Lab #11 Worksheet

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CSC 3326 Database Systems Lab Fall 2022

Lab #11 Worksheet

1. Triggers

A trigger is procedural SQL code associated with a given table, and is automatically
executed before or after some update/insertion/deletion on that table (triggering
event). A trigger can be used to enforce constraints, to automate critical actions (like
updating some derived attribute). A trigger can update values, insert records, and
call procedures. A table may have multiple triggers that are fired on different events
and can do different things. Triggers add processing capabilities to a database
application (event-based actions).

To create a new trigger in PostgreSQL, you follow these steps:

● First, create a trigger function using CREATE FUNCTION statement.

Second, bind the trigger function to a table by using CREATE TRIGGER statement.

CREATE FUNCTION trigger_function()

-- trigger logic

A trigger function receives data about its calling environment through a special
structure called TriggerData which contains a set of local variables. For example,
OLD and NEW represent the states of the row in the table before or after the
triggering event.
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name {BEFORE | AFTER} { event }
ON table_name
EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_function

a) First add a new smallint attribute called reorder in the table Product. The new
attribute will have value 1 when the quantity on hand for a given product falls below
the minimum allowed quantity on hand.

ALTER TABLE Product ADD COLUMN reorder smallint;

i) Now create the following trigger:


AS $$

Ziyad Mourabiti — DB Systems Lab — Fall 2022

CSC 3326 Database Systems Lab Fall 2022

UPDATE Product
SET reorder = 1
WHERE productCode = NEW.productCode;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;


WHEN (OLD.quantityOnHand IS DISTINCT FROM NEW.quantityOnHand
AND NEW.quantityOnHand < NEW.minQuantityOnHand) EXECUTE
FUNCTION update_prod();

ii) Now pick a product that has reorder different than 1, and decrease its quantity on
hand so that it becomes less than its minQoH. For example:

UPDATE Product
SET quantityOnHand = quantityOnHand -9
WHERE productCode = '1546-QQ2';

Check that product’s row values.

What happened? Please note that this trigger may need improvement.

b) In this example, a trigger will be used to maintain a derived attribute (amount) in

the Invoice table:

i) Add attribute amount of type decimal (8, 2) (not nullable) to table Invoice,
with a

defaultvalue 0. Give the SQL statement to do that.

ii) Update the amount attribute to be the sum of the corresponding total line
prices. You can use a correlated subquery. Give the corresponding SQL

iii) Create a trigger that will automatically update (increase) the invoice
amount every time a line is inserted (use the example trigger on the handout

iv) Insert some invoice line for some existing invoice and check the effect on
the corresponding invoice.

c) Create a trigger that would update (increase) the customer balance every time an
amount is invoiced for that customer (example trigger on the handout online).

2. Cursors.

Ziyad Mourabiti — DB Systems Lab — Fall 2022

CSC 3326 Database Systems Lab Fall 2022

A cursor is a procedural SQL mechanism that allows for walking through the result
set of a query that may return more than one row. It is used to fetch the information
one record at a time. A cursor needs first to be declared; the basic syntax looks like:

DECLARE cursorName CURSOR FOR SelectStatement;

You also need to declare local variables where to fetch data from cursor; for example

DECLARE varName dataType[,...n];

At some point in the code, the cursor needs to be opened to execute:

OPEN cursorName;

To get the first record, we have to fetch the next row:

FETCH NEXT FROM cursorName INTO variableName[, ...n]];

The special variable FOUND can be checked to see whether a row was obtained or

Then a typical use of a cursor will proceed as follows:

FETCH NEXT FROM cursorName INTO variableName,...; WHILE FOUND



-- process/print/do something with variableName, ... ...

-- fetch next row and loop back to process it FETCH NEXT FROM
cursorName INTO variableName,...;


CLOSE cursorName;

a) Create the stored procedure spPrintCustByArea() that uses a cursor to print

customers in a specific area code.

b) Run the above stored procedure:

CALL spPrintCustByArea('0161');

What is the output?

NB. Please note that cursors can be used in SQL functions as well.

Ziyad Mourabiti — DB Systems Lab — Fall 2022

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