 10 Normal HLA-A2 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.66 0.00
Skin 12 Normal HLA-A2 0.07 0.30 0.13 0.23 0.03
Skin 13 Normal HLA-A2 0.09 0.14 0.20 0.21 0.05
Skin 15 Normal HLA-A2 0.05 0.18 0.11 0.43 0.02
Significance of P40.66 P40.26 P40.40 P40.37 Po0.01
‘‘vit PL’’ versus ‘‘vit PBMC’’4
Significance of Po0.02 Po0.03 Po0.04 Po0.02 P40.27
‘‘vit PL’’ versus ‘‘Skin’’4
PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
Polyclonal T cells grown out of perilesional (PL) or lesional skin biopsies from vitiligo patients, or from normal healthy donor skin were tested for their
antigen specificity using HLA-peptide tetramers composed of HLA-A2 molecules and peptides derived from melanocyte antigens (MART-1, tyrosinase,
gp100) or control antigen influenza virus (flu); NT, not tested.
HLA typing was performed by genotyping using allele-specific probes, or by flow cytometry using an HLA-A2-specific mAb.
Results of the 5 HLA-A2+ donors of 12 donors yielding well-growing T cells and 16 healthy skin donors were analyzed in total.
Perilesional vitiligo T cells were compared with autologous PBMC and healthy skin-infiltrating T cells for the difference in specific melanocyte antigen
recognition using the non-parametric Mann–Whitney U-test (95% CI), the difference between compared samples was significant if Po0.05.

‘‘skin’’) showed no cytotoxic CD8 þ T-cell response against disease intensity. In particular, it seemed that the stronger the
any of the antigens tested, as evidenced by the absence of CD8 þ T-cell response, the more elaborate the vitiligo
upregulated T-cell activation markers CD69 and CD137, (supported by the incidence of poliosis), and the more
CD107a, or granzyme-B upon stimulation. In addition, no challenging it appeared in response to UVB therapy (Table 2).
cytokine production by the CD8 þ population was found. The Combined with the tetramer data discussed above, these
minor cytokine production by CD4 þ T cells of the donor skin results suggest a relationship between the functional activity
10 did, however, not coincide with an activated cytotoxic of the melanocyte antigen-specific T cells in the perilesional
response. These results show that perilesional T cells are vitiligo skin and the clinical presentation of vitiligo.
markedly enriched for functional reactivity against specific
melanocyte antigens, compared with healthy skin-residing Perilesional T cells selectively induce apoptosis in autologous
T cells. non-lesional skin explants
Interestingly, the magnitude of the CD8 þ T-cell reactions Subsequently, we examined the functional capacity of
measured in these in vitro assays was related to vitiligo perilesional T cells to actively kill melanocytes within the

2222 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2009), Volume 129

JG van den Boorn et al.
Cytotoxic T-Cell-Mediated Depigmentation

Vit 2 Vit 4
3 10

% Positive

% Positive
1 1

0 0


C 9

C 4
C rB


TN 7

C 9

C 4
C rB

















Vit 8 Vit 17
5 2
% Positive

% Positive
1 1

0 0



TN 7

C 9

C 4
C rB

C 9

C 4
C rB

















Vit 20 Skin 1
3 CD4 2
% Positive

% Positive

1 1

0 0


TN 7

C 9

C 4

D rB


TN 7

C 9

C 4
C rB
















Skin 10 Skin 13
2 2
% Positive
% Positive

1 1

0 0


TN 7

C 9

C 4
C rB


C 9

C 4
C rB

















Figure 2. Perilesional T cells become activated and express cytotoxic markers upon melanocyte antigen-specific stimulation in vitro. Multiparameter flow
cytometric analysis of perilesional T cells (panels designated ‘‘vit’’) and healthy skin-infiltrating T cells (panels designated ‘‘skin’’) stimulated in vitro with pooled
tyrosinase369-377, gp100280-288, gp100209-217, and MART-126-35 peptides loaded on EBV-transformed B cells (JY). Comparison of the data required normalization;
therefore, the percentages depicted represent the percentages of CD4 þ or CD8 þ T cells reactive to the peptide pool minus the percentage of these T cells
reactive to unloaded JY cells (background). Stimulations using flu58-66 control peptide-loaded JY produced negative results for both perilesional- and healthy
skin-infiltrating T cells, whereas positive control incubations with PMA/ionomycin resulted in maximal expression of the markers tested in all samples.

skin tissue microenvironment. To test this, skin explant assays dermal–epidermal junction. This co-culture was performed
were carried out, in which perilesional T cells were co- with a complete perilesional T-cell population, a CD8 þ
cultured for 2 days with non-lesional (normally pigmented) T-cell-enriched population, or a CD8 þ T-cell-depleted
autologous skin biopsies. In this time period, the T cells were population. Subsequently, skin explant cryosections were
allowed to infiltrate the skin biopsies (now referred to as skin analyzed for the presence of infiltrated T cells, melanocytes, and
explants) and migrate toward the melanocytes located at the apoptosis by immunohistochemistry or immunofluorescence, 2223
JG van den Boorn et al.
Cytotoxic T-Cell-Mediated Depigmentation

Table 2. Clinical data of the vitiligo patients tested for melanocyte antigen recognition and functional T-cell
Vitiligo Approximate Responsive to
Patient since Koebner Inflammatory Halo Body surface(s) body surface UVB after
ID (years) Poliosis phenomenon vitiligo nevi involved (%) (months)1

