(UHV Assignment)

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Chandragupta Institute of Management Patna

Universal Human Values (UHV)

Summary of Chapter 3 and 4

Submitted By
Roll No.: 150017
Section: A
PGDM 2022-24

Guided By
Prof. Kalyan Agrawal
Chandragupta Institute of Management Patna
Chapter 3: Basic Human Aspirations and their Fulfilment

Right Understanding
With the right understanding, we may maintain healthy connections with other people and
choose the right physical facilities. Therefore, the correct understanding, relationships, and
physical facilities—in that order—are what every human being requires.

Following is a set of three Proposals based on the need for Physical Facilities:
• Physical Facilities are necessary for human beings
• Physical Facilities are necessary for human beings and they are necessary for animals
• Physical Facilities are necessary and complete for animals, while they are necessary but
not complete for human beings

Solution to Our Present State – The Need for Right Understanding:

The three basic requirements to ensure happiness and prosperity for human beings are
i. Right Understanding
ii. Relationships
iii. Physical Facilities
In the present era, we tend to place a lot of emphasis on physical amenities and give little
attention to proper knowledge and relationships. All three are required for us as humans.

Importance/ Need for Right Understanding

Right Understanding helps to create harmony at all four levels of human living. Right
Understanding enables us to –
• Resolve the issues in human relationships
• Be prosperous
• Enrich Nature
• Work out our requirements for physical facilities
• Correctly distinguish between wealth and prosperity
• Understand the harmony in Nature
Right Understanding forms the basis on which we can work for relationships and also acquire
Physical Facilities.
Two kinds of people in the world today:
1.SVDD – Sadhan Viheen Dukhi Daridra - Materially deficient, unhappy and deprived
2.SSDD – Sadhan Sampann Dukhi Daridra- Materially affluent, but unhappy and deprived
3.SSSS – Sadhan Sampann Sukhi Samridh - Materially affluent, happy and prosperous

Priority Order:
Hence for a continuous happy living, we need to work for all the three in the given order:
i. Right Understanding
ii. Relationships
iii. Physical Facilities

Right Understanding + Relationship = Mutual Fulfilment

Right Understanding + Physical Facilities = Mutual Prosperity

Living in Harmony at all levels of living with the help of Right

1.At the level of Myself: Self-exploration with the aid of experiential validation and natural
acceptance aids in the development of a sense of right understanding. This correct
understanding aids in my development of a sense of satisfaction, prosperity, and happiness
(harmony) within myself. It also enables me to understand myself more clearly.

2.At the level of Family: Correct comprehension aids in my ability to better comprehend the
thoughts and expectations of others. This ensures family harmony.

3.At the level of Society: A sizable group of people known as the Society includes our family.
As we begin to comprehend our relationships with those in our family, we also begin to
comprehend those in society, and we are able to sustain satisfying relationships with everyone.

4.At the level of Nature/ Existence: Nature is a vast eco-system in which we reside. All
objects in Nature are considered to be existing. We also grow a sense of concern for the plants,
trees, animals, etc. in nature as we learn to live in harmony with society. Therefore, proper
comprehension results in mutual fulfilment with Nature.
Chapter 4: Understanding Happiness and Prosperity –
Their Continuity and Programme for Fulfilment

Exploring the meaning of Happiness

Earlier, we already learnt that happiness arises due to situation of harmony and situation of
harmony arise when the answers of two dialogue within resembles that is, what I am? and what
is naturally accepted to me?

In detail, we can say it is the state or situation in which we live and there is harmony and
synergy and it is naturally acceptable to us to live in that situation.

Happiness = Harmony
And, if we live in the situation of contradiction and it is not naturally acceptable by us, then
that is state of unhappiness.

Unhappiness = Disharmony/Contradiction

Programme for Continuity of Happiness

After being in the situation of harmony and happiness, we try to be always in the state of
happiness. So, we start finding the ways to continue the state of happiness.
There are different levels of us in which we always want to achieve the state of happiness.
Those levels are:
1. As an Individual human being
2. As a member of a family
3. As a member of society
4. As a unit in nature/existence
In this all state we want to achieve our s]desire goal or want to play our role so that we can
achieve the state of harmony. Such as an individual we want to fulfil our desire and want, as
an family we want to fulfil needs of our family and so on.
Exploring the Meaning of Prosperity
Prosperity is the feeling of having more than required physical facility.
There are two basic requirements:
1. Right assessment of the need for physical facility, along with its required quantity.
2. Ensuring the availability/production of more than required physical facility.

A Look at the Prevailing Notions of Happiness

We consume something and it provide us a state of happiness but it will not same for every
time. It may give a sense of happiness for one time or two time but not every time because after
frequent consumption we get bored and it will become source of unhappiness rather being
source of happiness.
Even happiness is different from the excitement.

The Programme for Happiness

The right understanding is essential for understanding the harmony. There should be right
understanding with self, family, society and nature. The mutual understanding will help to be
in the state of the harmony which leads to be happy and spread happiness.

Natural Outcome of the Programme

The natural outcome of understanding harmony will be to be in the state of harmony and
understand it. When we be in the state of harmony then we even try to spread it and live it. We
will try to make efforts to spread harmony within ourselves, in our families, society and nature.

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