Ey Unlocking Indias Green Hydrogen Ambitions

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Unlocking India’s

green hydrogen
Shifting global focus towards hydrogen

Hydrogen is a versatile source of energy that can contribute in decarbonization of global economy if produced using
low-carbon emitting sources. The Government of India has recently shown interest and inclination towards
developing Hydrogen as a future fuel and feedstock. The objective of this point of view paper is to bring insights
from global hydrogen ecosystem, their key challenges and recommendations for India.

Hydrogen – the missing link: It has been realized that hydrogen will act as a critical enabler to achieve the global
targets to limit the increase in temperature to 1.5-degree Celsius, adapt to adverse impacts of climate change and
fostering low greenhouse gas emissions development. In 2020, there was an inescapable excitement around
hydrogen. Globally, countries are proposing ambitious targets, pilot projects and huge amount of investments
towards creating hydrogen ecosystem.

Exhibit 1: Global initiative towards hydrogen economy

~ US$10.2t ~ 30 countries ~ 250 cities

Expected Global Announced national hydrogens targets for 100%
Investment until 2050 strategy/mission plan renewable energy

~ US$70b ~ 20 countries
Government support to Announced sales ban on ICE
transition to hydrogen vehicles before 2035

~ US$2.5t 114 countries

Estimated annual Countries have or plan to set
sales by 2050 more ambitious targets for
cutting emissions

Exhibit 2: Global hydrogen projects

19 projects 126 projects

46 projects

8 projects
5 projects
24 projects

Total projects

Source: Hydrogen Council Report

2 Unlocking India’s hydrogen ambitions

Growing hydrogen momentum: Why is India betting big on
why now? hydrogen ?

u Decarbonization targets: Under the Paris agreement, u Energy security: The global pandemic
countries have pledged to reduce national emissions and has taught the nations to diversify
impact of climate change through “Nationally determined their energy demand as well as their
contributions (NDCs)” targets. It will help limit global geographical availability. The
temperature rises to 1.50C. However, to meet such ambitions fluctuations in the oil & gas market
targets, countries will have to install large number of have disrupted supply-demand chain
renewable energy systems. It is also essential to find an and causes variation in the fuel cost.
alternative fuel for applications where direct electrification is Developing countries like India needs
not feasible. Hence, hydrogen could be a viable fuel with huge to find out an alternative to strengthen
potential to achieve global decarbonization targets. it’s national energy security.

u A complementary solution to renewable energy: Renewable u Emission targets: India is the third
energy technologies have witnesses tremendous growth both largest global CO2 emitter (~7% of
in terms of technical and financial feasibility. It is required to global CO2 emission) well below China
store and utilize excessive energy produced during generation & United States. It has also committed
hours. Hydrogen can be the missing piece to complement to reduce its emissions intensity by
renewable energy systems. 33-35% under the Paris Agreement.

u Supporting grid load management via storage solutions: The u Economic dependencies & balance of
grid load requirements and better grid resiliency due to trade: India is the world’s third largest
increasing distributed renewable energy installations can be crude oil importer with import
managed with green hydrogen based energy storage system. dependency of more than 80%. It also
imports 54% of natural gas and 24% of
u Decarbonization of hard-to-abate sector: Hydrogen is a coal requirements which largely
potential fuel and feedstock to reduce carbon intensities of affects India’s financial account
sectors such as transportation, industrial and residential balance. India’s oil import bill in FY20
applications. and FY19 was approx. US$101.4
u Technological advancement: There is a significant billion and US$111.9 billion,
improvement in the efficiency of electrolyzer and fuel cells respectively.
technologies. u Energy Subsidies: Along with the high
u Falling technology cost: The cost of hydrogen produced from cost of imported fuel, India gives away
the electrolysis has fallen by ~ 60% since 2010. Also, the price overall energy subsidies of approx.
of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles has declined by ~ 65% over the US$30 bn / year on oil & gas, coal,
past 10 years. transmission & distribution, renewable
energy and electric vehicles. Some
proportion of these subsidies can be
diverted for the development of
hydrogen ecosystem.

