Detailed Lesson Plan

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I. Objectives

At the end of the 45-minute lesson, the student shall be able to.

a) Differentiate the characteristics of educational learning outcomes.

b )Discuss the roles and importance of the learning outcomes in effective teaching .

c)Apply the following topic by participating the given activity after the discussion .

ll .Subject Matter

Topic : Outcome-Based Education & The Outcome Education

Reference : Navarro ,R. , Santos , R . , & Corpuz , B (2019) Fourth edition

OBE -& PPST –BASED ; 10-B Boston St. Brgy. Kaunlaran, Cubao , Quezon City ,
Metro manila , Philippines / Lorimar publishing , Inc. Pages 1-4

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Time : 6:00 – 7:00

Instructional Materials : manila paper , pentel pen , construction paper , yellow

paper , ballpen , cartolina

Skills : creating, writing, reading, listening, speaking, identifying

Values Integration: obedience, cooperation and collaboration

III. Methodologies



A. Preparation

a) greeting/prayer Good evening maam;

Good evening everyone . Our father in heaven …….
Before we start our class , please
everybody stand up for our opening
You may now take your seat class.
Thank you maam

b) attendance

  Ok class I have an attendance sheet (student will fill up the attendance

here. I want you to fill it out with your sheet and pass it other claasmates)
name and your signature and pass it
to your classmate so that they have a
attendance for this evening.

B. Review
STUDENT 1 ( about lesson plan -
Okay class, what was our topic last Lesson plans help teachers be more
meeting? effective in the classroom by
providing a detailed outline to follow
Okay what did you understand about each class period.
the last topic ?
STUDENT 2 - provides the teacher
How important the lesson plan in with the means to convert the
teaching profession ? curriculum into instructional activities.
synchronizes the assessment and
the teaching materials.

Very well said, Thank you for your

brilliant memory . Please gave them
around of applause .

Before we start to our main topic I
want everyone in the class should
participate and cooperate to our short
activity you should answer the
following question :
Present picture ……..
(student 3 answered the question.)
Now what did you see in the picture 1
and 2 ?
(Student 4 answer the question?)
Since we discuss lesson plan last time
what is your idea about the picture
and our topic for today?

Okay , thank you for your answer you

can seat now .


Our lesson for today is all about the

1.1 outcome –based education and (students must read the objectives
1. 2 the outcome of education , what at the board )
is the characteristics , importance
and role in successful teaching but
before that class we must read the
learning objectives first…..

lV. Discussion (20mins.)


EDUCATION : Matching Intentions
with Accomplishment
(student should listen carefully to the
discussion )

STUDENT 4 (Answered)own opinion

a. what is outcome – based
education ?
Anyone in the class has an idea
what is OBE…….?
-Outcome-based education
(OBE) is education in which an
emphasis is placed on a clearly
articulated idea of what students are
expected to know and be able to do,
that is, what skills and knowledge
they need to have, when they leave
the school system.

Okay thank you , you may now take

your seat .

The three characteristics of OBE :

-Student centered ; focusing on

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)

-faculty driven ; encourages teaching

responsibility , assessing program
outcomes and motivating students
participation .

-meaningful; provides data to guide

the teacher in making valid ,
continuing improvement in
instruction and assessment activities

(explain and give some related

examples ) ……..

b. how are we going to execute the

OBE and what tools are we going to
used in order to achieve this
characteristics ?

1. Identification of the educational

objectives of the subject or course

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