53 Hamada Et Al Genetics and Male Infertility

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Genetics and Male Infertility

Alaa Hamada, Sandro C Esteves, Ashok Agarwal

Currently, genetic diseases contribute to 15–30% of

Chapter Contents causes of male infertility.1 Nevertheless, male factor infer-
tility is responsible for more than 50% of cases of infer-
♦♦ Genetic Concepts tility2 and more than 50% of these cases are of unknown
♦♦ Evidence of Genetic Contribution for Male Infertility origin.3–5 Genetics may partly or entirely conduce to the
♦♦ Sperm Genome: Definitions and Concepts problem of infertility in such men. Exploring the exact
♦♦ Genetic Disorders Causing Male Infertility hereditary background of male infertility may lead to
♦♦ Importance of Genetic Testing and Counseling development of the therapeutic intervention which can
♦♦ Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis modify the genetic error and prevent transmission of
♦♦ Genetic Tests such error to the offspring.
♦♦ Work-Up Plan for Specific Genetic Diagnosis and With the advent of assisted reproductive techniques
Testing and particularly intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
♦♦ Novel Technologies as a therapeutic option in severe male factor infertility,
even sperm with genetic insufficiencies can successfully
bypass the genetic barriers that select the healthiest
sperm and fertilize the egg. Eventually, embryogenesis
and successful pregnancy outcome will depend on the
INTRODUCTION integrity of the genetic information. Genetic abnormali-
ties may explain the 50–60% failure rate of ART in the

G enes master all aspects of sperm physiology

and control not only the hypothalamic pituitary
gonadal (HPG) axis necessary for providing the suit-
best centers. Notwithstanding, the final outcome will
not end at this part since the male progeny may harbor
the same genetic defect that rendered their fathers infer-
able hormonal milieu for spermatogenesis but also the tile and that will ultimately lead the sons to be infertile
molecular events of sperm production. Additionally, as well.
genes bring about the formation of ductal system essen-
tial for sperm transport and orchestrate the sperm func-
tions during fertilization events. However, the role of GENETIC CONCEPTS
genetics in male infertility is not completely understood
and a large number of studies are currently ongoing to Human genome is composed of 23 pairs of nuclear
elucidate its complex relationship. chromosomes, 22 pairs are autosomes and one pair of
Section 2  Male Factor Infertility

sex chromosome (XX in female and XY in male). Body’s

cells are of two types: somatic cells and germ cells
(gametes). While somatic cells (nonreproductive cells)
are diploid (46 chromosome) and forms the basic units
in organ tissues, germ cells (eggs and sperm) are haploid
(23 chromosomes and only present in the ovaries and
testes respectively. In addition, human genome includes
mitochondrial chromosomes where each mitochon-
drion contains multiple copies of a small chromosome.
Mitochondrial chromosomes are of maternal origin
because they are entirely inherited from the cytoplasm
of the fertilized ovum.
Chromosomes are composed of chromatin which is a
complex of unbroken long, double stranded and tightly
wound DNA which carries the genes, and proteins
which help in packing chromosomes in the nucleus.
DNA wrapped around histones forms a nucleosome,
which is the basic subunit of chromatin. Single DNA
strand is composed of simple units called nucleotides
which are essentially formed of nitrogenous bases
(adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine; abbreviated
A, G, C and T), sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate. The
two DNA strands are interconnected through specific
hydrogen bonds between specific nitrogenous bases
forming base pairs. The human genome is formed of
approximately 3.1 billion base pairs. Chromosomes are
composed of variable lengths of these polynucleotide Figure 1  Basic organization of chromosome, chromatin and
chains ranging from 50 million base pairs in chromo- DNA
somes 21 to 250 million base pairs in chromosome 1.
Figure 1 shows the basic organization of chromosome,
chromatin and DNA.
Genes are stretches of DNA sequence that encode individual cannot be changed by environmental factors.
specific functions such as synthesis of protein through Phenotype is the discernible characteristic or trait of an
mRNA transcription or synthesis of functional RNA. individual such as specific external feature, biochemical
Human genome contains about 40 million genes. or physiological properties or behavior. Phenotype is
Structurally, genes usually consist of coding regions the result of the expression of the genotype. However,
called exons interrupted by at least one or several environmental factors may play a role in alteration of
noncoding segments called introns. Then by process genotype-phenotype correlation.
of splicing, introns are removed from the specifically In general, there are four types of variations in DNA
synthesized RNA and exons are joined together to form nucleotide sequence. Firstly, single nucleotide polymor-
mRNA coding for synthesis of specific protein (Figure 2). phism (SNP), pronounced as “snip”, is a single nucle-
Gene length is variable and ranges from few kilobases otide (A, T, C or G) alteration along the DNA sequence,
(1 kilobase equal to 1000 base pairs) to millions of base occurring at a rate of 1 in every 1,250 bases along the
pairs. Interestingly, introns rather than exons constitute 3 billion base pairs human genome. It has been esti-
greater part of gene length. The exact site or position of mated that up to 20 million SNPs are present in human
a particular gene on a chromosome is called locus while genome; however, they are not evenly distributed. For
a variant form of a gene is called allele. A gene is usually instance, SNP may alter the DNA nucleotide sequence
represented by two alleles. If both alleles are similar the from (AAGGTAA) to ATGGTAA. Such variation is
individual is homozygous for this gene. On the other reported in at least 1% of the human population and
hand, presence of two different alleles of a gene renders occurs in both coding region of the gene (exon) and
an individual heterozygous for such gene. noncoding region (introns). The majority of these SNPs
Genotype is the actual genetic code that controls are harmless and very few are coding for new amino
114 physical and performance traits. The genotype of an acids or act as stop codon. Recently, many disease states
Chapter 7  Genetics and Male Infertility

Expansion of such repeats has been reportedly associ-

ated with certain diseases such as neurodegenerative
disorders and fragile X syndrome.
Lastly, the fourth type of structural genetic sequence
change is copy number variation (CNV). It is the most
common type and accounts for 8–12% of human genome.
CNV is defined when long segment of DNA spanning at
least 1000 bases or more that has been added, deleted or
inserted, deviating from the normal diploidy doctrine.
CNV usually affects one gene or complete set of genes
and an increase in CNV of a gene results in an increase
in the frequency of its expression and the amount of
the produced protein. Although CNV is usually harm-
less, recent association with diseases such as cancer and
increased susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematous
have been demonstrated.
Genetic diseases are classified into four major types,
i.e. chromosomal disorders, single gene mutation related
disorders, multifactorial disorders and mitochondrial
genetic disorders. Chromosomal disorders include
abnormalities in chromosomal number (aneuploidy) or
structure. Single gene disorders may follow Mendelian
inheritance laws or may be sex-linked. Multifactorial
disorders involve alterations in the expression of
multiple genes with a postulated role of the environ-
Figure 2  Gene organization and splicing process ment to affect such expression. Mitochondrial genetic
disorders are of maternal origin and contribute to
certain debilitating human diseases.
such as infertility or certain susceptibility traits have
been linked to certain SNPs; however, further studies
are needed to thoroughly elucidate their significance. EVIDENCE OF GENETIC CONTRIBUTION
Secondly, mutations that are the other variation of FOR MALE INFERTILITY
DNA nucleotide sequence alterations. Some authors
consider mutations as a type of SNPs, however, their Infertility is denoted by failure of a couple to conceive
frequency is less than 1% in the general population and after 12 months of unprotected regular intercourse. In
most of them implicate harmful events. Mutations are the United States, 10–15% of couples face difficulties
defined as alterations in DNA sequence contributing to to conceive and more than 50% of cases are attributed
diseases or adverse effects on the host or offspring. Two to male factor either as the sole reason or contributory
types of mutations are known: germinal and somatic problem.2 However, 36–58% of male factor infertility is
mutations. Germinal mutations often occur during of unknown origin and research is embarked in looking
gametogenesis (sperm or egg formation) and usually at this dilemma from various views.3–5 Genetics certainly
are transmitted to the offspring or render the patient has a significant role in these unidentified causes and
infertile. The transmitted mutations may cause various an increasing bulk of evidence are being added to shed
effects in the progeny ranging from minor physiologic light on novel genes or proteins, essential for sperm
modifications to serious disease states, infertility and production and/or function.
even death. Somatic mutations usually affect the genetic Phenotypic characteristics of infertile men are
materials after conception and recently identified to immense including impaired spermatogenesis, reduc-
have an essential role in pathogenesis of human diseases tion of testicular size, hypogonadism and sperm
such as cancer. dysfunction. However, as aforementioned, the currently
Thirdly, short tandem repeats (STR) are sequences of known genetic diseases contribute to less than 15–30%
two to four base pairs such as CG and CAG that repeat of male infertility and not all these phenotypic abnor-
in tandems, are flanked by nonrepetitive sequences and malities have been unraveled. Nevertheless, ample
occur in the exons, introns and 5’ genomic sequences. evidence of more elaborate genetic implication comes
Section 2  Male Factor Infertility

from epidemiological and molecular cytogenetic human proliferation of sperm but also control the metabolism
and animal studies. in somatic cells. Therefore, autosomal gene mutations
Specifically, in case control studies involving fami- may result, in addition to impaired spermatogenesis, in
lies of infertile men from couples undergoing ICSI, defi- functional alteration of other organ system.
nite genetic etiology was identified in 6.4% in husbands Spermatogenesis usually commences at time of
and their first degree relatives while 11.8% of men puberty when prospermatogonial germ cells of imma-
reported involuntary childlessness in first and second ture testis give rise to A spermatogonial stem cells
degree male relatives.6 Another study reported 10% of (a small population of self-renewal stem cells). Four
husbands’ brothers having subfertility as compared to types of A spermatogonia (A0, A1, A2 and A3) are
2% among husbands’ brothers in control group.7 Along recognized and appearance of A1 marks the beginning
the same lines, Golde et al. showed statistically signifi- of spermatogenesis. A1 usually undergoes number of
cant prevalence of subfertility among brothers and mitotic divisions at 42 hour intervals to produce a clone
maternal uncles of subfertile men than among brothers of cells.13 The number of such divisions is different
and maternal uncles of controls.8 Moreover, it has been among various species and determines the number of
recently demonstrated that high rates of both consan- the produced clone. Interestingly, the produced cells
guinity (50%) and family clustering (41%) are seen in will have different morphological characteristics from
men with azoospermia and severe oligozoospermia, the mother cells enabling recognition of first series of A
respectively.9 Specific morphological abnormalities spermatogonia during the first three successive mitoses,
have been linked to consanguinity such as tail agenesis, type intermediate after the fourth one and type B after
chromatin subcondensation, residual cytoplasmic drop- the subsequent fifth division. Ultimately, type B will
lets, rounded head sperm and specific fibrous sheath form primary spermatocytes which will then enter into
abnormality.10 the second phase meiosis.
In animal studies involving the mice, up to 300 null The characteristics of mitotic phase are the pres-
mutations and 50 conditional targeted deletions have ence of cytoplasmic bridges between the cells origi-
produced models of male infertility.11 Knockout and nating from a single spermatogonium and this syncytial
knockin transgenic mouse models are studied to recog- arrangement persists throughout meiosis. Apoptosis
nize specific gene loci regulating early and late steps of significantly reduces and regulates the total number of
spermatogenesis as well as genes controlling spermio- proliferating spermatogonial population. Therefore, a
genesis. Correspondingly, translational application of fine balance does exist between genes regulating sper-
such sophisticated genetic studies on human may reveal matogonial proliferation such as (Kit, Csf, Bmp8b, antia-
hereditary basis for infertility problem. However, human poptotic genes) and pro-apoptotic genes.14,15 Disturbance
genetic research is still far from complete and further of such balance contributes to hypo- or absent spermato-
studies are certainly needed, including utilization of genesis. Hormonal signals together with other autocrine
DNA sequencing as a part of fertility investigations. and paracrine growth factors act to stimulate and main-
tain spermatogenesis in an orchestrating manner with
genetic composition synthesizing proteins necessary for
SPERM GENOME: DEFINITIONS AND sperm production. Figure 3 presents a list of genes regu-
CONCEPTS lating the spermatogonial mitotic proliferation in mouse
Genetic factors control the sperm production process Meiosis entails two reduction divisions in which the
that consists of three phases: mitotic proliferation of preleptotene primary spermatocytes (diploid) produce
spermatogonial series, meiosis of spermatocytes which four haploid spermatids. Specifically, such process
results in genetic diversity and halves number of chro- occurs in the adluminal testicular compartment by tran-
mosomes and lastly, spermiogenesis of the haploid sper- siently disrupting the zonular tight junctions between
matids. Such process eventually results in formation of adjacent Sertoli cells. TNFα and TGFB3 are mediators for
four haploid spermatozoa from single diploid spermat- this transient disruption of blood testis barrier.17,18 Both
ocytes. The regulating genetic hierarchy has been only genetic diversity and reduction of chromosome number
recently envisaged from extensive research on animal are characteristic features of meiosis. Genetic diversity
models and human studies. It has been estimated that occurs at the prophase of the first meiotic division in
2,000 genes are essential for spermatogenesis, from which sister chromatids of paired homologous chro-
which only 30 genes are present in Y chromosome and mosomes form areas of synaptonemal contacts during
most of the remaining genes are in the autosomes.12 These pachytene stage. Such contacts enable chromatids to
116 autosomal genes regulate not only the metabolism and break and to exchange segments of genetic materials
Chapter 7  Genetics and Male Infertility

between homologous chromosomes with rejoining of chromosomal pairing and synapsis, genes controlling
the newly exchanged material resulting in formation of recombination and genes responsible for DNA integ-
new chromosomes. At this stage, primary spermatocyte rity and synthesis. Mice models reveal that male infer-
is very sensitive to exogenous and endogenous gonado- tility may result from lack of chromosomal recombina-
toxins reflecting the fragile properties of genetic mate- tion genes and DNA/mismatch repair genes such as
rial at this stage. Then, separation of the homologous SPO11, DMC1, ataxia telangiectasia, MSH4, MLH1 and
chromosomal pairs is followed by the second round of MSH519–30 (Figure 3).
meiotic division that forms haploid spermatids. Genes The third phase of spermatogenesis is spermiogenesis
regulating sperm meiosis encompass genes controlling in which round spermatids undergo cytodifferentiation

