Christopholi 2020

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Synthetic Metals 269 (2020) 116552

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Reduced graphene oxide and perylene derivative nanohybrid as

multifunctional interlayer for organic solar cells
Leticia Patricio Christopholi a, Mariana Richelle Pereira da Cunha b, Edna Regina Spada b,
Anderson E.X. Gavim c, Fabio Seiti Hadano c, Wilson José da Silva c, Paula Cristina Rodrigues d,
Andreia Gerniski Macedo a, e, *, Roberto Mendonça Faria b, Jeferson Ferreira de Deus a
Graduate Program in Physics and Astronomy, Federal University of Technology, Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
CPGEI, Federal University of Technology, Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Graduate Program in Chemistry, Federal University of Technology, Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Phantom-g, CICECO – Aveiro Institute of Materials, Department of Physics, University of Aveiro, 3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal


Keywords: In this work, reduced graphene oxide:3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride nanohybrid was prepared by
Interlayer a modified Hummers method which resulted in effective functionalization of graphene sheets. In this procedure,
Perylene the perylene molecules were included at the reaction medium of graphene oxide, where the acid promotes
hydrolysis of the anhydride, forming carboxylic acids; these groups react with hydroxyl groups of graphene
oxide, generating ester bonds between graphene oxide and perylene, followed by a reduction through thermal
annealing in air. The resulting interfacial nanohybrid film combines optical and electrical features of both ma­
terials, being a promising functional interlayer in organic-inorganic based devices. Herein, the thin film was
tested in organic solar cells; the photovoltaic response pointed out that the dipole character of the nanohybrid
enhances the fill factor and open circuit voltage parameters, when compared with the solar cell without buffer
layer or having a polymeric hole transporting layer. After that, the optimized solar cells displayed open circuit
voltage of 0.76 V, short circuit current density of 11.61 mA/cm2, fill factor of 53 % and power conversion ef­
ficiency of 4.70 % under AM1.5 illumination, where the nanohybrid film may act as a complementary absorbing
layer and as hole injection layer, pointing out the potential use of this compound to improve the photovoltaic
response in solar cells.

1. Introduction as an electrode in OPV devices. However, ITO presents some disad­

vantages such as hydrophilic character which results in low compati­
Increasing demand for new sources for clean and renewable energy bility with organic materials used at the active layer [5], migration of
has leading researchers to synthesize and study new materials and indium from electrode to active layer, which reduces the stability in
composites to be applied in organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices [1,2]. ambient conditions [7], and the work function which does not favor the
Moreover, in order to increase the potential of energy generation and charge collection. Therefore, an additional buffer layer is required,
harvesting, as well as the use in outdoor conditions, this field requires generally being composed of molecules with dipole character and/or
the development of new electrodes [3,4], air-stable charge injection/­ redox active organic materials [8]; this thin layer can tune the work
blocking layers [5,6] and more efficient materials for absorbing light function due to the presence of dipoles, enhancing the electrode/active
from the solar spectrum. Besides the intrinsic processes related to the layer interface and the charge injection/collecting processes [9].
active layer, mainly at the donor-acceptor interface, the effective charge In this sense, graphene derivatives thin films have been used as
collecting at the electrodes is a key factor that also impact the overall transparent electrodes in OPV devices [3,10–12]. These films were
power conversion efficiency. Transparent conducting oxides processed produced by chemical vapour deposition and applied as hole trans­
as thin films, for instance indium tin oxide (ITO), have been widely used ponting layer (HTL) in solar cells having 2,6-bis(trimethyltin)-4,8-bis

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (A.G. Macedo).
Received 7 July 2020; Received in revised form 25 August 2020; Accepted 28 August 2020
Available online 15 September 2020
0379-6779/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L.P. Christopholi et al. Synthetic Metals 269 (2020) 116552

