PIMCO Quantitative Research Stock Bond Correlation Oct2013

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Quantitative Research

November 2013

Your Global Investment Authority


The Stock-Bond Correlation

The correlation between stocks and bonds is one of the most
important inputs to the asset allocation decision. However,
it is difficult to estimate reliably, and can change drastically
with macroeconomic conditions.1 From 1927 to 2012, the
Nicholas Johnson correlation between the S&P 500 and long-term Treasuries
Executive Vice President
Portfolio Manager
– as calculated by calendar year based on monthly data – has
changed sign 29 times, and has ranged from −93% to +86%.

The stock-bond correlation may be challenging to estimate, but PIMCO has

developed an econometric model that helps explain the historical relationship
Vasant Naik between equities and Treasury bonds. For modeling convenience, we model
Executive Vice President bond yields and the cyclically adjusted earnings yield of equities instead of
Global Head of Empirical Research
returns. While several factors influence the stock-bond correlation, our analysis
reveals the importance of four key macroeconomic factors: real interest rates,
inflation, unemployment and growth. We find stocks and bonds have the same
sign sensitivity to the real (inflation-adjusted) policy rate and to inflation, while
their sensitivity to growth and unemployment have opposite signs. Hence,
depending on which factors dominate, the correlation can be either positive
Niels Pedersen
Senior Vice President or negative.
Quantitative Research Analyst
Importantly, our model incorporates both short run (cyclical) and long run
dynamics, which enables us to estimate correlations for various horizons.
Cyclical and long run correlations may differ for a variety of reasons.
For example:
¢ In the short run, stocks and bonds tend to respond in opposite directions
Steve Sapra to fluctuations in investor risk appetite. During flight-to-safety episodes we
Senior Vice President
Quantitative Research Analyst
observe the familiar negative correlation. However, in the long run, secular
trends in growth, inflation and interest rates may have similar effects on
stock and bond returns, inducing a positive correlation.
¢ The negative beta between stocks and inflation may be less pronounced
over longer horizons as dividends gradually catch up to inflation. (In general,
the negative beta between stocks and inflation is considered a puzzle, and it
tends to occur at very high inflation levels. Since there is a broad consensus
that price stability should be one of the key objectives of a central bank,
high inflation in a country is likely the result of deeper
macroeconomic imbalances.)
¢ Starting valuation levels may play an important role. Previous research
Consider the environment in early May 2013, when The effect of macroeconomic factors on the stock-bond
valuation in bonds (and perhaps stocks) may have been correlation has been studied before. The concept of duration
stretched by the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet activities. – a risk measure used frequently for bonds but rarely for other
If the central bank has made both asset classes over-valued, asset classes – provides an intuitive way to think about the
joint mean reversion in valuations should generate a positive stock-bond correlation. Shiller and Beltratti (1993) explain that
– or less negative – correlation, even if business-cycle-related under a naïve present value model, the return correlation
factors generate a negative correlation dynamic. between stocks and bonds should be positive, because both
Our framework addresses the term structure of correlation represent discounted cash flow streams; rising rates should
through an error correction model. This approach accounts for lead to declining valuations for both asset classes, while
both long and short run dynamics. The long run dynamics are declining rates should lift all valuations.
estimated between the levels of the macroeconomic factors However, Shiller and Beltratti (1993) emphasize that “the
as well as valuations for stocks and bonds, while the short dividend stream that is discounted for stocks is radically
run dynamics capture the impact of quarterly changes in the different from the principal and coupon stream accruing to
macroeconomic factors, as well as transitory deviations bond holders.” Over time, changes in how investors value
from the long run level relationships (the “error future risky cash flows drive a significant portion of equity
correction” component). volatility. Leibowitz, Sorensen, Arnott and Hanson (1989)
PIMCO’s econometric model also addresses the current explain how simply looking at equity duration from the
environment and generates stock-bond correlation forecasts perspective of discounted cash flow models leads to results
over horizons ranging from one quarter to two years. Since that are divorced from empirical reality, due to the complicated
the financial crisis of 2008, the short run correlation has been links between the discount rate, the nominal interest rate,
very negative. One important question our framework seeks inflation and the growth rate. (For a more detailed discussion
to answer is whether higher interest rates or rising inflation in on the concept of equity duration, see Leibowitz, 1993).
the future may make this correlation less negative, or perhaps In a similar vein, Li (2002) documents large variations in the
positive. If this were to happen, traditional investment correlation between stocks and Treasuries over time. She
paradigms may shift. For example, risk parity approaches that shows that common exposure to macroeconomic factors drives
lever up bond positions to hedge equity holdings could this correlation, and she identifies uncertainty about expected
be challenged. inflation as the key factor, followed to a lesser extent by the
Based on our model, we expect a correlation of roughly −25% real interest rate.
at the quarterly frequency – hence, we expect bonds to Similarly, Andersson, Krylova, and Vahamaa (2004) identify
continue to diversify equity risk, albeit less than in the recent inflation as a key factor driving the equity-bond correlation.
past. We expect this diversification effect to be diminished over The authors find that prices tend to move in the same direction
longer horizons. However, under our central scenario the when inflation expectations are high. In addition, they and
correlation is not expected to rise above 0%, even over a others such as Gulko (2002) identify a “flight-to-safety” effect,
two-year horizon. according to which the correlation becomes significantly
Our sensitivity analysis also reveals some “tail risks.” For negative during equity market drawdowns. In general, they
example, if inflation volatility increases by 50% of its current show that when implied volatility (as measured by the CBOE
level and other factors remain the same, the correlation in Volatility Index or VIX) is high, stock and Treasury returns
two-year returns could rise to as much as +20%. become more negatively correlated. In the same vein, Baele,