Figure 3  Genes involved in the regulation of male reproduction in the mouse. Spermatogenesis requires a complex interaction
of the various cellular compartments of the testis (seminiferous epithelium containing spermatogenic cells, Sertoli cells and
peritubular myoid cells, the interstitial cell compartment containing the steroidogenic Leydig cells, macrophages, and other
interstitial cells, and the vasculature)
Source: Adapted with permission from: Matzuk MM, Lamb DJ. Genetic dissection of mammalian fertility pathways. Nat Cell Biol.
2002;4(Suppl):s41-930 117
Section 2  Male Factor Infertility

to form elongated spermatozoon. Three essential steps wound toroids.33 These toroids are lined up side by side
occur during spermiogenesis as follows: to provide maximum surface area allocation (Figure 4).
1. Nuclear chromatin remodeling and condensation to Protamines provide not only substantial compaction
about tenth of its volume to DNA structure but also protection against damage.
2. Acrosomal cap formation Mammalian protamines are rich in cysteine residues
3. Mid-piece and flagellar structure development. forming intermolecular disulfide crosslinks that render
From animal studies, known genes that regulate the sperm chromatin resistant to greater mechanical
cellular differentiation and chromatin remodeling are disruption than somatic cells.34
Tnp1, Tnp2, Prm1, Prm2, Theg and Hsp60.16 Lack of such DNA compaction is considered a gene expression
genes has been implicated in defective formation of control mechanism. Specifically, compaction blocks
morphologically normal sperm and male infertility. the reading frame access and thereby causes silencing
It has been shown that RNAs synthesis and protein of gene expression during spermatogenesis.35 Once
formation continue throughout mitosis and meiosis the spermatozoon fuses with the oocyte, protamines
(except for those originating from Y chromosome that are completely replaced by histone proteins provided
cease production in meiosis onwards). During sper- by the oocyte within the first 4 hours. Protamine
miogenesis, testis specific genetic transcriptional burst replacement allows for the paternal chromatin to have
occurs at a faster rate than in any other somatic cells increased accessibility for protein generation.36 This
controlling the steps of transitions to spermatozoon reconstruction process also indicates that the function
formation.31 of protamine toroids is to protect the sperm during their
journey in the male and female reproductive tract till the
Sperm Chromatin Packaging time of fertilization as they do not play a role in embry-
Human spermatozoon is a highly organized unit which onic development. This has been demonstrated by the
attains its structural and functional integrity through a development of normal fertile mice when round sper-
very unique packaging system. The coiling of human matids lacking protamine condensation were directly
sperm DNA material is mediated by specific proteins injected into mouse oocytes.37
which provide control over condensation and decom-
pression in a time dependent manner. The DNA must Histone-associated DNA
be decompressed to expose reading frames for protein The second most prevalent form of sperm DNA struc-
synthesis at certain stages of embryo development, yet ture is histone-bound DNA. Approximately 4% of
must be compressed to protect it from degradation and the mature spermatozoa DNA is bound to histones,
damage.32 This balance is synchronized by the structural although between 2% and 15% of the total sperm chro-
organization of the DNA. matin can be bound to histones in various mammalian
Mammalian sperm DNA is vastly different struc- species.10 Histones are primarily found in association
turally from that of somatic cell DNA. The majority of with gene promoter site. Entire gene families, which are
sperm DNA is coiled into highly condensed toroids due vital for spermiogenesis and early fertilization events,
to the incorporation of protamines, a smaller percent are preferentially associated with histones in human
is bound to histones in a much looser form, and the spermatozoa.38–40 More specifically, human histones are
remaining DNA is attached to the sperm nuclear matrix associated with miRNA clusters, HOX gene clusters,
at matrix attachment regions (MARs) at intervals of and the promoters of stand-alone developmental tran-
roughly 50 kb throughout the genome.33 scription and signaling factors.38
While DNA binding to histones allows for more
Protamine Bound DNA accessible reading frame, such accessibility renders DNA
The most compressed form of spermatozoa DNA exists more vulnerable to degradation by nuclease activity.
in toroids. During maturation, the majority of the Most sperm DNA accessible sites are at the linker regions
histone proteins associated with DNA is replaced by between protamine toroids in each chromatin fiber, due
protamines. DNA associated to protamine allows for to the fact that these regions are extremely nuclease sensi-
tighter condensation and makes the DNA resistant to tive and contain a large amount of histone-bound DNA.38
nuclease digestion. Protamines contain large bands of Furthermore, sperm DNA histones are not replaced
positively charged arginine residues that neutralize the by those found in the oocyte post-fertilization. This
negative phosphodiester backbone of the DNA. Such suggests that an inflicted damage to histone-bound
interaction minimizes the repulsion within the DNA sperm DNA will be transmitted to the embryo without
backbone, allowing it to double back and fold up onto detection and possible modification. This may particu-
118 itself and thus creating the highly compact and tightly larly be detrimental due to the fact that most of the DNA
Chapter 7  Genetics and Male Infertility

Figure 4  Sperm DNA organization

Source: Adapted with permission from: Ward WS. Function of sperm chromatin structural elements in fertilization and development. Mol Hum
Reprod. 2010;16:30-633

bound to histones is significantly rich in gene clusters GENETIC DISORDERS CAUSING

responsible for early development.36,38,41 MALE INFERTILITY
Matrix Attachment Regions Genetic disorders causing male infertility are generally
The third and final form of spermatozoa DNA organi- divided into two types according to the genotype integ-
zation is the nuclear MAR. The MARs are segments of rity of the individual.
DNA attaching the loop domains of the chromatin to the
proteinaceous nuclear matrix. MARs are no larger than Genetic Diseases in Individuals with Abnormal
1000 base pairs and are located between each protamine Genotypes in Somatic Cells
toroid anchoring the toroids into place. As such, they Chromosomal abnormalities, monogenic disorders,
are often called toroid linkers (Figure 3).42 These toroid multifactorial genetic diseases, epigenetic disorders
linkers contain histone and are thereby extremely sensi- and mitochondrial genetic disorders may contribute
tive to nuclease activity. In addition to providing asso- to genetic basis of male reproductive failure at various
ciation between the DNA and the nuclear matrix, MARs levels as follows:
also function as a checkpoint for sperm DNA integrity • Genetic pretesticular disorders
after fertilization. MAR, along with other histone-bound • Genetic testicular disorders
DNA, are directly derived from the paternal genetic • Genetic post-testicular disorders
material, inherent to the embryo and vital for proper • Genetic sperm functional disorders
development.33 Thus, artificial reproductive techniques Chromosomal abnormalities account for approximately
(ART) should focus on minimizing damage and main- 5% of infertility in males, and the prevalence increases
tain genetic integrity of these regions to ensure proper to 15% in the population of azoospermic males.1,43
embryo maturation. Abnormalities in number of chromosomes, known as
Section 2  Male Factor Infertility

aneuploidy and abnormalities in structure are the two and congenital normosmic isolated hypogonadotropic
varieties of chromosomal disorders involving both hypogonadism (IHH).
autosomes and sex chromosomes.
Monogenic disorders, on the other hand, include Congenital Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
specific gene mutation or polymorphism. Polygenetic This disease is mainly characterized by early onset of
disorders usually involve multiple genes and their hypogonadism due to dysfunctional release or action of
expression is related to environmental interaction. GnRH resulting in delayed or absent pubertal develop-
Epigenetic disorders can modify the gene expression ment with low sex steroids in the setting of low or normal
without actual alteration of DNA nucleotide sequence gonadotropins level. Normal hypothalamic pituitary
and lastly mitochondrial genetic diseases include muta- gland anatomy on MRI and absence of other causes of
tions in the mitochondrial DNA genes. HH such as hemochromatosis are prerequisites for diag-
nosis.49 Congenital HH incidence is 1–10:100,000 live
Genetic Pretesticular Disorders births with approximately 2/3rds are due to Kallmann’s
Pretesticular diseases encompass abnormalities of HPG axis. syndrome and 1/3rd is due to normosmic HH.50

Hypothalamic Disorders Kallmann’s syndrome: This syndrome is denoted by the

Genetic hypothalamic disorder is essentially repre- presence of complete or partial anosmia in association
sented by hypothalamic hypogonadotropic hypo- with congenital HH. Failure of migration of GnRH
gonadism (HH) which is a wide spectrum disease neurons from olfactory placode to their destination in
with various genotypes. Deficiency of gonadotropin the hypothalamus and olfactory lobe is the basic embry-
releasing hormone (GnRH) or its receptor is the funda- ological defect in this syndrome. It accounts for 60% of
mental endocrine abnormality detected in this disease. congenital HH;50 however, its molecular genetic bases
GnRH is a decapeptide that is synthesized by a loose have not been fully illuminated. Sporadic (2/3) and
network of neurons located in the medial basal hypo- familial (1/3) varieties have been described.51 Hereditary
thalamus (MBH) and the arcuate nucleus of the hypo- studies reveal that familial KS is heterogenetic diseases
thalamus.44 Some GnRH neurons are found outside with variable mode of inheritance (autosomal dominant,
the hypothalamus in the olfactory organ reflecting the autosomal recessive, X-linked) with X-linked being the
common embryological origin.45 Developmentally, GnRH most common mode. Not only the genotypic character-
neurons originate from olfactory placode/vomeronasal istics are variable but also the phenotypic features are
organ of the olfactory system and migrate along vome- showing diverse spectrum of physical manifestations.
ronasal nerves to the hypothalamus, where they extend Male is affected five times more than female and its
processes to the median eminence and pituitary gland.46 incidence in males is about (1:8,000).52 Unfortunately,
GnRH is synthesized as a precursor hormone 92 amino genetic origin of only 50% of familial cases and 10% of
acid and then is cleaved to a 69 amino acids prohormone sporadic cases has been clarified.53.
that is further cleaved in the nerve terminals to form Six known genes account for only 25–35% of all cases
the active decapeptide form.46 Receptors for GnRH are of Kallmann’s syndrome.51 These genes are as follows:
plasma membrane associated receptors which result in KAL-1; fibroblast growth factor receptor1 (FGFR-1);
increased intracellular calcium as a second messenger prokineticin 2 (PROK-2); PROKR-2; CHD-7 and fibro-
on binding to GnRH.46 blast growth factor-8 (FGF-8). However, other genetic
The essential function of GnRH is to stimulate the abnormalities have been described such as chromosomal
secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stim- translocation 46 XY, t (10, 12)54 and alterations in CNVs.55
ulating hormone (FSH) from anterior pituitary gland at These CNVs account for less than 12% of human genome
time of puberty.47 The hypothalamic pulse gene triggers and are defined as large segments of DNA on a particular
pulsatile release of GnRH and considered as a regula- chromosome that have been deleted or duplicated.56,57
tory mechanism of its action. In addition, there is brief Five distinctive chromosomal regions have been impli-
postnatal surge during the infantile period lasting for cated and most of these CNV involve the intronic regions
few months allowing proper diagnosis of suspected of a particular gene reflecting a possible disturbance in
deficiency at an earlier age.48 the splicing mechanism. These regions are: 1p21.1; 2q32.2;
Genetic HH is mainly divided into two main catego- 8q21.13; 14q21.2 and Xp22.31.55
ries based upon the age of onset: congenital and adult
onset HH. Congenital HH is divided into two main KAL-1 gene: It the first discovered gene in Kallmann’s
subdivisions depending on the presence of intact smell syndrome patients. Such gene has been mapped to X
120 sensation: anosmic HH [Kallmann’s syndrome (KS)] chromosome Xp22.32 and consists of 14 exons.50,58 It
Chapter 7  Genetics and Male Infertility

encodes for 840 amino acids protein called anosmin amino acid substitution in the immunoglobulin-like
1, an extracellular adhesion protein, which plays a domain or tyrosine kinase domain and other mutations
possible role in orchestrating GnRH neurons adhe- are either nonsense, frame shift or splice mutation.52
sion and axonal migration.50,58 Most of the mutations KS caused by FGFR-1 gene mutation is characterized
in KAL-1 gene encompass either nucleotide insertion by variable severity of hypogonadism from mild to
or deletion resulting in frame shift mutation or prema- complete form and certain morphogenic abnormalities
ture stop codon.50 However, in less than 20% of cases such as midfacial cleft, synkinesis in 20% and missing
such nucleotide insertion or deletion may give rise to teeth.50,51
amino acid substitution disrupting the tertiary struc-
ture of anosmin-1 and attenuating its function.59 Rarely, Fibroblast growth factor-8: FGF-8 is considered one of
contiguous gene syndrome which includes deletion of the ligands for FGFR-1 and is hypothesized to facili-
terminal regions of short arm of X chromosome (Xp22) tate migration and differentiation of GnRH neurons to
may contribute to KS. 60,61 Such deletion may cause in hypothalamus as has been described above. Mutation in
addition to KS, short stature, chondrodysplasia punc- the gene encoding for such protein is one of the genetic
tata, mental retardation and steroid sulfatase defi- abnormalities of KS and normosmic HH.78,79 Such gene
ciency.60,61 KAL-1 gene is responsible for X-linked reces- has been mapped to chromosome10q24 and is respon-
sive mode of inheritance in familial KS and 10–20% of sible for less than 2% of all cases of KS.51 Autosomal
all cases of KS.62–64 Specifically, KAL-1 gene accounts for dominant mode of inheritance is also demonstrated in
30–60% of familial cases and 10–15% of sporadic cases familial cases with variable penetrance.
of KS.64–68 Nevertheless, such gene has not been found in
female KS or in isolated normosmic HH.69 Interestingly, Prokineticin 2 and Prokineticin Receptor 2: Prokineticin
several phenotypic characteristics have been associ- 2 is 81 amino acid proteins encoded by PROK2 gene,
ated with KAL-1 gene mutations such as midfacial cleft, mapped to chromosome 3p13, and is having putative
unilateral renal agenesis in 30%, specific neurological role in chemoattraction of GnRH neurons to migrate to
abnormalities such as synkinesis (mirror movement) and differentiate in the hypothalamus.50 This protein act
in 80% of cases, cerebellar dysfunction, deafness, eye through binding to specific G protein linked receptor
abnormality and mental retardation.51 which is encoded by prokineticin receptor 2 (PROKR2),
mapped to 20p12.3.50,52,53 Frame shift mutation in PROK2
Fibroblast growth factor receptor1: FGFR-1 gene is the and missense mutation in PROKR2 account for 5–10%
second most common genetic mutation in KS. It is also of KS.50,52 Both mutations exhibit homozygous (auto-
called KAL-2 gene and is mapped to 8p11.2–p11.1.70,71 somal recessive), heterozygous (autosomal dominant)
Such gene encodes for tyrosine kinase linked membrane and compound heterozygous mode of inheritance.80
glycoprotein receptor that binds to extracellular acidic Furthermore, both mutations are associated with vari-
and basic fibroblast growth factors.72 The potential func- able phenotypic manifestations such as fibrous dysplasia,
tion of fibroblast growth factor is to facilitate GnRH severe obesity, sleep problems and synkinesis. Similarly,
neurons migration, differentiation and survival.73,74 these mutations have been described in normosmic
Dysfunction of FGF receptor results in improper migra- HH.81
tion and settlement on GnRH neurons which may
explain contribution of this gene mutation to normosmic Chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 7: Chromodo­
HH as well. FGFR-1 gene mutation is found in 10% of main helicase DNA binding protein 7 (CHD7) is a
KS patients.71,75 This gene is detected in 11% of sporadic member of family of proteins whose function is to
cases and 8% of familial cases.76 More importantly, the organize chromatin remodeling (packaging) to regu-
observed mode of inheritance in familial type is auto- late gene expression.82,83 Tightly arranged chromatin
somal dominant form with variable expressivity and is featured by lower gene expression than the loosely
incomplete penetrance with equal male to female ratio.77 arranged chromatin. Such protein is ubiquitous in fetal
Variably expressed FGFR-1 gene is reflected by occur- tissues, brain, eyes, inner ear, olfactory neural tissue
rence of anosmia alone, hypogonadism alone or both in and GnRH neurons. The gene encoded for this protein
family members of the proband (affected individual). is located in chromosome 8q12.2.53 Mutations in this
Moreover, mutated FGFR-1 gene does not always result gene have been linked to several diseases such KS,
in KS (incomplete penetrance) and this phenomenon normosmic HH and charge syndrome [eye coloboma,
may highlight another essential factor for loss of func- heart defect, atresia of nasal choana, retarded growth,
tion mutation. More than 70% of mutations in FGFR-1 genitourinary abnormalities in addition to anosmia and
are nonsense mutations (point mutation) resulting in hypogonadism (KS)].82–84 CHD7 protein is postulated to
Section 2  Male Factor Infertility