(5-(2-ethylhexyl)thiophen-2-yl)benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′ ]-dithiophene and PCE of 15.10 %. The pioneer work of S. Wang et al. [39] reported a
(PBDTTT-CT) blended with [6,6]-phenyl-C71-butyric acid methyl ester hydrothermal treatment of GO and PDI in dimethylformamide, where
(PC71BM) as active layer [10]. The best HTL performance was observed the GO acts as a seed to growth PDI wires. This graphene-PDI hybrid was
at the device having graphene derivative growth at 790 ◦ C, attributed to used at the active layer of OPVs as heterostructure with effective charge
a higher sp3 character, resulting in average short circuit current (Jsc) of injection from the organic wire to the rGO sheets. These multifunctional
11.08 mA/cm2, fill factor (FF) of 48.67 %, open circuit voltage (Voc) of composites have also been used as electrode in sensors [40,41] and as
0.63 V and power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 3.43 %. cathode in batteries [42,43].
Improved electronic properties of graphene oxide (GO) have been In order to obtain non aggregated PTCDA molecules with dipole at
achievied by several methods such as partial reduction, thermal treat­ the interface with rGO, herein we report the rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid,
ment, surface modification via non-covalent/covalent bonding [12–16]. where PTCDA molecules are assembled between the rGO sheets through
The last method involves covalent bonds on the basal plane of the car­ a one-pot synthesis method. The potential use of this composite as a
bon lattice, resulting in changes of electronic properties, improved sol­ complementary light absorbing interlayer in OPV devices was also
ubility and processability [12]. This approach was applied for covalent evaluated. PTCDA molecules were added at the synthesis of graphene
functionalization of graphene with fluorine and chlorine atoms [13,14], oxide, processed as thin films followed by a reduction step using thermal
ammonia [15] and polyaniline [16] with promising results in photo­ annealing. This procedure presents advantages when compared with
voltaics. Air-stable graphene based solar cells have been reported and, gas-phase deposition in ultra-vacuum, where the PTCDA molecules are
the use of chemicaly stable materials in atmospheric environment, such deposited only at the surface of graphene [44], using mechanical
as perylene and graphene derivatives, can contribute to increase the mixture of GO and PTCDA in solution, which requires a post-deposition
operation lifetime of such devices in air. For instance, GO:MoO3 com­ thermal annealing up to 400 ◦ C [43] or hydrothermal treatment [45].
posite was prepared by mixing these materials in suspension, processed The insertion of PTCDA molecules at the interlayer region of graphene
as thin film (10 nm) through spin coating and applied as HTL in organic can improve the interaction between these two materials and principally
photovoltaics having poly [N-9′ -heptadecanyl-2,7-carbazolealt-5,5-(4′ , reduces the tendency of PTCDA to form isolated and micro-sized ag­
7′ -di-2-thienyl-2′ ,1′ ,3′ benzothiadiazole)](PCDTBT):PC71BM as active gregates in suspensions. As described previously, this tendency limits
layer. These devices achieved Jsc of 14.00 mA/cm2, FF of 43.40 %, Voc of the application of PTCDA in OPV devices.
0.64 V and PCE of 4.00 % [17], where the use of oxide-based HTL is an
alternative to increased the stability in air [5,18]. The stability of 2. Materials and Methods
PEDOT:PSS and functionalised graphene based devices was studied by J.
N. Colazzo et al. [19], the results pointed out a reduction in the PCE of 2.1. Materials
ca. 30 % after 30 days in both devices.
In another approach, the well-known perylene derivative denoted as Graphite powder (40 μm in size, spectral pure, Synth), 34,910-pery­
34,910-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA) small molecule lenetetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA, Aldrich®), potassium per­
has been chemically modified and used as electron acceptor or as manganate (KMnO4, Reatec), sodium nitrate (NaNO3, Dinâmica),
interlayer in OPVs resulting in solar cells with efficiency up to 18 % surfuric acid (H2SO4, 100 %, Reatec), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2,
