5B A Very Long Flight

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Present simple [?

]: I, you, we, they: Activity 1

Read Grammar bank 5B. Complete the conversations with do or don’t. Listen
and check.

Grammar bank
5B present simple [?]: I, you, we, they

[?]  [+]  [-] 

Do I need a ticket?  Yes, you do.  No, you don’t.
Do you live near here?  Yes, I do.  No, I don’t.
Do we have good seats?  Yes, we do.  No, we don’t.
Do they like children?  Yes, they do.  No, they don’t.

• Present simple questions are the same for I, you (singular and plural), we, and they.
• We use do to make questions: Do you live here? NOT You live here? OR Live you here?
• Remember ASI to help you with word order in present simple questions: A = auxiliary (do), S = subject
(you, they, etc.), I = infinitive.

1.  A _______ you have children?

B No, I _______ .

2.  I _______ like this photo. It’s terrible.

3.  A _______ you want a coffee?

B No, thanks. I _______ drink coffee.

4.  I _______ have brothers and sisters. I’m an only child.

5.  A _______ you listen to music on the radio?

B I _______ listen to pop music, but I listen to Classic FM. It’s a classical
music station.

6.  A Excuse me, _______ you work here?

B No, I _______ . Sorry.

7.  A _______ you like American TV series?

B No, I _______ . I _______ watch TV. I read.

8.  A_______ you have a big family?

B Yes, I _______ . I have two brothers and three sisters.

9.  A _______ you speak Spanish?

B No, I _______ . I only speak English.

10.  A Do you like Saturdays?

B Yes, I _______ . I _______ work at the weekend.
Present simple [?]: I, you, we, they: Activity 2
Read Grammar bank 5B. Order the words to make sentences or questions. For
example, 'umbrella have do you an?', Do you have an umbrella? Listen and

Grammar bank
5B present simple [?]: I, you, we, they

[?]  [+]  [-] 
Do I need a ticket?  Yes, you do.  No, you don’t.
Do you live near here?  Yes, I do.  No, I don’t.
Do we have good seats?  Yes, we do.  No, we don’t.
Do they like children?  Yes, they do.  No, they don’t.

• Present simple questions are the same for I, you (singular and plural), we, and they.
• We use do to make questions: Do you live here? NOT You live here? OR Live you here?
• Remember ASI to help you with word order in present simple questions: A = auxiliary (do), S = subject
(you, they, etc.), I = infinitive.

1.  know don't I.  _____________________________ .

2.  here you near do live? _____________________________ ?
3.  like I football don’t. _____________________________ .
4.  sandwich want you a do? _____________________________ ?
5.  centre work in the they city. _____________________________ .
6.  sisters two have I. _____________________________ .
7.  French you speak do? _____________________________ ?
8.  don’t big need a I car. _____________________________ .
9.  German to classes you do go? _____________________________ ?
10.  a don’t I watch have. _____________________________ .
11.  to in the music car listen you do? _____________________________ ?
12.  work I don't Sunday on. _____________________________ .

Common verb phrases 1: Activity 1

Listen and read. Choose the correct photos.

1. live in a flat

2. have breakfast (lunch / dinner)

3. watch TV

4. listen to the radio


5. read the newspaper

6. eat fast food

7. need a new car


Common verb phrases 1: Activity 2

Choose the correct phrase. Listen and check.

1. ______ tea
o eat
o drink

2. ______ English
o watch
o speak

3. ______ a coffee
o want
o eat

4. ______ a dog
o live
o have
5. ______ cats
o like
o watch

6. ______ in a bank
o study
o work

7. ______ Spanish
o listen
o study

8. ______ to English
o go
o work

/w/ and /v/

Match the sound pictures to the correct words. Then listen and repeat.
Sentence rhythm and linking
Listen and read. Notice the linked words. Then say and record. Copy the rhythm.

1.A Do you live in a flat?

B No, I don’t. I live in a house.

2.A Do you have a big family?

B Yes, I do. I have three sisters.

3.A Do you watch a lot of TV?

B No, I don’t. I read books.

Questions: Activity 1
Listen to the conversations. Choose the correct answers.

1. She goes to ______ classes in the evening.

o Spanish
o German

2. They have ______ animals.

o four
o three

3. She goes to work by _______.

o car
o train

4. She prefers ______.

o tea
o coffee
5. They have lunch ______ on Saturdays.

o at home
o in a restaurant

Questions: Activity 2
Listen and complete the conversations.
1.  A How many languages do you speak?
B I speak three: English, German, and Spanish.
A Do you go to classes?
B Yes, I do. I _________ _________ after work. I go to classes at a
language school.
2.  A Do you live in a house or a flat?
B We _________ _________ _________ nice big house.
A Do you have any cats or dogs?
B Yes, we do. We _________ _________ _________ and a dog. We love
3.  A Where do you work?
B I _________ _________ _________ bank.
A Do you go to work by car?
B No, I don’t. The traffic in the morning is terrible, so I _________
_________ _________ by train.
4.  A Do you like coffee?
B No, I don’t _________ _________ . I prefer tea.
A Do you _________ _________ cup of _________ now?
B Yes, please.
5.  A Do you _________ _________ at home at the weekend?
B No, we don’t. On Saturdays, we go to a restaurant – that’s my husband,
my children and I.
A What do you have to eat?
B My children _________ _________ and pasta, so we usually go to an
Italian restaurant.

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