Environmentally Friendly Fuel Usage Econ

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DOI: 10.1515/eces-2019-0030 ECOL CHEM ENG S.


Antonina KALINICHENKO1,2* and Valerii HAVRYSH3





Abstract: In the world there are two main problems concerning energy and ecology. Despite the crude oil price
fluctuation, it has tended to increase. Moreover fossil fuel burning emits hazard compounds, including greenhouse
gas. To solve them alternative fuels for vehicle have to be used. In due to properties, their usage impacts on the
engine efficiency. The alternative fuel usage needs additional investment costs on the vehicle engines adaptation
and fuel supply infrastructure. So, decisions must be based on mathematical apparatus. Three submodels were
used in the suggested mathematical model: energy and economic indicator for fuels; energy and economic
indicator for vehicles; criteria for investment projects. As a criterion of investment projects the profitability index
has been grounded. The mathematical model and the algorithm for determining the feasibility of the alternative
fuel utilization have been developed. The proposed algorithm includes the following stages: calculation of the fuel
energy cost; calculation of the criteria for vehicles; determining the maximum value of investments; making
decisions. Biofuels and gaseous fuels for some countries have been studied. The economic attractiveness of the
alternative transport fuels has been presented. According to mathematical modeling, gaseous fuels are more
economically attractive compared with liquid biofuels. Among gaseous fuels, LPG has a higher economic
efficiency. The economic margin of alternative fuel application feasibility has been determined.
Keywords: alternative fuel, profitability index, mathematical model for feasibility of the alternative fuel
utilization, fuel energy cost, vehicle

The last years a lot of attention was paid to improving the economic and environmental
performance of vehicles due to global problems. Firstly, crude oil reserves are limited, and
its price has a tendency to increase (Fig. 1) [1]. Secondly, the issue of pollutant and
greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions are under the control of the European
Parliament [2]. One of the ways to solve the above problems is to use alternative motor
fuels, including renewable ones. Alternative fuels (compared to using petrol and diesel fuel
in vehicles) deliver greenhouse gas saving [%]: biomethane - between 60 and 90 [3];

University of Opole, ul. R. Dmowskiego 7-9, 45-365 Opole, Poland, phone +48 78 732 15 87
Poltava State Agrarian Academy, ul. Skovorody 1/3, 36003 Poltava, Ukraine
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University (Ukraine), 9 Georgiy Gongadze Str., Mykolayiv, Ukraine, 54020,
phone +38 050 184 26 88, email: [email protected]
Corresponding author: [email protected]
242 Antonina Kalinichenko and Valerii Havrysh

ethanol - between 30 and 82; biodiesel - between 38 and 50 [4]; liquefied petroleum gas -
up to 39; natural gas - between 25 and 47.

160 Crude oil

Price [$/barrel]



80 y = 1.2x − 2380


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Time, t [year]

Fig. 1. Brent crude oil price history and its trend (modified by authors after WTRG [1])

The economic feasibility of alternative fuel use has been studied by a number of
scientists. The researchers investigated the criteria to compare the different energy
resources [5, 6]; the strategy of gaseous fuel application in a road transport [7-10];
an ecological and economic analysis of gaseous fuel usage [11-14]; economic evaluation of
the alternative motor fuel utilization by road transportation were conducted [15, 16];
a comparative analysis of motor fuels [5, 17]. Problems and perspectives of the compressed
natural gas (CNG) studied by many scientists [18-20].
However, there is still not enough studied into the usage of such indicators as the
profitability index to ground of investment projects on the alternative fuel usage.
The decision on the replacement of traditional fuels with alternative motor ones must be
mathematically justified. It needs to determine economic indicators of investment projects.

The purpose of this article

The aim of this study is to develop a methodical approach to determine the feasibility
of alternative fuels utilization. It was based in a criterion of an investment project and take
into account both fuel energy indexes and investment costs.