[20]. The pristine PTCDA has a perylene core with two carboxylic acid Dinâmica), poly[[4,8-bis[5-(2-ethylhexyl)-2-thienyl]benzo[1,2-b:4,5-
anhydride side groups [21,22], this compound and derivatives have b′ ]dithiophene-2,6-diyl][2-(2-ethyl-1-oxohexyl)thieno[3,4-b]thio­
absorption at the visible range with an extinction coefficient of about phenediyl]] copolymer (PBDTTT-CT, Aldrich) and poly({4,8-bis[(2-
104 M− 1 cm-1 [23], high charge mobility at the range of 10-6-10-3 ethylhexyl)oxy]benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′ ]dithiophene-2,6-diyl}{3-fluoro-2-
cm2V− 1s− 1 [24–27] and large exciton diffusion length at the order of [(2-ethylhexyl)carbonyl]thieno[3,4-b]thiophenediyl}):phenyl-C71-
several micrometers [28]. However, this compound tends to form iso­ butyricacidmethylester (PC71BM,American Dye Source, Inc) were used
lated domains within the polymer donor, within these domains occurs without further purification.
the formation of excimers in two nearby PTCDA molecules [29–34].
These excimer states have lower energy and act as a depopulation path 2.2. Synthesis of GO_PTCDA and rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid
for excited states and thus, limiting the exciton delocalization [35,36].
The photophysics of perylene crystals encapsulated by single layer of GO_PTCDA nanohybrid composite was prepared by a modified
graphene was studied by W. Li et al. [37], the lack of changes in the Hummers method from the route proposed by J. P. Roukeet al. [46]. This
emission decay times was attributed to a critical distance for a dipole synthesis was performed in the following steps:
interacting with a 2D energy acceptor lower than 20 nm, or equiva­ a) intercalation step: a mixture of graphite (2 g) and PTCDA (2 g) was
lently, only the excitons near the top surface of the perylene crystal can washed and dried, then this graphite:PTCDA powder was added to a
transfer energy to graphene. beaker containing NaNO3 (3 g) dissolved in 100 mL of H2SO4.This
In order to reduce the perylene aggregation and to combine the mixture was kept under magnetic stirring for 2 h;
optical/electrical features of both materials, non-covalent or covalent b) oxidation step: KMnO4 (15 g)was slowly added into the suspension,
functionalisation of graphene with perylene derivatives have also been in order to control the temperature, the suspension remained under
explored in OPVs. For instance, F. Pan et al. [38] reported a (N, magnetic stirring during 7 days.
N-dimethyl-ammonium N-oxide)propyl perylene diimide doped gra­ c) exfoliation step: This procedure was performed by the addition of
phene oxide (PDINO-GO) as cathode for OPVs, their results pointed out 100 mL of H2 SO4 / H2O2 solution (1:4 ratio), under magnetic stirring for
π-π interaction between the ionic functional group with the graphene 3 h; after each time 100 mL was added Therefore, the suspension was
layers, the resulting work function could be tuned by changing the ratio filtered and the obtained material (sludge) was washed in 110 mL of
PDINO:GO at the composite and the alkyl group act as spacer for GO H2SO4/H2O2/H2O solution 1:5:5 ratios upon magnetic agitation for 2 h,
sheets. As cathode in OPVS, the PDINO-GO reduced the surface charge then filtered and washed with deionized water, kept under magnetic
recombination and the time for charge extraction, these features stirring and filtered again. The resultant material (sludge) was sus­
impacted positively the Jsc and Voc parameters. Applying the PDINO-GO pended in 1 L of water for storage. In order to convert the GO_PTCDA
in a non-fullerene based device produced with oly[(2,6-(4,8-bis nanohybrid to rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid, the sludge was filtered, dried at
(5-(2-ethylhexyl-3-fluoro)thiophen-2-yl)-benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b’]dithiophe­ room temperature and then thermally annealed at 300 ◦ C by 30 min in
ne))-alt-(5,5-(1′ ,3′ -di-2-thienyl-5′ ,7′ -bis(2-ethylhexyl)benzo[1′ ,2′ -c:4′ , air.
5′ -c’]dithiophene-4,8-dione)] (PM6) and the Y6 acceptor molecule
resulted in average Jsc of 24.34 mA/cm2, FF of 73.43 %, Voc of 0.84 V

