NANOMEET2022 Tentative Program

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...let's reflect knowledge

Location: Leonardo Edinburgh Murrayfield 187
Clermiston Rd, Edinburgh EH12 6UG, United Kingdom Final Program

Floor# 3, Advant Building, 99B, Kakatiya
Hills, Kavuri Hills, Madhapur Hyderabad,
TS 500033
Email: [email protected]
DAY 1 | AUGUST 15, 2022
09:00-09:15 On Spot Registrations
09:15-09:30 Opening Ceremony
Meeting Room: Gifford Suite
Plenary Session
Conference Chair: Prof. Thomas Webster, Interstellar Therapeutics, USA
Title: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Omicron, What’s Next?
09:30-10:10 Nanomedicine for COVID-19, Tissue Engineering, and So Much More P
Thomas Webster, Interstellar Therapeutics, USA
Title: Biosourced Materials for Energy Transition
10:10-10:50 P
Vanessa Fierro, University of Lorraine, France
Title: Nanomaterials for Energy Storage and Photocatalysis
Jae-Jin Shim, Yeungnam University, South Korea
11:30-11:50 Coffee break @ Foyer
Keynote Session

Title: Electronic Structure and Catalytic Activity of 2D Materials

11:50-12:20 K
Hong Seok Kang, Jeonju University, South Korea
Title: MoTe2 Field Effect Transistor for High-Temperature Operation
Harri Lipsanen, Aalto University, Finland
12:50-13:00 Group Photo
13:00-13:40 Lunch: Westview Restaurant
Invited Session
Session-01 Nanomaterials
Session Chair: J.F. Pierson, University of Lorraine, France
Title: Efficient Thermochromic VO2 Thin Films Formed after a Two-
13:40-14:05 step Process I
J.F. Pierson, University of Lorraine, France
Title: Modification of Montmorillonite as a Reinforcing Filler for
14:05-14:30 Nanocomposites with Various Polymeric Matrices I
Ivan Chodak, Polymer Institute SAS, Slovakia
Title: Size-Selected Clusters: From Heterogenous Catalysis to
14:30-14:55 Electrocatalysis and Li-O2 Batteries I
Stefan Vajda, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Title: Tunable CNT Surfaces for THz Wave Applications
14:55-15:20 Dmitri V. Lioubtchenko, Institute of High Pressure Physics & KTH Royal I
Institute of Technology, Poland/Sweden
Title: Investigation of ZnO Thin Films Doped by Rare-Earth Metals
Alex Axelevitch, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
15:45-16:05 Coffee break @ Foyer
Title: Molecular Switches Acting in Tandem with Nano Cages
Yael Diskin-Posner, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Title: Nano-fertilizers as an Alternative to Chemical Fertilizers
Asad M.F. Alkhader, National Agricultural Research Center, Jordan
Title: Separation of Cellulose Nanocrystals from Natural Fibers
16:55-17:20 using Ionic Liquids based on Hidrogensulphate Anion I
Silvana Mattedi, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
Title: Highly Efficient Optical II-VI Diluted Magnetic Nanostructures
17:20-17:45 Grown Directly on Silicon (111) Substrates I
Sukarno Olavo Ferreira, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil
Title: Chemical Modification of Carbon Nanomaterials and their
17:45-18:10 Potential for Sustainable Technologies I
Brigitte Vigolo, University of Lorraine, France
Title: Magnetically Separable Nanocatalysts and their Applications
Raed Abu-Reziq, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Closing the Conference for Day 1
Day 2 | August 16, 2022
Invited Session
Session-02 Nanobio
Session Chair: Ana Rosa Lopes Pereira Ribeiro, International Iberian Nanotechnology
Laboratory, Portugal
Title: Nanostructures for Single-protein Characterisation
Cuifeng Ying, Nottingham Trent University, UK
Title: Aerosol Nanocomposite Systems Capable of Overcoming
10:25-10:50 the Pulmonary Epithelial Barrier I
Samantha A. Meenach, University of Rhode Island, USA
Title: Nanomaterials Exposure, Extracellular Vesicles Biogenesis
and Adverse Cellular Outcomes: A Scoping Review
10:50-11:15 I
Ana Rosa Lopes Pereira Ribeiro, International Iberian Nanotechnology
Laboratory, Portugal
11:15-11:35 Coffee break @ Foyer
Nanophotonics & Nano Education & Sustainable Electronics:
Disassembling, Recycling and Eco-Design
Session Chair: Evgeny Popov, Institut Fresnel, France
Title: Role of Critical Coupling for Extreme Enhancement of the
11:35-12:00 Quality (Q)-factor and Mode Field Intensity in CRIGF Devices I
Evgeny Popov, Institut Fresnel, France
Title: Integrated Optical Sources and Optical Links with Nano-
dimensioned Si AM LED’s and Si Ge Detectors in a 0.35 µm IC
process I
Lukas W. Snyman, University of South Africa, South Africa
Title: Relation Between Structure and Nonlinear Optical Response
12:25-12:50 in Nanostructured Materials I
Raúl Rangel Rojo, CICESE, Mexico
Title: Hybrid Graphene/Silicon Integrated Photodetectors
Ilya Goykhman, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
13:15-14:00 Lunch: Westview Restaurant
Session-04 Nanoelectronics & Nanoplasmonics & Nanotechnology & Others
Title: Effect of Quantum Confinement on Electrical Properties in
14:00-14:25 GaInP Semiconductor Laser Diode Structures I
Mohammed Al-Ghamdi, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Title: Advanced Modeling of Emerging Magnetoresistive Memory
Viktor Sverdlov, TU Wien, Austria
Title: Recent Progress in Phase Stability of Novel Nanocomposite
14:50-15:15 Magnets I
Ovidiu Crisan, National Institute for Materials Physics, Romania
Title: X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy for Advanced Investigation of
15:15-15:40 Energy Conversion and Conservation Materials I
Chung-Li Dong, Tamkang University, Taiwan
15:40-16:00 Coffee break @ Foyer
Title: Photonic Polymerase Chain Reaction with Plasmonic Gold and