Material and methods

This article presents retail prices of major alternative fuels, which are currently in
widespread use, i.e. liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), CNG, biodiesel, bioethanol, etc.
Some submodels were combined to reach the aim: fuel energy costs, fuel efficiency
indexes for vehicles, and a criterion of an investment project.
Energy and economic indicator for fuels
To make a decision on the application of a certain fuel it is necessary to have
information both on their physical and chemical properties, and economic characteristics.
Environmentally friendly fuel usage: Economic margin of feasibility 243

One of them is fuel energy cost. In the case of mixed fuels cost of energy (CE) is
determined as follows:
 n 
CE =  (Fprі ⋅ g i ) ⋅   (Qi ⋅ ρ i ⋅ g i ) [€/GJ] (1)
i =1  i =1 
where Fpri is the price of the ith component of the fuel [€/m3]; Qі is lower heat value of ith
component of the fuel [MJ/kg]; ρі is the density of the ith component of the fuel [Mg/m3];
n is number of components; gi is share of the ith component of the fuel.
For dual fuel mode engines:
CE = (1 − ϕ ) ⋅ CE A + ϕ ⋅ CEC [€/GJ] (2)
where ϕ is the energy share of conventional fuel; CEA is the energy cost of conventional
fuel [€/GJ]; CEC is the energy cost of alternative fuel [€/GJ].
Internal combustion engine efficiency depends on some factors, including the type of
fuel. It is found that utilization of gaseous fuel in spark ignition petrol engine (especially
biogas) results in efficiency reduction (relatively by up to 20 %) [21]. But the use of dual
fuel mode in a spark ignition engine (petrol and biogas, petrol and natural gas) has quite
different result. The brake thermal efficiency improves by 17 % [22].
The use of biogas in dual fuel mode diesel engine has the same result - reducing the
brake thermal efficiency. The utilization of natural gas can increase performance on some
modes [23-25]. Transition from conventional petroleum fuels to biofuels changes the
efficiency of thermal engines too [26-28].
Therefore, it is advisable to determine the energy cost per unit of useful work (ECUW):
 n

ECUW = CE ⋅ η −1 =  (Fprі ⋅ g i ) ⋅ η ⋅  (Qi ⋅ ρi ⋅ g i ) [€/GJ] (3)
i =1  i =1 
where η is the engine performance at a certain fuel or fuel blend.
This mathematical model can be used to compare different types of fuel. The preferred
fuel is the fuel with lower energy costs. The above indicators are more suitable for
a stationary power plant. But the above factors do not take into account the fuel impact on
vehicle efficiency as a transport system.
Energy and economic indicators for vehicles
The utilization of alternative fuels impacts on operational expenses of vehicles. They
influence mileage, payload, traction force, etc. To evaluate a cumulative effect,
dimensionless indicators may be used.
Utilization of alternative fuels may decrease payload of vehicle due to increasing
operational weight. It may be the result of mounted additional equipment, for example, gas
cylinders, gas generator, fuel tanks, etc.
So, the indicator for vehicles takes into account payload and cost of fuel:
K A =  ( qa 100 i ⋅Fpri ) ⋅ PLТ ⋅ ( Fprc ⋅ qc100 ⋅ PLА )
i =1

where PLT is vehicle payload when conventional fuel is used [Mg]; PLA is vehicle payload
when alternative fuel is used [Mg]; qc100 is conventional fuel consumption per mileage
244 Antonina Kalinichenko and Valerii Havrysh