L.P. Christopholi et al. Synthetic Metals 269 (2020) 116552

2.3. Synthesis of GO_PTCDA and rGO_PTCDA blend 2.5. Production of photovoltaic devices

The GO compound was prepared following the procedure describe In order to evaluate the performance of rGO_PTCDA film as an
above. However, in this case, 2 g of PTCDA was added to the as prepared intermediary layer in bulk heterojunction OPV devices, this material
GO aqueous suspension, remaining upon ultrasonic stirring during 1 h was processed as a thin film onto cleaned and pre-patterned glass sub­
and magnetic stirring during 5 h. Then, the suspension was filtered and strate coated with a thin layer of ITO (8–12 Ω/sq, thickness 120 nm,
washed with deionised water, kept under magnetic stirring and filtered Delta Technologies). Prior the deposition of rGO_PTCDA, the glass/ITO
again. The resultant material (sludge) was suspended in 1 L of water for substrate was cleaned with sequential washing in ultrapure water,
storage. In order to convert the GO_PTCDA blend to rGO_PTCDA blend, Extran, acetone and isopropyl alcohol [47]. The GO and GO_PTCDA
the sludge was filtered, dried at room temperature and then thermally aqueous suspension (4 mg/mL) were filtered using a 0.45 μm membrane
annealed at 300 ◦ C by 30 min in air. and then, spin casted onto glass/ITO substrate at 2000 rpm. Subse­
quently, in order to convert the GO to rGO and GO_PTCDA to
2.4. Characterisation rGO_PTCDA, the films were thermally treated at 300 ◦ C for 30 min in air
[48–50]. In fact, this procedure results in partially reduced GO, since the
Transmission electron micrographs (TEM) were obtained on a JEOL formation of carbonyl groups also occurs upon thermal annealing per­
JEM1200EX-II, operating at 120 kV, using Formvar/Carbon mesh 200 formed in ambient atmosphere [51]. Further, the active layer composed
Cu grid substrates, in which drops of the nanohybrid suspension were of PBDTTT-CT:PC71BM (1:1.5, 20 mg/mL in chlorobenzene, 3 % v/v 1,
deposited and let to dry. Selected area electron diffraction (SAED) was 8-diiodooctane) was deposited onto the substrate by spin coating at
employed to crystal structure determination with the same apparatus 1000 rpm during 60 s, at room temperature under inert atmosphere;
used for TEM. Atomic force microscopic (AFM) images were acquired these PBDTTT-CT:PC71BM films exhibited thickness of about 110 nm.
from films using a Nanoscope III scanning probe microscope (Digital Sequentially, the active layer was washed with 100 μL of anhydrous
Instruments). methanol upon 4000 rpm during 40 s. Finally, Ca (15 nm) and Al (70
Ultraviolet-Visible (UV–vis) aborbance/transmittance spectra were nm) films were thermally evaporated onto the active layer through a
recorded using a FEMTO 800 XI and Shimadzu UV-3600 spectropho­ shadow mask (active area of 4.5 mm2) Moreover, a reference device
tometer. In order to acquire these spectra from rGO_PTCDA films, the (without buffer layer) was built for terms of efficiency comparison. The
initial aqueous suspension was filtered using a 0.45 μm membrane and photovoltaic parameters were evaluated upon white illumination (100
then spin casted onto quartz or glass/ITO substrates at 2000 rpm. Sub­ mW/cm2) from a Solar Simulator Oriel Class AAA (AM 1.5 G filter) and a
sequently, to convert GO to rGO these films were thermally annealed at Keithley 2400 electrometer. Average PCE and the corresponding
300 ◦ C during 30 min in air. Raman scattering spectra were obtained standart deviation were obtained from 2 batches with 6 devices each.
with a confocal Raman Alpha 300R microscope (WiTec), the laser
excitation at 532 nm was employed to acquirethe Raman scattering 3. Results and discussion
response. Only freshly prepared nanohybrids were used. Fourier trans­
formed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra were recorded in the range 3.1. Morphology and structure of rGO_PTCDA
400–4000 cm− 1, using an attenuated total reflectance accessory in a
Varian 640-IR Spectrophotometer and KBr as the mulling agent. Crys­ Fig. 1 shows SEM and TEM images acquired from PTCDA, which is