Vit 1 3 Yes (scalp) Yes No No Face, torso, arms, legs, feet, genitalia 30 3
Vit 2 2 Yes (scalp) Yes No No Face, chest, hands 20 8
Vit 4 18 Yes (genitalia) Yes No No Face, torso, legs, arms, genitalia 20 12
Vit 5 1 No Yes No No Face, hip, hands 5 4
Vit 8 8 Yes (lesions) No No Yes Scalp, torso, genitalia 10 3
Vit 16 4 months No No No No Face, neck, torso 10 12
Vit 17 40 No No No No Fingertips, face (since 4 years) o5 3
Vit 19 4 No Yes No No Armpits, chest, hands, legs 5 6
Vit 20 4 months No Yes Yes No Back, neck 10 3
The time period elapsed before the first repigmentation of vitiligo lesions occurred.

using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). As shown nonspecific activity of perilesional T cells independent of
in Figure 3, the complete perilesional T-cell population melanocyte antigen recognition, we compared the cytotoxic
(green; several are indicated by arrows) infiltrated the explant effect of perilesional T cells in non-lesional and lesional skin,
and induced apoptosis of melanocytes (blue), as indicated by which is devoid of melanocytes. To detect the transferred
the cytoplasmic active caspase-3 staining (red) in cells of the T cells in the explants, the T cells were labeled with
basal epidermis. Additional epidermal cells in suprabasal carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE) before co-
layers, most likely keratinocytes, also underwent apoptosis, culture. Figure 5 shows the infiltration of CFSE-labeled
which was accompanied by damage to the epidermal tissue perilesional T cells into lesional and non-lesional explants.
structure (Figure 3, upper panel). In contrast, the CD8 þ T- Upon perilesional T-cell infiltration, apoptosis of epidermal
cell-depleted perilesional T cells (Figure 3, second panel) also cells was only found in the non-lesional skin explants,
migrated into the epidermis, arriving in close proximity to the whereas this was absent in the lesional skin. These results
melanocytes; however, they did not induce substantial indicate that the keratinocyte apoptosis present in non-
apoptosis. Furthermore, no tissue structure damage was lesional skin is dependent on melanocyte antigen recognition
induced. Infiltration of the explant by the CD8 þ T-cell- by infiltrating perilesional T cells, and does not result from a
enriched population (Figure 3, third panel) induced the most specific cytotoxic activity of these cells against keratinocytes.
prominent apoptosis of melanocytes and keratinocytes, To quantify the level of melanocyte apoptosis as well as
clearly co-localizing with epidermal T-cell infiltration, and the level of epidermal or dermal T-cell infiltration, skin
was accompanied by profound tissue structure disruption. As explant assays were repeated four times in three different
a control, neither T cells nor measurable melanocyte patients. Extensive CLSM analyses were performed on at least
apoptosis were found in explants cultured without the three sections of each combination of patient and culture
addition of T cells (Figure 3, lower panel). condition, by acquiring series of CLSM micrographs spanning
The earlier experiments suggest that killing of melanocytes the full length of the epidermis. The CLSM data comprised
by CD8 þ T cells is accompanied by substantial bystander 13–15 micrographs of the three cryosections per condition, in
keratinocyte apoptosis. CLSM analyses using pan-keratin- which the number of positive cells was counted by two
specific mAb as a keratinocyte marker showed that the independent observers. To estimate the level of melanocyte
apoptotic epidermal cells adjacent to the melanocytes were apoptosis, only active caspase-3-positive cells in the basal
indeed keratinocytes, as these cells co-expressed active epidermis were counted. The average number of positive
caspase-3 with pan-keratin (Figure 4). These results show cells, per cryosection of these skin explant assays using
that keratinocytes undergo bystander apoptosis besides autologous perilesional T cells, is summarized in Table 3. The
melanocyte killing. This effect can be caused by activated quantitative results show that all T-cell populations were able
CTLs producing pro-inflammatory cytokines (that is, TNF-a to infiltrate the dermis and epidermis of the explants.
and IFN-g) infiltrating the skin, as this effect was only visible However, only total or CD8 þ -enriched perilesional T cells
along with melanocyte apoptosis. These cytokines can induced elevated levels of apoptosis in all assays, whereas
sensitize keratinocytes to undergo apoptosis (Arnold et al., less apoptosis was found in the explants incubated with
1999). CD4 þ -enriched perilesional T cells. Interestingly, in case
Our data so far showed that perilesional T cells were epidermal CD8 þ T-cell infiltration in non-lesional skin was
found to induce not only apoptosis of melanocytes but also of visible as patches of dense T-cell infiltration, apoptosis of
keratinocytes in the non-lesional skin. To rule out that this is a epidermal cells was also concentrated at these sites.