Hence, India can grab this early

opportunity to capture entire value chain
of hydrogen and look out for global

Hydrogen: an energy dense fuel

u The specific energy of hydrogen is between 120-140 MJ per kg
while that of diesel and gasoline fuel is between 30-45 MJ per
kg. Therefore, hydrogen specific energy is around 3X to 4X
times higher than gasoline and diesel fuels.

u Similarly, specific energy of hydrogen is around 30X to 90X

times higher than batteries.

u Also, diesel and gasoline emit approx. 75-85 g CO2 per MJ of

energy produced along with other harmful substances such as
nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and particulate matter. Whereas
hydrogen only emits water as a by-product.

3 Unlocking India’s hydrogen ambitions

Hydrogen production

Hydrogen can be produced using different technologies, but sustainable

production technologies will create future possibilities of adoption and
scale. Today, hydrogen is mainly produced from fossil fuels such as coal &
natural gas. However, it can be generated from various feedstocks. The
cost of hydrogen, market-competitiveness and market-timeframe is
affected by location of production technology and its volume of production.

Exhibit 3: Global hydrogen production

Water electrolysis, 4%
Coal gasification, 18%

Oil reforming, 30%

Natural gas steam

methane reforming
(SRM), 48%

Source: IRENA Report

u Hydrogen can be obtained from fossil fuels, biomass, as well as a combination of water & renewables.
u Natural gas is now the most common source of hydrogen generation, accounting for roughly three-quarters
of the total dedicated hydrogen production of around 70 million tonnes per year.

Green hydrogen: an ultimate future winner

Exhibit 4: Types of hydrogen


Type Black/brown Grey hydrogen Blue hydrogen Turquoise Pink hydrogen Green
hydrogen hydrogen hydrogen

Process Coal gasification Methane Methane Pyrolysis Electrolysis Electrolysis

reformation reformation or
with CCUS

Source Coal Natural gas Fossil fuels Methane Nuclear Renewable

energy energy

Currently, most of the world’s hydrogen is being produced from natural gas and coal. When hydrogen is produced
using renewable energy sources, it is termed as green hydrogen. Water electrolysis is most matured technology
to produce green hydrogen.

4 Unlocking India’s hydrogen ambitions

An overview of hydrogen ecosystem
Looking at hydrogen’s low-carbon energy portfolio, it has a potential to decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors such
as industry, transport and buildings.

Exhibit 5: Hydrogen ecosystem

Energy Generation H2 Production H2 Distribution and Storage H2 Applications Annual CNG
reduction potential
Fuel f or
f uel cell
1.0 Gt

Unlocking India’s hydrogen ambitions

Fuel f or direct
Ground combusion
Compression transport 0.3 Gt
energy As part of
Gas Other sy nf uel
pipeline transport
1.2 Gt

Process input f or
iron reduction
Iron and 1.3 Gt
Ship steel

energy Process input
Petrochemical f or f eedstock 0.6 Gt
and chemical production
Conv ersion

Fuel f or process 0.6 Gt

heat generation
Electroly zer
Power and heat genera-
General tion backup power, long 0.5 Gt
manuf acturing and mid-term storage,
grid blending

Electricity Flow of pure H2 Flow of converted H2 Fuel cell Direct combustion Feedstock
Current hydrogen demand in India

Exhibit 6: India’s current hydrogen demand (million metric tonnes)

6 Mt

0.9 0.9
1.5 1.5
3.6 3.6 hydrogen

Ammonia Refining Methanol Total Demand

Source: TERI Report, NITI Aayog

u Industry sectors such as refineries and fertilizers accounts for major hydrogen demand in India mainly
through grey hydrogen.
u Grey hydrogen is largely produced by natural gas therefore, emitting huge amount of CO2 emissions.
u Hydrogen can be useful in the applications that require high temperatures (above 250 degrees Celsius),
especially in the chemical, iron and steel industry . In such cases, hydrogen can serve as an excellent
alternative to other energy sources.
u Also, It is essential to promote usage of hydrogen in sectors where direct electrification is not feasible.