[m3/100 km]; qa100i is ith alternative fuel consumption per mileage [m3/100 km]; Fprc is
conventional fuel price [€/m3].
If the value of criterion KA is less than one (KA < 1), the use of alternative fuel is
A traction force of the tractor when the engine is running on alternative motor fuels
could be reduced as a result of the following reasons:
• an increase in operating weight;
• a decrease of engine power rating.
The first case is possible, for example, when using gas-bottled equipment. The second
case is possible when alternative fuel property differs strongly from conventional ones. It is
possible, for example, when using a gas generator. So, for tractors the value of a criterion is
equal to the ratio of hourly cost of alternative and traditional fuels per kN thrust:
n  be   be ⋅ Nec  (5)
KT =   i ⋅ Fpri  ⋅ Nea ⋅ Pcrc ⋅  c ⋅ Fprc ⋅ Pcrа 
i =1  i   ρ c 
where Nec is the nominal power rating when traditional petroleum-based fuel is used [kW];
Pcrc is the traction force when traditional petroleum-based fuel is used [kN]; bec is the
specific fuel consumption of conventional fuel [kg/kWh]; ρc is the density of conventional
petroleum fuels [kg/dm3]; Nea is the nominal power rating when alternative fuel is used
[kW]; Pcra is the traction force when alternative fuels are used [kN]; beі is the specific
consumption of the ith component of the alternative fuel [kg/kWh]; ρі is the density of the ith
component of the alternative motor fuel [kg/dm3].
If the value of KT is less than 1, then the use of alternative fuels is expedient. But
criteria KA and KT do not take into account investment costs into infrastructure and
modernization of vehicles.
Selection criteria for investment projects
For economic evaluation of investment projects four key indicators are used: the net
present value (NPV), the profitability index (PI), the internal rate of return (IRR) and
payback period (PP).
NPV is an absolute indicator and it is used to analyze the profitability of investment
projects. NPV is calculated as the difference between the present values of cash inflows and
outflows (during the project lifetime). A positive NPV indicates that the projected earnings
exceed the anticipated costs. Generally, if NPV is positive, then an investment will be
a profitable. This indicator has been used by the authors as a criterion in the optimization of
biogas plants [29-31]. But this indicator is ambiguous.
The profitability index is an indicator that attempts to identify the relationship between
benefits and the costs of a proposed project.
The PI is calculated by dividing the present value of the project's future cash flows by
the initial investment. If the PI is less than 1.0 the project is unprofitable. This is a relative
measure of the level of income per unit of input, i.e., the effectiveness of investments. That
is why PI can be used as a criterion of the investment project. In practice, an investment
project may be accepted if PI is more than 1.2.
Internal rate of return is an indicator which used to measure the profitability of
potential investments.
Environmentally friendly fuel usage: Economic margin of feasibility 245

The period during which the consumer may recover the initial investment is called
payback period. This is one of many simple and accessible indicators.
Not all indicators may be used as criterion of investment projects. Such as, payback
period and net present value cannot give single-valued result. And calculation procedure for
the internal rate of return is relative complicated. Based on the above, we accept the
profitability index as a criterion of an investment project.
Mathematical model and the algorithm for determining the feasibility
of the alternative fuels utilization
Profitability index of regular cash flow is determined as follows:

PI =
Сc − С А n
V i =1
⋅  (1 + 0.01 ⋅ g )
) (6)

where Cc is the annual cost of conventional fuels consumption [€]; CA is the annual cost of
alternative fuels consumption [€]; g is the discount rate [%]; V - total initial investment cost
[€]; n is the lifetime of the investment project [years].
To evaluate the investment projects it is necessary to know the discount rate value.
The discount rate is the interest rate used to convert future revenue streams into a single
value of the current value. It is used to assess the effectiveness of investments. In economic
terms, the discount rate is the rate of return on invested capital, which is required by the
investor. Therefore, the value of the discount rate impacts on key decisions.
Determination of the discount rate of investment projects for alternative energy source
utilization was investigated earlier by the authors. It is based on fuel prices and takes into
account the market dynamics [32].
After transformation the equation (6) will have a form:
n  1 
 
i =1 (1 + 0.01 ⋅ g )

 i
 С   
PI = Сc ⋅ 1 − А  ⋅ (7)
 Сc  V
We introduce the following notations β = and γ = , then the equation (7) takes
Сc Сc
the form:
(1 − β )
( )
⋅  (1 + 0.01 ⋅ g )
PI = (8)
γ i =1

The β depends on fuel price and engine brake thermal efficiency:

C A CE A FprA ⋅η c
β = = = (9)
Cc CEc Fprc ⋅η A
where ηc is the engine performance at conventional fuel; ηA is the engine performance at
alternative fuel.
To determine the expenditure for different fuels, it is necessary to take into account the
additional costs associated with reducing their use. These may be, for example,
environmental charges, taxes on the vehicles, etc. It covers all areas: from investment in
246 Antonina Kalinichenko and Valerii Havrysh

fuel production to environmental charges [33-37]: reducing income taxes; government

award for eco-friendly cars; reducing taxes on gas-cylinder cars, etc.
For example, in Sweden, the new environmentally-friendly cars are exempt from taxes
for five years. For comparison, the annual environmental payments from diesel vehicles are
460 €, and petrol - 230 €.
That is why factor β has a following form:
С − CR (10)
β= A
where CR is the cost reducing [€].
The investment project is attractive, if the Profitability Index is more than 1.2. Then
the equation (3) takes the form:
(1 − β )
( ) > 1.2
⋅  (1 + 0.01 ⋅ g )
γ i =1

