Special Webinar Report - Basmati Prospective & Challengs, 13 June 2017

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Special Report on Webinar

Basmati, Prospective & Challenges" (Regional perspectives)

June 23, 2017

Special Report on
Basmati, Prospective & Challenges" 
(Regional perspectives)
|Date   13-June-2017 | Time  1130-1330 Hrs IST

Sponsored by Induss Pak Corporation & Institute of Research

Organized by :Riceplus Magazine

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Special Report on Webinar
Basmati, Prospective & Challenges" (Regional perspectives)

Webinar Proceedings

Speakers views
Vijay Setia, Chairman All India Rice Exporters Association

The chairman of the Indian Rice Exporters Association & Managing Director, Chaman
Lal Setia Ltd., India, Mr. Vijay Setia spoke at length & with conviction on pre and post-
harvest issues confronting Subcontinent common heritage “Basmati".

GI Status for Basmati

Suggested that India & Pakistan should fight together for GI status of Basmati. Basmati
can get unique status like French wine “Champaign” ,as it is grown in a specific area,
has distinctive characteristics like Aroma.

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Special Report on Webinar
Basmati, Prospective & Challenges" (Regional perspectives)

Global demand & Competition

On competition for Basmati, he is confident that if we maintain quality, consumers are

ready to pay premium price.

Quality Standards

Emphasized to implement Phytosanitory principals in Rice Supply

Chain(Procurement ,processing, Packaging, warehousing & logistics. Aflatoxin s can be
avoided by properly handling & Drying Paddy. Irrational use of Pesticides & Insecticides
should be stopped & chemicals doses should be used as recommended by experts & at
appropriate stage. New regulations on Triclorzol have been changed from PPM (parts
per million to PPB(parts per billion).AIREA is giving training to middlemen in markets &
to the growers for use of Pesticide to keel MRL level in control. At harvesting
time ,AIREA is collecting random samples to evaluate MRL levels. Social media &
promotion material is being used for creating awareness on pesticide uses.

Avoid unhealthy competition

Indian and Pakistani basmati is liked by the overseas buyers. Basmati is the best rice
from India and Pakistan. It is unique and complimented by overseas consumers. He
said the exporters in India & Pakistan are making buyer’s quality in their customized
brands. This gives no identity/recognition to their own name/brands. He pointed out
that to get business Pakistani exporters are competing with Pakistanis by offering lower
prices in competition & and Indians are competing Indians in global markets and under
cutting one another.


Mr. Vijay Setia, advised Pakistan Basmati exporters to develop their own Brands rather
to sell in buyers’ Brands by compromising on Prices & Quality. Brands give identity &
better per unit realization.

Shahjahan Malik , Sr. Vice Chairman REAP (Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan)
Highlighted the importance of new seeds development in Pakistan. His group Guard

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Special Report on Webinar
Basmati, Prospective & Challenges" (Regional perspectives)

Agricultural Research in Private sector is working on new seeds development for the
20 years in Pure & Hybrid breeding. Advised Rice exporters to develop own brands
rather than to sell in customized Brand, which does not give identity to country.

Zulfikar Thaver Chairman, UNISAM

Basmati is a blessing for Pakistan and India both and both need to have targeted and
focused efforts for its promotion in global markets said Zulfikar Thaver in a Webinar
organized by Rice Plus international daily publication, says a press release. He also
urged export credit guarantee facilities for export to third world countries and also
currency agreement with Iran. The SME rice exporters and processors both play an
important role in value addition of basmati rice and are appreciated in both India and

Thaver the president of the Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME)
endorsed the views of other speakers from different countries especially the organizer
and moderator Hamid Malik who rightly pointed out the declining of buying power,
sanctions on Iran, the low recovery, the cost of production due to high cost of farm
inputs, primitive systems, supply chain and low yield per acre. Hamid also pinpointed
cost of raw material in his introductory remarks. Thaver said Basmati is basmati known
for its features and basmati lovers insist on basmati. The other varieties which are non-
basmati but being sold as basmati cannot disguise as basmati because basmati known
and recognized for its aroma and taste. He said SMEDA and TUSDEC both will soon be
working for upgradation from grass roots level.