be an essential factor for migration and differentiation encodes for a 328-amino acid protein.90 Autosomal
of GnRH neurons. Seven mutations have been described recessive with homozygous or compound heterozygous
for this gene in sporadic, familial KS and normosmic mutations have been shown in familial cases.91–97 Most of
HH.50,85 CHD7 accounts for 6% of all cases of KS and GNRHR1 mutations are missense mutations with single
6% of sporadic KS. Moreover, familial KS due to CHD7 amino acid substitution which result in variable effects
exhibits autosomal dominant mode of inheritance.85 on the function of the receptor ranging from mildly
impaired to completely inactive receptor.98 Reversal
Normosmic HH: Normosmic HH, also called isolated of hypogonadism has been also reported in this gene
HH or idiopathic HH, is defined as the lack of GnRH mutation.99
secretion or function resulting in low level of sex ster-
oids in the setting of normal or low pituitary gonado- Other genes: Recent studies have identified other ligand
tropins with no anatomical or functional abnormalities proteins and their receptors whose function is to regulate
detected by MRI and necessary lab testing and presence the differentiation of GnRH neurons and initiate their
of a normal smell. Such disease is frequently overlapped function at time of puberty such as Kisspeptin (KSS1)
with Kallmann’s syndrome in the clinical presentation and neurokinin B. KISS1 gene has been mapped to chro-
and even in the involved genes. mosome 1q32 and its missense mutation as a cause of
This disease contributes for 40% of hypothalamic normosmic HH are inherited in autosomal recessive
HH and 2/3rds of the disease have sporadic occurrence pattern.53,100 Moreover, Kisspeptin receptor (KISSR1)
and 1/3rd of patients has family history of the disease.51 gene mutation at chromosome 19p13.3 also exhibit auto-
Familial cases exhibit X-linked, autosomal dominant and somal recessive pattern of inheritance and both KISS1
recessive mode of inheritance. The pathogenetic mecha- and KISSR1 contribute to less than 5% of normosmic
nism responsible for the disease is attributed to failure HH.101 Neurokinin B gene mutation TAC3 at chromo-
of differentiation or development of normally migrated some 12q13–q21 and its receptor (TACR3) gene muta-
GNRH neurons into the hypothalamus resulting in lack tion at chromosome 4q25 have been also implicated in
of GnRH secretion or apulsatile secretion.50,86 the pathogenesis of normosmic HH with autosomal
Wide array of gene mutations are identified by nucle- recessive pattern of inheritance.102–104 Convertase 1 is
otide sequence studies. Nevertheless, the genetic etiology endopeptidase encoded by PCKS1 gene and is involved
has not been demonstrated in more than 50% of patients. with post-translational modification of precursor GnRH
Previously described mutated genes in Kallmann’s and release of the mature active form.50 Mutation in
syndrome have been also implicated in the pathogen- the gene encoding for such protein has been linked to
esis such as FGFR1, FGF8, PROK2, PROKR2 and CHD7. anosmic HH, diabetes and obesity.105 Lastly, X-linked
The other implicated genetic mutations include GNRH, mode of inheritance of normosmic HH has been linked
GNRHR, KISS1R, tachykinin 3 (TAC3), tachykinin 3 to DAX1 gene mutation which causes X-linked adrenal
receptor (TACR3) and DAX1.50,51,69 However, chromo- hypoplasia congenital.106 Table 1 demonstrates the
somal abnormalities have been also demonstrated in mutated genes in Kallmann’s syndrome and isolated
3% of normosmic HH and particularly in the sporadic normosmic HH.
variety such as 46, XY/46, X, inv(Y) (p11.2q11.2) and
mos46, XY, t(3;12)(p13;p13)/46,XY(69,89). Clinical features: Both Kallmann’s syndrome and
normosmic HH share similar clinical presentation with
GNRH and GNRHR: Mutations in GnRH gene have been the exception of intact smell sensation in the latter.
recently elucidated as a rare cause of normosmic HH Various physical signs are detected at different devel-
in two human studies on familial HH.87,88 The gene is opmental stages such as infancy, adolescence and adult-
mapped to chromosome 8q21–p11.2 and encodes for hood period. Infants with HH may have micropenis
large precursor (92 amino acid protein). Autosomal (stretched penile length is less than 1.9 cm), or unilateral
recessive mode of inheritance for such trait has been or bilateral cryptorchidism.51 Interestingly, brief post-
described and homozygous frame shift mutations natal surge of GnRH for few months provide a window
are detected in the probands.87,88 On the other hand, for diagnosis of HH at this period.48 Adolescents may
mutations in the gene encoding for G-protein coupled exhibit delayed sexual maturation with incomplete
receptor for GnRH (GNRHR1) is considered the most or absent pubertal development. In adults, testicular
common genetic abnormality detected and accounts volume is characteristically similar to prepubertal size
for 5–40% of normosmic HH (3.5–16% of sporadic cases (< 4 ml) with obvious signs of prepubertal hypog-
and up to 40% of familial cases).89 Such gene is mapped onadism such as eunuchoid habitus, lack of axillary or
122 to chromosome 4q13.2–3 and spans over 18.9 Kb and pubic hair, softening of voice, female fat distribution
Chapter 7  Genetics and Male Infertility

pattern, and decreased muscle and bone mass.53 Semen pubertal development. The extreme form of such spec-
analyses of these men usually demonstrate aspermia, trum is called fertile eunuch variant, in which nocturnal
azoospermia or oligospermia with hypogonadal erec- pulsatile secretion of GnRH, mimicking early pubertal
tile dysfunction. However, some genetic mutations development, stimulates testicular spermatogenesis.99,107
cause partial loss of function and some men may Men with this variant may become fertile with little or
have several physical signs indicating some degree of no treatment; nevertheless, they still manifest clinical

Genes that might be mutated in patients with Kallmann’s syndrome or isolated

Table 1
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Acronym Gene Name Location Gene ID MIM
KAL1 Kallmann’s syndrome 1 Xp22.32 3730 308700 Possible function in
sequence neural cell adhesion
(anosmin 1) and axonal migration
FGFR1 Fibroblast growth factor 8p11.2–p11.1 2260 136350 Binds both acidic and
receptor 1 basic fibroblast
growth factors
FGF8 Fibroblast growth factor 8 10q24 2253 600483 Member of the
fibroblast growth
factor family involved
in organogenesis
PROK2 Prokineticin 2 3p13 60675 607002 Chemoattractant for
neuronal precursor
cells in the olfactory
PROKR2 Prokineticin receptor 2 20p12.3 128674 607123 G protein-coupled
receptor for
CHD7 Chromodomain helicase DNA 8q12.2 55636 608765, Expressed in
bind­­ing protein 7 608892 undifferentiated
neuroepithelium and
in mesenchyme of
neural crest origin
KISS1 KiSS-1 metastasis-suppressor 1q32 3814 603286 Ligand of GPR54:
(METASTIN) stimulation of GnRH
GPR54 G protein-coupled receptor 54 19p13.3 84634 604161 Receptor for Kiss-1:
stimulation of GnRH
TAC3 Tachykinin 3 (neurokinin B) 12q13–q21 6866 162330 Influences GnRH
TACR3 Tachykinin 3 (neurokinin B) 4q25 6870 162332 Receptor for
receptor tachykinin 3
GNRH1 Gonadotropin-releasing 8q21–p11.2 2796 152760 Ligand of GnRH
hormone 1 receptor
GNRHR Gonadotropin-releasing 4q21.2 2798 138850 Receptor for the
hormone receptor gonadotropin-
releasing hormone

Source: Adapted with permission from: Behre HM, Nieshelag E, Partsch CJ, et al. Diseases of the hypothalamus and the
pituitary gland. In: Nieschlag E, Behre HM, Nieschlag S. Andrology Male Reproductive Health and Dysfunction, 3rd edition.
Berlin Heidelberg Germany: Springer Verlag; 2010. pp. 169-92.53 123
Section 2  Male Factor Infertility

evidence of hypogonadism and normal or near normal other parent. Obesity, hyperphagia, growth retardation,
testicular volume with low testosterone level.99,107,108 In mild-to-moderate mental retardation, dysmorphic facial
addition, men with Kallmann’s syndrome may not be features and sleep abnormality are the characteristic
aware of olfactory problem and formal testing of the features of Prader Willi Syndrome. Hypothalamic HH
affected individual and his family members should be is a consistent feature of all men with this syndrome.113
contemplated. Reversal phenomenon of hypogonadism During infancy, 80–90% of affected children have cryp-
has been described in 10% of men with both types of torchidism with poorly developed scrotum and micro-
hypothalamic HH particularly after brief stimula- penis. Most adolescents will have delayed or incom-
tion of HPG axis.109,110 Such phenomenon is attributed plete puberty; however, precocious puberty has been
to delayed maturation and differentiation of GnRH described in 4% of patients.114,115
neurons. About 5–10% of patients with hypothalamic
HH show nonreproductive congenital manifestations Genetic Pituitary Gland Disorders Associated
associated with specific gene mutations which have with Male Hypogonadism
been already described above. Male hypogonadism attributed to genetic pitui-
tary diseases are rare and are divided into two major
Treatment: Therapy of hypothalamic HH depends on categories:
men’s desire for future fertility. For those men plan- 1. Generalized or combined anterior pituitary hormone
ning to impregnate their wives, GnRH or gonadotropin deficiency (CPHD)
therapy are the best options. Studies showed that 2. Selective gonadotropins deficiency.
successful pregnancy outcome have been achieved even
when semen analyses of men remain subnormal.111 For Generalized anterior pituitary hormone deficiency: Several
those men who already have children or have no desire mutations have been observed in men with CPHD and
to induce pregnancy testosterone therapy is used to most of these mutations involve genes expressing signal
reverse symptoms and signs of hypogonadism. molecules and transcription factors. Transcription factors
are DNA binding proteins that facilitate process of tran-
Genetic Related Adult Onset Hypothalamic scription of mRNA from DNA. The affected hormones
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism include growth hormone, prolactin, thyroid stimulating
This category has been described in the last few years, hormone and gonadotropins (LH and FSH). ACTH may
and this term is restricted for men who successfully or may not be involved. Such mutations may interfere
completed their pubertal development and may already with early or late complex embryonic development of
have children and then the disruption of HPG axis pituitary gland from Rathke’s pouch and some of them
occurs. Testicular size in such patients is normal but may give rise to various syndromes such as septo-optical
serum testosterone and gonadotropins levels are low hypoplasia and craniofacial abnormalities.116,117 In addi-
and their LH shows apulsatile pattern of secretion. tion to phenotypic variability, MRI appearance of pitu-
Single study on 10 men with adult onset HH revealed itary gland in CPHD is also variable and ranges from
heterozygous PROKR2 mutation in one patient.112 enlarged size in PROP1 gene mutation116,117 to normal or
However, good prognosis is expected in these men hypoplastic in SOX2 gene mutation.116 Specifically, the
when medically treated with respect to their future implicated mutated transcription factor genes causing
fertility potentials and androgenization status. hypogonadism are: PROP1 (most common); LHX and
SOX2. Familial and sporadic cases have been demon-
Other Genetic Causes of Hypothalamic strated with autosomal recessive patterns of inheritance
Hypogonadism which are the most common mode.116 To accurately
Prader Willi syndrome: Prader Willi is a complex genetic differentiate between hypothalamic and pituitary HH
disorder with various systemic involvements. Lack of GnRH stimulation test is performed, which results in
expression of paternally derived imprinted genes on significant rise in gonadotropin levels in hypothalamic
chromosome 15q11–q13 due to either deletion, maternal disorder; whereas, no response is observed in pituitary
uniparental disomy of chromosome 15 or disruption hypogonadism.
of paternally inherited chromosome 15.113 Genomic
imprinting refers to a phenomenon by which certain Selective gonadotropin deficiency: Follicle stimulating
genes are expressed in a parent of origin specific manner. hormone and LH are glycoproteins secreted by anterior
Such demeanor is described in less than 1% of genes in pituitary gonadotropes to stimulate testicular spermato-
which imprinted genes from either parent are silenced genesis and testosterone production respectively. Each
124 to allow expression of nonimprinted genes from the glycoprotein molecule is composed of alpha (α) and
Chapter 7  Genetics and Male Infertility

beta (b) chain with α chain represents a common chain stimulating release of testosterone. Although reported
for LH, FSH, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and in only five men, recessively inherited missense muta-
TSH whereas the different B chains of these hormones tions in the B subunit (121 amino acids) of LH gene,
confer immunological and biological hormone speci- mapped to chromosome 19q13.3, result in delayed or
ficity. This category includes mutations in the genes absent pubertal development and oligozoospermia or
coding for synthesis of gonadotropins FSH and LH azoospermia.135–137 Hormonal profile of such patients
and their receptors. Specifically, mutations affecting reveals normal FSH, high immune reactive LH and
hormone synthesis usually involve B chains genes low testosterone.135–137 The detected LH is without
because mutation in α chain gene (CGA), mapped to biological activity. A variety of autosomal reces-
chromosome 6q12-21, is usually lethal to embryos due sive mutations (missense, insertion, deletion and
to lack of placental HCG synthesis.118,119 nonsense) have been demonstrated in the gene for
G-protein linked LH receptor resulting in variable
Isolated follicle stimulating hormone deficiency: Follicle phenotypic traits and infertility. Interestingly, LH
stimulating hormone exerts its action through receptors glycoprotein receptors (674 amino acids) respond not
in Sertoli cells in stimulating their proliferation in the only to LH but also to HCG and sometimes called lute-
immature testis as well as stimulating and maintaining inizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor gene
spermatogenesis. Mature FSH is composed of α chain and present not only in Leydig cells but also in sperm,
composed of 92 amino acids, noncovalently bound to B seminal vesicles, skin thyroid and other organs with
chain composed of 111 amino acids. Rare B subunit gene unidentified physiological significance. The gene for
mutation (mapped to chromosome 11p13) will result such receptor has been mapped to chromosome 2p
in selective lack of FSH hormone, delayed or normal 21(11 exons, 10 introns),138 close to FSHR gene and
puberty, and small or normal sized testes with severe mutations in this gene result in leydig sell hypoplasia
oligozoospermia or azoospermia.120,121,122,123 B subunit (LCH) or agenesis.118,139 LCH has a wide spectrum of
gene is composed of three exons and two introns and manifestation which ranges from male pseudoher-
so far, two missense and three stop codone mutations maphroditism with 46,XY (female external genitalia,
in such gene with autosomal recessive mode of inher- undescended abdominal testes, absent breast devel-
itance have been detected.121,124–127 In contrast, FSH beta opment) to selective milder undervirilization defect
knockout mice did not result in infertility and this indi- such as micropenis, hypospadias or cryptorchidism.118
cates different regulation mechanism in humans from
mice.128,129 Furthermore, the rare mutations in the FSH Genetic Testicular Disorders
receptor (FSHR) genes in Sertoli cells have variable Hereditary testicular disorders that cause male infer-
effects on spermatogenesis. In a study on five men, tility can be divided into three categories according to
homozygous for FSHR mutation, none had normal the specific altered function:
semen parameters. Specifically, three had severe and 1. Genetic testicular disorders primarily affect sper-
one had moderate oligozoospermia. The fifth patient matogenesis and androgen production
had low semen volume and teratozoospermia despite 2. Genetic testicular disorders primarily affect
normal sperm count.130 FSHR gene has been mapped spermatogenesis
to chromosome 2p21–16 and consists of 10 exons and 3. Genetic testicular disorders linked to androgen
9 introns.131,132 Such gene codes for the mature form of synthesis or action.
G-protein linked glycoprotein receptor composed of
678 amino acids that is exclusively expressed in Sertoli Genetic Testicular Disorders Primarily Affecting
cells.131 Single missense inactivating mutations substi- Spermatogenesis and Androgen Production
tuting valine for alanine at position 189 (A189V) with Klinefelter syndrome: Klinefelter syndrome, the most
autosomal recessive mode of inheritance have been common chromosomal abnormality caused by aneu-
so far reported. Preliminary studies by Simoni et al.133 ploidy, has a prevalence of 5% in men with severe
and Ahda et al.134 have both found differences in the oligozoospermia and 10% in azoospermic men.140 The
FSHR polymorphisms between fertile and infertile men. syndrome usually causes the arrest of spermatogen-
Obviously, further research is needed to clarify the esis at the primary spermatocyte stage, but occasion-
genetic background of FSHR gene mutation. ally later stages of sperm development are observed.141
There are two forms of Klinefelter syndrome: nonmosaic,
Isolated luteinizing hormone deficiency: Luteinizing 47,XXY; and mosaic, 47,XXY/46,XY. Although previ-
Hormone initiates male pubertal development ously believed to be sterile, it has been estimated that
through its effect on LH receptors on Leydig cells 25% of nonmosaic Klinefelter syndrome patients have
Section 2  Male Factor Infertility

