Tugas Action Design

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Action Design

A. Information
a. Phase/Class : E/10
b. Place : SMAN 11 Palembang

1. Learning Material:

Procedure Text : How to do something

B. Capaian Pembelajaran
1. Lighter Questions

1. What tools do you need in making a video?

2. How to make a video using an application?
3. What instruction do you use in making a video on an application?

2. Learning Activity
a. Opening (5 minutes)

 The teacher greets and invites the students to pray before learning begins.
 The teacher checks the attendance of students.
 The teacher gives apperception about the material to be studied.
 Motivating students to achieve competence and character in accordance with the
Pancasila Student Profile; namely 1) having faith, fearing God Almighty, and having
noble character, 2) being independent, 3) having critical reasoning, 4) being creative,
5) working together, and 6) having global diversity, which is one of the standard
criteria for graduation in educational units.

b. Main Activity

Presentation (7 minutes)

Students have previously been grouped based on their respective learning styles (visual,
auditory, and kinesthetic). Students sit with each study group respectively. The teacher
distributes procedure text material in various forms. (differentiation of process)

- Teaching materials in the form of audio videos for students with an auditory learning
style (https://youtu.be/mf7QL_KISvg).
- PPT contains image material about procedure text for students in the visual group
- Teaching materials in the form of information posted on the whiteboard for students
with kinesthetic learning styles.

Practice (10 minutes)

- Students are given Student worksheet.
- The teacher asks the students to discuss with the study group to find and write down
the "Imperative Sentences" in the videos/pictures and sheets provided by the teacher.
- The teacher explains briefly about the imperative sentence.

Production (18 minutes)

- The teacher asks students to arrange random text to form a good procedure text about
how to post a picture on Instagram.
- Students have to present the result by their own learning style; (1) kinesthetic
students have to use their movement according to the procedur while presenting; (2)
auditory students have to present it by singing; and (3) visual students have to make
simple drawing and present it in front of the classroom.

c. Closing (5 minutes)

 The teacher facilitates students to review and conclude the lesson that has been
 Teacher provides students to give reflection on learning activities.
 The teacher informs the activities that will be carried out at the next meeting.
 Pray together.
 The teacher gives closing greetings.

C. Tools and Media

 Student worksheet.
 Laptop
 LCD.
 Whiteboard
 Board marker.

D. Method: PPP (Presentation, Practice, Production)

E. Technique

 Active learning
 Group discussion
 Question and answer
Student Worksheet
Nama Anggota Kelompok :
Kelas :

Petunjuk Belajar:
1. Baca secara cermat LKPD ini sebelum anda mengerjakan tugas.
2. Diskusikan tugas/permasalahan secara bersama dalam kelompok.
3. Apabila anda/kelompok anda menemui kendala/permasalahan dalam menyelesaikan
tugas, konsultasi kepada guru.

A. Write the imperative sentences you found from the material given.

B. Arrange these sentences/photos/voice notes into a good procedure text! (foto terlampir)

Choose the correct answers.

1. Which of these sentences is in imperative form?

A. Are you quiet?
B. Be quiet!
C. You are quiet!
D. I will be quiet.
E. I have been so quiet.

2. Imperative sentences end with …

A. an exclamation mark/point
B. a full-stop/period
C. an exclamation mark/point & a full-stop
D. comma
E. apostrophe

Fill in the blank these sentences below with the words served.

How to Use Google Docs

Tools: Laptop / Computer Google docs apps (on HP) Steps:
1. First, … Google Drive on your Gmail.
2. Then, click on the New or + button on the top left of Google Drive.
3. After that, … down and click on the Google Docs button.
4. Change the title on the top left with your document’s name
5. To select a word, use your cursor to select the text you want to change.
6. To undo or redo an action at the top of the file.
7. Click on the Undo button to undo or the Redo button to redo.
8. To share and work with others, click the file you want to share.
9. … the email address you want to share with.
10. Choose the button of Viewer, Commenter, or Editor.
11. Click on the Share or Send button.
12. Choose to notify people.
13. Now you can start to write your ideas individually or in groups.

open Enter scroll

Text 1
How to Use Google Docs

Tools: Laptop / Computer Google docs apps (on HP) Steps:

1. First, open Google Drive on your Gmail.
2. Then, click on the New or + button on the top left of Google Drive.
3. After that, scroll down and click on the Google Docs button.
4. Change the title on the top left with your document’s name
5. To select a word, use your cursor to select the text you want to change.
6. To undo or redo an action at the top of the file.
7. Click on the Undo button to undo or the Redo button to redo.
8. To share and work with others, click the file you want to share.
9. Enter the email address you want to share with.
10. Choose the button of Viewer, Commenter, or Editor.
11. Click on the Share or Send button.
12. Choose to notify people.
13. Now you can start to write your ideas individually or in groups.

Text 2 (Visual Kinestetik)

Tools: Smartphone, Instagram App.
- Open the Instagram app on your phone.
- Click on the plus (+) button.
- After that, this screen will appear on your screen. Choose the button of “Post”.
- Choose a picture you want to post.
- You can edit your photo here. Click on the “Next” button.
- After editing, put caption for your photo and click on the “Share” button to upload your picture.
- Now, your picture has already posted.

1 2 3 4 5
6 7

Material for Auditory (Video) and Kinesthetic (Posted Images)

Gambar yang ditempel : Taken from YouTube https://youtu.be/w25FNPlnXXQ

Video : Adapted from YouTube https://youtu.be/w25FNPlnXXQ
Material for Visual Learner

Adapted from YouTube https://youtu.be/w25FNPlnXXQ

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