Bekaert, and Inghelbrecht (2009) test for a wide range of “spike” up versus going down. It is also remarkable that the
factors and find that liquidity is important for the stock-bond persistently positive estimates of this correlation in the 1970s
correlation, and suggest this factor may be correlated with and 1980s gave way to persistently negative values since the
the flight-to-safety effect. mid-1990s. This, however, is not just a current phenomenon.
Negative correlations were observed during the 1950s as well
Historical perspective on the impact of interest rates as during the Great Depression, and in general during periods
and inflation when the business cycle dominated asset returns.
Previous studies may disagree on the key factors that drive the
Does inflation help explain these long-term observations?
stock-bond correlation simply because they rely on different
Equation (1) describes a simple regression that evaluates the
time periods in history. In Figure 1 we show the history of the
effect of the level of real rates and inflation. We model the
correlation between the S&P 500 (S&P 90 for periods prior to
non-overlapping 12-month realized correlation ( ρ̂ ) as a
the release of the S&P 500) and long Treasuries (from Ibbotson)
function of inflation (π) and the level of real rates (r). Inflation
from June 1927 to June 2013. Correlations are estimated on
is measured as the trailing year-over-year changes in CPI
a non-overlapping one-year basis, using monthly returns (12
(Consumer Price Index), averaged over the 12 months during
data points).
the year. Real rates are estimated as the average one-month
T-bill rate over the year, minus contemporaneous inflation.
We also add a breakpoint dummy variable (D1997 ) to evaluate
1.0 whether inflation and real rates correctly capture the regime
0.8 shift from positive to negative correlation, which the data in
0.6 Figure 1 suggest occurred around 1997. Our data sample
Stock-bond correlation