2224 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2009), Volume 129

JG van den Boorn et al.
Cytotoxic T-Cell-Mediated Depigmentation

CD3 Active caspase-3 Gp-100 Overlay H&E

PL bulk
Medium control

Figure 3. Induction of melanocyte apoptosis by perilesional T cells infiltrating autologous skin explants. CLSM and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)
analysis of skin explants after co-culture of different autologous perilesional T-cell populations with autologous non-lesional skin. CD3 (green; membrane)
was used as a T-cell marker (several indicated by arrows), active caspase-3 (red; cytoplasmic) as an apoptosis indicator, and gp100 (blue; cytoplasmic)
to detect melanocytes. Upper panel: Total perilesional T cells (PL bulk) infiltrated into the explant epidermis and induced apoptosis in melanocytes
and keratinocytes. The epidermal tissue structure appeared damaged. Second panel: The PL CD8 þ T-cell-depleted population infiltrated the explant
dermis and epidermis. Apoptosis of melanocytes was not detected. Third panel: Upon explant infiltration, the PL CD8 þ T-cell-enriched population
migrated to the epidermis, where apoptosis of melanocytes was induced. Furthermore, epidermal tissue damage and apoptosis of keratinocytes
were visible, clearly co-localizing with T-cell presence. Lower panel: No residing T cells or detectable melanocyte apoptosis was found in the
skin explant cultured without the addition of T cells. Antibody isotype-control analyses (insert) were all negative. These data are representative of
four independent assays in three different patients. Quantitative data are summarized in Table 3. White scale bar for CLSM panels ¼ 40 mm,
black scale bar for H&E panels ¼ 60 mm.

Medium control
CD3 Active caspase-3 Pan-keratin Overlay Overlay
PL bulk

Figure 4. Bystander keratinocyte apoptosis induced by the skin infiltration of cytotoxic T cells. CLSM analysis detected the infiltration of perilesional
T cells and bystander keratinocyte apoptosis. CD3 (green; membrane) was used for staining T cells (several indicated by arrows), active caspase-3 (red;
cytoplasmic) for detecting apoptosis, and pan-keratin (blue; membrane) for identifying keratinocytes. The control explant without the addition of T cells showed
no detectable apoptosis of keratinocytes, and the antibody isotype-control staining (insert) was negative. Per explant, these data are representative for 15
photomicrographs showing T-cell infiltration out of 15 analyzed in total. Bar ¼ 20 mm. 2225
JG van den Boorn et al.
Cytotoxic T-Cell-Mediated Depigmentation

CFSE Active caspase-3 Gp-100 Overlay

Medium control
L skin
PL bulk
L skin
Medium control
NL skin
NL skin
PL bulk

Figure 5. Skin-infiltrating cytotoxic T cells do not induce apoptosis in lesional skin. CLSM analysis of lesional and non-lesional skin explants cultured in
medium or with autologous CFSE-labeled perilesional T cells. T cells were detected by their CFSE labeling (green, several indicated by arrows), apoptosis by
active caspase-3 (red; cytoplasmic), and melanocytes were detected by gp100 expression (blue; cytoplasmic). Upper and third panel: No apoptosis was found in
lesional and non-lesional explants cultured in medium. The absence of gp100 staining in the lesional skin confirms the absence of melanocytes in these
explants. Second panel: Perilesional T cells do not induce apoptosis in lesional skin. Lower panel: Perilesional T cells induce apoptosis in non-lesional skin,
especially in the basal layer containing melanocytes. These data are representative of two independent assays in two different patients. Quantitative data are
summarized in Table 3, bar ¼ 40 mm.

Melanocyte antigen-specific T cells kill melanocytes within the with the skin explant, they infiltrated the explant and caused
skin microenvironment extensive disruption of the skin tissue (Figure 6a). CLSM
To verify whether the effects of melanocyte and keratinocyte analysis revealed CTLs infiltrating the epidermis and dermis,
apoptosis and tissue damage shown in Figures 3 and 4 can be whereas very few melanocytes had remained intact (Figure 6b).
induced by purified melanocyte antigen-specific T-cell Moreover, the dermal–epidermal junction was severely
populations, we tested the effect of gp100280-288-specific damaged. When these CTLs were stimulated in vitro with the
CTLs in a skin explant co-culture with HLA-A2-matched non- specific gp100280-288 peptide, they produced large amounts of
lesional skin from a vitiligo patient. These CTLs were sorted IFN-g (Figure 6c). In contrast, the CTLs did not produce IFN-g
from a T-cell culture obtained earlier from vitiligo lesional skin when stimulated with irrelevant tyrosinase peptide nor in the
biopsies, and were 98% specific for the HLA-A2/gp100280-288 absence of peptide stimulation, indicating the antigen-specific
epitope (data not shown). When these CTLs were co-cultured activation of these cells.

2226 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2009), Volume 129

JG van den Boorn et al.
Cytotoxic T-Cell-Mediated Depigmentation

Table 3. Quantification of the skin explant assays using autologous T cells

Cells added: medium PL bulk PL CD8+ PL CD4+
Patient Epi T Epi T Epi T Epi T
Experiment ID Tissue Casp T cells cells Casp T cells cells casp T cells cells Casp T cells cells

1 Vit 4 NL 0.0 0.8 0.0 94.3 32.0 29.3 26.3 11.3 7.5 6.0 21.5 13.3
2 Vit 8 NL 0.0 0.8 0.8 21.0 7.0 4.5 18.5 27.8 26.8 4.3 1.3 0.3
3 Vit 20 NL 3.3 0.0 0.0 7.3 23.2 14.8 4.7 12.2 6.2 3.8 29.8 18.0
L 2.8 0.0 0.0 2.5 5.5 0.5 2.7 7.0 1.7 N.E.
4 Vit 8 NL 0.7 0.0 0.0 N.E. 10.0 66.0 52.8 3.7 30.2 11.7
L 2.7 0.0 0.0 3.3 33.3 12.0 3.3 23.7 16.5 1.2 34.0 16.8
Significance of apoptosis Po0.02 Po0.02 Po0.02
in NL skin versus medium
control (t-test):

CFSE, carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester; L, lesional skin explant; NL, non-lesional skin explant; NE, tissue non-evaluable; PL, perilesional.
Numbers indicate the average number of positive cells per section: casp, number of active caspase-3-positive cells in the basal epidermis; T cells, total
number of T cells infiltrating dermis and epidermis; epi T cells, number of T cells infiltrating the epidermis.
In explants 3 and 4, the T cells were labeled with CFSE before co-culture, which allows selective detection of added T cells.