sperm in their ejaculate.1 Men with both mosaic and hypospadias and bifid scrotum.148,149 Phenotypically,
nonmosaic form of the disease may have residual sper- these men are very similar to Klinefelter syndrome
matogenesis in their seminiferous tubules. Foresta et al. patients except for their shorter stature than Klinefelter
(2005) found that 74% of KS men were azoospermic.140 male counterparts.149,150
Premature degeneration of primordial germ cells before
the puberty is essential mechanism for infertility. Besides Mutations in X-linked USP 26: USP26 gene is a single
small firm testes (1–3 ml), gynecomastia (40%) and exon gene, mapped to chromosome Xq 26.2, specifically
features of male hypogonadism such as sparse facial and coding for USP26 protein protease (913 amino acids)
pubic hair growth, loss of libido and erectile dysfunction which belongs to deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB).150–152
are also present. Low testosterone is found up to 80% Ubiquitination and deubiquitination of macromolecules
of men and it is attributed to small testicular growth is essential step for regulation of cell cycle, chromosomal
despite presence of Leydig cell hyperplasia. Klinefelter structure and gene silencing.151 Removal of histones
syndrome patients may try to achieve pregnancy using and the regulation of protein turnover during meiosis
ICSI, but they are at risk of producing offspring with are important functions of this protein. More than 20
chromosomal abnormalities.142 This fear was substan- alterations in such gene have been reported resulting
tiated by several studies that observed that Klinefelter in severe impairment of spermatogenesis and several of
syndrome patients have large numbers of aneuploid these mutations result in hypogonadism.153 Studies have
gametes.141 Interestingly, in Klinefelter’s men, successful found a relationship between this gene and azoospermic
fathering of 60 children has been achieved by testicular men.154,155 Also, three SNPs have been identified that
sperm extraction (TESE) and ICSI. Karyotypic studies, were thought to be related to spermatogenic failure.
performed in approximately 50 children, revealed no However, this finding was challenged by the discovery
chromosomal abnormality.143,144 These genetic findings of the group in a man with normal spermatogenesis.156
have been further clarified in a study by Sciurano et al. The effects of the SNPs also seem to be influenced by
(2009), detecting foci of spermatogenesis in testicular ethnicity; they are relatively common in some groups of
biopsies of 6/11 nonmosaic Klinefelter’s men.145 While African and Asian men.157
the majority of seminiferous tubules are devoid of germ
cells (Sertoli-cell-only syndrome), only 8–24% of them X-linked SOX3 gene mutation: SOX genes are essen-
contain germs cells. Sciurano et al. (2009) examined the tial developmental genes that control the embryonic
chromosomal complements in 92 meiotic spermatocytes ontogenesis of human testes, neural tissue, cartilage and
by fluorescent insitu hybridization (FISH), showing neural crest cell development. Such genes are present
euploidy (normal chromosomal constituents) and the only in animal vertebrates and give rise to SOX proteins
ability of these euploid spermatocytes to form haploid that have a role not only in developing gonads but
gametes.145 These new findings may obviously explain also in adult gonads. These proteins have a common
the high rate of normal children born after TESE plus 79 amino acid DNA binding domains (DBDs), a char-
ICSI when applied to KS. Nonetheless, even with this acteristic of a large protein superfamily called high
high of normal born children, the risk is still there and mobility group because of their high migration rate in
therefore, it is advised that preimplantation genetic diag- electrophoresis polyacrylamide gel.158 SOX proteins,
nosis (PGD) be performed before ART to ensure that the specifically, bind to DNA minor groove and regulate
offspring is not aneuploid.141 gene expression by acting either as transcriptional acti-
vators or repressors.158 The name SOX is derived from
XX male: This genetic disorder is very rare and heter- the firstly discovered Y-linked SOX gene “SRY” and is
ogeneous with estimated prevalence (1:10,000–1: called SRY determining box genes (SOX). SOX genes
20,000).146 The basic genetic event is translocation of are divided into groups from A to H with A is the Y
genetic material including testis determining region linked SRY.158 X-linked SOX3 genes, mapped to Xq26.3,
[sex determining region Y (SRY)] (SOX A gene) from Y belong to SOX B1 group and are specifically expressed in
chromosome to X chromosome during paternal meiosis. developing testicular and neural tissues producing SOX
SOX A gene selectively codes for a transcription factor 3 transcriptional activators proteins.159,160 Solmon et al.
of about 204 amino acids.147 Such event results in and Woods et al. correlated genetic mutations in SOX3
successful differentiation of indeterminate gonads into gene to hypopituitarism and mental retardation.161–163
testes; however, lack of other genes initiating spermat- Recessively inherited polymorphic mutations in SOX3
ogenesis renders the male infertile. Furthermore, SRY genes have been demonstrated in men with idiopathic
negative variant has been also described with severe oligozoospermia and in mice with severely impaired
126 undervirilization defects such as undescended testes, sperm production and hypogonadism.164,165
Chapter 7  Genetics and Male Infertility

Bilateral anorchia: It is a rare congenital disease with Genetic Testicular Disorders Primarily
estimated prevalence of 1/20,000 males characterized Affecting Spermatogenesis
by absence of testicular tissue in 46XY individual.166 Y chromosome: The Y chromosome is an obvious area of
As born male infant has normal genital differentia- interest in the study of male factor infertility because
tion, such absence is most likely attributed to testicular it contains many of the genes that are critical for sper-
regression occurring in the second half of gestation. matogenesis and the development of male gonads. The
Micropenis is seen in half of the cases.166 The exact variation present on the Y chromosome and the occur-
etiology is unknown; however, a subset of cases shows rence of deletions of large segments of the chromosome
familial clustering pointing to genetic etiology. Philibert involving multiple genes make it difficult to deter-
et al. recently pointed out the role of mutated gene mine the exact cause of certain infertile phenotypes.175
(NR5A1) for steroidogenic factor-1, member of nuclear Furthermore, the same phenotype may be produced
receptor regulating transcription of other genes control- by several different deletions or mutations. This fact
ling the development of adrenal and gonadal tissues.167 complicates efforts to distinctively correlate mutations
Such gene has been mapped to chromosome 9q33 and with infertile phenotypes. Y chromosome microdele-
has been correlated with other human diseases such as tions (YCMDs) are a frequent cause of infertility in males.
male infertility, hypospadias, ovarian insufficiency and A microdeletion is defined as a chromosomal deletion
others.167 that spans several genes but is not large enough to be
detected using conventional cytogenetic methods.176
Noonan syndrome: Noonan syndrome is a relatively Studies have revealed that microdeletions are more
common heterogeneous genetic disorder with wide prevalent in men who are azoospermic and severely
array of clinical manifestations and genotypic abnor- oligozoospermic.177 The prevalence of microdeletions
malities. Its incidence ranges from 1:1,000 to 1:2,500 in azoospermic men was found to range from 10% to
live births and is inherited in autosomal dominant 15%.178,179 In oligozoospermic men, the prevalence of
fashion.158,168 So far, nine genes have been implicated microdeletions was 5–10%.178 It is essential to consider
in such syndrome or Noonan associated syndromes these deletions when discussing ART because microde-
(PTPN11, SOS1, KRAS, NRAS, RAF1, BRAF, SHOC2, letions are always passed on to the male offspring180,181
MEK1 and CBL).169 The basic cellular abnormality caused and fertilization and pregnancy rates are not affected by
by these genes is defective signal transduction pathways microdeletions on the AZFc region when using ICSI.181
particularly, GTP linked RAS and the mitogen activated Microdeletions most frequently occur on the long
protein kinase signaling cascade.169 The typical pheno- arm of the Y chromosome, Yq, and deletions in this
typic features include short stature, webbed neck, facial region are specifically related to failure of sperma-
dysmorphism, congenital pulmonic stenosis and other togenesis.182,183 A particular area of interest on Yq is the
manifestations. Unilateral and bilateral cryptorchidism azoospermia factor region (AZF region), which contains
is frequent in this syndrome and accounts for up to 77% genes involved in the growth and development of
in Noonan syndrome.170 Moreover, delayed or absent sperm. The AZF region contains three subregions: AZFa;
pubertal development in males with this syndrome AZFb and AZFc.184 The most common aberrations that
attributed to hypergonadotropic hypogonadism due to occur in the AZF region are multiple gene deletions in
gonadal failure has been also illustrated.171 Therefore, the AZFb and AZFc areas,185 which can produce a wide
altered spermatogenesis with oligozoospermia and range of infertile phenotypes. Microdeletions in the AZF
azoospermia is multifactorial due to the basic genetic region are most often found in azoospermic and oligo-
defect itself, associated cryptorchidism or hormonal zoospermic men with normal karyotypes.184 Researchers
factor. are attempting to characterize deletions in the AZF
region so that they can be used to determine treatment
45X/46,XY mosaicism (mixed gonadal dysgenesis): In 90% for infertile males.184 Figure 5 displays the different AZF
of males with 45X/46,XY mosaicism, normal male regions of the Y chromosome and the locations of genes
external genitalia are observed. Abnormal, ambiguous discussed in the following paragraphs.
and female type found in the other 10%. Mixed gonadal
dysgenesis (a streak gonad on one side and testis on AZFa: The two main genes located in the AZFa region
the other) is found in 10–30% of such mosaicism.172–174 are USP9Y and DBY (also called DDX3Y).2 Deletions in
Abnormal gonadal development results in azoospermia, the AZFa region that remove both genes cause Sertoli
infertility and low testosterone level.173 cell-only syndrome, a condition characterized by the
Section 2  Male Factor Infertility

indicating that the region is essential for fertility.186 The

main gene in the AZFb region is RBMY, and there are
six copies of the gene located on the Y chromosome.183
RBMY1 codes for an RNA binding protein,191 which is a
testis-specific splicing factor expressed in the nuclei of
spermatogonia, spermatocytes and round spermatids.184
Lavery et al. reported that RBMY1 expression was
reduced in azoospermic men.192 A family of PRY genes
is also found in the AZFb region of the Y chromosome.
The PRY genes are involved in the regulation of apop-
tosis, an essential process that removes abnormal sperm
from the population of spermatozoa.184 In cases in which
all the genes in the AZFb region except RBMY and PRY
are deleted, patients present with hypospermatogen-
esis.193 However, if both the RBMY and PRY genes are
removed, spermatogenesis is arrested completely,194
indicating that RBMY and PRY are the major genes
involved in fertility in the AZFb region.

AZFc: Deletions in the AZFc region produce a wide range

Figure 5  Image of Y chromosome displaying AZF regions and
of phenotypes, many of which are associated with low
associated genes
Source: Adapted with permission from: O’Flynn O’Brien KL, Varghese sperm concentration due to reduced spermatogenesis.184
AC, Agarwal A. The genetic causes of male factor infertility: a review. AZFc deletions cause approximately 12% of nonobstruc-
Fertil Steril. 2010;93(1):1-12.397 tive azoospermia and 6% of severe oligozoospermia.195
In many cases, men can still achieve fertilization with
presence of complete Sertoli cells in the testes but a lack the assistance of ART.184 Studies demonstrate that AZFa
of spermatozoa in the ejaculate.184,186 DBY, the major gene and AZFb regions are needed to initiate spermatogen-
located in the AZFa region, has a probable role in infer- esis but spermatogenesis will not be completely normal
tility because it is localized in the testis and is involved without the AZFc region.141 Complete deletions of the
in the development of premeiotic germ cells.184 Lardone AZFc region may occur in two different ways either
et al., studying the transcriptional activity of several as a result of a previous deletion within the AZFc or
AZF region genes, found that men with Sertoli-cell-only spontaneously from a normal AZFc region. Zhang et
syndrome had reduced levels of DBY transcripts but that al. found that there were more complete deletions of
the other genes examined were transcribed normally. the AZFc region in groups with existing partial dele-
This finding suggests that DBY may play an important tions in that area of the Y chromosome.196 This result
role in spermatogenesis, but further studies must be was replicated in a study of Italian men with a high
performed to replicate this result.187 The USP9Y gene is frequency of partial deletions in the AZFc region.197 A
also involved in spermatogenesis.188 Shortening or dele- deletion of the AZFc region may also predispose men to
tion of the USP9Y gene causes azoospermia,188 oligozoo- Y chromosome loss, leading to sexual reversal. Several
spermia,189 or oligoasthenozoospermia.190 However, it studies have found this deletion to be a premutation for
seems that this gene may only be involved in the effi- 45,X0198,199 and for the mosaic phenotype 45,X/46,XY.200
ciency of spermatogenesis because it can be passed on to The AZFc region is prone to many smaller subdeletions
offspring. Furthermore, other animals, such as bonobos that are thought to be caused by intrachromosomal
and chimpanzees, do not have active forms of the gene.188 recombinations.1 These partial deletions produce a wide
These findings suggest that the DBY gene has a more array of phenotypes, ranging from normospermic to
critical role in spermatogenesis than the USP9Y gene. azoospermic, due to many factors, including the inter-
Further research studies must be performed to deter- action of the environment and the genetic background.
mine the exact roles of each of these genes in fertility to Genetic studies of ethnic groups produce diverse results
develop more targeted Y chromosome screening prac- because of the variations in their genomes that have
tices for infertile males.190 evolved over generations to cope with environmental
pressures specific to their region.201 Therefore, studies of
AZFb: Deletions of the AZFb region cause arrest of the partial deletions of the AZFc region have produced
128 spermatogenesis at the primary spermatocyte stage,184 conflicting results that relate to the genetic makeup of
Chapter 7  Genetics and Male Infertility

the haplogroups studied. The complex interaction of expression was reduced in azoospermic patients,193 and
genes and environment makes it difficult to replicate partial deletions of DAZ genes seem to be related to
the results of studies and definitively associate subde- oligozoospermia.207 It is critical that azoospermic and
letions with infertile phenotypes.1 The three most severely oligozoospermic men be tested for microdele-
frequent subdeletions on the AZFc region of the Y chro- tions both for accurate diagnosis and genetic counseling
mosome are gr/gr, b1/b3, and g1/g3 (b2/b3).202 The before performing ART.208,209 However, the lack of asso-
gr/gr subdeletion, which removes half of the content ciation between testicular phenotype and genotype in
in the AZFc region, illustrates the complicating effects affected men forces clinicians to employ inefficient
of ethnic background on gene function. Several studies and costly methods, such as polymerase chain reac-
have identified the deletion as a risk factor for sper- tion (PCR), to determine diagnosis. The Y chromosome
matogenesis loss of, while others failed to find a correla- contains 300 sequence tagged sites (STS) which corre-
tion.196 Furthermore, a study of the Han Chinese popu- spond to the AZF regions and could be exploited for
lation discovered that duplication of the gr/gr region easier characterization of microdeletions.178 Mitra et al.
was detrimental to fertility, contributing to further demonstrated the utility of this strategy by developing a
uncertainty about the role that this region plays in targeted multiplex PCR using STS specific to the Indian
determining a man’s fertility status.203 This finding has population. This type of procedure could be used as an
not yet been replicated by others. Table 2 summarizes initial screen for YCMDs before employing more expen-
these studies according to geographic region to illus- sive and technically challenging testing methods.210
trate the complex effects of environment and genetics on However, to be effective, specific STS would need to be
fertility. The AZFc region also contains genes involved defined for different ethnic populations.
in spermatogenesis. The DAZ gene has four copies on
the Y chromosome.204 DAZ genes are thought to serve a Other Genes on the Y chromosome: Another gene involved
variety of roles throughout the spermatogenic process in spermatogenesis and located on Yq is CDY, the
because they are expressed in all stages of germ cell chromodomain protein Y-linked gene. It is expressed
development.175 They regulate translation, code for germ exclusively in the testis and is involved in facilitating
cell-specific RNA binding proteins,205 and are involved the replacement of histones in spermatogenesis. It also
in the control of meiosis and maintenance of the primor- grants the proteins that regulate transcription easier
dial germ cell population.175 Deletions of the DAZ genes access to the postmeiotic sperm DNA through the
can cause a spectrum of phenotypes ranging from oligo- acetylation of histones.184 The CDY gene seems to have
zoospermia to azoospermia.206 Additionally, DAZ gene diverged functionally from its autosomal homologue