0.4 starts in 1951 to focus on the period following the Treasury-

0.2 Fed accord that recognized the independence of the Federal
0.0 Reserve to conduct monetary policy.
-0.4 (1)
-0.8 In Figure 2 we show our results for this regression. This analysis
-1.0 confirms the real interest rate is a key factor explaining the
‘27 ‘33 ‘39 ‘45 ‘51 ‘57 ‘63 ‘69 ‘75 ‘81 ‘87 ‘93 ‘99 ‘05 ‘11
variation in the bond-equity correlation. Moreover, both the
Source: Ibbotson, PIMCO, Bloomberg. Data as of June 1927 – June 2013. real rate and inflation components are significant. Both higher
Bonds are represented by long Treasuries (Ibbotson) which should not be
interpreted as a full sample representation of the bond market. Different asset inflation and higher real rates have been associated with
class proxies will have different results. elevated stock-bond correlations, and these effects are
statistically and economically significant. These positive
coefficients are likely due to the fact that the return sensitivities
The full sample average of the realized correlation is 10%.
of both asset classes to inflation and real rates have the
However, there is a substantial variation around this mean:
same sign. Hence, if these factors dominate, the correlation
The correlation estimates vary in the range of −93% to +86%
should increase.
with a standard deviation of 40%. Also, the correlation was
below −50% in seven years, and above +50% in 14 years, The average correlation in the entire sample is +7%.
which indicates a greater tendency for the correlation to Correlations used in this analysis are focused on short run


business cycle fluctuations, which tend to generate low or We relate yb and ye to the following four
negative stock-bond correlations when rates and inflation macroeconomic variables:
volatilities are muted – as evidenced by the intercept (α) of
1. Professional forecasts of one-year GDP growth, g,
−0.15. There is also strong evidence of a structural downward
shift in the correlation post 1997: The coefficient on the 2. Unemployment rate, u,
dummy variable suggests unconditional correlations are 28%
3. Professional forecasts of change in CPI over the next one
lower in the post 1997 period. This decline in the correlation
year, π, and
since the mid-1990s is not fully explained by the lower rates
and lower inflation in that period. 4. Deviation of the short rates (federal funds rate) from their
target using a simple Taylor rule,4 m.
GDP and inflation forecasts are from the Survey of Professional
α β1 β2 β3
R2 Forecasters, unemployment data are from Haver and federal
(Inflation) (Real rates) (1997)
fund rates are from Bloomberg. All variables in our model are
Coefficient -0.15 0.07 0.07 -0.28 0.39 expressed as deviations from their full sample averages; hence,
Std. Error 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.11 we refer to them as unemployment gap, growth gap, inflation
Source: PIMCO, Haver, Bloomberg. June 1951 - June 2013.
gap and policy rate gap. A positive gap means that the variable
is higher than its average over the full sample. Unemployment
Error correction model forecasts (as opposed to realized data) are not available from
the Survey of Professional Forecasters. Also, in our model,
The duration-based view of equity prices (as a discounted
unemployment is a state variable describing current conditions,
present value of fixed future cash flows) ignores the business
and its level is relatively stable; hence, we do not expect that
cycle variation of risk premium as well as the link between
using unemployment forecasts would change our results.
growth and rates. To address this issue and provide a more
comprehensive framework, our error correction model adds Because the parameters of the Taylor rule may have changed
two business-cycle-related factors: GDP growth and over time, we calibrate our model on quarterly data starting in
unemployment.2 Our model also incorporates both short run Q1 1988 and ending in Q2 2013. We chose this period for a
and long run dynamics. Instead of modeling the stock-bond few reasons, namely to focus on the Greenspan and Bernanke
correlation directly – which can limit the estimation power eras, include the recession of the early 1990s, and we calibrate
due to limited data – we seek to explain variations in stock our model on data from when the Taylor rule was in effect.
and bond valuations (yields). From these relationships we Nonetheless, different calibration periods (not reported here)
build forecasts of the stock-bond correlation under would not change our conclusions materially.
different environments.

