Lahore High Court Office Coordinator
Lahore High Court Office Coordinator
Lahore High Court Office Coordinator
1 Choose the correct
B This is a most unique jewe
AThis 1s the most unique jewel
DThis 1s the moro uque jewcl
CThis 5 a unique Jewel
Pay 3olH
36. Choose the correct
Neither he nor his friends
C likes rice B. Neither he nor his friends like the rice
Neither he nor his
friend like rice. D. Neither he nor his friends ike rice
37. Choose the correct sentence:
A Not only Raza but
also his brother avoid
B Not only Raza
but his brother also smoking.
C Not only Raza avoids from smoking
but also his
DNot only Raza brothers avoids from
but also his brother avoids smoking.
38. Choose the smoking.
correct sentence:
A The K-2 is the
C K-2 is a
highest peak in Pakistan B. K-2 is
highest peak in Pakistan. highest peak in Pakistan
D. K-2 is the
39. Choose the correct highest peak in Pakistan.
Money sentence:
make the
C. mare go.
Money makes the mare to B. Money makes mare go.
g. D.
40. Choose the correct Money makes the mare go.
A. The dead
is soon
C The
dead is forget soon forgotten. B. The dead are
D. The dead is forgotten.
41. The forgot soon
tragic incident of Karbala
A 51 AH took place
B 56 A.H
on Muharram 10,
42 The Battle of
C61 A.H D. 66 A H
A 6 Hijri
Tabook was
fought in:
B.7 Hijri C. 8 Hijri
43. When did Abraha
(A Christian D9 Hyr
A 570 AD ruler) attack Makkah?
B571 AD C. 572 A.D
44 O 573 AD
During Haj. the
pilgrims slaughter
A Arfaat the animals at:
B. Mina
C. Muzdalfa
45. What D Saffa
is neant by
A Masakeen
B Mujahideen
C. Ghazi
D Qarz dar
46. Who
martyred Hazrat Ali
A Barq bin Abdullah B Umroo bin
Baqr C. Utba D lbn-e-Muljam
47. In the
Holy Quran, which battle has
A been called
Battie of Badr B Battle of Ohd C. Battle of "Yaum-ul-Furqan"?
Khandaq D Battie ot Hunan
48. The
Holy Prophet (PBUH) has been
A Suran
Muhammad B Surah "Kharam-un-Nabiycen"
Ahzab CSurah
Ibrahim D Surahl uqran
49 The King of. tore away the
A Iraq messago of Prophet (PBUH)
BIran C Egypt D Syria
'ap 4 ot8
53. When were the details of Zakat' D. 9Hr
C.7 Hijri
A 3 Hyr B.5Hiri
to Madina??
$4 The "Mushrik" who chased the Holy Prophet (PBUH) D. Abu Larb
B Abu Suhyan C. Saraqa bin Josham
A ADu Janl
types of revelation (Wahi) are
55. How many D. 5
B.3 C. 4
A 2
without storing in
from the Recycle bin
56. How to delete files B. Press Ctrl + Delete Key
Press Delete Key
A + Delete Key
C. Press Alt + Delete Key D. Press Shift
stand for?
57. What does PDF B. Pure Document Font
Document Font
A. Document Fort
D. Portable
Private Document
the first row of Keyboard?
order of the keys (Left to Right) C. D. QWE
58. What is the B. QRENT
document is:
and columns in MS word
number of r o w s D 2 and 2
59. The
minimum C. 2 and 1
B. 1 and 2
A 1and1
word 2003
the default
left margin in D. 1.75
60. What is C. 1.5
B. 1.25
A. 1
Microsoft Word?
is used for Spell Check D F9
61. Which key C.F7
B F2
A F1
hold text are
on the slide that
C. Auto Layout
D Object Ho'de
62. The objects B. Place Holder
A. Text holder
D. Super Conmputer
is an example of:
B. Laptop
A PC Power Point?
slide show in MS
used to view F10
can be C. F5
64. Which key
B. F2
(PAPIR w i t I S I A M Y A I
67. 60% of a number is added to 120. The result is tho samo number. Find the
A 200 B 300 C. 400 D 00
68. 40 is subtracted from 60% of a number. The result is 50. Find the number
A 120 8. 130 C. 140 D 150
age 6 s 8
( R V VA
80. F.I.R. stands for:
A First Information Report B. First Informal Report
C First Investigation Report D. First Intimation Report
C) (B) (A)
- u I i l n -83
(c) UPz (B)
(B) y (A)
Page 7 of 8
Suot (B)
i - j l A 4-92
J Pa)
------ wL
(D) (C) B)
l6ur 94
din-- .
(B) CA)
-i- L t -97
(D) (B) (A)
ASLtrni 1 - 99
(B) CA)
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