Table 2 Ethnic variation of gr/gr mutation

Variation Effect Ethnicity Study
Deletion Failure of spermatogenesis Dutch Repping et al. 2003212
Deletion Failure of spermatogenesis Spanish de Llanos et al. 2005213
Deletion Failure of spermatogenesis Italian Giachini et al. 2005;214
Ferlin et al. 2005186
Deletion Failure of spermatogenesis Australian Lynch et al. 2005215
Deletion No correlation French Machev et al. 2004216
Deletion No correlation German Hucklenbroich et al. 2005217
Deletion No correlation Brazilian Carvalho et al. 2006218
Deletion No correlation Japanese de Carvalho et al. 2006219
Deletion No correlation Chinese Zhang et al. 2006220
Deletion No correlation Sri Lankan Fernando et al. 2006221
Duplication Risk for impaired Han Chinese Lin et al. 2007204
Source: Adapted with permission from: O’Flynn O’Brien KL, Varghese AC, Agarwal A. The genetic causes of male factor
infertility: a review. Fertil Steril. 2010;93(1):1-12.397 129
Section 2  Male Factor Infertility

(CDYL, located on chromosome 6) during evolution and additional polymorphisms or mutations.216 This finding
then subsequently migrated to the Y chromosome. This warrants additional research to elucidate the role of this
fact makes it an interesting gene to study and demon- gene in the genetic basis of male factor infertility.216,217
strates that there may be a tendency for genes with
spermatogenic function to consolidate on the Y chro- Chromosomal Translocations
mosome.184 The TSPY gene is located on the short arm X; autosome translocations: In general structural abnor-
of the Y chromosome, Yp, and it also has copies on the malities of X chromosome such as deletion, duplica-
long arm of the chromosome.187 The gene is expressed tion and translocations correlate with more severe
in the testis, and its protein has been identified in sper- phenotypic manifestations in men than in women. This
matogonia.211 The TSPY gene may regulate the timing phenomenon is in part attributed to preferential inacti-
of spermatogenesis by signaling spermatogonia to enter vation of abnormal X chromosome in females.218 X; auto-
meiosis.186 A study of CNV of the TSPY gene found that some translocations are very rare (1–3:10,000) and are of
more copies were found in infertile patients.212 This two types—balanced and unbalanced.
finding warrants further investigation of TSPY to char-
acterize its role in infertility. Table 3 is a visual represen- Balanced X; autosome translocations: Males with balanced
tation of the information presented above to serve as an X; autosome translocation are often phenotypically
easy reference for the reader. normal; however, they are almost always infertile with
azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia.219 Meiotic
X-linked TAF7L: The TAF7L gene, mapped to chromo- errors have been speculated as the underlying causes
some Xq22.1, has also been studied as a possible contrib- of defective spermatogenesis in these men. Moreover,
utor to infertility in men. It is expressed in the testis and there are reports of genital anomalies in men with X; 6
is related to the autosomal TAF7 gene which is a tran- balanced translocation.220
scription factor.186 Transcription factor regulators play
integral roles in spermatogenesis because they control Unbalanced X; autosome translocations: Such translocation
the spatial and temporal aspects essential for accurate is usually lethal for males during in utero life and if they
execution of the process.213,214 Falender et al. found survive, they may sustain multiple congenital anoma-
that TAF genes were involved in spermatogenesis in lies and mental retardation.221
the mouse,215 prompting the examination of the role of
TAF7L in human spermatogenesis by Akinloye et al.216 Autosome; autosome translocation: Translocations can
The study discovered that an SNP at exon 13 may be a cause the loss of genetic material at the break points
risk factor for an infertile phenotype if combined with of genes, which can corrupt the genetic message.222

Table 3 Genes on Y chromosome

Gene Location Reasons for Investigation
USP9 Y AZFa Involved in efficiency of spermatogenesis; deletion or shortening may cause azoospermia,
oligozoospermia or oligoasthenozoospermia
DBY AZFa Involved in premeiotic germ cell development
PBMY AZFb RNA binding protein/testis-specific splicing factor; reduced expression in azoospermic
PRY AZFb Regulation of apoptosis
DAZ AZFc Regulation of translation, meiosis and germ cell population; codes for RNA binding
proteins; reduced expression in azoospermic men; partial deletions related to
CDY Yq Involved in histone replacement
TSPY Yp Regulates timing of spermatogenesis; greater copy number in infertile patients
Adapted with permission from: O’Flynn O’Brien KL, Varghese AC, Agarwal A. The genetic causes of male factor infertility:
a review. Fertil Steril. 2010;93(1):1-12.397

Chapter 7  Genetics and Male Infertility

Autosomal translocations were found to be 4–10 times African, South East Asian, and Indian men,236,237 but these
more likely in infertile males in comparison with results were not replicated in the European populations
normal males.223,224 Robertsonian translocations, which that were studied.1 Further studies must be performed
occur when two acrocentric chromosomes fuse, are to confirm the role of this gene in fertility, although it
the most frequent structural chromosomal abnormali- seems likely that the MTHFR gene is involved due to its
ties in humans, and they affect fertility in one out of influence on spermatogenesis.230
1000 men.1,225 Although the prevalence of Robertsonian
translocations is only 0.8% in infertile males, this figure Cryptorchidism: Cryptorchidism is another infertile
is 9 times higher than in the general population.226 The phenotype that seems to be influenced by genetic factors.
translocations can result in a variety of sperm produc- Mutations in the INSL3 gene (insulin-like 3 on chromo-
tion phenotypes from normal spermatogenesis to an some 19) and its receptor LGR8 (relaxin/insulin-like
inability to produce spermatogonia.141 Robertsonian family peptide receptor 2 on chromosome 13)1,229 have
translocations are more common in oligozoospermic been linked to cryptorchidism.239 These mutations occur
and azoospermic men, with rates of 1.6% and 0.09%, in approximately 5% of men with cryptorchidism.250
respectively.227,228 Carriers of Robertsonian translo- Additionally, the first phase of normal testicular descent
cations may exhibit a normal phenotype but could is controlled by INSL3.240,241 The INSL3 gene may also
be infertile because of a lack of gamete production.1 have a role in testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS),242
Because of the risk of passing on the translocation to which consists of a variety of disorders like cryptor-
offspring, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), with chidism, hypospadias, testicular cancer and infertility.
additional probes added for common translocations, is It is thought that TDS results from the combination of
recommended to determine the chromosomal composi- genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors.238
tion of the sperm.141
Genetic Testicular Disorders Linked to Androgen
DAZL gene: The autosomal homologue of the DAZ gene, Synthesis or Action
DAZL, is another gene that is still being studied owing Genetic diseases interfering with testosterone action or
to inconclusive results. The gene is located on chromo- synthesis that may contribute to male infertility are as
some 3 and codes for the RNA binding proteins involved follows:
in the regulation of protein expression and meiosis.229,230 Defective testosterone action: Certain genetic disorders
Two different SNPs, one each at exon 2 and exon 3, have have been linked to defective androgen action.
been discovered. The SNP at exon 3 is only associated
with infertility in populations of Chinese men,231 but Sex hormone-binding globulin gene: The sex hormone-
this finding has not been replicated.186 Tung et al. identi- binding globulin (SHBG) gene, located on chromo-
fied four new mutations in the DAZL gene, but further some 17, has also been studied for a possible role in
studies are necessary to determine their effects.232 In the spermatogenesis. The gene is involved in both deliv-
aforementioned study, haplotypes in the DAZL gene ering sex hormones to target tissues and controlling the
related to sperm count were also identified.233 Moreover, concentration of androgens in the testis.243 Androgens
Teng et al. discovered haplotypes associated with failure play important roles in sexual differentiation and the
of the spermatogenic process.234 The findings of these process of spermatogenesis; if androgen levels are
uncoordinated studies suggest that further investiga- disrupted, fertility could decrease. A study that exam-
tion of the DAZL gene must be performed to elucidate ined the effects of the SHBG (TAAAA)n polymorphism
the role that the gene plays in infertility. on male factor fertility concluded that shorter SHBG
alleles were associated with increased levels of sper-
MTHFR gene: Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase matogenesis and higher sperm concentration. Shorter
(MTHFR) gene is located on the short arm of chromo- SHBG alleles were related to elevated levels of circu-
some 1,229 codes for an enzyme involved in folate metab- lating SHBG, resulting in higher levels of free andro-
olism, a critical factor in DNA methylation and the gens to stimulate the spermatogenetic process.243 This
spermatogenetic process.186 The polymorphism 677C/T study by Lazaros et al. employed a small sample size;
causes the substitution of an alanine for a valine, which consequently, a larger population of subjects should be
decreases the activity of the enzyme.235 The reduced examined to confirm the relevance of their findings to
activity of MTHFR can lead to the dysregulation of folic the field of infertility.
acid metabolism, causing errors in the methylation of
genomic DNA and subsequent implications in spermat- Estrogen receptor 1 and Estrogen receptor 2 genes: Other auto-
ogenesis.186 The polymorphism is related to infertility in somal genes that have been investigated for a possible
Section 2  Male Factor Infertility

involvement in fertility are the estrogen receptor (ESR) thus causing androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) in
genes ESR1 and ESR2.186 Studies have found an associa- which various phenotypes may be seen such as ambig-
tion between abnormal spermatogenesis and estrogen uous genitalia, partial labialscrotal fusion, hypospa-
insufficiency, prompting the investigation of the ESR dias, bifid scrotum and gynecomastia.248 Testosterone
genes.186 ESR1, found on chromosome 6, has several hormone level and LH show consistent biochemical
different polymorphisms that have been studied for elevations in various AIS phenotypes. Mutations range
their role in male factor infertility, especially in relation from point mutations, insertions or deletions, or altered
to severe oligozoospermia, and the results have been CAG repeats of AR gene.
varied.229 This variation is most likely due to the inter- A recent study of infertile men determined that
actions of the genes and the environment because the approximately 2% had mutations in their AR gene
variations are mostly between different ethnic groups. while the control population had none.249 Another
The promoter region of ESR1 also has a variable number possible result of mutations in the AR gene is Kennedy
of tandem repeats, (TA)n.224 The (TA)n polymorphism syndrome, a neurodegenerative disorder characterized
is related to sperm output, a higher number of repeats by abnormalities in spermatogenesis.250 The AR gene
on both alleles is correlated with lower levels of sper- also has two polymorphisms that have been studied
matogenesis. Sperm production might be negatively for their role in male factor infertility. The CAG and
affected by the elevated numbers of repeats because it is GGC polymorphisms, both located on exon 1, code for
thought that they result in lower levels of estrogens and polyglutamine and polyglycine stretches, respectively.1
increased estrogen activity.186 The effect of this polymor- Examinations of the role of the GGC polymorphism
phism was found to be similar in both fertile and infer- have produced limited findings. Although it seems to
tile Italian men, although the result was not statistically have an inverse relationship with the transactivation
significant in the fertile population.224 The correlation activity of the receptor,251 no significant difference in
with sperm output presents the (TA) polymorphism as the lengths of the GGC polymorphisms has been deter-
a candidate for further studies. The ESR1 also contains mined between infertile men and the general popula-
the AGATA haplotype, which is caused by five SNPs tion.251,252 The CAG polymorphism has been studied
located within the gene.186 A recent study in the Japanese more intensively than the GGC polymorphism. Longer
population identified this haplotype as a risk factor for lengths of the CAG polymorphism are associated with
cryptorchidism,245 but this finding was not replicated decreased transcriptional activity of the AR gene in infer-
in Italian and Spanish populations.246 In the ESR2 gene tile men, suggesting that longer polyglutamine tracts
located on chromosome 14, the Rsal polymorphism has are related to male factor infertility.1 Some researchers
been examined, but studies have produced conflicting also observed that shorter CAG polymorphisms were
evidence.229,230 Nuti and Krausz, and Tuttelmann et al. related to higher quality sperm and increased levels of
suggested that the ESR genes be examined further to spermatogenesis.243 Conversely, Lazaros et al. discov-
replicate the results of previous uncoordinated studies ered a correlation between short CAG repeat length
to clarify the significance of these mutations on male and sperm motility, but there was no observed effect
factor fertility.186,230 on sperm concentration.243 This study also identified a

Androgen receptor gene: The androgen receptor (AR)

gene is located on the long arm of the X chromosome186
(Figure 6). It plays a role in meiosis and the conversion
of spermatocytes to round spermatids during sper-
matogenesis.247 In normal males, androgens [testos-
terone (T)/dihydrotestosterone (DHT)] bind to the AR,
forming a complex that activates the transcription of
genes necessary for secondary sexual growth and sper-
matogenesis. Unlike other autosomal genes, AR gene is
a single copy gene located on the X chromosome (Xq11-
q12) containing eight exons. Exon 1 is the transactiva-
tion domain that activates the transcription, exon 2-3 is
the DBD, exon 5-8 is the ligand binding domain (LBD)
whereas exon 4 is the hinge region that connects DBD
and LBD (Figure 6). AR gene mutations can severely Figure 6  Schematic representation of Androgen receptor
132 impair the amount, structure and function of the AR, gene exons and its functional domains
Chapter 7  Genetics and Male Infertility

synergistic effect of the SHBG gene and the AR gene that inner mitochondrial membranes is the rate limiting
influences sperm motility.243 These polymorphisms may step in testosterone synthesis.261 Then cholesterol is
be affected by ethnic influences as well because studies converted by cholesterol side chain lyase to pregne-
performed in Europe failed to find a correlation between nolone. Upon which, four enzymes subsequently act to
the CAG polymorphism and infertility,253 while studies synthesize testosterone. Furthermore, testosterone is
in men from Asia,251 Singapore,254 and Australia255 found converted to DHT through the action of 5α reductase A
a relationship. These results warrant further explora- 2 (Figure 7), whom genetic deficiency results in failure
tion of the role of the CAG polymorphism. There are no of external genitalia development, inability to copulate
specific regions (except CAG repeats) or base changes and subsequently male infertility.
which are particularly responsible for AIS. It is therefore
recommended to screen the entire AR gene (8 exons) for Congenital lipoid hyperplasia: This rare disease is attrib-
mutations/deletions using bidirectional sequencing uted to frameshift, missense and nonsense mutations
in a male with normal 46,XY karyotype (46,XY).256 The demonstrated in the gene coding for StAR. The gene
direct sequencing of human AR gene (AR) has allowed spans 8 kb and consists of seven exons interrupted by
researchers to examine the effect of AR mutations on the six introns and mapped to 8p11.2.262,263 Since StAR is the
development of the normal male phenotype including first essential step in synthesis of all steroid hormones in
spermatogenesis.257 Most of the mutations are described all steroid synthesizing cells, its classic deficiency results
in the carboxy-terminal domain of AR, which includes in lack of corticosteroids, mineralocorticoids and testos-
exons 4 to 8, which can lead to a defect in androgen terones. Males with classic form are born with femin-
binding and the loss of receptor function.254 Screening ized external genitalia and because the condition is life
for the CAG repeats in the AR gene is widely performed threatening, delayed institution of proper hormonal
as they are the most often ones detected in patients with replacement may lead to fatal outcomes shortly after
AIS.254,258,259 birth. However, nonclassic form has been also described
The overall fertility status of affected individuals due to partial retaining of the protein activity. In such
with AIS depends not only on the AR sequence alter- form, males may be born with external genitalia; none-
ation but also on the emergent phenotype resulting theless, they may have compromised fertility potentials
from a dynamic interaction between the genome and and azoospermia.264,265
proteome. Nevertheless, detailed characterization of
the molecular mechanisms of AR dysfunction in AIS, 3BHSD type 2 deficiency: 3BHSD type 2 is one of the intra-
together with a thorough phenotype profiling, may cellular adrenal and gonadal enzymes necessary for
lead to effective therapy and useful genetic counseling synthesis of all steroids. Mutation in the gene coding for
for affected individuals and families. In view of the
success of testicular sperm aspiration and the prospects
of successful conception following ICSI in azoospermic
men,260 screening for AR mutations and appropriate
preconception counseling should be offered to subfer-
tile men at risk of having AR mutations. The detailed up
to date completion of over 400 mutations of AR gene can
be found at http://androgendb.mcgill.ca.