16:00-16:25 Silver Nanotriangles I
Mr. Pradeep Kadu, IIT Bombay, India
Title: Home 3D Printers, as a New Source of Nano-plastics
16:25-16:50 Ana G. Rodríguez Hernández, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de I
México, Mexico
Poster Session
Title: Optimization of TiO2 Nanoparticles Preparation for Testing of
P-001 Nanotoxicity in Pulmonary A549 Cells
Mrs. Jana Báčová, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
Title: Surface Properties, Antibacterial Effect and Cytotoxicity of Cu layers
P-002 Sputtered on Plasma Activated Glass
Ms. Veronika Lacmanova, University of Chemical Technology, Czech Republic
Title: Antibacterial Effect of Polyethylene Terephthalate Grafted with Silver
P-003 Nanoparticles of Different Shape
Ms. Hoang Yen Nguyenova, University of Chemical Technology, Czech Republic
Title: Selectivity Enhancement of Carbon Nanotube Composite Sensor
P-004 Response to Organic Vapours by Choice of the Polymer Matrix
Mr. Rostislav Slobodian, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic
Closing the Conference for Day 2
Day 3 | August 17, 2022
Virtual Presentations
Beijing Time Zone (GMT+8)
Title: Ultra-high Bandwidth Applications of Integrated Kerr Optical
09:00-09:40 Frequency Microcombs P
David J. Moss, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Title: Electrocatalytic Refinery for Renewable Fuels and Chemicals
Shi-Zhang Qiao, University of Adelaide, Australia
Title: Identification of Solids for True Design and Precise
10:20-11:00 Characterization of Functional Nanomaterials P
Bunsho Ohtani, Hokkaido University, Japan
Title: Sub-10-nm Patterning on Suspended Graphene by Using
Focused He Ion Beam for Heat Phonon Engineering
Hiroshi Mizuta, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
Title: Characteristics of Bismuth-Based Frequency Comb Laser
Yutaka Fukuchi, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Title: CVD Growth Frontiers of Industrial Graphene Materials
Zhongfan Liu, Peking University, China
Title: Nanoprobes for Biosensing and Biomedicine
12:45-13:25 P
Huangxian Ju, Nanjing University, China
Title: Dispersion Engineering in Si3N4 Slot Waveguide for Different
13:25-14:05 Applications P
Yang Yue, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Title: High Entropy Alloys by Atomic Layer Deposition
14:05-14:35 K
Alfred Tok, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Title: To Manipulate Energy Gap of Lead-free Double Perovskite
Lixin Xiao, Peking University, China
Title: High Mobility Emissive Organic Semiconductors and Devices
Huanli Dong, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Title: Synaptic Transistor based on α-In2Se3 Nanosheets with
15:25-15:50 Ultralow Power Consumption I
Qing Chen, Peking University, China
Title: Controlled Growth of High-quality Graphene Films:
15:50-16:15 Manipulating the Crystal Orientation via Chemical Vapor Deposition I
Luzhao Sun, Beijing Graphene Institute, China
Title: Synthesis of Graphene Films towards Industrial Production
Fangzhu Qing, UESTC, China
Title: Will be Updated Soon
16:40-17:20 P
Manoj Gupta, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Title: Bio-inspired Skin Electronics and Optoelectronics based on
17:20-17:50 2D Materials K
Hu Pingan, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Day 4 | August 18, 2022
Virtual Presentations
London Time Zone (GMT+1)
Title: β-Amyloid Fibrils Catalyze Neurotransmitter Degradation
Elad Arad, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Title: Deciphering Mammalian Gene Control at the Molecular Level
Anja Knaupp, Monash University, Australia
Title: Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Quantum Dots
09:50-10:15 (CQD) Derived from Waste Biomass I
Jolanta Pulit-Prociak, Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Title: Biostatic Properties of Metal Oxides-Chitosan Nanohybrids
Ms. Wiktoria Matyjasik, Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Title: Adhesion Improvement of Polymeric Nanofibers on Nitinol for
10:40-11:05 Stent Applications I
Mr. Thomas Schneiders, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Title: Tailor-made Drug and Gene Delivery Nanosystems to Mediate
11:05-11:30 Antitumor Strategies I
Henrique Faneca, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Title: Will be Updated Soon
11:30-12:00 K
Vladimir I. Falko, The University of Manchester, UK
Title: Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology for Real
12:00-12:30 World Applications K
Dhiya Al-Jumeily OBE, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Title: Synthesis and Characterization of , Phosphorus-doped TiO2
12:30-12:55 for the Degradation of Priority Pollutant in Water I
Kingsley Tamunokuro Amakiri, University of Huddersfield, UK
Title: Will be Updated Soon
12:55-13:35 P
Pagona Papakonstantinou, Ulster University, UK
Title: Recent Verificationa and Applications of the
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Argument that "Quantum Mechanics is
not a Complete Theory" P
Ruggero Maria Santilli, The Institute for Basic Research, USA
Title: Will be Updated Soon
14:15-14:55 P
Ya-Ping Sun, Clemson University, USA
Title: X-ray Triggered Scintillating Nanoparticles Photosensitize
14:55-15:25 Pancreatic Cancer and Stimulate a Systemic Immune Response K
Sunil Krishnan, Mayo Clinic, USA
Title: Uncover of the Universal Physical Mechanism that Enable the
15:25-15:55 Formation of the Pick-up Resonances K
Chi Yu Hu, California State University, USA
End of the Virtual Session

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