6 Unlocking India’s hydrogen ambitions

Market size of hydrogen in India
Exhibit 7: Projected hydrogen demand and electrolyser manufacturing capacity requirement

Unlocking India’s hydrogen ambitions

Cleaner Environment

NDC’s on Target

9% 2%
of total H2 of total H2 of total H2 of total H2 Estimated H2 demand
demand by 2030 demand by 2030 demand by 2030 demand by 2030 and probable
Electrolyser Capacity
by 2030
Industrial Energy Pow er Transport Residential and Buildings
H2 demand
and Feedstock 15- 20 MT; 50% export
It can be utilized as the energy It an be transported as a FCEV and H-CNG as f uel
Use of Hy drogen as
Feedstock and f uel f or carrier f or generating electrical pressurized gas or a cry ogenic f or transport
industrial applications power with hy drogen f uel cells liquid and can be combined in Heating and cooling Electrolyser capacity
and hy drogen combustion an absorbing metallic alloy applications in buildings 120-150GW
engines matrix.
Production cost for green hydrogen is projected to
decline rapidly over the next decade

The major contributors in the production cost of hydrogen are as follows:

i. Electrolyser cost
ii. Renewable levelized cost of electricity

Exhibit 8: Emerging trends

Global LCOE for solar-pv Solar power tariff in India (INR/kWh)

$ per MWh (nominal) (INR/kWh)



143 153
128 146
110 103
80 89
66 58 56 71
51 45 58 59 1.99

23 27 29 29 29 32 35 37 39 48 52 56 58 58 70 73 75



















Source: EY Analysis 2020, BNEF

Falling price of electrolyser Reducing renewable LCOE Probable Green Hydrogen cost

Optimistic scenario
Electrolyzer Cost (USD mn/kw)

Basecase scenario
1800 60
production costs (US$/kg)

Green hydrogen

45 2.5 2.5
2021 2030 2021 2026 2030 2021 2026 2030

Key factors and drivers

u Increasing scale of u Decreasing cost of solar u Incentives and subsidies

production cells and panels u Decreasing cost of
u Increasing efficiency of u Giga projects renewable energy
electrolysers u Policy stimulus, incentives production
u Decreasing cost of and subsidies u Decreasing cost of
electrolysers hydrogen production
Source: IEA, BNEF, EY Parthenon analysis

8 Unlocking India’s hydrogen ambitions

Green hydrogen – fuelling the self reliant growth engine

Green hydrogen can

diversify the energy
mix of Indian economy
which is majorly
Consistently India’s India will
dependent on high
falling renewable is have excess
imports of crude oils. It
renewable amongst the renewable
will improve the
LCOE in cheapest in capacity by
resilience of the
India the world 2030
system by providing
alternative energy
carrier, supply chain
and market.

Following are the supporting pillars of green hydrogen economy in India:

u The renewable energy in India is among the cheapest in the world. Hence, renewable LCOE will be minimum.
u The national targets of achieving 500 GW of RE capacity by 2030 will further complement production cost and
volumes of green hydrogen.
u Despite having “Must Run” status, there is curtailment of renewable energy causing wastage of energy. This
could further increase with increase in number of renewable energy installations in the coming years. This
excessive generation of clean energy could either be stored or used for other purposes such as production of
hydrogen through water electrolysis process.
u Government of India’s objective to cut its emission intensity by 33-35% of 2005 levels by 2030 requires more
diversified approach. Sectors such as industries, transportation and buildings need to further reduce their carbon
intensity. The techno-economic feasibility of green hydrogen production in the near future will provide a befitting
solutions to decarbonize of hard-to-abate sectors.

9 Unlocking India’s hydrogen ambitions

Reduction in green hydrogen cost is the key to deep

Since, India has cheapest renewable LCOE, It is essential to drive down the LCOH through capacity building of below
mentioned points :
1. Enhance domestic manufacturing: To support domestic manufacturing, government should come up with policy
interventions and provide incentives and subsidies for electrolyser manufacturing. The manufacturing scheme
such as production-linked incentives can be extended for localized manufacturing of electrolysers in a phased
2. Economies of scale: It is very essential to create enough hydrogen demand so that, the supply-side will
penetrate at a much faster rate. It will require mass-production of electrolyser that can help in driving down its
price and reaching at cost-parity with fossil fuel-based hydrogen.