H&E CLSM overlay IFN-γ production

A2/gp100 CTL
A2/gp100 CTL

A2/gp100 CTL

T + JY + Tyr pept.

T + JY + gp100 pept.

1 10 100 1,000
IFN-γ (pg ml –1)
Medium control

Medium control

Figure 6. Upon infiltration of the skin melanocyte antigen-specific T cells kill melanocytes. CLSM and H&E analysis of a skin explant assay using gp100280-288-
specific CTLs co-cultured with HLA-A2 matched non-lesional skin from a vitiligo patient. (a) H&E staining of the explant shows extensive tissue damage upon
CTL infiltration. The explant cultured without the addition of T cells shows normal tissue morphology. (b) CLSM analysis using CD3 (green; membrane), active
caspase-3 (red; cytoplasmic), and gp100 (blue; cytoplasmic). A large T-cell infiltration was seen in the dermis and epidermis (several T cells indicated by arrows).
Very few epidermal cells had remained intact, which explains the limited caspase-3 activity at this time point. The explant without added T cells shows no
detectable apoptosis. The antibody isotype-control staining (insert) was negative. Per explant, these data are representative for 15 micrographs showing T-cell
infiltration, out of 15 analyzed in total. (c) An anti-IFN-g ELISA showed that the gp100280-288-specific CTLs produced a large amount of IFN-g upon stimulation
with gp100280-288 peptide loaded onto EBV-transformed B cells (JY; lower bar). When stimulated by JY loaded with tyrosinase peptide, the CTLs produced no
IFN-g (middle bar), comparable with CTLs without stimulation (upper bar). White scale bar for CLSM panels ¼ 40 mm, black scale bar for H&E panels ¼ 60 mm.

To further define whether melanocyte apoptosis required apoptosis in several melanocytes (Figure 7, upper panel),
antigen-specific recognition of melanocytes by infiltrating T whereas the influenza virus-specific T-cell clone was
cells, we performed explant assays using the tyrosinase369- ineffective (Figure 7, second panel). Furthermore, the explant
377-specific CD8 T-cell clone CTLAKR108, the MART-126- cultured without the addition of T cells did not show any
35-specific T-cell clone CTLAKR4D8, and the flu58-66-specific detectable T cells or apoptosis (Figure 7, lower panel). In
CD8 þ T-cell clone CTLINFA13, as a control (Hooijberg addition, the CFSE-labeled MART-1-specific T cells exten-
et al., 2000; Verra et al., 2004). During co-culture, both sively infiltrated the explants and induced apoptosis in the
CTLAKR108 and CTLINFA13 (Figure 7; several indicated by basal and suprabasal epidermis (data not shown), similar to
arrows) had migrated toward the basal layer of the epidermis the apoptosis observed in Figure 3 and 5. To quantify these
of the explants. The tyrosinase-specific T-cell clone induced data, epidermal and dermal T-cell infiltration and melanocyte 2227
JG van den Boorn et al.
Cytotoxic T-Cell-Mediated Depigmentation

CD8 Active caspase-3 Gp-100 Overlay

Medium control

Figure 7. Melanocyte apoptosis requires skin infiltration by melanocyte antigen-specific T cells. CLSM analysis of skin explant assays using HLA-A2-matched
non-lesional skin from a vitiligo patient, performed with the tyrosinase369-377-specific cytotoxic T-cell clone, CTLAKR108, and the flu58-66-specific
T-cell clone, CTLINFA13. CD8 (green; membrane) was used for detection of the T-cell clones (several indicated by arrows), active caspase-3 (red; cytoplasmic)
for apoptosis, and gp100 (blue; cytoplasmic) to stain for melanocytes. Upper panel: CTLAKR108 infiltrated the skin tissue, migrated to the epidermis, and
induced apoptosis in several melanocytes. Second panel: CTLINFA13 also infiltrated the skin explant and migrated to the epidermis, but did not induce
detectable apoptosis. Lower panel: The explant cultured without the addition of T cells showed neither CD8 þ T-cell presence nor detectable apoptosis. The
antibody isotype-control (insert) was negative. These data are representative of three independent assays in three different patients. Quantitative data are
summarized in Table 4. Bar ¼ 40 mm.

