Administration Manager Job
Administration Manager Job
Administration Manager Job
Job brief
The goal is to ensure all support activities are carried on efficiently and
effectively to allow the other operations to function properly.
A standard procedure has to be followed for the selection and purchase of right
type of fixed assets separately. If so, the office work can be carried on
uninterruptedly. Then, the purchased fixed assets should be properly assigned
to various departments and employees to ensure their fullest utilization and
maintenance of such assets.
5. Staffing
The term staffing refers selection, training, placement and remuneration of
personnel. Efficient and economical performance of office work depends upon
proper staffing. The staffing function is not an easy job. In external
staffing and internal staffing, qualified and experienced employees have to be
selected and trained before placement.
Employees discipline has to be watched and gives adequate encouragement to
them. The office has to retain the interest of employees and loyalty in the
organization and maintain cordial relationship among the employees.
6. Safeguarding of Assets
The assets of an organization have to be safeguarded from misuse, loss or
damage by theft and fire or any other means. Assets are considered essential
for the proper functioning of the organization. Proper records should be
maintained for every type of assets.
7. Public Relations
An office can receive public such as customers, suppliers, employees, share
holders, government department officials and the like. The interests of these
persons are different in nature. It may be noted that these interests have been
fulfilled by the office. In nutshell, the office is not merely the eyes and ears of
an organization but extend its hands for the organization by providing warmth
and courtesy to the public.