u Levers for commercial affordability of
green hydrogen can be achieved by
reducing the cost of electrolyser
Cost of green hydrogen production (economy of scale), improving utilization
(economic feasibility) (through incentivizing and aggregating
demand reducing input cost of electricity
(by ensuring availability of low-cost
renewable power)

u Choose water-sufficient location for setting up

electrolysis plant

Water requirement for u Research on seawater-based electrolyser

electrolysis (social u Large scale desalination of sea water and
feasibility) wastewater as a hydrogen feedstock
u Legal mechanisms facilitating changes in place and
purpose of water use


10 Unlocking India’s hydrogen ambitions

Expansion of infrastructure is also expected to
accelerate, lowering costs across the value chain

Exhibit 9: Cost of Hydrogen transmission and distribution by option

3 u 85% Hydrogen is produced and
consumed on-site globally.
u In India, Hydrogen delivery can be
mainly by two modes of transportation,
Cost (US$/kg)

2 either pipelines or trucking.

u Dedicated pipeline network will be a
costly option and requires special
material to prevent leakage of
1 hydrogen. Also, retrofitting of existing
steel pipeline infrastructure will require
0.1 suitable modifications to prevent
hydrogen embrittlement that causes
0 50 100 500 1000 5000 formation of cracks.
u Pressurized tube trailers can carry
Distance (km)
smaller quantities of hydrogen as
compared to pipelines. But, it will be
Source: EY Analysis
helpful in developing initial hydrogen
supply-demand network.

u Pipelines are the cheapest option for hydrogen distribution in local or regional networks (up to 5,000 km):
u Retrofitting is likely the cheapest option, but will depend on existing technical capabilities.
u Transmission will play a critical role in determining where hydrogen is produced:
u In case of an on site installation, transmission takes ~20% of the total price of supply.
u For regional distribution, the infrastructure can represent up to ~50% of the total cost.
u For long range distribution, the infrastructure can represent up to ~75% of the total cost.

11 Unlocking India’s hydrogen ambitions

Challenges and recommendations for accelerated
proliferation of green hydrogen

Challenges Recommendations

u Technological advancement through research projects and

R&D demonstrations
(technical feasibility) u Prioritize medium to large scale demonstration projects
u Global collaborations and knowledge transfer

u Draft National Standards for safer storage, transport and distribution

Safety & standards
of hydrogen is required in place

u India should start conducting pre-feasibility study of potential

hydrogen valleys and map out connected refuelling networks
u Utilization of existing infrastructure with some minor modifications for
transportation and distribution of hydrogen

u Hydrogen can be a new commodity for trading in the same way as oil &
Financing & Trading
gas are traded today

u Constitution of funding agencies for hydrogen-based projects

u Offer initial incentives in the form of subsidies, grants, and
concessional financing to provide an impetus to green hydrogen
(financial feasibility)
u India gives away overall energy subsidies of approx. US $30 bn / year.
The subsidy can be diverted in creating hydrogen ecosystem in a
phased manner

u Prepare a milestone based National H2 Roadmap or Strategy

u Set national targets
Policy and regulations u Financial & non-financial incentives
(regulatory feasibility) u Extension of PLI scheme for domestic manufacturing of electrolyser
u Impose carbon tax
u Mandate green hydrogen purchase obligations

Skills u Skill development institutions are required for professional training

12 Unlocking India’s hydrogen ambitions

A timeline-based transition roadmap for Indian
economy is shown below

Exhibit 10: Timing of expected rollout by application 2020

2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Forklift and Equipment
Trucks and Buses
Metro and Railway
Industry feedstock
Blended Hydrogen Heating / Cooling
Pure Hydrogen Heating / Cooling
Industrial energy
High Grade Industry Heat
Medium – Low Industry Heat
Power generation
Renewable Energy Generation Areas

2020-2030 2030-2040 2040-2050

► Warehouse, Agriculture and ► FCEV Cars and Freight ► Air Transport

Construction Equipment based ► Public Transport ► Marine Transport
on FCEV ► Inland Waterways ► Defence
► Industrial Feedstock - ► Power Grid for Storage and ► Space
Ammonia Transmission ► Residential Heating and
► Industrial Corridors in ► Residential Energy Storage Cooling
Petrochemical plants and Steel ► Other Manufacturing
and Aluminium production

