Detecting Drones and Human Beings With DVB-S Based COTS Passive Radar For Short-Range Surveillance

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Detecting drones and human beings with

DVB-S based COTS passive radar for

short-range surveillance
Octavio Cabrera, Carlo Bongioanni, Francesca Filippini,
Olena Sarabakha, Fabiola Colone, Pierfrancesco Lombardo
DIET Dept., Sapienza University of Rome, Via Eudossiana, 18 - 00184 Rome, Italy
Email: [email protected]

Abstract—This work addresses the exploitation of Digital Video others. For this reason, the purpose of this paper is to analyze
Broadcasting - Satellite (DVB-S) signals as sources of opportunity the feasibility of polarimetric DVB-S based PBR for small
for the surveillance of small targets in the proximity of critical target surveillance. Passive coherent location technology is
infrastructures. A performance analysis has been carried out
and it is reported to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed particularly suitable for this task as it does not emit any elec-
system. Then, a preliminary experimental validation is performed tromagnetic radiation and thus it also allows covert operations.
using data collected by means of a low cost COTS based multi- The main contribution of this work is the preliminary
polarimetric receiver to detect small and close targets, as drones demonstration of the possibility to perform the monitoring of
and human beings. We present promising experimental results
small targets, drones and humans, in critical areas. To this aim,
that show the capability of the proposed system to perform
the desired task and, potentially, the opportunity to gain more we develop a DVB-S based PBR demonstrator and we use it
information on the target motion based on its Doppler signature. for an experimental validation.
The reminder of the paper is organized as follows. We
Index Terms—Passive bistatic radar, DVB-S signal, COTS introduce the system and its feasibility for the considered
based, small target detections, polarimetric diversity
application in Section II. In Section III, we describe the acqui-
sition campaign and the employed signal processing scheme.
The experimental validation reported in Section IV shows the
Passive bistatic radar (PBR) sensors [1] can detect and local- capability of the employed system to detect small targets.
ize targets using signals emitted by non-cooperative sources, Finally, some conclusion remarks are reported in Section V.
usually referred to as illuminators of opportunity (IOs). They
are based on the bistatic radar technology, which consists of
an emitter and a receiver that are not co-located.
In recent years, significant progress has been made in A typical PBR geometry is shown in Fig. 1. It includes
PBR technology and, depending on the considered applica- two directional antennas, namely the reference antenna (R)
tion, different signals have been considered as sources of pointed straight at the IO to collect the reference signal, and
opportunity. Among them, a recently renewed interest has the surveillance antenna (S) steered toward the coverage area
been received by the exploitation of satellite signals, such to collect target echoes.
as GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) and DVB-
S (Digital Video Broadcasting - Satellite), see e.g. [2]-[10]
and the references therein. Among the main advantages of
using this kind of signals, we recall their permanent world-
wide availability as well as their wide transmitted bandwidth,
which results in a good range resolution. Recently, some
contributions have been published and have demonstrated
the potential of satellite signals based PBR for a variety of
applications. With particular reference to DVB-S signals, a
waveform analysis has been reported in [11]; the authors in [4]
showed the capability of such systems to detect ships, while
the system feasibility for car detection was demonstrated in
Nowadays, a challenging task is represented by the surveil-
lance of critical infrastructures, that are potentially threatened
by the intrusion of drones and unauthorized people, among Fig. 1. Principal rays and antennas disposition.

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Several geostationary communication satellites are currently
working and transmitting to Europe, specifically to Italy,
with different equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP)
values. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a thorough
investigation in order to find the best satellite with a good EIRP
and a correct position, among other desirable parameters.
Once the satellite to be used has been selected, a per-
formance prediction analysis must be carried out. In order
to analyze the possibility to exploit DVB-S transmissions to
detect targets, we use the well known bistatic radar equation to
have a first approximation of the signal-to-noise ratio (SN R)
level. The bistatic radar equation is given by
EIRP G c2 σ Ti
SN R = (1)
(4π)3 f02 d2E d2T F kB T Fig. 2. The SN R as a function of dT for different values of σ.
being the employed parameters defined in Table I for the
consider Astra 1M satellite and the receiving RF front-end surveillance antenna. In order to have two cross-polarizations
developed for this project. in the reference parabolic reflector we install a small feedhorn
antenna with an orthomode transducer (OMT) in the focus of
the reflector (see Fig. 4). In the same way an OMT is installed
in the surveillance feedhorn (see Fig. 5).
transmitted Power EIRP 53 dBw
carrier frequency f0 10.7 GHz
emitter distance dE 36000 Km
receiver antenna S gain G 5 dB
noise figure F 1 dB
coherent processing interval Ti 0.5s
Boltzmann constant kB 1.38 10−23 J/K
light velocity c 3 · 108 m/s
Temperature T 290 K