talline structure was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) carried composed mainly by nanorods arising from the 1D stacking of perylene
out from powders using a XRD-Shimadzu XRD-700 or an Empyrean X- molecules. Moreover, the rGO_PTCDA blend, produced by adding the
ray diffractometer with Cu Kα radiation, and X-ray photoelectron PTCDA at the suspension of GO followed by a reduction to convert GO to
spectroscopy (XPS) spectra were acquired in an Ultra High Vacuum rGO, presented morphology with heterogeneous distribution of PTCDA
(UHV) system with a base pressure of 2 × 10–10 mbar located at TEMA, onto the rGO stacked sheets, while the images acquired from
University of Aveiro. The system is equipped with a hemispherical rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid also presented the typical morphology of gra­
electron energy analyzer (SPECS Phoibos 150), a delay-line detector and phene sheets with size dimension ranging from 0.2 μm up to 20 μm with
a monochromatic AlKα (1486.74 eV) X-ray source. High resolution C 1s no phase segregation of PTCDA molecules, indicating an effective
spectra was recorded at normal emission take-off angle and with a pass- intercalation with rGO sheets. Moreover, the energy dispersive X-ray
energy of 20 eV, which provides an overall instrumental peak broad­ (EDX) analyses pointed out the increase of the amount of oxygen at the
ening of 0.5 eV. UPS was performed in the same system but by using a He rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid, indicating that the PTCDA molecules are pre­
I (21.2 eV) and He II (40.8 eV) UV lamp. Its resolution is slightly better sent at the surface of rGO. TEM image also shows that the rGO sheets are
than 150 mV. decorated with PTDCA molecules; this was evidenced at the SAED
Emission and excitation spectra were recorded at 300 K on a Fluo­ pattern. Moreover, in accordance with the XRD results presented in
rolog–3 JobinYvon–Spex (Model FL3− 2 T) with a modular double Fig. 2, a slight increase in the interplanar distance between the graphene
grating excitation spectrometer (fitted with a 1200 grooves mm1 grating sheets (~ 0.1 Å) is an indication that the PDCTA molecules are
blazed at 330 nm) and a TRIAX 320 single-emission monochromator distributed along the surface of the rGO sheets. The absence of PDCTA
(fitted with a 1200 grooves/mm grating blazed at 500 nm, reciprocal diffraction peaks suggests that the molecule is randomly dispersed in the
linear density of 2.6 nm mm-1), coupled to a R928 Hamamatsu photo­ rGO matrix, similarly to the potassium-neutralized perylene tetra­
multiplier, using the front face acquisition mode. The excitation source carboxylic derivative - rGO composite [52]. Moreover, the low intensity
was a 450 W Xe arc lamp, and the emission spectra were corrected for peak around 2θ = 8− 11◦ (d~10 Å) is possible correlated with interca­
detection and optical spectral response of the spectrofluorimeter, while lated PTCDA molecules and rGO sheets [53,54].
the excitation spectra were corrected for the spectral distribution of the FTIR spectra presented in Fig. 3 point out that in the rGO_PTCDA
lamp intensity using a photodiode reference detector. Time resolved nanohybrid the perylene can be covalently linked to rGO structure. By
fluorescence measurements were performed with a TRIAX 320 emission adding perylene to the reaction medium, the acid would promote hy­
monochromator (Fluorolog-3, Horiba Scientific) coupled to a TBX-04 drolysis of the anhydride, forming carboxylic acid. Part of these groups
photomultiplier tube module (950 V). For the excitation, pulsed diode could react with − OH groups of rGO, generating an ester bond between
light sources (Nano-LED-390, peak at 388 nm) from Horiba Scientific rGO and perylene. This assumption is based on the presence of peaks at
were used. 1730, 1175 and 1069 cm− 1 attributed to the stretching of the ester type
C=O and C− C− O bonds, respectively. A proposal for the structure of
rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid is presented in Fig. 4.