From the equation (10) the value of γ can be found as:

(1 − β )
( )
⋅  (1 + 0.01 ⋅ g )
γ< (12)
1.2 i =1

It is a condition for the attractiveness of alternative fuels application. The critical ratio
of investment to the annual cost of conventional fuel consumed has a following form:
(1 − β )
( )
⋅  (1 + 0.01⋅ g )
γ0 = (13)
1.2 i =1

The factor γ0 determines the economic margin for alternative fuel application.
The function γ has linear dependence on β. In our example, the lifetime of the project is
assumed equal to 8 years (Fig. 2). So if we have annual costs on conventional and
alternative fuels, we can find maximum acceptable value of investment costs:
Vmax = γ 0 ⋅ Cc . [€] (14)
We propose the following algorithm to determine the feasibility of using alternative
fuel utilization - Figure 3.

Fig. 2. Dependence of γ on β
Environmentally friendly fuel usage: Economic margin of feasibility 247

Initial data:
• traditional and alternative fuels prices;
• the main physical properties of fuels;
• characteristics of vehicle using different types of fuels;
• refueling complexes (technical characteristics and

Fuel energy cost (CEа and CEc) and energy density

CEа < CEc


Criterion KТ (KА)

KТ (KА) < 1


Determine investment cost V,

Discount rate g

Calculate β and γ0

V < γ0 ⋅ Сc


The use of alternative The use of alternative

fuels is advisable fuels is not advisable


Fig. 3. The algorithm makes decisions on alternative fuel use

248 Antonina Kalinichenko and Valerii Havrysh

Results of modelling
The situation of the fuel market in some countries has been considered. The reason for
choosing them are as follows:
• The USA is the world leader in biofuel production and utilization,
• France and Germany are the EU leaders in alternative fuel utilization,
• Poland is the nearest neighbor of Ukraine and has the nearest area and history,
• Sweden is the leader of biomethane usage as road fuel,
• Russia is a huge exporter of energy resources and a neighbor of Ukraine.
Biofuel consumption is developing now. In EU countries biodiesel and bioethanol are
more popular fuels in transport. Besides biogas and pure vegetable oil are being used.

Table 1
Prices of motor fuels [€/dm3], [*€/m3]
Ukraine Poland Germany France Sweden USA Russia
Non-renewable fuels
Diesel fuel 0.78 1.05 1.24 1.21 1.40 0.56 0.66
Gasoline super 0.85 1.09 1.44 1.36 1.45 0.59 0.63
LPG 0.41 0.50 0.57 0.75 0.94 0.59 0.27
CNG* 0.52 0.79 0.78 0.95 1.31 0.51 0.24
Renewable fuels
Rapeseed oil ** 0.69
Biodiesel В100 0.77
Е10 1.42 1,35 0.58
Е85 0.64 1.14 0.48
Calculated from €/kg; **Calculated from €/Mg, no extra tax included

Fig. 4. The energy cost for diesel engines: petroleum and biofuels

Biomethane is a renewable gaseous fuel produced through upgrading biogas and can
meet all technical requirements for vehicles. Now seven countries of EU have biomethane
filling stations: Austria, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Netherland, Sweden, and Switzerland
Environmentally friendly fuel usage: Economic margin of feasibility 249

[38]. Germany, Sweden and Finland are leaders in biomethane utilization as transport
fuel [39].
In this paper the fuel prices were considered, which have emerged on April 2017
(Table 1) [40-49]. According to our calculations, energy costs of biofuels are often higher
compared with traditional fuels (Figs. 4 and 5).

Fig. 5. The energy cost of fuels for spark ignition engines: petroleum and biofuels

Thus in Germany, the use of biodiesel and rapeseed oil are expedient communal
transport. And these biofuels are not attractive for agriculture. This is due to the fact that
farmers buy diesel fuel at a discount price (57 % of the average prices in the country) [50].
Gaseous fuels are more economically advisable compared with biofuels.
The coefficient β depends on the fuel being replaced and the market price. In different
countries, it is in the range from 0.394 to 1.487 (Table 2).