Fig. 2 shows the SN R as a function of dT , which represents

the distance from the transmitter to the target, for different
values of σ, namely the target radar cross section (RCS). In
this figure, we consider very short distances, relevant for the
surveillance application under analysis.
As an example, we use the Albersheim’s equation [12], de-
noting Pf a and Pd as the false alarm and detection probabality,
respectively. Accordingly, for a Pd = 0.8 and a Pf a = 10−4 ,
we obtain a required target SNR (SN RT ) of 12 dB. For this
example, looking at Fig. 2, we see that a target with a σ = 0.01 Fig. 3. Block diagram of the RF front-end architecture. Thicker lines represent
m2 could be detected up to a distance of dT = 10 m, while a wave-guides connections while simple lines wire connections.
target with σ = 0.1 m2 is in principle visible up to dT = 30
m. Notice that the origin of the short-range limitation is not The OMT has two outputs, each one is connected to an
only the small RCS of the target, but also the low gain in low noise block (LNB), which allows us to take the signal
the S antenna. Specifically, for this performance prediction, in Ku band and shift it to L band. Since each LNB needs
we used a 5 dB gain antenna, which allows us to have a wide to share the same connector to receive a 10 MHz reference
angular coverage.By considering a standard DVB-S bandwidth signal, the direct current (DC) source and the output in the L
of ΔB = 30 MHz for each channel, the resulting bistatic range band, we used a diplexer circuit, whose output is the signal in
resolution (ΔRB ) and the resulting Doppler frequency (ΔfD ) the L band. Note that the 10 MHz reference signal for the four
are 7 m and 2 Hz, respectively [1]. LNBs ensures the coherence between the different channels.
Finally, the four channels are digitized in the L band in the
III. E XPERIMENTAL C AMPAIGN acquisition system (AQ SYS). The components used in the
In this section we explain the architecture of the RF front- demonstrator are summarized in Table II.
end based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components. Let us consider the general case of a DVB-S based PBR
As is represented in Fig. 3, we use a parabolic reflector for receiver, equipped with P differently polarized surveillance
the reference antenna, and only a small feedhorn for the channels. First, the available surveillance signals are separately


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Fig. 4. Reference antenna with a parabolic reflector, a feedhorn, an OMT
and two LNBs.

Fig. 6. Signal processing scheme.

Fig. 5. Surveillance antenna with a feedhorn, an OMT and two LNBs.

TABLE II campaign has been carried out in a parking area at Cisterna

U SED COMPONENTS FOR THE RF FRONT- END di Latina, Italy. The acquisition geometry is sketched in Fig.7.
Two different data sets have been collected, one using a small
parabolic reflector SKYWARE 96cm
drone as cooperative target and the other aimed at detecting a
feed SKYWARE for 96 cm antenna moving human being. The signal processing scheme described
AQ SYS NI USRP-2955 in section III has been applied to the two different data sets
LNB SMW Ku Band LNB and the results are separately reported in the following sub-
diplexer SMW diplexer with 10 MHz ref. input

A. Results against drone

processed according to the main stages of a conventional
passive radar processing scheme, sketched in Fig. 6. After- In order to investigate the capability to detect small drones,
wards, the P outputs are jointly exploited for target detection a DJI Mavic Pro has been used as cooperative target, flying
purposes. away from the receiver up to approx. 25 m (see the red line in
Specifically, as Fig. 6 shows, the first processing step is Fig.7). First, in Fig. 8 (a-b), we compare the results obtained
the disturbance cancellation stage. It aims at reducing the for one datafile, say datafile #1, by separately using vertical
Direct Path Signal (DPS) contribution, as well as strong (V) and horizontal (H) polarization, respectively, for a CPI
clutter and multipath. To this purpose, we use the extensive of 0.5s. In the same way, in Fig. 9 (a-b) we show the results
cancellation algorithm - batch (ECA-B), proposed in [13] obtained for another time window of the same size, say datafile
and based on subtracting the undesired interference signal, #2. Each figure represents the test statistic over the bistatic
estimated by summing up delayed and weighted replicas of the range-Doppler plane before the detection stage, mapped into
reference signal, from the surveillance channel. By recalling the nominal Pf a that would allow the corresponding threshold
that the length of the frames L sets the range of bistatic exceeding. In other words, each pixel has been scaled to
velocities that will be filtered together with the clutter and represent the minimum value of nominal Pf a to be set for
DPS, we used frames of length L = 2 · 106 samples. The P that pixel to yield a detection.
outputs of this disturbance cancellation stage are then used Figs. 8 and 9 confirm what has been demonstrated in [15],
to evaluate the cross ambiguity function (CAF) to obtain one [16], namely that depending on the complex structure of the
bistatic range - Doppler map for each polarimetric channel, target, the signal polarization may change in the reflection.
say ψ(fD , RB )p , p = 0, ..., P − 1, where (fD , RB ) represents In fact, the target echo at the two cross-polarized channels
the generic Doppler and range pair. In this work, we perform does not appear as an equally strong peak. Specifically, when
the CAF evaluation using the batch algorithm method [14], datafile #1 is considered, the H channel (Fig. 8 (a)) would be
with a CPI Ti = 0.5s. able to detect the drone for very low values of desired Pf a ,
while the V channel (Fig. 8 (b)) only receives a weak echo
IV. E XPERIMENTAL VALIDATION from that target, i.e. a very high Pf a would be necessary for it
In this section, we prove the feasibility of the proposed to be detected. An opposite behavior is observed datafile #2
system against real data. To this aim, a dedicated acquisition (see Fig. 9 (a-b)) where the V polarized channel (Fig. 9 (b))