Table 4. Quantification of the skin explant assays using melanocyte- or flu-specific T-cell clones
Cells added: Medium AKR108/4D8 INFA13
Experiment Patient ID Tissue Casp T cells Epi T cells Casp T cells Epi T cells Casp T cells Epi T cells

5 Vit 5 NL 1.5 0.0 0.0 17.0 27.0 4.5 0.8 9.3 1.3
6 Vit 15 NL N.E. 4.5 1.0 0.0 1.5 6.5 3.0
7 Vit 8 NL 0.7 0.0 0.0 42.0 4200 50.0 1.7 44.0 34.0
L 2.7 0.0 0.0 1.3 12.0 1.7 1.0 105.0 6.7
Significance of apoptosis in NL skin versus medium control (t-test): Po0.02 P40.09

CFSE, carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester; L, lesional skin explant, NE, tissue non-evaluable; NL, non-lesional skin explant.
Numbers indicate the average number of positive cells per section: casp, number of active caspase-3-positive cells in the basal epidermis; T cells, total
number of T cells infiltrating dermis and epidermis; epi T cells, number of T cells infiltrating the epidermis.
In explant 7, the T cells were labeled with CFSE before co-culture, which allows selective detection of added T cells.

apoptosis were investigated in three skin explant assays in were able to infiltrate the explants; however, only the
three different patients, as described for the assays in Table 3. tyrosinase- and MART-1-specific T cells induced apoptosis
This analysis showed that all the CFSE-labeled T cell clones (Table 4). No apoptosis was found when these T cells were

2228 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2009), Volume 129

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Cytotoxic T-Cell-Mediated Depigmentation

incubated with lesional skin, showing that the activation of keratinocyte damage in vitiligo skin has been described
the tyrosinase- or MART-1-specific T-cell clones in non- earlier in light and electron microscopic studies of vitiligo
lesional skin was antigen-specific and depended on the skin biopsies (Moellmann et al., 1982; Bhawan and Bhutani,
presence of melanocytes (Table 4). Taken together, these 1983; Hann et al., 1992; Montes et al., 2002). In these
results show that melanocyte antigen-specific CTL popula- studies, damaged keratinocytes were found to a varying
tions actively induce depigmentation of the skin by killing extent in normal-appearing skin adjacent to amelanotic skin.
melanocytes in the skin microenvironment. To rule out These damaged keratinocytes showed vacuoles and focal
possible effects of antigen-independent T-cell activation in deposits of extracellular granular material were present.
the skin explants, we carried out three assays with HLA- Similarly, in atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis,
mismatched donor skin and the flu58-66- and tyrosinase369-377 infiltration of the skin by activated T cells is found to induce
antigen-specific clones. In all tests, the clones infiltrated the keratinocyte apoptosis (Trautmann et al., 2000; Raj et al.,
skin explant up into the epidermis, but did not induce 2006). Consistent with these findings is the case of a
detectable apoptosis of melanocytes (data not shown). melanoma patient who was treated recently with anti-
MART-1 T-cell receptor gene transfer therapy at the National
DISCUSSION Cancer Institute (NIH, Bethesda, MD). This patient experi-
In this study, we co-cultured perilesional vitiligo skin- enced a severe skin reaction after the T-cell-based treatment,
infiltrating T cells under different conditions with autologous which resolved by spontaneous healing of the skin after 2
pigmented skin to perform a functional analysis of the effector weeks. Immunohistochemistry of skin biopsies revealed a
phase of depigmentation in vitiligo vulgaris. We show that (i) large T-cell infiltrate in the damaged epidermis accompanied
T cells infiltrating the perilesional vitiligo skin can be by widespread keratinocyte apoptosis, directly resembling
efficiently obtained by in vitro culture of perilesional skin our observations in the skin explants (Dr N.P. Restifo,
biopsies; (ii) the perilesional T-cell population displays personal communication). Not only do these observations
elevated levels of T cells that recognize melanocyte antigens, confirm that bystander keratinocyte apoptosis can accom-
in contrast to T cells residing in healthy skin; (iii) perilesional pany a strong melanocyte antigen-specific T-cell response but
T cells are markedly enriched for cytotoxicity against specific also indicate that unexpected adverse effects can occur
melanocyte antigens in comparison with healthy skin- during clinical application of new immunotherapy protocols.
residing T cells; (iv) upon infiltration of autologous pigmented In this context, the use of ex vivo models of autoimmunity,
skin, perilesional T cells efficiently kill melanocytes; and (v) such as the current skin explant model, could prove useful in
this active killing of melanocytes depends on melanocyte- predicting the risks of these immunological approaches.
specific CTLs infiltrating the epidermis. The clinical data of the patients tested (Table 2) show a
Earlier studies have shown the presence of cytotoxic correlation with the functional T cell data in Figure 2. These
melanocyte antigen-specific T cells in the blood of vitiligo results suggest that the stronger the CD8 þ T-cell response,
patients (Ogg et al., 1998), the presence of cytotoxic effector the more elaborate the vitiligo (supported by the incidence of
T cells clustering near melanocytes in vitiligo skin (van den poliosis). Furthermore, the patients showing a more intense
Wijngaard et al., 2000; Wankowicz-Kalinska et al., 2003), CD8 þ T-cell reaction also appeared to need a longer time
and the ability of adoptively transferred melanocyte antigen- period of UVB irradiation before the first repigmentation
specific T cells to home to incipient vitiligo lesions (Yee et al., occurred. This suggests a relationship between the functional
2000). In our skin explant system, we were able to combine reactivity of melanocyte antigen-specific T cells in the skin
these observations and investigate the T-cell effector phase of and the clinical appearance of vitiligo. When combined with
depigmentation in vitiligo. In these assays, we observed that the skin explant assay results, which showed that perilesional
perilesional T cells can kill melanocytes within their T cells actively induced depigmentation through the induc-
physiological tissue microenvironment directly ex vivo. tion of melanocyte apoptosis, this indicates a causal relation-
These results not only provide new insight into the ship between the perilesional T cells and the depigmentation
pathogenesis of vitiligo but are also relevant for melanoma in vitiligo. Nonetheless, the T-cell effector function mediating
immunotherapy. In melanoma patients, circulating melano- depigmentation shown here does not exclude a potential role
cyte antigen-specific T cells are of a much lower affinity for melanocyte antigen-specific autoantibodies that are
compared with those present in vitiligo patients, illustrated by frequently found in progressive vitiligo patients. These
a decreased cytokine production and an elevated activation autoantibodies may well aid and amplify an ongoing T-cell
threshold (Palermo et al., 2005). This difference probably response by specifically enhancing the uptake and presenta-
results from tuning of the immune response in melanoma tion of melanocyte-specific antigens by professional antigen-
patients (van den Boorn et al., 2006). The observed presenting cells, for example, through Fc receptor-mediated
keratinocyte apoptosis in our assays is not an artifact. Firstly, antigen ingestion.
in several control assays using vitiligo lesional skin explants Furthermore, patient vit 8 displayed substantial numbers of
we have shown that this apoptosis depended on melanocyte IL-17-producing CD8 þ T cells in response to melanocyte
antigen recognition by infiltrating T cells. Secondly, cytokines antigen-specific stimulation. These cells have been directly
such as IFN-g and TNF-a, both produced by perilesional T related to inflammation and autoimmunity (Korn et al., 2007),
cells after this recognition (Figure 2), sensitize keratinocytes as well as to antitumor immunity (Kryczek et al., 2007;
to undergo apoptosis (Arnold et al., 1999). Furthermore, Muranski et al., 2008). The fact that this patient is also the 2229
JG van den Boorn et al.
Cytotoxic T-Cell-Mediated Depigmentation