Defective androgen synthesis: Androgens play a vital and

indispensable role in man’s life since fetal and embry-
onic period till death. Androgens selectively control the
differentiation of Wolffian ducts to form the internal
genitalia and also regulate the differentiation of external
genitalia. During puberty, androgens induce the devel-
opment of secondary sex characteristics, and stimulate
and maintain spermatogenesis. Androgens act as endo-
crine, paracrine and autocrine hormone. The major
secreted androgen is testosterone and the major site of
production is Leydig cells that account for 75% of its Figure 7  Shows the role of androgens (T and DHT)
synthesis. Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) in development of internal and external genitalia
which facilitates transfer of cholesterol from outer to
SRD5A2: (steroid-5α reductase type A2)
Section 2  Male Factor Infertility

its synthesis, mapped to 1p11-13, results in salt losing expressed CFTR protein is a glycosylated transmem-
or nonsalting losing varieties with female like genitalia brane protein that functions as a chloride channel and
at birth in the 46,XY males. These males may develop expressed in epithelial cells of exocrine tissues, such as
secondary sexual characteristics at time of puberty.265 the lungs, pancreas, sweat glands and vas deferens. Men
with CBAVD usually either have two mild mutations in
Cholesterol 20, 21 desmolase deficiency: Such condition also the CFTR gene or the combination of a severe mutation
results in male pseudohermaphroditism. and a mild mutation. The common CFTR mutations are:
• ΔF508 (three nucleotides that encode the phenyla-
Other forms of congenital adrenal hyperplasia: More than lanine at position 508 are missing in the protein’s
90% of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is attrib- amino acid sequence). ΔF508 represents 60–70% of
uted to 21 hydroxylase deficiency (CYP21A2 gene muta- the CF mutations in carriers and patients.
tion) and most men with such condition are fertile • Polymorphisms within intron 8 (5T, 7T). Such poly-
despite their low sperm count. However, some men morphisms reduce the production of the CFTR
with adult onset CAH have reported infertility prob- protein which results in a reduction of the splicing
lems and such problems were attributed to testicular efficiency of the CFTR gene.
masses (adrenal rest tumors) accompanied by inad- • The missense R117H mutation in exon 4. It is
equate spermatogenesis.266 also related to CBAVD in association with the 5T
SRD5A2: SRD5A2 is the gene, mapped to 2p23, coding Patients with CBAVD owing to CFTR mutations are at
for 5-α reductase type 2 present in the external geni- risk of having both male and female offspring with CF
talia and prostate. Autosomal recessive homozygous and male offspring with CBAVD. Recent data suggest
mutations in such gene result in feminized external that azoospermic men with idiopathic obstruction
genitalia in males 46,XY. At time of puberty, signs and those presenting the triad composed by chronic
of musculinization develop due to the activity of sinusitis, bronchiectasis and obstructive azoospermia
5-α reductase type 1 (SRD5A1), in the skin and liver. (Young Syndrome) have an elevated risk for CFTR
However, other features such as prostatic hypoplasia, mutation.271 Hence, screening for CFTR mutations is
less body hair and female frontal hair line remain. These recommended to such couples who are ART candidates
men are often infertile due to prostatic underdevelop- for determining the risk of transmitting CFTR mutations
ment. Nevertheless, fertility has been reported in some to the offspring.
men because of partial enzymatic activity based upon ICSI is a useful method of treatment for men with
different degrees of mutations. Epidemiologically, this the CFTR mutation as long as the female does not also
disease has been reported more frequently in isolated carry the CFTR mutation.1 Partners who both carry
area in the Dominican Republic.267,268 the mutation should be advised to have PGD to avoid
passing the abnormality to their offspring.141 Nowadays
Genetic Post-Testicular Disorders different techniques such as blotting, in-situ hybridiza-
This group incorporates the genetic seminal ducts tion, fluorescence in-situ hybridization, single strand
diseases obstructing the normal semen pathway. Three conformation polymorphism, hetroduplex analysis,
genetic post-testicular diseases have been characterized. PCR, real time PCR followed by direct sequencing
have been developed for screening CFTR mutations.
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator muta- Up-to-date information in CFTR gene mutations can
tions: Many autosomal genes are being investigated for be found at http://www. genet.sickkids.on.ca/cftr/
possible roles in male factor infertility. Cystic fibrosis app, a CFTR mutation database. Direct sequencing for
transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, specific mutation or alleles may be advantageous272 over
located on chromosome 7,264 is mutated in 60–90% of other methods. PGD has been regarded as a useful tool
patients with congenital bilateral absence of the vas to identify the presence of CFTR mutations in in vitro
deferens (CBAVD).1,141 CBAVD is a form of obstructive derived embryos given the fact that mutations have
azoospermia in which there is a disconnection between been screened in both male and female partners.
the epididymis and the ejaculatory duct that causes
a functional block to natural fertilization. CBAVD Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) and AMH receptor defects:
accounts for at least 6% of obstructive azoospermia and AMH or Mullerian inhibiting substance is essential
approximately 2% of infertility cases. hormone secreted from fetal Sertoli cells at 7th week
CFTR gene consists of 190 kb with 27 exons associ- of gestation causing regression of Mullerian duct and
134 ated with over 1,500 mutations reported so far.280 The its derivatives. AMH belongs to transforming growth
Chapter 7  Genetics and Male Infertility

factor (TGF-B) superfamily and exerts its action through immotile cilia syndrome and is confirmed by prolonged
binding with specific membrane bound serine/threo- nasal mucociliary clearance of tested material (saccha-
nine kinase receptors.273,274 Persistent Mullerian duct rine).278 The functional rather than the subtle ultrastruc-
syndrome (PMDS) is characterized by the persistence tural epididymal and nasal ciliary defects is considered
of female internal reproductive organs (derivatives of the basic mechanism of the disease and epididymal
Mullerian ducts) inside the male due to either defec- aspiration revealed motile spermatozoa.281 Interestingly,
tive AMH or its receptors. The male external genitalia epididymal obstruction often occurs in middle age men,
are perfectly normal in this syndrome to differentiate it therefore previously successful parenthood may be
from other causes Mullerian ducts derivatives persis- anticipated in such syndrome.281,282
tence, such as testicular dysgenesis are associated with
external genital ambiguity. Genetic Sperm Functional Defects
In PMDS, the Mullerian duct derivatives such as
fallopian tubes and uterus are always tightly tethered to CatSper Gene
the testes.275 Two clinical variants have been shown: 1) Recent studies have demonstrated that increased intra-
bilateral cryptorchidism in which testes are embedded cellular calcium entry through voltage gated calcium
in the broad ligament of the abnormally persistent channels (Cation channel of sperm; CatSper1–4) in the
uterus and 2) unilateral cryptorchidism in which single principal piece of the sperm flagellum is the prime
testis has dragged the tethered fallopian tube down to mechanism for hyperactivation.283,284 This entry is
the scrotum and the other cryptorchid testis remains induced by intracellular alkalinization because of extru-
in the pelvis in a condition called transverse testicular sion of H+ through voltage gated proton pumps, which
ectopia.275 When testes have successfully descended in are also located in the principal piece of the flagellum.283
the scrotum, spermatogenesis may be intact. However, Increased intracellular pH and intracellular Ca+ regu-
in addition to cryptorchidism, testicular torsion and late not only the hyperactivation process but also the
improper testicular connection to the male seminal ducts AR and the ability of the sperm to fertilize the egg.283
due to aplasia of the epididymis or upper part of the vas Interestingly, molecular studies on CatSper ion channel
negatively affect the male reproductive potentials.276 show that it is a novel protein complex composed of
Around 85% of PMDS is equally attributed to auto- 6 subunits. Of these, four are α subunits (CatSper1–4)
somal recessive (AR) mutations in the gene coding for with calcium-selective pore and two are transmem-
AMH, mapped to chromosome 19p13.3, and to the AR brane proteins with large extracellular domains, called
mutations in the gene coding for its receptor AMHR-II, CatSper beta and CatSper gamma, of unknown func-
mapped to chromosome 12(13.q12).275,276 Knockout mice tions.285 For humans, hyperactivation is not well defined
for gene for AMHR-I usually die in the embryonic life. as it is for other species, and only a small proportion
In 15% of persistent Mullerian defects syndrome, the of the sperm population may be hyperactivated at each
cause is still unknown.275 time. The extent of hyperactivated motility in a popu-
lation is positively correlated with the extent of zona
Young syndrome: Young syndrome is a rare disease and binding, the AR, zona-free oocyte penetration and ferti-
is primarily a constellation of three components: bilat- lizing capacity in vitro. In fact, Avenarius et al.286 discov-
eral epididymal obstruction with azoospermia; bronchi- ered that male patients with mutated CatSper1 gene are
ectasis and chronic sinusitis. The estimated prevalence infertile with poor hyperactivation response despite
is unknown with newly discovered cases are denoted as their normal sperm count, morphology and even their
case reports. Unfortunately, the origin of this disease is initial sperm motility. Furthermore, an animal study
also unknown however, childhood exposure to mercury on mice concluded that mutation in each of CatSper
and genetic etiologies have been suggested.277,278 Its (1–4) ion channel protein can lead to infertility despite
familial incidence in one case and association with normal semen parameters, normal testicular histology,
medullary sponge kidney in another suggest heredi- size and weight.287 Interestingly, there are two known
tary background.279,280 Nevertheless, no definite muta- CatSper2 gene-related mutations in humans that cause
tions have been discovered. Male infertility is attributed male infertility, termed CatSper-related nonsyndromic
to bilateral epididymal head dilatation and blockage male infertility and deafness-infertility syndrome.288
by expressible amorphous mass, attributed to poor However, both syndromes are associated with gross
epididymal mucociliary clearance.278 The diagnosis is semen abnormalities. Further investigation is needed to
by exclusion of two other similar syndromes which show the genetic and molecular nature of fertilization
are cystic fibrosis (screening for CFTR mutations) and in patients with defective hyperactivation response and
Section 2  Male Factor Infertility

unexplained infertility. Moreover, minor mutations in spermatogenesis specific gene, mapped to chromosome
human CatSper (1–4) genes are yet to be deciphered in 3q26, is expressed only in the testes and encodes for
men with unexplained infertility. protein localized to Golgi apparatus.296 Homozygous
mutations in this gene cause total globozoospermia and
Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and even failure of achieving pregnancy by ICSI. PICK1 is a
Kartagener’s Syndrome gene coding for protein interacting with C kinase 1 and
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is genetically hetero- its homozygous mutations contribute to total globozoo-
geneous ciliopathic disorder with autosomal recessive spermia and disordered spermatogenesis.297 Koscinski
mode of inheritance. It was previously misnomered as et al. recently found that homozygous deletion of 200
immotile cilia syndrome that has been changed to PCD kb on chromosome 12, known as DPY19L2, accounts for
because cilia are motile but in nonsynchronized fashion. about 20% of men with globozoospermia without alter-
PCD is a rare disease with prevalence of 1:15,000–1:60,000 ation in spermatogenesis.295 In contrast to SPATA16,
births.289 The diagnostic clinical features of PCD are successful pregnancy has been achieved by ICSI.295
chronic sinopulmonary infections and obstructive azoo-
spermia. In 50% of sporadic cases, Situs Inversus is seen Genetic Diseases in Individuals with Normal
and the syndrome is called Kartagener’s syndrome.290 Genotypes in Somatic Cells
Cilia are characterized by wide array of ultrastructural This category encompasses a wide array of genetic
and functional abnormalities. Specifically, in 80% loss of disorders in infertile men who are otherwise having
inner and outer dynein arms underlie the basic mecha- normal blood karyotype with normal or undeciphered
nism of dysfunctional ciliary motility.291 In the other genetic abnormalities.
5–10%, loss of ciliary central complex or radial spokes • Sperm Chromosomal Abnormalities
may occur, whereas in 10–20% of cases no ultrastruc- • Sperm DNA Integrity Defects
tural defect is seen and dysfunctional nitric oxide (NO) • Mitochondrial Genetic Defects
production is detected.292,293 NO is necessary for ciliary • Epigenetic Disorders
and flagellar movement and its lack due to defective
enzymatic synthesis results in immotile cilia. Sperm Chromosomal Abnormalities
So far, eight gene mutations, responsible for PCD, Recent application of FISH techniques directly on sperm
have been identified (DNAII, DNAH5, DNAH11, DNAI2, identifies a subset of infertile men exhibiting a high level
KTU, RSPH9, RSPH4A and TXNDC3) with DNAII and of numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities.
DNAH5 approximately account for 25% of cases.290 Six percent of men with normal somatic cell karyotype
Selective mutations in DNAII and DNAH5, mapped to are discovered to have sperm chromosomal abnor-
chromosome 9 and 5 respectively, result in abnormal malities.226,298,299 Such abnormalities have been shown
proteins in the ciliary outer dynein arms.290 Male infer- to be inversely correlated with semen parameters. The
tility in this condition is attributed to poor sperm motility frequency of sperm chromosomal aneuploidy (pres-
and poor epididymal stereocilia function resulting in ence of extra or missing chromosome) in infertile men is
mucus retention and obstructive azoospermia. threefold more than that of controls and it may increase
up to tenfold in those with severe oligozoospermia and
Globozoospermia nonobstructive azoospermia.300,301 Surprisingly, 3–4% of
Globozoospermia (rounded head sperm) is a rare cause sperm in fertile men are aneuploid with frequency of
of severe male factor infertility with incidence less than 0.1% per chromosome (1-20) and 0.3% for chromosome
0.1% among infertile men.294 Total globozoospermia 21, 22, X, Y.302,303 These findings pinpoint meiotic errors
is characterized by presence of 100% rounded head such as nondisjunction during meiosis I as the causative
sperm lacking acrosomal cap. Though ICSI is the treat- mechanism for sperm aneuploidy.
ment of choice for such patients, low fertilization rates Moreover, five studies showed that up to 50–100%
have been shown resulting from failure to activate the incidence of sperm disomy (two pairs of a single chromo-
oocytes.294 On the other hand, men with partial globozo- some), diploidy (two pairs of all chromosomes) and poly-
ospermia have variable involvement of sperm and may ploidy, have been positively correlated with occurrence
even be fertile. Several familial case reports support of sperm morphological abnormalities such as macroce-
the genetic etiology of this disease however; no specific phalic, multinucleated, and multiflagellate sperm.304–308
mode of inheritance has been disclosed. According to The implications of these chromosomal abnormalities
our knowledge, three human genetic causes have been include understanding the failure rates of ICSI for men
reported which are SPATA16 mutation, PICK1 and with poor semen quality and practical application of
136 recently discovered DPY19L2 Deletion.295 SPATA16 is appropriate techniques to detect sperm aneuploidy.
Chapter 7  Genetics and Male Infertility