L.P. Christopholi et al. Synthetic Metals 269 (2020) 116552

Fig. 1. SEM, TEM images and SAED pattern acquired from PTCDA, rGO_PTCDA blend and rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid.

Fig. 3. FTIR spectra acquired from of rGO, PTCDA, rGO_PTCDA blend and
rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid.
Fig. 2. XRD patterns acquired from rGO_PTCDA, rGO and PTCDA powders.

L.P. Christopholi et al. Synthetic Metals 269 (2020) 116552

Fig. 4. Proposed chemical structure for rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid.

XPS and UPS measurements were used to evaluate possible chemical stacked perylene core planes, and the crystalline order of rGO, which
interactions between the rGO sheets and PTCDA molecules. The C1s effectively avoids the carriers scattering from defects. Some values re­
spectrum of rGO_PTCDA (Figure S2) could be fitted by at least five ported at the literature from rGO and PEDOT:PSS based HTL [58–63] are
contributions arising from the presence of C− C/C=C (284.44 eV), C− N summarised at Table S1.
(285.67 eV), C− O (286.55 eV), O− C− O (288.10 eV) and O− C=O (288.5 Results concerning the optical features (transmittance, UV–vis
eV) bonds [50]. Comparatively with the XPS spectrum acquired from absorbance and emission spectra) are presented in Figure S3 and Fig. 6.
rGO, the relative intensity of the O− C=O band (288.5 eV) increased at The absorbance spectrum, Figure S3, acquired from rGO presents a band
the rGO_PTCDA composite due to increased amount of carboxyl groups, with maxima at 264 nm and absence of absorption at the visible range, a
probably due to the presence of the ester bond between perylene and characteristic of graphene derivatives. Absorbance spectrum acquired
rGO, as suggested by the FTIR results. The He-I UPS valence band from PTCDA molecules presents sharp transitions assigned to the spin
spectra of rGO_PTCDA is presented in Fig. 5, and this curve shows a allowed-singlet to singlet transitions at 428 nm, 455 nm, 483 nm and
broad band from 12.3 eV to 4 eV corresponding to the hybridization of 520 nm and a low intensity shoulder at the region between 550 nm–650
C2p and O2p in the neighboring molecules and graphene sheets along nm assigned to aggregate state arising from the π-π orbital overlap of
with a shoulder at 5.4− 3.45 eV attributed to carbon-π [55]. Moreover, closely stacked PTCDA molecules [64], which is similar to aggregate
the inset shows the high binding energy cut-off, this spectra region was states observed in organic crystals such as tetracene [65] and C60 [66].
used to estimate the work function (φ) of the surface by the energy Therefore, the combination of rGO and PTCDA materials is interesting
difference between the Fermi level and the high binding energy cut-off since they have complementary absorbance spectra, as indicated by the
from the He I excitation energy (21.2 eV), resulting in a φ=4.32 eV resulting absorbance spectrum. Moreover, a rGO_PTCDA film with
followed by a step at φ=4.42 eV, which can be possible assigned to the thickness of 40 nm was prepared to allow ta comparison with the
rGO [56,57] and rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid, respectively. In this sense, P. absorbance spectrum of PBDTTT-CT donor copolymer used at the active
V. Kumar et al. [56] showed that the work function of rGO could be layer. Despites some overlapped regions, the results pointed out a
increased by interaction with oxygen containing functional groups, complementary absorbance contribution of rGO_PTCDA between
therefore this sight increase can be explained by the presence of the 400− 550 nm. At the solar cells the thickness of rGO_PTCDA films were
carboxylic groups of PTCDA within the rGO sheets. ~ 10 nm resulting in high transmittance at the visible range (80 ± 7 %)
Furthermore, rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid film showed reduced sheet and thus, they can be applied between the transparent electrode and the
resistance and higher conductivity when compared with rGO film, as active layer. The transmittance spectra acquired from substrate, rGO and
presented in Table 1. Lower electrical resistivity of rGO_PTCDA nano­ rGO_PTCDA are presented at Fig. 6a. Another feature observed at the
hybrid arises from both strong π–π conjugation architecture between the emission spectra refers to the aggregation of PTCDA molecules, Fig. 6b,
high orderly arranged PTCDA molecules between the rGO sheets, which where the luminescence from PTCDA and rGO_PTCDA are compared.
enhances the charge carriers transfer perpendicularly to the rGO layer- The PTCDA solution presents a band centered at 672 nm attributed to
the excimer emission, while the nanohybrid display the characteristic
emission of the isolated perylene monomers (ca.534 nm, 575 nm and
622 nm) with a short decay time of 4.25 ns measured upon excitation at
390 nm while monitoring the emission at 532 nm (Figure S4). This result
also indicates that the PTCDA molecules are inserted between the rGO
lamellae instead form isolated aggregates.

3.2. Performance of rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid as interlayer in organic


To evaluate the performance in OPV devices, rGO_PTCDA nano­

hybrid was processed as a thin film onto glass/ITO substrate by spin
coating method from aqueous suspension, resulting in a thickness of
approximately 5− 10 nm and root mean squared roughness (Rrms) of 3.5
nm. Moreover, as described at the experimental procedure, PBDTTT-CT
copolymer and PC71BM molecules were used at the active layer as donor
and acceptor materials, respectively. The chemical structures and
schematic representation of the resulting solar cell are presented at the
Fig. 7.
As indicated by the UPS results presented at Table 1, rGO_PTCDA
nanohybrid presents a work function at the range of 4.32− 4.42 eV. It is
Fig. 5. UPS (He-I line) spectrum acquired from rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid. Inset: well known that the charge transfer mediated by thermionic processes at
a magnification of the high binding energy cut-off region. room temperature occurs until energy barrier values of about 0.5− 0.6

L.P. Christopholi et al. Synthetic Metals 269 (2020) 116552

Table 1
Values of work function, sheet resistance and conductivity measured from rGO, rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid films.
Compound Thickness Work function from UPS (eV) Sheet resistance (kΩ/◻) Conductivity (S/m)

rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid ~10 4.32− 4.42 3.00 384

rGO ~10 4.30 32.00 140

Fig. 6. a) Transmittance spectra acquired from glass/ITO substrate, glass/ITO/rgO and glass/ITO/rGO_PTCDA. The rGO and rGO_PTCDA films were both prepared
by spin coating 100 μL of aqueous suspension (4 mg/mL) at 2000 during 60 s in air, followed by a thermal annealing at 300 ◦ C in air and b) emission spectra acquired
from rGO_PTCDA and PTCDA.