Specifically, we use an error correction mechanism to model

the behavior of the 10-year nominal Treasury bond yield (yb )
and the cyclically adjusted equity earnings yield (ye ). The
cyclically adjusted earnings yield is defined as the inverse of the
cyclically adjusted price-earnings ratio (CAPE) for the S&P
500 Index as reported by Robert Shiller.3


Equations (2) and (3) show the model dynamics we assume As expected, the coefficients on the business cycle variables
for the 10-year Treasury yield. (GDP and unemployment) have opposite signs for bond and
(2) equity earnings yields, both in terms of levels and changes. For
example, in the regression based on changes, a 1% increase in
(3) the GDP gap would increase the yield on the 10-year Treasury
bond by 45 basis points, while it would decrease earnings
The long run dynamics yb (t) are based on relationships yields by 42 basis points (stock prices would increase). Hence,
between levels, while the short run dynamics ∆yb (t) are based when those variables dominate the macroeconomic
on changes, and include the beginning-of-period gap (“error”) environment, we can expect a negative stock-bond correlation.
between model-predicted levels and actual levels δb (t-1). Also as expected, albeit perhaps less intuitively, the coefficients
Similarly, the equity yield dynamics ye (t) are given by Equations on inflation have the same sign for stocks and bonds, based on
(4) and (5). both the short run changes and the long run level dynamics.
Historically, stocks have not been a good hedge for inflation.6
Therefore, when inflation dominates over the influence of
(5) the other factors, we should expect the stock-bond return
correlation to be positive.

In Figure 3 we report the parameter estimates alongside Lastly, bond and equity yields have opposite sensitivities to
t-statistics in both the levels regression and the error the fed funds policy gap, based on the levels regression. This
correction model.5 result is likely due to the Federal Reserve’s policy to keep rates
low (good for bonds) when unemployment is high (bad for
stocks) and vice versa.


Level regression Nominal 10 year yield Earnings yield

Variable Coef. Value T-Stat Coef. Value T-Stat
Constant αb 0.05 67.22 αe 0.04 86.67
GDP growth β1 0.41 2.79 θ1 -0.47 -5.05
Unemployment β2 -0.84 -7.89 θ2 0.77 11.33
Inflation β3 1.72 14.90 θ3 1.07 14.37
Rates (Policy gap) β4 0.50 6.18 θ4 -0.26 -4.90
R-square 84% 82%

Changes Nominal 10 year yield Earnings yield

Variable Coef. Value T-Stat Coef. Value T-Stat
∆ GDP growth γ1 0.45 2.99 𝛗1 -0.42 -4.28
∆ Unemployment γ2 -0.45 -1.90 𝛗2 0.42 2.61
∆ Inflation γ2 0.90 3.01 𝛗3 0.30 1.38
∆ Rates (Policy gap) γ4 0.39 3.27 𝛗4 0.02 0.27
ECM ρb -0.20 -3.06 ρe -0.31 -4.02
R-square 23% 29%
Source: PIMCO. Bloomberg, Survey of Professional Forecasters, and Haver. Data as of Q1 1988 – Q2 2013.
Hypothetical example for illustrative purposes only.


The actual and fitted levels (from the levels regressions) of the
10-year Treasury yield and equity earnings yield are shown in
Figures 4 and 5. While the recent fit has not been satisfactory
10.0% (the central bank policy has clearly pushed rates levels below
their model-implied values), overall the model captures a
reasonable proportion of the dynamics for both stock and
6.0% bond valuations over the period studied.

4.0% Forward-looking correlations

2.0% Based on our models for stock and bond yields, we use a
simulation model to build forward-looking estimates of their
0.0% correlation as a function of various macroeconomic projections.
Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Feb
‘88 ‘91 ‘94 ‘97 ‘01 ‘04 ‘07 ‘10 ‘13 We focus on yields as opposed to returns for econometric
convenience, but the correlation of returns should be very close
Actual 10 year Treasury yield Fitted 10 year Treasury yield
to the correlation in yields. Even at the two-year horizon, stock
Source: PIMCO, Bloomberg. Data as of Q1 1988 – Q2 2013.
Hypothetical example for illustrative purposes only. returns have a correlation greater than 95% with changes in
cyclically adjusted earnings yields. And for Treasuries, changes
in yield are a very common approximation for returns per
EARNINGS YIELD unit of duration. Hence, for the purposes of estimating the
stock-bond correlation, using changes in valuations is roughly
8.0% equivalent to using returns (or at least well within the margin
7.0% of error for any model-based forecast).
In Figure 6 we show the multi-step process we use to generate
model-implied correlations. We follow three broad steps:
1. We simulate (through a Monte Carlo simulation) 1,000
paths for growth, unemployment, inflation, and policy rates.