Sperm DNA Integrity Defects Although it is impossible to treat cytogenetic abnor-

Sperm nuclear genome integrity is vital for the accurate malities and genetic aberrations, sperm oxidative DNA
transmission of genetic information to the offspring. damage to a large extent can be prevented or decreased.
Unlike somatic cells, sperm chromatin is tightly pack- This can be done by lifestyle changes such as quitting
aged due to the presence of protamine, an arginine rich smoking, decreasing alcohol intake and exercising,
protein. Improper DNA packaging may hinder DNA ameliorating food habits by eating antioxidant rich-food
vulnerable to attacks such as those inflicted by reactive and/or treating genital infections and clinical varicocele.
oxygen species (ROS). As a result, sperm DNA integrity
is compromised which ultimately impacts the ability Mitochondrial Genetic Defects
of the male gamete to fertilize the oocyte and to form Spermatozoa mitochondria are helically arranged
a normal and viable embryo. A small percentage of around the mid-piece of sperm and contain 1-2 mt DNA.
spermatozoa from fertile men possess detectable levels Mitochondrial DNA codes for 37 genes which regu-
of DNA damage.309,310 However, sperm DNA damage lates oxidative phosphorylation. Mitchondrial DNA is
is increased in infertile men and approximately 5–15% unique and differs from the nuclear DNA with respect
of such individuals have complete protamine defi- of replication, repair mechanism, genome packing and
ciency.311,312 Sakkas and his colleagues have proposed position. However, unlike nuclear DNA mitochondrial
that spermatozoa with DNA damage initiated and DNA is not protected by histones and they are physically
subsequently escaped apoptosis.313 Sperm nuclear associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane,
proteins play an important role in chromatin condensa- where highly mutagenic oxygen radicals are generated
tion during spermiogenesis. A highly condensed sperm as byproduct of OXPHOS in the respiratory chain.328,329
chromatin is essential for maintaining sperm DNA The leakage of these free radicals from the respiratory
integrity.314,315 The role of sperm nuclear proteins, the chain makes the mitochondria a major intracellular
protamines (P) and transitional proteins (TPs) in sperm source of ROS. These unique features are probably the
function has been the focus of many recent studies.316–319 cause of faster accumulation of sequence variations in
Altered sperm P1/P2 ratio leads to abnormal sperm mitochondrial DNA than in nuclear DNA.330,331 The PCR
DNA packing and has been reported to be an impor- amplification of mtDNA has shown a higher incidence
tant cause of male infertility.320–322 A possible reason for of mtDNA deletion in asthenozoospermic patients as
P1/P2 altered ratio is an interrupted post-translation compared with unaffected individuals.332 Recent study
modification or mutation in PRM/TNP genes. Although by Shamsi et al., 2008 showed that sperm with motility
early studies reported rare protamine mutations in disorders harbored mtDNA mutations and had partially
association with male infertility, recent observations formed or totally dysmorphic and disorganized axon-
demonstrated novel mutations and high frequency of omal apparatus.333 They also reported that men with
SNPs in sperm nuclear protein genes (PRM/TNP).320–325 idiopathic infertility had low antioxidant levels and
Protamine packing of sperm nuclear DNA not only increased number of mitochondrial sequence variations.
preserves genome integrity that has to be transferred Moreover, it is believed that mtDNA mutation may
to the offspring without any damage but also helps in impair electron transport chain resulting in enhanced
various physiological events of the sperm for successful production of ROS in mitochondria due to incomplete
fertilization and embryo development.326 reduction of oxygen.334 This excess production of ROS
DNA damage cannot be analyzed or estimated by may induce the opening of the membrane permeability
conventional cytogenetic or semen analysis. Various transition pore and release of free radicals, cytochrome
tests have been developed to measure sperm DNA C and other apoptogenic factors leading to apoptosis.
damage in the clinical laboratory setting such as sperm Though mtDNA mutations have been established in
chromatin structure assay (SCSA), sperm chromatin various studies, its role as a diagnostic marker in male
dispersion test, transferase-mediated dTUP nick-end infertility is still under debate. However, infertility due
labeling (TUNEL), acridine orange test, acidic and basic to mtDNA mutation in men has good prognosis in cases
dye tests (Table 4). Sperm DNA fragmentation index opting for ICSI, as mtDNA is not transmitted to the
(DFI) is the percentage of spermatozoa with nuclear offspring.
DNA fragmentation (single and double strand breaks).
The cut-off value for DFI measured by TUNEL assay is Epigenetic Disorders
19.25%,327 whereas, the recently established DFI cutoff Epigenetics refers to regulatory mechanisms of genetic
level of 30.27% measured by SCSA is able to discrimi- expression that do not affect the basic DNA sequence
nate infertile and fertile men (unpublished data). including functional role of centrosome, DNA methyla-
Infertile men were found to have higher sperm DNA tion, histone modifications, chromatin remodeling, role
damage compared to fertile controls (Figure 8). of RNA transcripts and telomere length. Regions of DNA
Section 2  Male Factor Infertility

Table 4 Sperm DNA integrity methods, principle, merits and demerits

Assay type Principle Observation Measurement Merits/Demerits
Can be
Terminal deoxynucleotidyl
Sperms are classified performed on
transferase-mediated (TdT)
as TUNEL positive or few sperms.
deoxyuridine triphosphate Percentage
negative and expressed Expensive
TUNEL (dUTP) nick end labeling cells with
as a percentage of equipment
assay. TUNEL is a direct labeled DNA
the total sperm in the not required.
quantification of sperm DNA
population Thresholds not
Normal sperm produce
Individual cells immersed halo and sperm which Easy and
cells with
SCD in agarose, denatured with produce a very small halo limited clinical
acid then lysed or no halo at all contain data
grade of halos
DNA fragmentation
Many cells
Metachromatic shift of Percentage rapidly
AO from green to red Visual interpretation of cells with examined.
fluorescence is used to cells under fluorescent green, red Expensive
(AO) test
determine extent of DNA microscopy and orange equipment is
denaturation nucleus required, time-
Low-molecular weight
DNA, short fragments
of both single-stranded
Decondensed sperm are Percentage
and double-stranded
suspended in an agarose sperm with
DNA will migrate during
gel, subjected to an long tails Sensitive/but
COMET electrophoresis giving the
electrophoretic gradient, (tail length, labor intensive
characteristic comet tail.
stained with fluorescent percentage of
High-molecular weight
DNA-binding dye DNA in tail)
DNA will not migrate and
remain in the head of the
DNA in sperm with abnormal
chromatin structure is Calculation of
more prone to acid or heat percentage
denaturation. Using the DFI, which
metachromatic properties Metachromatic shift of is the ratio
SCSA of AO, SCSA measures AO from green to red of the red
susceptibility of sperm DNA fluorescence fluorescence
to acid-induced denaturation to the sum of
in situ by running the sperm red and green
cell suspension using flow fluorescence
Identifies single-
stranded DNA breaks in
In situ nick Simple
Similar to TUNEL a reaction catalyzed by
translation Lacks sensitivity
the template-dependent
enzyme, DNA polymerase

Chapter 7  Genetics and Male Infertility

Figure 8  Pseudo-color plot of green versus red fluorescence of sperm DNA treated with acridine orange by sperm chromatin
structure assay
HDS: (high DNA stainability) that measure percentage of cells with green fluorescence (normal double stranded DNA)

that are tightly compacted are called heterochromatin achieved, the fetus was aborted.337 Sperm harvested from
and are transcriptionally inactive; conversely, regions the testicles before maturation may not have a fully func-
that are bound loosely to histones are called euchro- tional centrosome, which could lead to problems with
matin and are transcriptionally active. The compactness the segregation of chromosomes and result in a mosaic or
of DNA in a particular region of chromatin is deter- aneuploid embryo.338,339 Abnormal centrosomes may also
mined by epigenetics; therefore, epigenetic changes play be related to the failure of the gametes to unite properly,
a crucial role in determining which genes are expressed another error that may cause cleavage arrest.337
and when in specific cells. Although the genetic code is
considered to be static, or the same in every cell for an DNA methylation: Imprinting, the methylation of DNA,
organism’s entire life, the epigenetic code is dynamic determines which genes from the parental and maternal
and tissue-specific.335 Therefore, the genetic code defines genomes are expressed in the embryo340 and is critical
the permanent imprint of information determining the for normal development.341 The imprinted regions
phenotype and characteristics, whereas the epigenetic of DNA are reset every reproductive cycle,341 which
code provides a dynamic imprint to finetune the pheno- allows novel parental imprints to be established on the
type and characteristics according to environmental and germ cells.342 Imprinting is achieved by the differential
other factors. Alterations in various epigenetic mecha- marking of DNA regions with histone modifications,
nisms result in altered spermatogenesis, poor semen methylation, or possibly both, to allow only one copy
parameters, defective fertilization and even abnormal of a gene to remain active.343 Kobayashi et al. performed
embryogenesis. a study examining the fidelity of imprint resetting in
infertile males.341 In fertile men with a normal ejaculate,
Role of Centrosome: One important contribution that the paternal differentially methylated regions (DMRs) of
sperm makes to the embryo is a functional centrosome. the DNA should be methylated and the maternal DMRs
The centrosome is involved in the process of fertilization, should be unmethylated. The study found that approxi-
the separation of chromosomes and cell division.336 Rawe mately 14% of infertile patients had abnormalities in
et al. observed that a patient with abnormal centrosome the DMRs of the paternal imprint and 21% of the infer-
morphology and sperm aster formation had difficulty tile patients had abnormalities in the maternal imprint.
in fertilizing oocytes. Furthermore, if a pregnancy was Most patients with abnormalities in both imprint
Section 2  Male Factor Infertility

regions were oligozoospermic. Additionally, men with Histone modification: Histones are another important
abnormally imprinted DMRs had low success rates with contributor to the transmission of epigenetic informa-
ART. It was also discovered that oligozoospermic men tion. Histone markers signify DNA imprinting control
may have a higher risk of transmitting imprinting errors regions during the formation of spermatozoa.355,356 The
to their children.341 ART could have negative conse- transcriptional control of gene expression is regulated
quences on the imprinting of sperm because it may use by the addition of acetyl, methyl, ubiquitin and phos-
sperm that are not yet fully mature and, consequently, phate groups to histones.357 Abnormally modified
their epigenetic code is not established. If the sperm histones are probable candidates for impeding normal
are too immature or abnormal, it is more likely that the embryogenesis, and their role in the fertility is currently
offspring could be born with an imprinting disorder.337 under investigation.358
Other defects associated with fertilization by immature
sperm are centrosome abnormalities,344 abnormalities in Chromatin remodeling (packaging): Chromatin packaging
the sperm’s nuclear protein, or an inability to activate the is an essential step in sperm development, and it is
oocyte.345 The control of methylation may also be a point believed that the compacted structure of the chromatin
at which dysregulation could occur. Studies in knockout transmits vital instructions to the embryo to guide it
mice for DNA methyltransferases produced males through development.359 During chromatin repackaging,
that were oligozoospermic; however, this has not been 85% of the histones are replaced by protamines.311,360,361
replicated in humans.341 Thus far, studies examining In an intermediate step in the replacement process, TPs
the global methylation patterns of sperm from infertile are inserted into the chromatin structure.358 Studies in
men have not found significant differences in compar- mice revealed that disruption of the genes that code
ison with normal men, but additional research is neces- for the TPs—TP1 and TP2 can produce infertile pheno-
sary to definitively confirm the role of imprinting and types.323,362 Additionally, the functions of the two
epigenetic information in infertility.346 The correlation different human protamines, P1 and P2, have been eluci-
between the incidence of imprinting disorders and ART dated. If the mRNA of P1 is translated too early, sper-
in men with abnormal sperm is a controversial topic. A matogenesis is arrested at the spermatid stage and the
study by Hartmann et al. found that spermatogonia from nucleus condenses prematurely.363 P2 has been found to
infertile men did not have increased imprinting errors in be directly related to sperm DNA damage and abnor-
comparison with that of normal men.347 In contrast, other mally packaged chromatin structure.364 Furthermore, if
researchers have asserted that ART, such as ICSI, causes either of the genes that code for P1 or P2 is mutated,
imprinting disorders like Angelman syndrome and haploinsufficiency, abnormalities in the structure of the
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. Angelman syndrome chromatin, DNA damage, and infertility can occur.186
is a rare neurological disorder characterized by cogni- An unequal ratio of P1 and P2 has been observed in
tive defects, seizures, uncontrolled limb and body move- infertile men.312 Men with unequal protamine ratios
ments, spontaneous laughter and difficulties with speech have decreased semen quality, decreased fertilization
development.348,349 Two independent groups reported an ability, and DNA damage.311,365 Abnormal protamine
increased incidence of Angelman syndrome in offspring ratios may also be associated with problems in epige-
from ICSI procedures.350,351 Beckwith-Wiedemann netic reprogramming and gene imprinting360 and have
syndrome, also an uncommon disorder, is characterized been correlated with IVF success and embryo quality.346
by large fetal and organ size, hypoglycemia, midline An SNP, G197 T, was found in the gene that codes for
abdominal defects, facial moles and enlarged tongues.348 P1. This SNP may be a factor that predisposes men to
Children with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome are also DNA fragmentation and teratozoospermia or to a high
at risk for developing tumors.352 A study by DeBaun prevalence of morphologically abnormal sperm in the
et al. reported that the incidence of Beckwith-Wiedemann ejaculate.366
syndrome was almost 5% in children conceived by
ART in comparison with an incidence of less than 1% RNA transcripts: The sperm delivers mRNA transcripts
in the general population.353 Other studies also reported to the oocyte upon fertilization, which are needed for
increased rates of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome in the correct development of a functional embryo358 and
ICSI children.354 However, in consideration of the studies which transmit epigenetic information.359 The fact that
that have not found increased rates of imprinting errors these mRNA transcripts are necessary for normal devel-
in infertile men, these results are intriguing. Further opment is emphasized by their presence in zygotes.367
research into the abnormalities caused by imprinting Furthermore, there is also evidence that the pheno-
errors and their patterns of inheritance is needed in this typic characteristics of the embryo might be influenced
140 contentious field of research. by the mRNA contributed by the sperm.367 Studies of
Chapter 7  Genetics and Male Infertility

