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Exp 1

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Experiment (1)

a falling-ball viscosimeter
to determine the viscosity
of viscous fluids

Objects of the experiments

Assembling a falling-ball viscosimeter.
Determining the viscosity of glycerine.

A body moving in a fluid is acted on by a frictional force in the which acts upward too, and the downward acting gravitational
opposite direction of its velocity. The magnitude of this force force
depends on the geometry of the body, its velocity, and the
internal friction of the fluid. A measure for the internal friction F3 g (III)
is given by the dynamic viscosity . For a sphere of radius r
moving at velocity v in an infinitely extended fluid of dynamic 1: density of the fluid
, G. G. Stokes derived the frictional force 2: density of the sphere
g: acceleration of free fall
v r
If the sphere falls down vertically in the fluid, it will move at a These forces fulfil the relation
constant velocity v after a certain time, and there will be an F1 F3 (IV)
equilibrium between all forces acting on the sphere: the
frictional force F1, which acts upward, the buoyancy force The viscosity can, therefore, be determined by measuring the
rate of fall v.
F2 r3 1 g (II),

where v is to be determined from the distance s and the time

t of fall. The viscosity then is

2 2 g t
r (VI)
9 s

In practice, Eq. (I) has to be corrected since the assumption of

an infinitely extended fluid is unrealistic and the velocity dis-
tribution of the fluid particles with respect to the surface of the
sphere is influenced by the finite dimensions of the fluid. For

of radius R and infinite length, for example, the frictional force


F1 2.4 (VII)

Eq. (V) thus is changed into


If the finite length L of the fluid cylinder is taken into account,

there are further corrections of the order .
Carrying out the experiment
Apparatus Ä Set the counter P to zero by pressing the key ©0ª.
1 steel ball, 16 mm dia. . . . . . . . . . . . 200 67 288 Ä Trigger off the morse key, and observe the falling ball.
1 guinea-and-feather apparatus . . . . . . 379 001 Ä As soon as the ball has reached the mark (c), release the
morse key.
6 glycerine, 99 % , 250 ml . . . . . . . . . . 672 121
Ä Read the time of fall t from the counter P and record it.
1 counter P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575 45
1 holding magnet with clamp . . . . . . . . 336 21 If the ball does not fall at all or if it falls with a delay:
1 low-voltage power supply, 3, 6 ,9 ,12 V . 522 16 Ä Check the connections.
1 morse key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504 52
Ä Turn the iron core a bit upward.
1 stand base, V-shape . . . . . . . . . . . 300 01 Ä Choose a lower voltage for the holding magnet.
1 stand rod, 100 cm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 44
1 stand rod, 25 cm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 41 If the ball falls without the morse key`s being triggered:
1 Leybold multiclamp . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 01
Ä Turn the iron core a bit downward.
1 clamp with jaw clamp . . . . . . . . . . . 301 11
1 steel tape measure, 2m . . . . . . . . . . 311 77 Repeating the measurement:
1 pair of magnets, cylindrical . . . . . . . . 510 48 Ä Turn the voltage for the holding magnet to 12 V and turn
connection leads the knurled screw (a) to stop.
additionally recommended: Ä Get grip of the steel ball from outside on the bottom of the
vessel with the pair of magnets sticking together (red mark
1 precision vernier callipers . . . . . . . . . 311 54 outward), and move the ball slowly upward along the wall
1 measuring cylinder, 100 ml, plastic . . . . 590 08 of the vessel until it reaches the holding magnet. Using a
1 electronic balance LS 200, 200g: 0,1 g . 667 793 bent piece of wire, for example, push the ball exactly below
the iron core (see Fig. 2).
Ä Turn the knurled screw upward again, set the counter P to
zero, and repeat the measurement of the time of fall.
If the devices recommended in addition are available (see
The experimental setup is illustrated in Fig. 1: above):
Ä Assemble the stand material. Ä Determine the inner diameter D of the guinea-and-feather
glycerine in slowly, if possible without bubbles, almost up ball.
to the top. Ä Put the measuring cylinder on the electronic balance, and
Note: counterbalance.
Ä Fill 100 ml of glycerine from the storage bottle into the
Air bubbles in the fluid influence the viscosity and the density. measuring cylinder, and determine its mass.
If there are small air bubbles in the fluid after the filling, wait a
few hours before carrying out the experiment.
Ä Fix the guinea-and-feather apparatus in the clamp with jaw Measuring example
clamp (c) so that it is propped up on the experiment table.
Ä Turn the knurled screw (a) of the holding magnet down until Table 1: times of fall t
stopping, so that the iron core (b) sticks out of the coil
former. S(cm) t(s)
Ä Connect the holding magnet to the DC output of the
low-voltage power supply with the morse key in the line 10
coming from the negative pole so that the connection is
closed when the morse key is in the rest position.
Ä Supply an output voltage of 12 V, and hang the steel ball 30
up on the iron core (b).
Ä Turn the knurled screw (a) upward by about five turns.
Ä Position the holding magnet with the steel ball above the 50
fluid column in a way that the steel ball is on concenter with
the cylinder axis and completely dipped in.
Ä Make a mark at the guinea-and-feather apparatus some distance of fall: s = 66.6 cm
centimetres above its bottom and measure the distance of diameter of the ball: d = 16.0 mm
fall s between the lower edge of the ball and the mark.
diameter of the guinea-and-feather apparatus: D = mm
mass of the ball: m2 = 16.7 g
Connection of the counter P:
mass of 100 ml of glycerine: m1 = 125.4 g
Ä Connect the ground socket of the counter P to the feeder
socket (d) of the morse key, the start input to socket (e),
and the stop input to socket (f).
Ä Choose the measuring range ms.
Fig. 2 Returning the steel ball

Fig. 1 Experimental setup for the deter-

mination of the viscosity of glyc-

Evaluation and results

Density of the ball:

From the measuring results you find

Density of glycerine:

1 = 1254 kg mÄ3

= 1.53 kg mÄ1 sÄ1

= 1.480 kg mÄ1 sÄ1

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