Table 2
The values of the coefficient β
Ukraine Poland Germany France Sweden USA Russia
Compression ignition engines
LPG 0.744 0.676 0.652 0.871 0.953 1.487 0.580
CNG 0.731 0.821 0.683 0.814 1.018 0.995 0.394
Spark ignition engines
LPG 0.641 0.611 0.527 0.732 0.864 1.317 0.571
CNG 0.695 0.818 0.608 0.753 1.017 0.971 0.427

For spark ignition engines the values of the coefficient γ (zero discount rate) is higher
compared with diesel engines (Figs. 6 and 7). This fact makes the use of alternative gaseous
fuels more attractive for road transport equipped with petrol engines. For some countries,
for example, in the United States the replacement of petroleum fuels with LPG is not
250 Antonina Kalinichenko and Valerii Havrysh

Fig. 6. Coefficient γ in different countries (compression ignition engines)

Fig. 7. Coefficient γ in different countries (spark ignition engines)

There are several barriers hindering the development of this type of fuel. One of the
key barriers is the lack of infrastructure of filling stations [9, 19]. The similar situation is in
the United States. This is typical situation for countries with a large territory.
In general terms, this pattern is common, regardless of the country (Fig. 8).
The above model may be used to determine the minimum annual vehicle distance
traveled to make alternative fuel use attractive:
Vic [km] (15)
DC =
γ ⋅ qc100 ⋅ Fprc
where Vic is increment cost of alternative fuel vehicle [€].
Let us consider modeling of gaseous fuel usage in Ukraine. Petrol-powered and
diesel-powered vehicles were studied. The switch to gaseous fuel, truck owners can
purchase LPG or CNG vehicles produced by truck manufacturers or convert their
petrol-powered or diesel-powered vehicles into gaseous fuels. In our case KamAZ 53208 is
Environmentally friendly fuel usage: Economic margin of feasibility 251

equipped with the dual fuel mode diesel engine by a manufacturer. GAZ 3307 is powered
by a petrol engine. There are available LPG and CNG conversion kits for this truck.

Fig. 8. Dependence γ on the β

The results are follows. Investments in LPG powered vehicles are covered faster than
in CNG vehicles (Tables 3 and 4).

Table 3
GAZ 3307 (spark ignition engine)
Gaseous fuel
Item Unit
Energy cost [€/GJ] 16.13 15.57
KA [-] 0.604 0.617
β [-] 0.604 0.617
γ0 [-] 3.3 3.19
Increment cost for gaseous fuel equipment [€] 430 1800
Minimum annual conventional fuel consumption [€] 130.3 563.9
Minimum annual vehicle distance traveled [km] 646 2794

Table 4
KamAZ 53208 (compression ignition engine)
Dual fuel mode
Item Unit
Diesel fuel CNG
Energy cost [€/GJ] 21.28 15.57
[€/GJ] 16.94
Energy share [%] 23.9 76.4
KA [-] 0.832
β [-] 0.796
γ0 [-] 1.7
Increment cost for gaseous fuel equipment [€] 2300
Minimum annual conventional fuel consumption [€] 1352.9
Minimum annual vehicle distance traveled [km] 6688
252 Antonina Kalinichenko and Valerii Havrysh

To reduce the hazardous emissions of vehicle engines, alternative fuels may be used.
As a rule, liquid biofuels are more expensive compared with petroleum fuels.
Exception is E85 in France and pure vegetable oil. Gaseous fuels are more economically
attractive. The exception is LPG in the USA and CNG in Sweden. Russia and Germany
have a larger range for investment value in vehicle gaseous fuel infrastructure and
modernization of transport facility.
The profitability index has been proved as a criterion of investment projects for
alternative fuel utilization. To make decisions about appropriate alternative fuel,
mathematical model and algorithm have been developed. Results of the above algorithm
work have been presented. The analysis shows that the most expedient is the use of gaseous
fuels with vehicles equipped with spark-ignition engines. Among gaseous fuels LPG has
better economic efficiency.

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