only one with halo nevi and poliosis in nearly all lesions is were cultured using equal conditions and time periods compared
merely an observation; nevertheless, it could hint at a role for with isolated perilesional T cells before the skin explant assays. The
IL-17 in more florid cases of vitiligo. Indeed, further T-cell clones, CTLAKR108, CTLAKR4D8 and CTLINFA13, were
exploration of IL-17-producing T cells in vitiligo could obtained, cultured, and restimulated as described earlier (Hooijberg
provide new pathogenic insights. et al., 2000; Verra et al., 2004) in the same medium as that of the
In summary, this study establishes that the vitiligo perilesional T cells.
perilesional skin-infiltrating T-cell population is enriched for
melanocyte-reactive CTLs, and that these T cells kill Tetramer synthesis and T-cell specificity analysis
melanocytes within the skin, thereby causing the loss of R-phycoerythrin (PE)- or allophycocyanin (APC)-conjugated HLA-
pigmentation characteristic for vitiligo vulgaris. In addition, A2/peptide complex tetramers were synthesized as described before
the skin explant model can be used as a useful predictive tool (Altman et al., 1996) for the antigens tyrosinase369-377
for assessing the effects and risks of future melanoma (YMDGTMSQV), gp100280-288 (YLEPGPVTA), gp100209-217
immunotherapy protocols. (ITDQVPFSV), MART-126-35 (modified position 27 (A4L): ELAGI-
GILTV), and the control antigen influenza virus58-66 (GILGFVFTL). T
MATERIALS AND METHODS cells were incubated with HLA-A2/peptide tetramers at 37 1C and
Patients 5% CO2 in T-cell culture medium for 15 minutes. Subsequently,
All patient and donor materials were collected after written informed cells were counterstained with a FITC-conjugated mouse anti-human
patient consent using protocols approved by the medical ethical CD8 mAb (CD8-FITC, 1 ml/sample, BD Biosciences). Antibody and
committee of the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam, tetramer binding to T cells were subsequently analyzed by flow
according to the Declaration of Helsinki Principles. All vitiligo cytometry (FACS Canto II, BD Biosciences).
patients (n ¼ 14) were included at the Netherlands Institute for
Pigment Disorders and presented with active vitiligo vulgaris, Melanocyte antigen-specific T-cell stimulation and flow
indicated by the progression of depigmentation within 6 months cytometric analysis
before inclusion. The macular depigmentation showed a random, T cells were stimulated in a 1:1 ratio with 105 JY cells loaded with a
more, or less symmetrical distribution pattern typical for vitiligo pool of melanocyte antigen-specific peptides (500 ng ml1 each):
vulgaris. Samples of healthy donor skin (n ¼ 16) were obtained from tyrosinase369-377, gp100280-288, gp100209-217, and MART-126-35.
anonymous residual specimens discarded after plastic surgery of the Flu58-66 peptide-loaded JY were used as a separate negative control
breast or abdomen. incubation, PMA (phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate)/ionomycin
incubations (1:500; Leukocyte Activation Cocktail, Becton Dick-
HLA typing inson) as separate positive controls. Cells were incubated for 5 hours
HLA typing of vitiligo patients was performed at the Department of at 37 1C and 5% CO2 in 200 ml per 96-well IMDM, with supplements
Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion (Leiden University and culture conditions as stated above, in the presence of protein
Medical Centre), by genotyping on peripheral blood collected in transport inhibitor brefeldin A (1:1,000; Golgiplug, Becton Dick-
EDTA tubes. HLA typing of donor skin-derived T cells and lesional inson). If required, CD107a mAb was present during the co-culture
vitiligo skin-derived T cells was performed by flow cytometry using a (1:200, lot. 32100, BD Pharmingen). Subsequently, the cells were
FITC-conjugated mouse anti-human HLA-A2-specific mAb (HLA-A2 stained on ice for 20 minutes for the surface markers (0,5 ml/sample):
FITC, 1 ml/sample, BD Biosciences, Breda, The Netherlands). CD4 (PerCP-Cy5.5, RPA-T4, 1 ml/sample, Biolegend, Uithoorn, The
Netherlands), CD8 (APC-Cy7, ref. 348813, BD Bioscience), CD69
Perilesional T cells (PE-Cy7, FN50, Biolegend, Uithoorn, The Netherlands), CD137
Punch biopsies (2 mm) were obtained flanking the depigmented (FITC, MCA1612F, AdB Serotech, Düsseldorf, Germany), and
macule. These biopsies were cultured in a humidified atmosphere at CD154 (APC, 24-31, Biolegend). Upon permeabilization, using the
37 1C and 5% CO2 in 24-well plates in 1 ml Iscove’s modified cytofix/cytoperm kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions
Dulbecco’s Medium (IMDM) (Cambrex Bio Science, Verviers, Belgium) (Becton Dickinson), cells were stained for intracellular markers for
supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated human serum type AB 20 minutes on ice (0.5 ml/sample): IL-4 (FITC, MP4-25D2, Biole-
(Cambrex Bio Science), 20 U ml1 IL-2 (Eurocetus, Amsterdam, The gend), IL-17 (PE, eBio64CAP17, eBioscience, San Diego, CA),
Netherlands), 5 ng ml1 IL-15 (Strathmann Biotec AG, Duchefa, granzyme-B (Alexa 700, lot. 01702, BD Pharmingen), TNF-a
Bergisch Gladbach, Germany), 15 mg ml1 gentamycin (Duchefa, The (PerCP-Cy5.5, Mab11, Biolegend), and IFN-g (Alexa 700, 4SB3,
Netherlands), 2 mM L-glutamine (Gibco Invitrogen, Breda, The Nether- Biolegend). Antibody binding to T cells was subsequently analyzed
lands), 50 U ml1 penicillin and 50 mg ml1 streptomycin (Gibco by flow cytometry, measuring seven fluorochromes simultaneously
Invitrogen), and 50 mM 2-mercaptoethanol (Sigma-Aldrich, Zwijn- (FACS Canto II, Becton Dickinson). Comparison of the data required
drecht, The Netherlands). In addition, 1.25 ml ml1 anti-CD3/CD28 normalization; therefore, the percentages depicted in Figure 2
mAb-coated T-cell expander beads (Dynal Biotech-Invitrogen, Breda, represent the percentages of CD4 þ or CD8 þ T cells reactive to
The Netherlands) were added to promote T-cell outgrowth. the peptide pool minus the percentage of these T cells reactive to
unloaded JY cells (background).
PBMC and T-cell clones
PBMCs were isolated from peripheral blood by Ficoll gradient Cell sorting
centrifugation (Lymphoprep, Fresenius Kabi Norge AS, Norway), and The CD8 þ T-cell-enriched and CD8 þ T-cell-depleted perilesional
resuspended in IMDM with supplements as stated above. PBMCs T-cell populations were prepared using anti-human CD8 mAb