2. Next we derive 1,000 simulated paths in stock and bond
yields, based on our econometric model (using the
Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Feb coefficients on levels and changes from Figure 3).
‘88 ‘91 ‘94 ‘97 ‘00 ‘03 ‘06 ‘09 ‘13
3. From these simulated changes we calculate the stock-bond
Actual S&P earnings yield Fitted S&P 500 earnings yield correlation at various time horizons.
Source: PIMCO, Shiller, Bloomberg. Data as of Q1 1988 – Q2 2013.
Hypothetical example for illustrative purposes only. The mean outcomes for the macroeconomic variables are
based on FOMC projections, and their dynamics
(autocorrelations, volatilities and correlations) are calculated
on historical data from Q1 1988 to Q2 2013. Our framework
includes error terms in the simulated macroeconomic variables’
paths and in the implied stock and bond yield changes. (The
appendix provides details on this simulation process and the
underlying parameters.)



Simulate paths
for macroeconomic 0.00

For each path,
calculate implied -0.15
stocks and bond
yield changes -0.20


Derive implied -0.30

stock-bond Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
correlation ‘13 ‘14 ‘14 ‘14 ‘14 ‘15 ‘15 ‘15 ‘15

Source: PIMCO 2013 Q3 to Horizon Quarterly

Source: PIMCO. Data as of Q3 2013.
Hypothetical example for illustrative purposes only.
In Figure 7 we show the projected stock-bond correlation over
various horizons, and compare these results with correlation
estimates for quarterly returns. For example, the correlation A sensitivity analysis of the impact of inflation volatility on our
“to Horizon” for Q2 2014 is −0.15. This estimate is from model-implied correlations is shown in Figure 8. Correlations
1,000 simulated nine-months outcomes (three quarters). The become more negative (for all horizons) if we reduce inflation
“Quarterly” correlation of −0.25 is for quarter-over-quarter volatility by 50% of its initial value, and generally increase if
correlations from 1,000 paths with three observations each: we increase inflation volatility by 50%, holding all other factors
Q4 2013, Q1 2014 and Q2 2014. The chart shows that the constant (we provide details on all simulation parameters in the
short run correlation (which is dominated by the business appendix). This analysis reveals model-implied correlations
cycle) is negative and close to −0.2. However, as the are quite sensitive to inflation volatility. If inflation volatility
investment horizon increases, the correlation approaches zero. decreases significantly, the correlation should remain negative,
even at the two-year horizon. Importantly, it shows some “tail
This term structure effect is due to the significant role that risks” in the hedging effect of bonds on equity risk. If inflation
inflation plays in the levels regressions. Over time, higher volatility increases significantly, the stock-bond correlation rises
inflation translates into higher nominal yields and higher to +20% for two-year returns. At this correlation level, bonds
earnings yields in the model. A volatility decomposition based would still provide diversification benefits to risk assets, but
on our simulation suggests that roughly 70% of the volatility perhaps not as much as investors are currently assuming in
in the long-term nominal yield is driven by inflation, whereas their asset allocation decisions.
about 50% of the volatility in the long-term earnings yield is
due to inflation.


In the short run, we expect the correlation to remain negative
ANALYSIS TO INFLATION VOLATILITY as long as business cycle variables dominate the effects of
rates and inflation. In the long run, bonds may still diversify
stocks, but the correlation may be higher and even positive
20% due to the influence of inflation and the smoothing of
10% business cycle and risk aversion effects.