13 Unlocking India’s hydrogen ambitions

Hydrogen economy in India: road to green could
traverse the blue

It is highly debatable to discuss the adoption of fossil fuel based hydrogen rather than green hydrogen. But,
both blue and green form of hydrogen will be necessary to drive hydrogen based economy. The path for
deployment of hydrogen will require an amalgam of technological maturity and its cost competitiveness with
other existing methods. Electrolysis is a matured technology but, the cost associated with production of green
hydrogen is many times higher than blue or grey hydrogen. This will impact its deployment at an early stage of
value chain development.
Also, India aims for 100 million tonnes of coal gasification by 2030. Therefore, India has an opportunity to
support blue hydrogen using carbon capture, utilization and storage technology. A minimum subsidy can also be
allocated for the same and this will create enough hydrogen demand and infrastructure for green hydrogen to
enter the market.
Eventually, Green hydrogen will come and utilize existing storage, transmission and distribution infrastructure.

Fulfil current H2 Under pilots &

Fulfil current H2 demand Under pilots & demonstration Under R&D
demand demonstration

Short-Term Long-Term

Grey Hydrogen

Blue Hydrogen

Green Hydrogen

Development of volumes and Market penetration and

Initial uptake
transportation solutions expansion

14 Unlocking India’s hydrogen ambitions

Applications Industry
Currently, most of the
India is world’s fifth
Blending of hydrogen
in compressed
of hydrogen India’s hydrogen demand
comes from two main
largest automobile
market where trucks
natural gas
industrial sectors, account for only 3% of compressed natural gas
refinery and fertilizer the total vehicle fleet (HCNG) is being
Hydrogen can be used as industries (ammonia and (passenger + freight) but considered as the first
methanol production). it emits 41% of total step towards hydrogen
a fuel or a feedstock in
Hydrogen can be used as vehicular CO2 emissions economy in India. The
different forms of
fuel or feedstock for and 53% of total blended fuel can be used
applications. This
industrial applications. In vehicular PM emissions. in natural gas engine or
property of hydrogen has
future, it has a huge In 2020, overall freight combustion engine with
unveiled its true
potential to decarbonize transport in India minor modifications.
potential as an
petrochemical, cement accounts for approx. Currently, approx. 20%
alternative source of
and steel (India is world’s 220 million tonnes of of hydrogen is being
energy. Following are the 2nd largest steel CO2 emission. Due to
different applications of blended in compressed
manufacturer) industry collaborative support of natural gas in CNG buses
hydrogen: which contributes to OEMs, government and that results in more fuel
majority of the GHG customers, Battery economy, reduction in
emissions. Electric Vehicles are CO and hydrocarbon
penetrating at a notable emissions than CNG.
pace in low and medium-
Power generation duty vehicle. Still, the
India’s power sector is electrification of heavy- Buildings
one of the most duty vehicles (HDV) such Space heating or
diversified sector in the as buses and trucks is cooling is more
world with coal, oil, not significant enough. prevalent in the
natural gas, hydro- The other type of American and European
energy, nuclear, solar, electric vehicle, Fuel Cell residential and
wind energy and waste- Electric Vehicle can commercial buildings.
to-energy as a sources decarbonize HDVs. The For now, hydrogen can
of energy . With increase hydrogen-powered trains act as a cooking fuel in
in the share of has already entered in India. It can provide a
renewable energy, the the pilot phase in substitute to the Indian
grid is becoming greener Europe. Marine and cooking fuels such as
day by day. However, aviation mode of LPG or PNG.
looking at the cost and transport will soon
low power density of witness the acceptance
renewables such as solar of hydrogen as a fuel.
energy, other sources of
clean energy are Hydrogen fuel cells:
required along with It is device that converts
renewables. Fuel cell chemical energy of
technology or natural hydrogen into electricity.
gas engines can replace The electricity produced
coal-based power plants can be utilized for
for power generation. automobile applications
Improvement in the and power generation.
feasibility of above
technologies can help in
decarbonization of
India’s power sector.
Hydrogen can also work
as energy storage for
variable renewable
energy generation and
can provide grid stability.