2230 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2009), Volume 129

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Cytotoxic T-Cell-Mediated Depigmentation

microbeads and magnetic cell separation columns (Miltenyi Immunohistochemistry

Biotec, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany), according to the manufac- Endogenous peroxidase was blocked on acetone-fixed 5 mm explant
turer’s instructions. The vitiligo lesional skin-derived gp100280-288- cryosections by incubation with 0.25% hydrogen peroxide (Sigma,
specific T-cell population was purified using HLA-A2/gp100280-288 Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands) and 0.001% sodium-azide in TBS for
tetramer staining and subsequent flow cytometric cell sorting 20 minutes at RT. Subsequently, the sections were incubated with
(FACSAria, Becton Dickinson). Sorted T cells were analyzed 10% normal goat serum (DAKO) in TBS for 15 minutes at RT. The
for HLA-A2/gp-100280-288 tetramer binding and antigen-specific following primary antibodies were incubated for 60 minutes at RT in
activation. TBS with 1% BSA: mouse anti-human CD3 FITC mAb (1:125, clone
SK7, BD Biosciences), mouse anti-human CD8 mAb (1:100, BD
CFSE labeling of T cells Biosciences), and rabbit anti-active caspase-3 mAb (1:100, affinity-
T cells were centrifuged in a 15-ml tube to remove supernatant. Cell purified, BD Pharmingen). For all antibodies, the corresponding
pellet was resuspended in 1 ml of PBS containing 5 mM of CFSE isotype controls were used: mouse IgG1 (1:250, BD Biosciences),
(Invitrogen, Breda, The Netherlands). Cells were incubated 10 min- rabbit IgG1 (1:1,000, Vector Laboratories), and mouse IgG1-FITC
utes at 37 1C in the dark, thereafter 14 ml of T-cell culture medium (1:100, BD Biosciences). Subsequently, the bound antibody on the
was added. Cells were washed in T-cell culture medium three times tissue sections was detected by either biotinylated goat anti-mouse
before use in skin explant assays. or goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulins (1:200 and 1:50 respectively,
DAKO) in TBS with 10% normal human serum. All sections were
Skin explant assay incubated with streptavidin-HRP (1:400, DAKO) in TBS with 1%
Punch biopsies (2 mm) were obtained from the non-lesional BSA for 30 minutes at RT, and antibody reactivity was detected by
(normally pigmented) or lesional skin of vitiligo patients. Each incubation with AEC substrate (Vector Laboratories), according to
biopsy was co-cultured in a 96-well round bottom plate with the manufacturer’s instructions. The sections were counterstained
3–5  105 autologous perilesional T cells, CTLs, or T cell clones of with hematoxylin (Sigma-Fluka, Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands) for
interest for 2 days in 200 ml per well IMDM, with supplements and 4 minutes at RT, and coverslips were mounted using Kaiser’s glycerol
culture conditions as stated above. Subsequently, the explants were gelatin (Sigma).
washed thrice in Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered saline
(Gibco Invitrogen), and frozen in Tissue-Tek O.C.T. Compound CLSM data analysis
(Sakura Finetek, Zoeterwoude, The Netherlands) for further immuno- Immunofluorescence staining was analyzed using a Leica TCS-SP2
histochemical and/or CLSM analysis on cryosections of the confocal laser scanning microscope system, equipped with argon/
explants. krypton and helium/neon lasers and using a 40.0  1.25 (Oil
UV–HCX PL APO CS) numerical aperture 1.25 objective (Leica
Immunofluorescence staining Microsystems, Heidelberg GmbH, Germany). Possible crosstalk
Acetone-fixed 5 mm skin cryosections of skin explants were between different fluorochromes, which could lead to false-positive
incubated with 10% normal goat serum (DAKO, Heverlee, Belgium) colocalization, was avoided by sequential measurement of