0% This analysis challenges conventional wisdom for asset

allocation. Over the last 15 years, many investors have been
able to ignore inflation risk and have taken for granted the very
negative correlation between stocks and Treasuries. In the next
-30% decade, particularly in light of aggressive and expansive central
bank monetary policy, the importance of the inflation risk
Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 factor may indeed resurface. If so, many of the correlation
‘13 ‘14 ‘14 ‘14 ‘14 ‘15 ‘15 ‘15 ‘15
dynamics that investors have become accustomed to may
High inflation volatility (+50%) Base Low inflation volatility (-50%)
be less relevant.
Source: PIMCO. Data as of Q3 2013.
Hypothetical example for illustrative purposes only. Lastly, our framework is not meant to be a substitute for a
forward-looking investment process. While our model assumes
Investment implications linear relationships, the flight-to-safety effect during extremely
negative growth shocks may overwhelm any other effect and
The stock-bond correlation is a cornerstone of strategic asset
produce a negative correlation between stocks and Treasuries,
allocation, and investors should understand its sensitivity to
despite inflation shocks.
macroeconomic factors. Applications that primarily rely on
point estimates of correlation, such as mean-variance In summary, our framework is meant to underscore the
optimizations, can be misleading if the investor does not take importance of assessing potential macroeconomic regime
into account current conditions and possible macroeconomic shifts when making asset allocation decisions, which should
regime shifts. be augmented by judgment, experience and evaluation of
risk-factor-specific variables.
We have presented an econometric framework to seek to
better understand and predict the correlation between stocks Appendix:
and Treasuries. Based on projections of macroeconomic
variables, our framework provides forward-looking estimates Monte Carlo simulation methodology and parameters
of correlations over various time horizons. To simulate the behavior of key macroeconomic variables, we
Although many other factors beyond the scope of our use projected Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) data as
framework matter, growth, unemployment, inflation and real mean outcomes for each variable. These forecasts are provided
rates are key drivers of macroeconomic risk and are responsible on an annual basis, but we convert them by interpolating
for a significant portion of the dynamics of stocks and bonds. linearly to quarterly means. The annual projections as of June
2013 are shown in Figure A1. The gaps are estimated as
differences from the sample average (Q1 1988 – Q2 2013).
The historical statistics for the macroeconomic variables are
shown at the bottom of Figure A1.



Rates implied
Real GDP growth Unemployment Inflation rate Real policy rate
by Taylor rule
FOMC Projections

2013 2.45% 7.25% 1.00% 0.25% -0.74%

2014 3.25% 6.65% 1.70% 0.45% 1.51%

2015 3.35% 6.00% 1.80% 1.35% 2.96%


2013 -0.22% 1.20% -1.46% 0.99% –

2014 0.58% 0.60% -0.76% -1.06% –

2015 0.68% -0.05% -0.66% -1.61% –

Historical Data (Q1 1988 to Q2 2013)

Mean Levels 2.67% 6.05% 2.46% 1.39% –

Min 0.79% 3.90% 1.30% -1.73% –

Max 4.01% 9.90% 4.66% 5.21% –

Std. deviation 0.61% 1.58% 0.81% 2.04% –

Mean Changes 0.01% -0.06% -0.02% -0.04% –

Min -0.93% -2.00% -0.66% -1.94% –

Max 1.10% 1.00% 0.37% 0.74% –

Std. deviation 0.33% 0.52% 0.18% 0.46% –

Sources: FOMC (data as of June 2013), Haver, Bloomberg, PIMCO. Historical data from Q1 1988 – Q2 2013.


Correlations and volatilities of ε's Parameters

Correlation GDP Unemployment Inflation Rates Volatility α β

GDP 100% 0.6% 25% -18%

Unemployment -25% 100% 0.4% 71% -3%

Inflation -1% -22% 100% 0.4% 6% -4%

Rates -3% 62% -40% 100% 1.0% 40% -5%

Source: PIMCO. Data as of Q1 1988 – Q2 2013.


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The intuition for using an error correction model to model stock and bond yields as a
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If so, then in order to expect a negative correlation, investors must be confident the
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Wilson, J. W., & Jones, C. P. (1987). Common stock prices

and inflation: 1857–1985. Financial Analysts Journal,
43(4), 67–71.


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