eV [67] and thus, since the PTCDA molecules have absorbance at the cells. Despite the large HOMO–LUMO gap from molecules such as histi­
visible range, they can act as donor material for PC71BM molecules, due dine, sarcosine and phenylalanine, the dipole layers contributed effec­
to a low energy barrier of ca. 0.45 eV between the work function of tively to the charge extraction by the modified electrode.In this sense,
GO_PTCDA (nanohybrid) and the LUMO level of PC71BM. Moreover, PTCDA molecule does not exhibit a permanent dipole; however, the co­
considering the presence of free PTCDA molecules with LUMO level valent bond at the rGO surface leads to the formation of several dipoles
localized at the range of 4.6–4.8 eV [68], these free PTCDA molecules along the PTCDA and rGO link. Due to the slightly increased work function
can also act as hole injection material for PBDTTT-CT copolymer of ITO electrode modified with rGO_PTCDA, when compared with rGO,
because of the low energy barrier of ca. ~0.2− 0.4 eV between the LUMO the negative side of the overall resulting dipoles are facing the active layer
(free PTCDA) and the HOMO (PBDTTT-CT). Fig. 8a presents the relative and thus, favoring the hole collecting and tunneling processes, as shown at
energy level position for all layers used at the solar cell device. Fig. 8b, resulting in increased Voc parameter. The influence of the buffer
Solar cells without hole transporting/injection layer or with rGO film layer on the Voc values has been reported [6,69,70], being mainly influ­
were also prepared to allow a comparison with the device having the enced for intensity of illumination, thickness of the active layer as well as
rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid as an interlayer. J–V curves acquired at dark the concentration of holes. Moreover, as presented at Table 2, solar cells
from ITO/rGO_PTCDA/PBDTTT-CT:PC71BM/Ca/Al devices showed produced with rGO_PTCDA presented superior photovoltaic response
diode characteristic behavior with rectification factor of about ~103, in even when compared with the standard devices produced without inter­
the -2 to 2 V range, while the corresponding device without HIL/HTL layer, which resulted in PCE of 2.84 %, with rGO or PEDOT:PSS as hole
exhibits a rectification factor of ~102 at the same voltage range (see transporting layer, which resulted in PCE values of 2.00 % and 3.70 %,
Fig. 9a). Table 2 shows the classical parameters of the built solar cells respectively. The rGO_PTCDA thin films were processed by spin-coating
(Jsc, Voc, FF, and η) as well as their series (Rs) and shunt (Rsh) resistances. from suspension, same method used to process the PEDOT:PSS films.
Both increased rectification and photovoltaic response in the solar cell However, concerning the application of rGO_PTCDA in solar cells, the
having rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid as interlayer, shown in Fig. 9, can be filtering procedure prior the deposition allowed the removal of higher
attributed to enhanced built-in potential across the device due to the sheets and production of uniform rGO_PTCDA films, scanning electronic
presence of dipoles along the rGO and PTCDA bonds, which leads to microscopy images are presented at Figure S5. Devices were produced
higher work function at the substrate and a better ohmic contact be­ with filtered and non-filtered suspensions; the best results were achieved
tween the electrode and the active layer, increasing the photo generated with the films produced from filtered suspension. The low response ach­
charge-carrier collection. ieved from device having the rGO film is related with the resulting
As indicated in Fig. 4, the covalent bond between PTCDA and rGO morphology of rGO film processed by spin coating, more inhomogeneous
surface induces the formation of dipoles. In accordance with U. Würfel when compared with the rGO_PTCDA film deposited using similar pa­
et al. [69], the presence of the negative end of the dipole facing the pho­ rameters (concentration, solvent and rotation during the deposition). The
toactive layer would attract positive charge carriers and thus, leading rGO film presented black spots along the surface indicating non uniform
holes to accumulate next to the electrode, resulting in efficient separation coating, even using a filtered suspension. However, comparing the PCE
of photogenerated charge carriers. These authors showed that the oppo­ achieved at the device having the rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid as interlayer
site configuration, with positive side of the dipole facing the photoactive (PCE = 4.7 %) with a device reported using uniform graphene oxide de­
layer, resulted in a reduced work function, improving the electron rivative film produced by CVD method at reference [11] with the same
extraction and increasing FF and Voc parameters in this inverted solar active layer (PCE = 3.43 %), the rGO_PTCDA showed higher PCE

L.P. Christopholi et al. Synthetic Metals 269 (2020) 116552

Fig. 7. Chemical structure of a) PBDTTT-CT (donor), b) PC71BM (acceptor) and c) schematic representation of the glass/ITO/rGO_PTCDA/ PBDTTT-CT :PC71BM/Ca/
Al solar cell device used to test the rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid as interlayer for OPV devices.