15 Unlocking India’s hydrogen ambitions

India’s capabilities and gap analysis across green
hydrogen value chain

It is required to analyze the entire green hydrogen value chain before transitioning towards a new fuel type. Following
are the key factors that are required to be considered with reference to green hydrogen penetration in India :

Up-stream Requirements Gaps Mitigation steps

Electrolyzer Precious metals: Pt, Pd, Ir Explore geographies and
Non-precious metals: Ni, Zr, La, Y increase R&D

Renewables Solar panels: Cu, Si etc. Global tie-ups for

exploration of raw
Wind turbines: Cu, Mn, Cr, Zn etc. materials & technology
transfer and local
Availability of
Raw Materials
Water Freshwater Explore methods to
convert wastewater into
Wastewater treatment treated water,
Desalination of seawater Feasibility of large scale
desalination plants
Cost of electrolyser Incentivize under PLI
scheme, local
Economic Renewable LCOE manufacturing,
Feasibility economies of scale
Hydrogen production (LCOH) Demand creation

Proven Electrolysis Productivity of electro-chemical Research & development

Technology reactions for improving the
efficiency of electrolyzer

The produced hydrogen through electrolyser will be deoxidised, dried and

purified before transportation or storage

Mid-stream Transpor- Pipelines Retrofit Incentivize transmission,

tation & distribution & storage
distribu- New network
tion Cryogenic liquid
Adequate Hydrogen
tanker trucks or
Infrastructure Infrastructure
gaseous tube trailers
Storage Pressurised tanks Testing & pilots,
create hydrogen valleys
Salt caverns
Safety and Hydrogen storage, transportation Global collaboration
Standards and distribution standards

The transported hydrogen will be de-pressurized and converted as per the

application requirements before end-use utilization

Down-stream Industrial For domestic/local power Repurposing of existing

generation power supply units
Transport Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle R&D, promotion through

exist not clear Does not exit

16 Unlocking India’s hydrogen ambitions

Key areas of focus and intervention for developing
India’s hydrogen ecosystem
Developing domestic R&D and
international collaborations

Hydrogen production

Skill development
1 pathways and
6 2

5 3
Industry partnership Regulatory & policy
and pilot programs support
Developing domestic

Action/ Focus points Key initiatives

u Promote research in hydrogen technologies Government agencies

1 through industrial & academic collaborations
Knowledge & technology transfer
u The GOI’s Department of Science and
u Technology is encouraging translational
research on carbon capture, utilization
storage (CCUS)
u Set out a target for hydrogen electrolyser
capacity by 2030 & 2040 u Indian Oil corporation (IOCL) signed a pact

2 u Pre-feasibility study for conversion of existing

pipeline infrastructure for hydrogen
with Greenstat Norway for setting up a
centre of excellence on Hydrogen – Feb
transportation 2021
u MNRE has been allocated INR 25 crores for

u Incentivize hydrogen production and usage R&D activities in Hydrogen

through production and investment tax u Green hydrogen purchase to be mandatory

incentives for some sectors: R K Singh

3 u Provide financing (debt, equity, grants) at

lower rates
u India will conduct green hydrogen auction in
the first half of 2021 – Energy Minister RK
u Extension of production schemes such as PLI Singh
for electrolyser manufacturing u NTPC organizing green hydrogen summit of
u Impose carbon taxing (cross-subsidy) BRICS nations – Jun 2021
u IOCL may monetise Hydrogen units to raise
u Opportunity assessment for identifying INR 10,000 crores – May 2021
hydrogen application – energy, feedstock,
4 u
decarbonization, etc.
Targets for % of energy share by 2030 & 2050 Private Industries
u Set out a target for FCEVs and HRS
u Reliance Industries to invest US$8bn for
development of giga-factories for fuel cells
u Technological and sectoral alliances along with and electrolysers

5 u
Identify hydrogen valleys, initiate and
u Tata motors, in collaboration with Indian Oil
Corporation, developed country’s first
implement pilot projects and demonstrations hydrogen fuel cell powered bus
u Tata Motors bags order for 15 hydrogen-
based fuel cell buses from Indian Oil
6 u Skilling and training for people in the related
industries Corporation.

17 Unlocking India’s hydrogen ambitions

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18 Unlocking India’s hydrogen ambitions

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