Faizan Ali Ghouri, Director Finance, MATCO Rice Processing

Finance is the backbone of any commercial organization. Faizan Ghouri highlighted the
critical role of finance sourcing, prudent utilization & transparent record keeping. Faizan
Ghouri informed the participants that to raise the finance from global institution is
possible provided Rice companies in Pakistan keep their accounts as per international
standards & to engage reliable & professional Auditing companies to boost the
confidence of financial institutes.

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Special Report on Webinar
Basmati, Prospective & Challenges" (Regional perspectives)

Faizan Ghouri emphasized & stressed the importance of Branding for recognition &
improve company’s profitability.

Samiullah Naeem, ExVice President REAP, highlighted the role of phytosanitary

aspects in Brown rice export to EU,and urged to pay attension to improve quality.to
boost the confidence of customers. He urged joint efforts of India and Pakistan for GI
and Basmati trademark. Faizan Ghori highlighted the scope of investment in the rice
sector and impressed the participants with his purview on the financial aspects He
informed the participants that international funding is available in Rice sector but for
that our entrepreneurs will have to create transparency & better governance in their
organizations by improving internal auditing & management system also emphasized
on Chinese technology under CEPEC for rice sector.

Mr. Imran Sheikh of RPL Limited ,highlighted the role of sustainability ,water usage &
DSR technology in Rice cultivation. He informed the participants how Rice Partners
Limited is collaborating with international Research Institutions & Global Corporate
giants like MARS to improve Rice sector sustainability & prudent water usage in Rice
Supply chain with ultimate object of enhancing Growers income & improving

Hamid Malik, Editor in Chief ,”RICE PLUSS” magazine ,moderating the WEBINAR &
starting the discussion explained following prospective of Basmati dynamics, Basmati
globally has a large Consumers base in Indian subcontinent, Persian Gulf, GCC, West
Asia, EU. North America & Africa.

Ever growing Ex Patriates from Indian subcontinent, Arabs & Iranians are major

Increasing per capita income in North & East Africa is fuelling Basmati consumption in

There has been a phenomenal increase in Basmati consumption outside the Indian Sub-
Continent. During the last decade Basmati export from sub-continent to rest of the
world has increased from 1.85 million Tons to 4.7 million tons. India accounting 80% &
Pakistan 20%.

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Special Report on Webinar
Basmati, Prospective & Challenges" (Regional perspectives)

R & D in new seeds development, improved Milling & Processing Techniques, Better
Marketing & improvement in Phytosanitory aspects has contributed to Basmati growth


Diminishing global demand in last 2 years in West Asia. Ever rising & high volatility of
global prices, & phytosanitory standards may be one of the reasons.

Low Milling recovery. From 100 Kg harvested Paddy, exportable Rice ranges from 26—
30%, due to high %age of broken & unwanted grains.

Non-existant down stream industry for Rice by products. Silica in Husk can be used in
glass & Cement industry. Rice bran can be used in pharmaceutical industry & as
Neutracilia for human consumption, Bran oil,one of the most healthy oil can be
extracted from Bran.

Rising Raw material cost.

Low income to Farmers on stagnant production & increasing cost of inputs.

Old & primitive methods/technology, being used by Farmers.

Flood irrigation to grow rice instead of other advanced technologies which consume
less water. Currently 3000-5000 liters of water is being used for producing 1 kg of rice.

Irrational use of water is causing the production of methane gas which is ultimately
responsible for damaging ozone layer in space.

Irrational use of Pesticides & insecticides & at improper stage is creating MRL(Minimum
Residual Level) issues in final products.

Replacement of Traditional aromatic Basmati varieties by Basmati like non-basmati

varieties is going to be a new challenge.

No GI status to Basmati, due to un necessary prolonged legal battle.

Paddy & Rice Milling machinery is not suitable for extra-long Basmati varieties (8mm+,

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Special Report on Webinar
Basmati, Prospective & Challenges" (Regional perspectives)

Excessive inbreeding caused by use of own seed by Farmers, instead of certified

improved seed, is causing dominance of recessive genes of inferior characteristics
which ultimately is lowering plant resistance against pests & deterioration in production.

Also spoke on the occasion were Mr. Abdul Khalique, Senwan Pakistan Ltd, Mr. Waqas
from Saudi Arabia, Mr. Omer Latif from UAE & Mr. Raza Ul Hassan from Iran.

Compiled by:
Hamlik, Chief Editor (Riceplus Magazine)

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