in Tris-buffered saline (TBS) for 15 minutes. Subsequently, series of individual channels. Approximately five photomicrographs
sections were stained with the following antibodies: NKI-beteb spanning the full length of the biopsy epidermis were acquired for
(mouse anti-gp100 mAb, 1:40, Monoson, Sanbio, Uden, The each cryosection, and three serial cryosections were analyzed for
Netherlands), rabbit anti-active caspase-3 mAb (1:100, affinity- each mAb per individual skin explant analysis. Color images were
purified, BD Biosciences), and mouse anti-pan cytokeratin mAb taken from each channel, and electronic three-color overlays were
(1:400, Abcam, Cambridge, MA), diluted in TBS containing 1% BSA made using Leica LCS-Lite confocal software (v2.00, Leica Micro-
(Sigma-Aldrich), and incubated for 1 hour at room temperature (RT) systems, Heidelberg, Germany).
in the dark. Subsequently, the murine antibodies were detected by
biotinylated polyclonal goat-anti-mouse immunoglobulins (GAM-
IFN-c measurement
bio, DAKO) in TBS with 10% normal human serum (Sanquin,
T cells were stimulated overnight in a 1:1 ratio with JY cells loaded
Amsterdam, The Netherlands) for 30 minutes at RT and Cy5-
with the gp100-derived peptide YLEPGPVTA or the tyrosinase-
conjugated streptavidin (1:90; Jackson Immunoresearch Labora-
derived peptide YMDGTMSQV or left unstimulated. The amount of
tories, Suffolk, UK) in TBS with 1% BSA for 30 minutes in the dark.
IFN-g present in the culture supernatants was measured using the
To detect the rabbit primary antibodies, sections were incubated in
ELISA with a PeliKine Compact Human IFN-g ELISA kit (Sanquin),
the dark with Cy3-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG (1:400, Jackson
according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Immunoresearch Laboratories) at RT. Sections were subsequently
blocked with 10% normal mouse serum (DAKO) in TBS for
15 minutes at RT in the dark, and were incubated with mouse-anti- The authors state no conflict of interest.
human-CD3-FITC (1:125, clone SK7, BD Biosciences) in TBS with
1% BSA for 1 hour at RT in the dark. For all antibodies, the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
corresponding isotype controls were used: mouse IgG2b k (1:250, The authors thank all the patients who participated in this study, J. Nouta for
BD Pharmingen), rabbit IgG1 (1:1,000, Vector Laboratories, tetramer synthesis; W. Verduijn and F. Claas for HLA typing; W. Douwenga
and L. Oskam for technical support; E. Tjin for critical reading of the
Burlingame, CA), and mouse IgG1-FITC (1:100, BD Biosciences).
document; and N.P. Restifo for kindly sharing his clinical observations. This
The sections were mounted using Vectashield mounting medium for study was supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
CLSM analyses (Vector Laboratories). (NWO-Vidi, Grant number 917.56.337). 2231
JG van den Boorn et al.
Cytotoxic T-Cell-Mediated Depigmentation

Author Contributions Kryczek I, Wei S, Zou L, Altuwaijri S, Szeliga W, Kolls J et al. (2007) Cutting
D.K. and J.G.B. conducted all experiments, CLSM, and immunohistochemical edge: Th17 and regulatory T cell dynamics and the regulation by IL-2 in
analysis. J.G.B. prepared figures and drafted and prepared the manuscript. the tumor microenvironment. J Immunol 178:6730–3
T.A.M.D. and F.A.V.-D. provided technical assistance for CLSM and
immunohistochemistry. J.P.W.V. provided patients for this study. R.M.L., Luiten RM, Kueter EW, Mooi W, Gallee MP, Rankin EM, Gerritsen WR et al.
F.A.V.-D., and J.D.B. supervised the project. R.M.L., F.A.V.-D. and C.J.M.M. (2005) Immunogenicity, including vitiligo, and feasibility of vaccination
initiated and supervised the project. with autologous GM-CSF-transduced tumor cells in metastatic melano-
ma patients. J Clin Oncol 23:8978–91
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