Chapter 2 Test Class 12

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Test Paper-01
Class - 12 Physics (Electrostatics Potential and Capacitance)

1. Correct formula for capacitance in terms of area A and distance d, of a parallel plate
capacitor in vacuum is

2. Two parallel plate capacitors of capacitances C and 2C are connected in parallel and
charged to a potential difference V by a battery. The battery is then disconnected and
the space between the plates of capacitor C is completely filled with a material of
dielectric constant K = 3. The potential difference across the capacitors now becomes
3. A variable capacitor and an electroscope are connected in parallel to a battery. The
reading of the electroscope would be decreased by
a. Decreasing the battery potential
b. Increasing the area of overlapping of the plates
c. Decreasing the distance between the plates
d. Placing a dielectric between the plates
4. The capacity of a pure capacitor is 1 farad. In DC circuit its effective resistance will be
a. infinite
b. zero
c. 1
d. 2 ohm
5. In circuits, a difference in potential from one point to another is often called
a. volts
b. AT
c. field

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d. voltage

6. What is the geometrical shape of equipotential surfaces due to a single isolated


7. Draw equipotential surfaces due to a single point charge.

8. Two charges 2 µC and -2 µC are placed at points A and B, 5 cm apart. Depict an

equipotential surface of the system.

9. What are the dimensions of capacitance?

10. A slab of material of dielectric constant K has the same area as that of the plates of a
parallel plate capacitor, but has the thickness d/2, where d is the separation between
the plates. Find out the expression for its capacitance when the slab is inserted
between the plates of the capacitor.

11. Two capacitors of 1 µF capacitance are connected to a battery of 6 V. Initially switch S

is closed. After sometime S is left open and dielectric slab of dielectric constant K = 3
are inserted to fill completely the space between the plates of the two capacitors.
How will the (i) charge and (ii) potential difference between the plates of the
capacitors be affected after the slabs are inserted?

12. Electric charge is distributed uniformly on the surface of a spherical rubber balloon.
Show how the value of electric intensity and potential vary

i. on the surface,
ii. inside and
iii. outside?

13. A capacitor is charged by a 100 V supply. The supply is then disconnected and
the charged capacitor is connected to another uncharged capacitor. How much
electrostatic energy of the first capacitor is lost in the process of attaining the steady

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14. i. Derive the expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor having plate
area A and plate separation d.
ii. Two charged spherical conductors of radii R1 and R2 when connected by a

conducting plate respectively. Find the ratio of their surface charge densities in
terms of their radii.
15. i. Explain using suitable diagrams, the difference in the behaviour of a
a. conductor and
b. dielectric in the presence of external electric field. Define the terms
polarisation of a dielectric and write its relation with susceptibility.
ii. A thin metallic spherical shell of radius R carries a charge Q on its surface. A point
charge Q/2 is placed at its centre C and another charge + 2Q is placed outside the
shell at a distance x from the centre as shown in the figure. Find

a. the force on the charge at the centre of shell and at the point A,
b. the electric flux through the shell.

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