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In particular, Fig.10 (a) and (b) show the results obtained
using the H and V polarization, respectively, while Fig.10
(c) shows the results obtained using the polarimetric NCI
approach. Fig.10 confirms the considerations made on Figs.
8 and 9 and shows that, using the proposed solution, we are
able to detect the drone with a good continuity for its entire

Fig. 7. Acquisition geometry.

is the best performing one. Therefore, Figs. 8 and 9 show that

it is hard to a priori establish which is the best performing
single polarized channel.
For this reason, the signals collected by the two cross-
polarimetric channels are jointly exploited, i.e. P = 2 (H and
V), and a non coherent integration (NCI) is performed accross
the polarimetric dimension, as follows
ψN CI (fD , RB ) = |ψ(fD , RB )V |2 + |ψ(fD , RB )H |2 (2)
The ψN CI (fD , RB ) for the two considered cases are re-
ported in Fig.8 (c) and Fig.9 (c). They show that using the
NCI approach, we are always able to recover the target echo
with respect to the single polarized cases.
Once the described stages have been applied, the target
detection stage is performed. In particular, when each po-
larimetric channel is separately considered, i.e. P = 1,
the detection stage is performed by directly applying a cell
average - constant false alarm rate (CA-CFAR) threshold to
the resulting map in order to detect targets with a given Pf a .
We will refer to this scheme as the conventional single-pol
operation in the following. In contrast, when P = 2, the CA-
CFAR is applied on the integrated range-velocity map. We will
refer to this approach as polarimetric NCI in the following.
Further details are reported in [15], [16].
In both cases, the detection threshold is properly selected
in order to obtain a desired false alarm rate, based on the
following expression [15] (c)
Fig. 8. Results against drone for datafile #1: Minimum nominal Pf a values
γ p  γ −P M −p
in the range-Doppler domain to be set in order to detect each bin, using (a)

PM + p − 1 single-pol H (b) single-pol V (c) polarimetric NCI.
Pf a = 1+
where γ represents the threshold and M denotes the employed B. Results against human target
number of training data for the noise floor estimation. The human movement has also been analyzed. To this
In Fig.10 we report the raw detections obtained for the 40 aim, we performed an experiment where a human target
consecutive datafiles as gray plots in a common bistatic range- was running away from the surveillance antenna (see dashed
Doppler plane, for Pf a = 10−4 . The different gray shades black line in Fig7). In Fig. 11 (a-b) we show the function
map the temporal information, starting from the darkest one. ψN CI (fd , RB ) obtained for two single datafiles with a CPI of


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(a) (a)

(b) (b)

(c) (c)
Fig. 9. Results against drone for datafile #2: Minimum nominal Pf a values Fig. 10. Results against drone: Raw detections for 40 consecutive data
in the range-Doppler domain to be set in order to detect each bin, using (a) windows with Pf a = 10−4 , using (a) single-pol H (b) single-pol V (c)
single-pol H (b) single-pol V (c) polarimetric NCI. polarimetric NCI. Different gray shades map the temporal information, starting
from the darkest one.

0.5s, extracted at the time when the human was starting its CFAR detection stage must be carried out. In Fig. 11 (c), we
run (a) and at the time he was running quickly (b). In both show the detection results obtained for the human target for a
cases, the target peak is approx. 20dB above the disturbance set of 40 consecutive datafiles with Pf a = 10−6 , using training
power level. Incidentally, note that this result matches with the data selected only in the range dimension in order to avoid
SNR analysis reported in Fig. 2 for a RCS of 1 m2 , which including micro-Doppler contributions in the secondary cells.
is likely to correspond to the monostatic RCS of a human Furthermore, to face the problem of having multiple detections
[17]. Moreover, it is evident that along with the mass center in the Doppler domain at each range bin we only considered
that was moving with an approx. constant velocity, the limbs one detection per range cell, using the detections center of
were also fluctuating, resulting in the insurgence of the micro- gravity. Using these strategies, the human trajectory can be
Doppler phenomena. This is particularly evident in Fig. 11 (b) easily identified in Fig. 11 (c).
and could potentially allow us to infer on the type of target
movement, via a classification based on the different micro- V. C ONCLUSION
Doppler signatures. Clearly, Fig. 11 (b) also suggests that a The feasibility of passive radar systems based on DVB-S
proper selection of the training data to be used in the CA- opportunity transmissions for the detection of small targets


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surveillance applications as well as the employment of the
developed RF front-end architecture to localize the detected
targets. Moreover, advance signal processing strategies to ex-
ploit polarization diversity will be considered with the purpose
of further improving the performance while different solution
to extract the micro-Doppler signatures will be investigated.
The authors gratefully acknowledge Genex RF s.r.l. for the
valuable advices regarding the RF components selection.
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