the expression profiles of infertile males’ mRNA are various genetic testing in the evaluation of male infer-
currently being performed (as discussed in the Novel tility (Table 5).
Technologies section). Micro-RNA (miRNA) is also ICSI is the only method for many couples with severe
present in human sperm and in the early embryonic male factor infertility due to genetic defects to achieve a
stages.367 It is possible that miRNA is involved in the live birth. ART success rates may depend on the type
control of gene expression in the embryo;368,369 however, of genetic anomaly. Additionally, there is an increased
miRNA has been found in high concentrations in the risk of transmitting genetic defects to the offspring. As
oocyte, so its significance as a sperm contribution still such, genetic counseling should be a crucial step prior
remains controversial.370 to embark on ART. Genetic anomalies (chromosomal
aberrations and AZF microdeletion) comprise an impor-
Telomeres: Telomeres have been also examined as poten- tant etiological factor which may lead to poor embryo
tial candidates for the production of infertile phenotypes. development and blastocyst formation, and fetal loss.
Telomeres protect the genetic information encoded Offspring with genital ambiguity was reported in cases
on the chromosome, localize the chromosomes in the with AZF deletion due to Y chromosome instability.
nucleus and play a role in DNA replication.340 Abnormal In male offspring from AZF deleted father, AZF dele-
shortening of the telomeres has been associated with tion status should be determined and parents should
male factor infertility.371 Hemann et al. performed a study be informed about semen cryopreservation.200 Babies
of telomere length in knockout mice for telomerase, the conceived via ART have a higher risk for low birth
enzyme that maintains the length of telomeres.372 The weight, developmental delay, increased incidence of
results imply that there is a mechanism that degrades major and minor congenital malformations like neural
spermatocytes with reduced telomere length to prevent tube defects, hypospadias and musculoskeletal disor-
their maturation.372 However, the process is not flawless; ders and increased incidence of certain cancers.375 There
Liu et al. discovered spermatocytes that reached meiosis is also a fourfold increase in incidence of sex chromo-
I with shortened telomeres, indicating that they passed somal abnormalities and threefold increase in incidence
the checkpoint without being degraded.373 Additionally, of structural chromosomal abnormalities.375 A sixfold
studies of telomere length in different infertile pheno- increase in the incidence of imprinting defects has also
types, including nonobstructive and obstructive azoo- been reported for babies conceived by ART/ICSI.376
spermic patients and oligozoospermic patients, did not This may be due to retrieval of epigenetically immature
report significant differences in telomerase activity.374 germ cells from the testes parental balanced transloca-
Thus, the influence of telomere length on male factor tions account for the largest percentage of karyotype
fertility must be further elucidated.340 abnormalities in the fetus.377 These can result in preg-
nancy loss because segregation during meiosis results in
duplication or deficiency of the chromosome segment.
IMPORTANCE OF GENETIC TESTING These structural chromosomal anomalies may not have
AND COUNSELING a phenotypic effect on carriers (parents), but result in
production of genetically unbalanced gametes, which
The reasons behind infertility are manifold and a large may result in fetal loss. Studies have shown that the
proportion of cases are still categorized as idiopathic. frequency of sex and autosomal chromosomal abnor-
Genetic testing plays an important role in the evalua- malities and gene mutation in ART-conceived babies
tion of male infertility not only for diagnosis but also is significantly higher than in babies conceived natu-
to prevent iatrogenic transmission of the genetic defect rally.378,379 With recent studies emphasizing the role of
to the offspring. Several professional organizations oxidative stress (OS) induced DNA damage, men with
have established recommendations with regard to high DFI should be counseled towards measures aiming
genetic tests for couples seeking infertility treatment. to decrease DNA damage, such as lifestyle modifica-
The European Society of Human Reproduction and tions and varicocele repair, if clinically present.380
Embryology has addressed the issue of “optimal use of Genetic counseling is an integral step prior to infer-
infertility diagnostic test and treatments” in the Capri tility treatments when any of the partners harbor genetic
workshop. The Italian community of professionals, defects which may be transmitted to the offspring
supported by international societies, has created guide- conceived through ART. Counseling these couples
lines for the appropriate use of genetic tests in infertile prior to assisted conception is strongly encouraged.
couples in 2002. European Molecular Genetics Quality Such counseling may help prevent the birth of infertile
Network has provided elaborated, disease-specific offspring or offspring with increased morbidity and
guidelines (www.emgn.org). Here, author recommends mortality and allow couples to make educated decision
Section 2  Male Factor Infertility

Table 5 Recommendations of various genetic testing based on their phenotypes

Genetic test Phenotype Recommendations
Severe oligozoospermia Mandatory
Cytogenetic analysis
Nonobstructive azoospermia Mandatory
Sperm-fluorescent in situ
Suggested (in cases
hybridization: meiotic segregation Severe oligozoospermia
with mosaicism)
Severe oligozoospermia Mandatory
Yq microdeletion analysis
Nonobstructive azoospermia Mandatory
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane
conductance regulator mutation Congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens
KAL1 gene mutation analysis Kallmann’s syndrome Recommended
CAG repeat/AR gene mutation analysis Androgen insensitivity syndrome Recommended
Steroid 5alpha-reductase 2(SRD5A2)
SRD5A2 deficiency Recommended
gene mutation analysis
Luteinizing hormone (LH) receptor Pseudohermophroditism, azoospermia, micropenis,
gene mutation analysis delayed puberty and arrest of spermatogenesis
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Decreased testicular volume Suggested
gene mutation analysis
Gonadotropin releasing hormone
Low serum LH and FSH levels Suggested
(GnRH) gene mutation analysis
Protamine/transitional nuclear
Teratozoospermia or Abnormal P1/P2 ratio Suggested
protein gene mutation analysis
Sperm mitochondrial DNA mutation
Asthenozoospermia/Oligozoospermia Suggested
DAZL/MTHFR mutation analysis Abnormal sperm parameters Suggested
Idiopathic infertility and recurrent early pregnancy
Sperm DNA integrity Recommended

regarding than choices to use sperm donor or opt for individuals with sperm production, may consider PGD
advanced assisted conception techniques if an abnormal analysis as part of their treatment management.
result is revealed.

There are three groups of cytogenetic tests used in
Though PGD is not a routine method in the evaluation andrology to detect genetic diseases: (1) cytogenetic
of male infertility; it is often used to evaluate embryos tests that detect chromosomal aneuploidy and struc-
derived from ART. PGD has a potential role to prevent tural alterations such as conventional karyotype and
the transmission of genetic anomalies to the offspring. FISH technique; b) PCR to detect YCMD and c) specific
The technique involves the isolation of one or two cells gene sequencing (mutational analysis of specific gene).
(blastomere) from a 3-day in vitro generated embryo, Conventional karyotyping involves the collection of
or multiple cells from a 5-day blastocyst, to perform heparinized peripheral blood sample (approximately
genetic analysis for aneuploidies or specific muta- 5 ml) from the case and isolation of plasma lymphocyte
tions by FISH or PCR. PGD is usually recommended suspension. Sufficient number of lymphocytes with
for couples having a history of genetic disorders or plasma are then transferred into a culture media (RPMI)
suspected genetic defects. Infertile males undergoing containing a mitotic stimulator (PHA) and incubated for
142 IVF, such as those with severe sperm defects and KFS 72 hours. After 70 hours the cell division is arrested at
Chapter 7  Genetics and Male Infertility

the metaphase stage by using colchicine. Cells are then and point out to hereditary problem when positive
subjected to hypotonic treatment (KCl) and fixed with family history of male infertility is reported in the
Karnovsky fixative overnight at 4°C. Finally, the cells are brothers of the proband. Compiling the data from initial
spread in a clean grease free wet slide and subjected to evaluation may segregate infertile men with normal
GTG banding for karyotyping. The standard protocols looking male genitalia into four major groups based on
are available in various practical guides and should be probability of harboring male fertility related genetic
optimized for respective laboratory conditions.378 FISH, diseases (Figure 9)—for the first group with history and
on the other hand, combines the conventional karyo- physical examination consistent with cryptorchidism,
type approach with molecular techniques by using a Noonan syndrome, bilateral anorchia and Prader Willi
fluorescent DNA probe to bind selectively to a specific syndrome, some genetic tests are available, although
single stranded chromosomal region (after denatura- not routinely used. In the second group, men have
tion) by complimentary base pairing. Such binding is normal sperm count; however, their sperm are immo-
later detected by using fluorescent microscopy. FISH is tile (PCD), acrosome deficient (globozoospermia) or
particularly useful to detect chromosomal aneuploidy functionally defective (CatSper gene). In each disease,
and structural abnormalities of specific chromosomes. again there is specific genetic diagnosis that can be
Y chromosome microdeletion assay is a PCR-based used. The third group includes azoospermic men with
blood test that detects the presence or the absence of obvious evidence of seminal ducts obstruction based on
defined STSs and therefore defines by the pattern of physical examination (CBAVD, Young syndrome) and/
presence or absence of any clinically relevant microde- or imaging techniques (PMDS), requiring testing for
letion region. For specific gene sequencing and muta- CFTR and AMH/AMHR respectively. For the fourth
tional analysis “dye terminator sequence” method is group encompassing men with severe oligozoospermia
performed. This method is high throughput, automated, and nonobstructive azoospermia, exclusion of previous
more efficient and faster than original Sanger method of testicular pathologies and history of exposure to gonad-
sequencing. The principle, similar to Sanger’s method, otoxins such as radiation and chemotherapy mandates
depends on premature termination of four separate full endocrine evaluation and genetic testing as shown
sequencing reactions, containing all four of the standard in the algorithm (Figure 9). In contrast, for men with
deoxynucleotides (dATP, dGTP, dCTP and dTTP) and feminized or ambiguous external genitalia, genetic
the DNA polymerase. To each reaction is added only one workup , in particular, should consist of karyotype to
of the four dideoxynucleotides (ddATP, ddGTP, ddCTP, document the chromosomal gender, pelvic ultrasound
or ddTTP) which are the chain-terminating nucleotides, to detect persistence of Mullerian structures, electrolyte
lacking a 3’-OH group required for the formation of a evaluation to detect salt losing varieties of CAH and
phosphodiester bond between two nucleotides, thus lastly hormonal profile (testosterone, DHT, LH, FSH,
terminating DNA strand extension and resulting in cortisol, 17-OH progesterone) and AR genetic analysis.
DNA fragments of varying length. Then these labeled
DNA fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis
on a denaturing polyacrylamide-urea gel and read in a NOVEL TECHNOLOGIES
specific manner from the shortest to the longest one.
Adopting a global approach to the examination of novel
genes may allow for a more complete understanding
WORK-UP PLAN FOR SPECIFIC GENETIC of the interaction between genetics and fertility, and
DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING may also uncover genes with unknown roles in infer-
tility. This approach may circumvent one of the main
Initial evaluation of infertile men usually commences problems that geneticists face when relating a genotype
with meticulous history taking and thorough physical to a specific infertility phenotype: the diverse genetic
examination followed by ordering initial seminal fluid backgrounds of different ethnic groups.382 Incorporating
analysis and, if required, endocrine profile testing as techniques such as genomics, proteomics, and metabo-
well as imaging techniques. In the era of IVF/ICSI, lomics into infertility research could assist in creating
specific genetic diagnosis emerges as diagnostic tool a complete portrait of the genes involved in infertility
of paramount importance helping the clinicians not and would allow for improvements of ART for the
only in particularly exploring the specific genetic back- development of more targeted solutions. Microarrays
ground of a disease but also in taking the necessary are valuable tools for the identification of gene expres-
precautions to prevent transmission of the disease to the sion profiles of infertile phenotypes.383 Examining the
offspring. History may disclose the cause of infertility simultaneous expression of genes allows geneticists
Section 2  Male Factor Infertility

Figure 9  Algorithm for work up plan for specific genetic diagnosis and testing in infertile men with normal male genitalia
CBAVD: congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens; CFTR: cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator protein gene; PMDS: persistent
Mullerian ducts syndrome; NOA: nonobstructive azoospermia; T: testosterone; FSH: follicular stimulating hormone; LH: luteinizing
hormone; MRI: magnetic resonance image; PRL: prolactin; GnRH: gonadotropin releasing hormone; HH: hypogonadotropic hypogonadism;
YCMD:Y chromosome microdeletion; GH: growth hormone; TSH: thyroid stimulating hormone; AR: androgen receptor

to determine molecular signatures related to infertile using microarrays are that it is a noninvasive test386 and
phenotypes.384 Microarray technology is also useful in it is very effective in studying germ cells because they
the examination of spermatogenesis. An analysis of express 4% of the genome.387 Disadvantages of genomics
gene expression over time could be performed to deter- are that gene expression can vary between two different
mine the genes that are involved in each stage of the samples382 and infertile patients might have pockets of
process. Genomic analysis can also be used to deter- gene expression that are difficult to detect using microar-
mine differentially transcribed genes.385 An enhanced rays.388 Ellis et al. performed a study of several different
understanding of transcription regulation could help infertile phenotypes that revealed two distinct patterns
geneticists discover how different expression patterns of gene expression, one related to spermatogenesis and
impact a patient’s fertility.383 Additionally, microarrays one related to inflammatory activity.383 They identified
can be used to study the effect of hormones or growth functional groups within the gene expression patterns
factors on gene expression profiles. In one experiment, related to spermatid development and motility, DNA
T propionate and FSH were administered to mouse synthesis and repair, metabolic functions, and choles-
testes and the differential expression of genes was meas- terol and lipid metabolism.383 The study also discov-
144 ured using microarray analysis.384 Some advantages of ered a correlation between infertile phenotypes and
Chapter 7  Genetics and Male Infertility

mRNA expression.383 Another study of gene expres- research in the evaluation of the role of genetic factors in
sion was performed in teratozoospermic men by Platts male factor infertility. It involves measuring the expres-
et al. which identified characteristic mRNA signatures sion of metabolites, small biomarkers that indicate
for teratozoospermic and normospermic men.383,386 Since the functionality of a cell, and characterizing them for
the results of microarray studies of gene expression certain diseases or physiological states.394,395 The identi-
produce variable results, it is necessary to determine fication of the human metabolome will reveal the func-
global gene expression patterns of RNA samples from tional phenotype of the system being studied, whether it
the testis before this type of analysis would be clinically is a single cell or an entire organism. Mass spectroscopy,
relevant. Grouping the expressed genes into functional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and other
categories allows for the characterization of a gene chromatography methods can be used to create profiles
expression signature for normal human spermatogen- of metabolites. Pathway or cluster analysis is used to
esis that can be used as a baseline marker for diagnosis.1 determine subsets of metabolites that can be used to
Proteomics allows for the determination of protein quantitatively characterize patients for diagnosis.393 By
expression profiles of fertile and infertile men.389 Proteins identifying differences in the expression of metabolites
are identified with two-dimensional electrophoresis in infertile phenotypes, new methods of diagnosis and
and mass spectrometry techniques, and the results are treatment of male factor infertility can be developed that
used to create maps of the proteome.389 Spermatozoa are inexpensive and noninvasive.394
are ideal for the study of protein expression because So far, metabolomics has been used to identify
they do not have active transcription or translation.390 biomarkers for OS, which signal semen quality.391 A
Further research in these fields can continue after the study performed by Deepinder et al. determined that
sperm proteome is fully defined and the components expression patterns of metabolomic markers for OS
of seminal plasma are identified.390 Advances have in semen were correlated to specific infertile pheno-
been made in both of these areas,391–393 and many new types with a high level of specificity and sensitivity.394
proteins have been identified as a result. The identifi- This encouraging finding may assist in unraveling the
cation of protein biomarkers for male factor infertility underlying mysteries that still surround many cases
will allow for unbiased comparison between fertile and of idiopathic male factor infertility. Other future clin-
infertile males and will clarify the pathophysiology of ical applications of metabolomics are gamete selection
the disease.390 Martinez-Heredia et al. studied astheno- (assessing the best sperm to use for ART) and functional
zoospermic patients using proteomic techniques. Most genomic testing (screening for aneuploidy and other
of the causes of asthenozoospermia, or abnormally low genetic conditions).394 Next, efficient clinical methods
sperm motility levels, are unknown, even though it is must be developed to compare standardized metabo-
a common infertile phenotype.389 The study found 17 lomic signatures with patients’ personal metabolomic
differentially expressed proteins between the control profiles for the creation of individualized fertility care.396
group and the asthenozoospermic patients. The results These novel technologies hold promise for advances in
were clustered, signifying that results from proteomic the ways in which information about genetic profiles
studies could possibly be used to characterize or diag- can aid infertility patients.
nose infertile patients. Subgroupings of functional
groups were also determined from the results and were
divided into energy production, structure/movement, REFERENCES
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