Fig. 8. a) Energy level diagram for glass/ITO/rGO_PTCDA/

PBDTTT-CT:PC71BM/Ca/Al solar cell device (photogenerated
electron-hole pairs are depicted in red, while the hole injection
process is depicted in green, green dashed bar corresponds to
the LUMO level region of free PTCDA molecules) and b)
scheme presenting the dipole orientation at the ITO surface
and the positive charge collecting from the active layer (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article).

indicating that, in fact, the synergy between the rGO and PTCDA mole­ device was fabricated with the same parameters used to produce the
cules is beneficial for the photovoltaic response. control device (without interlayer) and having rGO as an interlayer.
At the literature, there are reports about optimized ITO/PEDOT:PSS/ Therefore, comparatively, the results point out that the rGO_PTCDA
PBDTTT-CT:PC71BM/Ca/Al devices with efficiencies over 6.00 % [71] nanohybrid is a promising material for interlayer in organic photovol­
however, in this work to allow a comparison, the PEDOT:PSS based taics; arising improved resulting Voc, reduced series resistance and

L.P. Christopholi et al. Synthetic Metals 269 (2020) 116552

Fig. 9. J-V curves acquired at the a) dark and b) upon illumination from glass/ITO/X/PBDTTT-CT:PC71BM/Ca/Al where X= without HTL, rGO, PEDOT:PSS

Table 2
Photovoltaic parameters.
interlayer Jsc (mA/cm2) Voc (V) FF (%) Rs (Ωcm2) Rsh (Ωcm2) PCEaverage (%) PCEmax (%)

– 10.23 0.64 44 21 203 2.60 ± 0.20 2.84

rGO 9.42 0.65 33 30 73 1.90 ± 0.10 2.00
PEDOT:PSS 11.43 0.73 44 24 237 3.31 ± 0.30 3.70
rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid 11.61 0.76 53 11 241 4.13 ± 0.40 4.70

improved charge extraction due to the presence of dipoles along with the Declaration of Competing Interest
rGO_PTCDA bonds.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
4. Conclusions interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
Covalent linked rGO_PTCDA nanohybrid was prepared through a
modified Hummers method; where the PTCDA molecules are included at Acknowledgments
the reactional medium of GO. Using this procedure, the acid promotes
hydrolysis of the anhydride, forming carboxylic acids which react with This work was financially supported by Fundação Araucária
− OH groups of GO, generating an ester bond between GO and perylene. (grants327/2014), Fundação Parque Tecnológico Itaipu (FPTI-BR, call
As a result, there are dipoles along the GO (or rGO) and PTCDA bond, FA 21/2018), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tec­
improved electrical features such as low resistivity and increased work nológico (CNPq, grants PQ2 308129/2018-0, Equinor 440078/2019-9),
function when compared with rGO. Applying this compound as an Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES,
interlayer in organic solar cells, it was verified superior photovoltaic PVEX 88881.171856/2018-01 and Finance Code 001) and Serrapilheira
response, arising from the dipole contribution to the photovoltaic pa­ Institute (Grant number Serra-1709-17054). The authors also acknowl­
rameters and charge collecting at the modified electrode. edge the INEO (Instituto Nacional de Eletrônica Orgânica), LAMAQ-
UTFPR by spectroscopy facilities, CME-UFPR and CMME-UTFPR by
CRediT authorship contribution statement AFM and SEM/TEM facilities, respectively. This work was also devel­
oped within the scope of the project CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Mate­
Leticia Patricio Christopholi: Conceptualization, Investigation, rials (UIDB/50011/2020 & UIDP/50011/2020) financed by national
Data curation, Writing - original draft. Mariana Richelle Pereira da funds through the Fundação para a Cieˆncia e a Tecnologia/Ministério da
Cunha: Investigation, Data curation, Writing - original draft. Edna Educação e Cieˆncia (FCT/MEC) and co-financed by FEDER under the
Regina Spada: Investigation, Data curation, Writing - original draft. PT2020 Partnership Agreement.
Anderson E.X. Gavim: Investigation, Data curation. Fabio Seiti
Hadano: Investigation, Data curation. Wilson José da Silva: Investi­
Appendix A. Supplementary data
gation, Data curation, Resources. Paula Cristina Rodrigues: Concep­
tualization, Investigation, Data curation, Writing - original draft,
Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
Resources. Andreia Gerniski Macedo: Investigation, Data curation,
online version, at doi:
Writing - original draft, Resources, Supervision, Project administration,
Funding acquisition. Roberto Mendonça Faria: Investigation, Funding
acquisition. Jeferson Ferreira de Deus: Investigation, Data curation,
Writing - original draft, Resources, Supervision, Project administration, References
Funding acquisition.
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